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The Black Death

The origins of the Plague

-It is thought that the Black Death initially began in China or Central
Asia in late 1320s or 1330s.
-It then spread to Crimea by the year 1346 traveling through the Silk
-In fourteen century, is called a plague epidemic is spreading
throughout Europe.
- The second half of the fourteenth Century, Europe has also
appeared in several serious plagues. Until the end of the fifteenth
Century, Europe every 10 years, suffered a plague hit.
Symptoms of Black Death
- Fever, weakness, trembling, headache, chills, and one or more
- Peoples hands will become black and cause the skin die.
- Buboes all around human body.
- Local lymph nose swell.
However, the symptoms of black Death can be simplify in to
three categories.
Septicemic plague
Pneumonic plague
Bubonic plague
The causes of the Black Death
- The mice with the Black Death bacteria run to central Asia in
- The Black Death arrived in London in fall of 1348.
- People said the first Black Death come form a mouse bite a
- Rats transmit the bacteria that cause the plague.
- The bubonic plague is caused by a bacterium called Yersinia
The prevention of the Black Death
-Exterminate rats by Reduce rodent habitat around your home, work
place, and recreational areas. Remove brush, rock piles, junk,
cluttered firewood, and possible rodent food supplies, such as pet
and wild animal food.
- The eradication of flea patients body and clothes to spray safe and
effective insecticides to kill flee.
-Do not allow dogs or cats that roam free in endemic areas to sleep
on your bed.
-Wear gloves if you are handling or skinning potentially infected
animals to prevent contact between your skin and the plague
- Keep fleas off of your pets by applying flea control products. If your
pets sick, care from a veterinarian as soon as possible.
- Separate the sick.
- Wear the clothes that contain permethrin to protect your skin.

The treatment for the Black Death

-Actually during the 14-15 century, people dont have Antibiotics, no
one can survival if they had the plague.
- But people still try various mean treatments, from laxative, emetic,
bloodletting, smoky room, burning lymph tumors.
The mortality rate
It depends on how soon the treatment started.
- It estimated to have killed almost 30-60% people in Europe from
the total population.
- Almost 50% of the population of Paris died.
- Just in Europe 25 million people died because of the plague,
which is one third of Europes population at that time.

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