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EN412 Ocean Environmental Engineering II

Homework #1: Due 1/27/2016

1. Answer the following (state your references):
a) How many calories (minimum amount) do humans require per day. How many do
people in the US consume vs. the rest of the world?
b) How much water is required for each human per day
c) How much energy does a US citizen consume per day? Compare it to the rest of the

2. World population in 1850 has been estimated at about 1 billion. World population reached 4
billion in 1975. Assuming exponential growth, calculate the growth rate.

3. Suppose world carbon emissions are expressed as the following product:


If per capita energy demand increases at 1.5% per year, fossil fuel emissions of carbon per unit
of energy increase of 1% per year and the world population grows at 1.5% per year.
a. How long would it take before we are emitting carbon at twice the current rate?
b. At that point, by what fraction would per capita energy demand have increased?
c. At that point, by what fraction would total energy demand have increased?

4. Write a 1/2-page description of a specific example of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus.

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