Οδυσσέας Γκιλής. ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΤΙΔΑΙΑ. Potidaea, Posseidon. Θεσσαλονίκη 2016

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..................................................................................................... 5
..................................................................................... 7
POTIDAEA Its History and Remains. By JOHN A. ALEXANDER..................11
, , J. A. Alexander.........12
................................................................................ 18
................................................................................. 19
BIOGRAPIY.MYTHOLOGHY GEOGRAPHY......................................................20
Poseidon Etymology. Wikipedia...............................................................28
. , ..........................................29
............................................................................. 32
Poseidon Phlegra..................................................................................... 68
.................................................................................. 81
. Poseidon Kassandreia.....................................91
Poseidon Potidaea............................................................................... 102
Poseidon Potidaia.................................................................................... 144
Neptune Potidee...................................................................................... 154
Poseidon Pallene...................................................................................... 166
Poseidon Cassandreia..............................................................................182
Poseidon, Persian, Potidaea.....................................................................191
Poseidon Corinth Potidaea.......................................................................206
, , ........................220
Potidaea: its history and remains. John A. Alexander. University of Georgia
Press, 1963.............................................................................................. 222

Birkbeck College DOUGLAS DAKIN University of London. 450 Reviews of
books....................................................................................................... 224
Potidaea Neptune.................................................................................... 224
............................................................................................... 238









- : 3 133 . 3134
. 3135 . 3136
. 3137
. 3138 . 3139
[ ][ ] [..][ ] [ ] [...
, .
. 13.2-13.7


. 3,2.917

. .



John A. Alexander Publisher=. : University of Georgia . Athens

POTIDAEA .... . 6.33

, ...... Ruins of the temple of Poseidon,
discovered by Professor Pelekides. Plate IV,

: , , , , , ,
, ...... 40 Baege 1913, 8, . 8 (1923), 268-269, .
7, A.B. Cook ...... ,

Tetradrachm of Potidaia with Poseidon Hippios. Greek Late Archaic

Period. 510500 B.C.

Macedon, Potidaia. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Tetrobol. Poseidon Hippios

on horseback right, holding trident; star below / Archaic female head right
within linear incuse square.

Macedon, Potidaia. Tetrobol. Poseidon. Description.

Macedon, Potidaia. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Tetrobol Poseidon Hippios
on horseback, wielding trident Archaic head of Artemis(?) within incuse
. (,
, , .)
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, . ( )
, ,
, .


Will Saved Nea Potidea. By Marianna Tsatsou - Apr 20,

Ancient Greek Historian Herodotus wrote about a Tsunami wave that
saved a region close to Thessaloniki, called Nea Potidea, from the
Persian invaders in 479 BC. The enemy vanished because of God
Poseidons will, according to the historian.
There came a great ebb of the sea behind, which lasted for a long time.
And then, a great flood-tide came sweeping, higher than ever before, as
the locals say, though high tides come often, wrote Herodotus. The
Persians drowned and the town was free again.

Professor Klaus Reicherter from the Aachen University of Germany and a

group of scientists conducted a research project in the area, and the
findings confirm the story of Herodotus.
This is historical stuff, but you have to interpret it in a scientific way,
said Reicherter.
Sediments in the area showed signs of massive marine events, similar to
large waves. Archaeologists have also discovered sea shells covered by
thick levels of soil, which could indicate a Tsunami.
The German presented his research at the Annual Meeting of the
Seismological Society of America (SSA) on April 19 in San Diego.
According to the scientific team, there is no doubt that the Tsunami
occurred back in the 5th century BC. The team suggested that the Greek
seismologists include the Thermaikos Gulf, where New Potidea is
located, in the Tsunami prone regions of Greece.
Taking into account the dense population of the region, as well as the
amount of the tourists visiting this place, Reicherter said we wanted to
see if these historical accounts are correct and then try to get an
assessment of the coastal areas, asking, are they safe or not?

479 BC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Year 479 BC was a year of

the pre-Julian Roman calendar. At the time, it was known as the ...
Potidaea is struck by a Tsunami. In 479 BC, when Persian soldiers
besieged the Greek city of Potidaea, the tide retreated much farther than
usual, leaving ... The Potidaeans believed they had been saved by the
wrath of Poseidon.
. .
. . ( ed.
A. D. Godley. Cambridge 1920).
. [2]
, ,
, ,


, , .
. [3]


& ()

(-, , , , , ,
). http://kassandra-halkidiki.gr

. ,


. , ,
, , . ,


John A. Alexander 10. Th. Ghiles. Potidaea
1963. , : .
. 9-11.


One hesitates to attach any definite date to these capitals. Probably they belong to
thevery early history of the town. The first two were originally found on
the north side of the mediaeval wall, in a place now included in the canal.
Considering their early styleand their location one cannot escape the temptation of
associating them with thetemple of Poseidon which Herodotus mentions as
being in front of the city. The temple of Poseidon is the only temple of
which there is definite mention; but anyassociation of these architectural remains
with this temple is, though interesting,merely conjecture

association ,
, ...
... xvii;
, .
- .
POTIDAEA Its History and Remains. By JOHN A.

POTIDAEA Its History and Remains. By JOHN A. ALEXANDER.

. 479 . .
Ruins of the temple of Poseidon, discovered by Professor Pelekides, seen
from the southwest. . J. A. Alexander. Remains
Potidaea. . . ,


(316-315 . . ),
- , 356 . .-
432 . .


, ,
J. A. Alexander.
, ,
, .
( ) ,
, ,


, ,
, .
, ,

, .
, , ,

. (.. IV, 1
), , 20
m. .
, ,

. -- ,

, ,
, , .



, , .

. ,


, ,
. ,


479 ..
. ,

Pelagios. ,
, -
. -
. ,

, ,
? ,
, .

, .
. ,


, , , , , .

, ,
Potidaean, ,
, .

(316 ..). ,
( ),
, (. IV, 1),



, ,

, , ,


, . ,



? ,




, ,
-, 16.04 GRMS. '
17.70 GRMS.
500 ..
-, ? ,
, ,
, .

. ,

, .
, ,
, , ,
. ,

, ,
, .
, ,

() 1. ,
? ?
? ,
. . Rev.
? ?

, ?
. 2,73 GRMS. Pl.
XXII, d = Robinson, , VI . 134, pls. IX
XXIX. ibid., III, . 65
pl. IV (. 2,59 GRMS.). ,
, , Die Antiken Mnzen, 2, . 104, . XX,


21, , , ,
0 .
1953 Weber Collection, pl. 75 (. 2,72 GRMS.) = Gae- BLER, pl.
XX, 22, ,
. 1953
Naville , pl. XXVI, 801 (. 2,76 GRMS.).
, ,
, pl. XX, 21,

? ,
. 30 ,
Historia Numorum (. 212), Millingen (Syll., . 48),

Babelon -



, ,
/ Trident .


Pegasus / Trident. diobols Pegasus
ca. 430 ..
ca. 338 .., Pegasus
.. ca. 300 .. 78
II ,


Robinson ,
/ . ,
, /
. / PEG
432 ..



Liddell Scott. . 1452. . , ,
, , , . , ,

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. ,
. 12. , , ,
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POSEIDON called N E P T U N U S by the Romans, was the god ofthe
Mediterranean Sea. Hit, rame seems to be connected with irbrog, irbvrog,
and irorapog, according to which he I the god of the fluid element. He
was a son of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea (whence he is called Cronius, and
by Latin poets Satmnius) He. was accordingly a brother of Zeus (Jupiter),
Hades (Pluto), Hera (Juno), Hestia (Vesta), and Demeter (Ceres), and it
was determined by lot that he should rule over the sea. Like his brothers
and sisters, he was, after his tirtn, swallowed by his father Cronos
(Saturn), bat thrown up again. According to others, he was concealed by
Rhea, after his birth, among a fleck of lambs, and his mother pretended to
have given birth to a young horse, which she gave to Cronos (Saturn) to
devour. In the Homeric poems Poseidon (Neptune) is described as equal
to Zeus (Jupiter) in dignity, but less powerful. He resents the attempts of
Zeus (Jupiter) to intimidate him ; he even threatens his mightier brother,
and once conspired with Hera (Juno) and Athena (Minerva) to put him
chains ; but on other occasions we find him submissive to Zeus (Jupiter).
The palace of Poseidon (Neptune) was in the depth of the sea near in
Euboea, where he kept his horses with brazen hoofs and golden manes
With these horses he rides in a chariot over the waves of the sea, which
become smooth as he approaches, and the monsters of the deep recognize


him and play around his chariot. Generally he yoked his horses to his
chariot himself, but sometimes he was assisted by Amphitrite. Although
he generally dwelt in the sea, still he also appears at Olympus in the
assembly of the gods. Poseidon (Neptune), in conjunction with Apollo,
is said to have built the walls of Troy for Laomedon, whence Troy is
called Neptunia
Pergama. Laomedon refused to give these gods the reward which had
been stipulated, and even dismissed them with threats. Poseklon
(Neptune), in consequence, sent a marine mot; ster, which was on the
point of devouring Laomedon's daughter, when it was killed by Hercules ;
and he continued to bear an implacable hatred against the Trojans. He
sided with the Greeks in the war against Troy, sometimes witnessing the
contest as a spectator from the heights of Thrace, and sometimes
interfering in person, assuming the appearance of a mortal hero and
encouraging the Greeks, while Zeus
(Jupiter) favored the Trojans. In the Odyssey, Poseidon (Neptune)
appears hostile to Ulysses, whom he prevents from returning home in
of his having blinded Polyphemus, a son of Poseidon (Neptune) by the
nymph Thoosa. Being the ruler of the sea (the Mediterranean), he is
described as gathering clouds and calling forth storms, but at the same
time he has it in his power to grant a successful voyage and save those
who are in danger; and all other marine divinities are subject to him. As
the sea surrounds and nolds the earth, he himself is de scribed as the god
who holds the earth and who has it in his power to shake the earth He was
furthei regarded as the creator of the horse. It is said that when Poseidon
(Neptune) and Athena (Minerva) disputed as to which of them should
the name to the canital of Attica, the gods decided that it should receive
its name from the deity who should bestow -ipon man thn most use ml
gift. Poseidon (Neptune) then created the ] horse, and Athena (Minerva)
called forth the olive-tree, in consequence of which the honoi was
conferred upon the goddess. According to others, however, Poseidon
(Neptune) did not
create the horse in Attica, but in Thessaly, where he also gave the famous
horses to Peleus. Poseidon (Neptune) was accordingly believed to have
taught men the art of managing horses by the bridle, and to have been the
originator and protector of horse races. Hence he was also represented on
horseback, or riding in a chariot drawn by two or four horses, and is
designated by the epithets lirmog, iiriretog, or liririog aval; H e even
metamorphosed himself into a horse for the purpose of deceiving Deme>er (Ceres). The symbol of Poseidons (Neptune's) power was the
trident, or a spear with three points, with which he used to shatter rocks,


to call forth or subdue storms, to shake the earth, and the like. Herodotus
states that the name and worship of Poseidon (Neptune) were brought
into Greece from Libya; but he was probably a divinity of Pelasgian
origin, and
originally a personification of the fertilizing power of water, from which
the transition to regarding him as the god of the sea was not difficult. The
following legends respecting Poseidon (Neptune) deserve to be
mentioned. In conjunction with Zeus (Jupiter) he fought against Cronos
(Saturn) and the Titans ; and in the contest with the Giants he pursued
Polybotes across the sea as far as Cos, and there filled him by throwing
the island upon him. He further crushed the Centaurs when they were
pursued by Hercules, under a mountain in Leucosia, the island of the
Sirens. He sued, together with Zeus (Jupiter), for the hand of Thetis ; but
he with drew when Themis prophesied that the son of Thetis would be
greater than his father. W h e n Ares (Mars) had been caught in the
wonderful net by Hephaestus (Vulcan), the latter set him free at the
request of Poseidon (Neptune); but the latter god afterward brought a
charge against Ares before the Areopagus for having killed his son
Halirrhothius. .. The sacrifices offered to him generally consisted of black
and white bulls;
but wild boars and rams were also sacrificed to him. Horse and chariot
races were hei d in his honor on the Corinthian isthmus. The Panionia,
or the festival of all the Ionians near Mycale, was celebrated in honor of
Poseidon (Neptune). In works of art, Poseidon (Neptune) may be easily
recognized by his attril. His figure does not present the majestic calm
which characterizes his brother Zeus (Jupiter); but as the state of the sea
is varving, so also is the god represent ed sometimes in violent agitation
and some times in a state of repose. The Roman god Neptunus is spoken
of in a separate article. POSIDIPPUS (Hoaeidnrirog, Hoaibiirirog) 1. An
Athenian comic poet of the N e w Comedy, was a native of Cassandrea
in Macedonia. He was reckoned one ui tne six most celebrated poets Of
the N e w Homedy. In time, he was the last of all the poets ofthe N e w
Comedy. He began to exhibit dramas in the third year after the death of
Menander, that is, in B.C. 289 On the western coast of Caria, between
Miletus and the Iassius Sinus, with a town of the same name upon it.6
On the western coast of Arabia, with an altar dedicated to Poseidon
(Neptune) by Ariston, w h o m Ptolemy had sent to explore the Arabian
POSIDONIA. Vii. PESTUM. POTIDAEA (n o w Pinaka), a town in
Macedonia, on the narrow isthmus ofthe peninsula Pallene, was a


fortified place, and one of considerable importance. It was a colony of the

Corinthians, ant must have been founded before the Persian wars, though
the time of its foundation is no' recorded. It afterward became tributary to
Athens, and its revolt from the latter city in B C. 432 was one of the
immediate causes of the Peloponnesian war. It was taken by the
Athenians in 429, after a siege of more than two years, its inhabitants
expelled, and their place supplied by Athenian colonists. In 356 it was
taken by Philip, who destroyed the city, and gave its territory to the
Olynthians. Cassander,
however, built a new city on the same site, to which he gave the name of
C A S S A N D R E A and which lie peopled with the remains ofthe old
population and with the inhabitants of Olynthus and the surrounding
towns, so that it soon became the most flourishing city in all Macedonia
It was taken and plundered by the Huns, but was restored by Justinian
POTIDANIA, a fortress in the northeast of .Eto lia, near the frontiers of










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73, section 3, line 7
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catholica Part+volume 3,1, page 38, line 7
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Tetradrachm of Potidaia with Poseidon Hippios.

Archaic Period
510500 B.C.



MACEDON, Potidaia. Circa 500-480 BC. Tetradrachm

(Silver, 17.13 g). Poseidon Hippios, nude, riding horse
walking to right, holding trident with his right hand and
the reins with his left; beneath horse, traces of a star. Rev.
Incuse square divided diagonally. Of unusually fine style
for these crude issues. Some minor marks and scrapes,
otherwise, nearly extremely fine.

Poseidon Etymology. Wikipedia

The earliest attested occurrence of the name, written in Linear B, is Pose-da-o or Po-se-da-wo-ne, which correspond to (Poseidan)
and (Poseidawonos) in Mycenean Greek; in Homeric
Greek it appears as (Poseidan); in Aeolic as
(Poteidan); and in Doric as (Poteidan),
(Poteidan), and (Poteidas). The form
(Poteidawon) appears in Corinth. [10]A common epithet of Poseidon is
Enosichthon, "Earth-shaker," an epithet which is also
identified in Linear B, as, E-ne-si-da-o-ne, [11]This recalls his later
epithets Ennosidas and Ennosigaios indicating the chthonic nature of
The origins of the name "Poseidon" are unclear. One theory breaks it
down into an element meaning "husband" or "lord" (Greek (posis),
from PIE *ptis) and another element meaning "earth" ( (da), Doric for
(g)), producing something like lord or spouse of Da, i.e. of the earth;
this would link him with Demeter, "Earth-mother." Walter Burkert finds
that "the second element da- remains hopelessly ambiguous" and finds a
"husband of Earth" reading "quite impossible to prove."


Another theory interprets the second element as related to the word

* dwon, "water"; this would make *Posei-dawn into the master
of waters. [14] There is also the possibility that the word has Pre-Greek
origin.[15] Plato in his dialogue Cratylus gives two alternative
etymologies: either the sea restrained Poseidon when walking as a "footbond" (), or he "knew many things" ( or
. ...22
Poseidon Hippios on horseback right, holding trident Incuse square ...
: Phlegra, Flegra, Pallene, Potidaea, Potidea, Poteidaea,
Athenian Political Oratory. containing the element hippos, horse
(Hypereides 1.16 with note). ...besieged Poteidaea early in 356, captured
the city in the fall, and handed it ...Demosthenes sarcastically proclaimed,
Let him be the son of Zeus, and of Poseidon too

. ,

, ,
, ,
. [8.128.3]

. [8.129.1]

. [8.129.2] ,
, , ,
, .
. [8.129.3]
[ ]




. .
, ,

, ,
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, ,

, . [8.129.2]
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, .

, ,
(, , 3, 19)
(, , 18,3)
(, , 129),
(, 66).


. , ,


. . &


479 .






" , .
- -



, .

(SSA) .

. ,

, ,
(, , 3, 19)
(, , 18,3)
(, , 129),
(, 66).
. , ,

. http://ellinondiktyo.blogspot.gr/ 2014

A commentary on Thucydides 1 545 Simon
Hornblower1991 526 Polykrates 46-7, 175, 520, 530 Poor, see Poverty
Pontus, Pontic expedition of Pericles 188 see also Black Sea Population
11, 36, 157, 162, 256-7, 494-5 Portents 52-3, 206, 317 Poseidon
212,276,497,520 Potidaia 66, 74, 97-9, 112, 133, ...
Artists and Signatures in Ancient Greece 168. Jeffrey M. Hurwit
2015 ... the Temple of Poseidon at Sounion, the Temple of Ares in the
Athenian Agora (once the Temple of Athena at Pallene, reerected in the


Agora and...197; for Kreontidas' scarab in the Fitzwilliam Museum

(Cambridge), see Henig 1994, 26 (no.

A First Greek Book 142 Lewis Leaming Forman1899 ... 7

16 19 26 9
68 31 31 66 29 26
41 64 22 58 31
"& 23 " 20 ...
A First Greek Book: With References to the Grammars of ...
142 L. L. Forman1899
A First Greek Course: Containing Delectus, Exercise-book ...Karl
Schenkl 1877
A History of Greece: From the Earliest Period to the Close ... George
Grote1849 Each of them deposited two names on the altar of Poseidon :
and when these votes came to be looked at, it was found that each man
had voted for ... Their fleet, after REVOLT OF POTIDEA 315 having
conveyed the monarch himself with.
A History of Greece 1 555 1878 ... escorted Xerxes to the
Hellespont, and that 20,000 represent the losses sustained in the siege of
Potidaia and in the fatal fight which destroyed the army of Mardonios. ...
129, ascribes their fate to their profanation of the temple of Poseidon
. 1 555 1878 ...
, 20.000

. ... 129,
A Political and Cultural History of the Ancient World from ...
Academic American encyclopedia 10 139 Grolier
Incorporated1986 Furthermore, the next year Athens demanded that
Potidea, a Corinthian colony north of modern Fourka, tear down its
sea ... Pelops won the contest by driving winged horses given him by
Poseidon and by bribing Myrtilus, Oenomaus' ...
Academic American encyclopedia 15 139 1980
Furthermore, the next year Athens demanded that Potidea, a Corinthian
colony north of modern Fourka, tear down its sea ... Pelops won the


contest by driving winged horses given him by Poseidon and by bribing

Myrtilus, Oenomaus's ...
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis: Facultas ...1972
Balascev bemerkt richtig, da manche Gottheiten als Reiter auf Mnzen
verschiedener Stdte dargestellt waren, z. B. Poseidon (Potidea),
Artemis-Bendis, Pluto-Derzelas, Bacchus und allerdings auch der
Thrakische Reiter. 212 KAZAROW: ...
Actes du IIe Congrs international des tudes du sud-est ...
256 1972 Striking tetradrachms by the mid-sixth century with the sacred
image of Poseidon Hippios on horseback, and the ethnic F, Potidaia
conformed to the Attic standard (16.04-17.70 grms.), but struck her
tetrobols (2.16-2.86 grms.) and diobols ...
Actes: Histoire 256 1972 Striking tetradrachms by the mid-sixth
century with the sacred image of Poseidon Hippios on horseback, and
the ethnic P, Potidaia conformed to the Attic standard (16.04-17.70
grms. ), but struck her tetrobols (2.16-2.86 grms. ) and diobols ...
Aeneae Commentarius poliorceticus 147 Rudolf Hercher1870
58, 1. 34, 13. 24, 8. 20, 17. 20, ...

, 3. . , 11. 115, 2.
11` 113, 7, 92, . 4.666.. 11, 14. 11, 16.
23, 1. 55,3. 58, 11. 13. 0 ...
Aeneae Commentarius poliorceticus 1 71 1870
IV 812. XXVII 1. II 3.
XI 10. XII 5. XX 4. XIV 2. XXIV
16. XXXI 25. XXXI 27. /^
XXVIII 5. '& XVIII 13. XXIV 15.
648 1952 ... W. 700 Porphyrion, a giant, B. 553 Poseidon, B. 1565; as
synonym for an intrigue, L. i39 Potidaia, on the peninsula of Pallene,
revolted from Athens in 432 B.C., retaken 429, K. 438 Pramnian wine
(from Icaria, west of Samos), K. 106 Prasiae, ...
Akadmeika anagnsmata eis tn Hellnikn, Latinikn
kai ...Gergios N. Chatzidakis1904 ... , ,
, ., ,
- . ... .,
- ,


Akademeika anagnosmata eis ton Helleniken: latiniken

kai ...Gergios N. Chatzidakis1904 .,
... -,
- .
, '
Alexander the Great: A Reader 419 Ian Worthington 2012 ...
90, 96, 104,205,208,216,218,2223,230, 231, 2378, 239, 2401, 242
Poseidon 77, 114, 217 Potidea 20, 31 Priam 330, 336, 337 proskynesis
10, 65, 20910,264, 277,319, 320, 331, 332, 346, 357, 365 prostasia 267
Proteas 248 Ptolemy II ...
Allgemeine encyclopdie der wissenschaften und knste in ... Johann
Samuel Ersch ... auch an Prometheus, die Schiffer und Fischer an
Poseidon, die Jger an Artemis, die Kche und Herolde an Hermes, ...
Sonne), wie nickt nur vom SokrateS, als er vor Potidea im Felde lag,
sondern als allgemeine Sitte bezeugt wird.
American Journal of Archaeology 74 1929 One of the vases
shows the Nereids on dolphins, Poseidon and Thetis on the shoulder of
Scylla bringing the armor of ... Mende, Olaphyxus, Peparethos, Phalanna,
Pharsalos, Phygela, Plakia, Potidaia (new type), Pydna, Samos, Scione, ...
American Journal of Philology 379 Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve,
Charles William Emil Miller, Tenney Frank1895 I, 119, and that be was
the son of Kalliades who was strategos in 432-1 and fell at Potidaia
(Thuk. I, 61). ... Erysichthon = Poseidon, and the legend of his hunger, Z.
thinks, pictures the continual encroachment of the sea upon the land. XIV,
Anales de historia antigua y medieval 21-23 225 1980
Cuando las tropas persas que permanecieron en Grecia despus de
Salamina iniciaron el asedio de Potidea, ... Ellos atribuan el fenmeno al
castigo impuesto por la profanacin del templo y la estatua de Poseidn
vecinos a la ciudad.
Ancient Greece, from the Earliest Times Down to the Death ...1874
Phrygians, 3. Phyle, 99. Plague at Athens, 74. Platan, assists at Marathon,
31; 38; 40; 44; battle of, 45, 46, 47; surprised by Thebans, 73; besieged
by Spartans, 75. Plato, 115. Plemmyrium, 88. Pnyx, 66. Poseidon, 3, 4, 9.
Potidaia, 16, 70, 107.


Ancient Greek 328 Gavin Betts, Alan Henry1993 far away

iropwv pple. of enopov Poceidwv, -wvoc, 6 Poseidon (god of the sea)
(acc. ... TloreiSaia, -ac, ij Potidea (city in northern Greece) TloreiSearat,
-aw, oi Potideans norepa = (introducing alternative questions, 10.1 /2a)
irorepov ...
Antigonos Gonatas 497 William Woodthorpe Tarn1913
Polyperchon, 6, 7, 9. Pontos, kingdom of, 117. Poseidon, on Antigonid
coinage, 200, 301 ., 389; temple of, on Tenos, 209 n. ; Antigonos
addressed as, 387. potamophylakides on the Nile, 456, 457- Potidaia,
159. Priansos, 146. privateering ...
Apotheke ton paidon k. t. l 321 Michael filius Georgii
Siatistensis 1809 . ..
... , . .
. . .
Appendix Platonica: continens isagogas vitasque antiquas, ...1853
918111. 402 , (1018. 528 , 1181). 111. 891 , 0911. 1131),
7 119 . 141101. 28 8 . 281 01.111. 158 . 7 1.
1. 888.
Archaia Dmtriada: h diadrom ts ston chrono :
praktika ...Helen I. Kontax1996 : 11. , .: 117.
: 149. (): 150. :
113, 148, 149. : 62, 112, 114, 116. : 81. ...
(0421) 181 : 28. / (Archaia Hellnik historia: apo ts halses ts Sstou ... 571
Gergios A. Papantniou1964 . 271 , 410, 415, 418
, 476, 487, 520, , 309 , 169 , 418
, 305 , 119, 120, 127 . 191 .
359 , 19, 27 , 153, 155, 156, 158, 161, ...
Makedonia V: anakoinseis
Diethnes ...Manols Andronikos1993 42, fig. 17; Fr. Penrose, An
Investigation of the Principles of Athens Architecture, 1888, pi. XXV, fig.
5 (star = 36 rays), fig. 6 (star = 12 rays). K26. 429 BC. Cointetrach. from
Potidaia. Obv. Poseidon as rider. Rev. Star (8). Gaebler, pi. XX, fig. 20.
Archaic Greek Art Against Its Historical Background: A Survey
Gisela Marie Augusta Richter1949 ... 168, 169 [Poly]medes, 21
Polyphemos, 21 Pontos, 41, 86, 171 Populonia (Piombino), 187


Poseidon, 8, 14, 183 Poseidonia (Paestum), 183, 188 Potidaia, 1 1

Praisos, 33 Pratinas, 134 Priene, 42, 98 Princeton Painter, 78 Prinias, 35
Prokles, ...
Aristophanis Comoediae cum scholiis et varietate lectionis
Aristophanes, Immanuel Bekker, Richard Franois Philippe Brunck1829
12:52 12:15. ... . 484.
. 139 . 1001 , 254.515
. 1266 s, maritus 866.901.913 , ... .
1264 1,436 .
emendatae ...1783o, 559. ubi alia eptuni epitheta videas.
o , . , ...
9. lo, pro , 17. 7 . j, 1253, l, 1264.
, 438. I, 73. , 337.
emendatae, ...Aristophane1783 , 1:34. 143. 664.
1614. .725, 396. ... 01.180 11.,
139. .. 1014. .,11, 254. ... , 438. 7,
735. , 337. 1170. . 4.4.5. 520. 657. 975.
Aristophanis Comoediae ex optimis exemplaribus emendatae: ...1810
, 1234. 143. 664. 1614. , 396. ...
, 438. , 785. , 337. 1170. . 445. 520.
657.975. 130. , Dor, pro , 206. , 1323.
, 35.
Aristophanis Comoediae 1 lxx Aristophanes, Immanuel
Bekker1829 139 1001
, 254. 515 ... 117. 1253. ) 1264
I 436 .
Arts and Sciences: Or, Fourth Division of "The English ... 3
Charles Knight1867 ... the western pediment, the allegory of which
represented the Contest of Pallas Athene and Poseidon for tho
guardianship of Attica. ... urns, and stela; abound in the collection ; and
among these the epitaph on the warriors who fell at Potidaia.
Aspasia, amante de Atenas Julio Medem 2012 En la novela de Medem,
la legendaria belleza y la inteligenciade la joven milesia se convertirn en
la metfora perfecta del esplendor ateniense.


Atakta, gun pantodapn eis tn archaian kai tn nean ...Adamantios

Koras1835 , III, 47 247> 04, 27^ , III, ,
23. . . . ;, , . , IV, 45. , III,
320. , III, 4 . V, 228. . . ,
(,1,333. , III , 37 ;, ...
Atakta. (Sammlung verschiedener Beitrge zur Kenntni
der ...Adamantios Korais1830 , 6, 25, 28. , 47,
247, %, 273. , 2, 25. , 520. , 4 .
, 137. , 198, ,442-445. , 151.
(), 3. (), 38. , 265, 266,267 ...
Atakta: Meros prton Alphabton triton. Pinakes ts pente ...
374 Adamantios Koras, Phrankias Phournaraks1835 ,
III, 47, 247, 264, 273 , III, 2, 23. . . '.
,. , I
Epistmoniks ...1908 ,
; .
Athn 19-20 77 1907
. . ...
Ausfhrliches Lexicon der griechischen und rmischen ... 87
Bijdrage tot de kennis der Grieksche toponymie 22. J. C. B.
Eijkman1929 ,. 6) ,. , (), =
. ) , ...
Brill's Companion to Thucydides 898 Antonios Rengakos,
Antonis Tsakmakis 2006 ... 567, 580 Pompey 739 Pontus 290 Porto, E.
807f. Porto, F. 807ff. Poseidon 422, 431 Poseidonius 370 Posidippus 556
Potidaia 162, 285, 299, 319, 346, 348, 357f., 429, 476, 536, 592f., 598ft,
669 Potidaians 592, 598f, 605 Potidania 375f.
Brill's new Pauly: Ari Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider, Christine F.
Salazar - 2002 Porthmus with a sanctuary of Poseidon Porthmios and
Potidaeum. Ptol. 5,2,33 obviously refers to the southern cape as Ephial-


tium (modern Akra Kastellu), the northern cape as Thoanteum, whereas

Cape Posidium in the Stadiasmus maris ...

Bucolicorum graecorum Theocriti, Bionis, Moschi reliquiae, ...

78 Babrius, Cebes, Dinarchus1853 . .
Chalkai korinthiourgeis prochoi: symvol eis tn meletn ...
200 Ioulia Kouleiman-Vokotopoulou, Ioulia Vokotopoulou1975
Chattering courtesans and other sardonic sketches 515 Lucian
(of Samosata.), Lucian, Keith C. Sidwell 2004 ... Alexander 360, 363
Poseideon 465 Poseidon 277-8, 322, 324-5, 328, 367, 380, 386,422-3,
436, 449, 463-4, 469, 473, 476,481,484-5,487, 489-90 Potidaea 481
Potidea 429 Praxias 169 Praxiteles 256-7, 276, 420, 451, 479,481 Priam
277, ...
Clifton Edwin Van Sickle, William Scott Ferguson, Thomas Allan
Brady1947 543-544 Porus, 594 Poseidon, 191, 199; Temple of Sunium,
440 Poseidonia, 11 1 ; Temple of Poseidon, 331 Potidea, 445, 448
Pottery, invention of, 15 ; Neolithic, in Crete, 161; Minoan, 165, 166,
171-171; invention of wheel and oven for ...
Collana di studi numismatici 2 27 1951 Abdera (Tracia);
tipo: grifo; Pozzi, 1064-65. Lete (Maced.); tipo: Satiro e Menade; Pozzi,
684-90; FW, 1824-30; Nav., IV, 428. Napoli (Pallene); tipo: Gorgonio;
Pozzi, 674-75; TI irseli, XXV, 393. Potidea (Calcidica); tipo: Poseidon
Hippios; Head, ...
Recensuit ...Aristophanes1829 484. 139
1001 , 1 430...
Comoediae et perditarum fragmenta 541 1843 , .,
559, . , ., 560;
, ., 510 ; , .,
139; . . 348. , ., 438. ,.
Comparative Politics: Six Lectures Read Before the Royal ...
516 Edward Augustus Freeman1873 Poseidon, his position in the divine
assembly, 203. Potidaia, her relations to Athens and Corinth, 485.
Presidents of republics, modern notion of, 183; position of, in tho


PROVINCIALS. United States, 185; tendency to lessen their powers,

Comparative Politics: Six Lectures Read Before the Royal ...
516 Edward Augustus Freeman1873 Poseidon, his position in the divine
assembly, 203. Potidaia, her relations to Athens and Corinth, 485.
Presidents of republics, modern notion of, 183; position of, in the
PROVINCIALS. United States, 185; tendency to lessen their powers,
Complete Ancient Greek: Teach Yourself Gavin Betts 2012 far away
Topov, 6 Poseidon (god of the sea) (acc. IIoost6) Trgog, -n, -ov; how
big?, how much?; pl. how many? Trotzus, -oj, 6 river Trot once, ever
Trts; (interrog. adv.) when? IIotes&c., -33, 7, Potidea (city ...
Concordantiae in Libanium. Ps. 3. Declamationes, ...200071.1.5
. ,
' ...
..1.3.6 , ,
1. 2.
Concordantiae in Libanium: Epistolae. (in 2 vols.) 3522
Georgios Fatouros, Tilman Krischer, Dietmar Najock 2000 35 1 31 40
22 6 8 37 31 2 5 240 28 4 5- 37
11 11 7 6 5 40 263 736 17 11 4 4 4 40 1816
236 16 8 11 4 1 ... 28 2 4 4 1 39 31 1 21 35
Contributions to the Science of Mythology 2 659
Friedrich Max Mller1897
Crowell's handbook of classical drama 285 Richmond Yancey
Hathorn1967 Poseidon. Myth. Greek god of the sea, brother of Zeus and
Hades. Poseidon must originally have been a god not only of the sea, but
of the earth and sky, since he was associated with the horse, was called
the ... Potidaea (Gk. Potidaia).
Dacia: revue d'archologie et d'histoire ancienne Institutul de
Arheologie (Bucureti) 2005 Si Priphmos n'est point connu d'ailleurs,
Cychreus, le fils de Posidon et de la nymphe Salamis selon Appolodore
(III, ... 302-303; M. Moggi, Alcuni episodi delta colonizzazione ateniese
(Salamina Potidea Samo), dans Studi sui rapporti ...


Demosthenis orationes 3 356 Demosthenes, Immanuel

Bekker1855 V, 3.710sqq. VII,6. 25.L, 5.19. ,
uboeae oppidum, , 33.57.58. , 8. VIII,71. , 87.
., 50. , 66.W, 151. p. 2, 16. , Thraciae
oppidum, I,9. 55%""":"4"; ,9. 10. 13. VIII, 62.65.
Description de la Grce: Traduction Nouvelle Avec le Texte ... 2
Pausanias1999 This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original
edition published in Paris, 1817.
Divinity and History: The Religion of Herodotus - 15 Thomas
Harrison - 2002 - Yet another passage, moreover, his Description of the
Potidaea floodtide, makes clear that it is possible to ascribe some natural
miracles to Poseidon. Herodotus' scepticism may then refer only to the
possibility of ascribing a particular form of ...

Dialogi secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi 6 423

1858 203 . . 402 , . 523 , . III. 391 , (.
113 , 1191). . 28 , . 221 , '. 153 .
. . 338 0. -. 394 , 400 .
. 538 , . III. 405 . ...
Dialogi secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi 6 423
1884 203 . . ...
Diccionario universal de mitologa de la fabula ...: Por ...
534 1838 Platon. l POSEIDON, el que conmueve la tierra; nombre
griego de Neptuno. R. pous, pi; seiein, agitar; ... POTIDEA. Ciudad de
Macedonia; debia este nombre una piedra caida de la region del aire la
cual veneraban. La caida de aquella ...
Dinarchi orationes: Adiecto Demadis qui fertur fragmento 78
Dinarchus, Demades, Friedrich Wilhelm Blass 1871 1, 53.
& 1, 64. 1, 100. 1, 87.
. ...
Fragmento: ...Dinarchus (Orator)1871 1, 10. 18. `
, 87. ...
Dionysii Halicarnasei quae exstant opuscula 6 410
Dionysius (of Halicarnassus.), Hermann Usener, Ludwig Radermacher
1965 ... 317 18 : II 214 14


II 259 5 & : II 260 11

: 339 12 : 340
8 310 ...
Dizionario italiano-greco compilato per le scuole del ... 503
1873 Polimnia, Polissena, . Polluce,
, . RODIANO Pompei, Pompeo,
. Ponto, . Porfirio, Poseidone, ,
. Potidea, Prassitele, ...
Ekklsiastik historia kai Christianika mnmeia ... 372 Tasos
Athanasiou Gritsopoulos1973 99
125 59 111 40 28, 29
() 342 40 276 () 27
. 71 115 ( ) ...
El ojo de Cibeles 457 Daniel Chavarra2000 Poseidn.
Destronado el padre Cronos, los tres hermanos usurpadores Zeus,
Poseidn y Hades, echaron suertes en ... Es el Neptu- no de los romanos.
Poseidn Panjonio. Cf. Panjonio. Potidea. Ciudad fundada por colonos
corintios en la ...
Encheiridion Archaiologias tou dmosiou viou tn Hellnn ... Gustav
BURLINGTON ST., W. Publisers in Uinarg to Majestg 1886. Poseidon,
temple of, at Corinth, 41 ; the priest of, at Athens, 115; the sacrificial
league of, at Calauria, 127 ; the Ionian worship of Poseidon of Helice,
185; old Ionian sacrifice to, on the Isthmus, 370 Potidaea, a Corinthian
colony on the Chalcidic Chersonese, 363 ; its prosperity, 363 ; annual
magistrates sent to it from Corinth, 394.
peirtik kai Makedonik meletmata 2 775 Ioulia
Vokotopoulou 2001 26, 723, 725 : 706-7, 709, 712-4, 719, 724
: 713,755 : 714, 754 : 259, 267, 295,
339, 453, 517, 531, 693- 4, 699-702, 703 . 35, 707, 718-20, 723-5,
748 : 720 . 16 : 267 ...
Epitome of Ancient, Medival and Modern History 41 Karl
Ploetz, William Hopkins Tillinghast1883


Epitomo gegraphiko lexiko ts Hellados 313 Michal

Stamatelatos, Phtein Vamva-Stamatelatou
2001 .
2. , ( . .
). . , ... ,
. .
Ermeneiae Kai Diorthoeoe 2 Plato1908 - ,
, ... , , ...
rodianou Epimerismoi: Herodiani Partitiones 112 Aelius
Herodianus, Jean Franois Boissonade 1819 ... " ' , \ " ' ' , '
, ' , ... " , '
, " - " " , ...
Ethnica 1 801 Stephanus (Byzantinus), August
Meineke1849 370, 10.
400, 1. 423, 13. 446, 3.
465, 7.
629, 11. ... 533, 16. ...
Ethnicorum quae supersunt: 1 801 1849
355,9. 370, 10. ...
629, 11. 630, 2.
635, 17. ... 533, 16.
" 651, 7.
Fodor's 89 Greece 226 Fodor's, Richard Moore1989 The
museum's chief glories are a superb vase decorated with the battle of the
Amazons, and a bronze statuette of Poseidon. ... (38 miles), and the canal
cut across the narrow Potidaea, are the insignificant ruins of Potidea,
whose revolt against ...
From the earliest period to the end of the Persian war. v. ...
555 George William Cox1874 ... escorted Xerxes to the Hellespont, and
that 20,000 represent the losses sustained in the siege of Potidaia and in
the fatal fight which destroyed the array of Mardonios. ... 129, ascribes
their fate to their profanation of the temple of Poseidon.
From the earliest period to the end of the Persian war. v. ...
555 George William Cox1878 ... to the Hellespont, and that 20,000
represent the losses sustained in the siege of Potidaia and in the fatal


fight which destroyed the army of Mardonios. ... 129, ascribes their fate
to their profanation of the temple of Poseidon. w Herod, ix. 66.
Games and sanctuaries in ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, ... Panos
Valavans 2004. He is mentioned in this capacity in the Homeric poems,
which relate that when Kronos distributed power to his three male ... The
god was also looked upon as the ancestral father of tribes and the founder
of many cities, such as Potidaia in ...
Gegraphia Palaia Kai Nea Syllechtheisa ek diaphorn ... 392.
1728. ... , ,
, , ...
Gottheiten der Aioler: Mit Excursen kunstgeschichtlichen ...
12 Georg Rathgeber1861 Stadt Potidaia (G. Rathgeber, Archaeol. Sehr.
Tli. 1. S. 414.) ihren Namen hatte, wo eine Bildsule des Poseidon
vorhanden war. (Das. S. 432. Amn. 4684.) Ich fge bei, dase Potidan =
Poseidon auf folgender silbernen Mnze der Stadt ...
Great and Small Poleis: A Study in the Relations Between ...
193 M. Amit1973 ... 36, 56, 97, 110, 118n, 147n, 169n. Pisa, Pisatans,
129, 130, 180. Plataea, 7, 18, 22n, 30, 34, 36, 46, part II passim, 131, 132,
153n, 170, 173. Plato, 47, 58+n, 59+n. Polycrates of Samos, 15.
Poseidon (temple), 59, (Hippios) 123, 127. Potidea ...
Great Books of the Westen World 648 1952 ... W. 700
Porphyrion, a giant, B. 553 Poseidon, B. 1565; as synonym for an
intrigue, L. '39 Potidaia, on the peninsula of Pallene, revolted from
Athens in 432 B.C., retaken 429, K. 438 Pramnian wine (from Icaria,
west of Samos), K. 106 Prasiae, ...
Great Books of the Western World: Aeschylus. Sophocles. ...
648 Robert Maynard Hutchins1952 ... also the name of a musician, K.
i287 Pontus, a district in northeastern Asia Minor, W. 700 Porphyrion, a
giant, B. 553 Poseidon, B. i565; as synonym for an intrigue, L. 39.
Potidaia, on the peninsula of Pallene, revolted from Athens in 432 b.c, ...
Great books of the Western World 5 648 Robert
Maynard Hutchins, Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc, University of
Chicago1952 ... W. 700 Porphyrion, a giant, B. 553 Poseidon, B. 1565;
as synonym for an intrigue, L. '39 Potidaia, on the peninsula of Pallene,


revolted from Athens in 432 b.c, retaken 429, K. 438 Pramnian wine
(from Icaria, west of Samos), K. 106 Prasiae, ...
Greece 688 Francis Baulier1955 Porto Kayio, 467. KheU,
466. Lago, 631. Port Polis, 509. Poseidon [Sanctuary], 464.
(Sunion), 193. Poseidonion, 345. Potami Gouras, 212. Potamia, 629.
Potamos, 501. Pothaia, 669. POTIDEA, 606. Potokaki (Samos), 648.
Pouri, 313.
Greece 749 Alan Tucker1994
Greece 761 Stuart Rossiter1967 ... Porto Lago 642 Porto Lagos
558 Porto Rafti 154 Porto Yermano 333 Poseidonia 580 Poseidon
sanctuaries 152, 180, ... 435, 550 Postal Services 1 Potamia 551 Potential
726 Potamos 266 Pothia 643 Potidaia 534 Potidaion 655 Praisos ...
Greece 918 Robert Boulanger1964 Porto Challl, 385. Porto
Germane), 553. Porto Lafo, 714. Porto Raphti, 372. Poseidon [Sanctuary
ofj (Calauria), 382. Poseidon [Sanctuary of; (Potidaea of Corinth), 411.
Poaeidonia (Syros), 733. Potidea, 678. Potamies (Crete), 889. Pouri, 633.
Greece, a concise guide to Greece and the Greek islands 127
Elisabeth De Stroumillo1980 ... 82 Portaria 56 Porto Carras 63 Portoheli
41 Porto Rafti 34 Porto Roma 85 Postal Information 15-16 Pothia111
Potidaia, ... Hera Nemesis 35 Poseidon 33, 42, 97 Rotunda (Delphi) 53
Zeus (Athens) 24 Thassos 66 Theatres (Principal) Athens ...
Greek Coins and Their Values: Europe 132 David R. Sear1978
Similar; incuse square divided by broad bands into four squares. B.M.C.
5.3 50 1282 1286 1282 Potidaia (a colony of Corinth, Potidaia derived
its name from Poseidon, a statue of whom stood before the city). 500-480
B.C. JR tetradrachm.
Greek Exercise Book: The noun and the regular verb in -[omega
Adolf Kaegi, James Aloysius Kleist 1902
Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality: The Gifford ...
433 Lewis Richard Farnell 1970 Polites, 369 b. Poludamas, 367.
Poludeukes, vide Dioskouroi. Polueidos, 64. Polugnotos, 67, 394.
Pompeii, 149. Poseidon, 75, 86, 218, 281, 338. Pothos, 81. Potidaia, 398.
Praisos, 124. Praxidikai, the, 74. Preugenes, 54. Proitides, the, 63.
Greek historical documents: the fifth century B.C. 7 Naphtali
Lewis1971 ... according to Herodotos (9.81), reserved tithes for Apollo
at Delphi, Zeus at Olympia, and Poseidon at the Potidaea. ... Keos,


