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Individual And the Institution

Rules + Regulations
Demands conformity or provides punishment
ALL aspects of life can be considered institutional E.g. Religion
Individual Experience
Refers to one persons meetings, visions or experiences that help us to discover
more about ourselves and our environment
The Farm
Aims: Reform and rehabilitate (reduce recidivism) thus making the boys fully
functional members of society
Classrooms and punishments reflect these notions
Self Responsibility
Break the rules face the consequences
Hed be the system before it beats him notion of ability to resist conforming
Reform is possible!
Important Characters + Scenes
Begins with a complete distrust of the institution
Changing attitude reflect in the defense of Frog, acceptance of Caitlyn and
befriending of Josh
Only semi reformed Rebeccas continuing involvement signified his continuing
links to crime
Sam doesnt order me to do anything. He is my friend, I do what he says
As a result of finding refuge (and comfort/solice) in the Farm, he is now reliant on
the institution. He works for Sam to raise money, his mates are in the farm.
Authoritarian figure, yet outside the stereotype
Autocratic Nature: keeps the boys in line, helps boys to gain and reform
Friendly Nature: helps to reform as the boys are less likely to take command from
a totalitarian warden figure
Symbolized as the role model who initiates Bretts reform, but implies the ability
to change is in one self (he is the catalyst for reform)
Rebecca Vs Caitlyn
The two girls are symbols of Brett before and after the farm.

Rebeccas exuberant nature and rebelliousness reflects Bretts criminal past

Caitlyns conservative and conformist (to the rules) nature reflects the path being
taken by Brett (through the Farm and beyond)
After being robbed (Chapter Nine) is the beginning of Bretts reform. He begins to feel
empathy (despite attempts to convince himself otherwise) for the victims of his crimes
After being Informed of being an uncle (Chapter Thirteen) is when the
warden/prisoner relationship between Brett and Sam becomes a friendly/family like




1st Person
3rd Person

Harsh Happiness

Rebecca v Caitlyn
Construction work on stable

Represents atmosphere
Cycle of Crime
The institution will reform, but at a
Reflects distain for authority
Old and new beliefs
Rebuilding of his life
Individuality has been lost, he is
part of a system now

1. Scott Monk wrote Raw with the purpose it seems of reflecting the contrasting
opinions on institutions. Firstly that the institution is there to help (Josh) those
inside come through. Secondly it can reform - in the instance of a judicial
institution (Brett, whom even though re-offended by recommitting larceny, was
reformed in terms of his violent nature) and finally to reflect the opinion that
institutions do nothing to reduce and prevent recidivism in offenders (Tyson)
a. The farm was far from the prison he imagined in that the farm appears
to be a less daunting and restrictive place than a traditional institution no
guards, no bars etc
b. According to Sam the farms purpose is to help boys get their lives back
on track. It is an attempt at early intervention trying to break the cycle of
crime (social crime prevention measure) thus reducing the need for reform
to occur later on in life in the form of a custodial sentence in prison
c. The farm has a broad spectrum of inmates. There are those who follow the
rules, who blatantly disregard and disrespect the rules and those in
between (Josh, Tyson, Brett)
d. The rules are enforced in different ways. One is by punishment of the
individual when Brett skips class, he doesnt get dinner + gets extra

chores. Another being the re-integrative shaming method which sees the
group punished (and thus the individual victimized) for their actions




a. The other inmates respond differently towards Brett

b. Sam as the key authoritarian figure tries to give Brett the benefit of the
doubt throughout the text. Firstly he tries to outwit Brett into conformity
Newer than his excuses, he openly tells Brett he wont stop him from
leaving the farm and in a final attempt to bring about reform, he offers
Brett the choice between construction work (on stable)
c. Caitlyn is able to look past Bretts history as a juvenile offender and accept
him into her life. Mr. Douglas is a juxtaposition of Caitlyn. He is unable to
see past Bretts criminal history Im protecting you from this criminal
here. I want to show you the kind of gutless lowlife he is
Brett sees himself as hard done by throughout the text. This is due to the idea no
one likes him It is not until the very end of the story (just prior to the return to
Sydney) that he realizes the effect of the farm.
Three main themes are display in the text improving knowledge on the affects of
institutions on individuals:
a. Societys opinions on those who have been institutionalized: Mr Douglas
is representative of the faction of society who believe any person
institutionalized can not be reformed and thus believe in segregation of
these people post-institutionalization
b. Challenges faced: Brett must overcome the violent attacks of Tyson,
isolation and societys preconceptions if he has a chance of change, and he
c. Institution as a support: The character of Josh is an example (sexually
abused, turned to crime, staying in the farm after his time as he has
nowhere to go)
The ending of Raw is a happy one, but not in the traditional sense of the word.
Despite him being destined to gaol time for the robbery of the pub with Rebecca,
Brett has changed. His methods of dispute resolution no longer involve violence,
but instead using his head. The beatings he received and having to face more
responsibility (for others and his own actions) lead to this change
The ability of an institution to affect and change an individual is limited by the
willingness of the individual to accept change. By being completely self absorbed,
Brett was unable to gain for the experience, instead treating it as a waste of time.
His attitudes (stay the hell out of my way) saw him develop enemies. With the
arrival of Caitlyn into his life, Brett opened up to the idea of change. The new
open minded approach sees Brett gain more from his time at the farm

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