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1 Public Policy Assessment Interest


Equality Virginia
Equality Virginia is the leading statewide, non-partisan advocacy, outreach and
education organization seeking equality for LGBT Virginians. EV believes in a
truly inclusive Commonwealth where all are equally welcomed and valued,
regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Equality Virginia (EV) believes that regardless of gender identity or sexual
orientation, all citizens of the Commonwealth of VA should be treated equally.
There is a hope that LGBT Virginians will have the same rights and privileges as
other Virginians. They should have the right to marry the person they love. LGBT
Virginias should have the same rights in the work place and should be evaluated
based on their abilities, skill, and worth ethic regardless of their sexual orientation
or gender identity. LGBT students should feel safe to attend school without fear of
discrimination or bullying. LBGT Virginians should feel safe so they can be open
and hones about their gender identity or sexual orientation at work, school, and in
the community.
1) Equality Virginia monitors any legislation that is introduced to the Virginia
General Assembly. EV then becomes the advocates for Virginias LGBT
community by opposing bills that discriminate.
2) This group advocates for the LGBT community and meets with congress
members to educate them on the proposed laws that discriminate against
the LGBT community.

3) They gather non-LGBT constituents/allies and set up meetings with

Senators and Delegates so that they can hear from the people in their
districts about how laws that discriminate against LGBT Virginians.
4) Start petitions and gain support to lobby against LGBT discrimination
whether it is in the workplace, school, or community.
5) Educate the general public on LGBT in general especially T (Transgender).

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