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Level 2 Biology

Term Two 2016

2.5 Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change EXTERNAL
Standards include:
Level 7 of the NZ Curriculum:
Nature of science: Communicating in science: Use accepted science knowledge, vocabulary,
symbols, and conventions when evaluating accounts of the natural world and consider the wider
implications of the methods of communication and/or representation employed.
Living world:

Evolution: Understand that DNA and the environment interact in gene expression
Ecology and evolution: Explain how the interaction between ecological factors and natural
selection leads to genetic changes within a population

During term three our main focus will be on genetics. 2.5 uses level one genetics as a basis and
then adds on new learning such as more of an emphasis on population genetics and natural
selection. We are also introduced to different types of dominance and dihybrid inheritance (a 16
box Punnett square).
Readings from your textbook need to done before the weeks lessons. This is so that you have a
grounding before we start that weeks work. References for the SciPad can be done in class or for
homework. These will be checked as a group using the online answers. Via email you will also
receive weekly Education Perfect activities to complete.
You will be given a copy of the ESA level 2 biology textbook to use for the year. Please do not
write or highlight in this book. You will also have a copy of the level 2 biology SciPad workbook.
If you are away for any reason, it is important that you catch up on any work missed. This study
guide gives a rough outline of the lessons for each week and also the required readings and
activities you may have missed while away.
I have created a Quizlet deck of flash cards to help you learn the names and terms of genetics, of
which there are many! You will also have access to the shared level 2 Google drive folder with
extra resources.

Course Schedule:


Required Reading (to be done

BEFORE that weeks lessons)
and activities

5 Monday am,
Friday pm

Mutations and Meiosis

SciPad: pages 104, 105, 106

A refresher on meiosis and the role of Readings: ESA study guide

Mutations page 72-74
No Friday class.

6 Monday am,
Friday pm

7 Monday am,
Friday pm


SciPad: pages 107, 108-109, 110

Meiosis as a source of variation

including Independent assortment,
crossing over and segregation

Readings: ESA study guide

SciPad: pages 122, 123, 124-125,

126, 127-128, 130, 131,132-133,
Monohybrid Inheritance refresher plus
134, 135 and 136
Incomplete dominance, co-dominance,
multiple alleles, lethal alleles
Readings: ESA study guide

Dihybrid inheritance

Monohybrid inheritance
chapter 9

SciPad: pages 137, 138, 139, 140141, 142-143, 146

An introduction to dihybrid inheritance

and linkage

9 Monday am,
Friday pm

Independent assortment,
segregation, crossing over,
recombination page 76-78

Monohybrid inheritance

8 Monday am,
Friday pm

Meiosis page 74-76

Genetic change and the


Dihybrid inheritance chapter


Scipad pages: 155, 156-157, 158,

159160, 161, 165, 166, 167

An introduction to natural selection

and mechanism of evolution including
Genetic change chapter 11
gene flow, genetic drift, founder effect
and the bottleneck effect
AS 2.5 will be sat as an external exam in November 2016. You will have a mock exam at the end
of term 3. Throughout the term you will have practice with answering past NCEA level 2 biology
questions and exams.

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