Geotekstil Dan Geomembrane

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7) i+} ery Py = i= al n ° Cy ax) * MACCAFERRI GEOSYNTHETICS MACCAFERRI Geosynthetics Ce ee ey Re tn) fee ata on ea Ce ee ee De er er eet me eee ee ae a) Can Pe eee ae) Se Ce ee mS a ‘construction. They are proven te reduce project cesl and environmental Impact compared with Cer Da Ce uu oe aoe Lu Ce ee ae ud ue! ce een eh ed Ee Cee ae? Se eT ee ent eer Lee OL Cee ee wu mau Cee ae products, The knowledge and capability te ousily Cee ere Ce ee ee Sc es De Re eC aC CIC ere Cee ad i: Ba ey RU alkali eae ae UAL AM aM Drainege Perepreduct MacGekl"WG MacTex* W St ‘see Geese Sone Ea ae ata deca CCM Ged ee WLLL Machine? — pécilne*Go. (ener ety mn Reinforcement For over 30 years, gaoprids have reinforced and strengthened soils, enabling the soil to perform otter than il would in iis unreinforced state, accommodating greater loads, standing at steeper angles and reducing settlement, Stopes and Walls Macepferri has a wide range of geogrids (with a varity of polymers, configurations and strengths) ta maximise the opportunity to reuse site won materials as backtil to roinforead sail walls. and slopes. Cost savings and “carbon footprint” reductions: through the use of geogrids can be substantial when compared to traditional solutions. Additional improvements can be realited through reusing site won material as structural backfill, saving the transportation of materials to and trom the project. site, ambeacing sustainability and reducing polluting truck movements. Whether geogrids ere used for small retaining walls In housing developments, ar reinforced soll magastructures on infrastructure projects, Maccaferri offers cost-effective, value engineered scalable solutions, Stabilisation Soil stabilisation and asphalt reinforcement Maccaferri googrids aro also used to extond the lito of Unbound and asphalt pavements; MacGrid® AR is a specific fective cracking within composite geogrid used to reduce asphalt pavements and overlays. MazGrd* EG or MacGrd*WG S biaxial geogrids are used {oflen in combination with MacTex* geotexties) lo strengthen it unbound pavements, rodueing rutting and the thickness. granular material required iunY Inforcemant and vold spanning In use since 1977 and with strengths up to 1350 kN, Maceafert!’s Paralink® provides performance andreassurance inthe most demanding applications; embankment over piles oF on sails subject to voids. For less demanding soil reinforcement applications, the waven composite, MacTex* C2, or waven polyester MacTax* \W2, offer performance with value $ 5% ¢ MeccrtWO Macle W MacGri EG. MacorAR 7) MACCAFERRI Drainage Excess, or uncontrolled water within soils can weaken them, causing numerous problems. The management of water behind retaining walls and aivil engineering stweturas, boneath highways, inside tunnels or within slopes, is one of the ‘most important aspects influencing the long term performance of that structure. The MacDrain* range are geo-composites tor drainage, manufactured with a righd or flexible polymeric core, providing a tree condult tor Water and fluid flow, from the adjacant matertals. Geotexties, or geomembranas, bonded to one or both sides of the core ensure filtration, separation, waterprocting and protection of the core, With iab-tested performance and quality controlieg manufacturing, MacDrain® can replace iraditional gravel drainage, offering faster installation, quantifiable performance and construction cost savings. Additionally, the reduction of gravel extraction and truck mavements to and from the project site, serve to reduce project envirenmentat impact, Separation/Filtration/Protection MacTox* gootaxtilos ara used to roplace the tragitional methads of: . Separating fitering two distinct soils or ayers and preventing crass-contamination . Prolectimmbranes or other vuinerabie structures : Impreivepearing capacity af weak soils The wide range of produets is augmented by Maceaferri's capability te develop snd manufacture ‘specific textiles to sult individuat projects, In-dowatoring, industrial or contaminated slurries can be pumped into the MacTube® Gnes the slurry has dried, It can be disposed of far more safely and cost effectively, than wet slurred material MACCAFERRI Barrier Systems Goomembranes are used to pravent the migration of fluids from ona location to another; for example, lining landfills to stop leachats polluting groundwater, controling groundwater entering tunnels or creating atienuation ponds within developments. Mactine® preducts are often used in conjunction with MacDrain® geocompasttas and MacTex* geotexillas providing » complete ‘solution to-captura, contain and drain fluids, MacMat* R, MacGrid® T or Macwveb™ can be used fo secure a layer of topsoil on the mambrane, facilitating rev station, Maccafer MacLina® geomembranes and ‘georymihati¢ clay liners ara aveilsbla in a vvariely of thicknesses and compositions to ‘suit applications such a5 mining heap