Malis, Tenos, Naxos, Eretria, Chalkis, Styra, Halieis, Potidaia, Leukas,

Anaktorion, Kythnos, Siphnos, Ambrakia, ...
Greek Historiography 282 Simon Hornblower1996 50 Porcius
Cato Censorius, M. 218 porridge 1 77 Poseidon 1 03 f. Poseidonia 187,
i9of. Poseidonius 47 ff., 49, 218, 221 posterity 7f. postponement 1 47 n.
43 see also delay Potidaiatika 165 Potidea 80 pragmatic history 43 PreSocratics 169, ...
Greek influence along the East Adriatic Coast 440 Dravni
hidrografski institut (Split, Croatia), Nenad Cambi, Branko Kirigin 2002
The worship of Athena at Corinth, it may be remarked here, was also
connected with the cults of Poseidon and with the sea. See Head, HN,
334-335; Preller, Gr. Myth., 172. At the other hand Boardman, Overseas,
238, suggests that "Potidea ...
Greek Reading Book, for the Use of Schools: Containing
the ...Thomas Kerchever Arnold1851 , , .. ... ,.
Griechenland 175 Klaus Btig 2006 Reiseatlas: S. 4, D/E 4
Eine Rundfahrt ber die Kassndra-Halbinsel ist ab und bis Nea Potidea
etwa 1 20 km lang. ... Hier beginnt der mit dem Dreizack des Poseidon
gut markierte Wanderweg S 1, der in etwa zwei Stunden nach Parthe- ...
Griechisch-deutsches Wrterbuch der mythologischen, ... 127
Gottlieb Christian Crusius1832 r baute mit pollo dem nig
Laomedon die auern von roja. om. J1. 8, 453. Der cc. st.
, . 1m. ... m. s. , , (i), St. auf dem
Isthinus von Pallene, nachher gemannt w. m. s. dt. 8,
Griechisch-deutsches wrterbuch der mythologischen, ... 29
Gottlieb Christian Crusius1832 . , ,
!)3 ... . ,...
Griechische Geschichte 179 Xenophon, Bernhard
Bchsenschtz1876 das schwarze Meer I, 1,22; II, 2, 1; IV, 8, 27,
31; V, 1, 28. V, 5, 1 u.4; 7,4 u. 5. VI, 5, 30.
Sohn des Gnosis, Feldherr der Syrakuser I, 1, 29. dorisch fr
, 3, 2. Stadt auf Palene V, 2, ...
Griechische Mythologie: bd. Theogonie und Goetter 443
Ludwig Preller1860 Daher sich im Poseidon alle Eigenschaften zur
persnlichen Einheit durchdringen, welche bei den brigen Gttern ... Die


lteren Formen sind das dorische (daher der Name der Stadt Potidaia)
und das ionische ITooidrjg und IIo- ...
Griechische mythologie 1 933 Ludwig Preller, Carl
Robert, Otto Kern1894
Hai historikai gnseis tou Platnos: Hellnika, Platn kai ...
232 Knstantin J. Vouveris1950 ) 125 ( )
192 .. 226 226 14, 57, 78, 162, 214 ..
154 201 107 204
75, 208 - 74, 201 ...
Handboek der grieksche mythologie, ten dienste der ... 100
Petrus Limburg Brouwer1841 Meermalen wordt Poseidon voorgesteld
'als van zjne eigenschappen gebruik makende om de misdadigers te
straffen. Voorbeelden in de overleveringen van den heldentijd. De
aardbeving die Helice verwoestteDe Perzen bij Potidea door ...
H historia tou archaiou kosmou kai hoi pges ts 424
Antns N. Mastrapas 2003 ... 280, 284, 293, 298, 300 142
262 315 40, 274, 290, 382, 383
251,284 283,284 285 161,
163 82 184,206,343 ...
H Vyzantin Thessalia mechri tou 1204: symvol eis tn ...
240 Anna Avramea1974 .. 62 , 83 , 104
22 97, 98 , 97 56
, 158 , 84 33 ,
173 22 97 131, 163 ...
Hellnika: Historia Graeca 340 Xenophon, Karl Hude 1934 ...
IV 8, 27, 31 V 1, 28 IV 5, 1 [.; 7, 4 .; III 3, 2;
VI 5, 30 I 1, 29 V 2, 15, 24, 39; 3, 6
V 4, 51 VII 2, 2 8[.
Hellnika: 1-20 297 1979 (), ' 168 ,
, ' 31 , , ' 169, ' 12, 14, ' 21 ' 217,
, ' 8 ... (), ' 204 ., (1822), ' 334 ,
., ' 213 , ' 363, ' 500 ., ' 38, ...
Hermes: 16 64 Ernst Willibald Emil Hbner, Georg
Kaibel, Carl Robert1881 Einmal darf das von Poseidon gefhrte Pferd
nicht als das Wahrzeichen oder Geschenk des Gottes aufgefasst werden ...


7); reitend auf einer Mnze von Potidaia (Overbeck Kunstmythologie III
Mnztafel VI 23), sein Pferd am Zgel fhrend auf ...
Hrodotou Historiai 3-4 217 Herodotus, Henricus van
Herwerden . IV 48. II 43. 50. VII 129. VIII 55.
VII 192. I 148. II 50. IV 59. 180. 188. VIII 123.
129. IX 81. 1 167. IX 71. 85. ..-
III 91. VII 115. VII 123. VIII 127.
Histoire 256 1972 Striking tetradrachms by the mid-sixth century
with the sacred image of Poseidon Hippios on horseback, and the ethnic
F, Potidaia conformed to the Attic standard (16.04-17.70 grms. ), but
struck her tetrobols (2.16-2.86 grms. ) and diobols ...
Historia ts archaias Sparts: Apo ton Peloponnsiako ... 825
Sarantos I. Kargakos 2006 ... ' 644 ,
' 28 38 ' 555 ' 95, 573 II ' 360
' 539 ' 662 () ' 663
'617 II '348 ' 183 II ' 27, 31, ...
Historia tou Hellnikou ethnous: apo tn archaiotatn ... Knstantinos
Paparrgopoulos, Paulos Karolids1925 , , 99,
, , . ' (.) 2 ... ,
, 307, 103, 107, 210, 238, 12 ,
242 ().
Historia tou Hellnikou Ethnous: Megas Alexandros. ... 537
1973 ... , 430
, 360, 428 , 449 ... 366
(), 93 , 266
( ), 198 (), ...
Historiae 2 319 Thucydides, Karl Hude1906
tyrannus Sami 13, 6; 104, 2 Larisaeus 22, 3
2, 2 : V 75, 1 128, 1; ... 4, prope endam V 129, 3
Syracusanus V85, 3 57, 4 sq.; 58, 1; 67, 1;
70, 4; V 121, 2, 135, 1; ...
Historica 18 57 1972 Balascev bemerkt richtig, da
manche Gottheiten als Reiter auf Mnzen verschiedener Stdte dargestellt
waren, z. B. Poseidon (Potidea), Artemis-Bendis, Pluto-Derzelas,
Bacchus und allerdings auch der Thrakische Reiter. 212 KAZAROW: ...


Historikai gnseis tou Platnos 11 232 Knstantinos I.

Vourvers 1966 ) 125 ( ) 192 ..
226 226 14, 57, 78, 162, 214 .. 154
201 107 204
75, 208 74, 201 ...
Historische Studien 7 57 1972 Er macht darauf
aufmerksam, da manche dem Poseidon gewidmet sind, dem Apollon
und zwar als Jger und als Arzt, zusammen ... B. Poseidon (Potidea),
Artemis-Bendis, Pluto-Derzelas, Bacchus und allerdings auch der
Thrakische Reiter.
History of Greece and of the Greek People from the ... Victor Duruy,
M. M. Ripley1898 Chios, Samos, Lesbos, perhaps also Potidaia, which,
although of Dorian origin, asked to be received into the alliance, were ...
(Reverse of a bronze coin with the efligy of the Roman Emperor Philip I.)
3 Poseidon Hippos, armed with the trident, ...
History of Greece, and of the Greek People: From the ...M. M.
Ripley1890 COIN OF POTIDAIA.1 Athenians would attempt to
intercept their return homewards. "We are not beginning war," the ...
Poseidon Hippios, nude, armed with the trident, on horseback, facing to
the right. Reverse: woman's head, archaic style, ...
History of the Hellenic world 2 543 1975 Poseidon, 79,
83, 105, 106, 108, 111, 113, 116, 118, 119, 131, 134, 136, 138, 148, 150,
151, 155, 157, 160, 163, 165, 172, 173, 174, 175, 185, 248, 301, 332,
412, 436, 490, 491, 497, 498, 503, 510;at Potidaea, 369; ... Potidaia, 18,
238, 356.
History of the Hellenic World: The Archaic period 543 George
Phylactopoulos, George S. Phylactopoulos, Ekdotikke Athkenkon1975
Poseidon, 79. 83, 105, 106. 108, 111, 113, 116, 118. 119, 131, 134, 136,
138. 148, 150, 151. 155. 157, 160, 163, 165, 172, 173, 174, 175. 185.
248, 301, 332, 412, 436, 490, 491 ... Poseidonia, 286, 408, 509. Potidaia,
18, 238, 356. Potidaians.
History of the Hellenic World: The Archaic period 543 George
S. Phylactopoulos, Ekdotik Athnn1977 Poseidon, 79, 83, 105, 106,
108, 111, 113, 116, 118, 119, 131,134, 136, 138, 148, 150, 151, 155, 157,
160,163, 165, 172, 173, 174, 175, 185, 248, 301, 332, 412, 436, 490, 491,
497, 498, 503, 510;at Potidaea. 369 ... Potidaia, 18, 238, 356.


Ho vmos tou Dionysou stn K: symvol st melet ts ... 282

Nikolaos Chr Stampolids1987 254 , 1 13, . 176, 191
(), . 587, 221 , 1 56 . 487, 124, 138
. 369 , 135, . 347 , 250 . 907
, 210 . 672 , 145, 148, 191 ...
Hoi Hellnovlachoi: Syztseis me tous A.G. Lazarou ... [et al Girgs
Exarchos, Achilleus G. Lazarou 2001 ... 251, 427 159, 375,
413 , 67 179, 376
63-64 411 373
95 34, 112, 137, 139, 156, 161, 221, 306-307, 367,
372, ...
Istoria tou Ellnikou ethnous: Megas Alexandros. ... 537
1973 ... , 430
, 360, 428 , 449 ... 366
(), 93 , 266
( ), 198 (), ...
Istoria tu Elinic eznus: Elinismos ke Romi 6 643
Gergios Christopulos1978 ... 587 , 227
', 211 , 378, 379, 578
", ... 413 , 590, 595 ,
, 325 , 193 , 224, 325 ...
Journal international d'archologie numismatique 1907 Poseidon
ebenso; zwischen den Beinen des Pferdes l'l. Rs. Ebenso, ohne
Linienquadrat ... 48 hat ohne Zweifel recht, den Kopf auf Pal/ene zu
beziehen, nach der die Halbinsel, an deren Isthmos Potidaia lag, genannt
war. PYDNA 153. Br. 17.
Lexicon: Ailiou Diogeneianou Periergopentes 366 Hesychius
(of Alexandria)1867 [32] ... 1
( 400) 3 4...
Hellniks ...Girgos A. Rapts1993 -- =
. (.) = . (.) =
. (. -)() = . ...
() = . -- =


Lexikon orthographikon kai chrstikon ts Hellniks ... 376

Gergios D. Zkids1899.
Lexikon ts ellniks glsss 3 358 Wilhelm Pape,
Athanasios A. Sakellarios, Henri Estienne1887
Libanii Opera 5 179 Libanius, Richard Foerster, Gregory
II (of Cyprus, Patriarch of Constantinople)1963 ... (849, 12)
(4'8) , 96'
... (888) 112'
(402) 11 ...
Literary and epigraphical testimonia 256 Richard Ernest
Wycherley1957 ... 224 Poseidon: 245, 286, 290, 851 ; attacking
Polybotes, 2, p. 85 Potidaia: 878 Potters' Quarter: p. 221 Pottery sold and
hired: p. 204 Poulytion, house of: 2, p. 85 Praterion: 588, 540 Praxagora:
7, 256, p. 147 Praxiteles: 272, p. 222 Praxiteles' ...
Lives of Greek Statesmen: Ephialtes 72 George William
Cox1886 ... sanctuary in the temple of Poseidon, and for the removal of
Pausanias from that of Athn of the Brazen House. The second demand
came nearer to the question really at issue. The Spartans insisted that the
blockade of Potidaia Further de- ...
Lives of Greek Statesmen: Second Series 72 George William
Cox1886 ... sanctuary in the temple of Poseidon, and for the removal of
Pausanias from that of Athene of the Brazen House. The second demand
came nearer to the question really at issue. The Spartans insisted that the
blockade of Potidaia Further de- ...
Manuale storico della lingua greca 110 Vittore Pisani, Celestina
Milani1973 ) ,...
Mededelingen van het Nederlands Instituut te Rome 1980 keine
Statue, die Poseidon thronend darstellt. Wenn der Gott sitzt, dann reitet er
: entweder zu Pferd, wie z.B. auf einigen der oben genannten
Weihetfelchen aus Korinth oder auf den Mnzen von Potidaia,25 oder er
bedient sich eines ...
Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, ... 137
2005 Abb. 2. h) Im Gebiet von Potidaia wurde auf einem Acker nrdlich
des Kanals ein dorisches Kapitell archaischer Zeit (H ... the temptation of
associating them with the temple of Poseidon which Herodorus mentions
as being in front of the city.


Museums of the World 1 391 Marco Schulze 2007 ...

Archaeological Museum Finds from lerissos, Toroni and Potidea, votive
relieves from Potidea, vessels from Pirgadikia, ... Archaeological
Museum1960 Finds from the sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalavreia, ancient
Inscriptions and Geometric ...
Mythology & Monuments of Ancient Athens: Being a ... 631
Pausanias, Jane Ellen Harrison, Margaret de Gaudrion Merrifield
Neoellnikos politismos 2 291 1983 ... 259
., 76 , 167, 170, 175, 176, 177, 180, 202 .,
21 1 , 164 ., 185 , 254
, 252 , 259 , 251
Notable Acquisitions, 1982-1983 9 1983... of the various figures
establish the presence ofEileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, as well as
Apollo, Iris, Poseidon, and ... 98.693; once Paris, H. Hoffmann collection
[sold in 1888]; Salonica, from Derveni; silver: Salonica, from Potidea).
Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics 114 Elaine
Matthews 2007 143 1 gave a report on the epigraphical finds from Mende
in my contribution to the volume published in her memory: 'Le culte de
Poseidon a Mende, in P. Adam-Veleni (ed.), Myrtos (Thessaloniki, 2000),
335-49. Potidaia,144 or Epichares, ...
Olympos: Tales of the Gods of Greece and Rome 50 Talfourd
Opera omnia: Continens Xenophontis Hellenicorum partem alteram
1863 IV, 2, 41. IV, 8, 27. 31. V, 1, 28.
IV, 5, 1. 2. 4; 7, 4. 5. V. . III, 3, 2. V, 2, 15.
24. 39; 3, 6..
Opera omnia 3 302 Isocrates, Vasileios G. Mandlaras
2003 ... (3) 3; (5) 3; (9) 4; (19) 3; (20) 2; V (51) 7; XV (124) 2;
VI(82)2; X (39) 5; ( ; XV (108)
4; (113)1; I (32) 1; XV (286) 2; ...
Opera 3-4 232 Xenophon1866 ... 6, 5, 11 .
. 6, 4, 33. 35. . 2, 3, 2. 1,80. 5, 2, 41.
&. 4, 3, 8. 1, 1, 22. 2, 2, 1. 4, 8, 27. 31. 5, 1, 28.


4, 5, 1. 4. 7, 4 . - , 3, 2. 80. 1, 1, 29.
5 ...
Opvscvlorvm: Edidervnt Hermannvs Vsener et Lvdovicvs ...
Dionysius (of Halicarnassus.), Hermann Karl Usener1965 ...8
: 317 18 : 190 9 312
5 II 324 10 346 II 214 14 II 259 5
6 II 260 11 : 339 12
: - ...
Orationes adjectis demadis qui fertur fragmentis 93
Dinarchus1888 ... 1, 63. 1, 04. 1, 68 8(1.
, 100. : . (1, 43.
. 1, 87. ...
Orationes quae supersunt 2 240 Themistius, Henricus
Schenkl, Glanville Downey1971 20 () 78. 28;(^)
91. 24 52. 19 13. 8; 155. 15 109. 21 ; 183.
2; 202. 11 93. 22 128. 11 48. 13
() 219.3-4 70.24; 80.16; 83. 27; 98.
Orationes 3 458 Demosthenes, Friedrich Blass, Wilhelm
Dindorf1898 50. 52sq. XXXVII, 6.25. ., 6.19.
Eretriaeportus,33. 57sq., 8.VIII, 71. , 87.
gubermator Apollodori L, 50. XXIII, 66. XXIV, 151. Epist. ,
20. , 9. 12. . 7. 14. IV, 4.35. VI, 17.20. V,9 13. V, 62.
Oratores attici 1 118. Johann Georg Baiter, Hermann
. (Aesch.) Epist. 11, 8.
. Dinarch. 1, 87. ...
. socr. 15, 108. 113.
Oratores attici: Scholia fragmenta indicis 118. Johann Georg
Baiter, Hermann Sauppe1850
. Dinarch. 1, 87.
' , Demosth. ... .
Orthographiko lexiko ts neas hellniks glssas: me 3500 ...Gergios
Bampinits 2008 ,
() --, . ... - -- = 4 - ----- -
-- --- -- ...


Partitiones 112 Aelius Herodianus, Jean Franois

Boissonade1819 ...., " ' -' ,
" , ... ' , ) "
, " , " - " ...
Paulys Real-Encyclopdie der classischen ... August Friedrich von
Pauly, Georg Wissowa1941 Vlil 36, 2); Lykosura beim Hain der
Despoina: Altar des Poseidon H., des Vaters der Despoina (Paus. VIII 37,
10); Pheneos: ... B. die Mnzen von Potidaia und Rhaukos (Gardner
Types of Greek coins Taf. III 3. IX 3). 2) Beiwort des Ares ...
Pausaniou Hellados perigsis: eisagg sto ergo tou ... 330
Pausnias, Nikolaos D. Papachatzs1974 " . ,
... 64), "
() ,
)- ...
Periandros van Korinthe: Skooluitgawe D.J. Opperman 2014 ... so ook
Potidaia, maar dit isin Masedoni gele, en later as die andergestig. 15
Twee perde. Perde envarke isbyverskeie plekke geoffer ter ere van
Poseidon,die beskermgod van diesee.Wit diere is gewoonlik aan die
Olimpiese godegeoffer, ...
Philologus Berlin: Zeitschrift fr antike Literatur und ...1866
... ,...
Philosophumena: Dialexeis 525 Maximus Tyrius, George L.
Koniaris1995 (1) (= south coast of the Pontus uxinus) 192,177,
407,139, 427.118 (2) (= the Pontus Euximus) 314, 63 (bis) 45,62
49.140, 50,147, 320,146,149, 345,28: 456,165,167, 480,164
150,112 9, 118 ...
Place-names in Classical Mythology: Greece - 211 Robert E.
Bell - 1989 According to some, Ares begot by Achiroe a son, Sithon, and
according to others also two daughters, Pallene and Rhoeteia, from
whom two towns derived their names. Sithon was also called a son of
Poseidon. He married the nymph Mendeis ...

Platonis Dialogi secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi: ...

423 Plato, Karl Friedrich Hermann


Platonis Opera omnia. Recognoverunt J. G. Baiterus, J. C. ...Plato,

Johann Georg BAITER, Johann Caspar von ORELLI1839. ,
. 953b, 13-39.
. 998, 15. . 195 ...
903, 42. , , .
920b, 8. ...
Platonis opera quae feruntur omnia recognoverunt Io. ...
1051. Plato, Johann Kaspar : von Orelli, Johann Georg
Baiter1839. 195, 1-16. 951 ... ,
, . 99011, 8. -- . 790,
36. . 1511, 98. 79011, 61. . 339, 19.
. 339 ...
Plays: Acharnians. Knights. Clouds. Wasps. Peace 273
Aristophanes, Patric Dickinson1970 Poseidon: god of earthquakes, water
and the sea, horses; his emblem a trident. Potidaia: city in northern
Greece, revolted from Athenian alliance 432, but reduced 430. Pramnian:
a wine. Propyleia: the great gateway building on the Acropolis, ...
Plutarchi Vitae inter se comparatae 3 281 Plutarch,
Immanuel Bekker1856 IX, 4, 2. . I, 6, 1. 25, 4. ... . XVI,
11,4. , XXIV, 27,4 ,.
Procli Diadochi in Platonis Timaevm Commentaria Proclus, Ernst
Diehl1906 ... 89,21 38.12. 103,16. 282,27 (1.) 154,29
243,28. 340,25 71,9. ... 331,1 62,20
333, 22 . III 335, 9 344,27
461,8 ...
Pomponius Mela's Description of the World - 154 Pomponius
Mela, Frank E. Romer - 1998 - See Lusitania Portus Magnus (Bettioua),
1.29 Poseidon, Point, 1.86 Potentia (Santa Maria di Potenza), 2.65
Potidaea, 2.33 Pozzuoli. See Puteoli Priapos, 1.97 Priene, 1.87 Prochyta
(Procida), is., 2.121 Procida. See Prochyta Proconnesos, is., ...

Progymnasmata 278 Joannes (Bp. of Sardis), Hugo Rabe1928

146, 17 (. 47 ) 144,2 218,3 178, 8
. 2: 164,5 123, 12
174, 19 124, 20 125, 15 158, 15 8<. 191,2
176,88[. 211,2 ...


Readings in Greek History, from Homer to the Battle of ...

635 Ida Carleton Thallon1914 ... 356-359 Polemarchus, brother of Lysias,
464- 465 Polycrates of Samos, 67-69 Polyzalus, 234 Poseidon, precinct
of, in Phaeacia, 20 ; precinct of, at the Panionium, 52 ; contest of, with
Athena, 246 Poses, the Samian, 509-510 Potidea, revolt ...
Revue suisse de numismatique: 64-65 9 Paul Frdric
Charles Strhlin, Eugne Demole1985 Campania, Calatia, dopo il 216
a.C: Testa di Poseidon/ tridente, uncia bronzea, A. Sambon, Les monnaies
antiques de l'Italie (1903), p. 413, n. 1063. 7. ... Calcidica, Potidea, 400358 a.C: Testa di Atena/tridente, AE. Babelon, tav. 314,5. 25.
Rheinisches Museum fr Philologie 46 537 1891 Mit der
kunstmythologischen Vorstellung von Poseidon berhaupt will sich das
Reitpferd statt des Gespanns und das b 6 p u statt der rpiaiva, mit dem
citirten koi'- schen Mythos das ... 3 Auch die Mnzen des chalkidischen
Potidaia haben, z.
Scholia Demosthenica: Scholia in orationes 19-60 396 Mervin
R. Dilts1986 36,911) 9, 33, 37; 19, 87, 204 24, 18,
49 1, 9, 60. 62. 12,94. 96; 2, 6,46. 50; 3,2,10. 28,132; 7, 9,
16; , 62, 75; 20, 28, 68 . 9, 17; 2, 6, 50. 7, 52
29,50,132. 52,138. 72, 173. 154,327 ...
Science Awakening II 341 H. van der Waerden 2013 ... 298
PLUTARCHOS 132133, 155, 179, 195, 295, 298 POGO 14, 28 Poles 43
POIOS 285 Polytheism 128129, 133, 183 POntuS 155 PORPHYRIOS
115, 290 Poseidon 195 POSEIDONIOS 130 Positional notation 46
Potidea 146 Praesepe ...
Selected Imaginary conversations of literary men and statesmen
Walter Savage Landor, Charles Louis Proudfit1969 ... 17-20, 22-23,
34,39-42 Pontianusof Nicomedia, 168, 176, 193, 196 Pontifex Maximus,
24 Pontus, 22, 32 Popes, papacy, 97, 99-100, 132 Portugal, Portuguese,
72 Poseidon, 214 Potidaea (Potidea), 203 Pound, Ezra, xviii Power, 19,
39-40, ...
Selections from Plato: With Introductions and Notes 483
Plato, Lewis Leaming Forman1910 381. 191,10. , -, , of
rgos, celebrated sculptor of the 5th cent. . C. 108, 12. ,
-, oseidon, the arth-shaker, god of the sea, creator of the horse.
146, 16. , -, oteidae, a town of Chalcidice, ...


Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology: With Special ... 125

Robert Brown1898 It is, therefore, most probable that in the three very
similar variants, Poseidan, Posoidan, and Poseidon is contained the true
and ... Midler can show the independent existence of the form Potidaios,
we might admit that it reappears in Potidaia.
Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology: With Special ... - 125
Robert Brown - 1898 We actually have Poseidons old name Potidaios
[What proof is there that this was his ' old name?' preserved in the name
of the town of Potidaia ' ( C. p. 659). If Prof. Midler can show the
independent existence of the form Potidaios, we might ...

Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der ... 36 1976

Poseidon Hippios rinden wir im Gigantenkampf auf der rotfigurigen
Amphora im Louvre,100 allein reitend auf dem korinthischen Pinax von
Penteskuphia101 und Mnzen von Potidaia,102 in voller Rstung neben
seinem Sohn Eumolpos auf ...
Sitzungsberichte 36 1976 Poseidon Hippios finden wir im
Gigantenkampf auf der rotfigurigen Amphora im Louvre,100 allein
reitend auf dem korinthischen Pinax von Penteskuphia101 und Mnzen
von Potidaia,102 in voller Rstung neben seinem Sohn Eumolpos auf ...
Sparta: The Body Politic 347 Anton Powell, Stephen Hodkinson
2010 ... of Naukratis 1, 39 Polybios 199, 201, 213, 218, 222, 224, 225,
226, 240, 272 Polydamas 28 Polydektes 217 Pompeius Trogus 235
Popper, Karl 310 Poseidon 26, 27, 29, 34, 94, 102, 103, 112, 1 17
Potidaia 110 Prokles 17, 217 Prometheus ...
Spink Numismatic Circular 109-110 175 2001 Rev.
xaakiaeqn. Tripod; below. Eni| itqnoz. cp.Roblnson and Clement
MACEDON. POTIDAIA (C500-480 B.C.) .4 Tetrobol . Poseidon
Hippios on horse r.. holding a trident: below, four-pointed star. Rev.
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum quae supersunt 801.
Stephanus Byzantinus, August Meineke1849 370, 10.
/ 400, 1. 423,
13. " 446, 3.
465, 7. 629, 11. ... 533, 16.


Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum qu supersunt. Ex recensione ...1849

355, 9. 370, 10.
... 629, 11.
630, 2. 635,17. ... .533, 16.
(3 651, 7.
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorvm quae svpersvnt 801 Stephanus
(of Byzantium.), August Meineke1849 370, 10.
400, 1. 423,13.
446, 3. 465, 7.
629, 11. ... 533, 16.
Storia Dell'arte Classica 1 43 1921 Anche la prossima
Potidea (ITareiaia) fondata da Corinto verso il 7oo a. C. subi la stessa
sorte nel 357 ma fu ... Conserva resti di mura dei santuari di Apollo e di
Poseidon ; un teatro e importanti sculture. La colonia paria fu condotta
da ...
Strabonis Geographica 3 655 1852 , 343. 374.
384 386. 489. 579. 601. 639. , 405. ', 57. , 384.
639. ... , . , 330, . 25. 27. 28.
, . , 245. . , 409.
Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 12 54 1988 a.C,
fine del V a.C, seconda met del IV a.C), indicano in ogni caso il
perdurare nel tempo del culto di Poseidon. ... Interessante e significativa
per anche la presenza sulla monetazione di Potidea di un astro insieme a
Poseidon Hippios (H.
Studies in Ancient Greek Society: The prehistoric Aegean 265
George Derwent Thomson 1978 Poseidon has two further links with the
Lapithai, independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at
issue. The first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on
the Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...
Studies in Ancient Greek Society 1 265 George Derwent
Thomson1965 Poseidon has two further links with the Lapithai,
independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at issue. The
first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on the
Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...
Synchronismeno orthographiko lexiko ts neoellniks ... 296
Alks K. Tropaiats, Tels Peklars, Philippos D. Kolovos 1976 ...( )


() () ,
() ... () () ,
() () () () ...
Syngramma periodikon 1, 1-156 84 Hellnikos
Philologikos Syllogos (Istanbul, Turkey)1863
, ( )
... ,
, , , ( ,
, ...
Tecnica e cronologia delle monete greche dal VII al V sec. ...
27 Ettore Gbrici1951 Abdera (Tracia); tipo: grifo; Pozzi, 1064-65. Lete
(Maced.); tipo: Satiro e Menade; Pozzi, 684-90; FW, 1824-30; Nav., IV,
428. Napoli (Pallene); tipo: Gorgonio; Pozzi, 674-75; Hirsch, XXV, 393.
Potidea (Calcidica); tipo: Poseidon Hippios; Head, ...
The Ancient World 25-26 173 1994 3.177C: (senza
specificazione dei tre eventi le tre notizie (che si aggiungono ad un quarto
evento fortunato, la vittoria di Potidea), ma senza la preghiera, in Alex.
3.8-9, sono funzionalizzate ... 16.474D ; inoltre Poseidon, ap. Galen.
5.418; Cic.
The bronzes of Riace 37 Alberto Busignani1981 ... 14 Siphnos,
15 Thebes, 16 Potidaia, 17 Athens, 18 Syracuse, 19 the so-called Aeolian,
20 Cnidos; 21 Bouleuterion; ... 55 the temenos of Poseidon; 56 the
temenos of Dionysos; 57 Theatre; 58 the theatre portico; 59 Lesche of
Cnidos (De la ...
The cavalry of classical Greece: a social and military ... 342 I.
G. Spence1993 ... 131 Plutarch xxv, 72-3 police, military
(Feldsgendarmen) 58 Polybios 171, 188 Polycharmos (Spartan) 3
Polycharmos (Pharsalian) 25 Polymedes (Larissan) 24 Polystratos 216
Polytropos 161 Poseidon 186, 195 Hippias 188-9, 215 Potidaia ...
The cults of the Greek states 4 58 Lewis Richard Farnell
1907 Nor do we find among the monuments any clear characteristic of
Poseidon as a god of the political community ; for instance, the ... In the
archaic period his figure was the dominant type of the cities called by his
name, Potidaia on the Thermaic ...
The early Greeks 253 Robert John Hopper1977 173 Polykrates
of Samos, 117,221 Polyneikes, 48 Poseidon, 3, 11,69-70, 179 Poseidon
Helikonios, 75, 81 Poseidonia (Paestum), 91 Potidaia, 93, 1 24, 1 36


pottery, 96, 101; Amyklaian ware, 160; Argive black Minyan, 25;Argos,
184; Athens, ...
The Greek Reader 90 Friedrich Jacobs1829 , ,
),... .
The Greek world, 479-323 BC 348 Simon Hornblower1983
Population transfers, 48, 141, 290f.; see also under synoikism Ports: see
under harbours Portraiture, 180, 308 Porus, 288 Poseidon, 113,291
Poseia, 57 pothos, 262, 273, 279, 288 Potidaia, 88,90, 138, 186,213, 233,
249f. Pottery, potters ...
The History of Herodotus 2 407 Herodotus1890 ... of
Pontus, iv. 8, 10, 95 ; vii. 95 Porata, tributary of the Ister, iv. 48 Poseidon,
ii. 43, 50 ; vii. 129 ; viii. SS ; " the Saviour, " vii. 192, 193; at Mycale
(Heliconios), i. ... 127, 128: Potidaians, men of Potidaia, viii. 126-129 '.
1x- 28, 31 Connexion with ...
The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as Described ... John
Watson McCrindle1893 See Oxykanos Poseidon, 164 Postumius, A., 274
Potidaia, Kassandreia, 7 Poura, 123, 172, 177, 357-8 Praesti, 158, 253
Prasioi, Praisioi, 13, 221, 281, 310, 323. 365. 349 VI. Philometor, 404
VII. Physkon, 188, 404 Keraunos, son of Ptolemy ...
The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as Described ...John
Watson McCrindle, Quintus Curtius Rufus, Marcus Junianus
Justinus1896 See Oxykanos Poseidon, 164 Postumius, A., 274 Potidaia,
Kassandreia, 7 Poura, 123, 172, 177, 357-8 Praesti, 158, 253 Prasioi,
Praisioi, 13, 221, 281, 310, 323, 365, 349 Prasiane, 159 Precious stones,
Indian, 1 88 Presidae. See Prasioi ...
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 36-39 71 1950 On
a dedication to Poseidon Hippios one would expect in advance a
reference to the* Epiklesis of the God. ... 14; Coins of Potidaia:
Overbeck, Kunstmythologie, in, Miinztafel, vi, 23; Hirsch Catalogue, xm
(Rhoussopoulos, 15, v, 1905), pi.
The Music of the Republic: Essays on Socrates' ... 71 Eva
Brann 2011 Poseidon, the most resentfully persecutional of all the gods,
fathers the Atlantic kings by a rape. ... an exact date: 431 b.c., at the
beginning of the Peloponnesian War when Potidea, a city that had
abrogated its alliance with Athens, surrendered ...


The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal ... 28

1960 Potidaia Obv. Poseidon Hippios on horseback to 1. holding trident.
Below symbol: dolphin to 1. Fragments of legend? PoT]3DA Rev. Plain
quartered incuse square. JR 16-92 (ex Lockett, SNG Hi, 1367) Potidaia
and its coinage have not yet ...
The Numismatic Chronicle 28 John Yonge Akerman, Sir John
Evans, William Sandys Wright Vaux1960 Potidaia Obv. Poseidon
Hippios on horseback to 1. holding trident. Below symbol: dolphin to 1.
Fragments of legend? Potida Rev. Plain quartered incuse square. JR 16.92
(ex Lockett, SNG iii, 1367) Potidaia and its coinage have not yet ...
The Numismatic Circular 85 153 1977 Potidea. (Late 6th
century-429 B.C.). JR Tetrobol. 42.9 grs. (2.78 gr.). Poseidon carrying a
trident on a horse walking right; below is n. B. Head of an Amazon right,
in slight incuse square. See Danish Museum SNG 313; B.M.C. 3. Archaic
The Ocean Almanac 435. Robert Hendrickson1992 ... 389,
Panama Canal, 387; quiz, 389, sunrise, 387 Portuguese man-o'-war
(Physalia pelagica), 12, 79, 88 Poseidon (sea god). See Neptune
Poseidonius, 127 Potamotrygonidae, 77 Potemkin (ship), 176 Potidea
Tsunami of 497 B.C. (Greece), ...
The Penguin Guide to Greece 721. Alexander Eliot1991 ... 192
Porto Veneziano, 552, 560 Porto Zoro, 401 Poseidon, 153 Possidonion
Hotel, 423, 426 Possidonion Hotel/ Bungalows, 461, 503 Potami, 387
Potami Beach, 649 Potamies, 467 Potamos, 403 Pothia, 604 Pothos
Hotel, 338, 359 Potidaia, ...
The Spartan and Theban Supremacies 223
Sankey1888. ... 170 Polybiades, 155 Polvgnotos, 44 Pontus,
Poseidon, 89 Potidaia, 58, 150 Praxitas, 128, 129 Propylaia,
Proxenos, 65, 70, 71, 72 Pylos (Elis), 203 Pythagoreanism,
HEGION, 193 Rhodes, 111, 137 g ACRED Band, ...

86, 87
the, 44
163 t>

The Tale of the Great Persian War: From the Histories of ...
267 George William Cox1869 Potidaia, siege of, by Artabazos, 173
Protesila0s, the hero, 241 Psammenitos, 22 Psyttaleia, 150, 157
Pylagorai, 112 ... tale of, 188 195; battle of, 213, 217 Polykrates, 25, 31
Polykritos, 156 Poseidon, 108 5 Thespians, 115 l Thessalians, the, ...
The Academy and Literature 23 371. 1883 was short;
early in ap would finish parti in July, though its publication would


probibly be put off till October....IN publishing an enlarged form of his

Cambridge Lectures, illustrated with seventeen splendid autotype plates,
Prof....Eager to round off an ingenious historical hypothesis, or to
recognise some memorial of a noteworthy personage or event, he
is...districts, so that, for example, Poseidon of Byzantium, the ruler of the
sea, is distinguished from Poseidon Hippius of Potidaea...

Themistii Orationes quae supersunt 2 240 Themistius,

Henricus Schenkl, Glanville Downey1965
1 195. 20
() 78. 28;() 91. 24 52. 19
13. 8; 155. 15 109. 21; 183. 2; 202. 11 93. 22
128. 11 48. 13 () 219.3-4
70.24; ...
Theorie et doctrine - 82 Ernest Babelon, Jacques Jean Marie de
Morgan - 1907 Ernest Babelon, Jacques Jean Marie de Morgan. g XIX.
Potide. N0 1636. 1636. Poseidon Hippios cheval, allant au.
L'attribution de ces dernires pices a Scion (n' 1631 et 1635) n'a t
fixe que tout rcemment, grce a la ...
The Spartans: An Epic History Paul Cartledge - 2012 ... ref 6, ref 7 and
Antalcidas ref 1 and Archidamusref1 and Gorgoref1,ref2 GreatRhetra ref
1 and Isadasref1 and Leonidasref 1 and Lycurgus ref1, ref2 and Lysander
ref1 music ref 1 women ref 1,ref2,ref3 Polydorus ref 1 Poseidon ref 1
Potidaea ...
Thucydides 2 291 Thucydides, John William
Donaldson18612 2. 1. . 75. 1, 2. 3; . /. .
128. 1, 2. 84. 3. . 67. 2 . . 118.4 3
85. 3 . 56. 63. 2. 64. 1. . 2. 1. 58.
Thucydidis historia belli Peloponnesiaci ed. J.M. Stahl. ... 255
Thucydides, Johann Matthias Stahl 1873 128, . II 84, 4 VIII
67, 2. IV 129, 3 VIII 85, 3
Thucydidis Historia belli Peloponnesiaci 1-2 255
Thucydides, Johann Matthias Stahl1873 1 128, I. II 84, 4 VIII
67, 2. IV 129, 3 VIII 85,
3 .


Thucydidis Historiae,: Libri V-VIII. Indices 345 Thucydides,

Karl Hude1901
Topographischer Bildkommentar zu den Historien Herodots: ...Dietram
Mller - 1987 Die Akropolis drfte der scherbenbedeckte breite Hgel am
Sdrand des Dorfs Nea Potidea gewesen sein. Das Poseidon heiligtum
befand sich vermutlich an der Stelle des sd- westl. des Ortes
ausgegrabenen rm. Antentempels3.

Unity of History 356 Edward Augustus Freeman1896

Uomo e cavallo sulla moneta greca 17 Giorgio Giacosa1973 Un
interessante esempio di questo fenomeno quello riguardante la
raffigurazione del Poseidon a cavallo sulle monete di Potidea. Questa
citt era una colonia che Corinto aveva fondato nella penisola calcidi- ca;
dalla madrepatria i coloni vi ...
Varia historia 196 Aelian, Mervin R. Dilts1974 14, 16
(1) 9,4. 12,25; (7) 11, 10 2, 43. 3, 17. 11, 9
12, 43 7, 21 14, 45 2, 33
1, 26 1, 24. 6, 7. 12, 42 3, 17
12, 28 77| 14, 24 ...
Vides paralleles: Appendix 288 Plutarch, Carles Riba1946
5. 37, 3 (, ( ):...
Vitae philosophorvm: Recognovit breviqve adnotatione ... Diogenes
Laertius, Herbert Strainge Long1964 3. ; 7. 7.
( 3) 5. 73 ; 7. 39, 4, 41, 54, 60, 62, ... 2. 23. 4.
2. 2. . 5. 52. (', ) 3. 8,
9. ( 2) . 3. ( 2) 9. . 7. 67.
Xenophons griechische Geschichte, fr den Schulgebrauch Xenophon,
Albert Bernhard Bchsenschtz1860 <188 1 , 1, 22; II, 2,
I*. IV, 8, 27; 31; V, 1..28. . IV, 5, 1 . 4; 7, 4 . 5. VI,
5, 30. III, 3, 2. ...
Xenophontis opera 4-5 232 Xenophon, Gustav Albert
Sauppe1866 4, 5, 1. 4. 7, 4 84. 3, 3, 2. 1, 1,
29. 5, 2, 15. 24. 39. 3, 6. 5, 4, 21. .
Zeitschrift fr Numismatik 36-37 114 1926 Endlich ist
auch die alte Sttte besucht und topographisch beschrieben worden:


Meritt, A. J. A. 1923 S. 447/50 mit Krtchen.] Potidaia. 179.

