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Ir. Assoc. Prof. Capt(R). Hj.

Zulkifli Mat Ariffin

Dept. of Civil Engineering
School of Science and Engineering
Manipal International University
Hp: 019-7502212
Room: A2KA1E

Name of
Course/Module Engineer & Society
Course Code:

EYB 4502

Department :


Name(s) of
Credit Hours : 2 (2+0)
Credit Value :
Contact hours: 2
Semester and
Semester 2 Year 4
Year offered:

This course is aimed to ensure students have

knowledge on :
The professional ethics,
The function and role of Professional bodies in Malaysia,
The importance of sustainable development.
Engineering problem solving
Communication and leadership skills.

The course imparts/teaches to the students:

awareness into the careers

roles of engineers in the society

responsibilities of a practicing engineer

professional ethics
roles of professional bodies.
impact of engineering solutions in a global and social

importance of the need for life-long learning.

At the end of this course students should be able to:

1: Discuss the importance of ethics, including the code of practice for engineers and apply in
engineering profession
2: Describe and identify the functions of professional bodies such as Board of Engineers
(BEM) and The Institution of Engineers in Malaysia (IEM) and also to identify the role of
engineers in the society and roles of Engineering Accreditation Council. (EAC)
3: Demonstrate engineering problem solving skills along with ability to recognize the
importance of leadership, communication and project management in organizations.
4: Discuss the social and environmental implications of sustainable development in Malaysia.
5: Demonstrate the proficiency in regulations of occupational safety and health and
Malaysian legislation on environment, including Environmental impact assessment (EIA), and
environmental quality acts.




Number %Each %Total

Final Examination






Site Visit




Group Project





The students should adhere to the rules of attendance as stated in the
University Academic Regulation:1. Student must attend not less than 80% of lecture hours as required for
the subject
2. The student will be prohibited from attending the examination upon
failure to comply with the above requirement.

DO ASK questions if you have difficulties but NEVER COPY!

Please note PLAGIARISM is a very serious offence


Chapter 1: Introduction to Engineers and Society


Roles and responsibilities of Engineers

Theistic and secular concepts of personal, social
and professional ethics
Ethics associated with engineering and
engineering boards
Chapter 1: Introduction to Engineers and Society

Regulation of practice of engineering

Codes of conduct of Engineers
The impact of Engineering on society
Importance of outcome based education (OBE)

What is Engineering ?
There are various definitions on what is engineering and how it relates with the teaching
and learning environment.
Engineering is all around us, so people often take it for granted, like air and water. Ask
yourself,what do I touch that is not engineered?
Engineering develops and delivers consumer goods, builds the networks of highways, air
and rail travel, and the internet, mass produced antibiotics, creates artificial heart valves,
builds lasers, and offers such wonders an imaging technology and conveniences like
microwave ovens and compact discs.
In short, engineers make over quality of life possible
(William A.Wulf,
President of the National Academy of Engineering)

Engineering is the application of science

to the common purpose of life
(Count Rumford)
Scientists study the world as it is,
engineers create the world that never
has been
(Theodore Von Karman)

Engineering is the professional art of applying

science to the optimum conversion of the resources
of nature to benefit man. The words engineer and
ingenious are derived from the same Latin root
ingenerare meaning to create.

From all these definitions, engineering contents can be further broken down
into numerous details:
Engineering is an art
Aesthetics as well as function found in the Great Wall of China, Pyramid and
other wonder of the world is trully an engineering genius in the form of art.
Engineering is an approximation
The mathematics of engineering system are often used to solve Engineering
problems are under-defined, there are many solutions, good, bad and
indifferent. The art is to arrive at a good solution.
Engineering is measurement, estimation, forecast and projection
River flow, noise and vibration from transport system, earthquake, traffic
volume, pollution and others.

engineering contents ~ contd

Engineering is about modeling and simulation
Validation and verification of an analysis can be tested through modelling and
computer simulation.

