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E-Portfolio Matrix

Nicole Lange
Colorado Academic


for Students



Student Use


1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

Have students
create word
problems and
number stories
every week relating
to event that they
encounter in
everyday life.
Encourage students
to find ways to
represent the
numbers and think
out of the box to be
different then their
peers. Have
students then post
these word
problems and
number stories on
their e-portfolio,
where they can
evaluate their work
as the year
1. Creativity and
a. Apply existing
knowledge to
generate new ideas,
products, or
c. Use models and
simulations to
explore complex
systems and issues
2. Communication
and collaboration
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences
using a variety of
media and formats

Create and
Understand Students
will be required to
understand word
problems, and number
stories, and must be
able to have an
accordance of number
sense. They will then
utilize their eportfolios to create,
design, and formulate
their own word
problems as they
relate to their lives.

Students will evaluate

their own word problems
and number stories and
attempt to further and
create more advanced
work as the year

Having students
submit their word
problems and
number stories
online from home,
during their own
time will allow
students to engage
outside of the

2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic
3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability

Establish methods
that incorporate
many different
ways in which
data can be
interrupted and
represented in
examples such as
graphs, plots,
tables, and
pictures, and
posting it
individually within
each childs Eportfolio labeled
tools. This will
provide a
compilation of the
multiple problem
solving techniques
will allow students
and parents an
easily referable
option of how to
solve problems
when faced with
homework, and
how to assist
parents in helping
out their children.
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
a. Promote,
support and
model creative
and innovative
thinking and

Understand Students
will utilize the Eportfolio to select,
recognize, and
identify certain
problem solving, and
data analysis
methods. This
compilation of
information will help
students at home as
they struggle through
certain problems,
understand and
comprehend how to
analyze data.

Students will have to

listen to the tools the
teacher provides and
understand as well as
constructively evaluate
themselves and
understand ways that
will help them in this
analysis, statistics, and
probability skills.

Students will use

computers, and
other mobile
devices in order to
access their eportfolios, as well as
methods such as
email, or written
notices in order for
the teacher to
communicate when
they post specific
tools to students eportfolios.

Students will be
able to access the
tools that the
teacher posts
outside of school,
and use these ways
to further their
understanding on

Students will have

to use video
cameras, and a
computer to upload

This will require

students to preform
their homework, or
responses from

4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric
Reading, Writing, and Communicating
1. Oral Expression and

Have students
create a page on
their e-portfolios
where they film

Understand and Apply

Students will watch
their read out louds at
home and be required

This will force students

to constructively
respond to their
readings as well as the

themselves reading
sections/levels and
genres of books.
Then have students
post a response
where they will
discuss the specific
aspects of books
such as
setting, theme, and
even plot twists.
This allows students
to engage with what
they read and
understand the
process of mental
connection to
written text. It also
allows those that
have reading
disabilities to listen
and observe
themselves in a
different learning
method, and within
an environment
where they are both
safe, and private
from their
allowing them to
further their
vocabulary and
learning process.

to comprehend and
understand the events
unfolding in the
literature. It will
require them to listen
and interpret their
specific views on the
logistics, and theme of
the readings.

method in which they

read. It will also allow
them to view their
portfolios and the ways
in which they have
frown as readers
throughout the year.

their videos to their

portfolios. They will
also have to read
out of different
genres of books.

home, in a safe
environment. This
will allow for the
environment to be
carried over to

Analyze, evaluate,
and create Students
will have to
distinguish as well as
compare and contrast
fellow peers work as
well as support and
critique other style of
writing and
composition. They
will also be
encouraged to design
and formulate pieces

Students will read over

their writings and not
only evaluate their work,
but also comprehend
the positive comments
that the teacher posts,
allowing them to
comprehend their
strengths within writing.

Students will have

to use Word, or
other forms of
writing online as
well as computers to
submit their
writings. They will
also have to use
editing tools to look
over their pieces of

Students may write

their pieces of
composition within
class, but then they
must analysis their
work outside of the
classroom allowing
them time to reflect
and truly look at
their writing
including their

2. Reading for All

3. Writing and

Have students
create create and
compile an eportfolio, that
allows them to
submit their
writings and
compositions to.
students to read
and comment
productively and
encouragingly on
their own work.

