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The Development of QR ID VERIFICATION CODE System that will ensure

the safety of valuable information and data of every student and faculties in
the institution

The problem and its background

Educational institution in developing countries is a vast sector and it is expanding rapidly.
With the rapid growth of technologies, educational institutions are still lagging behind. For
identification of the students, faculties, and employees in a company they still lie on manual
handwritten ID card and files. If proper ID card system is introduced, then it would be much
easier to identify and can track his/her progress. Therefore, in this research we implemented
advanced using of QR code ID generation. We tried level best to make right implementation of
QR code ID card. Automated ID had image capturing facility and requirements of an ID and
there is no need of hand written ID card. QR code is attached into ID card and personal details
can be found by scanning the QR code with QR IDENTITY Application in your Computer. QR
code is said to be the next generation of bar code and using QR code with ID card brought
positive outcomes. While using software tools, identity cards works fine and suitable for an
educational institution as it is free. Thus, ID card will be a perfect use of modern technology in
developing countries.


Nowadays, with the rapid growth of population, people need to be identified and it is now
a must for any organization, educational institution and company to make use of the Identity
card (ID).

In the academe an ID card is compulsory. ID card is said to be the summary of any

students, faculties or employees. It is highly essential for an educational institute and company to
provide ID card to each and every student/faculty. The card is generally considered to be the
summary of a student, faculty and employees information. The project Advanced QR coded ID
Card Generation is being created to lessen their effort as we all know people before use the hand
written ID card. The ID is the pure automated solution and it will help to generate the student,
faculty and employees ID card easily. It is a special type of software which will be used to make
an advance ID card with QR code instead of the bar code. Our ID card produce software that
captures the students, faculties and employees picture and QR Code. For instance, business card
does have only QR code facility and will add all the features in one ID card. This software will
act as a smart ID card. Another important point is, it can find an open source which means it will
be available for free. QR code can be scanned with any QR IDENTITY application in your
computer and it will show all the information of the students, faculties and staff.


General Problem:
The main problem is the lack of purpose of the school IDs by the students, faculties and
staff of the institute.
Specific Problem:

Students nowadays dont appreciate the main purpose of their identification cards that
leads to unsecure environment inside or outside the school.
Students find the process in getting their statement of accounts that is time consuming in
long cue in line just to know their payment status.
There is no alternative way to secure the information of every students, faculties and staff
of the institute.
The lack of security of in and out process inside the institute.


General Objective:
To develop a QR ID VERIFICATION CODE SYSTEM that will insure the safety
of valuable information and data of every students, faculties, staff and guest in the
Specific Objectives:

To develop an application that will provide an online checking of grade results, fees,

and other information of the student

To develop an application that will change the daily time records of the faculties and
staff of the institute.


The ID with a QR code can only be used by the ID holder or any personnel of the
institute wherein when it is online then it can read anything and all is done with the help of QR

reader or the

Sema Code.The code can easily give all the information of the holder through the

application in the computer wherein such as the student can check his/her information such as
tuitions fees, grades, and the class schedule, medical records. The students can use their IDs as
a pass to enter the school premises. The admininistration can easily monitors the entry of
every personalities in that specific time and date. This QR ID also applies to all visitors of the
school as a reference of their entry and purpose.


The significance of this studies is to implement the proper use of ID and benefits of the
group below:

For the Employees this will serve as their secondary time cards and
keeping their data.
For the students








identification,their information, process of securing their grades,

statement of accounts fast and easy.
In this project may benefit the parents in checking the status of their
siblings inside the school.

Future researchers

The future researchers are the proponents that can make use of this research as
their reference for their project.

Conceptual Framework:




Generate ID
Daily time record
Report of grades
Students data recovery
Reports of time in and time
Add students data



Provides Privacy
Secures every data of the
Gives accurate report of
Gives accurate report of time
in and out monitoring




The diagram shows the relationship between the input and output process of the proposed
system. qr id verification code System, is a windows application that enables the user to use their

ID as a gate pass in the school. The user can access the qr id verification code System by the use
of their ID numbers, the system uses a ID number regarding of the user access for the user types
the admin can access the control panel of the system their they can add a data of a students,
faculties, staff and guests.
For none admin their access is limited such as the student they can only access their data
print their grades and schedules and view the status of their tuition fees. For the teachers their ID
will serve as an alternative time card and their schedules and show the status of their students

A QR code can carry up to some hundred times the amount of information a conventional
barcode is capable of. When comparing the display of both: a conventional barcode can take up
to ten times the amount of printing space as a QR code carrying the same amount of information.
A QR code is capable of being read in 360 degrees, from any direction, thus eliminating any
interference and negative effects from backgrounds.

One disadvantage of QR codes and perhaps the biggest problem is the lack of familiarity
of the QR code among people. Although QR codes are popping up everywhere from on plant
specimen labels to library catalogues, there is a large demographic in society that still dont
know what QR codes represent.