Tetradrachmon mit dem rechtshin reitenden Poseidon Ton rohem Stil
(wie Beschreibung Berlin II Taf.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion 3, 2 1247 Arthur
Bernard Cook1940 527 562 Bites : sacrifice of bull ' to Poseidon and
to ... Potidaia, founded where meteorite fell 886 Praeneste, mosaic from
626(2) Praisos Cult: pig 1103 terra-cotta plaques from ...
Zur struktur des Territoriums griechischer Poleis in ... 24 Gert
Audring1989 VIII 129: Whrend ihres Abzugs aus Griechenland
belagerten die Perser Potidaia bereits lngere Zeit. ... Die Potider
erklrten die auergewhnliche Ebbe und die Katastrophe der Perser
damit, da diese den Poseidon-Tempel und das Bild ...
, .
". 8, 128. . . . , . 8, 126.
- , , , . . " .
". -- , , , , .
... 1809
. . 9,
. .. . .
.. . ... . .
. 101. 1869" (.
., 307). ,
' 30),
. : Patto colonario de'Locri 101. 1869
(. ) ,
3"7). . 3<^),
- ...
., t prton p I.N. Okonomdou ...I N
Oikonomids1869 (. )
, ,
). ' 308),
< ...


. .
Phournaraks1830. , 273. , 2, 23. , 320.
, 401 , 1 37 , 198. , 442-445
, 1...
- 16, 1 422. 1987
, ( )
( )

. . . , ,
, . . .,
, . ". . S. 55, 2. . ,
". , , . ,
. . . ". --
. ". ". , 127. , ()
, ,


...Oliver Goldsmith, Alexandros I. RIZOS RANKABES1844

20. 189. 242. 6, 7, 224. 64,
152. 12. 179. 15. 125. 125.
192, 224. 225. 226. ) 232. ) 234.
238. 152, 230.
. : . . . .
273 , Patric Dickinson 1970 :
, ,
. : ,
432, 430. Pramnian: . Propyleia:
, ...


.1837 ' ". . 752,
. ... . , . ,
() M

. 1837.
. ... 460.
... , (ii)
. ... 464.
Nikolaos Lorents1837. '
... . , . , ' (_)
. 3 661.
, (
) ...
, , ,
( , , ...
', 154, 161, 162. , 73, 95, 141.
, 130, 3. , 106, 120, 121, 135. , .
. , 130-1, 186. , 123.
, 91-97.
1958 58. 59,2. 48. 89,1. 91. 57 .
85. 90. 50,1. 93. 80..

Antik mytologi 161 2009 ... nvner blandt andre bedrifter, at
Herakles undervejs nede at hjlpe guderne i deres sejrrige kamp mod


giganterne i Flegra [1.13]. ... Det var to mnd i n krop, snner af

Augeias' bror Aktor, selvom nogle regnede Poseidon for deres far.
Die fragmente der griechischen historiker(F GR HIST): ... 124
Felix Jacoby1955 ... 1; (. 80 Gis.) bei Steph. Byz. s.v. .
18) ber diesen Waser col. ... bei Konon (der ihn zum sohne des
Poseidon und der Osse macht) . ,
Schol. Lykophr. 1161 , ' ...
Eleutheroudak synchronos enkyklopaideia meta plrous ...Kstas
. '
... ,
, - , " ...
Enciclopedia de la antigedad 2 356 1962
Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana: ... 1925
Epitom Hellniks mythologias ek diaphorn syngraphen 82.
Knstantinos Kontogons1852 ,
, ,
, ... ,
Estudios clsicos: Suplementos. Serie de traducciones 317. 1963...
una coraza compacta, que le ofreci Ares despus de despojar con sus
propias manos a Mimante el gigante de Flegra. ... Como Posidn marcha
al stmico certamen, subido en su carro, o al cabo Tnaro, o al lago de
Lerna, o al bosque ...
Gegraphia Palaia Kai Nea Syllechtheisa ek diaphorn ... 392.
1728... ,
, , , ...
oy ,
. , ...
Griechisch-deutsches Wrterbuch der mythologischen, ... 21
Gottlieb Christian Crusius1832 2) 8. des genor ach p. Rh. oder des
Poseidon pd., nig zu Salmydessos in hrakien. : atte ... ,
und , , der Ort, wo eus mit den iibrigen Gttern die
Giganten vernichtete, welche den immel strmen wollten, eigentl.
Habis 35 405 2004 ... Broe (o Amimone), disputada por
dos rivales excelsos como Dioniso y Posidn y otorgada en matrimonio a


Posidn, ... la antigua Flegra ($Xeypa), tierra de gigantes, la pennsula

secundaria occidental de la Pennsula Calcdica, y su mar, ...
Juan Bautista Aguirre y el Barroco Colonial 81. Francisco J.
Cevallos Candau1983Tritn: Dios marino, hijo de Poseidn y Anfitrite.
Su cuerpo, como otros dioses marinos, era mitad humano y mitad pez ...
formular pico y la lengua de Homero (Valencia: Bello, 1974). Como el
Titn, en el tirreno suelo oprimidlo del Flegra 81.
Lexicon Egcyclopaidicon 3 302. 1900
Recherches sur les cultes grecs et lOccident, 1. 2015Ne deriva che la
tradizione della Gigantomachia svoltasi nella mitica Flegra una
tradizione tanto forte proprio ... figlio di Nausithoo, nato dall'unione di
Poseidon con Periboia, la figlia del capo dei 111 aveva detto che Giganti
Recherches sur les cultes grecs et l'Occident 2 36 Luigi
Bernab Brea, Luisa Breglia Pulci Doria1979 bruciata (107) e ci si
muove quindi in una logica di accostamento di Flegra a cpXEyw si che
potremmo pensare che anche in ... dice quest'ultimo figlio di Nausithoo,
nato dall'unione di Poseidon con Periboia, la figlia del capo dei (107)
Suplementos de estudios clsicos: Serie de traducciones 317 1970
.. una coraza compacta, que le ofreci Ares despus de despojar con sus
propias manos a Mimante el gigante de Flegra. ... Como Posidn marcha
al stmico certamen, subido en su carro, o al cabo Tnaro, o al lago de
Lerna, o al bosque ...

Poseidon Phlegra
A Companion to Greek Studies 383 Leonard Whibley 2015
Cronos and his sister Rhea are the parents of Hestia, Demeter, Hera,
Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. ... accordingly localised in regions noted for
rugged scenery or volcanic phenomena, such as Pallene, earlier called
Phlegra, or the Phlegraean ...
A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, Mythology... 253 Oskar
Seyffert, Henry Nettleship, Sir John Edwin Sandys1901


A Handbook of Greek Mythology 46 H. J. Rose 2004 ... and

vanquishing the formidable giant Alkyoneus.76 The scene of the contest
was Phlegra; on this point most versions of ... overwhelmed by Poseidon
under a large fragment broken off from Kos, which formed the little
volcanic islet of Nisyra.
A Manual of Greek Antiquities 1 722 Percy Gardner, Frank
Byron Jevons1895 Pharos, lighthouse of, 19-20 Pheidias, statues of, 71,
124, 142 Phlegra, plains of, 123 Phryne, 2:9-221 Physical ... 33-34 ;
palaestra, 315- 3'6 Poseidon, 89, 117 ; character, III ; functions, 137-138;
Homeric, no-Ill, 117, 137; origin, 117, 137; ...
A Short Guide to Classical Mythology 108 Gordon MacDonald
Kirkwood1959 He was supported in the rebellion by his five brothers and
sisters, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon (who had been
regurgitated by Cronus, either ... The battle took place on the plains of
Phlegra, situated perhaps in Thessaly.
Aeschylean Tragedy 379 Alan H. Sommerstein 2013 ... 73
Polyphrasmon (son of Phrynichus), 7, 68 Lycurgeia, 33 Pontius Pilate,
67n.23 Pontus, see Black Sea Poseidon, 190 ... 14 Philomela, 211n.36
Philopeithes (A's brother-in-law), 13 Phineus, 32, 45, 62-5, 273 Phlegra,
285 Phocis/Phocians, ...
Aeschylus, 1: The Oresteia (Agamemnon, The Libation ... 158
Aeschylus, David R. Slavitt1998 Phlegraea (fleg'-rye-a) or Phlegra.
Place in Macedonia where the giants attacked the gods. Phocis (foh'kiss). District of Greece ... Poseidon (po-sye'-don). Latin Neptune. God
of the sea, son of the titans Cronus and Rhea, brother of Demeter ...
Aeschylus: Oresteia. Agamemnon ; Libation- bearers ; Eumenides
Aeschylus, Alan H. Sommerstein 2008 ... LB 6n Phineus, Thracian
prophet, Eu 50 Phlegra, plain in Chalcidice, Eu 295 Phobos (Fear,
Terror), LB 1024 Phocis, ... 1602 Pleistus, river near Delphi, Eu 27 Pnyx,
Athenian assembly-place, Eu 973n Poine (Revenge), LB 947
Poseidon, ...
Allgemeine Encyclopdie der Wissenschaften und Knste in ...1858 Das
Werfen von Inseln auf die Giganten, welches die Schriftsteller dem
Poseidon, der Athena und dem Zeus ... Immer aber hat man sich den
Kampf als in Phlegra vor sich gehend zu denken: die Insel und der
Felsblock dienen nur zu ...


Allgemeine encyclopdie der wissenschaften und knste in ...1858 Das

Werfen von Inseln auf die Giganten, welches die Schriftsteller dem
Poseidon, der Athena und dem Zeus ... Immer aber hat man sich den
Kampf als in Phlegra vor sich gehend zu denken: die Insel und der
Felsblock dienen nur zu ...
Allgemeine encyklopdie der wissenschaften und knste 166
1858. Die betreffenden Monumente zeigen den Poseidon regelmig fo,
da er mit dem Dreizack oder Speer den Giganten ... Immer aber hat man
fich den Kampf als in Phlegra vor sich gehend zu denken: die Insel und
der Felsblock dienen nur zu ...
Allgemeine Enzyklopdie Der Wissenschaften und Knste ...Johann
Samuel Ersch, Johann Gottfried Gruber1988 ... obgleich die herrschend
gewordene Mythologie der Halbinsel Pallene der Phlegra, einem Theile
von Chalkidike, ... oder auch des Teleon, welcher der Eponymus der
attischen Phyle der Teleontm ist, oder de Poseidon-Erech- theus ...
Apollo the Wolf-god 150 Daniel E. Gershenson1991 89, 106
Phineui 104 Phlegonof Trallcs 12 Phlegra 47 Phlegyas 88 Pnlyos68
Phokii46 Phorbas 88 Phoroneui 10,41, 45 Phokis 47, 70. 89, 117
Phokos70,89 Photiui ... 108 Poseidon 5, 18, 38, 42, 49,
50,51,57,65,76,77,85. 86,88,90,142 Pa 82 ...
Apollodorus Library and Hyginus Fabulae 39 Apollodorus &
Hyginus, R. Scott Smith, Stephen M. Trzaskoma 2007 138 But Heracles
took the island by force and killed King Eurypylos, the son of Astypalaia
and Poseidon. Heracles was ... After plundering Cos, he came to Phlegra
at Athena's request and alongside the gods defeated the giants. War
against ...
Apollodorus, The Library 2 523 Apollodorus, Sir James
George Frazer1970 103, 105; son 0 Poseidon or Agenor, 105; tormen
'lathe Harpies, delivered by Ar onauia, 105; reveals to them ie oounse oi
their voyage, 107; misled by his second wife ... See Phlegra Phlegya, son
of Ares, slain by Lyons and Nycieua, i. 385 ...
Apollodorus: The Library, with an English Translation Apollodorus (of
Athens.), Sir James George Frazer1956 103, 106; son of Poseidon or
Agenor, 105 ; tormented by the Harpies, delivered by the Argonauts, 105;
reveals to them the course of their voyage, 107 ; misled by ... Argonauts,
107 Phlegra, Hercules in the battle of the gods with the giants at, i.


Asia Minor in Ruins 128 Saturnino Ximnez, Arthur

Chambers1926 ... Polybotes, pursued across the seas by Poseidon, took
refuge in Cos, but Poseidon wrenched from this island the part ... the
proud and perfidious Titans, will also suffer death, and in this terrible
struggle, in which, under the walls of Phlegra ...
Athena's Justice: Athena, Athens and the Concept of ... 167
Rebecca Futo Kennedy 2009 ... 86 Persians (Aeschylus), 49, 52, 53
Persian Wars, 129, 138 Phaselis, 22 Phaselis decree, 31, 62 Phlegra, 24
phoros, the, ... See Ilioupersis painting Polyneices, 72 Polyxena, 101
Poseidon as Athena's father, 24 horoi dedicated to, 6 Locrian ...
Britain, the Key to World History 288 1949
Callimachus and Lycophron 504 Callimachus, Lycophron,
Alexander William Mair 1921 Proteus, vexed by the wickedness of his
sons, besought his father Poseidon for a passage under the sea back to
Egypt. On his ... 6 Nile. c Tmolus and Telegonus. husband,0 whose
spouse is Torone of Phlegra, even he to 504 LYCOPHEON.
Challenges to the Power of Zeus in Early Greek Poetry 51 Noriko
Yasumura 2013 Heracles'expedition to Phlegra Heracles' subsequent
expedition to Phlegra is not narrated in the extant fragment of the
Meropis, ... After narrating the genealogy of the rulers of Cos from
Poseidon to Antagoras (55-60), the fragment states that ...
Children of the Gods: The Complete Myths and Legends of ... 26
Kenneth McLeish1983 At last the Earthborn gave ground, and began
scrambling down their stone-pile to safety in Phlegra. But the gods
ripped up whole mountains and islands and hurled them after them.
Athene crushed Enkelados with Sicily; Poseidon broke off ...
Classical Zeus: a study in art and literature 12 Karim W.
Arafat1990 ... Poseidon, and Hermes, the other Zeus in a chariot,
Herakles on the far side of the horses, and Athena at their head. ... The
column suggests Olympos, particularly in such close proximity to Zeus,
but most of our sources talk of Phlegra as the ...
CliffsNotes on Dante's Divine Comedy: Inferno xv James L.
Roberts, Nikki Moustaki 2001 Phlegra the battle at Phlegra for which
Vulcan was the forge. ... Rhea Greek Mythology, daughter of Uranus and
Gaea, wife of Cronus, and mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter,
Hera, and Hestia; identified with the Roman Ops and the ...


CliffsNotes on Dante's Divine Comedy-I Inferno 56 Nikki

Moustaki, James L. Roberts 2011 Phlegra the battle at Phlegra for which
Vulcan was the forge. ... Rhea Greek Mythology. daughter of Uranus and
Gaea, wife of Cronus, and mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter,
Hera, and Hestia; identified with the Roman Ops and the ...
Concise encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology 24 Sabine
G. Oswalt 1969 ... his native earth in Phlegra until, at last, acting on
Athena's advice, Heracles carried him elsewhere and shot him with an
arrow. ... Poseidon was much taken with her beauty and slept with her,
and she secretly bore a son whom she exposed ...
Dionysian Imagery in Archaic Greek Art: Its Development in ... Thomas
H. Carpenter1986 22, 120, 124 with infant Achilles 46 Perachora 18
phallos pole 89 Phlegra 59, 60 n. 19, 62 n. 28, 64 ... 2-5) 50 Porphyrion
60,63 Poseidon 46: chariot 107 f. gigantomachy 57 f, 73 introduction of
Dionysos 100 introduction of Herakles 48, 101 n.
Dionysian Imagery in Fifth-Century Athens 16 Thomas H
Carpenter1997 123) called Phlegra the old name for Pallene, the
westernmost finger of the Chalcidice.5 The Gigantomachy was the ... in
the fifth- century temple of Poseidon at Sounion.6 From the Parthenon
itself it was the subject of the east metopes and of ...
Dragons, Serpents, and Slayers in the Classical and Early ... 20
Daniel Ogden 2013 Some say they were born at Phlegra, others in
Pallene. They hurled ... Polybotes was pursued through the sea by
Poseidon and came to Cos. Poseidon broke off part of the island and
threw it on top of him, the islet called Nisyrus. Hermes ...
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics: Fiction-Hyksos 195 James
Hastings, John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray1908
Encyclopdia of Religion and Ethics: Fiction-Hyksos 195 James
Hastings, John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray1914
Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics 6 195 James Hastings,
John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray1961 The alternative name
Aigaion probably characterizes him as a eee-god and earth shaker, of the
type of Poseidon. The Hundred-handed .... But Phlegra (' Land of
burning') was a mythical land unknown to geography. Each of the
various ...


Epitom Hellniks mythologias ek diaphorn syngraphen 82

Knstantinos Kontogons1852 ,
, ,
, ... ,
Flavii Philostrati Opera: Vitae sophistarum. Heroicus. ... 538
Philostratus (minor.), Apollonius (of Tyana.), Eusebius (of Caesarea,
Bishop of Caesarea)1871 Phlegra 2, 140, 14. Phlegyae 2, 371, 11.
Phoences 2, 91, 14, 221, 4. 226, 12. Phoenicum 250, 26. ... 83, 25.
2, 211, 3, 250, 11. 334, 20, 2,164, 20, 212, 56. 319,
25, 360, 7. 362, 18. cf. 2, 248, 538 NDEX ...
Flavii Philostrati Opera: 1 538 Philostratus (the Lemnian),
Carl Ludwig Kayser, Callistratus1870 Phlegra 2, 140, 14, Phiegyae 2,
371, 11, Phoenices 2, 91, 14, 221, 4, 226, 12. Phoenieum 250, 26.
purpura 2, 334, 20, ... 54, 52, 25, 6, 1. 68, 2. 83, 25, :
1, 3 " 334, 20. 2,164, 20, 212, 319, 25, 360, 7.
Gegraphia Palaia Kai Nea Syllechtheisa ek diaphorn ... 392
1728... ,
, , , ...
.o3 , ...
Gods & heroes: myths & epics of ancient Greece 163 Gustav
Schwab1946 And so they rushed forth from Erebus, the underworld, to
the broad fields of Phlegra, in Thessaly. The very stars paled at sight of ...
Enceladus, you shall conquer the sea and drive Poseidon from his
stronghold. Rhoctus shall tear the reins from ...
Gods & Heroes: Myths & Epics of Ancient Greece 163 Gustav
Schwab1946 And so they rushed forth from Erebus, the underworld, to
the broad fields of Phlegra, in Thessaly. The very stars paled at sight of ...
Enceladus, you shall conquer the sea and drive Poseidon from his
stronghold. Rhoetus shall tear the reins from ...
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece 196 Edward E.
Barthell1971 ... that he forced his way into their city by night and slew
their king, Eurypylus, who was a son of Poseidon and Astypalaea. ... the
locale of the battle with the giants on the peninsula of Chalcidice called
Pallene, and anciently known as Phlegra.


Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece 163 Gustav Schwab 2011

And so they rushed forth from Erebus, the underworld, to the broad fields
of Phlegra, in Thessaly. The very stars paled at sight of ... Eneeladus, you
shall conquer the sea and drive Poseidon from his stronghold. Rhoetus
shall bear the reins ...
Gods and Heroes of the Greeks: The Library of Apollodorus 102
Apollodorus, Michael Simpson1976 king Eurypylus, son of Astypalaea
and Poseidon. Heracles was wounded in the battle by Chalcodon, but was
snatched up by Zeus. After he sacked Cos he went to Phlegra at Athena's
request and helped the gods defeat the giants.22 Later he ...
Greek Hymns: The texts in translation 55 William D. Furley, Jan
Maarten Bremer 200195 = skolion PMG 887.1), "Poseidon, who rules
the wind-swept ocean blue" (rioaeiSov, oc,. ... to come from one of her
favoured locations (Lake Tritonis or Phlegra) to give him succour at
Athens.167 The elements of the invocationwhich may ...
Fitts1947 ... of Salmydessus; tormented by the Harpies, who devoured
and defiled his food PHLEGRA: a peninsula in Macedonia; ... q.v., and
father of Agamemnon and Menclaos PLUTO: brother of Zeus and
Poseidon; King of Hades POLYBUS: King of ...
Griechisch-deutsches Wrterbuch zum Schul- und Privatgebrauch Karl
Gottfried Jacobitz, Ernst Eduard Seiler1876
Griechische Kunstmythologie: Bd., 2. Buch: Hera. 3. Buch: ... Johannes
Adolf Overbeck1871 Auf felsigem, auf- und absteigendem Terrain, das
an Pallene oder Phlegra mag erinnern sollen , kmpfen in
dichtgedrngten , aber rhythmisch nicht schlecht gegliederten Gruppen
die Giganten, soweit sie nicht schon getdtet sind, mit Baum- ...
Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities Harry
Thurston Peck1897
Hecale 238 Callimachus, Adrian Swayne Hollis 2009 128 'haud
partem exiguam montis'); rpwf>oc (a part of a rock broken off by
Poseidon at Od. 4. ... 36) lists Hypsizorus among mountains in the region
of Pallene and Phlegra: 'oppida Pallene, Phlegra, qua in regione montes
Hypsizorus etc' ...
Hellnik mythologia: Hoi theoi 38 Johannes Th Kakridis,
Gergios A. Christopoulos, Ianns K. Bastias1986


', ,
, ... ,

, ...
Heraclitus: Homeric Problems 41 Heraclitus, Donald Andrew
Russell, David Konstan 2005 ... and one from her marriage) and by his
brother Poseidon, who had been allotted an equal share of the universe
and bore no ... 7.123) and others, was Phlegra; alternatively, Phlegra was
thought to be a distinct location in Macedonia; cf.
Hercules 7 Fred Van Lente 2013 ... Poseidon; dark Hades, soon
to be lord of the Underworld; maternal Hestia of the hearth; beautiful,
passionate Hera; ... The blood from the castrated penis of Uranus had
fallen in great drops to the land of Phlegra, setting the plains on fire
and ...
Herodotus, with a comm. by J.W. Blakesley 517 Herodotus,
Joseph Williams Blakesley1854 72. 85. Philocyprus, v. 113. Phla, iv. 178.
Phlegra, vii. 123. Phlius, vii. 202 ; ix. 28. Phocsea and Phocteans, i. 80.
152. 163 ... 204. Polymnestus, iv. 150. 165. Polynices, iv. 147 ; vi. 52 ; ix.
27. Porata, iv. 48. Poseideum, iii. 91. Poseidon, i. 148; ii.
Herodotus: With a Commentary 2 517 Herodotus, Joseph
Williams Blakesley1854 72. 85. Philocyprus, v. 113. Phla, iv. 178.
Phlegra, vii. 123. Phlius, vii. 202 ; ix. 28. Phocrea and Phocreans, i. 80.
152. 163 ... Polymnestos, iv. 150. 155. Polynices, iv. 147; vi. 62; ix. 27.
Porata, iv. 48. Poseideum, iii. 91. Poseidon, i. 148; ii. 50; iv.
Ion 145 Euripide, Anne Pippin Burnett1970 Its usual location was
Phlegra in Thrace (Aeschylus, The Eumenides, 295; Pindar, N. i. ...
Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Ares, Hephaestus, and even Aphrodite were
sometimes included among the Olympians, though Euripides makes no
mention ...
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology 97 1959 In the presence of
the gods of Olympus (Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Zeus, Apollo)
Prometheus prepares to animate the ... At the instant that they emerged
from the entrails of the ground at Phlegra, in the peninsula of Pallene,
they appeared in ...
Larousse Greek and Roman mythology 22 Jol Schmidt, Seth
Benardete1980 Mythology also tells of another Alcyone, with whom
Poseidon was smitten, and who was accorded a considerable posterity ...


One of the giants who rebelled against the gods of Olympus, Alcyoneus
battled Heracles in Phlegra in Macedonia.
Laura Battiferra and Her Literary Circle: An Anthology: A ... 406
Laura Battiferra degli Ammannati 2007 Line8, the gods defeated the
giants, who had tried to scale Olympus, by hurling thunderbolts at them
on the plain of Phlegra ... Proteo: a sea god charged in Homer's Odyssey
(4.365, 4.385) with herding Poseidon's marine flock (Guidi, Il primo ...
Locations in Greek Mythology: Hades, Labyrinth, Troy, ... LLC Books
2010 Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of
articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.
Lost Race of the giants: The Mystery of Their Culture, ...Patrick
Chouinard 2013 Zeus rescued his brothers and sisters, the Olympians,
from Kronos's stomach by slashing open their father's belly and releasing
them. And then, with their ... One of the giants' strongholds was the
volcanic island of Phlegra. Scholars have often ...
Lykophon's Alexandra, griechisch und deutsch 184 1895 115
127) gibt an, dass Proteus auf einer Irrfahrt aus seiner Heimath Aegypten
nach Pallene (dessen lterer Name Phlegra war, Herod. VII, 123) in
Chalkidike gekommen war und dort mit der Torone, der Tochter des
Poseidon und der ...
Mecca and Eden: Ritual, Relics, and Territory in Islam 111
Brannon Wheeler 2006 ... Alkyoneus at Phlegra, and other giants buried
by Vesuvius at Pallene.95 Plutarch narrates how the Athenian soldier ...
son of Poseidon.96 According to Plutarch and Strabo, the burial mound
of the giant Antaios, the son of Poseidon and ...
Mythical Monsters in Classical Literature 107 Paul Murgatroyd
2013 ... with the gods at Phlegra: set in the centre of Minerva's aegis, it
transformed into towering mountains the snake-legged ... expanding on
brief references in earlier authors to the god Poseidon (Neptune) having
intercourse with Medusa and to ...
Mythologikos atlas tis Elladas: . Pedro Olalla 2001 (-. 14 02] ... : ),
' ,
, .
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology 92 1972 In the
presence of the gods of Olympus ( Poseidon. Hermes. ... At the instant


that they emerged from the entrails of the ground at Phlegra, in the
peninsula of Pallene, they appeared in glittering armour grasping
enormous spears. Porphyrion ...
On Heroes 184 Philostratus (the Athenian), Jennifer K. Berenson
MacLean, Ellen Bradshaw Aitken 2003 ... 9, 68, 141, 142 Phlegra, 14,
Phoenicia/Phoenician(s), xv, xviii, xix, ... 86, 96, 115, 121, 125, 126, 137,
139, 143, 147, 148 Poseidon, xxxviii, Ixv, 36, 38, 56, 60, 82, 89, 95, 98,
100, 101, 107, ...
Pindar: Nemean and Isthmian Odes: With Notes Explanatory ...Pindar, C.
A. M. Fennell 2011 67 Hieron and no doubt Chromios had defeated the
Carthaginians off Phlegra near Cumae in the year before ... the pediment
of the Megarian 'Treasury' at Olym-pia; next to Zeus, Poseidon and Ares,
the chief figure was Heracles.
Place-names in Classical Mythology: Greece 211 Robert E.
Bell1989 It was said to have been called Phlegra earlier and to have been
the scene of the conflict between the gods and the ... Proteus was
described as a son of Poseidon and king of Egypt For one or another
reason he went to Thrace and there ...
Plays 2 343 Aristophanes1970 Phaedra: in myth, wife of
Theseus, lover of stepson Hippolytus. Phlegra : mythical battlefield of
gods and Titans. ... Poseidon: god of earthquakes, water and the sea, and
horses. Priapus: phallus-god. Procne : see under Tereus. Procrustes: in ...
Recherches sur les cultes grecs et l'Occident 2 36 Luigi
Bernab Brea, Luisa Breglia Pulci Doria1979 bruciata (107) e ci si
muove quindi in una logica di accostamento di Flegra a cIty si che
potremmo pensare che anche in ... dice quest'ultimo figlio di Nausithoo,
nato dall'unione di Poseidon con Periboia, la figlia del capo dei (107)
Ronsard and the Hellenic Renaissance in France 2 275
Isidore Silver1987 He said, moreover, that when the gods shall meet the
giants in battle on the plain of Phlegra, their foes shall soon find their ...
in corn-bearing Libya, to wrestle with him and to stay him from roofing
Poseidon's temple with the skulls of strangers, ...
Sagen des klassischen Altertums Gustav Schwab 2015 Sie brachen aus
dem Erebos (der Unterwelt) auf dem weiten Gefilde von Phlegra in
Thessalien hervor. ... Typhoeus, rei dem Gewaltherrscher Zepter und


Blitz aus der Hand; Enkelados, du bemchtige dich des Meeres und
verjage Poseidon!
Selections from Pindar: Edited with an Introduction and ... 356
Gordon MacDonald Kirkwood, Pindar1982 ... 26, 126, 134-35 Philyra,
184-85, 224 Phintis, 12, 23, 80, 91 Phlegra, 256, 294 Phlius, 318
Phoenix, 316 Phrikias, 235, ... 74 Polydeuces, 136 Polygnotus, 54
Polymnastos of Thera, 181 Polyneices, 70, 210 Porphyrion, 209
Poseidon, 10, 16, ...
The 33 Strategies Of War 206 Robert Greene 2010 He first
traversed Libya, whose King Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Mother Earth,
was in the habit of forcing strangers to wrestle with him until ... It would
have gone ill with the Olympians if he had fought against them on the
Plains of Phlegra.
The Argonautica of Gaius Valerius Flaccus Balbus Gaius Valerius
Flaccus1916 Zeus, Pluto, and Poseidon v occupied Mount Olympus,"
while the avuncular forces took up an equally strong position on Mount
Othrys.w After a ' titanic ' struggle ... Phlegra was the scene of the battle
between the gods and u See note on l.
The Birds 44 Aristophanes 2014 553 Two of the giants, whose
rebellion against the Olympian gods was crushed in the Plain of Phlegra
(cf. lines 824-25); porphyrion was also the name of a bird. ... 559 Alope,
Cercyon's daughter, was mother by Poseidon of Hippothoon.
The Chautauquan 5 77 1885 As a punishment they were
cast into Tartarus, which was then closed by Poseidon with brazen
gates. ... From the plains of Phlegra they sought to scale and storm
Olympus, by piling, through their great strength, Pelion on Ossa ; but
after a ...
The Chautauquan 5 77 Theodore L. Flood1885 As a
punishment they were cast into Tartarus, which was then closed by
Poseidon with brazen gates. ... From the plains of Phlegra they sought to
scale and storm Olympus, by piling, through their great strength, Pelion
on Ossa ; but after a ...
The Clashing Rocks: A Study of Early Greek Religion and ... 408
Jack Lindsay1965 In Pherekydes, Pelias is celebrating Poseidon's festival
when Iason first turns up. sc. AR ii 1244; Farnell (2) iv 76R ... Only after
the battle with fierce Iapetos and Phlegra's toils did Olympus' palace set
me over the universe. Hard and heavy I've ...


The Classical Mythology of Milton's English Poems 110 Charles

Grosvenor Osgood Ph.D.1964 Phlegra, 3. Phoenix, xviii N., 69, 70.
Phrixus, 35. Pleiades, xxvi N., 70. Plenty, 5. Pluto, 3, 20, 66, 70.
Plutonian Hall, xliv N. Polydamna, 40. Polydeuces, 83. Pomona, 70.
Pontus, 76. Poseidon, see Neptune. Procne, 69. Prometheus, 14, 34,
46, ...
The Classical Mythology of Milton's English Poems 110. Charles
Grosvenor Osgood Phlegra, 3. Phoenix, xviii N., 69, 7o. Phrixus, 35.
Pleiades, xxvi N., 7o. Plenty, 5. Pluto, 3, 2o, 66, 7o. Plutonian Hall, xliv
N. Polydamna, 40. Polydeuces, 83. Pomona, 7o. Pontus, 76. Poseidon,
see Neptune. Procne, 69. Prometheus, 14, 34, 46, ...
The Complete Odes 184 Pindar, Stephen Instone 2007 Laomedon
first cheated Apollo and Poseidon of their pay for building Troy's walls
for him, and then cheated Heracles of his reward for ... 33 Phlegrae: for
the battle against the giants on the plains of Phlegra/ Phlegrae in Thrace,
see N. 1.619.
women. ...Euripides 2005 PHLEGRA: in northeastern Greece; where the
Battle of the giants and Olympians was fought. PHOIBOS: epithet of
Apollo; means bright. ... POSEIDON: god of the sea; brother to Zeus.
PRIAM: king of Troy; husband of Hekabe; killed by ...
The Eumenides 206 Aeschylus, Arthur Woollgar Verrall1908
The Facts on File Companion to Classical Drama 438. John E.
Thorburn 2005PHINEUS. The son of Agenor (or Agenor's son, Phoenix,
or POSEIDON), Phineus was king of Salmy- dessus, a town in
THRACE. ... Some sources thought Phlegra was a volcanic area near
Naples in Italy; others thought it was near Pallene in ...
The Greek Myths 2 Robert Graves1990 He first traversed Libya,
whose King Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Mother Earth, was in the habit
of forcing strangers to wrestle with him until ... It would have gone ill
with the Olympians if he had fought against them on the Plains of
Phlegra. h.
The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece 93 Kirk
Ormand 2014 And then the earth-shaker Poseidon tamed her, 55 carrying
her far from her father on the wine-dark sea, In Kos, surrounded by water,
although she was very clever. There she bore ... And in Phlegra he killed
the arrogant giants...


The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Constructions and ... 108

Richard Hunter 2005 [In Phlegra) he slew the overweening giants. 65
Mestra, leaving Cos for her native land, crossed [in a swift ship] to the
hill of sacred Athens [ ] when she gave birth to a child for her Poseidon
[ ] cared for (?) her doomed father The 'small ...
The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology 92. 1994 In the
presence of the gods of Olympus (Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Zeus, Apollo)
Prometheus prepares to animate the ... At the instant that they emerged
from the entrails of the ground at Phlegra, in the peninsula of Pallene,
they appeared in ...
The Library [by] Apollodorus 2 523 Apollodorus (of
Athens.), Sir James George Frazer 2002 103, 105; son of Poseidon or
Agenor, 105; tormented by the Harpies, delivered by the Argonauts, 105;
reveals to them the course of their ... 107; punished by the Argonauts, 107
Phlegra, Hercules in the battle of the gods with the giants at, i.
The Library [by] Apollodorus 2 523 Sir James George
Frazer1921 103, 105; son of Poseidon or Agenor, 105 ; tormented by the
Harpies, delivered by the Argonauts, 105; reveals to them the course of
their voyage, 107; misled by his second ... See Phlegra Phlegyas, son of
Ares, slain by Lycus and Nycteus, i.
The Library of Apollodorus (Delphi Classics): Apollodorus of Athens
2016 But he forced his way in and took the city by night, and slew the
king, Eurypylus, son of Poseidon by Astypalaea. ... And having laid
waste Cos, he came through Athena's agency to Phlegra, and sided with
the gods in their victorious war on the ...
The Library of Greek Mythology 87 Apollodorus1998 son of
Astypalaia and Poseidon. In the course of the fighting, Heracles was
wounded by Chalcodon, but Zeus snatched him away and he suffered no
further harm. After ravaging Cos, he went to Phlegra at Athene's behest,
and helped the gods ...
The library 523 Apolldorus, James George Frazer 1963 103,
105; son of Poseidon or Agenor, 105; tormented by the Harpies, delivered
by the Argonauts, 105' reveals to them the course oi their voyage, 107;
misled by his second ... See Phlegra Phiegyas, son of Ares, slain by
Lycus and Nycteus, i.
The Meridian Handbook of Classical Mythology 380 Edward
Tripp1974 ... Mimas' death is variously reported: Hephaestus killed him


with missiles of red-hot metal, or Ares killed him at Phlegra, ... Claiming
that the throne was his by right of divine birth, he declared that Poseidon
would do anything that he asked.
The Mertowney Mountain Interviews 216 Richard Leviton 2014
Strabo wrote that the giants once inhabited Phlegra, but they were an
impious and lawless tribe, whom Herakles ... More Olympians, Athena,
Poseidon, Apollo, Dionysos, Hecate, Hephaistos, Artemis, and Hermes,
got into the battle and all ...
The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy 232 Thomas
Keightley1866 They were apparently of huge stature ; yet the daughter of
Eurymedon, their last king, was by Poseidon mother of the ... The first
extant poet, however, who speaks of this war is Pindar, who names the
plain of Phlegra as the field of battle, ...
The Nemean and Isthmian Odes 16 Pindar1899 67 'PM pus
Hieron and no doubt Chromios ad defeated the Carthaginians ofi Phlegra
near Cumae in the year before this victory at Nemea. The Phlegra ...
'Treasury' at Olymlpia; next to Zeus, Poseidon andAres, the chief figure
was Heracles.
The New School of Poetry: And ; Anonymous Songs and Hymns 1993
Harpies: 115 Phlegra, another name for Pellene, where the gods fought
the giants: 391 Phlegyae, Thessalian race: ... of the Muses: 365
Polyphemus, the Cyclops: 157, 159, 161 Poseidon, god of sea,
earthquakes and horses: 99, 323,329, ...
The Odes of Pindar Cecil Bowra 2015 Phlegra, on the Potidaea of
Pallene, scene of battle between Gods and giants. m Phlegyas, king of
the Lapiths and father of Koronis. Phleious, Argive city. Phoibos, Apollo.
m Phokos, ... Poseidon, god of the sea. Praxidamas, Aiginetan, son of ...
The odes of Pndar 251 Pindar1969 Pellanna, town in Arkadia. m
Peleus, son of Aiakos, wife of Thetis, father of Achilles, m Pelias, son of
Poseidon (or Kretheus) ... Phlegra, on the Potidaea of Pallene, scene of
battle between Gods and giants, m Phlegyas, king of the Lapiths and ...
The Sea in the Greek Imagination 28 Marie-Claire Beaulieu
2015of Poseidon under the sea. ... Lycophron tells the story of Proteus,
the son of Poseidon and king of Egypt. ... For the sullen husband whose
wife is Torone of Phlegra, he who hates both laughter and tears and lives
without and in ignorance of ...


A Greek-English lexicon Robert Scott, Henry Drisler1846

211. 108. 100. 202.
77. 47. 85. 201.
111. 11. 32. ...
126. ' . }. 200. 32.
; 20.
Alexandra, Obscurum Poema. Cum Grco Isaacii, Seu
Potius ... 1702 259. huc refpexit:
, 3 o e, ..
Ancient Macedonia 1 423 1968
() 127, 129, 345. ,
- 195. 197, 282, 283, 286, 287.
... () 322, 335.
139. 335. (,
) 65, 93, ...
Antiquitatum romanarum quae supersunt: Graece et
Latine ex ... Dionysius (of Halicarnassus.), Adolf Gottlieb
Kiessling 1886 ... .
.... ,
Apollodori Bibliotheca ex recognitione Rudolfi Hercheri
11 Apollodorus (Grammaticus)1874
Apollodori Bibliotheca 11 Apollodorus, Rudolf
Hercher 1874 , , ,
, ... !


, .
Apollodori Bibliotheca, ex recogn. R. Hercheri 11.
Rudolf Hercher1874 , ,
, ,
. ...
Archaiologik ephmeris 185 1964 ,
69, - , 122,4. , .
, 69. , , 131,,. , .
, 68, 68, 69. , , 89,
, 89. , ., 8, 47, 93, 128.
, ., 93 ...
Cyropaedia 232 1865 5 , 2 , 15 ,
Ath , 5 , 1 , 2 , Lac . 1 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 3 ,
10 , 2 , 1 , 22 , 2 ,
1 ... 4 , 5 , 1 , 4 , 7 , 4 . 3 , 3 , 2
. . 1 , 1 , 29 : : 15 , 24 , 30 , 3 , 6 , ...
Deutsch-griechisches wrterbuch 591 Valentin
Christian Friedrich Rost, Friedrich Berger1868 ,
, ,. . 1 1 , ,.
Dionusou to likarnasws ts Rwmaiks rhaiologas ...
Dionysius (of Halicarnassus.), Adolf Kiessling1886 ...
. -

... ( ,
quae ... 39 Dionysius (of Halicarnassus.), Adolf
Kiessling, Victor Prou1886 ...
. )


DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Greece, Athens & the

Mainland 2015 ... Anvysos Palia Fokea Lagonissi Kaliva
Thorikou PRTO RFTI LVRIO Pallini Pendeli Maroussi
Ekali Kapandriti Vouliagmni Agia Marina Vrkiza Schinias
Ag. Marina SONIO PAIANA MON Kaisarians The Temple
of Poseidon on the ...
, ...



plrous ... Kstas Eleutheroudaks197?

. '
... ,
, 6 - ,
" ...
Enkyklopaideia hellnikn mathmatn: syllegeisa ek
tn ...Stephanos Kommtas, Knstantinos Gkarpolas1839
... ' , ,
' , ;
, . ...

, ^ /.
Epitomo gegraphiko lexiko ts Hellados 313
Michal Stamatelatos, Phtein Vamva-Stamatelatou 2001
, (

, ( . . ).
. , ,
, ...
Fodor's 2000 Spain 406 Fodor's1999
Fodor's Europe 406 Eugene Fodor1979 Poseidon
Beach (L); Aventura. Chandris, Corcyra Beach, Corfu
Kanoni. Delfinia. Ermones. Faeax. Grand Glifada. Kerkira
Golf ... Mendi, Pallini Beach. (A); Ammon Zeus. Gerakina
Beach. Mount Athos. Sermili, Vassos, Xenia Ouranopolis
and ...


Apollodori ...Theodor Mller, Letronne (Antoine-Jean, M.),
Victor Langlois1841 3 , ,
, .
^ ...
Fragmenta historicorum graecorum ...: auxerunt, notis
et ...Karl Mller, Theodor Mller 1885 3 ,
, ,
. ... 4
, ...
Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum.... 109 Carl
Mller, Theod Mller1841 3 ,
, , .
^ ' , ...
Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum 1 109
1874 3 , ,
, . '
. ... 4
Bibliotheca ... Karl Otfried Mller, Theodor Mller, Antoine
Jean Letronne1853 3 , ,
, .
... ) ,

>]/ , .
Fragmenta historicum graecorum 109 Mller1841 8
, , *
, .


^ ' , . 6
, " ...
Gegraphia Palaia Kai Nea Syllechtheisa ek diaphorn ...
392. 1728 , ,
, ,
. , ...
Griechisch-deutsches Wrterbuch der mythologischen, ...
301 Gottlieb Christian Crusius1832 , (
-), . des olos und der narete, welche vom Poseidon
fiinf inder gebar. Call. h, in Cer. 190. pd. ,
, sc. , ... dt. 7, 123. auch .
, = , Strab. Steph. , davon ...
Hellnik mythologia: Hoi theoi 42
Bastias1986 ... ,
' ,
, , ...
. ...

Johannes Th


Henri Estienne, Charles Benot Hase, Wilhelm Dindorf1847

Hino efficitur perspieme, ut pracipuis
quibusdam Cyrenaeorum religionibus filoruerit, de qua ...