Also support
students to
compile pieces of
writing together
and create group
stories, or pieces
of composition.
Then as a teacher
comment on
areas of strength
within childrens
2. Communication
and Collaboration
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with
peers, experts, or
others employing
a variety of digital
environments and
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively
to multiple
audiences using a
variety of media
and formats

of work through
collaboration with
other individuals
within the classroom.

4. Research and
Social Studies
1. History

Encourage students
to find and report
current events that
they come in
contact with, or
hear about on their
e-portfolios. For
example, clippings
out of a newspaper,
or a video from the
news. Have
students then scan,
attach, or write
about the current
event that they find
and discuss its
relevance to current
events and things
that occurring
within their lives.
2. Communication

Evaluate and Analyze

Students evaluate
and critique current
events that they find
throughout media,
and new related sites.
Then they must
evaluate their current
events and establish
connections between
events happening in
the world around

Students will have to

self analyze and find
events that apply to
themselves and possibly
issues they are facing.
They might even have
to constructively
analyze the events that
they picked and decide
whether they are really
relevant, or not.

Students will use

websites, scholarly
journal articles, as
well as scanners,
magazines, and
computers in order
to post their findings
onto their eportfolios.

This project will

force students to
utilize their time
outside of the
classroom to look
for articles and
current events as
they come across

and collaboration
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and
3. Research and
information fluency
c. Evaluate and
select information
sources and digital
tools based on the
appropriateness to
specific tasks

2. Geography

Create flashcards
on students eportfolios, which
shows and
describes places,
and geographical
spaces around the
world. Students
will then be able
to analyze as the
flashcards change
throughout the
year how far they
have come, and
confirm that they
are at a higher
level of
Create a game
from it where
students must
then match the
name of the place
or geographical
form correctly.
students to then
play against each
other and even
against their
comparing times.
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
a. Promote,
support, and
model creative
and innovative

Remember and
Understand students
will be required to
memorize flashcards
and repeat the
process of matching
and defining over and
over throughout the
tests. They will also
engage in
understanding as they
recognize and select
the correct answers as
they correlate to the

Students will have to

constructively analyze
their ability to answer
the flashcards, as well
as personally decide if
they need to spend
more time practicing
geography, in order to
become an expert in an

Outside of
classroom time,
students will have
the ability to use the
flashcards at home,
or whenever they
feel like practicing
certain aspects of
geography, and
commit it to

thinking and
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
a. Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and
resources to
promote student
learning and

3. Economics
4. Civics
1. Physical Science
2. Life Science

Create a place on
students eportfolios that
focuses on
scenarios that
could possibly
happen to the
human body. For
example, falling
down the stairs, or
staying out in the
cold for too long.
Then have
students watch
the scenario and
read the occurring
issues with the
human only to
finally attempt
and diagnose the
issue or the health
problems. Have
students discuss
with fellow peers
about their
understanding of
the body parts, or
specific things
that might be
wrong with the
human, then
individuals post

Understand, Evaluate,
Analyze Students
will be required to
understand and
comprehend the
events that are
occurring within the
simulation while
evaluating and
analyzing what they
believe to be
happening, They will
also be required to
draw connections
among ideas, that are
coordinated through
communication and
discussion boards
between students.

Students will be able to

analyze their ability to
understand and
diagnose the human
body, and will be able to
understand what they
need to work on.

Students will use

computers in order
to access their eportfolios as well as
simulations and
even life size
models to
understand how the
body works.

Students will be
able to show and
look back on their eportfolios and the
responses that they
created to certain
scenarios and use it
within their
homework regarding
anatomy, and life
sciences, outside of
the classroom.

their responses in
their e-portfolios
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
a. Promote,
support, and
model creative
and innovative
thinking and
d. Model
construction by
engaging in
learning with
colleagues, and
others in face-toface and virtual
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
a. Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and
resources to
promote student
learning and

3. Earth Systems

Students create a
page on their eportfolio that
focuses on a
compilation of
pictures and videos
that they have
taken of different
rocks and geological
structures that they
come across
throughout their
day-to-day lives.
Connected to the
videos and pictures
would be a
discussion area,
where students can
observe and

Create, Analyze,
Understand Students
will have to create
videos and take
pictures as well as
investigate geological
forms, in order to
between peers. Then
fellow peers must
understand and then
be able to analyze
question fellow
individuals within the
classroom about the
examples provided by

Students will use

cameras, video
recorders, computers,
and sketchbooks in
order to capture the
geological formations
that they find, and then
to post their findings to
their e-portfolios.

