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The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

Review of Related Literature

The study was conducted for the purpose of determining the effectiveness of
local celebrities on political TV campaigns of presidential candidates to the first time
voters. The explanatory method of the researchers was to know how effective these
local TV personalities on political campaigns of the presidential candidates are.
From the very beginning, everything is composed of communication. The way
you move things or the way you say something, it is communication. And when it comes
to campaigns, communication is important. They use different types to communicate, for
example, making posters, making an organization, especially, in using media. All in all,
media has the most influential tool in making campaigns effective. Media has it all. It
can gather every information the candidates want to tell. From their background up to
the things they want to change or how theyll run as a president. From the words they
want to tell the people, theyre perspective and every problem this country has and what
are their ideas on how to solve each problem. They can also use media in debating on
one another and to share their thoughts. With the help of this media, we can easily
know these candidates personalities. But how effective is this media to the political
Do political campaigns matter? This question is very straightforward in many
ways. Though it can simply be answered with a yes or a no, you will end up thinking of
how it affects to people. Especially to those who have not voted yet.
A political campaign, as all people know, is the means of a certain candidate to
entice people to vote for them. Without campaigns, how would these people know the

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

candidates identity or their platforms and plan? Most candidates give speeches to
different places to let them know who they are and their plans for the country.
Campaigns are important especially to a democratic country which relies on the voice of
the people. In order to get the peoples hearts, one must think of an effective method to
get their attention and also their votes.
Here in the Philippines, candidates tend to be creative in order to gain the
peoples trust. Of course there are the campaign posters and ads, TV commercials,
campaign jingles and also promotions. Every time the campaign period is up, expect a
swarm of posters and TV ads bombarding your very lives. This method of campaign is
very common. But the most popular of all campaign method the use of famous
personalities. Local celebrities and artists help a lot in campaigns because of how
citizens patronize them. They are commonly paid to advertise candidates or even make
a song or commercial. Using artists in promoting candidates is convenient because
chances the tides may turn for the candidate when push comes to shove.
Celebrities served as a vital role in political campaigns. Candidates use
celebrities because of one simple thing: popularity. While there are famous candidates,
there are also who are not really known by the people. That is why some of them use
artists as a medium to make a name to people. After all, these people know how to
make their way into peoples hearts.
Celebrities were used in campaigns back in 1986. Different factions imported
well-known celebrities from the world of movies and sports to get themselves elected.
Together with media and a famous personality, the party will win the election hands
down. The way campaigns happen today, it all revolves around popularity and sweet

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

talks. Which makes it hard for the youth to know which politicians to trust or believe.
Surely when a person see his or her favorite actor or actress together with a politician,
does he or she still think whether that candidate is good enough to manage a town or
even a country? Do people still pay attention on what candidates promise to them?
This is a major problem back then and today. People are more focused on those
personalities that they forget who they should be really voting for. They tend to forget
the sense of elections. Why do people procrastinate to the candidates that they
themselves elected? People are blinded to those celebrities that politicians face to them
without thinking about the consequences that they will face.
The first time voters should be well informed in order for them to make the right
decision and elect a proper and educated politician. With proper knowledge, voters will
be able to identify those who can make a change or who will only bring more burden to
the country. Voters should not be blinded by the sweet talks of famous personalities.
They should focus more on the platforms that will be implemented by the candidates
rather than listening to personalities. Remember that politicians are the candidates not
the celebrities.
As time goes on, the methods of political campaigns have changed. It evolved as
the people evolved. Traditional campaigns are now a thing of the past. What matters
now is how candidates think of a way to entice people to vote for them. Celebrities did
not only gave entertainment to people, but also became a way for candidates to use
them in campaigns and in elections. Though people know these personalities, they
should keep in mind that personalities are just like mascots of candidates. They should