Engineering is a communication, technical report writing and presentation

Making presentations, producing technical manuals, co-ordinating team of large
scale project are all fundamental to engineering practice

Engineering is finance
Design, construction, operations, repair and maintenance costs, hiring,
chartering and others determine the viability of the intended projects.
Engineering is an invention and design processes
New devices, material selection and viable processes are developed by
engineers to meet the requirement that existing technology do not address.
Engineers identify and apply the most suitable system to solve engineering
related problems using appropriate decision making tools

Who is an Engineer?

The following are some of the definitions on who is an engineer.

Engineer is;
i. A person who were trained in the design, construction, and use of
engines or machines, or in any of various branches of engineering:
a mechanical engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, chemical
engineer, etc.
ii. A person who operates or is in charge of a power plant system in
term of operation, repair and maintenance.
iii. A consultant in their respective area of expertise
iv. A skillful manager who manages the implementation of the
engineering related decision making processes.
v. Etc

What is an Engineer?
Someone who uses Engineering Problem

Solving techniques to Develop and

Consumer Products
Drugs (the good kind)
Factory Processes

Buildings and Bridges

Computer programs

Why U want to be an engineer?

Why I want to be an engineer?

I love making stuff that will help people
I enjoy solving problems
I enjoy traveling
I enjoy meeting and socializing with people
A secure future

Should I become an Engineer?

Do you enjoy science and math?

Do you have perseverance?

Are you creative?
Are you curious?
Do you wonder why things are the way they are?
Do you like to think of ways to improve things?

Types of Engineers
Computer Science


Biological Engineering
Understanding Biological Systems- Designing Medical Devices

Biological engineers or bioengineers are engineers who use the

principles of biology and the tools of engineering to create usable,
tangible, economically viable products.

Chemical Engineering
Design Products and Processes
a chemical engineer is a professional, who is equipped with the
knowledge of chemical engineering, works principally in the
chemical industry to convert basic raw materials into a variety of
products, and deals with the design and operation of plants and

Civil Engineering
Design Buildings, Bridges, Roads, and other kinds of Infrastructure
Civil engineering is a professionalengineering discipline that deals with the
design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built
environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and

Computer Engineering
Hardware, Software andComputer Programs

Computer engineering is a discipline that integrates several fields of

electrical engineering and computer science required to
develop computer hardware and software.

Without Civil Engineer

Without Computer Engineer

Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and
application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism

An electrical engineer is someone who designs and develops new electrical

equipment, solves problems and tests equipment. They work with all kinds of
electronic devices

Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles of engineering,
physics, and materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and
maintenance ofmechanical systems.

Benefits for being Professional Engineers

Job satisfaction
Variety of career opportunities (Flexible Job Opportunities
Challenging work (You Dont Get Bored)
Intellectual development
Benefit society
Financial Security (Good Pay and Benefits )
Professional environment
Technological and scientific discovery
Creative Thinking
Help to humankind

Training and advancement programmes

In most cases to fill management positions,

employers seek engineers who possess
administrative and communications skills in
addition to their technical knowhow.
Engineers who prefer to manage in technical
areas should get a Master degree in
engineering management, while those
interested in non-technical management should
get an MBA.

Engineering Problem Solving

How Engineers approach to a problem?
Problem Type: What is the underlying
Use: Scientific Method
Define the Problem
Research whats been done before
Lots of thinking
Form a hypothesis (testable prediction)
Test Hypothesis (actual experiment)
Analyze Data (could be more involved that you would expect)
Form Conclusions
Take appropriate actions based on conclusions

Engineering Problem Solving

How to Engineers approach a problem?
Problem Type: I want to build something amazing!
Use: Design Process
Define the Problem
Research whats been done before
Lots of thinking
Create Criteria
May be known
May use scientific method to determine
Design Product
Computer simulations
Improve it!
Build a prototype
Lets customers know what they are getting

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