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I know this tutorial seems really long, but it is just very detailed so you wont get lost.
Trust me, if you use this to create your care plans and care maps you will save tons of
time and brain cramps. Especially if you have been handwriting them (my hands hurts
just thinking about that). And, if you have a better, easier, or faster way, for heavens
sake let me know!
I use the Care Plan Constructor that comes with the book, Ackley: Nursing Diagnosis
Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 9 th Ed. (I just switched from the
8th edition, so if you find anything I need to change in the tutorial please email me, so I will walk you through the process of adding and using
that one, but the process is the same for others. REMEMBER: You DO NOT need to
own the book to add and use the associated resources for this book and most of the
other products.
CREATE A NEW EVOLVE ACCOUNT: If you dont already have an Evolve
account, just go ahead and make one. It is free, there is no obligation of any kind,
and it just takes a few minutes. Click here
Click on the turquoise blue button on the left side of the page that says, JOIN
EVOLVE COMMUNITIES! Just fill in the fields and hit Submit. Make note of
your user name and password (it will be emailed to you too). You will get an
option on the bottom of the screen to Jump Right In; choose that you are
now automatically signed in.
2. Click on the grey Products at the top of the home page. Look around and find
stuff you want. To find the Ackley book, look under Nursing (right at the top of
the middle column), and click on Diagnosis.
3. Find the book and click on the blue + Register next to it. (As of today, 03/01/11,
the Ackley book I use is the 3rd one down.)
4. Click the green Register > button on the bottom right. Click the box next to Yes,
I accept this agreement, and then click on the green Submit on the bottom
5. Click on the blue Get Started link, to go back to the home screen.
6. Click on My Content on the upper left to expand it if it is not already.
7. Click on Resources, and you should see the stuff you just added. It may take a
couple minutes for it to be added to your list, so if you dont see it right away wait
a couple minutes and try again.

8. If you want to add more resources now go back to step #2 and repeat what you
just did. When you are ready to create a care plan go to the next step.
1. Okay, now down to business. Log in to EVOLVE
Go to My Content on the home page, click on Resources and click on Ackley:
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition.
2. This takes you to the Course Home; expand the My Content on the left (click on
the little + sign), expand Resources the same way, and click on Care Plan
3. Choose a diagnosis (NANDA)for instance, Activity intolerance. This takes
you to a check box menu of choices for items you want to include in your care
plan. You can choose one or all to be included in your finished care plan.
I am lazy so I CHOOSE THEM ALL. Here is why: If you choose them all, when
you copy/paste the info to a document (Word, PDF, rtf, etc) saved to your school
file on your computer, you will have the information to use the next time you need
a care plan for this NANDA, no matter if your patient is 9 days or 90 years (you
will see what I mean when you do the first one). Also, if you are accessing this
from school, have limited internet access, or a slow internet connection, saving it
all and making your changes off-line makes more sense.
Additionally, some of the choices may help guide you in adding NANDAs to your
care plan. For instance, look at the last choice under the Activity Intolerance Due
to Cardiovascular Disease heading, See care plan for Decreased Cardiac output
for further interventions. If this is appropriate for your patient, when you are done
with the Activity intolerance, you can go back and do another one for
Decreased Cardiac output. (See REMEMBER after step 5 below.)
4. Click on little picture of a printer page Create Printable Page at the top left of
the page, it doesnt matter what you name your care plan so dont spend much
time thinking of a nameremember, you may need those neurons later, dont
waste em. Click Yes to include rationales. Then click Continue. Select and
copy the whole thing, paste it into a document (Word, rtf, pdf, etc), and save
it as, Activity Intolerance Care Plan Info, or something like that. Now every time
you need to use this NANDA for a care plan you have all the information you
A WORD: You may have noticed the Save at the top where the Create
Printable Page is. You may save your customized care plans here if you want. I
preferred to save them to a document in my school folder so they were easily
accessible. Also, this is a good option if you are accessing the internet from
school, the library, etc., or if you have a slow internet connection.
5. If you found other NANDAs you want to add to your care plan, click on
Diagnoses on the top right of the page and repeat steps 3 and 4 for each
NANDA, saving each one as a separate document on your computer.

REMEMBER: If you close a care plan or let your session expire before you copy
and paste the information into a document, it all goes away forever.
6. Now, copy and paste the appropriate parts from each NANDA document you
created into your care plan template (you were probably given one at school).
This is where you experience the learning portion of doing care plans. (The part
you will learn to hate.) You must use your critical thinking skills to choose what
information pertains to YOUR PATIENT. Have funsorry, couldnt help it.
I use Epocrates Online, for the medication
information for my care plans and concept maps. You must register, but the account is
free unless you choose to pay for additional subscription applications. The Drugs,
Diseases, and MultiCheck Drug Interaction Checker (m) applications are free.
1. Sign in to EpocratesOnline. You should be in the DRUGS application. If not,
click on the DRUGS tab at the top of the page.
2. Type in the name of the medication. As you type the name the program will list
all matching medications. Just click on the one you need.
3. Once you are on the specific drug page use the section menu is on the right side
of the page to find the specific information you need; just copy & paste the info
you want directly into your care plan. NOTE: You may want to create a care
plan medications document on your computer - most of the meds you will see
over & over - no need to look them up over & over.
choose Adult Dosing or Peds Dosing for safe dose range
drug classification/action is under Pharmacology
side effects is under Adverse Reactions
nursing implications is under Safety/Monitoring
check under Black Box Warnings and Contraindications/Cautions
for additional nursing implications information
As you look up each medication be sure to click the m at the bottom of the
section menu to check for drug-drug interactions (cool, huh?).
The Patient Education section is also really nicecheck it outif you use this
at the hospital to get information for your patient you may want to click on Pill
Pictures and print that for them as well.
Now, check out the DISEASES tab at the top of the page. For instance, scroll
down the Categories menu on the left side to Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine, then scroll down the Disease/Condition Name menu on the right to
Cystic Fibrosis and click on it. Under Diagnosis click on Risk Factors and
click on each one to open it. Use this application to find information on medical
diagnosis, pathophysiology, and risk factors for care plans and concept maps.
Cool, huh?
4. Print your dazzling care plan and turn it in.

If you are making a Concept Map instead of a Care Plan you are in luck. Just do all that
stuff you just learned, but instead of copying and pasting the text into a Care Plan
template, paste it into a Concept Map template. Or, copy & paste blocks of text into a
Word document, and manipulate them into the bubbles and trees that you like. Or,
you can go really low tech and cut them out with scissors, and really paste them onto
another sheet of paper. You could then copy your masterpiece on a copier to get a nice,
clean copy, and then color it up with colored pencils or highlighters if you want to get
really fancy.
How far you take this depends only on how badly you are afflicted with OCD, or how
much you feel you need to suck up to your instructor.
Last updated 03/01/11

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