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

pay more attention to candidates not on celebrities for them to make a right decision
and make their votes count.
Election 2016 here in the Philippines. Most of the politicians today have their
banners, tarpaulin, radio and TV advertisements to be well known candidates.
Politicians have their own strategies in increasing their appeal on the eyes of the voters.
The most essential strategy here in the Philippines is the use of celebrity endorsement.
They say that celebrity endorsement is the key to be more popular to the people.
Celebrities is actually influential because some of the people admire them so much
especially the most popular local celebrities today like Daniel Padilla, Kathryn Bernardo,
James Reid, Nadine Lustre, Alden Richards and Maine "Yaya Dub" Mendoza. They
always seen on TV series, commercials, movies and advertisements. The role of these
celebrities is to entertain the viewers. Because of their talents or being a good looking in
TV people like them or admire them. Some of the companies get a celebrity to advertise
and to use their products. And it seems effective because lot of commercials today was
endorse by the local celebrities. If these celebrities is effective, the politician can use
their popularity. So celebrities are not only for products, also they are good in promoting
a politicians. This research inquiries the effectiveness of the local celebrities on a
political campaign. The Celebrities can attract or caught the attentions of the voters.
In this generation the celebrities are treated as a role model .Some of the people
change their lifestyle to relate to their favorite celebrities. In this situation politicians is
looking forward to the benefit that they may get to the celebrities. Erdogan (1999)
concludes that celebrities are those people who have well known by the large number of
people. They have special uniqueness and features like magnetism, unusual standard

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

of living or special skills that are not commonly experiential in common people. To use a
famous person's image you need to focus on the popularity or fame, their behavior,
attitudes, and also the issues that they have it's either good or bad. Huge factor to use
the celebrity's fame if they are known kind, honest and having a good trait.
This 2016 Election is quiet exciting because of the techniques how they will promote
their selves to the people of the Philippines. For example Mar Roxas, he release a song
entitled "Fast Forward" written and performed by Jay-R, Billy Crawford and Kris
Lawrence. In this music video they look happy and energetic in performing the song that
call for a "Daang Matuwid". Some of the celebrities appeared in this music video like the
Love Team KathNiel (Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla), Ramon Bautista, Melai
Cantiveros, Jason Francisco, Karylle, Carla Abellana and even the basketball player
James Yap. The Celebrity exposure has effects in a campaign or advertisements.
Celebrities influence their fans in their product being used, their fashion statement,
and their food to eat the accessories they will put in short the decision making. Because
of that influence, the politicians choose a popular personality to promote their advocacy.
The advantage of this strategy is to affect the decision making of the voters.
In formulating advertising or campaign strategies look for the four (4) elements: the
target audience, concept, communication media, and the advertising or campaign
message. In your target audience you need to know what are the needs and their
behavior. First the needs because you can identify what will you put or apply in your
campaigns, the behavior to base your campaign materials or your techniques on how
you will encourage them to vote you. Second, depending your concept on your target

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

audience it will definitely affects the perception of your target audience. Next
communication media, because it's election they will spend lots of money so that they
can air their political advertisements and campaigns in TV, releasing a print ad. They
must know what the proper in putting are or edit a campaigns or advertisements to be
more attractive in short it's too technical. They need to hire people for that. Last the
message. The message is very important they will rely on what you are looking for the
next years if you will be elected. Your message need to be realistic, use words that is
easy to understand. The most favorable is being a "Maka-Masa". It tells that you need to
put yourself on them.
But not all the political advertisements or campaign has positive outcome and there
are negative on it. Politicians spends their money almost millions of it each election just
to get themselves elected. They spending it on the flyers, tarpaulins, putting their name
and pictures on caps, fan, bracelet, keychains etc. also in TV advertisements. But
Professor Ken Goldstein, a political scientist with the University of Wisconsin at
Madisom, and John G. Geer, a professor at Vanderbilt University. Professor Geer
contends that negative ads "are more likely than positive ads to be about the issues . . .
are more likely to be specific when talking about those issues...are more likely to
contain facts...and more likely to be about the important issues of the day."
According to McCracken, celebrity is an individual who is well-known by the public
and uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it in an
advertising. In the Philippines, a large part of local television commercials features
celebrities and many companies have gained considerable success using their famous
names and faces. (Osorio, 2002)

