Role Play

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1.A. Your friend is getting married soon.

You heard a lot of bad things about her

boyfriend/ his girlfriend(what are these things). Tell your friend what you heard.
B. You are getting married soon and you couldn't be happier. Your girlfriend/
boyfriend is a wonderful person! But you think your friend is jealous on your
happiness. Maybe he/ she likes your boyfriend/ girlfriend? Now your friend wants
to talk with you.

2.A. You are a shy person and you have a date. What are you going to do?
B. You are having a date but your parents do not let you to go out. What are you
going to do?

3.A. You have been invited to a party and your parents agree. Why did you not go?
B. You have been invited to a party and you were extremely entrance but you
couldn't go. Which are the reasons because you don't go.

4.A. Your boyfriend/ girlfriend told you that he/ she wants to make a tattoo. You do
not agree tattoos. What are you going to do?
B. You want to make a tattoo but your girlfriend/ boyfriend does not agree this
idea. What are you going to do?

5.A. Your parents have been invited at a wedding. Because of the circumstances
they will send you. What are you going to do?

B. Your neighbour is getting married and you want to participate to this event but
your parents do not let you to go. Your parents will go to this wedding. What are
you going to do?

6.A. It is your birthday and you have a party. Your boyfriend did not bring you
flowers. How did you react?
B. It is your birthday and you invited everyone excepting your best friend because
you forgot. How did your best friend react?

7.A. You are graduating soon and you find out that you are not the first of the
classroom. How did you react?
B. You are graduating High School and you are the best student. You are happy
because of these but your parents did not go to your graduation festivity. How did
you react?

8.A. You want to go to the cinema to watch a movie with your boyfriend. You let
your boyfriend to choose a movie. You do not like what he chose. What are you
going to do.
B. Your boyfriend wants to go to the cinema with you but you want to go in the

9.A. You are on a mountain trip and you have no signal and you are expecting an
important call. There is signal in the most appropriate village, 3 km distance. What
would you do?

B. You want to on a mountain trip but you have no money. What would you do?

10.A. In your town is coming your favorite band. You want to go to this concert
but you have another schedule. What are you going to do?
B. Your team decided to go to a concert but you don't like the singer. What are you
going to do?

11.A. There is a special ball soon. You dreamed to participate to this ball since
childhood but you haven't a proper dress for this event. What are you going to do?
B. You are invited to a famous ball. Every girls dreams to this ball but you are not
interested. What are you going to do?

12.A. Your friends are planning to go on a summer camp but you are punished by
your parents and you could not go. What are you going to do?
B. Your parents are offering to you holiday in Greece but you would like to go in
Italy. What are you going to do?

13.A. You want to have your driving license. You don't have enough money for
these classes. What are you going to do?

B. When you have your 18 birthday you receive as a present a car. You do not have
driving license and you are not interested in driving. What are you going to do?

14.A. You have borrowed your most beautiful dress to a friend to go at a special
event. She destroys your dress. What are you going to do?
B. You in the situation of destroying someone's else dress. You are feeling sorry
and shame. What are you going to do?

15.A. You are going on visit to some relatives. They have another religion. When
comes the moment of going to church what would you do?
B. You are invited to participate to a baptize. This person is not appropriate to you,
neither relative, friend. What are you going to do?

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