leach Sil pads, settlement lagoons, landiils, tunnels : ‘and many other specialist applications fisersid Pea e/ Avaliable landfill volumes can be increased by using MacLins® In place of traditonal compacted clay and Macceferri gaogrids to ‘maka call walls steeper, WITH) Macuine GL “Erosion Protection All-natural slopes and surfaces are subject to continuows erosion forces. To limit expensive lang-loss, Maccaferr eflere a range of erosion protection systems to 4ut the severity of erosion expected, Relying upon vegetation growth alone ls very unpredictable and unreliable as it is dificult to achieve 100% vegetailon coverage, ieaving vulnerable exposed areas, Furthermore, vegetation can dle back or become disaasa reducing the anticipated erosion contra! capability. MacMat* and MacMat® R (reinforced), thres dimensional permanent erosion conirol mats Increase the ois resistance to erasion. Thoy provide immediate protection of exposed topsoil areas from the direct effects of wind, raintail Impact or water flow regardless af tne amount of \vegelation establishod. Additonaly Machlat® Rand MacGnc® T are Used to reinforce soll veneers over law-ttiction surfaces and also in conjunction with soll nals on strengthenad slopas, Where thicker layers of soll need stabilisation and containment, MacWeb™ geccells are used to Promote siope revegetation Coastal Protection MacTubes* and MacB: bricated from quality ectextlles are geocontsinment systems, used ‘2s 2 component in a variety of marine, hydraulle engineering, coastal protection and dewatering pplications. Filed in-situ with a pumped slurry, the water drains through the fabric walls, leaving the residue within the MacTubst. In. coastal and hydraulic works, the filled {ubes are then used to construct breakwaters, dykes or for dune reconstruction MACCAFERR' MACCAFERRI ‘At geosyninatice are used In so many gaotectnical and civli anginesring appitcations, It iemot passibin te concider tem sll hore. The tnbl9 below incicotes principle functions and Uses. Please contact your looal Meccafer office for advice or assistance in these, or any Solutions ‘lar use of georymtnetics, s|s| s 8) | 5/8) sis) hd s|s) Reinforced sol wals «vertical Reinforcing wothmarginal fils F 7 # aisis| sis|s) sisis| T T T Siabllisailon and Reinforcement I “Antvvefioctve cracking in asphalt ¥ Unbound paverent reinforcement Sofi ground siabllaaion f Rail & read foundation stabilisation Is Ie xfefs <) Is sfsis. sl In alals s| Ns nals alse asics xisls a 5 xis 4 “ ing & capping v Mining heap leach peda ¥ Dariti/Resorveirs/Lagdcrs ¥ * Ss Plution carwo iners Proteedion of ners, structures Is s/s Is s]sfsi 8 ass alas. x xsi Erosion Control & Drainaga Dry F Wet slope protaction ¥ ¥ __Slopa face stabilisation 7 ¥_Salloontaienant lef aS alele ¥ Stvetvrel arpineg@ ¥ Roadway aramage ¥ Lancfiliagoon water drainage ¥ Lanefiviagoon gas venting ¥ 1 Gruon Root orainage AAR Is sisis| s[s s]s/s| | | Hycrautle Works | I Seperation 1 I Filtwion I “| ih S| ss Rs xs ] | | + | | i Coastal & Dewatering I Graynoa & Braakwators ¥ Emongoncy coastal protection awateingslsigea / wanes / rina ra Guaa v\lyv ¥ SaalRiver Bad flor matiresses | Dune Reconstruction * ees | | | Is sfsfsis Basal Reinforcement ¥ Basa reinforced embaniemerts 2 Plled embunkments a ar ‘oid spanning 7 ert ———-= T == i_¥ 7 7 | Watersroofing & drainage e 7 79 [—# . « I Emeloa prataction at partais t viviviy 1 sie[s ISisis nisis. isis. sists) Mesh Software High quality products ara only part ef tne ‘solution; design and selection of e solution that meets the clients requirements ere ‘equally important, Maccaferri’s software uses the latest modelling techniques, in accordance with variaus design methodologies to design robust, coat affective solutions, MacFLOW Design et drainage systems using MacDrsin for vertical, fist and sloped applications Landfills Design of venaar stability ‘ever membranes, ‘rminage eapacity and GCL-CCL equivalence Maccafarri’s goosynthatics are manuta tured under quality controtied conditions and where appropriate, are GE Marked. This provides client reassurance that the product hat been tried and rigorously ‘tested before installation within the project. MacBARS Design of basal platforms and piled embankments MacRA1&2 Design of channel linings and drop structures for hydreulle : erosion protection works MacSTARS Design of reinforced soil ‘slopes and walls using the full range of geogrias and soll nails MacREAD & OLCRACK Design ef paved and unpaved reinforoad roads DESIGN, MANUFACTURING, SUPPLY & INSTALLATION PRODUCTS yon ae Aminta Plaza, Suite #204, JI Perfo} Pare TL) crea Perea: tele -pe lea 1 BU) Beer ir mouse | GEOTEXTILE DEWATERING DREDGING GEOGRID Bo oe Seis) EOMEMBRANE HDPE + ROCKFALL NETTING EROSION CONTROL - ROCKFALL BARRIERS PRE-DESIGN RSV AMecUreL | sce] oa tee Tel) MACCAFERR Simatupang, Kav. 10, Jakarta, 12310 Tok: (62-21) 7506588, Faxc +{62-21) 7506883, Email: migomaccaterr, web: www

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