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

There are several reasons why advertisers use celebrities in their advertisements.
One of these is the improvement on the communicative ability that celebrities give to
advertisements because of their high profile, which help the advertisements stand out
from the muddled media environment. (Erdogan, Baker & Tadd, 2001) Celebrities are
also used because they can generate extensive public relations for brands. Aside from
promoting established brands, celebrities also give brands a new image or allow brands
to be repositioned, and they are also used to introduce new brands. The use of celebrity
in advertising is a common marketing communication strategy because the advertiser
gets a lot of help from personalities that possess certain phenomenal characteristics to
tell the products story. All the popularity, glamour and charisma attached to a movie
star, a sports hero, a TV personality, or even a politician are sold and purchased as the
products ows. (Osorio, 2002)
According to Henneberg and Chen (2008), two types of celebrities engage in
political endorsements: (1) traditional/external celebrities (i.e., nonpolitical figures such
as entertainers, athletes, media figures, and entrepreneurs) and (2) political/internal
Political figures usually have more political expertise and experience (Veer et al.,
2010). Endorser expertise is an important determinant of political endorsement effects
(Henneberg & Chen, 2008). However, idols are perceived as more attractive, which can
be transferred to the idols endorsed candidate and party (see Wood & Herbst, 2007).
The oft-noticed tendency of young people to act like their favorite celebrities suggests

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

that idol endorsements may influence young peoples political choices and responses
(Jackson & Darrow, 2005; Yue & Cheung, 2000).


Media and Politics

A wide variety of media messages act as teachers of values, ideologies, and beliefs,
providing images for interpreting the world whether or not the designers are conscious
of this intent. (Gamson, 1992) In related to the politics, the media are the ones who is
controlling to what the society will be seen. And in relation to the researchers study,
people in the media are the one who has the power to encourage the voters in their
decision making.
According to Robert M. Entman (2007, 166) he believes that content bias is
consistent pattern in the framing of mediated communication that promote the influence
of one side in conflicts over the use of government power. The researchers know that
first time voters really dont know a deeper knowledge in politics, so they are looking if
the local celebrities are effective in a political TV campaign.
The mass media is very powerful when it comes to political campaigns. They use
newspapers, radio, tabloids, magazines and television for public display where they can
show the positive side of themselves and to see the negative side of the opponents.
According to research, in a survey, a national sample of 1,500 registered voters,
focusing on media use. The results of the survey showed that the television has the
greatest reach of all media sources. Many people watch TV rather to read a newspaper
or listening to radio. So candidates must use TV campaigns to catch more attention of

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

voters. We found out that, the more money the candidate has, the more chances they
be able to promote on television. Television commercials are exceptionally expensive
but still have the widest reach or coverage. And to add more thrill to it, they use
celebrities to their campaigns. But how effective is the celebrities on political campaigns
of the presidential candidates especially to the first time voters?

Media Effects
There are three main forms of media communications influence on citizens:


Agenda-setting is a relational concept specifying a positive, causal relationship

between the key themes of mass communication and what members of the audience
come to regard as important. The mechanism of agenda-setting resembles, to some
extent, the process of fashion. Its natural consequence is that politicians and parties try
to exert pressure on media to highlight those issues that present them in a good light
and are positive for them. Regarding to the researchers study, basically politicians rely
also on the celebrities in order to make their names safe from issues and make the
voters realize what is wrong that can lead to judgement and vote other presidential

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

Politicians are not the only subjects trying to mark their presence in the media. Their
competition includes all kinds of interest groups. First time voters especially in the age
of 18-20 usually rely and base their votes with the presidential candidate with an
endorser which is/are popular and fresh from the eye of the audience. For example, in
the Mar Roxas campaign song entitled fast-forward there are many celebrities that are
included in the stated song which are well-known for the teenagers. In that case, it can
make Roxas vote percentage increase with the help of the celebrity.
Media priming is making particular issues, objects, or their attributes more salient for
the audience. Priming refers to changes in the standards people use to make political
evaluations. By calling attention to some matters while ignoring others, television news
influences the standards by which governments, president, policies, and candidates for
public office are judged. (S. Iyengar, D. D. Kinder 1982, 63)
Political parties also specialize in offering the best solutions to particular social
and economic problems. Usually local celebrity endorsers are also the one who also
spoke for their corresponding candidate to share their platform. Well, there are some
presidential candidates who literally need the power of the celebrities in order to
encourage the voters to vote for them.
Media framing. According to Entman (2007, 164), framing is the process of
culling a few elements of perceived reality and assembling a narrative that highlights
connection among them to promote a particular interpretation. Indeed, political
candidates choose the right thing to highlight within their ad to make themselves clean
and fresh to the perception of the first time voters.

