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Speaker's Forum

--------------"One-size-fits-all approach to education and its consequences"

- Should we standardise or personalise Malaysian education?
What sort of mindset,standards,approach should we Malaysians adopt when it comes
to education?
Are we willing to tailor infrastructure, access, opportunity based on the needs
and socio-economic standings of the students?
- Shifting towards a student-centric learning - How do we get our students to ta
ke ownership of their own learning?
Do we allow them to design their own learning process (set their own goals)
- In pursuit of an equitable education (system) - what's the next step?
- The academic achievement gap between the poor and the rich - Myth or reality?
- Is advocating for equitable access to quality education a collective responsib
Student's Forum
--------------"Make Malaysian Education Great Again"
*The rise/advent of social entrepreneurship in education
-Are social enterprises revolutionising student learning in Malaysia?
- How can we use social enterprises as a counterbalance to the problem of educat
ion inequity in Malaysia?
- Marrying (social) enterpreneurship with education - the perfect match?
* Holistic learning and the achievement gap*(Recent decision to introduce coding
into the curriculum as well incorporating music education and health education
as part of KBSM)
- Can a holistic education bring down the barriers of socio-economic status?
- The reality of the situation in Malaysian schools versus our nation's aspirati
- Is it time we rethink our approach to providing education to students across e
very socio-economic class?

- Inequity
What does educational inequity mean to you?
How will educational inequity affect our country as a whole?

- Rethinking and reshaping

- Destined for greatness but bogged down by life circumstances - Life path
- The next generation

Transforming student learning, breaking down

Roles of various stakeholder in narrowing the academic achievement gap between t
he poor and the rich.
Shifting towards fair and unprejudiced access to quality education
Malaysian Education at a crossroad - The National Education Blueprint and the pu
rsuit of an equitable education system

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