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Headmasters Newsletter 75
9 September 2016
Parents Council and Bronte Friends
As outlined in yesterdays start-of-term
letter, there are likely to be vacancies for the
2016 - 17 Parents Council, and please get in
touch with me if you would like to express
An important element part of school life, the
Parents Council exists to provide a further
channel of communication for parents. The
website (under Parents on the main menu)
gives full information about how the Council
functions. The first meeting of the new
Council will be at 4.00pm on Thursday 6th
The AGM of Bronte Friends takes place at
7.00pm - wine and canaps provided - on
Wednesday 28th September. All Bronte
parents are automatically members of
Bronte Friends, which exists to promote
over each year a series of fun, social events
for parents and children. These sometimes
have a fundraising element, either for a
school project or for a charity. Do come
along to the AGM. Part of the meeting is to
appoint a new Friends Committee, and if you
would like to be part of this excellent group,
that would be super. Theres no pressure
(honestly!), however, and its good to get as
many parents as possible together at the
AGM, where ideas for future events can be
The Kent Test
Well done to all Year 6 for conducting
themselves so well during the Kent Test day
on Thursday. Its a very full and demanding
day by any standard, with inevitably the
pressure that always accompanies any
important examination. Everyone coped
really well. Many thanks to Mrs Wood,
Mrs Baldacci and Mrs Prescott for steering
the day and making sure that all the
procedures were correctly followed.

Heads of School, Prefects and Games Captains

Now that the 11+ has finished, Year 6 have
settled down to organising their varied jobs and
responsibilities around the school. Just to
remind you that the Head Boy and Girl this year
are: Charlie and Ananya, Prefects are:
Mansimran, Frank, Ciara and Toniloba and
Games Captains are: Jamal (Nelson) and Ben

Kindergarten and Reception children have settled
impressively well into school this week. Reception
have enjoyed their first three independent sessions
of school, with Kindergarten children coming in with
parents to enjoy our Stay and Play sessions.
We look forward to them starting their full provision
from Monday.

Looking Ahead
Week 2
Mon 12 th Fri 16 th Sept
Tues 13 th Sept

Reception class: baseline

assessment tests
Year 3 and 4 visit: Arethusa Venture
Centre, Rochester

Week 3
Mon 19 th Sept Activity clubs and music lessons
Years 2 6: InCAS assessment tests
Tues 20 th

Years 2 and 5: swimming lessons

begin (pm, Cobham Hall)

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