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters


First Time Voters and Political Campaigns

To be a registered voter, you have to register and once you are officially on it, you

can vote. In being a registered voter and a first time voters, there are certain
requirements to be followed. For the age, once the youth reached the age of 18, they
are required to register as a voter. This is the stage where youth became matured and
they should be include in the community world where their opinions and ideas are
important same thing for them to know the opinions of people around them and to the
people who wants to rule this country. The school can be influential in the choice of
candidates too.
This is where they could debate each point of view of the students and could get
some advice from their teachers of whom to choice in voting for president. According to
the research, the more influential on candidate selection may be identified if the school
blatantly endorses candidates for their students to vote. Another important in voting is
the gender because we have different gender, there a chance that males and females
can choose a candidate who is opposite of their gender. By this, it can help us to know
the characteristic of ones gender. Their strength and ability can be seen depends on
their gender and personalities.
Before voting, you need a guideline on how or whom to vote. You should
gather first information to the candidates who are running for president. In gathering

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

information, they based the ideas they've gather in television, radio or newspaper. They
watch TV, listen to radio or read a newspaper. Some of them do interviews or have
debates on who will be better president. Some of them ask for advice to their teachers,
parents and other older ones. Some of them based on the environment they live in.
Being part of a certain community can consider being a major influential to the first time
voters. Because to what they heard about the neighbors, whether to be a positive or
negative side, these first time voters will believe to their opinions. With this, they can
add knowledge about the candidates who are running for president. Moreover, TV
campaigns still have the great impact especially to the first time voters. They could base
their opinions to the candidates by watching these TV campaigns, whether to believe
them or not. And to make these first time voters believe in their TV campaigns, they use
celebrities for these first time voters may know who to trust to. With knowing the
celebrities, who have high standard in television, they can help the candidates to tell
who to trust and believe.


Celebrities and Political Campaign

Celebrities are the most influential people. They can gather people by the things

they do or the things they say. This is why when it comes to TV campaigns,
candidates always have their way to reach to celebrities and help them in
campaigning. Lucky those candidates who can pay celebrities that are well-known in
the country. By the help of these celebrities popularity, these candidates can get
more attention to the voters. For the first time voters, this celebrity effect really can
catch their attention especially to those people whose hobby is to watch television.

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

By knowing their favorite celebrity or just by knowing these celebrities votes, they
can make these voters to follow them to vote for that candidate. Also, with the
appearance of these celebrities can make the attention of the voters to know more
about of that candidate theyre campaigning.
According to the researchers, in the Philippines, a large part of local television
commercials feature celebrities and many companies have gained considerable
success using their famous names and faces. Candidates also use celebrities as
their spokesperson to get the voters trust and beliefs in them.


Political Public Relations

Public relations includes communications directed internally to employees of the

company and externally to consumers, other firms, the government, and the media.
There are three distinctive qualities: (1) high credibility more on stories which is
credible like achievements of the candidates or even the programs that they made
within their place or outside; (2) ability to catch buyers off guard basically they
avoid to pay for the talents but finding those celebrities who were really on their side;
(3) dramatization remember the campaign of Manny Villar, the campaign focuses
on the poverty by which they put homes surrounded by garbage and from the lyrics
nakaligo ka na ba sa dagat ng basura?

