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Channeling of a Group sponsored by the Arcturians

by Catherine Adams
August 17, 2001

We are speaking directly with you. We greet you with love that your hearts
remember and long for. Being human is a singular experience, but many of you are
very different in your etheric forms and remember very different ways of
communicating and moving around. However, the love that we send you is the
love between all brothers and sisters of what you would call the universe. This love
permeates the star dust throughout the heavens. Your focus is so great that you are
not able to relax and feel the love that drifts through the galaxy.
We are not here to warn you of impending doom, but to help you wake up. Many
of you are in differing stages of waking up and are ready to hear us. We are here
with soft voices and smiling faces, as if to offer you breakfast in bed. The reason
we are here is Love. Love seeks to connect all parts of itself into knowing. There
is no other reason.

We are fellows among the stars. Many things we will say or try to say will not be
comprehendable in your terms because of our multidimensional existence, but we
have contacted Catherine primarily through the Arcturians.

Know that the native Americans in the US are working with us directly to bring
healing to the planet and understanding to humans. If you stop what you are doing
today and pay attention to any aspect of mother nature, you will be healing and
balancing yourself within these higher energies that bring about understanding.
The act of prayer with sweetgrass, tobacco or other forms of aromatic plants not
only clears the air around you, but touches all of life, and reaches the heavens. The
Judeo Christian aversion to nature and connection to experience on an earthly level
is what has divorced you from your roots.

Humanity was intended to be close to the earth, to eat of her bounty and pray with
her scents. You are her children, and cannot restore your power and splendor until

you remember this. The native peoples know this. They are treated as if they are
the lowest of the low, but they are the ones who retain the knowledge of the stars.

Your minds have unbalanced you. You have great power in your mental capacity,
but this power is a trap. The goal is to be wise enough to know what to avoid.
Know that you come from the stars. Know the depth of experience you have on
this planet. Your experience is collective, not individual. Once you know you are a
collective, your power and your love will be complete. The greatest love to be
found is through the collective.

We will leave you for now but will communicate more in the future.

(There was a feeling of pulling away, of realizing the session was long enough.
Also, regarding the statement of "We are here because of Love" refers to what
many refer to as God. I have had a vision of the Source as being a fabric that was
able to be pulled together to form different beings. However, the fabric had a hum
to it, and in the very fabric itself was Love. Love was the most fundamental

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