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Contents: (Important to answer Questions/Parts with information

about Luxottica TODAY with reference to case study but NOT only)
Part 1: Today Luxotticas worldwide strategy is mainly global with a
high level of standardization (in price, promotion, distribution or
products) and low adaptation (in price, promotion, distribution or
products) to foreign markets. Do you see and room for adaptation
strategies in price, promotion, distribution or products?
A: Recommend/suggest which aspects of the marketing mix strategy
needs further considerations and provide a rationale. Your answer
must provide evidence of reading with regards to academic journals
relevant to the topic of international distribution strategy in the
fashion industry.
Part 2: Luxottica is a global organization with global brands but this
competitive position has been obtained thanks to a step-by-step
growth strategy that started with a direct market penetration of the US
market and then moved on to other markets.
A: Why, do you think, Luxottica chose this gradual approach in terms
on market selection? B: Discuss the related benefits/advantages of
the gradual internationalization approach for Luxottica. C: Why, in
your view, has the US been selected as the first foreign market entry
(market penetration) in which to invest heavily?
Part 3: Luxottica pursued an aggressive distribution strategy based
on acquisition in its main target markets (US; China) This strategy
allowed Luxottica to gain direct control of the market outlets but also
generated additional risks.
A: Discuss the main risks to this distribution strategy. Would a
strategy based on the development of a number of franchising chains
not have been more efficient, allowing a comparable level of brand
recognition and control over the retail stores but using a lower level
of capital and allowing faster coverage of different markets?
B: What alternative marketing strategies could have been used to
balance company objectives of brand recognition/control and lower
risk (and in which markets)?

Conclusions and Recommendations


All work must be submitted through Turnitin and a Turnitin cover
sheet must be attached.
At Masters level it is not acceptable to solely use textbooks as your
main source material for this assignment. You should research from a
range of sources, particularly evidence based on journal articles.
Use IM library sources as well MMU online sources, which are
available to you.
Ensure you cite all your sources using Harvard format.
A 2200 word individual case study analysis showing a coherent and
comprehensive understanding of fashion retail marketing strategies
and/or creative and realistic solutions to systematic marketing
Refer to your Learning Outcomes:
LO2: Critically evaluate how fashion organisations design and
implement fashion retail strategies, communication campaigns to
LO3: Argue both systematic and creative solutions, in relation to
different marketing problems, and support these solutions with data,
theories and current practices in the industr

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