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters


Negative Advertising: Scream & Attack

Narrator: Pasalamat ang bayan kay Senador John O Osmea
Woman: Noong araw ang hirap tumawag ng long distance. May operator pa. Ngayon
isang pindot lang sa cell phone connect kaagad kahit sa America. Salamat, Senador
Narrator: Dahil kay Senador Osmea na author ng Telecommunication Act meron na
tayong mga cell phone.
Man: Umaasenso ang negosyo ko dahil sa cell phone ang gamit ng kliyente ko sap agorder ng supply. Salamat, Senador Osmea.
Narrator: Ibalik si Senador John O Osmea sa senado.
In this example, you can easily notice and observe that the message of the ad
was wrong and cant help to make the candidate look good but make them against the
candidate. The ad literally said, Dahil kay Senador Osmea na author ng

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

Telecommunication Act meron na tayong mga cell phone. But the truth is there are
Nokia, Smartetc that really brought cellular phones.

Tried and Tested

Various experts classify political advertising into three: advocacy ad, attack ads, or
contrast ads. Advocacy ads promote a candidates qualification information about the
candidate, Attack ads highlight the opponents weaknesses issues that are seen and
can be judge to the other presidential candidates and Contrast ads feature the positive
points of a candidate and the negative traits of his/her opponent making the
opponents image look bad and can make image looks good with the positive
Some political consultants would not use the word negative to describe attack ads
because they say this gives the impression that the ads are below the belt, are
inaccurate, and feed into public cynicism. The point here is you dont really need to
point out negative things to your opponent in fact it can make the voters feel that you
are insecure or sometimes statements that are different from one to another makes it
inaccurate to what is the truth in advertising.
The researchers know campaign politics was one of the way to manipulate or
encourage people to help them to vote themselves for the upcoming Election Day. An

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

effective electoral campaign would have teams concentrated on specific regions. These
teams are aimed at "selling" the candidate to the public; packaging them in such a way
that would cater to the varying sectors they wish to reach out to. For example, wherever
they go them always do something that can make people remember them because of
what they did to the people who lives at the place where they campaign.

The first step is determining which sector, demographic, or region to focus on.
Choosing the face of the campaign is dependent on which crowd the candidate
is aimed at wooing, the researchers observed that recent news are always about
presidential candidates campaign wherein they campaign with the province that has a
high percentage of voters to capture their minds and encourage to vote that specific
The most basic factor to consider is how recognizable the celebrity is to the
chosen crowd, Is the celebrity popular in a particular region? Is he or she influential in
certain religious groups or sects? What image does he or she possess in the industry?
The relation of this questions to the researchers study is that, celebrity who endorse a
certain presidential candidate they are some reasons to consider; (1) sensationalize
wherein that specific celebrity is in the trend of this generation, (2) place of popularity
know where the celebritys place to gain more votes in that place, (3) advantages
knowing the fact that the celebrity endorser has many characteristics and has a good
image and background to the audience.

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

According to the rapplers website, Actors or actresses who play heroic roles, for
example, are effective in persuading the masses. An endorsers hero image may
easily be associated with the candidate, seeing as public officials and leaders are at
times viewed as saviors by the masses.


Elements of a Campaign Strategy

One would be able to determine among the voters who are for the candidate,
against the candidate and who the swing votes are. What would therefore be the
appropriate mix of these three? This depends on the three possible goals of
campaign communication: to reinforce, persuade and convert. To reinforce would
simply convince voters to do what they are inclined to do anyways it depends to
the voters if what they want to do and make his/her impression looks good with the
candidate. Persuasion on the other hand, is a process of moving undecided or
learning voters to the candidates side most likely giving some achievements and
even background of the candidate to the voters to know some information about
him/her to encourage voters to vote them. Conversion refers to an attempt to get
voters to do what they are not inclined to do on their own sometimes candidates
cant persuade or even encourage voters to vote them, in the end it depends to the
voters if they will vote to the other presidential candidates.

Creating the Message to Communicate

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

What is the overall theme of a candidates campaign? According to Baer, a

campaign strategy is designated to bring the campaign theme to life in the persona
of the candidate. Usually it is the concept of the campaign what is the message
you want to perceive by your audience about your campaign. For example, Grace
Poes TV campaign is about the same experience like her father Fernando Poe Jr or
FPJ that even though his father lost the election still he fights for his right and thats
what Grace Poe is doing right now. Fighting the rights because shes qualified to run
as a president and help the country.