, ...
Herodotus VIII, Urania 200 1894 ... near the
temple of Poseidon on the promontory of Mykale, or at a
later period at Ephesos [see Her. l, 142 ; Thucyd. ... and
Thucydides ; when any other is meant it is distinguished
by some explanatory word as , , or
the ...
Hidryma Meletn Chersonsou Tou Haimou 122
423 1970 () 127, 129, 345.
, - 195.
197, 282, 283, 286, 287. ... () 322,


335. 139. 335.

(, ) 65, 93, 97-99, 267, ...
Historia Graeca 232 Xenophon, Gustav Albert
Sauppe1866 5, 2, 15. 14121. 5, 1, 2.
18.0. 1, 5, 1. 2, 5, 10.
2, 1, 22. ... 4, 5, 1. 4. 7,
4 !. 5, 5, 8 8.0. 1, 1, 25. , 2,
15. 24. 55. 5, 5. 5 4, 21. ...
Historici graeci, fragmenta ... 109 Carl Mller1841
3 , ,
, .
\ . ...
Historicorum graecorum antiquissimorum fragmenta
collegit, ...Charon de Lampsaque, Creuzer1841 3
, , ,
. ...

^ ...
Historicum Graecorum fragmenta 1 109 Carl
Mller, Theodor Mller, Victor Langlois1841 3 ,
, ,
. ...
^ '
, ...
distributa, ...Johannes Meursius1741 ... ....
. ...
Korinthiaka kai Laknika: eisagg sta duo biblia kritiko ...
530 Pausanias1994
"A " ...
" , "


La furia di Poseidon 1 99 Giuseppe

Campione, Gianni Puglisi, Paola Callegari 2009 ... tessuti
di cotone, pane, pasta, sapone, sedie, solfato di magnesio,
vasi di terra- 14 Messina e dintorni 1902, pp. 179-180. 15
Wrsdrfer 1985, p. 302. 16 Battaglia 2003, p. 94. cotta,
letti, oggetti di latta e di stagno, Pallini da 99 Prima e
Les Divinits de la mythologie grecqueLa ... 344
Andreas Almalis 2012 Parce qu'en absence de la dcision
de faire cet effort, le char de Posidon n'a pas de force
pour dmarrer, car son ... Athna, quant elle, tait alle
Pallini d'o elle 344 Les Divinits de la mythologie
grecque Aglaure, Hers et Pandrose.
Lexicon Egcyclopaidicon 3 302 1900
Lexicon ton archaion kyrion onomaton tis mythologias, ...
140 Nikolaos Lorentis1837 . , (-).
. . ". . 19.
. ', 7, 3. ... ", 7, 128. .
K, , = K. . . , ...
Lexikon tes hellenikes glosses tritomon. (Dictionarium ...
140 Anthimos Gazis, Constantinus Garpolas,
Christodulus Matakidis1835
Lloyd's Maritime Directory: Shipping services 1-2
198 Kim Marks, Marie Bates, LLP Professional
Publishing 2004 ... m bulk Gt 2 2009 Net 12589 Dwt
37692 Bit 1984 Sp 14 FlgGHC SVOA L 188 B 28.1 D 15.4
Oft 10.9 BLE 45.961 GRN 47.588 Swan (PALLINI SHIPPING
CO. ... Tel: +44 171 620 1333 Telex- 883218 PINDOS
Lucio Fontana: exposition , Centre Georges Pompidou,
Muse ... Lucio Fontana, Muse national d'art moderne
(France) 1987 1946 Juan Zocchi, Lucio Fonlana, Buenos
Aires, Posidon. 1947 Histonium VIII, n94, .... 1956
Adriano Pallini, Milan, dition hors commerce (hommage
posthume Adriano Pallini, avec une lettre de Lucio
Fontana). L'architetturacronache e ...


Lycophronis Chalcidensis Alexandra, obscurum poema.

Cum ...1702 A 239.
, , ;o, 2 eo ...
urbe; havorinus, , ,
Miramare Beach, Poseidon Beach (L); Aventura, Chandris,
Corcyra Beach, Corfu Kanoni, Delfinia, Ermones, Faeax,
Grand ... Pallini Beach, (A); Ammon Zeus, Gerakina
Beach, Mount Athos, Sermili, Vassos, Xenia Ouranopolis
and Xenia ...
Mythologikos atlas tis Elladas: . Pedro Olalla 2001
- (-. 14
02] ... : ),
, ,
Novecento italiano, 1923/1933 270 Palazzo della
permanente (Milan, Italy)1983 172-173; Brughetti R.,
Pintura italiana del sigio XX, Poseidon, Buenos Aires,
1967; Carr M., Corr, tutta l'opera pittorica, Feltrinelli,
Biihneundbil- dende Kunst im ... A. Pallini; quindi Milano,
Numismatica e antichit classiche 15 44
1986 ... un cavallo dalle forme nobili e snelle, e parte di
una figura femminile vestita di manto e di chiton a Pallini
come Charikl nel ... Cos le figure di Athena Kalinitis
inventrice del morso, di Poseidon Hippios che ritorna su
cavalli terrestri e cavalli ...
Oeconomicus 379 Xenophon 1853 V, 2,
15. V, 1, 2. VI, 2, 14. IV, 1,
39. VII, 1, 28. ... IV, 8, 27. 31. V, 1, 28.
IV, 5, 1. 2. 4; 7, 4. 5. V. . III, 3, 2.
V, 2, 15.
Opera omnia: Continens Xenophontis Hellenicorum partem
alteram 1863 V, 2, 15. V,
1, 2. .'8 VI, 2, 14. IV, 1, 39.
VII, 1 ... 1;818 IV, 3 , 8.


, IV, 2, 41. () IV, 8, 27. 31.

V, 1, 28. IV, 5, 1.
Opera 3-4 232 Xenophon1866 5, 2,
. . 5, 1, 2. 1,80. 1, 3, 1. 2, 3, 10.
2, 1, 22. 2, 1, 29. 2, 3.
... 1,80. 5, 2, 41. &. 4, 3, 8. 1,
1, 22. 2, 2, 1. 4, 8, 27. 31. 5, 1, 28. 4, 5, 1. 4.
Owen's ... Directory & Business Travel Guide 31
33 1984 Telex: 215444 Adp. Hotel Poseidon, 72,
Possidonos Ave. R 9822086, 9822041, 9822047. Reqina
Maris Hotel, 11, Diadochou Pavlou, ... Marathenos Ave.,
Pallini. R 6665355. (Lamps, chandeliers.) J. Karamolengos
& D. Maroulidis, 411, ...
Pirro Ligorio E Le Erme Di Roma 351. Paola
Baldassarri1998293 Pallavicini, monsignore, 156 Pallini,
Orazio, v. .... foci del Po, 65 (nota 16) Portunus, 303 (nota
3), 304 (nota 25) Poseidon, 46 (nota 30), 69 (nota 11), v,
anche Nettuno Posidippo, 19, 60 s., 73, 76 (nota 9), 143
(nota 18) Poseidonio, 16, 18.
Publishers' International ISBN Directory: 26th Edition
of ...International ISBN Agency, Maria Caridia1999 ...
Dimitrios, 286 Acharnon, 11253 Athina, T: (01) 8677548,
ISBN 960-85429 Patriotikos Syllogos ano Karyoton, O
Lykaios Dias, ..... Knt., T. (081).261920, ISBN 960-7448
Psomiadis, Ilias, 24 Vyzantiou & Pallados Athinas, 15344
Athina, Pallini.
Revue des tudes grecques 111 208 Ch.-Em
Ruelle1998 303-318] prsente (en grec, rsum en
anglais) la suite de ses fouilles sur ce site de Poseidi
(sanctuaire de Posidon). ... fragments de cramique
archaque surtout eubenne, ionienne et attique f.n.
Polychrono (presqu'le de Pallini).
Samothrace: The ancient literary sources, edited and ...
141 Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann1959
, 65, 186, 188 , 186 , 229
, 215, 257 . ... , 229 , 20, 32
, 15, 69, (80), 81, (82), 83, 235, 236, (237)


, 42, 80 , 163 , 104 *,

126 , 208, (210) ...
Strabonis Geographica 82 Estrabn, Gustav
Krammer, Friedrich Nicolas ((Berln))1847 "
, , ,
, 20 ...
25 ,
, ...
The Companion Guide to Southern Greece: Athens, the ...
96 Brian De Jongh1972 At Pallini a branch road
leads to the pine-fringed beach of Loutsa. At Pikermi,
where there are two good tavernas ... with Figures, John
Murray, London, 1947. The Temple of Poseidon, Sunium
(5th century B.C.). is the SOUTHERN GREECE.
Thesauros tes hellenikes glosses: 6 199 1842
.] [ , .
", ,
. . ... ' , .
Thesauros ts Hellniks glsss: Thesaurus grc
lingu, ... Charles Benot Hase, Wilhelm Dindorf, Ludwig
August Dindorf
Thesaurus graecae





Thesaurus graecae poesecos, sive, Lexicon ... 845

. 1. 6.
. rph. , an. ...
. . ...
Thrace & the Thracians 37. Aleksandr Fol, Ivan Marazov 1977
Unfortunately, most of the relics and monuments which could throw light
on Thracian religion are from the Roman period....son of Poseidon and
Assa, king of the Thracian Chersonese, had a daughter, Pallene, by the
Nymph Mendis, and...


Xenophon's Hellenika 3 265 Xenophon1876

, V, I, 2. ,... IV, 5, 1. 2. 4.
7, 4. 5. , 3, 2. , , V, 2, 15. 24. 39. 3,
Xenophontis De postremis belli Peloponnesiaci annis
libri ... 1880 , . 18. 1, 2. , 2,
14. , 1, 89. , 1, 28.
1, 4, 10. ... 1, 8,
1. . 4; , 4. . . . , 8, 2. ,
2, 18.
Xenophontis opera: Historia graeca. 1866 232
Xenophon, Gustav Albert Sauppe1866 5, 2, 15.
. 5, 1, 2. &. 1, 3, 1. 2, 3, 10.
2, 1, 22. 2, 1, 29 ...,
1, 22. 2, 2, 1. 4, 8, 27. 31. 5,1,28. 4, 5, 1. 4. 7,
4 }. - 3, 3, 2. 83.0.
Xenophontis opera 4-5 232 Xenophon, Gustav
Albert Sauppe1866 5, 2, 15. . 5, 1, 2.
1, 3, 1. 2, 3, 10. 2,
1, 22. 2, 1, 29 ... . 5, 2, 41. 1,
1, 22. 2, 2, 1. 4, 8, 27. 31. 5, 1, 28. 4, 5, 1. 4. 7,
4 84.
. 16, 1 422 1987
, . (), .
, ...

1 ,
' . ". .
190. . ', 7> 3. ... . , 128.
', , , = . . . 03 ,
, , .
. ...
249 Nikolaos Lrents1837 . , (-).
. . ". . 19.


. ' 7, 3. ... ", 7, 128. .

, , K. . . , ...
. ...
249 Nikolaos Lorents1837
. . ". . 19. ". , 7, 3.
, . ' , ...
". 7, 128. . , ", =
. . . , , , .
. http://verginarooms.gr/history/
1923 ,
600 .. .

480 .. .


. Poseidon Kassandreia.
A Commentary on Thucydides: Volume II: Books IV-V. 24 388.
Simon Hornblower1991 In addition there are extensive remains of a
temple to Poseidon close to the beach at the promontory of modern
Possidi, see 129. 3 n. on dpavres etc. Mende was (at least until the early
Hellenistic foundation of Kassandreia nearby) a ...
A Guide to the Ancient World: A Dictionary of Classical ... 521
Michael Grant1986 Adjoining it is the 'Temple of Poseidon' (c 450?), in
reality another shrine of Hera or Zeus, one of the ... see Soli (Cyprus)
Potidaea, Poteidaia, later Kassandrea, Kassandreia (Nea Poteidaia). A
city in Macedonia (northern Greece), situated at a ...
Ancient Greek theophoric toponyms 78 Busso Loewe1980 Bei
einer berschau ber die nach Poseidon genannten Ortschaften ergibt
sich, da ihre Herkunft durchweg nach ... 82), werden nach Alexander
keine Stdte mehr nach Poseidon benannt, Potidaia auf der Chalkidike
wird zu Kassandreia, ...


Archologischer Anzeiger 307 1926 PortrtStan von Delos 195,

197; Poseidon von Melos 194; Priapos-Fgt. aus Dakien29,5; Reitcr- Stan
aus Oropos 314; ... hellenistischer Kopf, Rostock 200 f.; stehendes
Mdchen aus Potidaia-Kassandreia 154If.; gelagerter Mann aus Attika ...
Archilochos Heros: The Cult of Poets in the Greek Polis 211
Diskin Clay 2004 ... 175n155 Poseidippos of Kassandreia statue base on
Delos, 45 Poseidippos of Pella attested in the inscription from Thermon,
99 on the statue of Philitas of Kos, 85 sphragis, 99 statue in Vatican, 98
Poseidon, 13, 68,71, 109, 150 Asphaleios ...
Art in the Hellenistic Age 327 Jerome Jordan Pollitt1986 ... 260,
280-1 Kameiros, Rhodes 231 Karneades (portrait) 70 Kassander
13,31,41,45,46,49,63 Kassandreia 49 Kazanlak, ... statue of Poseidon
31-2; statue of Zeus at Tarentum 49, 55 Macedonia 79, 150 Macedonian
coins 25, 26 Macrianus, ...
Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World: Map-by-map ...Richard
J. A. Talbert2000.. Por(d)oselene/ TKY See Map 56 Nasos Dl *Porsulae/
See Map 51 Maximianopolis C3 Porthmos See Map 59 B3 Poseidion See
Map 55 Dt Poseidon, Amphitrite, T. See Map 60 Bl Poteidaia/ See Map
50 Kassandreia P6 Potidaion See Map ...
Bauten 546 Procopius, Otto Veh1977 .. Landschaft in Phnikien,
V 9/23 IIooeiS<ov Poseidon, Festung in Epirus, IV 4
noTaiiouxioTsXXov Potamukastellon, Festung in Thrakien, IV 11 riTse
Potes, Festung in Illyrien, IV 4 IloTtSeta Potideia, spter Kassandreia
genannt, Stadt auf ...
Bauten. Beschreibung der Hagia Sophia: [Mit einem ... 546
Paulos Silentiarios, Prokop1977 1/8 IIopp ope kv Porphyreon,
Landschaft in Phnikien, V 9/23 I Poseidon, Festung in Epirus, IV 4
IIorauouxore 2 Xov Potamukastellon, Festung in Thrakien, IV. ll IIre
Potes, Festung in Illyrien, IV 4 n: Potideia, spter Kassandreia ...
Berthold Rubin: Das Zeitalter Iustinians 2 297 Berthold
Rubin1995 ... 194, Anm. 491 Poseidon I 302, 400 POsen II 3 Potidaia s.
Kassandreia Potitus (hl) I 488 Poulik, J. II Anm. 405 Pouydraguin II
Anm. 44 Prchter, K. I 399 Praefectus praetorio I 115, 144,146, 161,185
Praefectus urbi I 212, 221,446 Praeses ...
Beschreibung von Hellas: mit einem Plane von Olympia und ... Pausanias
(Periegeta), Ernst Wiedasch1827 Nach Strabon lag dies auf der Insel
Kalauria an der Kste on Argolis, wo auch ein Tempel des Poseidon als


Freysttke diente. ... Kassandreia frher Potid, eine Psian, staut te

Kortffther auf der Landenge von Pallene in Makedonien.
Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur 54 646 Athenaeus
(Naucratites.), Claus Friedrich2000 ... 234, 237, 385 f., 425, 427, 516
Poseidippos aus Kassandreia (Dichter der Neuen Komdie, um 300)
13.591e, 14.652c, 658f,659c,661f S.221,432,443,448 Poseidippos aus
Pella (Epigrammatiker, 3. Jh.) 11.491c, 13.596c 5.63, 228 Poseidon ...
Bulletin de correspondance hellnique 127 975 2003 Peuttre est-ce le temple romain fouill en 1928 par S. Plkanidis, qui l'avait
attribu Posidon. ... jour l'occasion de fouilles d'urgence sur la
colline du Prophte lie, aux abords Sud de la commune de Kassandreia
(Valta avant 1955).
Bulletin de l'Association internationale pour l'tude de ...1995 La
signification religieuse et sociale de la grande salle des thermes romains
du sanctuaire de Posidon est suggre par la ... Ereunes stn archaia
Kassandreia kai sta archaia Stageira (The excavational research at
ancient Kassandreia and ...
Das Gelehrtenmahl 476 Athenaeus (of Naucratis.), Ursula Treu,
Kurt Treu1987 Jh.: 246 Pontianos, Philosoph, Gesprchsteilnehmer: 6
Poseidippos v. Pella, Epigrammatiker, 3. Jh.: 264, 266 Poseidippos v.
Kassandreia, Dichter der Neuen Komdie, 3. Jh.: 399 Poseidon, Gott des
Meeres: 109, 163, 180, 181, 186, 218, 229 ...
Das Gelehrtenmahl: Buch I-XV 646 Athenaeus Naucratites 2001
117, 120, 131 f., 136, 161, 164, 205, 234, 237, 385 f., 425, 427, 516
Poseidippos aus Kassandreia (Dichter der Neuen ... Jh.) 11.491c, 13.596c
S.63, 228 Poseidon (griechischer Gott des Meeres) 1 1.466cd, 498c,
12.510d, 536b, 13.588e, 590f, ...
Der Hellenismus: Der Hof und die Welt Peter Scholz 2015 [13] Er floh
vielmehr mitsamt seiner Flotte von Kassandreia nach Korinth. ...
Rckseite: BAIE HMHT [Prgung] von Knig
Demetrios), Poseidon, der Schutzherr des Demetrios und seiner Flotte,
mit Dreizack und Fu auf Felsen ... : Peter Scholz
2015 [13]
. ...: BAIE HMHT
[] , ,


Der Kleine Pauly: Lexikon der Antike 4 307 Konrat

Ziegler, Walther Sontheimer1972 Aus Kassandreia, unter den
bedeutendsten Dichtern der Neuen Komdie genannt (CGF 9), auch von
Rmern nachgebildet (Gell. 2,23,1 ; vgl. Caecil. ... Gott des Meeres,
Sohn des Kronos und der Rhea. Der Kosmos wurde unter ...
Die Gtterkulte Nordmakedoniens in rmischer Zeit: 204 Siegrid
Stdteverwaltung im rmischen Kaiserreiche (1969, Nachdr. d. Ausg.
Leipzig 1900) 292. ... Pella, Gaebler 1935, 94 Nr. 5. q ' Kassandreia,
Gaebler 1935, 53 Nr. 10. 10 Pella, BCH 84, 1960, ...
Die hellenistische Welt, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft Michael Ivanovitch
Rostovtzeff1956 Poseidon, Tempel in Mantineia 153, 1118; am Tainaron
153, 1118; Aisios in Delos 657; Hippios in Lindos LXXVII. ...
Kassandreia. Praedia 502; populi Romani 805; rustica 600, 1237.
Praefecti zur Einziehung der Kontributionen 786.
Die nicht Menschengestaltigen Gtter der Griechen 233 Marinus
Willem de Visser1903 Hera Aigophagos, Apollon Kar- neios, Poseidon
Hippokurios, Dionysos Eriphos, alle in Sparta; Apollon Karneios in
Gythion, Las, Oitylos, Leuktra und Kardamyle; Artemis Knagia in S p a r
t a, alle 279. Lydien. ... Meteor in Kassandreia 74.
Die nicht menschengestaltigen Gtter der Griechen 234 M. W. de
Visser 2013 Meteor in Kassandreia. 74. Bu m e. Zeus und Palme auf
makedonischen Mnzen 194. Tie re. Artemis Tauropolos auf Mnzen von
A m phi p oli s und ganz Makedonien 279. Poseidon zu Pferde, auf
Mnzen von Potidaia 279. Megaris.
Die rmische Kolonie von Butrint und die Romanisierung ... 166
Johannes Bergemann1998 74 Isthmia: 11 Kassandreia: 91 Kassope: 92.
95 Karyatiden: 13. 101-106 Abb. ... Musengruppe aus den Thermen von
Agnano in Frankfurt: 154 Anm. 80 Neptun (s.a. Poseidon): 101 Nemesis
von Rhamnus: 55. 139 Nero: 114 f. Nikopolis: 14.
Epitomo gegraphiko lexiko ts Hellados 313 Michal
Stamatelatos, Phtein Vamva-Stamatelatou
2001 .
* 2. , ( . .
). . , ,
, , (. ).


Fodor's 89 Greece 226 Fodor's, Richard Moore1989 The

museum's chief glories are a superb vase decorated with the battle of the
Amazons, and a bronze statuette of Poseidon. Just beyond ... Destroyed
by Philip II, refounded by Kassander as Kassandria, it was finally razed
by the Huns. As the ...
Friedrich Lbkers Reallexikon des classischen alterthums: ...Friedrich
Lbker, Max Erler1877
Friedrich Lbkers Reallexikon des klassischen Altertums ... 846
Friedrich Lbker, Erich Ziebarth, Johannes Geffcken1914
Friedrich Lbkers Reallexikon des Klassischen Altertums Friedrich
Lbker, Johannes Geffcken, Erich Ziebarth1914
From Republic to Empire: Rhetoric, Religion, and Power in ... John
Pollini 2012... 262n47, 308n192, 313, 330, 409n104 Popaea, 153 poplars,
269n189, 269n191 Porta Carmentale, 340 Porticus Octaviae, 186 Porticus
Philippi, 186 Poseidippos of Kassandreia (poet), 66n184 Poseidon, 74,
136, 156n17, 448n71. See also ...
Geographie und geschichte von Altgreichenland und seinen ...Franz
Fiedler1843 Der Name Potidaia bedeutet Poseidonsstadt, denn Poseidon
hie dorisch Poteida oder Potidas, woraus ihr alter Nam ... An der
Stelle der von den Makedonien, zerstrten Stadt grndete Kassandros
Kassandreia, welches spter als ...
Gesammelte akademische Abhandlungen und kleine Schriften 1868 ...
Poseidon), wie aach der pelasgischen (Tyrospiegel: Milliu Gal. XXV,
425*. Gerhard Etr. Sp. II, 170) ... einer Zeusschlange (Anm. 79). Einen
stehenden Zeus -Dionysos mit Adler, Traube und Schlange geben die
Mnzen von Kassandria (Pell.
Gesammelte akademische Abhandlungen und kleine Schriften, ...Eduard
Friedrich W. Gerhard1866R. Poseidon), wie anch der pelasgischen
(Tyrospiegel: Miliin Gal. XXV, 425. Gerhard Etr. Sp. II, 170) und
lanuvinischen Juno ... Traube nnd Schlange geben die Mnzen von
Kassandria (Pell. Ml. I, 21, 1). Athene Hygiea (Paus. 1, 23, 5) ...
Gesammelte akademische abhandlungen und kleine schriften: ... 1868 R.
Poseidon), wie auch der pelasgischen ( Tyrospiegel : Miliin Gal. XXV,
425*. Gerhard Etr. Sp. II, ... einer Zeusschlange (Anm. 79). Einen
stehenden Zeus -Dionysos mit Adler, Traube und Schlange geben die
Mnzen von Kassandria (Pell.


Geschichte der griechischen Literatur 2 1017 Albin

Lesky1971 799, 830 Poseidippos von Kassandreia, 747f- Poseidippos
von Theben, 908 Poseidon, 236, 240, 267, 365, 422, 433, 442, 495, 684
Poseidonios von Apameia, 645, 764-767, 870, 872, 884, 887, 981, 993f.
Pratinas von Phleius, 261, 267, 268f.
Geschichte Kleinasiens in der Antike 925 Christian Marek, Peter
Frei 2010 Zoll Poseidippos von Kassandreia, Komdiendichter 387
Poseidon, Gott 165,307,314 Posideion 172 Possis, Lokalhistoriker 583
Potamon, Sohn des Lesbonax, Gesandter 375 Poti 172 Potnia theronMotiv 218 Pozanti Cay 32 Praefectus ...
Graecia Capta: The Landscapes of Roman Greece 302 Susan E.
Alcock1996 1"34 Isis, 1 8o-1; Cleopatra as "New Isis," 197 politeia, 165
Isthmia (78): sanctuary of Poseidon, 169, 189; triple arch, 169-7o ... 3o,
39, 76, 1o1 2, 162; cipoltinn marble quarries near, 1o1, I 1o-12
Kassandreia (135), 134 Kassope (126), 1367 ...
Greek Sacrificial Ritual, Olympian and Chthonian: ... 217 Robin
Hgg, Brita Alroth 2005 ... 202 Isthmia 44, 121,125-154 sanctuary of
Melikertes-Palaimon (Palaimonion) 125-154 sanctuary /temple of
Poseidon 1 ... 1 17 Kassandreia 118 Kassandros of Macedon 1 1 8 Kato
Syme Viannou, sanctuary of Hermes and Aphrodite 121, ...
Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era: A Sourcebook 116 Georgia
L. Irby-Massie, Paul T. Keyser 2013 ... a history of Alexander by one of
his officers, Aristoboulos of Kassandreia, offered much biological and
geographical ... Having set up an altar here to Poseidon, we proceeded
again, going toward the east for half the day, until we reached a ...
Griechische Geschichte: Bd. Die griechische Weltherrschaft 682
Julius Beloch1967 Olynthier, in Kassandreia angesiedelt 110. Onehestos,
Heiliger Hain des Poseidon, Mittelpunkt des Boeotischen Bundes 604,
Sieg des Demetrios ber die Boeoter 226 A. 1. Onesikritos, pxiKuPpvr|
Tr|<; des Ne- archos 31 A. Onomakleides, ...
Griechische Geschichte 4 682. Julius Beloch 2012
Olynzz'er, in Kassandreia angesiedelt 11 Onchestos, Heiliger Hain des
Poseidon, Mittelpunkt des Boeotischen Bundes 604, Sieg des Demetrios
ber die Boeoter 226 A. 1. Onesikrz'tos, dpxu<upvfirng des Nearchos
31 A. Onomaklez'des, ...
Griechische theophore Ortsnamen 78 Busso Loewe1936 Bei einer
berschau ber die nach Poseidon genannten Ortschaften ergibt sich, da


ihre Herkunft durchweg nach ... 32), werden nach Alexander keine Stdte
mehr nach Poseidon benannt, Potidaia auf der Chalkidike wird zu
Kassandreia, ... 78 Busso Loewe1936

... 32),
, ,
Hellenistic Economies 250 Zofia H. Archibald, John Davies,
Vincent Gabrielsen 2006 within the context of the battle of Andros (246/5
BC).25 Moreover, the earliest hoard with Poseidon head tetradrachms,
Karditsa (Palaiokastro), ... There survives only a single hoard with a
transitional gold stater, Poteidaia/Kassandreia, 1984.
Karl Friedrich Becker's Weltgeschichte ... 406 1844 Poseidon der
Athener, I 315. Posthumius Albinus, 3., von den Galliern getidtet. II
347. ... 20; von den Athenern eingenommen, 9; von Philipp, 99 fg.; wirb
Kassandria, 212. Potiphar, I 74..
Kleines Lexikon des Hellenismus 876 Hatto H. Schmitt, Ernst
Vogt1993 ... 344f., 478, 510, 536, 543, 609-613, 657f., 684, 712, 815
Popillius Laenas 683, 716 Popularphilosopie 7, 590 Portrt 92,613-619
Poseidipp von Kassandreia 139 Poseidipp von Pella 163, 173 f., 17Sf.,
182, 261 Poseidon 26 Poseidonios 38, ...
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Ursul Philip
Boissevain1912 Pferd, stehend, Nuceria 35; mit erhobenem Vorderbein,
Kassandreia 64 ; von einer ber ihm schwebenden Nike bekrnzt, ...
Poseidon, Kopf, Hadrumetum 1S9; mit Haarbinde, Amphipolis 63,
Byzantion 56, Paestum 24, Syracusae 52; mit ...
La Grande encyclopdie, inventaire raisonn des sciences, ...1886 ...
nom , au S . du canal et 2 kil . N . de la NouvelleCorinthe . Elle a pris
ce nom du sanctuaire de Poseidn , situ sur l ' autre mer . P0SIDlPPE ,
pote comique athnien, originaire de Kassandreia , en * le dernier de la
Nouvelle Comdie .
Les Grands ateliers d'architecture dans le monde gen du ... Jacques Des
Courtils, Jean-Charles Moretti1993 La pninsule ouest de la Chalicidique
s'appelle Kassandreia ou Palln. Un promontoire ... Certains habitants
du village, voisin de Kalandra croyaient qu'un temple de Posidon devait
tre cach quelque part sous le sable. Et ils avaient ...


Let's Go: The Budget Guide to Greece, Israel, and Egypt 159.
1990Three-pronged like the trident of Poseidon, Halkidiki thrusts
southward into the Aegean. On the eastern prong is the restricted region
of Mount Athos, the largest enduring monastic community in Western
society. The western side is Kassandra, ...
Lexikon frher Kulturen 1 445. Joachim Herrmann1984
Lexikon ts ellniks glsss 3 354. Wilhelm Pape,
Athanasios A. Sakellarios, Henri Estienne1887
Lexikon ts Hellniks glsss kata to Hellnikon Lexikon ...Athanasios
A. Sakellarios, Johann Georg Wilhelm Pape, Henri Estienne1898
Macedonian Institutions Under the Kings: A historical and ...Miltiads V.
Chatzopoulos1996 Poseidon: head on coins: 254, n. 5-6. Posideon, month
in Demetrias: 158. ... Poteidaia, Corinthian colony on the Potidaea of
the Pallene: 121, conquered by Philip II: 189; 197; incorporated into
Kassandreia: 200. I; IV. Potidaea: see Poteidaia.
Mad og vin i oldtiden 108 ... en af phaiakerne i Odysseen 13e
Pontos, pontiere, distrikt i det nordstlige Lilleasien 20c Poseidippos fra
Kassandreia, digter fra den nye komedie (3. rh. f. Kr.) 32b Poseidon,
havguden 9b, 27f Poseidonios fra Korinth, forfatter om fiskeri, ...
Meyers enzyklopdisches Lexikon in 25 Bnden: Pole-Renc 1977
Meyers grosses konversations-lexikon: Ein nachschlagewerk ... Hermann
Julius Meyer1909
Meyers lexikon 9 1153 1928 Beschreibung der griechischen
autonomen Mnzen im Besitze
Monnaies grecques 493 Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer1883
Olympias, h thrylik vasilissa ts Makedonias 17 Angelik
Stergiou1989 ... 1664 . ""
... .,
Paulys Realencyclopdie der classischen ... 1043 August Friedrich
von Pauly, Georg Wissowa, Wilhelm Kroll1978 Bei beschworen bei Z.,
Ge, Helios, Poseidon (Trans. ... abroo ni tv Xaz/twv
Poteidaia (Kassandreia): Mnzen (Kai- oi but' arv ndvre


(Rhoimetalkes HL, herrscht serzeit) der Colonia Iulia Cassandrensis mit

Kopf bis 46 n.
Paulys real-encyclopdie der classischen ... 191 August Friedrich
von Pauly, Georg Wissowa, Wilhelm Kroll1980 15) Heiligtum des
Poseidon Samios mit Hafen an der triphyl. Kste. (L) S IX. S XIV. 16)
Kap an der epeirot. Kste bei Buthroton. S XIV. ... S X. = Kassandreia (S
1V 877. S X 628,29). 2) rtlichkeit an der arkad.-messen. Grenze. S X.
Potentia 2) ...
Paulys Realencyclopdie der classischen ... 191 Hans Grtner,
Albert Wnsch, August Friedrich von Pauly1980 S XIV. l5) Heiligtum
des Poseidon Samios mit Hafen an der triphyl. Kste. (L) S IX. S XIV.
16) Kap an der epeirot. Kste bei Buthroton. S XIV. ... S X. =
Kassandreia (S IV 877. S X 628,29). 2) rtlichkeit an der arkad. -messen.
Grenze. S X. Poten ...
Paulys Real-Encyclopaedie der classischen ... 1043 August
Friedrich von Pauly, Georg Wissowa, Wilhelm Kroll1978 Bei
beschworen bei Z., Ge, Helios, Poseidon (Trans. ... rKvcov aToo
Eroxo ni tuv Xarpxov Kai Poteidaia (Kassandreia): Mnzen (Kaioi im' azv navre (Rhoimetalkes III., herrscht serzeit) der Colonia lidia
Cassandrcmis mit Kopf bis ...
Pausaniou Hellados perigsis: Messniaka-liaka 312 Pausnias,
Nikolaos D. Papachatzs1974 ... ,
, ,
... . 9,81 ( 4,5
, .
Propylen weltgeschichte: herausgegeben von Walter Goetz ...Walter
Goetz Poseidon, griech. Meeresgott (rmisch Neptun), Sohn des Kronos
und der Rhea, Vater des Triton, Bruder des Zeus: 9, 53, 96, 221.
Poseidonia (lat. ?23tum) ... Chr. zerstr, von Kassandros als
Kassandreia neu gegr.: 42, 12c, 124, 128, 164 ...
Public Organization in Ancient Greece: A Documentary Study. Nicholas
F. Jones19875. For the cult of Poseidon, see E. Meyer, "Poteidaia 1),"
RE Suppl. 10 (1965) 616-639: 627- 628 (Poteidaia), 635 (Kassandreia).
2 Thessalonike 1. IG, loc. cit., and CP 53 (1958) 62, note 8, where the
candidacy of Antigonos I is dismissed. 2.


Reallexicon des klass. Alterthums fr Gymnasien 799 Friedrich

Luebker1867 halte Poseidon auch wegen seiner urallcn Vcdeulung eines
Gottes aller Gewsser. Er sollte Kassandreia in Makedonien, einer der
besten Dichter der neuen grie- chischcn Komdie, Er trat zuerst Ol
Reallexikon des classischen Alterthums fuer Gymnasien 793
Friedrich Heinrich Christian Lbker1860 erwhnt einen Cultus des
Poseidon in Libyen und behauptet flschlich, da der Gott von da zn den
Griechen ... Kassandreia in Makedonien, einer der besten Dichter der
neuen griechischen Komdie.
Reallexikon des classischen Alterthums fr Gymnasien 766
Friedrich Lbker1855 In altpelasgi- scher Zeit war Poseidon nicht allein
der Gott des Meeres, sondern der Gott alles um und durch die Erde
verbreiteten Gewssers, .... aus Kassandreia in Makedonien , einer der
besten Dichter der neuen griech.
Recherches sur les conditions de pntration et de ... 343 Marie
Franoise Baslez1977 414 DIONYSIOS f. de NOUMENIOS de
KASSANDREIA. 1216, a, 1 (a) ; 1228,2, 14 (b) (vers 180) ; Sar. A,
souscripteur pour les ... Poseidoniaste, vergte de l'association ; dd.
Posidon. 423 Dl ON YSI0Sf.de ZENON de MARATHON, 2065, ...
Revue archologique 134 1893 ... archologues, 75 208.
POSEIDON (Poalmas 77112, 127; sur une oenocho du Louvre, ...
KASSANDRIA. POTIERS d'tain. Liste de noms de , 84 276.
POUzzoLES (Campanie). Vues de sur verres gravs, 74 286.
PRAEI'ECTUS fabrum ...
Revue des tudes grecques 67 1907 8 dcrets de proxnic du Il!"
s., dcerns des citoyens d'Arados, Askalon, Athnes, Karystos,
Kassandreia, ... Ex-voto a Posidon en faveur du trirarque des nsiotes
Chrysogonos par ses parents et 3 ddicaces de la mme famille. 340.
Salmonsens konversationsleksikon 19 457 1925
Handwrterbuch der griechischen Sprache: in vier Bnden. ... Wilhelm
Pape1850 , Tempel des Poseidon, trsb. x, 487. bei den Rheginern, VI,
257 u, sonst, Eigtl, neutr, von ttolrktcs'?, den Poseidon betreffend,
ihm geweiht, St. auf der Halbinsel Pallene, spter Kassandreia ...
Skrifter 1 422 Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. II--Hist.filos. klasse1915 ... vor der Seeschlacht einen Becher voll Wein und einen
anderen Becher voll Meerwasser als Opfer fr den Poseidon ins Meer ...


Chr. sich der Stadt Kassandreia auf Pallene bemchtigte, er habe den
Gttern einen Jngling geschlachtet und ...
Stadtspuren: Zeugnisse zur Siedlungsgeschichte der Chalkidiki Eva
Winter 2006 80 Herodot erwhnt ein groes extraurbanes PoseidonHeiligtum, das auf dem Weg von Argilos nach ... beiden Stdten
angibt.777 Diodor berliefert, da Kassander 316 an Stelle des
ehemaligen Potideia Kassandreia grndete.
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 47 254.H. W.
Pleket, Johan Strubbe, R. S. Stroud2000A.D. Stone stele with relief
representation of Poseidon, standing near a ship and holding a trident in
his left and a dolphin ... The new text shows that at the early stage of its
existence Kassandreia was neither an independent polis nor an ally of ...
The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations 46
Jan Bremmer, Andrew Erskine 2010 ... as well as Kassandreia, Philippi
and Amphipolis.19 Thus, someone writing a history of the Dodekatheon
would have to ... The most often cited group is:21 Zeus, Hera, Poseidon,
Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes, Athena, ...
The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as Described ...John
Watson McCrindle, Quintus Curtius Rufus, Marcus Junianus
Justinus1896 See Oxykanos Poseidon, 164 Postumius, A., 274 Potidaia,
Kassandreia, 7 Poura, 123, 172, 177, 357-8 Praesti, 158, 253 Prasioi,
Praisioi, 13, 221, 281, 310, 323, 365, 349 Prasiane, 159 Precious stones,
Indian, 1 88 Presidae. See Prasioi ...
The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as Described ... John
Watson McCrindle1893 See Oxykanos Poseidon, 164 Postumius, A., 274
Potidaia, Kassandreia, 7 Poura, 123, 172, 177, 357-8 Praesti, 158, 253
Prasioi, Praisioi, 13, 221, 281, 310, 323. 365. 349 VI. Philometor, 404
VII. Physkon, 188, 404 Keraunos, son of Ptolemy ...
Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Mnzen und Gemmen des ... 42
Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer, Otto Keller1839 Procilia u. s. w. mit Poseidon:
Mantineia. mit Athena: Athen, Isauria u. a. mit Dionysos (?):
Kassandreia. mit Persephone: Selinus, Priansos. mit Demeter:
Flaviopolis in Bithynien. mit Kadmos: Samos, Berytos, Tyros (Tafel XII
Nr. 27). mit ...
Topographischer Bildkommentar zu den Historien Herodots: ... Dietram
Mller1987 POTEIDAIA spter Kassandreia Abb- Poteidaia 1-6 (s.
auch Pallene) Skizze: R. II. ... gegen den Tempel und gegen das Bild des


Poseidon in der Vorstadt gefrevelt hatten, die Perser, die nun vom Meer
gettet worden waren.
Videnskabsselskabets skrifter: Historisk-filosofiske ...1915 ...
anderen Becher voll Meerwasser als Opfer fr den Poseidon ins
giefat (helfe<<, heifat es im folgenden Gebet, ... Chr. sich der
Kassandreia auf Pallene bemchtigte, er habe den Gttern
`Ingling geschlachtet und ...


Wrterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen 328 1842 ^/artcknt^,

Stadt ans der Halbinsel Pallene, spter Kassandreia, Her, 8, 128; ^r.
Lqu.440, , Her, 8, 126. Potida betreffend,...
Zeus 50 Hans Schwabl1978 Bei beschworen bei Z., Ge, Helios,
Poseidon (Tran! ... aro Exoxoz b eni tSv Aavdpxov Kai Poteidaia
(Kassandreia): Mnzen im' ardv nvxet; (Rhoimetalkes III., herrscht
serzeit) der Colonia Iulia Cassandrensis mit Kopf bis 46 n.
Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion 3, 2 1232. A. B.
Cook 2010Earpathos Cult : Poseidon TLbpBiuos 180 Kartemnides See
Gortyna Karthaia CuU: Apollon 269! coins of 271 ... Syria Cult : Zeus
Kdirios 1177 Kasmilos 1128 Kassandra Myth: Aias, s. of Oileus 867 956
Kassandreia Cults : meteorite 8840 886 ...
. 16, 1 422. 1987
3. ... , (,
) (, , '
Poseidon Potidaea
A Classical Dictionary: Containing an Account of the ... 881
Charles Anthon, Francis Adams1847 Neptune or Poseidon, the son of
Saturn and Rhea, and the brother of Jupiter and Juno, appears to have
been one of the ... Poseidon is written in Doric Greek Poteidan
(IIoTeudav), of which we have another example in the name of
Potidaea, ...
A commentary on Herodotus: With intord. and appendixes by ...Walter
Wybergh How, Joseph Wells1961 3 Potidaea was under the special
protection of the god from whom it was named, Poseidon, whose image,
taken perhaps from this very statue (Head, H. N. p. 212), was on its coins.


Such extraordinary tidal waves were naturally ascribed to him, ...

: ... Walter
Wybergh Joseph Wells 1961 3
- - ,
, (Head, .
212) , .
- -,


A Commentary on Herodotus 2 277 1961 3 Potidaea was

under the special protection of the god from whom it was named,
Poseidon, whose image, taken perhaps from this very statue (Head, H. N.
p. 212), was on its coins. Such extraordinary tidal waves were naturally
ascribed to him, ...
A Companion to Ancient Macedonia 58 Joseph Roisman, Ian
Worthington 2011 Examples are the cult of Poseidon in Cassandreia,
built on the site of the old city Potidaea, which appears under
Commodus, or in Pella the cult of Pan, a god previously associated with
the kings (plate 9).72 A third group is formed by the coins ...
A Companion to Archaic Greece Kurt A. Raaflaub, Hans van Wees 2012
... of Corinthians to Potidaea, of various Euboeans to Chalcidice, and of
Klazomenians and Teans successively to Abdera, does play ... Figure 15.6
View of the excavated sanctuary of Poseidon at the modern town of
Poseidi in the westernmost ...
A Companion to Greek Religion 493 Daniel Ogden 2008 ...
Hecabe) Pomerium 243 pompe k 135, 210 Pontus 321 Porphyry 2667
Poseidon 439, 56, 689, 150, 200, 2078, ... 2758 Poseidonius 3645
Pothos 317 Potidaea 376 Potnia 29, 48; Potnia Aswiya 28 Praxiergidae
209, 241 Praxiteles 83, ...
A Companion to Greek Studies 5 ... to the Potidaea of Pallene,
which is narrower than that of Athos, being only half a mile wide, lay the
important Corinthian colony of Potidaea. ... Olympus and Ossa, which
was created by a stroke of the trident of Poseidon the earth-shaker.
A Companion to Greek Studies 5 Leonard Whibley 2015 ... and
close to the Potidaea of Pallene, which is narrower than that of Athos,
being only half a mile wide, lay the important Corinthian colony of
Potidaea. ... and Ossa, which was created by a stroke of the trident of
Poseidon the earth-shaker.