The QR ID VERIFICATION CODE SYSTEM is to prevent the students, employees

when pretending someone that has bad intentions within the premises.
Wearing uniforms is not only the proof of their personal identity because there are many
criminals in our society that replicate the clothing and identity of a person that cause of
criminalities in our community some of them are victims of rape, murder and etc.

The management, students and employees are secured when they were using QR ID
VERIFICATION CODE SYSTEM because it prevents people to enter the premises without

Review of Related Studies and Literature



According to the reference Usage of QR Code in Tourism Industry from
sequence=1 QR (Quick Response) code scanning allows the user to obtain indepth information about the scanned item. Apps used for scanning QR codes can
be found on nearly all smart phone devices. Travelers who have smart phone,
equipped with the correct reader software, can easily access QR coded
information (text, photo, video, web page, etc.) when it is available. Travelers can
scan QR coded galleries, places, vineyards or monuments when they are visiting
and reach the detailed information without using even a travel guide. The aim of
this study is to explore the QR code usage opportunities in tourism sector in the
Information Age.
According to the reference The Expectations of Quick Response (QR) Codes in







from Quick Response

codes, more commonly referred to as QR codes are changing the way marketers
and consumers view print media. QR codes are the seemingly perfect bridge to
mending the gap between the tactile and virtual world. The focus of this study is
an exploration and compilation of data and research regarding the current
functionalities, benefits, limitations, and future expectations of Quick Response


(QR) codes in print media. To enhance and build on the findings collected from
outside research, a survey was administered solely for the purposes of this study
at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse to uncover QR code awareness and
effectiveness, as previous research is continuing to find that QR codes are still
facing adoption issues due to technology and content hindrances. Because of their
interactive capabilities, QR codes have infiltrated several types of print media in a
short amount of time, but are QR codes just todays passing fad or a global shift in
mobile marketing?

According to the reference Security of QR Codes from



barcodes known as QR (Quick Response) Codes are increasing their popularity as

they appear in more places in the urban environment. QR Codes can be
considered as physical hyper-links that give the ability to users to access, through
their mobile devices that are able to scan QR Codes, additional information
located in a web-page. Apart from marketing, QR Codes have been also adopted
in different areas such as the on-line payments. This development along with the
trend that some of the users may follow which indicates to scan unauthenticated
data, such as QR Codes located in public places, motivated us to investigate how
QR Codes can be used as an attack vector. We first developed an implementation
which attempts to bruteforce QR Codes by attacking directly the modules, aiming
to retrieve an alternated URL upon scanning the QR Code and after having
applied the module changes. Our implementation showed us that such an attack is


unfeasible in a real attack scenario. However, the second approach that we

followed, in which we attacked the binary representation of the encoded string,
we managed to produce the desired result. Furthermore, we conducted an
empirical study aiming to identify the users level of security awareness
concerning the security issues related to QR Codes. The on-line survey that was
accessible through our QR Code stickers, was our mean of interaction with the
users. We deployed our stickers in 4 European cities (Vienna, Helsinki, Athens
and Paris) and we managed to attract 273 individuals that scanned and visited our
web pages. Out of these visitors, 83 participants completed our online survey. The
results collected indicate that users are motivated mainly by their curiosity and
they have serious lack of knowledge on the potential threats and the ways to
protect themselves.


%20SCOUTS%20OF%20THE%20%20PHILIPPINES.pdf QR code or a Quick


Response code is a two-dimensional matrix code that has can hold data. It has a
larger set of machine readable codes as compared to the 1-dimensional barcode
and it can hold more data because it uses both the horizontal and vertical axis. It is
widely used in different fields such as manufacturing and mobile marketing. QR
codes has a more advanced error correction and it is more reliable and has a faster
speed than other codes. 1d codes were improved in such a way that they can hold
more information but this resulted to adding more bars/lines to the barcode and
resulted to a barcode that has a larger area, and become more complicated to read
by scanners. Due to this, demand grew for a code that can hold more information
in the least space. 2 dimensional codes like the QR code which can hold more
information than the traditional 1d code were produced. In this way, the QR code
gained popularity and became widely accepted and used. The problem with the
large barcode area was solved by placing information on both vertical and
horizontal parts of the code. This resulted to an area that has more data density
and a smaller area space.
According to the reference Identity Verification and Entry Control System with