Students will have

to find and look for
certain geological
structures outside of
the classroom that
will extend learning
to the outdoors, and
event o their

comment on what
type of rocks, or
geological feature
they believe are
pictured, as well as
any facts or
information they
have compiled
based off of
classroom teaching
and possibly
interactions with
parents and
1. Communication
and Collaboration
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences
using a variety of
media and formats
4. Critical thinking,
problem solving,
and decision making
c. Collect and
analyze data to
identify solutions
and/or make
informed decisions

Learning Disabilities EEOs

Create a link on
students eportfolios that
includes short
videos and notes
of lectures and
overall concepts
that you are
teaching in class
that day. This
allows students
with learning
disabilities to
information that
was discussed
that day and

Understand This will

allow students to
better understand the
material being
presented in class.
They will also be able
to translate and
recognize information
that they previously
might not have
understood during
their own time,
outside of class.

Students will be able to

access the information
taught in class on their
e-portfolios and then
constructively analyze
where they are in their
learning and methods in
which to improve.

This will allow

students to continue
their learning within
the safe
environments of
their homes, or
areas outside of the
classroom, where
they can consult
others or take more
time to comprehend
and issue.

possibly involve
their parents as
they attempt to
comprehend the
materials. This
website would
also include short
videos of specific
topics, with
subtitles allowing
those with hearing
or comprehension
to be able to read
and possibly
connect with on a
different level.
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
c. Promote
student reflection
collaborative tools
to reveal and
clarify students
and thinking,
planning, and
creative processes
3. Model digital
age work and
c. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively
to students,
parents, and
peers using a
variety of digital
age media and
4. Promote and
model digital
citizenship and
b. Address the
diverse needs of
all learners by
using learnercentered
equitable access
to appropriate

digital tools and


Physical Disabilities
Gifted/ Talented


Have students that

are gifted/talented
create a page within
their e-portfolios
that allows them to
pretend teach other
students about
classwork, or even
homework that is
due. This will allow
the gifted students
to take a teaching
initiative and help
their fellow peers in
areas that they
understand. There
will even be an area
for the teacher to
respond to what is
being taught and
ask them questions
similar to a
classroom setting
2. Communication
and collaboration
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences
using a variety of
media and formats
4. Critical thinking,
problem solving,
and decision
d. Use multiple
processes and
perspectives to
explore alternative

Create and analyze

students will be
required to create a
method for helping
fellow peers with
work. They will also
have to analyze the
issue being brought to
them while
understanding and
questioning their
peers as they try and
help them reach the
answer they are
searching for.

Students will use their

analyzing skills to
understand where they
are in their learning
process and figure out
areas that they may
need to improve in as

Students will use

computers, and
video making tools
to post their
responses to certain

Reflection: Overall this matrix allowed me to view the use of e-portfolios and the integration of them within the classroom as both
an important and diverse field for teachers to incorporate within their classrooms. The multitude of options such as videos,
discussion boards, link, and pictures, allow students endless opportunities to further their learning and expand their
understanding process and communication within their e-portfolios. I realized how useful e-portfolios will be for students as they
analyze their learning and growth within certain areas of the classroom. In this way students will be more involved within their
learning, and more willing to excel in different methods and ways that allow them to become experts in certain areas. Eportfolios also allow parents and family members to glimpse into the learning within the classroom and become an active
encourager and provider of further knowledge in the ideas and lessons discussed. This matrix also forced me to consider students
and individuals with learning disabilities, as well as gifted/talented students. Often times it is easy to forget about these
individuals within the classroom and I truly see the significance of e-portfolios as they allow students to individually evaluate their
learning within a safe and personal environment. I know though that through this matrix I have only scratched the surface of
what websites can provide for the educational system and look forward to delving deeper into this topic and discovering other
useful tips and ways in which to become a more effective teacher for each and every student.

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