A Companion to Greek Tragedy 300 Justina Gregory 2008 370.55

Poseidon, enraged at the defeat and death of his son, sends an earthquake,
and Athens trembles. ... would have recalled for the Athenian audience,
the public epitaph for the men who died in the battle of Potidaea (Hansen
1983, 10.5).
A Greek-English Lexicon 9 1258
A Guide to the Ancient World: A Dictionary of Classical ... 521
Michael Grant1986 Potidaea Still standing, however, beside the ancient
habitation center is one of the most impressive groups of Doric temples
from the ancient world. The southernmost of ... Adjoining it is the
'Temple of Poseidon' (c 450?), in reality another ...
A Guide to The Maximus Poems of Charles Olson 435 George F.
Butterick1980 Potidan See Graves, Greek Myths, I, 43: "Poseidon's
name, which was sometimes spelt Potidan, may have been borrowed from
that of his goddess-mother, after whom the city Potidaea was called: 'the
water-goddess of Ida' Ida meaning ... Maximus
Charles Olson 435 George F. Butterick1980 Potidan
Graves, , , 43: " ,
- ,
: - Ida - Ida ...

A Historical Commentary on Thucydides: A Companion to Rex ... David

Cartwright, Rex Warner 1997 ... 118, 119, 143, 160, 212, 226, 236, 251,
275, 290, 293, 298, 300 Pnyx, 291, 300 Polichna, 275 Pollis, 123 Pollux,
156, 193 Polycrates, 18, 165 Polydeuces, 156 Pontus, 133, 184 Poseidon,
82, 127, 194 Potidaea, 25, 27, 36-38, 41, 75-77, 81, ...
A History of Ancient Greek: From the Beginnings to Late ... 1527
A.-F. Christidis, Maria Arapopoulou, 2007 ... 1148 Portius,
Simon 1261 Porzig, W. 393 Poseidon 289,683,690 Poseidonia 445, 789
Poseidonius of Apamea 833 Potidaea 303, 438, 446 Pound, E. 971
Pozzuoli 911 Praisos 247, 248, 249, 250, 251 Priapus 1405 Priene 688
Priscian 833, ...
A History of Greece 92 John Bagnell Bury 2015 Here Poseidon
riding; star[legend: II]. Chalcis planted so many towns that the whole
Chalcidice. promontory was named Chalcidice. Some of the chief cities,
however, were founded by other states, notably Corinthian Corinthian
Potidaea on ...


A History of Greece: From the Ionian revolt to the thirty ... 201
Evelyn Abbott1900 ARTABAZUS AT POTIDAEA. ... Potidaea resisted
bravely. ... The pious Potidaeans attributed the movement of the sea to
the wrath of Poseidon, whose image and temple, situated in a suburb of
the city, had been desecrated by the Persians.1 ...
A History of Greece: Fron the Ionian revolt to the thirty ... 201
Evelyn Abbott1892 For three months the siege The siege of lingered on ;
Artabazus had no ships, and as the Potidaea. walls of the city ran ... The
pious Potidaeans attributed the movement of the sea to the wrath of
Poseidon, whose image and temple, situated in ... :
... 201 Evelyn Abbott
1892 . ,
, ...


, .
479 .
, .

A History of Greece 1 270 Connop Thirlwall (bp. of St.

David's)1855 This cruelty was, perhaps, meant to strike terror into
Potidaea; if so, it failed of its end. ... and the rest had been divided among
the allies, the commanders met in the temple of Poseidon on the
Potidaea, to award the palm of individual merit.
A History of Greece 2 537 Evelyn Abbott1892 Poseidon,
festival of, at Sunium, ii. 2 ; the Saviour," iv. 2; his temple at Potidaea
desecrated, iv. 26 ; statue of, consecrated from the spoils of Plataea, v. 16.
Poseidonia (Paestum), a colony of Sybaris, xiii. 14.Potidaea besieged by
the Persians, ...
A History of Greece 5 141 George Grote 1906. ... for they
^nh' *?a^e had violated the sanctuary of Poseidon at Cape to Sparta,
Taenarus, in dragging from it some helot ... of the Corinthian troops now
blocked up in Potidaea : but on the other hand, the party opposed to
Perikles would have 1 ...
A History of Macedonia: 336-167 B.C 649 Nicholas Geoffrey
Lemprire Hammond, Frank William Walbank1972 Poseidon, 82, 175;


temple at Mantinea, 312; 463 n. 4, 464, 466, 482 Poseidonius, 548 f.,
556 f. Postumius, L., Albinus (cos. 229), 334, 354 n- 5 Potidaea, Fig. 7;
209, 386 n. 2, 529; see also Cassandreia P. Qxy. 1.12,53 Praochus,
Delphic archon ...
A Political and Cultural History of the Ancient World from ... 626
Clifton Edwin Van Sickle, William Scott Ferguson, Thomas Allan
Brady1947 543-544 Porus, 594 Poseidon, 191, 199; Temple of Sunium,
440 Poseidonia, 11 1 ; Temple of Poseidon, 331 Potidea, 445, 448
Pottery, invention of, 15 ; Neolithic, in Crete, 161; Minoan, 165, 166,
171-171; invention of wheel and oven for ...
A Popular Handbook to the Greek and Roman Antiquities in ...Sir Edward
Tyas Cook1903 As Xerxes and the land army were proceeding from
Acanthus, " lions attacked the camels which carried his provisions ; for
the lions used to come down regularly by night, leaving their own haunts
" (vii. 125). Poseidon of Potidaea (I. B 9).
A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology and ... Sir
William Smith1868 The symhol of Poseidon's power was the trident, or a
spear with three points, with whieh he used to shatter roeks, ...
POTIDAEA (-ae), a town in Maeedonia, on the narrow Potidaea of the
peninsula Pal- lene, was a eolony of the Corinthians.
A Survey of Numismatic Research 1960-1965 1 42
International Numismatic Commission1967 ... on Macedonian shield/
Athena to Antigonus Gonatas, and those with Poseidon/Apollo on prow
to AntigonusDoson42. ... Some discussion of the coinage of Potidaea has
been included in a general history of the city by Alexander46, and ...
Akadmeika anagnsmata eis tn Hellnikn, Latinikn kai ...Gergios
N. Chatzidakis1904 ... , ,
, ., ,
- . ... .,
- ,
Akademeika anagnosmata eis ton Helleniken: latiniken kai ...Gergios N.
Chatzidakis1904 ., ...
, ' ) ...


Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography Peter

Green, Eugene N. Borza 2013 ... Porus) : 395 Poseidon: 166, 194, 227,
252, 256, 417.429.4154 Potidaea: 1, 21, 29, 38 Priam: 167 Priapus
(town) : 169 Priene: 189, 21 1 Prilep: 135 Propaganda: 109, 161, 182,
214, 223. 235. 289. 446. 486. 498. 500. 503. 504. 56711-68 ...
Alexander the Great 388 Philip Freeman 2011 ... 25, 63, 67, 277
Plutarch, 15, 17, 27, 28, 39, 42, 65, 212, 225 Polydamus, 23233
Polystratus, 219 Pompeii, mosaic of Issus battle at, 11920 Porus, King
of the Paurava, 272, 27376, 277, 282, 322 Poseidon (god), 13132
Potidaea, 2, ...
Alexander the Great: The Story of an Ancient Life 192 Thomas R.
Martin, Christopher W. Blackwell 2012 ... 122 P01Y88H1Y=4
polytheism, 7 Pompeius Trogus, 126 Porus, 140-144, 149, 171, 178
Poseidon, 55, 62, 150, 159 pothos, 47-48, 62, 75, 137, 161, 170, 180
Potidaea, 3 Priam, 55 Prophecy, 39 Prophthasia, 108 proslzunesis, 107,
131-132 ...
Alexander's Lovers (Second Edition) 248 Andrew Chugg 2012 ...
146, 147, 150,186,187,188,189,190, 191, 211 Pompeii... 170, 171, 227
Pontos ..... 80 Porus. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,109,110 Poseidon ...... 45, 218
Potidaea .... 3 Prado..... 81 ...
Alexandria: City of the Western Mind 245 Theodore Vrettos 2010
... 101, 102 Poseidium, the, 5 Poseidon, 3, 32, 33 Posterior Analytics
(Aristotle), 42 Pothinus, 85, 87, 89, 91-93, 97 Potidaea, 9 Propertius, 128
Protesilaus, 185 Protreptikos, The (The Exhortation to the Greeks)
(Clement of Alexandria), 176-177 ...
American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of American ...1895
Undoubtedly the dolphins here indicate that the type is connected with
maritime cities, or places where Poseidon was ... It is probably for this
reason that the ancient coins of Potidaea, in Macedonia,5 with the figure
of Poseidon Hippios, have a ...
American Journal of Numismatics 29 118 1965
Undoubtedly the dolphins here indicate that the type is connected with
maritime cities, or places where Poseidon was ... It is probably for this
reason that the ancient coins of Potidaea, in Macedonia,s with the figure
of Poseidon Hippios, have a ...
An Encyclopedic Chronology of Greece and Its History 377
Demetrios Protopsaltis 2012 ... 161, 205 Polyphemus (son of Poseidon),


183-84 Pontus, 61, 143, 192-94, 222, 281,313 port of Katsambe, 74

Poseidon, 75, 171, 179, 183, 232, 244, 252, 326 Poseidonia, 171, 326
Post Palatial Period, 76 Potamia, Valley of, 110 Potidaea, ...
An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and ... 514
Bradley Hudson McLean 2002 Poseidon, 9.01, 9.04; Poseidoniastai,
6.01 (fig. 12), 7.18 Potidaea, 6.01 praenomina, 5.03 (table 9) prayers,
7.11 Preisigke, F., 4.01 Priene, 4.05, 4.13, 6.01, 8.05, 10.04 (fig. 20),
13.02, 13.04-05, 13.07 priests/priestesses, 5.07 (fig. 11), 7.11 ...
Analysis and Summary of Herodotus: With a Synchronistical ... James
Talboys Wheeler 1907 Artabazus's army drowned at Potidaea. -7Meanwhile Artabazus had ... The Potidseans say that the Persians were
punished for having profaned the shrine and image of Poseidon in their
suburb. 130 Xerxes' fleet of 300 ships watch lonia, ...
Ancient Corinth: with a topographical sketch of the Corinthia 1.
John Gerald O'Neill1930 Ancient Greece and Rome 654 1893 Thus the Corinthians incited
the revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of
Macedon, which had ... of Athene and dragging away and massacring the
Helots who had sought refuge in the temple of Poseidon during the
great ...
Ancient Greece at Work: An Economic History of Greece from ...
Gustave Glotz1926 ... 130-31 POLYGNOTOS, 161, 187 POLYIDOS,
musician, 189 POLYPHEMOS, dairy, 37 Population: excess, 98;
decrease, 332-34, 359, 361 ; Sparta, 96 POSEIDON of Berytos,
association, 323,339 Posts, 293, 371 Potidaea, 105, 309 Pottery, ...
Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander: The Evidence Joseph
Roisman 2011 ... poverty Popular leaders, see Demagogues Porus
Poseidon Potidaea Pranichus Prasiae Praxiteles Priam Priests, priestesses
Prinetadas Prochute Prometheus, Prometheia Pronni Propontis Propylaea,
Propylaeum Proskynesis (obeisance) ...
Ancient Greek Religion 41 Jon D. Mikalson 2011 Gods often
gave their names to city-states, as Athena did to Athens or Poseidon to
Potidaea, but hundreds, probably thousands of heroes throughout Greece
were thought, like Marathon, to have been early ancestors who lent their
names to ...


Ancient oriental nations and Greece 654 1897 Thus the

Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near
the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and dragging away and
massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the temple of Poseidon
during the great ...
Ancient oriental nations and Greece 654 Moses Coit Tyler1897
Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athne" and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Apeiron 29 78 1996 Potidaea may also serve to remind us
of Poseidon, from whom both sides of Plato's family were reputedly
descended (DL Lives , III 1, cites Thrasyllus in support). The Queen
mentioned at 153a4 is believed to be that of Codrus and Neleus, ...
Apelles: the Alexander mosaic 132 Paolo Moreno 2001 ...
Nazionale della Siritide Lucanian red-figured pelike, from Heraclea,
Karneia Group: Hermes and Poseidon 22, 95, fig. ... chamber tomb, from
Potidaea: Dionvsiac thiasos 88 Turin Museo di Antichita Repousse silver
tondo, from Marengo: ...
Archaia Makedonia V: anakoinseis kata to pempto Diethnes ... Manols
Andronikos1993 500-480 from Potidaea-Poseidon Hippios (coin). K26.
= 429 from Potidaea (coin) Poseidon Hippios (coin). K29. = 450-405
from Mende (coin). K32. End of 5th from AianiKozanis (sheets). K42bis.
149-8 BC from Ierisso Chalcidicis. K49bis ...
Archaic and classical Greek coins 85 Colin M. Kraay1976 The
Corinthians assembled a force which successfully reached Potidaea ; the
coins appear to have been minted to pay this ... It is perhaps significant
that this early coinage of Potidaea had shown Poseidon mounted and so
conformed with the ...
Archaic Greek coinage: the Asyut hoard 45 Martin Price, Nancy
Waggoner1975 500-480 (See J. A. Alexander, "The Coinage of
Potidaea", in Studies presented to D. M. Robinson vo1. II, 1953, pp. 201217). Obv. Poseidon Hippios r. ; below, star. Rev. Four part incuse
square. Tetradrachms. ,-213 17,10 I-214 17,30 215 17 ...
Archaic Times to the End of the Peloponnesian War 227 Charles
W. Fornara1983 5 Polymnis of Euonymon, 166.5 Polystratos son of
Diodoros of Ankyle, 147D(A).26, (B).75 Poseidon, 55.39t; 61A.2;


67C; ... 5 Potidaea, 128.28; 129.2 Potidaeans, 59.9 Prasiai, 83 a 1

Praximenes son of Tlasias, 14.5 Presbeias son of Semios of ...
Aristophanes 1: Clouds, Wasps, Birds 108 Aristophanes, Peter
Meineck1998 In myth Poseidon is often credited with fathering the horse
(Burkert 1985, pp. ... Symposium (220b) Alcibiades tells how Socrates
went barefoot even in the bitter cold of Thrace when they served together
during the Potidaea campaign in 431.
Aristophanes and Alcibiades: Echoes of Contemporary ... 240
Michael Vickers 2015 ... 334, 378, 589, 72, 108, 116, 120, 166, 184
Poristes (son of Aspasia), 27, 77, 84, 1745 portmanteau characterization,
xv, 36, 122, 187 Poseidon, 106 potential optative, 20, 86, 102, 144
Potidaea, xii, 44, 52, 67, 81 prizes dramatic, xi, 3, ...
Aristophanis comoediae ex optimis exemplaribus emendatae, ...
Aristophane1783 , 1:34. 143. 664. 1614. .
. ... , 438. 7, 735. , 337.
1170. . 4.4.5. 520. 657. 975.
Asklepios, Medicine, and the Politics of Healing in ... 154
Bronwen L. Wickkiser 2008 From Plataea to Potidaea: Studies in the
History and Historiography ofthe Pentecontaetia. Baltimore. Bakker, E.J.,
ed. 1997. Grammar as ... in Oriente 80:1341. Binder, J. 1984. The West
Pediment of the Parthenon: Poseidon, in Boegehold ...
Atakta, gun pantodapn eis tn archaian kai tn nean ... Adamantios
Koras1835 , III, 47 , III, , 23. . .
. ;, , . , IV, 45. , III, 320. ,
III, 4 . V,. , (,1,333. , III , 37...
Athna: syngramma periodikon ts en Athnais Epistmoniks ... 908
; . ...

Balkan Studies: 3-4 451 1962 The 479 B.C. revolt of
Potidaea against the Persians and its participation in the battle of
Plataeae forms the first ... that the author's remark that "Potidaeans, most
likely, were reproducing on their coins the image of the statue of
Poseidon" might ...


BAR International Series 606-608 1 Karen Olsen Bruhns

There are exceptions however, especially in the case of Poseidon. A silver
coin from Potidaea dated to about 500 BC, for example, has on its
obverse the figure of a mounted Poseidon, clearly identified by the large
trident he is carrying.1 The ...
Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, Charles William Emil Miller, Benjamin
Dean Meritt1962 It is hard to imagine that the Athenians would sail to a
place so near Potidaea and not attempt to land, either here or in the ...
physical transformations of the western coast are later developments, as
the ruins of the temple of Poseidon indicate.
Bc Maliakos Gulf Tsunami Nethanel Willy 2012 Please note that the
content of this book primarily consists of articles available from
Wikipedia or other free sources online.
Beschreibung der antiken Mnzen 2 123 Alfred von
Sallet1889 Potidaea. Vertieftes, durch Diagonalen vierfach getheiltes
flaches Viereck. Poseidon zu Pferd r. (unbrtig?), das Pferd erhebt leicht
den l. Fuss, Poseidon hlt in der R. schrg etwas nach unten den
Dreizack. Unter dem Pferd Stern mit sieben ...
Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the ... 635
Robin J. Fox, Robin Lane Fox 2011 ... 117 of Olynthus, 139 of Potidaea,
89, 114, 115116, 139, 474 of Scione, 117 of West Pontic cities, 474
rhabdouchoi, 521 ... 147 of Poseidon, 137, 147 at Potidaea, 143 rock-cut,
448 sculptural dedications in, 190192 sculptures in, 188189, ...
Bulletin of the United States National Museum 1880
Caesar's Calendar: Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History D. C.
Feeney 2007 ... 140 Poplifugia festival, 280n105 Porta Mugonia (Rome),
164, 284n157 Poseidon, on Parthenon, 71 Poseidonius, 129; on Golden
Age, 270n124; on philosophy, 270n121; on state of man, 130 Postumius
Albinus, L., 172 Potidaea, battle of, 17 ...
Catalogue of Greek Coins. Thessalia. The Ptolemies. Macedonia. Barclay
Vincent Head1879
Catalogue of Greek Coins: Macedonia, Etc 3 99 Reginald
Stuart Poole1879
Catalogue of Greek Coins: Macedonia, Etc 5 xxxviii.
Barclay Vincent Head, Reginald Stuart Poole1879Potidaea, on the
Thermaic Gulf, at the narrowest point of the Potidaea which connects the


peninsula of Pallene with Potidaea. Chalcidice, begins to coin money

early in the fifth century B.C., if not before 500. Poseidon Hippios
wielding his ...
Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought 80 R. J.
Hankinson 2001 When the Persians attempting to capture Potidaea are
overwhelmed by a tidal wave, the Potidaeans, not unnaturally, put their
deliverance down to the partiality of Poseidonthe Persians having
profaned a temple of hisand Herodotus ...
Chattering courtesans and other sardonic sketches 515 Lucian (of
Samosata.), Lucian, Keith C. Sidwell
2004 ... Alexander 360, 363
Poseideon 465 Poseidon 277-8, 322, 324-5, 328, 367, 380, 386,422-3,
436, 449, 463-4, 469, 473, 476,481,484-5,487, 489-90 Potidaea 481
Potidea 429 Praxias 169 Praxiteles 256-7, 276, 420, 451, 479,481 Priam
277, ...
Civic Rites: Democracy and Religion in Ancient Athens 270
Nancy Evans 2010 See procession Pompeion, 54, 59, 210, 243-44
Poseidon, 21, 45, 52, 90, 159, 162 Potidaea, xviii map 2, 93-94, 99, 141,
191, 235, 238 prayer, 20, 45, 54-55, 59-60, 101, 123, 150, 160, 174, 199
priest: of Apollo, 72, 134; of Demeter, iio-ii, 118, ...
Classical Greece, 500-323 BC 266 Robin Osborne2000 ... 121,
135, 143 military role of 86, 88, 89, 91, 923 population 40, 81, 146 of
Athens 201, 40 Poseidon 8, 12 Posidippus, comic poet 147, 245
Potidaea 103, 107, 188 pottery 9, 18, 82, 41, 42, 1401, 142, 1467,
153, 2267 Praxiteles 21 ...
Classical Studies in Honor of Charles Forster Smith: By ...1919
Artabazus had spent three months in the siege of Potidaea, when there
was a great ebb of the tide that lasted a long time. ... the Persian disaster
was the defilement of the temple and statue of Poseidon in the suburbs
by the very Persians who ...
Classical Studies in Honor of Charles Forster Smith: By ... Charles Forster
Smith1919 Artabazus had spent three months in the siege of Potidaea,
when there was a great ebb of the tide that lasted a long time. ... the
Persian disaster was the defilement of the temple and statue of Poseidon
in the suburbs by the very Persians who ...
Clouds: 102 Aristophanes, Peter Meineck 2000 As well as being
the god of the sea and the earth shaker, Poseidon was known as
Hippios, the god of horses. ... how Socrates went barefoot even in the


bitter cold of Thrace when they served together during the Potidaea
campaign in 431.
Coinage and Identity in the Roman Provinces 105 Christopher
Howgego, Volker Heuchert, Andrew Burnett 2007 For the archaic city of
Potidaea over which Cassandrea was founded, see Alexander (1963).
For coins of Potidaea bearing the type of Poseidon: AMNG 3.2: 1305,
pl. 20, nos. 215 and Alexander (1953). The worship of Poseidon in
Potidaea ...
Coins of Magna Graecia: The Coinage of the Greek Colonies ... Alfred
Watson Hands1909 The character of Poseidon, as already remarked,
presented by Homer is one destitute of the higher elements. ... 97, Cointypes) thinks it is highly probable the type was derived from a statue at
Potidaea mentioned by Herodotus (VIII, 129).
Coins of the Macedonians 12 Martin Price1974 Potidaea was the
only known Corinthian colony in the area, but there is little reference to
the mother city in her coinage. ... She has a fine series of archaic coins
showing as the city badge the unusual type of Poseidon on horseback (PI.
Coins of the World 29 Robert A. G. Carson1962 An unusual
representation of Poseidon, god of the sea, appears on fifth-century coins
of Potidaea; for the god, holding his trident, is shown mounted on a
horse. The famous siege of the city by the Athenians in 432-429 brought
an end to the ...
Comdi cum scholiis et varietate lectionis Recensuit ...
Aristophanes1829 484. 139 1001
, 1 430 ! 785 P 1 166. . 437. 612.
640. 940. ...
Complete Works 1791 Plato, John M. Cooper, D. S.
Hutchinson1997 ... 8.556d population: L. 5.740b+; R. 5.460a+ Poros:
Smp. 203b+ Poseidon: Cra. 402d+; Criti. 113c+, 116c, 117b, 119c+; Grg.
523a; L.Hp. 370c Potidaea: Ap. 28e; Chrm. 153a+; Smp. 219e+, 221a
Poulytion: Eryx. 394c-394e, 400b poverty: Def.
Contributions to the Science of Mythology 2 659
Corinthian Colonies: Actium, Syracuse, Sicily, Corfu, ...Books, LLC,
General Books LLC 2010 Please note that the content of this book


primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free

sources online.
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae 555 1838 utropi 208,2.
Poseidon cast. 279,34. Potamocastellum in Rhodope 305, 40. Potes cast.
Illyrici285,29. Potidaea, dicta Casandria.276, 1. Praxiteles 205, 23.
Preidis cast. Thraciae 308, 27. . Praesdio cast. Thraciae 308, 37.
Pretzuries cast, Illyric ...
Crowell's handbook of classical drama 285 Richmond Yancey
Hathorn1967 Poseidon. Myth. Greek god of the sea, brother of Zeus and
Hades. Poseidon must originally have been a god not only of the sea, but
of the earth and sky, since he was associated with the horse, was called
the ... Potidaea (Gk. Potidaia).
Delphi Complete Works of Herodotus (Illustrated) Herodotus 2013 But
when Artabazus had besieged Potidaea for three months, there was a
great ebbtide in the sea which lasted for a long ... those same Persians
who now perished in the sea had profaned the temple and the image of
Poseidon which was in ...
Delphi Complete Works of Thucydides (Illustrated) Thucydides 2013
Sailing from Potidaea and putting in near the temple of Poseidon they
marched against the Mendaeans. Now they and three hundred Scionaeans
who had come to their aid, and their Peloponnesian auxiliaries, seven
hundred hoplites in all, ...
Descriptive Catalogue of Greek Coins ... 37 C. S. Bement1921
Diodorus Siculus, The Persian Wars to the Fall of Athens: ... 325
2010 ... 300 See also Black Sea pool, artificial swimming-, at Acragas,
34, 240 Poseidon, dedication of captured ship to, 132 Poseidonius of
Apamea, 6 Postumius Tubertus, Aulus (Roman dictator), 144145
Potidaea, 10, 114n, 118119, index 325.
Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great's Empire Robin
Waterfield 2011 ... 19, 737, 815, 8891, 935, 98, 101,109,
111,115,120, 124,1304, 151 Pontus, C, 172,211 Poseidon, 83
Posidippus, 54 Potidaea, 92 Poussin, Nicolas, 87 Praxagoras, 132
Prepelaus, 115, 11718, 1503 Presley, Elvis, 206 Priene, ...
Divinity and History: The Religion of Herodotus 15 Thomas
Harrison 2002 139. 4). The Thessalians say, Herodotus tells us, that the
gorge was made by Poseidon reasonably ... his description of the


Potidaea floodtide, makes clear that it is possible to ascribe some natural

miracles to Poseidon.
Domaine humain: 7 217 1975 They are linked in myths of
Poseidon, Apollo, Minos, Dionysus, Deucalion and Odysseus, for
instance, and ... after whom the city of Potidaea was called : "the The
Island-Mountain in Myth: Some Notes Towards the (un) Natural History
of an ...
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient ... 748.
Charles Freeman 2014 ... 371 Portchester, Roman fort 571 Porticus
Aemilia 394 Porus, Indian ruler 325 Poseidon (god) 113, 123, 136, 138,
146, 2389, 259 Poseidonia (Paestum) 187 Postumus, 'Gallic' emperor
566 Potidaea, colony of Corinth 296 potters 9, 23, 223, ...
Elgin and Phigaleian marbles 2 260 British Museum. Dept.
of Greek and Roman Antiquities1833 36 Poseidon, the god of the
Ionians, i. 46 Potidaea, inscription commemorating the warriors who fell
at, i.34; ii. 156 account of the battle of, ii. 156, 157Thiersch's restoration
of this inscription, ii. 158 archaic forms in the, ibid. fac-simile of the, ii.
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece 497. Nigel Wilson 2013. 67)
describes a few shrines and sanctuaries dedicated to Poseidon, Artemis,
Aphrodite, and Asclepius, the last of ... E., From Plataea to Potidaea:
Studies in the History and Historiography of the Pentecontaetia,
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins ...
Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World 277. David Sacks,
Oswyn Murray, Lisa R. Brody 2014Potidaea 277 clever, sometimes in
contrast with the wise goddess ATHENA. Poseidon was an important god
for the Athenianshe was associated with the hero THESEUS, and he
had a shrine inside the patriotic-cult building known as the ...
Epitomo gegraphiko lexiko ts Hellados 313 Michal
Stamatelatos, Phtein Vamva-Stamatelatou 2001 .
* 2. , ( . .
). . , ,
, , (. ...
. 316 .
poika Lokrn grmmata, t prton p I.N. Okonomdou ...I N
Oikonomids 1869 (. )
, ,


). ' 308),
Ermeneiae Kai Diorthoeoe 2 Plato1908 ,
, ... 21, , , ...
Eros at the Banquet: Reviewing Greek with Plato's Symposium Louise
Pratt 2012 See also Apology; Phaedo; Phaedrus; Protagoras; Republic
Platonic forms, 179, 216 Platonic love, 5, 6 Plutarch,12, 29, 121n26, 229,
328 Poseidon, 239n37 Potidaea, 261n2, 269n30-31, 331 Predicate
partitive genitive, 182n13 Pregnancy, ...
Essays on Euripidean Drama 195 Gilbert Norwood1954 Portress
(Helen), 44 Poseidippus, 120 n. Poseidon (Hipp.), 87, 88, 91, 95, 96 f.,
98, 99, 109 n. ; (Troades), 21 f. Potidaea, 143 n. Powell, J. U., 36 n., 179
n. (bis) Prayers, the three, in Hipp. See Eur. Hipp. Prior, M., 100 n.
Private performances.
Ethnica 1 801 Stephanus (Byzantinus), August
Meineke1849 370, 10.
400, 1. 423, 13. 446, 3.
465, 7.
629, 11. ... 533, 16. ...
Excavations at Olynthus: Necrolynthia, a study in Greek ... 26
Johns Hopkins University, David Moore Robinson, George Emmanuel
Mylonas1931 65), with a Poseidon Hippios on horse- hack holding
trident which has been almost worn away, on the obverse, and a female
head in a depressed square to right on the reverse, belongs to Potidaea
under Corinthian influence (500-429 B. C.).
Excavations at Olynthus 9 306 Johns Hopkins University,
David Moore Robinson1938
Presumably in 382 Potidaea was an
autonomous ally of the Chalcidic state ; 251 and the Spartan victory in
379 removed for ... Poseidon ...
Fear and Loathing in Ancient Athens: Religion and Politics ...Alexander
Rubel, Michael Vickers 2014 181 Pll, W. 182 Pollux 181, 216 Pollack,
D. 17980 Pollitt, J. J. 23 Polybius 192 Pomtow, H. 207 Pool, J. C. F. 201
Popov, D. 231 Popp, H. 183, 200 Popper, K. R. 1, 146, 159, 161, 177
Poseidon 117, 130, 184, 240 Potidaea 49 Ptscher, ...
Friedrich Max Mller1897


From Ikaria to the Stars: Classical Mythification, Ancient ... 320

Peter Green 2013 23 Polybius: 129, 133, 146 Polydeuces: 33
Polyphemus: 291 Polyxena: 116 Po R. (Eridanos): 29, 39 Poschl, V.: 253,
256, 260 Poseidon: 16, 20 n. 51, 29 n. 88, 248, 290 Posidippus
(playwright): 131 Potidaea: 93 n. 24 Pound, E.: 286 Powell, ...
From Solon to Socrates: Greek History and Civilization ... 496 V.
Ehrenberg 2014 ... 441(53) polypragmon, 459(17), 47603) Polyzclus, 149
Pompey, 472(1) Poseidon, 13, 29, 32, 115, 180,249,346 Poseidonia
(Paestum), 18, 117, 257 Potidaea, 19, 168, 260, 263, 269, 272f., 288,
458(14) Prasiae (Attica), 80, 408(9) Praxiteles, ...
Games and sanctuaries in ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, ... Panos
Valavans 2004 He is mentioned in this capacity in the Homeric poems,
which relate that when Kronos distributed power to his three male ... The
god was also looked upon as the ancestral father of tribes and the founder
of many cities, such as Potidaia in ...
Gegraphia Palaia Kai Nea Syllechtheisa ek diaphorn ... 392
1728. ... , ,
, , c , ...
.o3 , ...
Gottheiten der Aioler: Mit Excursen kunstgeschichtlichen ... 12
Georg Rathgeber1861 Stadt Potidaia (G. Rathgeber, Archaeol. Sehr. Tli.
1. S. 414.) ihren Namen hatte, wo eine Bildsule des Poseidon vorhanden
war. (Das. S. 432. Amn. 4684.) Ich fge bei, dase Potidan = Poseidon auf
folgender silbernen Mnze der Stadt ...
Great Books of the Western World: Herodotus. Thucydides 613
Robert Maynard Hutchins, Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc, University of
Chicago1980 442 Polydamidas, 478, 480 Polymedis, Larisaean
commander, 393 Pontus, river, 417, 465, 466 Poseidon, temple of, 380,
410, 476, 480 Potamis, Syracusan commander, 585 Potidaea, 363, 364,
365, 401, 405, 406, 420, 477, 481, 490 ...
Great books of the Western world 5 480 Mortimer Jerome
Adler, Clifton Fadiman, Philip W. Goetz1990 Weighing from Potidaea,
the fleet came to land opposite the temple of Poseidon, and proceeded
against Mende; the men of which town, reinforced by three hundred
Scionaeans, with their Pelo- ponnesian auxiliaries, seven hundred
heavy ...


Great books of the Western world 6 613 Robert Maynard

Hutchins, Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc1952 442 Polydamidas, 478, 480
Polymedis, Larisaean commander, 393 Pontus, river, 417, 465, 466
Poseidon, temple of, 380, 410, 476, 480 Potamis, Syracusan commander,
585 Potidaea, 363, 364, 365, 401, 405, 406, 420, 477, 481, 490 ...
Great books of the Western World 6 613 Robert Maynard
Hutchins, Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc, University of Chicago1952 442
Polydamidas, 478, 480 Polymedis, Larisaean commander, 393 Pontus,
river, 417, 465, 466 Poseidon, temple of, 380, 410, 476, 480 Potamis,
Syracusan commander, 585 Potidaea, 363, 364, 365, 401, 405, 406, 420,
477, 481, 490 ...
Greece to the Peloponnesian war 518 Henry Smith Williams1908
... had violated the sanctuary of Poseidon at Cape Taenarus, in dragging
from it some helot suppliants ; and the sanctuary of Athene Chalcioecus
at ... The Athenians were now required : (1) to withdraw their troops from
[433-431 B.C.] Potidaea ...
Greek Coin Types and Their Identification 75 Richard J.
Plant1979 AR 1832 1 180 Macedonia POTIDAEA, 500429 C. Obv.
Poseidon Hippios on horseback, holding trident and reins. Rev. Incuse
square divided diagonally. (256262 g) Tetradrachm. AR 2425 1181 Kings
of Macedon, ALEXANDER I, ...
Greek Coins and Their Values: Europe 132. David R.
Sear1978Similar; incuse square divided by broad bands into four squares.
B.M.C. 5.3 50 1282 1286 1282 Potidaia (a colony of Corinth, Potidaia
derived its name from Poseidon, a statue of whom stood before the city).
500-480 B.C. JR tetradrachm.
Greek coins 330 Colin M. Kraay1966 Rev. (not shown). Incuse
divided into four squares. Berlin; Regling 209. 395 Potidaea, c. 530-520
bc Tetradrachm: 16.68 gm. Obv. Poseidon Hippios mounted, carrying
trident; 770. Rev. (not shown). Incuse triangle. Hess/Leu 16. 4. 1957,
179 ...
Greek influence along the East Adriatic Coast 440 Dravni
hidrografski institut (Split, Croatia), Nenad Cambi, Branko Kirigin 2002
The worship of Athena at Corinth, it may be remarked here, was also
connected with the cults of Poseidon and with the sea. See Head, HN,
334-335; Preller, Gr. Myth., 172. At the other hand Boardman, Overseas,
238, suggests that "Potidea ...


Greek Realities: Life and Thought in Ancient Greece 461 Finley

Hooper1967 ... Spearbearer (Doryphorus), 198-199, 393 Polycrates, 102,
107, 129 Polyneices, 272 Polyzalus, 117 Pompeii, 252253 Pontus, 438
Poseidon, 59, 184185, 226, 228, 236 237; temple of, in Calauria,
437 Potidaea, 279-280, 288-289, ...
Greeks and Barbarians 390 Kostas Vlassopoulos 2013 ... 313
Polycrates of Samos 132 Polydamas the Thessalian 52 Polyphemus 147
Pontecagnano [4] 105 Pontus [8] 310 Poseidon 304 Poseidonia [4] 105,
109, 110, 113 Posideion 268 post-colonialism 2 Potidaea [1] I26 Priam
195 Priene [7] 45, ...
GRIECHEN MAKEDONIEN POTIDEIA Tetrobol (2,43g). ca. 500 - 480
v. Chr. Vs.: , Poseidon Hippios mit Dreizack auf Pferd n. r. reitend.
Rs.: Quadratum incusum mit vier diagonal geteilten Feldern. J.A.
Alexander, Potidaea, its History and Remains (1963) 56,1; SNG
Lockett ; SNG ANS ; Trait Taf. 52.7 (Var. Rs.). Tnung, vz/ss Ex
Mnzen und Medaillen AG Basel, Auktion 94, 2003, 411
Griechische Geschichte fr den Schulgebrauch 2 179
Xenophon, Bernhard Bchsenschtz1880

Bchsenschtz1876 das schwarze Meer I, 1,22; II, 2, 1; IV, 8, 27,
31; V, 1, 28. V, 5, 1 u.4; 7,4 u. 5. VI, 5, 30.
Sohn des Gnosis, Feldherr der Syrakuser I, 1, 29. dorisch fr
, 3, 2. Stadt auf Palene V, 2, ...
Griechische Kunstmythologie: Bd., 2. Buch: Hera. 3. Buch: ...1873 So
zunchst die allerdings lediglich numismatischen Denkmler , welche
eich auf den Poseidon Hippios und auf die Sage ... 2 eine Mnze von
Potidaea, welche zuerst derselbe Millingen k; edirt hat, mit dem ebenso
berittenen Poseidon und ...
Griechische Kunstmythologie: Bd., 4. Buch. Demeter und Kora 1875 So
zunchst die allerdings lediglich numismatischen Denkmler , welche
sich auf den Poseidon Hippios und auf die Sage ... 2 eine Mnze von
Potidaea, welche zuerst derselbe Millingen bl edirt hat, mit dem ebenso
berittenen Poseidon und ...
Hellenistic Lives: including Alexander the Great Plutarch, 2016 ...
Marcus, the Censor: F1819 Porcius Cato Uticensis, Marcus: Ph34
Porus, Indian king: A602 Poseidon, god: Ag16, 43, ... historian: A61


Potidaea, Chalcidice: A3 Poulomachus, Macedonian: A69 Praesians,

Indian people: A62 Pranichus, ...
Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Drisler1883
Here are Set Forth the Histories of Herodotus of ... 2 538
Herodotus1959 Some of the barbarians who could not swim were
drowned, and those who could were killed by the men of Potidaea ... in
the sea had trespassed The peninsula on the temple of Poseidon and his
image in the suburbs of the protection oHhe ...
Herodotos: Urania. VII. 243 1894 Sylloge Nummorum
Graecorum 2, 7; 7 26 American Numismatic
Society1987 Dies of 684. POTIDAEA References are to J. A. Alexander,
"The Coinage of Potidaea," Studies Presented to D. M. Robinson, vo1. 2
(St. Louis, 1953), pp. 201-17. Ca. 525-500 B.C. Obv. Poseidon Hippios,
carrying trident, on horseback r. Rev.
Herodot's von Halikarnass Geschichte 2 1062
Herodotus1832 Eroberung von Olynth durch Artabazus und seine
Niederlage vor Potida 126 12g. Artabazus, der von Xerres
Begleitung zurckkommt, belagert die ... und gibt,25. es den Chalcideern
427. Timorenus Verrath 128. Poseidon straft die.
Herodotus and Religion in the Persian Wars 114 Jon D.
Mikalson 2004 And that all made perfect sense to Herodotus.14 For the
invasion itself, Poseidon's cults at the Potidaea and Sunium were
prominent, and that at Potidaea played a small part. Most significant for
Ionia was his cult center, the Panionion, ...
Herodotus 313 Alan B. Lloyd 1993 ... II, 141 Poseidon, origin of,
I, 87, 114, 149. II, 29. 201, 232, 237-9; and Zeus, II, 258 Posener. G., and
Deserters. II, 129; and Red Sea canal. III, 153 Poseidonius, on climate, II
147 Potasimto, and Nubian expedition, I, 22 Potidaea, and Corinth, I, ...
Herodotus, Explorer of the Past: Three Essays 19 James Allan
Stewart Evans 2014 The Persians under Artabazus' command who were
drowned by an unusually high tide as they assaulted Potidaea, suffered
retribution for desecrating Poseidon's temple. So the Potidaeans said,
and Herodotus agreed. The Aeginetans who ...
Herodotus. VIII. Urania 243 Herodotus, Evelyn Shirley


Herodotus: A Very Short Introduction 84 Jennifer T. Roberts

2011. Vengeance is mine, says Poseidon when his sanctuary has been
violated. While the Persians are besieging Potidaea in northern Greece,
Herodotus writes, an exceptionally low tide inspired the Persians to
wade through the water. When they ...
Hesperia 1-10 245 1946 nO2EI, see Atoye POSEIDON :
and Athena, struggle for Attica depicted on coins, II 276, V 296, X 229;
cult of, VII 25, 45; in Erechtheum, X 113ff.; on lead ... VII 193 f. ;
mesomphalic phialai and cups, V 261, 245 Pilgrim Potidaea GENERAL
Hippias maior: Hippias minor Plato, Bruno Vancamp1996Das Buch bietet
eine neue kritische Ausgabe der platonischen Dialoge aHippias maioro
und aHippias minoro.
Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics 188 Barclay
Vincent Head1887 American Journal of Philology 83 281
Historical Miscellany 510 Aelian, Nigel Guy Wilson1997 ... 12.25
Polycrates (sophist): 11.10 Polydamas: 12.25 Polydorus: 13.15
Polygnotus: 4.3 Polymnis:2.43;3.17;11.9 Polysperchon: 12.43 Pompey:
7.21 Porcia: 14.45 Porpax: 2.33 Porus: 5.6 Poseidippus: 1.26 Poseidon:
1.24; 6.7; 12.42 Potidaea: ...
History of Greece and of the Greek People from the ... Victor Duruy, M.
M. Ripley1898 Chios, Samos, Lesbos, perhaps also Potidaia, which,
although of Dorian origin, asked to be received into the alliance, were ...
(Reverse of a bronze coin with the efligy of the Roman Emperor Philip I.)
3 Poseidon Hippos, armed with the trident, ...
History of Greece Thucydides, Ruth Finnegan 2013 Weighing from
Potidaea, the fleet came to land opposite the temple of Poseidon, and
proceeded against Mende; the men of which town, reinforced by three
hundred Scionaeans, with their Peloponnesian auxiliaries, seven hundred
heavy ...
History of Greece 470 George Grote, M.O.B. Caspari, J.M.
Mitchell 2013 ... for they had violated the sanctuary of Poseidon at Cape
Taenarus, in dragging from it some helot suppliants to be put to death
and the sanctuary of Athne Chalkioekus at Sparta, in blocking up ... To
withdraw their troops from Potidaea. 2.


History of Greece, and of the Greek People: From the ...M. M.