Almazan,, 2012: Identity Verification and Entry Control System with

Counter is a computer-based system with the help of digital and logical circuit
concepts that enables it to have interconnections to other subsystems. A software
application will be installed on the computer that serves as the mean of
communication of the system to the user and with other system or devices
connected to the main system. This enables the user to manage records in the


database, generate barcode and generate a summary of individuals that are in the
school premises.Also with these applications, using the computers architecture,
it enables the system to communicate to other devices in getting input data and
acquiring signal outputs. Each student and employee of the school will be issued
an identification card with barcode that will be swiped and read by a barcode
scanner and a PIN code that will deeply identify their authenticity in order for
them to pass through the turnstile. Upon entering and leaving the school
premises the counters will increment. The device was composed of two counters
namely, entry counters and exit counter, this counter will increment when the
turnstile sensors are being triggered. A student or employee will scan his or her
bar-coded ID through the scanner to unlock the turnstile first before he or she can
enter the building and this will allow triggering the sensor and then the counter is

Fingerprint-Based Attendance Management System Ateneo De Manila

University August 2004: In recent time, there has been high level of
impersonation experienced on a daily basis in both private and public sectors, the
ghost worker syndrome which has become a menace across all tiers of
government, employers concern over the levels of employee absence in their
workforce and the difficulty in managing student attendance during lecture
periods. Fingerprints are a form of biometric identification which is unique and
does not change in ones entire lifetime. This paper presents the attendance
management system using fingerprint technology in a university environment. It


consists of two processes namely; enrolment and authentication. During

enrolment, the fingerprint of the user is captured and its unique features extracted
and stored in a database along with the users identity as a template for the
subject. The unique features called minutiae points were extracted using the
Crossing Number (CN) method which extracts the ridge endings and bifurcations
from the skeleton image by examining the local neighborhoods of each ridge
pixel using a 3 x 3 window. During authentication, the fingerprint of the user is
captured again and the extracted features compared with the template in the
database to determine a match before attendance is made. The fingerprint-based
attendance management system was implemented with Microsofts C# on the.
NET framework and Microsofts Structured Query Language (SQL) Server 2005
as the backend. The experimental result shows that the developed system is
highly efficient in the verification of users fingerprint with an accuracy level of
97.4%. The average execution time for the developed system was 4.29 seconds
as against 18.48 seconds for the existing system. Moreover, the result shows a
well secured and reliable system capable of preventing impersonation.




Student Attendance System Based On Fingerprint Recognition and One-to-Many

Matching Department of Computer Science and Engineering National Institute of
Technology Rourkela Rourkela-769 008, Orissa, India November 2009: Our
project aims at designing a student attendance system which could effectively
manage attendance of students at institutes like NIT Rourkela. Attendance is
marked after student identification. For student identification, a fingerprint
recognition based identification system is used. Fingerprints are considered to be
the best and fastest method for biometric identification. They are secure to use,
unique for every person and do not change in ones lifetime. Fingerprint
recognition is a mature field to-day, but still identifying individual from a set of
enrolled fingerprints is a time taking process. It was our responsibility to improve
the fingerprint identification system for implementation on large databases e.g. of
an institute or a country etc. In this project, many new algorithms have been used
e.g. gender estimation, key based one too many matching, removing boundary
Using these new algorithms, we have developed an identification system which is
faster in implementation than any other available today in the market. Although
we are using this fingerprint identification system for student identification


purpose in our project, the matching results are so good that it could perform very
well on large databases like that of a country like India (MNIC Project).
Development of Attendance Management System using Biometrics Department of
Electronic and Computer Engineering, Lagos State University, Epe Campus,
Nigeria In this paper, the development of an attendance management system using
biometrics is proposed. Managing student attendance during lecture periods has
become a difficult challenge. The ability to compute the attendance percentage
becomes a major task as manual computation produces errors, and also wastes a
lot of time. For the stated reason, an efficient attendance management system
using biometrics is designed. This system takes attendance electronically with the
help of a finger print device and the records of the attendance are stored in a
database. Attendance is marked after student identification. For student
identification, a biometric(fingerprint) identification based system is used. This
process however, eliminates the need for stationary materials and personnel for
the keeping of records. Eighty candidates were used to test the system and success
rate of 94% was recorded. The manual attendance system average execution time
for eighty students was 17.83 seconds while it was 3.79 seconds for the automatic
attendance management system using biometrics. The results showed improved
performance over manual attendance management system. Attendance is marked
after student identification attendance in class. In developing countries, a
minimum percentage of class attendance is required in most institutions and this
policy has not been adhered to, because of the various challenges the present
method of taking attendance presents. This traditional method involves the use of


sheets of paper or books in taking student attendance. This method could easily
allow for impersonation and the attendance sheet could be stolen or lost. Taking
of attendance is time consuming and it is difficult to ascertain the number of
students that have made the minimum percentage and thus eligible for exam.
Thus, there is a need for a system that would eliminate all of these trouble spots.
An automatic attendance management system using biometrics would provide the
needed solution. An attendance management system is software developed for
daily student attendance in schools and institutions. It facilitates access to the
attendance of a particular student in a particular class. This system will also help
in generating reports and evaluating the attendance eligibility of a student.Rather
than signing an attendance sheet, individuals will pass their thumb over the
fingerprint scanner, the finger print is compared against a list of pre-registered
users, and once a match is made, the individual will be registered as having
attended that lecture. The paper discusses related works in the problem domain;
highlights the general overview of the proposed system; details design
considerations of the system, both at the hardware and software level; discusses
the operation and how the system was tested in conformity to system design and




recommendations for future improvement.








