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Exam Quiz 1 Practice

1) The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) in a multiple vitamin is normally distributed with = 110 grams and =
25 grams. What is the probability that a randomly selected vitamin will contain between 100 and 110 grams of
2) The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) in a multiple vitamin is normally distributed with = 110 grams and =
25 grams. What is the probability that a randomly selected vitamin will contain between 82 and 100 grams of
3) The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) in a multiple vitamin is normally distributed with = 110 grams and =
25 grams. What is the probability that a randomly selected vitamin will contain less than 100 grams of
4) The true length of boards cut at a mill with a listed length of 10 feet is normally distributed with a mean of 123
inches and a standard deviation of 1 inch. What proportion of the boards will be between 121 and 124 inches?
5) You were told that the amount of time lapsed between consecutive trades on the New York Stock Exchange
followed a normal distribution with a mean of 15 seconds. You were also told that the probability that the time
lapsed between two consecutive trades to fall between 16 to 17 seconds was 13%. The probability that the time
lapsed between two consecutive trades would fall below 13 seconds was 7%. What is the probability that the
time lapsed between two consecutive trades will be between 13 and 16 seconds?
Suppose the time interval between two consecutive defective light bulbs from a production line has a uniform distribution
over an interval from 0 to 90 minutes.
6) Referring to Table 6-5, what is the probability that the time interval between two consecutive defective light
bulbs will be between 10 and 20 minutes?
7) Referring to Table 6-5, what is the probability that the time interval between two consecutive defective light
bulbs will be between 10 and 35 minutes?
8) Referring to Table 6-5, what is the probability that the time interval between two consecutive defective light
bulbs will be at least 50 minutes?
The number of column inches of classified advertisements appearing on Mondays in a certain daily newspaper is normally
distributed with population mean 320 and population standard deviation 20 inches.
9) Referring to Table 6-3, for a randomly chosen Monday, what is the probability there will be less than 340
column inches of classified advertisement?
10) Referring to Table 6-3, for a randomly chosen Monday, what is the probability there will be between 280 and
360 column inches of classified advertisement?

11) The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) per multiple vitamin is normally distributed with = 110 grams and =
25 grams. A sample of 25 vitamins is to be selected. What is the probability that the sample mean will be
between 100 and 120 grams?
12) The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) per multiple vitamin is normally distributed with = 110 grams and =
25 grams. A sample of 25 vitamins is to be selected. What is the probability that the sample mean will be less
than 100 grams?
13) The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) per multiple vitamin is normally distributed with = 110 grams and =
25 grams. A sample of 25 vitamins is to be selected. So, 95% of all sample means will be greater than how many
14) The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) per multiple vitamin is normally distributed with = 110 grams and =
25 grams. A sample of 25 vitamins is to be selected. So, the middle 70% of all sample means will fall between
what two values?
Times spent studying by students in the week before final exams follow a normal distribution with standard deviation 8
hours. A random sample of 4 students was taken in order to estimate the mean study time for the population of all students.
15) Referring to Table 7-1, what is the probability that the sample mean exceeds the population mean by more than
2 hours?
16) Referring to Table 7-1, what is the probability that the sample mean is more than 3 hours below the population
17) Referring to Table 7-1, what is the probability that the sample mean differs from the population mean by less
than 2 hours?
18) Referring to Table 7-1, what is the probability that the sample mean differs from the population mean by more
than 3 hours?

19) Suppose a population is normally distributed with a mean 100 and a standard deviation of 15. When a sample
of size n = 36 is collected a sampling distribution is created. Explain which is larger: the probability of a value
randomly selected from the population being larger than 120, or the probability of a sample mean being larger
then 120.
20) The annual income for independent sales representatives in the United States is thought to be highly
right-skewed with a mean equal to $144,300 and a standard deviation of $32,450. Given this information, if a
sample of 36 independent sales representatives is selected, what is the probability that the mean of the sample
will exceed $130,000?

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED1
1) 0.1554
2) 0.2132
3) 0.3446
4) 0.8186 using Excel or 0.8185 using Table E.2
5) 73% or 0.73
6) 0.1111
7) 0.2778
8) 0.4444
9) 0.8413
10) 0.9545 using Excel or 0.9544 using Table E.2
11) 0.9545 using Excel or 0.9544 using Table E.2
12) 0.0228
13) 101.7757
14) 104.8 and 115.2
15) 0.3085
16) 0.2266
17) 0.3829 using Excel or 0.3830 using Table E.2
18) 0.4533 using Excel or 0.4532 using Table E.2
19) The probability will be larger for the population than for the sample mean distribution because the population has the
larger standard deviation.
Population: z =

120 - 100
= 20/15 = 1.33, and looking this up in the standard normal table gives us a probability of

0.4082, so P(x > 120) = .5-.4082 = 0.0918.

Sample mean distribution: z =

120 - 100
= 20/2.5 = 8.00, which is too large to look up in the standard.
15/ 36

Normal table, meaning P(x > 120) is so small it's practically 0.

20) Even though the population distribution is skewed, the Central Limit Theorem tells us that the sampling distribution
will be approximately normally distributed for a sample of n = 36. Further, the mean of the sampling distribution

should be equal to the population mean ( = $144,300) and the standard deviation should be equal to
$5,408.33. Then, we convert the x=$130,000 to a standardized z-value using: z =

x- $130,000-$144,300
= -2.64.


Now, we can go to the standard normal table for z=-2.64, which gives 0.4959. This is the probability of a sample mean
between $130,000 and $144,300. To get the probability we are looking for, we add 0.5000 giving 0.9959. Thus, the
probability that the sample mean annual income will exceed $130,000 is 0.9959 or almost a sure thing.

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