Ripley1890. COIN OF POTIDAIA.1 Athenians would attempt to
intercept their return homewards. " We are not beginning war," the ...
Poseidon Hippios, nude, armed with the trident, on horseback, facing to
the right. Reverse: woman's head, archaic style, ...
History of Greece: Repr. from the ... London ed 1 400
George Grote1861 For whoever thinks that Poseidon shakes the earth,
and that the rifts of an earthquake are the work of that god, will, ... in
order to punish the Persians, who had insulted his temple near Potidaea :
here was a special motive for the god to exert ...
History of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides1974 Setting out with the
fleet from Potidaea, they came to land opposite the temple of Poseidon
and advanced against Mende. The people of Mende were reinforcedby
300troops from Scione and by the Peloponnesians who werethere to
How Philosophy Became Socratic: A Study of Plato's ... 435.
Laurence Lampert 2010... Nietzschean, 13-16, 14ni8, 373, 415-17; in
Republic, 245, 254, 264-65, 317-20, 32on85, 329-37, 372-73 Polus, 133,
i5on9 Polyphemus, 302 Poros, 229mn Poseidon, 61-621167, 244
Potidaea, siege of, 10, 35, 136, 142, 144, I47-52. 149IM ...
Illustrated History of All Nations: Containing a Record of ... Israel Smith
Clare1909 Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Introducing the Ancient Greeks: From Bronze Age Seafarers ... Edith Hall
2014 ... 211, 21718, 219 Poseidon, 5, 10, 37, 4647, 48, 69, 94, 99
posttraumatic stress disorder, 17576 Potidaea, 146 Priam, 54, 60 Priene,
48 Procopius of Gaza, 268 Proitos, 4243 Prometheus, 7071, 11920
Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus), ...
Isocrates I 2013 ... 159, 166-167, 214 Polemaenetus, 114, 121 politeia
patrios (ancestral democracy), 182, 186 politics, 1, 3-6 politikos, 149
Polycrates, 16, 34, 49, 50, 59, 60 polypragmosyn, 54 Polytion, 69
Pontus, 264 Poseidon, 36-38, 43, 52, 57 Potidaea, ...
Israel Smith Clare1899


Johns Hopkins University Studies in Archaeology 1943 Poseidon, 24, 26,

45, 98, 109, 112, 114, 179, 180, 282, 283; Isth- mius, 117. Poseidonia,
240. Posideion, month of, 48 ; sanctuary of Poseidon, 25. Potidaea, 236.
Pratinas, 42. Priam, 24, 35, 294. Priene, 88-91, 114, 152, 192, 195, 196,
211, ...
Laws. Index to the writings of Plato 494 1892 117 B; the laws of
Poseidon, it. 119 C, D; 'the earth-shaker,' Hipp. Min. 370 C. '.Possessing'
and ' having,' Theaet. '97. Possession, right given by, Laws 12. 954 C.
Potidaea, battle of, Charm. 153 B; Socrates at, it. A ; Symp. 219 E, 221
A; Apol.
Laws. Index 494 1892
Leonidas and the Kings of Sparta: Mightiest Warriors, ... 250
Alfred S. Bradford 2011 ... 170 Polyboea, 8 Polycrates, 63, 64
Polydectes, 1 Polydoros, 21, 25, 26, 33 Pompey, 22122 Poseidon, 4,
112, 163, 194, 220, 224 Poseidonios, 99 Potidaea, siege, 11722 Procles,
1, 16 Prophecy, 1316, 77, 8687, 91, 153, 192 Prytanis, ...
Libanius: A Critical Introduction Lieve Van Hoof 2014 Polycles /0 96
Polycrates of Athens 115 Pompeianus 3/iii 109 Porphyry 246, 248
Poseidon 117, 263 Postumianus 3/iii 250, 271 Potidaea 116 Praxilla 247
Pricus 5/i 51 Priscianus 1/i 233, 236 Priscus 5/i (philosopher) 180 Proclus
0/ii 286 ...
Library of Entertaining Knowledge 19 260 1833 36
Poseidon, the god of the Ionians, i. 46 Potidaea, inscription
commemorating the warriors who fell at, i.34; ii. 156 account of the battle
of, ii. 156, 157 Thiersch's restoration of this inscription, ii. 158 archaic
forms in the, ibid. fac-simile of the, ii.
Library of Universal History Vol.II 654 Moses Coit Tyler1899.
Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Library of Universal History, Containing a Record of the ...
Library of Universal History: Containing a Record of the ... Israel Smith
Clare1896 ... Chalcidic peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians incited the
revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon,


which had originally been a colony ... had sought refuge in the temple of
Poseidon during the great Helot revolt.
Library of Universal Knowledge 2 654 Israel Smith
Clare1898 Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athene" and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Library of World History: Containing a Record of the Human ...1914
Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athene and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Lords of the Sea: The Epic Story of the Athenian Navy and ... John R.
Hale 2009 ... by Plato (comic poet) Plutarch Plutus Plutus (Aristophanes)
political cartoon, first Politics (Aristotle) Pollis Pollux Polyaenus
Polydoros Poroi (Revenues) (Xenophon) Poseidon Potidaea, battle
of Praxiteles Problems Propylaea Prosopitis, ...
MACEDON, Potidaia. Circa 525-500 BC. Tetrobol (Silver, 14mm, 2.40 g
1). Horseman advancing left, holding trident with left hand; below, star.
Rev. Head of female right, with Archaic features, within linear square in
incuse square. Alexander period 1A, b1. SNG ANS 692. Rare. About very
fine. From the Hartmann collection, Vienna. Starting Price: 75 CHF...
Manual of Mythology: In Relation to Greek Art 196 Maxime
Collignon1890 Looked at in this aspect, Poseidon is the god whose calm
power prevails over the vast domain that pertains to him. ... instances are
to be found in the coins of Potidaea where Poseidon rides the horse; and
in coins of Rhaukos, in Crete, where ...
Memory in Jewish, Pagan and Christian Societies of the ... 53
Doron Mendels 2004 Although only a mortal he foolishly thought he
could overcome all the gods, including Poseidon (749-51), says
Darius. ... 1 7. E. Badian, From Plataea to Potidaea: Studies in 'Collective
memory' and Nostalgia in Aeschylus' Persians 53.
Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, ... 137
2005 Abb. 2. h) Im Gebiet von Potidaia wurde auf einem Acker nrdlich
des Kanals ein dorisches Kapitell archaischer Zeit (H ... the temptation of
associating them with the temple of Poseidon which Herodorus mentions
as being in front of the city.


Myth and Geology 220. Luigi Piccardi, W. Bruce Masse 2007the

stone that Rhea fed to her husband, Kronos, king of the Gods, in place of
their infant son Zeus. Kronos ... This paper reports that the city of
Potidaea had been devoted to the worship of Poseidon, after whom it was
named. The worship of ...
Nomenclator Zoologicus: An Alphabetical List of All ... 260
Samuel Hubbard Scudder1882
Nomenclator Zoologicus: Supplemental list of genera in ... 260
Numismatic Literature 26-33 96 1955 The horse's head
probably is a local nomadic symbol since there is no evidence for the
existence of the Poseidon cult in the area ... This attempt to date more
exactly the coinage of Potidaea rests on the only available evidence, that
of stylistic ...
Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics 114 Elaine Matthews
2007 143 1 gave a report on the epigraphical finds from Mende in my
contribution to the volume published in her memory: 'Le culte de
Poseidon a Mende', in P. Adam-Veleni (ed.), Myrtos (Thessaloniki,
2000), 335-49. Potidaia,144 or Epichares, ...
Olympos: Tales of the Gods of Greece and Rome 50 Talfourd
Opvscvlorvm: Edidervnt Hermannvs Vsener et Lvdovicvs ... Dionysius
(of Halicarnassus.), Hermann Karl Usener 1965 ... 8 :
317 18 : 190 9 312 5 II 324 10
346 II 214 14 II 259 5 6
II 260 11 : 339 12
: - ...
Oratores Attici 118 Johann Georg Baiter, Hermann Sauppe1839

. , 1 , 87.
".... k.
Oratores attici: Scholia fragmenta indicis 118 Johann Georg
Baiter, Hermann Sauppe1850
. Dinarch. 1, 87.
' , Demosth. ... .


Parmenides. Theaetetus. Sophist. Statesman. Philebus 494 1892

117 B; the laws of Poseidon, M. 119 C, D; 'the earth-shaker,' Hipp. Min.
370 C. 'APossessing' and ' having,' Theaet. 197. Possession, right given
by, Laws 12. 954 C. Potidaea, battle of, Charm.>153 B; Socrates at, 1'6.
A; Symp. 219 E, 221 A; ...
Weighing from Potidaea, the fleet came to land opposite the temple of
Poseidon, and proceeded against Mende; the men of which town,
reinforced by three hundred Scionaeans, with their Pelo- ponnesian
auxiliaries, seven hundred heavy ...
Periandros van Korinthe: Skooluitgawe D.J. Opperman 2014 ... so ook
Potidaia, maar dit isinMasedoni gele, en later as die andergestig. 15
Twee perde. Perde envarke isbyverskeie plekke geoffer ter ere van
Poseidon,die beskermgod van diesee.Wit diere is gewoonlik aan die
Olimpiese godegeoffer, ...
Plato: The Symposium 85 Frisbee C. C. Sheffield 2008 Plato ixx,
xi n.11; translation footnotes 4, 64, 92, 99, 109, 137, 151, 201, 227
Polymnia 20 Poros 3940 Poseidon 53 Potidaea 59, 60 Prodicus 7
Satyrs, Sileni (sing., Silenus) 534, 55, 61 (c.424348 BC) Son of Ariston
and Perictione, Plato ...
Platonic myth and Platonic writing 270 Robert Zaslavsky1981 ...
209, 210, 212, 218, 219, 220, 223 Pluto Po1emarohus 173 Polus
Poseidon Potidaea Proolus Prokris Prometheus Protagoras 201, 205
Pyriphlegethon Pythagoras Pythodorus 159 190 115 177 99 115, 118 141,
173 4, 5-6, 17, 21, 27, 28, 34, ...
Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito: Critical Essays 51
Rachana Kamtekar 2004 When he tells the story of the prodigiously high
tide that overwhelmed the Persian army at Potidaea he endorses the local
belief that it was caused by Poseidon punishing the invaders for
desecrating his shrine.M Should we ever forget how ...
Plato's Invisible Cities: 209 Adi Ophir1991 ... and nature 30; and
philosophy 2, 3-4, 8, 14; and Plato 175-6; and polis 48-9, 129; and civic
space 19-21 Pollus 125 Polynices 39 Popper, K. R. 102, 180-1, 186
Porphyry 172, 173 Poseidon 22, 178, 190 Potidaea 186 power, and civic
space ...
Plays: Acharnians. Knights. Clouds. Wasps. Peace 273
Aristophanes, Patric Dickinson1970 Poseidon: god of earthquakes, water


and the sea, horses; his emblem a trident. Potidaia: city in northern
Greece, revolted from Athenian alliance 432, but reduced 430. Pramnian:
a wine. Propyleia: the great gateway building on the Acropolis, ...
Pomponius Mela's Description of the World 154 Pomponius Mela,
Frank E. Romer1998 See Lusitania Portus Magnus (Bettioua), 1.29
Poseidon, Point, 1.86 Potentia (Santa Maria di Potenza), 2.65 Potidaea,
2.33 Pozzuoli. See Puteoli Priapos, 1.97 Priene, 1.87 Prochyta (Procida),
is., 2.121 Procida. See Prochyta Proconnesos, is., ...
Reason and Religion in Socratic Philosophy 56 Nicholas D.
Smith, Paul Woodruff 2000 When he tells the story of the prodigiously
high tide that overwhelmed the Persian army at Potidaea he endorses the
local belief that it was caused by Poseidon punishing the invaders for
desecrating his shrine." Should we ever forget how tiny ...
Reconstructing Western Civilization: Irreverant Essays on ... 388
Barbara Sher Tinsley 2006 ... 231, 240 Pontian (pope), 290 Poppaea,
empress of Rome, 252, 254, 255 Porter, Cole, 214 Porus, Prince of India,
166 Poseidon, 102, 167 Potidaea, battle of, 138, 151 Rasputin, Grigory
Yefimovich, 37 rationality, 1 7; and Akhenaton and, 70, ...
Religion of Socrates 332 Mark L. McPherran 2010 See miasma
Poseidon, 25 Potidaea, 214 n. 90 prayer, 21, 22, 24, 53, 56, 77, 99, 103,
140, 158-59 n. 221 preliminary hearing. See anakrisis Presocratics, 98108, 111 n. 76 Problem of Evil, 68, 69 n. 110, 277 n. 96 Prodicus of Ceos,
8 n. 22, 88 ...
Sallust, the Histories 2 258 Sallust, Patrick McGushin1992
89) 127 Pomptinus, C. 174 Pontus (kingdom) 53, 77, 98-100, 140-3, 163,
167, 169-70, 185, 195, 198, 201, 209-10, 222 Porcius Cato, M. (cos. 195)
72, 217 Poseidon 124 Potidaea 132 Praecia 73, 222 Priapus 104 prison
rations 30, 95 pro ...
Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War 79 Howard Hayes
Scullard1930 There would then be a close parallel in the incident
recorded by Herodotus of Artabazus' blockade of Potidaea ; after a
three ... The Persians assigned the cause to the profanation of the temple
and image of Poseidon, but the real cause was a ...
Selected Imaginary conversations of literary men and statesmen Walter
Savage Landor, Charles Louis Proudfit1969 ... 17-20, 22-23, 34,39-42
Pontianusof Nicomedia, 168, 176, 193, 196 Pontifex Maximus, 24
Pontus, 22, 32 Popes, papacy, 97, 99-100, 132 Portugal, Portuguese, 72


Poseidon, 214 Potidaea (Potidea), 203 Pound, Ezra, xviii Power, 19, 3940, ...
Selected Speeches 526 Demosthenes, 2014 ... 1989, 202, 311
Pittalacus 190 Plangon 402 Plataea 36, 111, 141, 145, 160, 209, 309,
33740 Plutarch 35, 64, 237, 257 Polysthenes 310 Polystratus 28
Polyzelus 2223 Porthmus 60, 64, 85, 156 Poseidon (god) 278 Potidaea
56, 10, 11, ...
Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology: With Special ... 125
Robert Brown1898 It is, therefore, most probable that in the three very
similar variants, Poseidan, Posoidan, and Poseidon is contained the true
and ... Midler can show the independent existence of the form Potidaios,
we might admit that it reappears in Potidaia.
Social Science Abstracts 2, 1-6 333 1930 ... given
date in II, 1 must be emended so as to make the attack on Plataea 16
instead of 6 months after the hostilities at Potidaea. ... In the present
article he thus treats the various attributes and functions of Poseidon.
Socrates 46 Jim Whiting ... (pan-uh-THEEN-ee-uh) Parthenon
(PAR-thuh-nahn) Peloponnesian (pehl-oh-poe-NEE-zhuhn) Pericles
(PAIR-uh-cleez) Phaenarete (feh-nuh-REE-tee) phalanx (fuh-LANKS)
Plataea (pluh-TEE-uh) Poseidon (POE-sye-duhn) Potidaea ...
Song of Wrath: The Peloponnesian War Begins 558 J. E. Lendon
2013 95) Peloponnesian attack on, siege of (429 BC), 147152
Peloponnesian attack as revenge for Potidaea, 148152, 163 ... 63)
Poseidon, 159 temple of (Sounion), 137 Potamodorus of Orchomenus,
Athenian honors for (IG I3 73; 424/423 BC), ...
Space and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds 208 Michael
Scott 2012 ... 80, 81-2 Porta Marina at Ostia 79, 80 Porta Romana at
Ostia 7980, 83-4 Portus 78-9, 80 Poseidon 59, 67 at Corinth 117, 128
at Delos 59, 65, 71, 73 Poseidoniasts of Beirut 72-3 Poseidonius 176
Pothecary, S. 140, 157 Potidaea 124 pottery ...
Spartans at the Gates: A Novel 214 Noble Smith 2014 After a
pause Nikias heard Phoenix say, Poseidon's prick! ... I reckon it's about
the siege of Potidaea. ... And then a massive bronze spear pointlike one
of Poseidons trident prongsripped through the side of the boat a few
feet above ...


Spartans: A New History Nigel M. Kennell 2011 ... Magnus Pompey,

Sextus Poseidon Taenarius, shrine of (Cape Taenarum) Poseidon
Taenarius, shrine of (Sparta) Potidaea pottery: at Amyclaeum Dorian
invasion and Handmade Burnished Ware Laconian, at Cyrene Laconian,
as evidence ...
Spink Numismatic Circular 109-110 175 2001 Rev.
xaakiaeqn. Tripod; below..Robnson and Clement pLXm.107.b-e. VF.
120 GK0232 MACEDON. POTIDAIA (C500-480 B.C.) .4 Tetrobol
(2.74g). Poseidon Hippios on horse r.. holding a trident: below, fourpointed star. Rev.
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum quae supersunt 801 Stephanus
Byzantinus, August Meineke 1849 370, 10.
/ 400, 1. 423, 13. "
446, 3. 465, 7.
629, 11. ... 533, 16.
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum quae supersunt 801 Stephanos (ho
Byzantios), August Meineke1849 400, 1.
423, 13. 446, 3.
465, 7. 629, 11. ...
533, 16. ...
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum qu supersunt. Ex recensione ...1849
355, 9. 370, 10.
... 629, 11.
630, 2. 635,17. ... .533, 16.
Studies in Ancient Greek Society: The prehistoric Aegean 265
George Derwent Thomson1978 Poseidon has two further links with the
Lapithai, independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at
issue. The first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on
the Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...
Studies in Ancient Greek Society 1 265 George Derwent
Thomson1965 Poseidon has two further links with the Lapithai,
independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at issue. The
first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on the
Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...


Studies in Language and Literature 3-6 32 University of

Wisconsin1919 Artabazus had spent three months in the siege of
Potidaea, when there was a great ebb of the tide that lasted a long time. ...
the Persian disaster was the defilement of the temple and statue of
Poseidon in the suburbs by the very Persians who ...
Studies in Language and Literature 1-3 32 1918
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum 5, 3 Edward Stanley Gotch
Robinson1976 2360 ^ 8-54 Robinson; MMAG list 254 (May 1965), 8.
Rev. To r., bunch of grapes on branch. Bellinger 20. POTIDAEA JR. Obv.
Poseidon carrying trident mounted on horse ; below, dolphin. Rev. Incuse
square divided diagonally. Tetradrachm.
Syngramma periodikon 1, 1-156 84 Hellnikos
Philologikos Syllogos (Istanbul, Turkey)1863
, ( )
... ,
, , , (,
, ...
Testimonium Anim: Or, Greek and Roman Before Jesus ... 163
Ernest Gottlieb Sihler1908 The Persians (who despised Greek
polytheism) had committed acts of impiety on the temple of the God
Poseidon and on the idol. Herodotus cordially agrees with the allegation
of the people of Potidaea that their tutelary deity imposed ...
The Age of Pericles: A History of the Politics and Arts of ... William
Watkiss Lloyd 1875 With Potidaea the Persians had far different fortune.
This city which also we shall soon hear of again was a Corinthian
colony, and named from the god Poseidon, who, in colony as in
metropolis, could look down from his temple upon a ...
The Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome: A Brief History 222
Jack L. Schwartzwald 2014 ... 15354, 156 Pomptine marshes 155
Pontius 113,199n41 Pontius Pilate 29 Popilius, Gaius 139 Poppaea 163
populares 143 Porsena, Lars 1067 Porus 9394, 198n248 Poseidon 39
Postumus 17374 Potidaea 57, 79, 195n95 Praetorian ...
The Ancient World Sarolta Anna Takacs, Eric H. Cline 2015 ... Eric H.
Cline. Polis. See City-states Pompeii, 116t, 195-196, 195p Poseidon, 175,
199 Potidaea, 190 Pottery, 120 Bronze Age, 124-125 Etruscan, 147
Neolithic Period, 142 wheel, 111, 211m, 214 Primitive, 560 Punic Wars,
xl, 152, 204 ...


The Annual of the British School at Athens 303 1950 Polydamna

239. Polykleitos 44, 45. Pompeii, altar of Zeus Meilichios 1 24. porch,
open 267. Porto Raphti, triglyph altar 1 19. Poseidon 255. Potidaea,
epigrams 150 n., 151, 153, 154 n., 158; casualty list 157. Pottery,
burnished ware, black 210; ...
The Archaeological Journal 46 404. 1889... to a passage in
Pausanias, where he says that near the Temple of Demeter at Athens is
Poseidon on horseback, hurling a ... in 1869 and 1872 respectively:
engravings are also appended to support his attribution: one is a coin of
Potidaea, ...
The Archaeological Journal 46 404. 1889... to a passage in
Pausanias, where he says that near the Temple of Demeter at Athens is
Poseidon on horseback, hurling a ... in 1869 and 1872 respectively:
engravings are also appended to support his attribution: one is a coin of
Potidaea, ...
The archaeology of Greece and the Aegean 144 Stewart
Perowne1974 ... Pompeii 19 Pompey 94, 99 Portico of Attalus 131
Portland vase 16 Poseidon 21 Poseidon, Temple of (Cape Sunium) 21,
135 Poseidonius 107 Potidaea 47 Potter, R. 1 13 Praxiteles 41 Priam,
Palace of 55 Prienc 108, 119 Prince Regent 26, ...
The battle for the West: Thermopylae 213 Ernle Dusgate Selby
Bradford1980 They attributed the Persian disaster to the fact that they
had desecrated Poseidon's shrine and statue which had formerly stood
outside the walls. Artabazus lifted the siege and marched to join
Mardonius. Potidaea had been an irritant, but ...
The British Museum. Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles 1833 36 Poseidon,
the god of the Ionians, i. 46 Potidaea, inscription commemorating the
warriors who fell at, i. 34; ii. 156 account of the battle of, ii. 156, 157
Thiersch's restoration of this inscription, ii. 158 archaic forms in the, ibid.
fac-simile of the, ii.
The Cambridge Ancient History: Persia, Greece, and the ... 586
Cambridge University Press, John Boardman, N. G. L. Hammond1988
The only organized revolt was that of Potidaea, a colony of Corinth,
situated at the neck of the Pallene peninsula and ... of their patron god,
Poseidon Hippios, god of the sea and of the earthquake (he figured on
their fine silver tetradrachms).


The Cambridge Ancient History: The Assyrian empire, 1925 Frank Ezra
Adcock, John Bagnell Bury, Stanley Arthur Cook1923 ... 610, 611
Poseidon, 717; sanctuary at Calauria, 717; Isthmian sanctuary, 719;
worship of ' Samian Poseidon' at Triphylia, 731 Potelu, ) Ce Potidaea, if
Cb Potporanj, 6 Ca potter's wheel, in Neolithic Albania, 208 Pneneste,
L'rartian exports in, ...
The Cambridge Ancient History 10 586 1982 The only
organized revolt was that of Potidaea, a colony of Corinth, situated at
the neck of the Pallene peninsula and ... of their patron god, Poseidon
Hippios, god of the sea and of the earthquake (he figured on their fine
silver tetradrachms) Cambridge 10 586
1982 ,
, ...
, ,
( ).

The Cambridge ancient history 4 586 John Boardman 1992

The only organized revolt was that of Potidaea, a colony of Corinth,
situated at the neck of the Pallene peninsula and ... of their patron god,
Poseidon Hippios, god of the sea and of the earthquake (he figured on
their fine silver tetradrachms).
The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare Philip Sabin, Hans
van Wees, Michael Whitby 2007 ... 152, 160, 2934, 392 Porus, ruler of
Pauravas 417, 419 Poseidon, sanctuaries of: Calauria 99100; Mycale 98
Poseidonius 3 postmodernism 12 pothos (longing, for unknown sights)
24 Potidaea 149, 215; battle of (431) 21617 siege 180, ...
The Classical Bulletin 13-14 1936 On either side of us, red-roofed
villages could be seen clustering about petty havens that gave shelter to
their little fleets of fishing-boats, conspicuous among them the town
named after Poseidon himself, Potidaea, straddling the narrow ...
The Classical Greek Reader 405 Kenneth John Atchity, Rosemary
McKenna1996 Poseidon. Son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus,
father of the Cyclopes, god of the sea, his name literally spouse of the ...
Potidaea. Corinthian colony on the Chalcidian peninsula of Pallene, in
Macedon, subject to Athens until its revolt ...
The Classical World: An Epic History from Homer to Hadrian Robin
Lane Fox 2007 ... and;liberty championed by luxury and;military skills
of; Spainand;speakingskillsof theatre builtby Pomponius. SeeAtticus


Poppaea Population figures Porcia Portland Vase(illus.) Poseidippus of

Pella Poseidon Potidaea Pottery Praetorian.
The collected works of Sir Humphry Davy ...: Discourses ... 212
Sir Humphry Davy, John Davy1911 Its name is clearly derived from
Poseidon (cf. Poseidonia). The type of the tetradrachm was doubtless
suggested by the sacred image of Poseidon, which Herodotus (viii. ...
With the celebrated blockade of Potidaea by the Athenians, B. c.
The Complete Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage, ... Will Durant
2014 270 B.C.), 577 Poseidon (ps'dn), 22, 43, 58, 109, 113, 168, 175,
181, 185,186, 216, 329, 331, 334, 403, 510 Poseidonia ... 273, 589590
Posterior Analytics (Aristotle), 526* Potidaea ,158,365,441,444,470,477
pottery, seeceramics poverty, ...
The cults of the Greek states 4 58 Lewis Richard
Farnell1907. Nor do we find among the monuments any clear
characteristic of Poseidon as a god of the political community ; for
instance, the ... In the archaic period his figure was the dominant type of
the cities called by his name, Potidaia on the Thermaic ...
The Dialogues of Plato 2 908 Plato1937 117 B; the laws of
Poseidon, ib. 119 C, D; 'the earth-shaker,' Hipp. Min. 370 C. 'Possessing'
and fiavin?,' Theaet. 197. Possession, right given by, Laws 12. 954 C.
Potidaea, battle of, Charm. 153 B; Socrates at, ib. A; Symp. 219 E, 221
A; Apol.
The Discovery of Freedom in Ancient Greece: Revised and ...Kurt
Raaflaub 2004 ... 166, 186, 188, 190, 252, 254, 272, 284n.12
politicization, 270, 272 Polycrates of Samos, 68, 90, 105 Polyneices, 223
Poseidon, 315n.215 Potidaea, 78, 161, 195, 197 Pre-Socratics, 18
Prometheus, 294n.83 propaganda, 87-88, 116, 119-20, ...
The divine rider in the art of the Western Roman Empire 1
Marjorie Mackintosh1995 There are exceptions however, especially in
the case of Poseidon. A silver coin from Potidaea dated to about 500 BC,
for example, has on its obverse the figure of a mounted Poseidon, clearly
identified by the large trident he is carrying.1 The ...
The Earthquakes of Greece 170 Vasils Papazachos, Basil
Papazachos, Catherine Papazachou 1997 [479 BC, 39.7 N, 23.3 E, h =
n, M=(7.0), Potidaea] According to Herodotos, three months after
Artavazos laid siege to ... The Potidaeans said that this occurred because


the Persians desecrated the statue of Poseidon which was in the

suburb ...
The English Cyclop Dia: A Dictionary of Universal Information
The Eye Expanded: Life and the Arts in Greco-Roman Antiquity Frances
B. Titchener, Richard F. Moorton 1999 Porticus Metelli, 186 Porticus
Octaviae, 186-87, 2o1 Porus decadrachms, gon 1 8 Porus, 62-63, 65, 7o7ini4, 7inig Poseidon, 33 Potidaea, 25-26, 45, 55 Potiphar, 1 13, 1 ig-2o,
124, 134; wife of, 113, 115-16, 118-ig, 123, 129, 134 Praeneste, ...
The Eye of Cybele 576 Daniel Chavarra 2005 Having
overthrown their father Cronus, the three usurping brothers Zeus,
Poseidon, and Hades drew lots from a ... Potidaea. A city founded by
Corinthian colonists in Chalcidice. In their conflict with Athens, they
turned for help to their ...
The Formation of the Greek People A. Jarde 2013 ... ms, 2J_Q
POLYCRITOS of Mende, doctor, Q8 POLYDAMAS of Pharsalos, 25
POSEIDIPPOS, quoted, 3E POSEIDON, 2, 33, 83, 26, m, Q2, 2113-2,
Q5 Poseidonia, m, m Poseidonios, quoted, fl Potidaea, 22, ...
The Great War Between Athens And Sparta: A Companion To ... Dr.
Bernard W. Henderson 2015 After one of his expeditions, probably that to
Potidaea, upon presenting his accounts of payments made, the public
auditors were dissatisfied ... {177} So he sailed westward ho! once more,
loving and beloved of Poseidon the god of the sea.
The Greek Historians 885 1942 Poseidon, Temple of, at Colonus,
viii. 67; ships dedicated to ... 60; the Athenians send an expedition against
Potidaea, ib. 57, 61; battle of ... 139, 140; Hagnon brings fresh troops to
Potidaea; the plague breaks out among them, ii. 58; Aristeus ...
The Greek Historians: The Complete and Unabridged ...Francis Richard
Borroum Godolphin, Herodotus, Thucydides1942 Poseidon, Temple of,
at Colonus, vm. 67; ships dedicated to ... 60; the Athenians send an
expedition against Potidaea, ib. 57, 61; battle of ... 139, 140; Hagnon
brings fresh troops to Potidaea; the plague breaks out among them, ii. 58;
Aristeus ...
The Greek Myths 43 Robert Graves1988 The brotherhood of
Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus recalls that of the Vedic male trinityMitra,
Varuna, and Indra(see 3. ... sometimes spelt Potidan, may have been


borrowed from that of his goddess-mother, after whom the city Potidaea
was ...
The Greek Search for Wisdom Michael K. Kellogg 2012 ... 119, 121
Polydamas, 3940 Polydorus, 13435 Polymestor, 13536 Polynices,
11315, 117,124 Polyxena, 13436 Poros, 253 Portable Nietzsche, The
(Nietzsche), 299, 310 Portrait ofaLady, The (James), 141 Poseidon,
135,145 Potidaea, ...
The Greek State (Routledge Library Editions: Political ... 301
Victor Ehrenberg 2013 Poseidon 3 5, 109, 121 Poseidonius 178 postal
service 188, 190 Potidaea 94, 105 Potter's oracle 156, 279 poverty 6, 28,
34, 90, 93, 96, 236 power, power politics passim Priene 172, 196, 207
priest 11, 13f., 755., 130, 1715., 180, 183, 185-8, ...
The Greek World: Art and Civilization in Magna Graecia and ...Giovanni
Pugliese Carratelli1996 ... 223, 284 Plutus 71 Po River 205 Po Valley
115, 210 Po-se-da (Poseidon) 41 Policoro 360,396 Polieion 151
Poliochni 26 ... Paestum Potidaea 183, 196 Pozzuoli 188,239 Praisos 154
Praxiteles 72,78 pre-Hellenic 239 Priam 48, 71 Priene ...
The Greeks and the Irrational 258 Eric R. Dodds 2004 they nearly
always speak in terms of the Homeric Hades (on the most striking
exception, the Potidaea epitaph, see chap. v, n. ... of Demosthenes
advising the Assembly "to recognise Alexander as the son of Zeus or
Poseidon if he fancies it.
The Growth of the Athenian Economy A French 2013 Porridge, 8, 159
Poseidon, 160 Potidaea, 105, 167 Pottery, tradein, 5, 9, 25, 434, 50, 73,
79, 107, 113, 1234 Poultry, 7,158 Prasiae, 26 Prices, 22,59,7980,
114,118, 121, 12930, 147, 168 Profits, 57,1556 Propontis, 87, 111
Propylaea ...
The Growth of the Athenian Economy 206 Alfred French 2005
"33-4 Porridge, 8, 159 Poseidon, 160 Potidaea, 105, 167 Pottery, trade
in, 5, 9, 25, 43-4, 50, 73.79. 107, "3. 123-4 Poultry, 7, 158 Prasiac, 26
Prices, 22, 59, 79-80, 114, 118, 121, 129-30, 147, 1 68 Profits, 57, 155-6
Propontis, 87, 1 1 1 ...
The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens and the Search for the ... Bettany
Hughes 2011 20 SOCRATES THE SOLDIER MWWMMW Potidaea,
northern Greece, 432429 BC ALCIBIADES: Tbm you we to bear q'
him in battle ... A Roman temple to Poseidon lurches into the sea.2
Pebbles mix with pottery shards on the beach.


The Historians' History of the World: Greece to the ... 518 Henry
Smith Williams1904 ... the real cause of it ; that it was not Pericles, but
the Peloponnesians, who brought it on, by the blow struck at Potidaea. ...
violated the sanctuary of Poseidon at Cape Taenarus, in dragging from it
some helot suppliants ; and the sanctuary of ...
The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus 538 Herdot, Harry
Carter1962 538 The Persian fleet wintering at Samos vm at the place
agreed upon, he missed and hit a man of Potidaea in the ... to the
Persians was that those who were killed in the sea had trespassed on the
temple of Poseidon and his image in the ...
The Histories 764 Herodotus 2015 Salamis 644-645 Ponticum,
the, species of wild cherries, used for food and drink by the Argippaeans
312 Porcupines 580 Poseidon: not among the Egyptian gods 145;
worship of, in Libya 149, 579 Potidaea, Artabazus lays siege to 660 ...
The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close ... Adolf
Holm1906 Whilst the worship of Apollo predominated among the
Corinthian colonies of the west, the name of this city pointed to the cult
of Poseidon ; the Potidaea on which Potidaea lay may have reminded
the colonists of that at Corinth. In the immediate ...
The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close ... Adolf
Holm1906 ... to the cult of Poseidon; the Potidaea on which Potidaea lay
may have reminded the colonists of that at Corinth. In the immediate
neighbourhood of Corinth, Periander extended his sway by the
subjugation of Epidaurus, where his father-in-law, ...
The History of Greece 173 Thomas Keightley, Joshua Toulmin
Smith1839 ... a second embassy came from Sparta, requiring the
Athenians to retire from Potidaea, to leave ^Egma independent, and to ...
Some time before, some helots who had taken refuge at the temple of
Poseidon at Taenaron were dragged from it ...
from Potidaea, the fleet came to land opposite the temple of Poseidon,
and proceeded against Mende; the men of which town, reinforced by
three hundred Scionaeans, with their Pelo- ponnesian auxiliaries, seven
hundred heavy ...
The History of Herodotus 2 407 Herodotus1890 ... of
Pontus, iv. 8, 10, 95 ; vii. 95 Porata, tributary of the Ister, iv. 48 Poseidon,


ii. 43, 50 ; vii. 129 ; viii. SS ; " the Saviour, " vii. 192, 193; at Mycale
(Heliconios), i. ... 127, 128: Potidaians, men of Potidaia, viii. 126-129 '.
1x- 28, 31 Connexion with ...
The history of the Peloponnesian War: illustrated with ... 260
Thucydides1978 Weighing from Potidaea, the fleet came to land opposite
the temple of Poseidon, and proceeded against Mende; the men of which
town, reinforced by three hundred Scionaeans, with their Peloponnesian
auxiliaries, seven hundred heavy ...
The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite: Introduction, Text, and ... 109
Andrew Faulkner 2008 Pausanias mentions statues of Poseidon, Apollo,
and Aphrodite together in his description of Corinth (2. ... There was also
worship of Poseidon and Apollo together at Potidaea in Chalkidike, an
important colony of Corinth (see Alexander 1963 ...
The Human Context 7 217 1975 They are linked in myths
of Poseidon, Apollo, Minos, Dionysus, Deucalion and Odysseus, for
instance, and ... after whom the city of Potidaea was called: "the watergoddess The Island-Mountain in Myth: Some Notes Towards the (un)
Natural ...
The Humanist Tradition in World Literature: An Anthology ... 986
Stephen L. Harris1970 Polyphemusone of the giant Cyclopes, oneeyed cannibalistic sons of Poseidon. ... Potidaeacity-state in north
Greece; subject of the Athenian Empire; its refusal to sever connections
with Corinth and the intervention of Sparta into the affair ...
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 36-39 71 1950 On a
dedication to Poseidon Hippios one would expect in advance a reference
to the* Epiklesis of the God. ... 14; Coins of Potidaia: Overbeck,
Kunstmythologie, in, Miinztafel, vi, 23; Hirsch Catalogue, xm
(Rhoussopoulos, 15, v, 1905), pi.
The Journal of Hellenic Studies 13 15 1971 In sculpture we
have three instances : (a) A bronze statue of Poseidon Hippios at Pheneos
in Arcadia, supposed to be set ... no archaic gems with representations of
Poseidon, and the earliest on coins are on those of Potidaea and
Poseidonia, ...
The Justice of Zeus 41 64 Hugh Lloyd-Jones1983 If
Herodotus says that whoever believes that Poseidon causes earthquakes
will believe that Poseidon made for the ... for he attributes to Poseidon


the tidal wave that prevented the Persians from taking Potidaea.43 Both
Plataea and Mycale, ...
The Knights of Aristophanes 226 ... 569 Pindar quoted 1263 Pnyx
42, 749, 7S4 Polymnestus 1287 Poseidon 247, 609, 839; his attributes
559; his shrine at ... 204; oath by 338, 409, 551, 843 Potidaea 438
Prytaneum, entertainment in 281 Pylus 1059 Salamis, rowers Athenian ...
The Landmark Thucydides 294 Thucydides, Victor Davis Hanson,
Robert B. Strassler 2008 [3] Departing from Potidaea,3a the fleet came
to land opposite the temple of Poseidon, and proceeded against Mende;
there they found the men of this city, reinforced by three hundred
Scionaeans, with their Peloponnesian auxiliaries, seven ...
The Life of Greece: The Story of Civilization Will Durant 2011 270
B.C.), 577 Poseidon (p-s'-dn), 22, 43, 58, 109, 113, 168, 175, 181,
185, 186, 216, 329, 331, 334, 403, 510 ... Achilles, and Nereids (Sco-pas),
498 postal service, 273, 589590 Posterior Analytics (Aristotle), 526*
Potidaea , 158, 365, ...
The Lost Voyages of Xena: Scroll One: On Stranger ... Poe Tancredy
2015. Based on the hit television series, Xena: Warrior Princess, created
by John Schulian and Robert Tapert, The Lost Voyages of Xena recounts
adventures of the Warrior Princess and her trusted companion thought
lost in the ruins of ages ...
The Memoirs of Socrates: The Last Rational Man S. T. Levin 2015 We
sent quite a lot of men up to Potidaea, which is at a critical point for
northern shipping, particularly during bad ... (You know, it is not very
well known in postmodern Athens, but back in the copper age, Poseidon,
the God of the sea, was ...
The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal ... 339 1960.
Poseidon on Karpathos (?), coins of, xvn, 1 1 f. Postaller, see Finds PostBrunanburh coins, xvin, 131 ff. Postumus, coins of, in Mildenhall hoard,
xrv, 42; barbarous copies of, xrv, 49 f.; xv, 232; xvi, 238; xvm, 181; xix,
10; xx, 276 f. Potidaea ...
The Numismatic Chronicle 339 John Yonge Akerman, Sir John
Evans, William Sandys Wright Vaux1961 Poseidon on Karpathos (?),
coins of, xvn, 1 1 f. Postaller, see Finds Post-Brunanburh coins, xvm, 131
ff. Postumus, coins of, in Mildenhall hoard, xrv, 42; barbarous copies of,
xiv, 49 f.; xv, 232; xvi, 238; xvm, 181; xix, 10; xx, 276 f. Potidaea,
coins ...


The Numismatic Chronicle, and Journal of the Numismatic ...1902 The

adoption of the types of Corinth by Potidaea is not surprising," for close
ties bound the two cities together. ... primarily Corinthian, may have had
a peculiar appropriateness for the Potidaeans as being the attribute of
their Poseidon Hippios.
The Numismatic Circular 60-61 369 1952 27.3 grs. (1.77
gr.). Facing Gorgoneion. It. NEQf around head of goddess r. B.M.C. 30.
R. E.F./V.F. 1 10s 2803 Potidaea. (c. 530-500 B.C.). JR Tetradrachm.
259.6 grs. (16.52 gr.). Poseidon Hippios naked on horseback 1., he holds
The Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse 301 William
Ridgeway 2015 No better illustration of the horses of that region in the
fifth century B.C. can be given than the coins of Potidaea (B.C. 490432)
which show Poseidon Hippios (of the Horse) mounted on horseback with
his trident levelled against some foe (Fig.
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature 470 M. C.
Howatson 2013 Poseidonius Greece, as is attested by the city names
Potidaea in Chalcidice and Poseidonia in south Italy. ... no doubt
Corinth's strategic position, commanding the seas to east and west, made
the cult of Poseidon particularly appropriate.
The Peloponnesian War 693 Thucydides, 2009 Polymedes,
Thessalian commander 2.22 Poseidon, god: temples at Taenarum 1.128,
Mende 4.129, near Nisaea 4.1 18; ... to Poseidon by Athenians (429) 2.84
Potamis, Syracusan commander sent to fleet at Miletus (41 1) 8.85
The Penny Cyclopdia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... 1840
Poseidon was the son of Kronus and Rhea, and the brother of Jupiter and
Juno, and appears to have been one of the ... Poseidon is written in Doric
Greek, Poteidan of which we have another example in the name of
Potidaea ...
The Penny Cyclopdia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... George Long
1840 Poseidon was the son of Kronus and Rhea, and the brother of
Jupiter and Juno, and appears to have been one of the ... we have another
example in :: name of Potidaea, written Poteidaia in inscription, now in
tbe British Museum, ...
The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources from the ... 1006 A.
Kuhrt 2013 ... n.1 Porus (Indian ruler) 10, fig.10.7 Poseidon 3, no.20, n.3;


7, no.27 Poseidonius 11, no.20, n.4 Posidium (1) (Thrace) 7, no.22 (2)
(Levant) 14, no.2 potibazisv (PTP; pitibogo; patbag; *pithvabaga) 2, no.8
Potidaea, Potidaean(s) 7, no.49 (ii); ...
The Private and Public Life of Socrates: By Ren Kraus; ... 102
Ren Kraus1940 It was the signal for the Corinthians' attack,
announcing a sally from Potidaea. And the ... over which the foaming
billows rolled, and so through the hail of hostile missiles back to the city
of Potidaea. ... Was he secretly in league with Poseidon?
The Profession of Ignorance: With Constant Reference to ... 204
Martin McAvoy1999 Potidaea may also serve to remind us of Poseidon,
from whom both sides of Plato's family were reputedly descended (D.L.
Lives, III 1, who cites Thrasyllus in support). The Queen mentioned at
153a4 is believed to be that of Codrus and ...
The Rise Of The Greeks Michael Grant 2012 When Potidaea started
issuing coins, in about 500, they depicted Poseidon, after whom the city
took its name. He is shown carrying a trident and riding on a Thracian
horse. Through their intercourse with these Chalcidic colonies and ...
The Rivals of Aristophanes: Studies in Athenian Old Comedy F. David
Harvey, John Wilkins 2000 17, 23-31), and the temple of Poseidon in
Byzantium, where those entering or leaving the Black Sea might wish
to ... of breaking the treaty over Corcyra, Potidaea and Aeginaaccusations
which they rejected each time, and which cannot have ...
The School of History: Athens in the Age of Socrates 487 Mark
H. Munn2000 citizenship; constitution; laws of Athens; patrios politeia
politihe teehne, 80, 87, 375039 polloi, 78 Polus, 82 Polyhus, 407014
Potidaea, 54, 55 Pomiae, 3 1 Pouilloux,J. ... See also citizens Poseidon,
24, 121, 140 149, 192, 277, 297, 327.
The Spartans: An Epic History Paul Cartledge 2012 ... ref 6, ref 7 and
Antalcidas ref 1 and Archidamusref1 and Gorgoref1,ref2 GreatRhetra ref
1 and Isadasref1 and Leonidasref 1 and Lycurgus ref1, ref2 and Lysander
ref1 music ref 1 women ref 1,ref2,ref3 Polydorus ref 1 Poseidon ref 1
Potidaea ...
The Story of Civilization...: The life of Greece 744 Will
Durant1939 ... The (Gomme, A. W.),255t Poseidon (p6-si'-don) , 22, 43,
58, 109, 113, 168, 175, 181, 185, 186, 116, 329, 331, 334, 403, ... and
Nereids (Sco- pas), 498 postal service, 273, 589-590 Posterior Analytics
(Aristotle), 526* Potidaea (pot'-i-de'-a) ...