TECHNOLOGY of Christ the King College of Science and Technology:
This paper describes the development of a student attendance system
based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. The existing
traditional attendance system requires students to be manually
monitored by the guards at the gate every time they attend a class
and checked by their teachers using their class records. As common as
it seems, such system lacks of automation, where a number of
problems may arise, this include the time unnecessarily consumed by
the students as they are being monitored by the guards and checked
their identification cards, and the attendance sheet may got lost.
Having a system that can automatically capture student's attendance
by flashing their student card at the RFID reader can really save all the
mentioned troubles. This is the main motive of our system and in
addition having a wireless local area network system that is accessible
anytime in school premise can greatly help the lecturers to keep track
of their students' attendance. . RFID technology will be the main object
of the study. RFID tags must be worn by the students and they will just


pass through the RFID reader to identify their information and saved
the record of their arrival and departure to the database. SMS or Email
notification is used for notification sent to the parents for complacency
purpose .The application graphical user interface (GUI) will perform
automated attendance and would generate report of the presence of
each student inside the school premise. . RFID technology will be the
main object of the study. RFID tags must be worn by the students and
they will just tap the ID 5 through the RFID reader to identify their
information. SMS or Email notification is used for notification sent to
the parents for complacency purpose. The proposed project will work in
a computer with Microsoft Windows XP Professional or any upgraded
OS, with at least 1.6GHz or faster processor that can run the system at
ease period of time and running at 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution
display, and must meet all the given hardware and software
specification. The study will cater a one class, 20-30 number of
students to have a trial on attendance monitoring using RFID
technology. Guards will monitor the ins and outs of every student,
Registration office is in charge of the main functionalities of the
system, gathering of data and information from the students and
professors. Professors of different subjects and advisory class are also
involved by monitoring the students via wireless local area network.
The last chapter of this paper discussed the setting of the study, its
population and environment where we conducted some tests to
identify the functionality and the usability of the proposed system. It
also shows the improvements that we applied to the project by


showing the output and the result of this project if it will be effective or
not. Some staff recommends it will be much convenient if we put
online attendance viewing so it will be easy for them to go to the
website and to download the daily attendance report.

Project Methodology
The team will use the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model as a guide in
developing the system. The system is designed to integrate the application that gives security to
every data of the students, faculties, staff and gives privacy to the users. It includes how the team
will create the system. The figure below illustrates the process in making the system.




Rapid Application Development Methodology

This is the list of Rapid Application Development and the step by step process that the
project team will use in developing the system. It helps to develop the system accurately and
Planning. This pertains to the planning of the team project in the development of the system.
The project team members must have a teamwork and knew their different duties and
responsibilities. The project of the team has its goals of developing a system that is working
successfully. This includes the approval of the letter for the defense preparation. This stage also
includes the proper budgeting of the money for all their expenditures like printing and fare fees.
Determine Requirements. In the requirements analysis phase, the requirements of the system
project were collected by analyzing the needs of the user. This phase is concerned in establishing
what the researchers together with, the system analyst who gathers the requirements for both soft


and hard methodologies that includes: interviews, questionnaires, document analysis, and
observation of the users.
Analysis: The System Analyst and Documentarian of the project team will be analyzing the
evaluation of data gathering in survey or interview. The project team should be very careful in
evaluating and recording the gathered information because it will have a great effect in the
succeeding stage of the project team. The project team will also start internet surfing, to gather
information for the definition of terms and conduct research in different school library for the
related literature and studies.
Design: This is the stage of developing the interface of the system. This interface will be
developed by the system analyst and must meet the requirements of the system. The system
analyst must design a system in order for the programmer to start coding the system.
Build/Coding: This is the stage of coding according to the system design by the system analyst.
This is done by the team programmer. The coding of the system must work successfully and
meet the requirements of the system. The project team must consult the system adviser for the
improvement of the of the system. This is also the process to develop the documents for chapter
Testing: In this stage the programmer and the system analyst must check if the system is already
working. The project team must show the system developed for the system adviser and device in
the progress of the system. In the conduct of the client testing, the system developed must work
properly and free from errors and achieve success.
Support and Maintenance: This is the final stage where the developed system is required
working and must contain all the needed requirements of the user and the system. The system


must be free from error and must have a high percentage n client testing. This includes the
installing of the system. The project team must maintain that the system works.


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