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Warren County Middle School (WCMS) is a public school located in rural Warrenton,
North Carolina. It is approximately one hour north of Raleigh, North Carolina. The
schools campus was constructed in 1991. Our school site is adjacent to Warren County
High School and Warren County New Tech. Warren County Middle School is the only
middle school in Warren County Schools district. The school building is a bright,
beautiful, well-cleaned, and well-kept building that was built twenty-five years ago. There
is a conference room in the main office that is used for parent-teacher conferences,
interviews, and IEP meetings. Our cafeteria seats 164 people comfortably and serves
lunch from 10:45 am until 1:15 pm. Due to not having an auditorium, the gymnasium
plays a dual role as assembly hall and physical education classroom. However, the
multipurpose room is used for grade specific activities and smaller school meetings.
Four separate hallways serve to isolate exploratory classes, sixth grade, seventh grade,
and eighth grade. These hallways are fully functional as separate grades with their own
restrooms, own teacher workrooms with telephones and copiers, and their own

administrator on each hall. Warren County Middle School offers a traditional middle
school experience. Our students are able to develop essential learning and explore 21st
Century Skills in traditional courses and exploratory classes.
There are a few things that could be improved without additional resources at Warren
County Middle school. In every school, safety should be the number one thing on its
agenda. Evacuation maps should be more visible in the hallways and in every classroom
in the event there were to be an emergency evacuation. Not all windows in the
classrooms have blinds that teachers could close in the event there were to be an
intruder. In one of the labs, the cubicles are too tall. This could pose a problem for
effective monitoring of students in the class.
Due to the fact that everyone transitions to classes from different angles of the building
at the same time, this may pose a problem in terms of minimizing unnecessary

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