The Story of Civilization: The life of Greece; being a ... 744 Will
Durant, Ariel Durant1939 270 b.c) , 577 Poseidon (po-si'-don), 22, 43,
58, 109, 113, 168, 175, 181, 185, 186, 216, 329, 331, 334, 403, 510 ... and
Nereids (Sco- pas) , 498 postal service, 273, 589-590 Posterior Analytics
(Aristotle), 526* Potidaea (pot'-i-de'-a) , 158, 365, ...
The Types of Greek Coins: An Archaeological Essay 161 Percy
Gardner1883 2. we have a Poseidon, naked to the waist, holding dolphin
and trident, from Priansus. Overbeck 4 ... 3 from Rhaucus, appears as
Hippius, leading not riding his sacred horse, as K. 3. he did on the early
coin of Potidaea, pl. in. 3. On No. 4 from ...
The Way of Herodotus: Travels with the Man Who Invented ...Justin
Marozzi 2010 Thus, when he talks about a Persian army involved in a
long siege against the Greek town of Potidaea in Thrace being destroyed
by a ... had previously desecrated a shrine of Poseidon, and the statue of
him which stands just outside the town.
The Weber Collection: Greek Coins 2 35 Leonard
Forrer1975 Eub. tetrobol. 2.75 (Dracopoulos, 1897.) Babelon, Traiti, PI.
li, 23. Head, Hist. Num., p. 212. " Wroth, Num. Chron., 1900, p. 27} (PI.
xin, 3). Potidaea. " A colony of Corinth on the Ihermak gulf, the name is
derived front Poseidon " (H. N., p. 212).
The world's history illuminated: containing a record of ...Israel Smith
Clare1897 Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athene and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Theopompus The Historian 329 Gordon S. Shrimpton1991 ... that
does not burn when fanned by a bellows, flares up when sprinkled with
water, and smells bad, F268a Poseidon, gives Pelops untamable horses
with which he goes to compete with Oenomaus to win Hippodamea 's
hand, F350 Potidaea, ...
This Gulf of Fire: The Destruction of Lisbon, or ... Mark Molesky 2015
By contrast, his predecessor Herodotus attributed the Potidaean
Tsunami (which occurred during the Persian siege of Potidaea in 479
BC) to the wrath of Poseidon. According to the Father of History, the
Persians had behaved sacrilegiously ...
Thucydides and Internal War 400 Jonathan J. Price 2001 ... 230,
241, 266 Polycrates 220, 341, 343 Poseidon at Mende 232 at Tainaros


230 Potidaea 160 n. 70, 172, 216, 268, 274, 275, 277, 279, 286, 287, 300,
see also stasis Prodicus 43 n. 80 prophasis 282, 345-6 Protesilaus, temple
of 232-3 ...
Thucydides Translated Into English with Introduction, ... 684
Andrew Preston Peabody1883
Thucydides Translated Into English 1 692 Thucydides,
Benjamin Jowett1881 Poseidon, Temple of, at Colonus, viii. 67 med.;
ships ... 60 ; the Athenians send an expedition against Potidaea, ib. 57
fin., 61 ... 139 init., 140 med.; Hagnon brings fresh troops to Potidaea;
the plague breaks out among them, ii. 58 ; Aristeus ...
Thucydides 36 Walter Robert Connor 2013 ... of a revolt in the
area around Potidaea,38 the account turns to Sparta, at one of the most
dramatic moments in her history. ... largest navies: Corcyreans, may
Poseidon destroy them in their hollow ships, because they are of divided
Thucydides 496 Thucydides1900 Poseidon, Temple of, at
Colonus, viii. 67 med. ; at ... 60 ; the Athenians send an expedition
against Potidaea, ib. 57 fin., 61 ... 139 init,, 140 med. ; Hagnon brings
fresh troops to Potidaea ; the plague conveyed by them to the forces
there, ii.
Thucydides, a Violent Teacher?: History and Its ... 112 Georg
Rechenauer, Vassiliki Pothou 2011 Corcyra's siege of Epidamnus is
successful and followed by a sea-battle, at Potidaea an initial land-battle
is ... might add that Poseidon hated Corcyra's ancestors (and is invoked
against them by Hermippus), but Potidaea is named after him.
Thucydides. P. J. Rhodes 2015 This concise introductory guide sets
Thucydides in context as a Greek historian writing about the
Peloponnesian War; as an intellectual in the era of the 'sophists', who
were willing to question a variety of traditional assumptions; and as ...
Thucydides 1 692 1881 Books IV-VIII and Historica index
496 Thucydides, Benjamin Jowett1900
Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...


Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Mnzen und Gemmen des ... 14

Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer, Otto Keller1889
Torone: The Literary, Documentary and Epigraphical Testimonia Alan S.
Henry 2004
Tsunami: Nature and Culture Richard Hamblyn 2014 4 Herodotus
ascribed the cause of the sea's dramatic with drawal and incursion to
Poseidon's anger at the Persian attack onthe templeat Potidaea. Perhaps
the sea god's fury can be read a san analogy for the under sea earthquake
that is likely to ... : Richard Hamblyn 2014



Two Deaths at Amphipolis: Cleon vs Brasidas in the ... 262 Mike

Roberts 2015 ... 161, 197,230, 236, 2412 Plato, xxi, 55,228 Pleasonton,
146 Pleistoanax, 26, 38, 234, 236 Pleume, 160 Plutarch, xxii, 7, 12, 44
Polles, 213 Polyaenus, xxii, 187, 245 Polybius, xviii, xix Polydamidas,
200202 Poseidon, 200 Potidaea, xvi, xxi, ...
University of California Chronicle 16 406 1914 ... a
"catastrophic geology" was as inevitable as it was among the Jews17
less often, Poseidon is credited with what we may ... of the end, that he
bridged the Hellespont, and severed the promontory of Athos, so near
Poseidons Potidaea.
University of California Chronicle 16 406 University of
California, Berkeley 1914 ... a "catastrophic geology" was as inevitable as
it was among the Jews17 less often, Poseidon is credited with what
we may ... of the end, that he bridged the Hellespont, and severed the
promontory of Athos, so near Poseidons Potidaea.
University of Wisconsin studies in language and literature University of
Wisconsin1919 Artabazus had spent three months in the siege of
Potidaea, when there was a great ebb of the tide that lasted a long time. ...
the Persian disaster was the defilement of the temple and statue of
Poseidon in the suburbs by the very Persians who ...
University of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature 32
1919 Artabazus had spent three months in the siege of Potidaea, when
there was a great ebb of the tide that lasted a long time. ... the Persian


disaster was the defilement of the temple and statue of Poseidon in the
suburbs by the very Persians who ...
Uomo e cavallo sulla moneta greca 17 Giorgio Giacosa1973 Un
interessante esempio di questo fenomeno quello riguardante la
raffigurazione del Poseidon a cavallo sulle monete di Potidea. Questa
citt era una colonia che Corinto aveva fondato nella penisola calcidi- ca;
dalla madrepatria i coloni vi ...
War in Ancient Greece Bob Carruthers 2014 Weighing from Potidaea, the
fleet cametoland opposite the temple of Poseidon, and proceeded against
Mende;the men of whichtown, reinforced by three hundred Scionaeans,
with their Peloponnesian auxiliaries, sevenhundred heavy ...
Xenophons Griechische Geschichte: Fr den Schulgebrauch
Xnophon1891 IV, 5, 1 u. 4; 7,4 u. 5. VI, 5, 30.
Sohn des Gnosis, Feldherr der Syrakuser I, 1, 29.
dorisch fr III, 3, 2. Stadt auf Palene W, 2, 15; 24;
39; 3, 6. Stadt in tien V, 4, 41. ...
Xerxes at Salamis 219 Peter Green1970 Some patriotic citizen at
once took it to the allied commanders (of Potidaea and the towns on
Pallene who had come to her ... ones as had previously desecrated the
shrine of Poseidon, and the statue of him which stands just outside the
Xerxes: A Persian Life 126 Richard Stoneman 2015 ... Eleusinian
procession troubled the troops before Salamis;83 and when the Persians
were retreating from Greece, floods at Potidaea seemed to be the revenge
of Poseidon for their sacrilege against him.84 As Themistocles
insisted,85 it was ...
Yearbook of the Encyclopedia Americana 61 Alexander Hopkins
McDannald1930 Remains of a temple of Roman date, probably
dedicated to Poseidon, have been found on the site of Potidaea. At
Calydon a small temple sacred to Apollo Laphrios has been discovered,
together with many votive terra-cottas and some ...
Americana 61 Alexander Hopkins McDannald
1930 ,
, .

Zeus: a study in ancient religion 3, 2 1247 Arthur

Bernard Cook1940 17% Tivi,KTu>f> yalas 102 $p6.rpios 5854 Qiiiaos
17% Qvt&X/uos 527 562 Bites : sacrifice of bull ' to Poseidon and to ...


Potidaia, founded where meteorite fell 886 Praeneste, mosaic from

626(2) Praisos Cult: pig 1103 terra-cotta plaques from ...
. 101 1869 (.
, .,
307). '
30, ...
. : Patto colonario de'Locri 101 1869
(. ) ,
3"7). . ,
. 16, 1 422 1987
, ( )

Poseidon Potidaia
A Commentary on Thucydides: Books IV-V.24 515 Simon
Hornblower 2005 ... also Black Sea popular leaders 232 see also
demagogues, democracy popularity of Athenian Empire 232, 343, 494
population 4, 428, 432 Poseidon 366, 372, 388 postern-gates 351
Potamodoros 103, 252 f. Potidaia 6, 27 n. 83, 45, 59 n.
A Greek-English Lexicon 9 1258 Henry George Liddell,
Robert Scott, Henry Drisler1883
Akadmeika anagnsmata eis tn Hellnikn, Latinikn kai ...Gergios
N. Chatzidakis1904 ... , ,
, ., ,
- . ... .,
- ,
Akademeika anagnosmata eis ton Helleniken: latiniken kai ...Gergios N.
Chatzidakis1904 ., ...
-, -


, ' ) ...
Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide 60 Jennifer Larson 2007
Amphitrite, Poseidon's consort, and the child-hero MelikertesPalaimon. ... found at harbors, on promontories, and on islands, while
coastal cities too are frequently called Potidaia (Chalkidike) or
Poseidonia (Lucania Figure 5.1 Potter and kiln.
Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide 60 Jennifer Lynn Larson 2007
Amphitrite, Poseidon's consort, and the child-hero MelikertesPalaimon. ... found at harbors, on promontories, and on islands, while
coastal cities too are frequently called Potidaia (Chalkidike) or
Poseidonia (Lucania Figure 5.1 Potter and kiln.
Archaic Eretria: A Political and Social History from the ... 344
Keith G. Walker 2004 ... 35, 120, 127, 140 Politeia ofthe Hippeis, 116,
119, 127, 188, 262 Politeia 0f the Khalkidians, 172 Politeia 0f the
Naxians, 230 Polykrates, 199, 221,225,234, 301 porPax shield, 124, 159
Poseidon, 58, 63, 67, 150, 175 Potidaia, 153, 176, 190, ...
Argonauts of the Desert: Structural Analysis of the Hebrew ... Philippe
Wajdenbaum 2014 So those of them who could not swim perished, and
those who could were slain by the men of Potidaia who put out to ... by
means of the sea had committed impiety towards the temple of Poseidon
and his image in the suburb of their town; 1 2.
Arts and Sciences: Or, Fourth Division of "The English ... 3
Charles Knight1867 ... the western pediment, the allegory of which
represented the Contest of Pallas Athene and Poseidon for tho
guardianship of Attica. ... urns, and stela; abound in the collection ; and
among these the epitaph on the warriors who fell at Potidaia.
Atakta, gun pantodapn eis tn archaian kai tn nean ...Adamantios
Koras1835 , III, 47 , III, , 23. . .
. ;, , . , IV, 45. , III, 320. ,
III, 4 . V, 228. . . , III , 37...
Athna: syngramma periodikon ts en Athnais Epistmoniks ...1908.
; . ...
- , | & | ,


Recensuit ...Aristophanes1829 484. 139
1001 , 1264 1 430 !...
Comparative Politics: Six Lectures Read Before the Royal ... 516
Edward Augustus Freeman1873 Poseidon, his position in the divine
assembly, 203. Potidaia, her relations to Athens and Corinth, 485.
Presidents of republics, modern notion of, 183; position of, in tho
PROVINCIALS. United States, 185; tendency to lessen their powers,
Crowell's handbook of classical drama 285 Richmond Yancey
Hathorn1967 Poseidon. Myth. Greek god of the sea, brother of Zeus and
Hades. Poseidon must originally have been a god not only of the sea, but
of the earth and sky, since he was associated with the horse, was called
the ... Potidaea (Gk. Potidaia).
Deutsch-griechisches Wrterbuch. 2. MZ : nebst einem ... 471
Die verratene Liebe der Medea: Text, Deutung, Rezeption ... Kurt Roeske
2007 Phyle physis Pierien Pindar Pittheus Plat Plutarch Politeia" Polis
Polyneikes Pontus Poseidon Potidaia Priamos Prokne Protagonist
Protagoras prothymia Pythia Salamis Saturn Satyr Stamm, Bezirk. Athen
war in 10 Phylen eingeteilt.
Diodorus Siculus, Books 11-12.37.1: Greek History, 480-431 ... 2010
population transfers, forced, 134n, 148n, 253, 262 See also colonization
Poseidon Hamilcar's sacrifice to, 76n statue at ... 19th-century, 2526
Potidaia, 245 revolt, 229230n, 230231n, 234 235n, 272273
Praeneste, 99n, 248 Praxiergos ...
Envy, Poison, and Death: Women on Trial in Ancient Athens 396
Esther Eidinow 2016 ... 335 Aeginetan 288 Athenian 180, 266, 26970,
2801, 285, 293 Poros building 229 Posidippus (epigrammatist) 310
Posidippus (writer of comedies) 25, 28 Poseidon 111 Postman, Leo 172
post-traumatic stress disorder 328 Potidaia 281, ...
Epitomo gegraphiko lexiko ts Hellados 313 Michal
Stamatelatos, Phtein Vamva-Stamatelatou
2001 .
2. , ( . .
). . , ,
, , (. ...
. 316 .


Ethnica 1 801 Stephanus (Byzantinus), August

Meineke1849. 370, 10.
400, 1. 423, 13. 446, 3.
465, 7.
629, 11. ... 533, 16. ...
Games and sanctuaries in ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, ... Panos
Valavans 2004 He is mentioned in this capacity in the Homeric poems,
which relate that when Kronos distributed power to his three male ... The
god was also looked upon as the ancestral father of tribes and the founder
of many cities, such as Potidaia in ...
Gottheiten der Aioler: Mit Excursen kunstgeschichtlichen ... 12
Georg Rathgeber1861 Stadt Potidaia (G. Rathgeber, Archaeol. Sehr. Tli.
1. S. 414.) ihren Namen hatte, wo eine Bildsule des Poseidon vorhanden
war. (Das. S. 432. Amn. 4684.) Ich fge bei, dase Potidan = Poseidon auf
folgender silbernen Mnze der Stadt ...
Greece 749 Alan Tucker1994
Greek Coins and Their Values: Europe 132 David R. Sear1978
Similar; incuse square divided by broad bands into four squares. B.M.C.
5.3 50 1282 1286 1282 Potidaia (a colony of Corinth, Potidaia derived
its name from Poseidon, a statue of whom stood before the city). 500-480
B.C. JR tetradrachm.
Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore Jennifer Larson 2001 ... son of
Poseidon and Ossa. Sithon, who held a contest of suitors for the hand of
his daughter in the manner of the Elean king Oinomaos, is the eponym of
a Thracian tribe east of the Axios River. Coins of the city Potidaia show a
nymph who ...
Griechische Geschichte fr den Schulgebrauch 2 179
Xenophon, Bernhard Bchsenschtz1880

Bchsenschtz1876 das schwarze Meer I, 1,22; II, 2, 1; IV, 8, 27,
31; V, 1, 28. V, 5, 1 u.4; 7,4 u. 5. VI, 5, 30.
Sohn des Gnosis, Feldherr der Syrakuser I, 1, 29. dorisch fr
, 3, 2. Stadt auf Palene V, 2, ...
Herodotus: Histories Book V 5 348 Herodotus, Simon
Hornblower 2013 Herodotus Simon Hornblower. pollution, religious, 6,
14, 36, 202, 210, 216 Polyainos, 159 Polybius, 2, 273 Polybos, 2034


Polykrates, 111, 237, 272 population, 2312, 277 Poseidon, 143, 192,
233, 236, 256 Poseidonios, 170 Potidaia, 253, ...
Herodotus: Histories 5 348 Herodotus, Simon
Hornblower 2013 Herodotus Simon Hornblower. pollution, religious, 6,
14, 36, 202, 210, 216 Polyainos, 159 Polybius, 2, 273 Polybos, 2034
Polykrates, 111, 237, 272 population, 2312, 277 Poseidon, 143, 192,
233, 236, 256 Poseidonios, 170 Potidaia, 253, ...
History of Greece and of the Greek People from the ... Victor Duruy, M.
M. Ripley1898 Chios, Samos, Lesbos, perhaps also Potidaia, which,
although of Dorian origin, asked to be received into the alliance, were ...
(Reverse of a bronze coin with the efligy of the Roman Emperor Philip I.)
3 Poseidon Hippos, armed with the trident, ...
History of Greece, and of the Greek People: From the ...M. M.
Ripley1890 COIN OF POTIDAIA.1 Athenians would attempt to
intercept their return homewards. " We are not beginning war," the ...
Poseidon Hippios, nude, armed with the trident, on horseback, facing to
the right. Reverse: woman's head, archaic style, ...
History of Greece 2 666 George William Cox1874 77
Polykratos, tyrant of Samos, i. 217, 360 ; alliance of, with Kambyscs, i.
361 Polykritos, i. 558 Polystratos, . 1947 Polyzolos, i. 176, 181
Poseidon, i. 31 ; prophecy of, i. 45 Poseidonia, i. 151 Poscidonios, i. 589
Potidaia, Corinthian colony of, i.
Journal international d'archologie numismatique 1907 Poseidon ebenso;
zwischen den Beinen des Pferdes l'l. Rs. Ebenso, ohne Linienquadrat ...
48 hat ohne Zweifel recht, den Kopf auf Pal/ene zu beziehen, nach der die
Halbinsel, an deren Isthmos Potidaia lag, genannt war. PYDNA 153. Br.
Kinship in Thucydides: Intercommunal Ties and Historical ... 79
Maria Fragoulaki 2013 ... the Odyssey Poseidon complains to Zeus that
he is not honoured by the Phaiakians, who are of his own lineage.149
Poseidon was greatly honoured in the city of Korinth, and Korinth's
colony in the north, Potidaia, was named after him.150 ...
Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Corinth: 338-196 BC 231.
Michael D. Dixon 2014 ... diagramma of 513, 186 Posidippos of Pella
945, 97 Posthumous Alexanders 65, 77, 173, 209 Potidaia 16 Potters' ...
1301, 137 Sanctuary of Poseidon, Isthmia Figure 5.7, Map 1, 7, 910,
24, 2931, 35, 52, 57,91, 11012, 117, 1312, ...


Lexicon: Ailiou Diogeneianou Periergopentes 366 Hesychius (of

Alexandria)1867 [32] ... 33 33 39 - ,
, 42 1 ( 400)
3 (266) 4 ( 163)
10 ( ...
Lexikon orthographikon kai chrstikon ts Hellniks ... 376
Gergios D. Zkids1899
Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics 114 Elaine Matthews
2007 143 1 gave a report on the epigraphical finds from Mende in my
contribution to the volume published in her memory: 'Le culte de
Poseidon a Mende', in P. Adam-Veleni (ed.), Myrtos (Thessaloniki,
2000), 335-49. Potidaia,144 or Epichares, ...
Opvscvlorvm: Edidervnt Hermannvs Vsener et Lvdovicvs ... Dionysius
(of Halicarnassus.), Hermann Karl Usener1965 ... 8 :
317 18 : 190 9 312 5 II 324 10
346 - ' II 214 14 II 259 5 6
: - II 260 11 : 339 12
: - ...
Pergamon and the Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Ancient World: Carlos A.
Picn, Sen Hemingway 2016 216), 27273 portrait sculpture, 6263,316
n10 see also individual subjects; busts; heads; herms Poseidon, 47,49, ...
66,67 Potidaia, Chalkidiki, 22, 170 Pozzo, Cassiano dal, 180 Praxiteles,
58, 66,99,148 n2, 196,282,285 Lycian Apollo by, ...
Periandros van Korinthe: Skooluitgawe D.J. Opperman 2014 ... so ook
Potidaia, maar dit isin Masedoni gele, en later as die andergestig. 15
Twee perde. Perde envarke isbyverskeie plekke geoffer ter ere van
Poseidon,die beskermgod van diesee.Wit diere is gewoonlik aan die
Olimpiese godegeoffer, ...
Perikles and His Circle 212 Anthony J. Podlecki 2013
Thoukydides 2.13.3 says specifically that Potidaia was paid for from the
reserve-fund. ... the Hephaisteion, the telesterion at Eleusis, the Odeion,
the Propylaia (4372), the temple of Poseidon at Sounion, and the
temple of Ares and Athena at ...
Plays: Acharnians. Knights. Clouds. Wasps. Peace 273
Aristophanes, Patric Dickinson1970 Poseidon: god of earthquakes, water
and the sea, horses; his emblem a trident. Potidaia: city in northern


Greece, revolted from Athenian alliance 432, but reduced 430. Pramnian:
a wine. Propyleia: the great gateway building on the Acropolis, ...
Rituals of Death and Dying in Modern and Ancient Greece: ... Evy
Johanne Hland 2014 In another context, we learn about the heavenly
immortality that the polis officially promised the heroes from Potidaia
in ... which also parallel the ancient gifts dedicated at the sanctuary of
Poseidon and Amphitrite in the neighbourhood.
Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World 267 John
Pedley 2005 ... 140, 141 poros, 139; see also limestone porridge/potage,
cooked/eaten, 85, 204 portico, 58, 59, 177 Poseidon, 17, 19, 30, ... 223,
233, 236 temples, other, 170, 172, 223 silver coin of, 19 Potidaia,
treasury at Delphi, 139 proportions classical, ...
Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology: With Special ... 125
Robert Brown1898 It is, therefore, most probable that in the three very
similar variants, Poseidan, Posoidan, and Poseidon is contained the true
and ... Midler can show the independent existence of the form Potidaios,
we might admit that it reappears in Potidaia.
Spink Numismatic Circular 109-110 175 2001 Rev.
xaakiaeqn. Tripod; below. cp. Roblnson and Clement pLXm.107.b-e. VF.
120 GK0232 MACEDON. POTIDAIA (C500-480 B.C.) .4* Tetrobol
(2.74g). Poseidon Hippios on horse r.. holding a trident: below, fourpointed star. Rev.
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum quae supersunt 801Stephanus
Byzantinus, August Meineke1849 370, 10.
446, 3. 465, 7.
629, 11. ... 533, 16.
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum quae supersunt 801 Stephanos (ho
Byzantios), August Meineke1849 -
400, 1. (" 423, 13. 446, 3.
465, 7.
629, 11. ... 533, 16. ...
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum qu supersunt. Ex recensione ...1849
355, 9. 370, 10.
... 629, 11.
630, 2. 635,17. ... .533, 16.
(3 651, 7.


Studies in Ancient Greek Society: The prehistoric Aegean 265

George Derwent Thomson1978 Poseidon has two further links with the
Lapithai, independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at
issue. The first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on
the Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...
Studies in Ancient Greek Society 1 265 George Derwent
Thomson1965 Poseidon has two further links with the Lapithai,
independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at issue. The
first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on the
Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...
Syngramma periodikon 1, 1-156 84 Hellnikos
Philologikos Syllogos (Istanbul, Turkey)1863
, ( )
... ,
, , , (,
, ...
The Classical Greeks Michael Grant 2011 ... 97, 152 Polymestor, 121
Polynices, 41, 111, 115, 122, 126 Polyphemus, see Cyclops Polyxena,
121 Polyzalus, 25, 83 Pontus, 184, 7 Populonia, 296 Poseidon, 57, 84,
94, 120, 123f., 135 Poseidonia (Paestum), 57, 6 Potidaea (Nea
Potidaia), ...
The Companion Guide to Greece 554 Brian De Jongh, John
Gandon, Geoffrey Graham-Bell 2000 ... Poseidon Temple; Sounion, 53
Poseidonia, 286 Potidaia, 214 Potniai, 76 Pournari Dam, 460 Poussin;
painter. 324 Praxiteles; sculptor, 41 1 Ski Centre; Arahova, 102 Ski
Centre; Boeotia, 93 Ski Centre; 554 ...
The cults of the Greek states 4 58 Lewis Richard
Farnell1907 Nor do we find among the monuments any clear
characteristic of Poseidon as a god of the political community ; for
instance, the ... In the archaic period his figure was the dominant type of
the cities called by his name, Potidaia on the Thermaic ...
The early Greeks 253 Robert John Hopper1977 173 Polykrates of
Samos, 117,221 Polyneikes, 48 Poseidon, 3, 11,69-70, 179 Poseidon
Helikonios, 75, 81 Poseidonia (Paestum), 91 Potidaia, 93, 1 24, 1 36
pottery, 96, 101; Amyklaian ware, 160; Argive black Minyan, 25;Argos,
184; Athens, ...


The Gods of Greece and Rome 50. Talfourd Ely 2012As,

however, Poseidon is the creator of the horse, so he, as god of water,
changed himself into a horse ; and in Attica he was for ... Some, however,
would explain this of Poseidon on horseback, as on the coins of
Potidaia.1 Besides his altar in ..
The Greek World 479-323 BC 348 Simon Hornblower 2013
Population transfers, 48, 141, 290f.; see also under synoikism Ports: see
under harbours Portraiture, 180, 308 Porus, 288 Poseidon, 113, 291
Poseidonia, 57 pathos, 262, 273, 279, 288 Potidaia, 88,90, 138, 186,213,
233, 249f. Pottery, porters ...
The Greek World, 479-323 BC 348 Simon Hornblower 1991
Population transfers, 48, 141, 290f.; see also under synoikism Ports: see
under harbours Portraiture, 180, 308 Porus, 288 Poseidon, 113, 291
Poseidonia, 57 pathos, 262, 273, 279, 288 Potidaia, 88,90, 138, 186,213,
233, 249f. Pottery, porters ...
The Histories Book 8: Urania Herodotus 2015 So those of them who
could not swim perished, and those who could were slain by the men of
Potidaia who put out to ... by means of the sea had committed impiety
towards the temple of Poseidon and his image in the suburb of their
town; and ...
The Histories: Complete Herodotus 2012 upon, missed this spot and
struck a man of Potidaia in the shoulder; and when he was struck, a
crowd came about him, ... by means of the sea had committed impiety
towards the temple of Poseidon and his image in the suburb of their
town; ...
The History of Herodotus: Herodotus 1791 Sothose of them who could
notswim perished, andthose whocouldwere slain by the menof Potidaia
whoput out to them in ... of Poseidon and his image inthesuburb of their
town; and insaying that this wasthe cause, in my opinion they say well.
The history of the Greeks and the Persians volume 2 2 Herodotus
2013 So those of them who could not swim perished, and those who
could were slain by the men of Potidaia who put out to ... by means of
the sea had committed impiety towards the temple of Poseidon and his
image in the suburb of their town; and ...
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 36-39 71 1950 On a
dedication to Poseidon Hippios one would expect in advance a reference
to the* Epiklesis of the God. ... 14; Coins of Potidaia: Overbeck,


Kunstmythologie, in, Miinztafel, vi, 23; Hirsch Catalogue, xm

(Rhoussopoulos, 15, v, 1905), pi.
The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal ... 28 1960
Potidaia Obv. Poseidon Hippios on horseback to 1. holding trident.
Below symbol: dolphin to 1. Fragments of legend? PoT]3DA Rev. Plain
quartered incuse square. JR 16-92 (ex Lockett, SNG Hi, 1367) Potidaia
and its coinage have not yet ...
The Numismatic Chronicle 28 John Yonge Akerman, Sir John
Evans, William Sandys Wright Vaux1960 Potidaia Obv. Poseidon
Hippios on horseback to 1. holding trident. Below symbol: dolphin to 1.
Fragments of legend? PoT]3DA Rev. Plain quartered incuse square. JR
16.92 (ex Lockett, SNG iii, 1367) Potidaia and its coinage have not yet ...
The Peloponnesian War 505 Thucydides, Steven Lattimore1998 ...
2.67 Polyanthes, 7.34 Polydamidas, 4.123, 130 Polykrates, 1.13; 3.104
Polymedes, 2.22 Pontos, 3.2; 4.75 Poseidon, 1.128; 2.84; 4.118, 129;
8.67 Potamis, 8.85 Potidaia/Potidaians, 1.5668, 71, 85, 118, 119, 124,
139,140;2.2,13, 31, 58, 67, ...
Theatron: Rhetorische Kultur in Sptantike und Mittelalter ... 510
Michael Grnbart 2007 ... 474 Popularphilosophie 190 Porikologos 88,
9395, 97, 99 Poseidon 145, 147, 148, 154, 362 Potidaia 322 Prtext
142, 144 Preslav 135 primikerios 77 Priscilla 20, 48 Prodromu-Petra
Kloster 100 Progymnasma, progymnasmata 357360, ...
Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Mnzen und Gemmen des ... 14
Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer, Otto Keller1839 Pferde des Diomedes:
Hadrianopolis und Perinthos in Thrake, Herakleia in Bithynien,
Alexandreia u. a. Pferd mit Poseidon: Potidaia, Raukos. Pferd mit
Dreizack: Krannon in Thessalien. Pferd mit Schlangenschweif und
Asklepiosstab: Nikaia.
Xenophons griechische Geschichte, fr den Schulgebrauch Xenophon,
Albert Bernhard Bchsenschtz1860 . IV, 5, 1 . 4; 7,
4 VI, 5, 30. 1, 29. III, 3, 2.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion 3, 2 1247 Arthur
Bernard Cook1940 5854 Qiiiaos 17% Qvt&X/uos 527 562 Bites :
sacrifice of bull ' to Poseidon and to ... Potidaia, founded where
meteorite fell 886 Praeneste, mosaic from 626(2) Praisos Cult: pig 1103
terra-cotta plaques from ...


Zur struktur des Territoriums griechischer Poleis in ... 24 Gert

Audring1989 VIII 129: Whrend ihres Abzugs aus Griechenland
belagerten die Perser Potidaia bereits lngere Zeit. ... Die Potider
erklrten die auergewhnliche Ebbe und die Katastrophe der Perser
damit, da diese den Poseidon-Tempel und das Bild ...
. 101 1869 " (.
) ,
., 307).
' 30, ...

Neptune Potidee
Annuaire de l'Association pour l'encouragement des tudes ...1867 Scne
du temple de Neptune au cap Tnare. Pausanias se rfugie dans le
sanctuaire de Minerve Chalcicos Sparte. ... Troisime cause : Potide.
Sige de cette ville par les Athniens. Quatrime cause : Jalousie de
Sparte contre ...
Etudes ...Association pour l'Encouragement des tudes Grecques en
Annuaire de l'Association pour l'encouragement des tudes ... Association
pour l'encouragement des tudes grecques en France1867 Scne du
temple de Neptune au cap Tnare. Pausanias sa rfugie dam le
sanctuaire de Minerve Chalcioecos Sparte. ... Troisime cause : Potide.
Sige de cette ville par les Athniens. Quatrime cause : Jalousie de
Sparte contre ...
Anthologie grecque 233 1863 Protge-les, Neptune, et daigne
toujours accorder un rivage paisible aux pcheurs la ligne.' 694. ADDiEE.Lorsque tu passeras ... pelle Philopragmon) , inhum sur la voie
publique devant Potide, PIGRAMMES FUNRAIRES. 233.
Antiquits hellniques, ou Rpertoire d'inscriptions et ...1842 Gazette des
beaux-arts 284 1885 NEPTUNE. Posen, XXI, 287. PosNo, XVIII,
779, 783,785, 786, 1020. PosoNGI. Voy. COLLECTION., XVI. 546. ...
Potide, XII, 66. POTIOUET (Alfred), XIV, 559. Bibliogr.; = XIX,595.
Bibliogr.; = XX, 557. Bibliogr.; Potsdam. Voy. MUSE.
Bibliotheque historique et militaire, dedie a l'arme et ... 290
1858 Ils avaient mis en mer Potide : ils prirent terre prs de l'hi ron


de Neptune, d'o ils marchrent contre Mend. Les habitans s'avanomnt

leur rencontre avec trois cents hommes de Scione, et des auxiliair du
Plo ponnse, formant ...
Bibliothque historique et militaire, ddie l'arme et ... 290
Franois Charles Liskenne, Jean Baptiste Balthazard Sauvan1851 Ils
avaient mis en mer Potide : ils prirent terre prs de l'hi- ron de
Neptune, d'o ils marchrent contre Mend. Les habitans s'avancrent
leur rencontre avec trois cents hommes de Scione, et des auxiliaires du
Ploponnse, formant en ...
Biographie portative universelle ... Par Lud. Lalanne [and ... 64
Marie Ludovic Chrtien LALANNE, Charles Gabriel Thals BERNARD,
Casimir FRIESS1851
Biographie portative universelle: suivie d'une table ... 68 1853
LODORE . tyran de Cassandra ( ancienne Potide) , frineux rar su
cruaut, brill vif par Antigone donatas, 178 av. J.-C APOLLODORE,
clbre grammairien d'Athnes .... Neptune oriemai, ailns. APRIES. roi
d'Egypte, reg<ia de 595 570 nr.
Bulletin de la Socit polymathique du Morbihan 103 1875
Potide, Olynthe, Salonique, Slenitka 150 Lydios-Palus , Pyrrha,
Hmonia, Pyrrha, Deucalion, Hellas 150 ... Titan, Saturne, Rha, Jupiter,
Pluton, Neptune, Junon 164 Diana, Bacchus 164 L'Olympe 166
Conclusion : l'esclavon de M.
Bulletin et mmoires de la Socit nationale des ...1892 Pour dmontrer
le rle du cheval, de son ducation, de son usage dans le mythe de
Neptune, il aurait pu citer la dispute ... de Potide ', et arrive de suite
cer tains monuments qui intressent plus directement sa thse :
Neptune cheval, ...
Bulletin mensuel de la socit polymathique du Morbihan, ... Socit
polymathique du Morbihan1876 Potide, Olynthe, Salonique, Slenitka
150 Lydios-Palus , Pyrrhaea, Hmonia, Pyrrha, Deucalion, Hellas 150 ...
Lac Leman 163 Thogonie celto-hellnique 164 Uranus, Titan, Saturne,
Rha, Jupiter, Pluton, Neptune, Junon 164 Diana, ...
Charpentier (Pars)1846 y 2 461 Ils mirent en mer Potide,
prirent terre prs du temple de Neptune, et marchrent contre Mend.
Les habitants s'avancrent au secours avec trois cents hommes de Scione
et des auxiliaires du Ploponnse , formant en tout sept cents ...


