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Who am I? and whats my dream?

As an AUB food scientist who graduated in 2008,

I started my professional work in the industrial
bakery field, in Lebanon. Months later, I
discovered that baking started to become a real
passion rather than a duty that I had to serve for a
living. I invested in myself & my time to learn
more. Reading and taking theoretical courses was
a main part, but the major one was practicing my
aquired knowledge in order to aquire new skills in
troubleshooting and recipes formulations. Soon
after a year have passed, I went to work in Saudi
Arabia in the same business world where I
explored mega manufacturing facilities, and held
important positions in production management
and processing industrialized baked goods. My
last two years in KSA were the most exciting one,
time when I worked for a company who was in
joint venture with a French manufacturer of
bakery ingredients. This gave me the opportunity
to understand not only how bread is made, but
more specifically how the enzymes, emulsifiers,
leavening agents used in the baking industry are
produced, as well as other functional ingredients.
Going in depth into the chemistry and science of baking gave me higher capabilities in bread
formulations and troubleshooting. After I have completed 5 years outside my country, I decided
to come back and establish my own business, my own bakery.
My vision shined and became clearer,
Impacting positively the baking industry and raising consumers awarness is my aim,
Serving as an example of good bread manufacturer by adapting professional standards of
processing and genuine authentic recipes is my mission.

+961-70 9 4567 7


Passionate in Bakery science and technology, zealous for creative and innovative ideas in this
field; I am seeking a world where investing in my technical knowledge and personal character
will add up value both to my professional career path and to thee society in all.

Beirut, Lebanon

American University of Beirut

Bachelor of Science BS in Food Sciences and Management
Deans Honor List
Graduated in June 2008

Beirut, Lebanon

International College
Lebanese Baccalaureate Part II in Life Sciences

Sept 14-Present
Beirut, Lebanon

Nutrama s.a.l Owner/Partner

Operations Manager
Premium Frozen Bakery
Part Baked frozen sourdough artisanal bread supplier for:
5 stars Hotels
Premium catering companies
Coffee shops/Restaurants
Exports activities

Jan 12-Aug 14
Saudi Arabia

REDA Food Ingredients

Project Manager Jan 12-Dec 12
Business Manager Jan 12-April 14
Business Development Manager May 14-Aug 14

o Established a bakery ingredients production plant in partnership with a French

international player.
o Managed the innovation center as well as the commercial business of the brand.
o Managed the international communications and future projections of the business.
June 11/Dec 11
Saudi Arabia

International Food Services- Bin Laden Group

Project Manager

o Worked as the project manager for an industrial bakery that was intended to be installed
in Syria. The work was managed from the head office in Jeddah.
o Responsibilities:
Work on the project feasibility study, profitability, productivity, quality etc
Plant layout and design
Machinery selection and purchasing
Recipes setup and products design

Feb/10-May 11
Saudi Arabia

Al Sunbulah Group
Assistant Production Manager (Acting Production Manager)
Bakery Project Manager

o Production planning process
o Ensure all personnel are suitably trained/qualified to do their allotted job
o Set up production parameters according to the standards
o Manage and resolve all issues transpiring from the shop floor/equipment failure
with the department
o Implement and follow up quality management systems
o Ensure all production supervisors and operators are aware of the quality
performance against established targets
o Solve all problems related to productivity, efficiency, utilization and capabilities of
production lines
o Report all production status to the plant manager
o Work on creating all bread recipes and contingency recipes
o Ensure plant readiness (process lines installation, cold stores, packaging areas,
raw materials etc...)
o Submit monthly reports and present reviews for upper management

Dec. /08-Feb/10

Pain DOr
Production Controller/Supervisor
Controlled and managed a French bread line of production
Having a capacity of 200 Kg flour/h. and 20 employees action
o Practiced the different methods to determine the quality of raw
materials and finished products
o Participated in the creation of new products with extended shelflife

Beirut, Lebanon

Academic Research Project

Worked on the idea of fortifying Arabic bread with iron
Introduced the idea of a new fortified product that is not yet
available in the market and that can be a primary solution for the
anemic poor people in the Middle East.

Beirut, Lebanon

Al Taghziya Foods

Supervision of meat processing lines
o Insured quality control and assurance
o Implemented food safety programs ISO and HACCP on the
Beirut, Lebanon

Al Wadi Al Akhdar
Operations Department
o Assisted in the preparation techniques in storing perishable
fruits under harsh conditions
o Acquired the different managerial practices
o Contributed to the employees motivation program

Personal Characteristics
Honest, Hard worker, Implemented, Scientific, Strong leadership, Supportive, Courageous,
Risk averter, Passionate, Perfectionist, Sensitive, Negotiator
Extra-curricular Activities
Beirut, Lebanon
Jun/05-Dec /05
Beirut, Lebanon
Jan/06-May 07
Beirut, Lebanon
Jan/06-May 08
Beirut, Lebanon

American University of Beirut

Member of the food science society
Youth Association for Social Awareness

Physiotherapist Assistant

Private Tutor

From 2005 till today Greenpeace Active member/ Volunteer

Beirut, Lebanon


Fluent in Arabic, English and French
Computer skills: Excellent in Microsoft Office Programs, SAP system
Human Psychology
Home gardening
Participating in social services programs
Travelling and discovering new societies

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