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The motive for the fire was spite/revenge.

The suspect (S-1) had been evicted on April 17,


On December 5, 2008, Undercover agents ,Alawi and Alia, responded to the

request of Chief Dumbledore. The dispatch time was 2:35 and arrival at the scene
was 3:05. Undercover agents observed a wood-frame construction, two-storey and
one family residence. The investigation revealed that the fire had originated in the
kitchen adjacent to the living room. The indicators observed and the evidence taken
and analyzed revealed that the fire was started by the distribution of a flammable
accelerant(gasoline) and ignited by an open flame(lighter). The golden lighter with a
dragon symbol on it was found beside the door of the kitchen and a can of highly
flammable, blended liquid composed of more than 300 volatile hydrocarbon
compounds manufactured from the fractionation or distillation of petroleum named
Isoparaffinis is found outside the house but beside the kitchen windows.Another
evidence was found and it is a silver necklace that looks like an ID of a soldier. It has
the same symbol of the lighter and it was found at the living room part beside the
chimney of the house.The suspect was seen through the CCTV camera at the
nearby post light at the front of the house. The suspect wears a black leather jacket,
black pants and a cap but the faces were covered. The CCTV camera caught the
scene where the four missing children of MS.Bouchers were seen to be tied up and
was put in the back of the van unconsciously. They also stole the ladder of the
emergency exit. Then one of the undercover agent investigated the status of of
Camilla a Reserved Navy Officer that is on duty and a daughter of Ms. Bouchers. It
was reported the she is not allowed to speak nor to see anyone ordered by her
assigned Captain Allen. The Laboratory analysis revealed that the flammable liquid
was isoparaffinis and that it can only be bought from another country which means
it was imported. The next day Officer Camilla came to the office of undercover
agents secretly and told them her situation. She cited that she is in fact a spy and
that she have stolen the powerful chip that can trigger the nuclear bomb located in
different countries including ours. She said that she was threatened to give it back
and if she doesnt her family will be affected by the conflict. She told her captain but
the captain didnt allow her to go and warn her family. Instead she was detained in
her room with bars on the door. The captain said that the information is confidential
and it must not be revealed even to the police.He said the higher ups will take care
of it. She gave the undercover agents the information about the organization that
created that chip. That concludes her report.
The undercover agents found out the hideouts of the organization through
the information that was given to them by camilla. They requested from their chief
to conduct investigation in that place. They showed their evidence and the captain
approved it. The undercover agents along with other soldies raided the hideout and
arrested thirty men. The four children of Ms. Bouchers was also found in a secret
Among the suspects,five men confessed their crime after questioning . They
said they went to the house of Ms. Bouchers to find the chip but along the process
the 4 children woke up so they knocked them to unconsciousness and tied them up.
They said they will use the four children as their hostage. They also planned to kill

the remaining family to scare camilla so they took away the escape ladder and
locked the window so that Ms and Mr boucher and the two children cannot escape.
After the investigation they were taken away and was handed to higher ups
because the undercover agents jobs stops here. They only need to find the suspect
of the fire accident and save the four children of Ms. bouchers

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