The role of celebrity endorsers does heighten the receptivity of the voters
to the advertisements of political candidates. As Mangahas (2007) stated in a
Social Weather Stations (SWS) press release two months before the May 2007
elections, receptivity to political ads definitely matters it matters differently
to different senatorial candidates. As part of the marketing mix in advertising
endeavors, the interaction that celebrities have with their audiences during elections
is a factor that affects the voters perceptions and actions.
People who watch television news engage in varying degrees of Parasocial
Interaction with the news personae. Those viewers who find the parasocial
relationship particularly attractive or gratifying increase their exposure in order to
increase their contact with the news personae (Levy, 1979, p.7). Parasocial
Interaction is an atypical consequence of television viewing when people process
mass-mediated communication in a manner similar to interpersonal interaction; as

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

opposed to the typical consequences of media as for merely knowledge and

information (Rubin, 1994; Schiappa, 2005).

The researchers conclusion to the related literature is that this study examines
celebrity exposure in different media and their effects. It consider the celebrity in
influencing the first time voters. The major considerations in this study are to unravel
the variables considered in selecting a celebrity.
Recently, there are many organization using celebrity endorsement in promoting
their certain brand. The essence of celebrity lies in the public interest on a person
which leads to their popularity. There is a study where they identified that 55% of
women and 39% of men were interested in hearing about celebrities news or media
(According to the Future Foundation, 2007). For so many years, the advertisers
have used their popularity and employed them as endorsers or a spokesperson to
sell their products. But not just in products also on a political campaign. A celebrity's
appearance in a political campaign influence the public's perception. Finding and
keeping your people are hard for some politicians. Using a celebrity to endorse a
presidential candidate can entice the first time voters. Celebrities who are well
respected can instantly add credibility to a presidential candidate's image. The
voters might also think that if the presidential candidate is good for him or her, it is
good enough for me.
Celebrity endorsement are very popular and techniques that are often used by
marketing and political campaigns. They believe that celebrities endorsement

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

provide a higher level of appeal and attention. There is a tremendous impact of

celebrity endorsement among the Filipinos.
This study aims to provide an understanding of the role that celebrities may
affect the decision making of the voters in choosing their politician. This research
indicate that celebrity endorsement can result in more favorable to the people. It
conclude that celebrities are particularly effective endorse because they are viewed
as highly trustworthy, believable, persuasive and likeable. Other research suggests
that celebrity endorsement might effective depending on other factors like the "fit"
between the celebrities. By this all parties can help the key player to improve and
strengthen the strategy.
Politicians usually based on the celebrity especially in encouraging voters to vote
them because of the power they have to face in front of the camera and start to
speak about good things on a specific candidate. The words coming out from their
mouth might sound clever yet some are facts and some are just words used to
impress the voters to vote that candidate.
It depends on what on the voters perspective, if they truly believe that celebrity
can make changes on decision making or what but the researchers observation
based on the data that they collected is that it depends on what are the materials on
their ad, also consider the respondent to know who will be the perfect celebrity that
fits on the ad campaign and remember the variables the many successful
achievements they have, the more they can encourage voters with it.
But no matter what they use, who they use to persuade audience to vote their
candidate, it depends on what if theyre in the position of being a president? What

The Effectiveness of Local Celebrities on a Political TV Campaign of the

Presidential Candidates to the First Time Voters

will they do to make the countrys economy improve and help to reduce poverty than
other former presidents who did something that can help the Filipino citizen but for a
short time.
On the other's point of view, they all have their own reasons on how celebrities
affect the votes of their specific presidential candidate. Some says that it always
depends on people (i.e on how they loved that celebrity so much) because it always
depends on how popular their celebrity endorser. For example if that politician hire a
famous love team couple like "Maine and Alden" it will give them a burst of voters
because the impact of the stated love team becomes so phenomenal it can affect
the minds of a voter he/she could immediately vote the candidate that they endorse
because of them. Others are not considering celebrities in their decision making
because they really don't see the sense of having a celebrity endorser because for
some of them thinks that voting for the right person can be their key to improve the
life of others.

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