Choix des historiens grecs avec notices biographiques 304 Jean

Alexandre C. Buchon, Auguste Desrez ((Paris))1857 Artabaze assigea
alors Potide , et, souponnant les Olynthiens de vouloir se rvolter
contre le roi , il les assigea aussi. ... Les Polidates attribuent ce flux
considrable et cette perte des Perses Neptune, qui fit ainsi prir
dansleseaux ...
Choix des historiens grecs 304 Jean Alexandre C. Buchon1852
Artabaze assigea alors Potide, et, souponnant les Olynthiens de
vouloir se rvolter contre le roi, il les assigea aussi. ... Les Potidates
attribuent ce flux considrable et cette perte des Perses Neptune, qui fit
ainsi prir dans les eaux ...
Choix des historieus grecs avec notice biographique: ... 304
Herodoto1852 Artabaze assigea alors Potide , et, souponnant les
Olynthiens de vouloir se rvolter contre le roi, il les assigea aussi. ... Les
Potidates attribuent ce flux considrable et cette perte des Perses
Neptune, qui & ainsi prir dansleseaux ceux ...
Cours d'tudes historiques 9 434 Pierre Claude Franois
Daunou1845 Ensuite il revint sur Potide, et, aprs trois mois de sige, il
perdit, par l'effet d'une crue d'eau ou d'un reflux extraordinaire, plus de la
moiti de sa troupe. Neptune se vengeait ainsi des Perses, qui avaient
profan son temple et insult sa ...
Description des mdailles et antiquits composant le ... 23 Behr
(Francois Jean Desire : De), Lenormant (Franois)1857 Le type du
Neptune Hippius se trouve aussi sur la monnaie de Potide d'ancien style
publie par Millingen (Sylloge, pl. II, n. 22) Maronaea. 127.Tte barbue
et laure de Jupiter, droite. R dolAIPTOY. Cavalier nu, droite, portant
une ...
Description des mdailles et antiquits composant le ... 23
Franois Jean Dsir baron Behr, Franois Lenormant1857 Le type du
Neptune Bippius se trouve aussi sur la monnaie de Potide d'ancien style
publie par Millingen (Sylloye, pl. Il, n. 22). Marona. 127. - Tte
barbue et laure de Jupiter, droite. n! IAIFFOY. Cavalier nu. droite,
portant une ...
Dictionnaire de gographie sacre et ecclsiastique 28 L. Benoist
de Matougues, Migne1848 Sur le promontoire Mycale, vis--vis Szttnos,
tait un' fvlllfll de Neptune ou se tenait le Panionitttn , tfest li-tlire


Passentble des de uts des douze villes. lies Ittitirns ... Elle fonda
sculetnettt Potide dans la presqu'ile de Pallnic eu Chalcidique.
Dictionnaire ge(ne(ral de biographie et d'historie: de ... 672
Charles Dezobry, Thodore Bachelet, Eugene Darsy1922
Dictionnaire gnral de biographie et d'histoire, de ...Charles Dezobry, Th
Bachelet1866 Il y avait un temple de Neptune Hippios et un bois
consacr aux Eumnides. C'est l qu'dipe aveugle se .... D'un autre
ct , Corinthe colonisa Corcyre , Leucade , Anactorium, Ambracie,
Apollonie, Potide. Mgare fonda Byzance , etc.
Dictionnaire gnral de biographie et d'histoire: de ... 632 Charles
Dezobry, Thodore Bachelet1873 Il y avait un temple de Neptune
Hippies et un bois consacr aux Eumuides. C'est n qu'dipe aveugle se
retira, .... D'un autre ct, Corinthe colonisa Corcyre, Leucade,
Anactorium, Ambracie, Apollonie, Potide. Mgare fonda Byzance, etc.
Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de gographie ... 596 Marie
Nicolas Bouillet1866 On y remarque, entre autres, l'pitaphe des
Athniens morts Potide, des statues et des bas-reliefs tirs du
Parthrion et du temple d'Egine. LIACIM, roi de Juda. ... Selon la
Fable, l'Elide avait reu son nom d'Ele, fils de Neptune. Elle eut ...
Elite des monuments ceramegraphiques; materia aux pour ...1844 Voyez
Neptune. HotOov, inscr., p. 116, n. 3. Postvorta etAntevorta, p. 5. Poteus,
surnom de Jupiter, p. 29. Ilo9o, inscr., p. 116, n. 4 ; p. 125, n. 2. Potidee,
ville de Macdoine, remplace par Cassandrea, p. 130, n. 11. IIoTisiv,
p. 261. IloTviai, p ...
lite des monuments cramographiques: matriaux pour ... Charles
Lenormant, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie de Witte1844 125, n. 2. Potidee,
ville de Macdoine, remplace par Cassandrea, p. 130, n. 11. rioTiity,
p. 261 . IloTvtai, p. 261 . ... Pierre grave par reprsentant la dispute
de Minerve et de Neptune, p. 255. Pyrrha et Deucalion repeuplent la terre
en ...
Ennio Quirino Visconti, Antonio Canova1816
tudes romaines 1 398 Jrme Carcopino1926 38, 136.
Poppe, p. 4(T Populonia, p. 38 1 . Porcelet, p. q1, 9a, . S . 1 S 1 Porte
Tiburtine, p, 67-69. Poseidon (Neptune), p. 338, 36a, 363, 365, 966.
Poadonia, v, Paestum. PoseidoniHs d'Apame, p. 188, igo, ig5. 389.
Potide, p. a68. Prasiai, p.



afigeoit Potide , lorsqu'il arriva un reflux considrable , & qui dora fort
long-temps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce flux considrable & cette
perte des Perses Neptune , qui fit ainsi prir dans les eaux ceux d'entre
les Perses qui avoient ...
Histoire de la civilisation morale et religieuse des ... 87 Petrus van
Limburg Brouwer1842 Lorsqu'un flux inattendu fit prir une partie de
l'arme des Perses qui assigeoit Potide , les habitants de cette ville
n'attriburent pas cet vnement la bienveillance de Neptune envers eux
, mais sa colre contre les Perses , qui avoient ...
Histoire de la Guerre du Ploponse ... Traduction ... 259 1863
Partis de Potide, ils prirent terre prs du temple de Neptune et marchrent contre les Mendens. Ceux-ci, renforcs par trois cents Scionens
et par les Ploponsiens auxiliaires, en tout sept cents hoplites sous les
ordres de Polydamidas, ...
Histoire de la guerre du Ploponse de Thucydide 259
Thucydides, lie Ami Btant1869 Partis de Potide, ils prirent terre prs
du temple de Neptune et marchrent contre les Mendens. Ceux-ci,
renforcs par trois cents Scionens et par les Ploponsiens auxiliaires, en
tout sept cents hoplites sous les ordres de Polydamidas, ...
Histoire de la Guerre du Ploponse 259 1863 Partis de Potide,
ils prirent terre prs du temple de Neptune et marchrent contre les
Mendens. Ceux-ci, renforcs par trois cents Scionens et par les
Ploponsiens auxiliaires, en tout sept cents hoplites sous les ordres de
Polydamidas, ...
Histoire de la guerre du Ploponnse 1 459
Thucydides1852. Ils s'embarqurent Potide, abordrent
Poseidonium ' et marchrent contre Mende. ... Le jour suivant, les
Athniens, tournant la 1 Sans doute un temple de Neptune, sur le rivage.
cte, abordrent la plage qui regarde Scione, prirent le ...
Histoire de la sculpture antique 261 Toussaint-Bernard EmricDavid, Charles Athanase Walckenaer, Paul Lacroix1853 ... y reconnatre
la dispute de Minerve et de Neptune; fait important pour la
reconnaissance des personnages de l'un et de ... O en l'honneur des A the
nims morts devant Potide, par le chevalier SUR LES SCULPTURES


Histoire de Thucydide traduite du grec par Lvesque 354

Thucydides, C. Levesque1841
Histoire des Grecs: Depuis le traite d'antalcidas jusqu'a ... 734
1889 2. Porus, prince indien, vaincu par Alexandre, III, 297, 299.
Posidon ou Neptune, I, 193, 213. (temple de) au cap Sunion, II. 342.
Poseidonia ou Paestum, I, 307, 308, 712. Posidippos, pote comique, III,
379. Potide, ville del Chalcidique, ...
Histoire des grecs: depuis les temps les plus reculs ... Victor Duruy1889.
Poseidon ou Neptune, l, 105. 215. (temple de) au cap Sunion.
11,512. Poseidonia ou Pstum, I, 567, 508, 712. Posidippos. pote
comique, 111, 570. Potide, ville de la Chalcidique. l, 551. 555: Il. 455;
dans la guerre du Ploponnse, ...
Histoire d'Hrodote suivie de la vie d'Homre 2 385
Herdoto, A. F. Miot1858 Il y avait dj trois mois qu'Artabaze assigeait
Potide, lorsqu'un ... et du dsastre des ennemis, fut la colre de Neptune,
dont les Perses avaient profan le temple ainsi que la statue qui se voyait
dans le faubourg de la ville; et je crois qu'ils ...
Histoire d'Hrodote traduite du grec avec des remarques... Hrodote,
Larcher1786 asiigeoir Potide , lorsqu'il arriva un reflux con-i
sidrable , 8c qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce
flux considrable 8c cette perte des Perses a Neptune , qui fit ainsi prir
dans les eaux ceux d'entre les Perses qui avoient ...
Histoire d'Hrodote traduite du grec par Larcher 2 225 1855
Potide lorsqu'il arriva un reflux considrable , et qui dura fort
longtemps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce flux considrable et cette'
prte des Perses Neptune, qui fit ainsi prir dans les eaux ceux d'entre
les Perses qui avaient profan son ...
Histoire d'Hrodote, tr. du grec, avec des remarques ... 247
Herodotus, Pierre-Henri Larcher1802 Il y avoit dj trois mois
qu'Artabaze assigeoit Potide, lorsqu'il arriva un reflux considrable, et
qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce flux
considrable et cette perte des Perses Neptune, qui fit ainsi prir dans
les eaux ...
Histoire d'Herodote, traduite du grec, avec des remarques ...1786
Histoire d'Hrodote, traduite du grec, avec des remarques ...1802 Il y
avoit dj trois mois, qu'Artabaze assigeoit Potide, lorsqu' il arriva un


reflux considrable, et qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les Potidates

attribuent ce flux considrableet cette perte des Perses Neptune, qui fit
ainsi prir dans les eaux ...
Histoire d'Hrodote 5 247 Herodotus Halicarnasseus, L.
Lareher1786 asfigeoit Potide , lorsqu'il arriva un reflux considrable ,
& qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce flux
considrable & cette perte des Perses Neptune , qui fit ainsi prir dans
les eaux ceux d'entre les Perses qui avoient ...
Histoire d'Hrodote 5 247 Herodotus, Pierre-Henri
Larcher1786 aflgeoit Potide , lorsqu'il arriva un reflux considrable ,
& qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce flux
confidrable Se cette perte des Perfes Neptune , qui fit ainfi prir dans
les eaux ceux d'entre les Perfes qui avoient ...
Histoire et memoires de l'Institut royale de France.... 10 1873 ...
Alcyoneus , tyran de Pallne , et remit en dpt Sparte Tyndare ,
Potide et le reste de la Pallne Sithon , fils de Neptune ; de mme les
enfants d ' Aristodemus , dans les divers retours des Hraclides ,
recouvrrent la Laconie , tandis ...
Histoire gnrale de l'antiquit: Orient, Grce, Rome 968 Roger
Peyre1887 V. Commerce. Porus Paurova, roi indien, 346. Posidon, V.
Neptune. Poseidonius, philosophe, 622. Postes en Perse, 177; Rome
606, 777. Postumus, empereur des Gaules, 801,803. Postumius, consul,
455. Pothin (saint), 731. Potide ...
Histoire traduite du Grec. Avec des remarques historiques ...Herodotus,
Ktesias1802 Il y avoit dj trois mois qu'Artabaze assigeoit Potide,
lorsquil arriva un reflux considrable, et qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les
Potidates attribuent ce flux considrable et cette perte des Perses
Neptune,qui fit ainsi prir dans les eaux ...
Histoire 247 Hrodote, Larcher1802 Il y avoit dj trois mois
qu'Artabaze assigeoit Potide, lorsqu'il arriva un reflux considrable, et
qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce flux
considrable et cette perte des Perses Neptune , qui fit ainsi prir dans
les eaux ...
Histoire 622 1870 CXXIX II y avait dj trois mois qu'Artabaze
assigeait Potide rsqu'il 'arriva un reflux considrable, et qui dura iort
long- ... les poursuivirent dans des b-iteaux Les Potidates attribuent ce
flux considerable elle dsastre des Perses Neptune, ...


Histoire; trad. du Grec, avec des remarques historiques et ... 247

1786 affigeoit Potide, lorsqu'il arriva un reflux confidrable, & qui dura
fort long-temps. ... Les Potidates attribuent ce flux confidrable & cette
perte des Perfes Neptune, qui fit ainfi prir dans les eaux ceux d'entre
les Perfes qui avoient profan ...
Histoires d'Hrodote 501 Herodotus1860 A Potide, on attribue
la cause suivante ce reflux, ce flux et le dsastre des Perses : ceux-l
mme qui parmi les assigeants furent submergs avaient profan dans le
faubourg de cette ville le temple et la statue de Neptune. En rapportant ...
Histoires d'Hrodote. Traduction nouvelle, avec une ... 501
Herodotus, Pierre GIGUET1860 A Potide, on attribue la cause
suivante ce reflux, ce flux et le dsastre des Perses : ceuxl mme qui
parmi les as sigeants furent submergs avaient profan dans le
faubourg de cette ville le temple et la statue de Neptune.
Histoires 501 Hrodote1864 A Potide, on attribue la cause
suivante ce reflux, ce flux et le dsastre des Perses : ceux-l mme qui
parmi les assigeants furent submergs avaient profan dans le faubourg
de cette ville le temple et la statue de Neptune. En rapportant ...
Histoire 5 247 Herodotus, Ctesias1802 Il y avoit dj trois
mois qu'Artabaze assigeoit Potide, lorsqu'il arriva un reflux
considrable, et qui dura fort long-temps. ... Xerxes Polidates attribuent
ce flux considrable et jcette perte des Perses Neptune, qui fit ainsi
prir dans les eaux ...
Historie de Thucydide 459 Charles ZEVORT 1854 Ils
s'embarqurent Potide, abordrent Poseidonium 1 et marchrent
contre Mende. ... Le jour suivant, les Athniens, tournant la 1 Sans doute
un temple de Neptune, sur le rivage. cte, abordrent la plage qui
regarde Scione, prirent le ...
Itinraire descriptif, historique et archologique de ...1873 Potide tait
situ au fond du golfe Coronaque (Cassandra) et sur l'isthme du
promontoire de Pallne. ... Le cap Posidhi rpond l'antique cap
Poseidonion, qui portait un temple de Neptune, et aussi probablement au
Thrambeis de Scylax.
Itinraire descriptif, historique et archologique de l'Orient mile
Isambert1881 Potide tait situ au fond du golfe Coronaique
(Cassandra) et sur l'isthme du promontoire de Pallne. ... Le cap Posidhi


repond a l'antique cap Poseido-, qui portail un temple de Neptune, et

aussi probablement au Thram- beis de Scylax ...
IZ 2 55 1721 Le faux dieu Neptune. Potens deorum. PL.J.
Le fou verain des dieux, Jupiter.Nemorum virgo. Sir A. r. H.a desse des
.... |V :::::::: (3. pl. fubj.) v. PorIRI. Jouir. s. (abl. pl.) de Per Us: Pl.
Potide, Ville de Macedoine..
L' Histoire de Thucydide Athenien, de la guerre qui fut ... 133
Thucydides1559 ... du templede Neptune, allerent droit contre Mende. ...
de l'armee fen alla derechefcourir E en la terre desdits Scionis, &
Nicostratus auec le remant fevint loger deuant les portes de la villedu
plus haut cost, qui esttirant contre Potidee.
L' histoire de Thucydide Athnien, de la guerre, qui fut ...Thucydides,
Claude de Seyssel1527 ... Ncas fils de Nceratus, et Ncostratus fils de
Dyotrephus,lesquels estans part; de Potdee auec ladcte armee
quantlsfurent a lendroict du temple de Neptune alert droict c tre
Mende. GIMas ceulx de la cte les voyans venrayant tros cs ...
La Cosmographie vniverselle de tout le monde. En laquelle, ... 2
Sebastian Mnster1575 ... Lacedemonicns |- 37 I Possidie, promontoire
facr Neptune 326-Postel,grand recercheur d'antiquit 613 Postel, ... de
Perfe I324 Potidee,belle cit de la Macedonc Potidee, ville de
Theftalie,par qui bastie Potiers iadis cn grand ...
La jeunesse d'Alexandre 115 Roger Peyrefitte1977 Potide mme,
qu'il avait prise, tait une ancienne colonie des Corinthiens. ... Les
Corinthiens disaient que le gant Briare, pris comme arbitre entre
Neptune et le Soleil pour la possession de Corinthe, adjugea l'isthme
Neptune et la ...
La littrature grecque 181 Emile Egger1890 ... et remit en dpt
Sparte Tyndare, Potide et le reste de la Pallne Sithon, fils de
Neptune i ; de mme les enfants d Aristodemus, dans les divers retours
des Hraclides, recouvrrent la Laconie, tandis que les Ertriens, les
Corinthiens et ...
L'Acropole d'Athnes 1 M. Beul (Charles-Ernest)1853
Le motif du banquet couch dans le Proche-Orient et le ... 653
Jean-Marie Dentzer1982 Posidon, Neptune; 2, 64, 65; cram. att, 103;
et Amymone, cram. att, 120; et Amphitrite, cram. att. 122; Ssines,


457; Corinthe, 461; klin kai trapeza, ... Potide, 368, 369 rel. Potnia
Thrn, rel. 270; Lycie, 407; polos, 483. Poupe, t.
Le passage du fleuve": de Cyrus le Grand Julien ... 39 Jean-Luc
Desnier1995 ... les chapitres se rapportant au sige de Potide par les
troupes d'Artabaze doivent probablement tre analyss de la mme
manire,l'explication religieuse ... Posidon n'est apparemment pas Apam
napat, ni mme Neptune /Nechtan, 39.
Les auteurs grecs: expliqus d'aprs une mthode nouvelle ...Louis
Hachette (y Compaa)1860 Amphipolis, Pydna, Potide. 35. Autant que
je dirai, rien de plus, seulement cela. 36. est ... C'tait le nom qu'on
donnait au prtre de Neptune Mgare, mtropole de Byzance. 48. Les
hoplites taient des fantassins arms de toutes pices ...
Les Histoires Mises En Franois Par P. Du-Ryer 576 Herodotus,
Pierre Du-Ryer1645 Ceux qui ne sauoient Bas nageryperirent, 8C ceux
qui sauoient nager, furent tuez par ceux de Potide, qui vindrent ... de la
Mer, auoient fait toutes sortes d'indignitez dans le Temple de Neptune,
8C toutes sortes d'injures son Simulachre ...
L'ethnographie 25-29 91 1932 Nous sommes habitus a ne
voir dans le Posidon-Neptune de l'poque classique que le dieu des
mers. ... HERODOTE raconte (VIII, 129) que des Perses ayant russi
se glisser sur la plage entre les remparts de Potide et la mer, dans la ...
Lettre du chev. Antonio Canova, et deux mmoirs lus ...
Lexique Grec-Franais a l'usage des classes de grammaire: ...1890
Lexique grec-franais contenant tous les mots des divers ... 301
1865 ... en quel lieu ? M. R.Iloa et Sov, pot. pour IIoastSv. IloastSv,
vo;, b, Neptune. ll6a0m, m;, m, prpuce; membre viril. llogi, dat.pl. de
ro;. ... II6tm;, ou, o, buveur; biberon. M. R. II2to, Dor. pour ro3;. IIort
Sata, a;, m, Potide. ville de Grce.
L'histoire de la guerre, qui fut entre les Peloponnesiens ...Thucydides,
Claude de Seyssel1527 ... de pietons legssierement armes, dontestoient
chief; Nicias Fil; de Niceratus, et Nicostratns Fil; de DyotrephusJesquelz
estans parti; de Potidee auec 'ladicte armee quant il; furent a lendroict du
temple de Neptune-alert droicte() tre Mende.
L'Histoire de Thucydide athenien, de la guerre qui fut ... 131
Thucydide, Seyssel1559 ... de pietons legerement armez, dont e stoyr
chefs Nicias fils de Niceratus, 85 Nicostratus fils de Diotrephes. lesquels


estans partis de Potidee auec ladite armee,quand ils sure't alendroit du

temple de Neptune, allerent droit contre Mende .
L'histoire de Thucydide Athenien, De la guerre qui fut ...Thucydides1559.
... Nicostratus fils de Diotrephes, | lesquels estans partis de Potidee auec
ladite armee,quand ils furt alen ; 'droit du temple de Neptune, allerent
droit contre Mende. Mais ceux ?dela cit les voyans venir, ayans trois
cens hommes Scioniens, ...
Mmoires de la Socit d'archologie lorraine et du Muse ...1899
NEPTUNE VAINQUEUR DES GANTS Stark, 1868. Pausanias cite,
Athnes, un groupe reprsentant Neptune cheval combattant le gant
Poly- bots. Wagner, 1882. Neptune est reprsent cheval sur les
monnaies de Potide ; ...
Mmoires de la Socit Nationale des Antiquaires de France 39
1892 Pour dmontrer le rle du cheval, de son ducation, de son usage
dans le mythe de Neptune, il aurait pu citer la ... des monnaies de
Potide', et arrive de suite certains monuments qui intressent plus
directement sa thse : Neptune ...
Mmoires de l'Acadmie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 1877 ... tyran de
Pallne3, et remit en dpt Sparte Tyndare, Potide et le reste de la
Pallne Sithon, fils de Neptune"; de mme les enfants d'Aristodemus,
dans les divers retours des Hraclides, recouvrrent la Laconie, tandis que
les rtriens, ...
Mmoires de l'Institut de France, Acadmie des ... Acadmie des
Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris)1873 ... tyran de Pallne', et remit en
dpt Sparte Tyndare, Potide et le reste de la Pallne Sithon , [ils de
Neptune; de mme les enfants d'Aristodemus, dans les divers retours des
Hraclides, recouvrrent la Laconie, tandis que les Ertriens, ...
Mmoires sur des ouvrages de sculpture du Parthnon, et de ... Ennio
Quirino Visconti1818Cette relation de Potide avec Neptune n'est pas
une assertion ... Hrodote raconte que les Perses en attaquant Potide
furent noys sur ses H- (1) Thucydide, L. 1, 124, I vages par un reflux
extraordinaire de la mer, vnement que MORTS ...
Mmoires 10 Acadmie des inscriptions & belles-lettres
(France)1873 ... des violateurs des lois, Hippocoon, tyran de Sparte,
Alcyoneus,_ tyran de Pallne3. et remit en dpt Sparte Tyndare,
Potide et le reste de la Pallne Sithon, fils de Neptune; de mme les
enfants d'Aristodemus. dans les divers retours ...


Mmoires 19 Socit d'archologie lorraine et du Muse

historique lorrain1899 NEPTUNE VAINQUEUR DES GANTS Stark,
1868. Pausanias cite, Athnes, un groupe reprsentant Neptune
cheval combattant le gant Poly- bots. Wagner, 1882. Neptune est
reprsent cheval sur les monnaies de Potide...
Mmoires 51-52 39 1890 Pour dmontrer le rle du cheval,
de son ducation, de son usage dans le mythe de Neptune, il aurait pu
citer la dispute ... de Potide 4, et arrive de suite cer tains monuments
qui intressent plus directement sa thse : Neptune cheval, ...
Notices biographiques 158 1875 Ils mirent en mer Potide,
prirent terre prs du temple de Neptune, et marchrent contre Mend.
Les habitans s'avancrent au secours avec trois cents hommes de Scione,
et des auxiliaires du Ploponnse,formantent 0utsept cents hoplites: ...
Nouveau trait de mnmonique ou de l'art d'aider et de ... 59 1811
Numismatica 23 William Henry Waddington, Franois
Lenormant, Moritz Pinder1853 Le type du Neptune Hippius se trouve
aussi sur la monnaie de Potide d'ancien style publie par Millingen
(Sylloge, pl. H, n. 22). Maronxa. 127. Tte barbue et laure de Jupiter,
droite. iV <WAIFPOY. Cavalier nu, droite, portant une ...
Oeuvres choisies de A.-J. Letronne 585 1885 Potide, 1, 170.
Pouilly (de), 1, 182. Pouqueville,1, 229. Pourtals, collection, 11, 386.
Prlor, l, 110. Proxicmte, fils d'Epaminon, 11, 513. Prtres, noms
diffrents ports par les, 1, 58. Prtres de Neptune, 1, 71. Prvost. F., 11,
518. Prideaux ...
Oeuvres compltes de Thucydide et de Xnophon 158Thucydides,
Xenophon Atheniensis, Jean Alexandre C. Buchon 1850 Us mirent en
mer Polide, prirent terre prs du temple de Neptune, et marchrent
contre Mend. ... tandis que Nicoslrate, avec le reste des troupes, mettait
le sige devant la place du ct des portes suprieures, qui conduisent
Petit Larousse illustr 1625 1960 POSIDON, dieu grec de la
Mer. le Neptune des Romains. Il est arm d'un trident. POSEN. V.
Poznan. PO S I DON I OS, ... POTIDE, v. de Macdoine, qui se rvolta
contre Athnei en 432 av. J.-C. et fut prise en 129. POTOCK1, nom
d'une ...


Polymnie 247 Herodotus Halicarnasseus, Pierre-Henri

Larcher1802 Il y avoit dj trois mois qu'Artabaze assigeoit Potide,
lorsqu'il arriva un reflux considrable, et qui dura fort long-temps. ... Les
Potidates attribuent ce flux considrable et cette perte des Perses
Neptune, qui fit ainsi prir dans les eaux ...
Revue archologique 489. 1863De cette forme vient le nom de
Potide, comme Poseidonia vient de la forme commune Iloeatv.
Potide, ou la cit de Neptune, tait une colonie de Corinthe, ville
dorienne. Son nom en grec est crit Ilo-ftata, mais cette orthographe
me ...
Revue de l'Instruction Publique en Belgique 287 1878 ... de
Neptune construit par Agrippa en 728). Avril. Mmoire sur le temple
hypthre (suite et fin). Dcret sur l'envoi de clrouques athniens
Potide, par P. Foucart (362 av. J. C). Les dernires fouilles de
Prneste, par M. E. Ternique.
Revue de philologie, de littrature et d'histoire anciennes 1971
Revue des revues et publications d'acadmies relatives ... 215
1879 La proximit du temple de Neptune construit par Agrippa en 728,
restaur par Hadrien, promet de nouvelles trou- 10 veilles. 1 Compte
rendu rapide ... 1l Dcret pour l'envoi de clrouques athniens Potide
[P. Foucart]. Fixation exacte des ...
Scne "du temple de Neptune au cap Tnare.Pausanias sa rfugie dans le
sanctuaire de Minerve Chalcicos Sparte.Sa mort. ... Troisime cause :
Potide.Sige de cette ville par les Athniens. Quatrime cause : Jalousie
de Sparte ...
Staatsblad van Nederlandsch-Indi: met aanwijzing der ...1868 ... 140
Aristomne 141 Linus 142 siodc 43 i ar ue 144 Ves q 145 Gorgone
146 Neptune 147 Solon 148 Thmstocle. ... 257 Memplis 258
Mironids 259 Tolmds 260 Tanagra 261 Phdias 262' Potide 263
Corcyre 264 Archidamus 265 ...
The numismatic chronicle 14 278 1874 ... fabuleuse qui,
d'aprs tienne de Byzance (loc. cit.), attribue la fondation de Dicaea au
mythologique Dicmeos fils de Neptune. probablement, dans le mme
temps que Mend, Potide, Scion, Aphytis 278 NUMISMATIC


Vies parallles 2253 Plutarch, Franois Hartog 2001 ... 3

Pompe, XXIV, 6 Agis, XVI, 6 Clomne, XXII, 6 Dmosthne,
XXIX, 1-6 voir aussi Neptune POSEIDONIOS Historien par ...
Pompe, LXXVII, 2-3; LXXX, 8 Csar, | XLVIII,5-9;XLIX,4-5
POTIDE Cit Corinthienne de Chalcidique.
Vocabulaire synthtique de la langue franaise: tymologie ... L.
Grimblot1902 Neptanua, Neptune, dieu do la mer. Noptune, neptunten
(form ... lo matre do la terre : . pot, ide de puissance, et da pour ,
forme dor. de g, terre. Poseidon (dieu de la mer chez les Grecs,
Neptune). 13. gr. The tie, Thtis, une ...

Poseidon Pallene
A Brief Guide to the Greek Myths Stephen Kershaw 2013 Phlegrai issaid
to have been the old name of Pallene. 21. Other accounts have Mimas ...
There aremany discrepancies concerning the ofLinos: the Muse Ourania;
Psamathe, daughter of Krotopos; and Aithousa, daughter of Poseidon, are
all ...
A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum: ... xxxviii
A Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and ... 610
William Smith1859 When Ares had been caught in the wonderful net by
Hephaestus, the latter set him free at the request of Poseidon; but the ...
Psidnium (IIogetviov: C. Possidhi or Kassandhrea), a promontory on
the W. coast of the peninsula Pallene in ...
A Companion to Greek Studies 5 The central peninsula of the
three, Sithonia, though mountainous, is less so than Acte, while the third,
Pallene, is comparatively level. ... Olympus and Ossa, which was created
by a stroke of the trident of Poseidon the earth-shaker.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Sir William
Smith1873 Another set of traditions describes Proteus as a son of
Poseidon, and as a king of Egypt, who had two sons, Telegonns ...
Poseidon accordingly opened a chasm in the earth in Pallene, and
through a passage passing through the earth under ...
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography by Various ... 662
1873 11), the SW. cape of Pnllcne, probably so called from a temple to
Poseidon, which still retains its name vulgarly pronounced Pon'dlli.


(Leake, Northern Greece ... [Luncosuu] 2 The SW. cape of Pallene in

Macedonia, also called Poseidoninm.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography 2 662 Sir
William Smith1873 Uttbe SW. cape of Pallene, probably so called from a
temple to Poseidon, which still retains its name vulgarly pronounced
Poeidhi. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. p. 156.) MUller (Geoy. Graee.
Min. vol. i. p. 52) identifies it with the Thkambeis ...
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography 2 662
William Smith1873 1 1 ), the SW. cape of Pallene, probably so called
from a temple to Poseidon, which still retains its name vulgarly
pronounced Poridhi. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. p. 1 56.) M tiller
(Geog. Graec. Mm. vol. i. p. 52) identifies it with the ...
A History of Greece 92 John Bagnell Bury 2015 Here Poseidon
riding; star[legend: II]. ... founded by other states, notably Corinthian
Corinthian Potidaea on the most westerly of the three prongs, which
colony: was called Pallene. ... Pallene were founded by Eretria, and those
on Acte by.
A New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography ... 1878
A New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, ... Sir
William Smith, Charles Anthon1851 Poseidon (Neptune) then created
the horse, and Athena (Minerva) called forth the olive-tree, in
consequence of which the ... (XloGtLd&vLov : now Cape Possidhi or
Kassandrihea), a promontory on the western coast of the peninsula
Pallene in ...
A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology and ... Sir
William Smith1868 The symhol of Poseidon's power was the trident, or a
spear with three points, with whieh he used to shatter roeks, ...
POTIDAEA (-ae), a town in Maeedonia, on the narrow Potidaea of the
peninsula Pal- lene, was a eolony of the Corinthians.
Acharnenses 233 Aristophanes1863 211.
108. 100. 202. 77. 47. 85.
201. 111. 11. 32. ...
126. ' . }. 200. 32. ; 20.
Aeneas und die Penaten. Die italischen Volksreligionen ... 63
Rudolph Heinrich Klausen1839 ... also des Einfluffes der Aphrodite auf
die Stimmung des Poseidon ist: mit beiden aber auch die apollinische,


denn er ist von ... 167,174) grenzenden Rhteum gilt Sithon, der Vater der
Rhtea und Pallene, fr den Sohn des Ares von Proteus ...
Allgemeine Enzyklopdie Der Wissenschaften und Knste: In ...Johann
Samuel Ersch, Johann Gottfried Gruber1988 In diesem Pallene wurzelte
der Mythos von den Pallantiden, einem Geschlechte, welches in der
Sagen, schichte Athens .... oder auch des Teleon, welcher der Eponymus
der attischen Phyle der Teleontm ist, oder de Poseidon-Erech- theus ...
Apollodori Bibliotheca, ex recogn. R. Hercheri 11 Rudolf
Hercher1874 , , , ,
' ...
Apollodorus's Mythische Bibliothek 19 Apollodorus
(Grammaticus.), Johann F. Beyer1802 ... auf der Erde mit verjngten
Krften wieder auflebte, so schleppte er ihn, auf den Rath der Atheha, aus
Pallene heraus, ... Pallas die Haut ab, und bedeckte mit derselben ihren
eigenen Leib im Streite Polybotes kam, vom Poseidon durch ...
Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments, and ...Susan E.
Alcock 2002 Very recently the "footprint" of an appropriately sized
temple has been located at Pallene in Attica, and this now appears to be
gaining support as the ... The reconstruction involved use of a sima from
the Sounion Poseidon temple as well. 33.
Archaic Greek Equestrian Sculpture 66 Mary Ann Eaverly1995.
560 B.C., and his victory dance after landing on Delos with the youths
rescued from the Minotaur is illustrated on the Francois Vase.134 Both
Theseus and Peisistratos won decisive victories at Pallene,135 both can
claim kinship with Poseidon ...
Aristoteles und Athen 2 37. Ulrich von WilamowitzMoellendorff 2010 ... selbst der Nemesis von Bhamnus, der Athena von
Pallene, der Artemis von Brauron untergeordnet, wenn Athena von ... und
ihr priestertum wird von dem geschlechte versehen, das in erster linie
dem Poseidon Erechtheus, ihrem gegner, ...
Athanaric Bassano 3 14 1835 In the fable of Poseidon and
Athena (Neptune and Minerva) contending for the honour of giving a
name to Athens, ... that the analogy of the name Pallas to the Thracian
peninsula Pallene, and of the mountain Athos to the name Athene, ...


Athens: From the Classical Period to the Present Day (5th ... 23
Manols Korres, Charalampos Bouras 2003 whereas the Temple of
Poseidon has one on all four sides of the pronaos. ... century B.C. It was
identical with the Hephaisteion, but here the interior colonnade was part
of the design from the outset, as it was in the Temple of Athena at
Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens: A New Epigraphy and ... Geoffrey
C. R. Schmalz 2009 93, with name likely coming from the
Dionysos/Demostratos family of Pallene through his mother (see his
Claudius no. 81, p. 141). ... service as both exegetes of the Eumolpidai
and priest of Poseidon Erechtheus. (178) IGII2 3604a Statue ...
Ausfhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und rmischen ... 107
Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher1902
Bacchus: A Biography 60 Andrew Dalby 2004 Sithon had a
beautiful daughter, Pallene, and ever afterwards the western and central
promontories of Chalkidike have been named Pallene ... The son of
Poseidon had so far defeated every challenger, and the penalty for defeat
was death.
Beschreibung von Hellas: mit einem Plane von Olympia und ... Pausanias
(Periegeta), Ernst Wiedasch1827 Nach Strabon lag dies auf der Insel
Kalauria an der Kste on Argolis, wo auch ein Tempel des Poseidon als
Freysttke diente. ... Kassandreia frher Potid, eine Pfian, staut te
Kortffther auf der Landenge von Pallene in Makedonien.
Bohov Olympu Proroctv Rick Riordan 2012 Vtejte zptky v Tboe
Catalogue of Greek Coins. Thessalia. The Ptolemies. Macedonia Barclay
Vincent Head1879
Catalogue of Greek Coins: Macedonia, Etc 3 xxxviii
Reginald Stuart Poole1879
Catalogue of Greek Coins: Macedonia, Etc 5 xxxviii
Barclay Vincent Head, Reginald Stuart Poole1879 Potidaea, on the
Thermaic Gulf, at the narrowest point of the Potidaea which connects the
peninsula of Pallene with Potidaea. Chalcidice, begins to coin money
early in the fifth century B.C., if not before 500. Poseidon Hippios
wielding his ...


Civic Priests: Cult Personnel in Athens from the ... 127 Marietta
Horster, Anja Klckner 2012 ... Leontios son of Timarchos of Kephisia,
and the herald of the two goddesses, Dionysios son of Demostratos of
Pallene, ... Sacred Stone and priest of Zeus Horios and Athena Horia and
Poseidon Probasterios and Poseidon Themeliouchos, ...
Classica Et Mediaevalia: 221 William Norvin1999 The Athenians
planned to march against Mende, sailed from Poteidaia on the Potidaea
of Pallene and put in at the temple of Poseidon on a promontory at a
certain distance from the town itself. On the following day the Athenians
sailed to some ...
Classical Studies in Honor of Charles Forster Smith: By ... Charles Forster
Smith1919 When he reached Pallene he found the Potidaeans in revolt,
and thought it his duty to stop and subdue them, as there ... and the
Persian disaster was the defilement of the temple and statue of Poseidon
in the suburbs by the very Persians who ...
Classical Zeus: a study in art and literature 13 Karim W.
Arafat1990 It is possible that the painter had the geographical relation of
Pallene and Olympos in mind when he placed the ... There need be no
contradiction on 1.24: the giants on the other side have already
encountered Hephaistos, Poseidon and ...
Contributions to the Science of Mythology 2 659 Friedrich
Max Mller1897
38. EDWARD TRIPP1970 Later, in the war between the gods and the
giants, he was shot by Heracles, who dragged him outside Pallene. ...
Aliieus married Iphimedeia, daughter of his brother Triops, but she fell in
love with Poseidon and had by him two sons, Otus and ...
Cults and Sanctuaries of Ares and Enyalios: A Survey of ... Matthew Paul
Gonzales 2004
Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical ... James
Strong1894 Sithon, in Grecian mythology, was represented as the son of
Poseidon and Assa ... Pallene, being sought by many suitors, was by
Sithon promised to the aspirant who should successfully wage a single
combat with him, and eventually to ...
Delphi Complete Works of Herodotus (Illustrated) Herodotus 2013. ... a
long while, and when the foreigners saw that the sea was turned to a


marsh, they prepared to pass over it into Pallene. ... those same Persians
who now perished in the sea had profaned the temple and the image of
Poseidon which was in ...
Description de la Grce: Traduction Nouvelle Avec le Texte ... 2
Pausanias1999 This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original
edition published in Paris, 1817.
Dictionary of Classical Mythology 41 Jennifer R. March 2014 On
Athena's advice, Heracles dragged him beyond the bounds of Pallene and
he died. Apollodorus adds that ... well lie behind Hyginus' narrative.
Alope became pregnant by POSEIDON, but she was afraid of her father's
anger and so kept ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by ... William
Smith1872 Poseidon accordingly ope|th a chasm in the earth in Pallene,
and through a passage passing through the earth under the sea. he led him
back into Egypt. (Tzetz. ad Lyn. 1'24; liustath. ad Hum. p. 686.) A second
personage of the name of ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology 554
Smith1849 (Virg. Georg. iv. 389.) Another set of traditions describes
Proteus as a son of Poseidon, and as a king of Egypt, ... earth in Pallene,
and through a passage passing through the earth under the sea he led him
back into Egypt. (Tzetz. ad Lyc.
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography 662 Smith1872 11),
the SW. cape of Pallene, probably so called from a temple to Poseidon,
which still retains its name vulgarly pronounced Pou'dht'. (Leake,
Northern Greece, vol. iii. p. 156.) Mllller (Geog. Grace. Min. v01. i. p.
52) identifies it with the ...
Die Mythologie der asiatischen Vlker der Aegypter, ... 291
Konrad Schwenck 1843 Sein Vater, heit es, sey Poseidon, der Meergott,
und seine Gattin Psamathe, d. i. Sand. ... Ihn erhrend, lie dieser eine
Oeffnung in Pallene in Makedonien (zwischen dem Toronischen und
Thermischen Meerbusen) entstehen, wodurch er ...
Die Mythologie der Asiatischen Vlker: der Aegypter, ...Konrad
Schwenck1843 Sein Vater, heit es, sey Poseidon, der Meergott, und
seine Gattin Psamathe, d. i. Sand. ... Ihn erhrend, lie dieser eine
Oeffnung in Pallene in Macedonien (zwischen dem Toronischen und
Thermischen Meerbusen) entstehen, wodurch er ...


Die mythologie der griechen: fr geebilddete und die ... 291

Konrad Schwenck 1843 Sein Vater, heit es, sey Poseidon, der Meergott,
und seine Gattin Psamathe, d. i. Sand. ... Ihn erhrend, lie dieser eine
Oeffnung in Pallene in Makedonien (zwischen dem To ro n ischen und
Thermischen Meerbusen) entstehen, wodurch ...
Die spartanische Staatsverfassung in ihrer Entwickelung ... 40
Karl Heinrich Lachmann1836 ren Dienst des Poseidon sich dauernd
festzusetzen ". ... Auch zeigen sich selbst in der Sage deutliche Spuren,
wie Poseidon an die Stelle des lteren Apollon getreten ... 3), Pallene mit
Hampfsvielen (27, 2), Hyamil mit einem Orakel (21, 5).
Dionysian Imagery in Fifth-Century Athens 16 Thomas H
Carpenter1997 123) called Phlegra the old name for Pallene, the
westernmost finger of the Chalcidice.5 The Gigantomachy was the ... in
the fifth- century temple of Poseidon at Sounion.6 From the Parthenon
itself it was the subject of the east metopes and of ...
Dragons, Serpents, and Slayers in the Classical and Early ... 20
Daniel Ogden 2013 Some say they were born at Phlegra, others in
Pallene. They hurled ... On Athene's advice, he dragged him out of
Pallene. 2. In this way the ... Poseidon broke off part of the island and
threw it on top of him, the islet called Nisyrus. Hermes ...
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics: Fiction-Hyksos 195 James
Hastings, John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray1908
Encyclopdia of Religion and Ethics: Fiction-Hyksos 195. James
Hastings, John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray1914
Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics 6 195 James Hastings,
John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray1961 The alternative name
Aigaion probably characterizes him as a eee-god and earth shaker, of the
type of Poseidon. .... but a certain consensus arose in favour of Pallene,
the westernmost of the three Chalkidic promontories on the north coast
of ...
Erklrende anmerkungen zu Homer's Odyssee 1 271 1826
Ueber den Hero3 Proteus von Pallene an der makedonischen Kste, den
Wei.cler Prometh. S. g f. fr einen pror vincieilen Poseidon nimmt, und
andere Deutungen desselben s. Voss a. a. O. vergleichen die Ven.
Euboica: l'Eubea e la presenza euboica in Calcidica e in ... 236
Michel Bats, Bruno D'Agostino1998 13-14) scoperta nei livelli


stratigrafici inferiori del santuario di Poseidon a capo Posidi, a ovest di

Mende, e l'altare con ... Ed ancora dal santuario di Zeus Ammone ad
Aphytis, sul versante orientale del promontorio di Pallene, sono stati ...
Gegraphia Palaia Kai Nea Syllechtheisa ek diaphorn ... 392
1728. , , ,
, ...
. , ...
Greek Colonisation: An Account of Greek Colonies and Other ...Gocha R.
Tsetskhladze 2008 1), the old name of Pallene was Phlegre.196 It may be
no coincidence that the Euboeans must have been the first Greeks to
experience the similar seismic phenomena in the ... For the cult of
Poseidon at Poteidaea, see Alexander 1963, 234.
Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore 170 Jennifer Larson 2001 ... that
a nymph, Mendes, bore Pallene to Sithon, son of Poseidon and Ossa.
Sithon, who held a contest of suitors for the hand of his daughter in the
manner of the Elean king Oinomaos, is the eponym of a Thracian tribe
east of the Axios River.
Greek Religion 139. Walter Burkert1985 Amymone, the daughter
of Danaos, after she had lain with Poseidon;42 indeed, all springs are
said to be sent by Poseidon.43 Even as sea god Poseidon reveals ... Since
-ene is a typical place-name suffix Mykene, Pallene, Troizen(e) ...
Griechische Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte. 2 (1906) Otto
Gruppe1906 Schon ihr Namen beweist ihre Zugehrigkeit zu Poseidon;
er ist von Peleus nicht zu trennen 1). ... Nach Pallas heisst Pallene,
Pellana[1143 zu 11423]; in Pellana bestand ein Athenakult (PausVII 27
z); ein altes Heiligtum der Gttin lag bei ...
Handbuch der klassischen Altertums-Wissenschaft in ... 1142
Iwan von Mller1906 Schon ihr Namen beweist ihre Zugehrigkeit zu
Poseidon; er ist von Peleus nicht zu trennen1). ... VII 27 a); ein altes
Heiligtum der Gttin lag bei Pallene zwischen Athen und Marathon,
wonach Athena IlnX- Xijvls hiess, Eur. HerakHd. 849 ...
Hecale 236 Callimachus, Adrian Swayne Hollis 2009 ... may
allude to the fact that the place where judgement was given betweeen
Athena and Poseidon for the possession of ... had earlier argued that
Athena was coming from Pallene in Chalcidice (although that place is
usually written with an ...


Hellnik mythologia: Hoi theoi 38 Johannes Th Kakridis,

Gergios A. Christopoulos, Ianns K. Bastias1986
, ,
, ... ,

, ...
Here are Set Forth the Histories of Herodotus of ... 2 538.
Herodotus1959 Pallene. receded greatly and for a long time; and seeing
it become very shallow, the barbarians began to walk ... the sea had
trespassed The peninsula on the temple of Poseidon and his image in the
suburbs of the protection oHhe city : and ...
Hesiod's Theogony 110 Hesiod, Richard S. Caldwell1987
Poseidon married Amphitrite, and there were born to him Triton and
Rhode, who became the wife of Helios. ... but when he fell on the ground
he began to revive; at Athena's suggestion, Herakles dragged him out of
Pallene and thus he died.
History of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides1974wasnow impossible
for himto cross over into Pallene and reestablish theposition there, sohe
stayed where he was ... Setting out with the fleet from Potidaea, they
came to land opposite the temple of Poseidon and advanced against
Ilios: The City and Country of the Trojans: the Results of ... 165
1881 ... at Aenus in Thrace, in Pallene, at Aeneia in the Thermaic Gulf, in
Delos, at Orchomenus and Mantineia in Arcadia ; in the ... He gives us
this latter information in the prophetic words which he puts into the
mouth of Poseidon, a god who is ...
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology 97 1959 In the presence of
the gods of Olympus (Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Zeus, Apollo)
Prometheus prepares to animate the ... At the instant that they emerged
from the entrails of the ground at Phlegra, in the peninsula of Pallene,
they appeared in ...
Lettered Attica: a day of Attic epigraphy : actes du ... 63 Johannes
Kirchner, John S. Traill, David R. Jordan 2003 ... is not coincidental that
the father of Philostratos of Pallene (31-32 and crown IX), Nikostratos
son of Philostratos of Pallene, was ... 93) that this was the Poseidon for
whom Lykourgos established dithyrambic competitions in the Piraeus
([Plut.] ...


Litteraturgeschichte und Mythologie der Griechen und ...1820 Der

Stammvater derselben, Triton, ist in der frheren Fabel ein gewhnlicher
Meer gott, der, als Sohn des Poseidon und ... der lteren Vorfellung ein
vergtterter Mensch aus Pallene in Makedonien, nach der neueren ein
Sohn des Poseidon ...
Lykophon's Alexandra, griechisch und deutsch 252 1895
ng6<pavrog soll ein Beiname des Poseidon bei den Thuriern gewesen
sein. Vgl. Welcker, Gr. G. II, 685. Kromna ... 1009. 526. KavaOxQcog
ist der Bewohner des Caps KavaOXQaiov , der Sdspitze der Halbinsel
Pallene. Hier auf Pallene in ...
Lykophron: Alexandra : Greek Text, Translation, ... 149
Lycophron, Simon Hornblower 2015 Byz., , makes her Proteus'
daughter (or alternatively daughter of Poseidon and Phoinike, but the text
is clearly disordered ... MassaPairault 2009: 490 seeks daringly to
connect the ProteusPallene combination in Lyk. with Kall. frag.
Manual of Mythology: Greek and Roman, Norse, and Old ... 43
Alexander Stuart Murray1875 Opposition, however, on the part of the
kindred of Kronos had not yet ceased, and the new dynasty of gods had to
encounter a ... The giants took up their position on the peninsula of
Pallene, which is separated from Mount Olympos by bay.
Myth and Geology 220 Luigi Piccardi, W. Bruce Masse 2007. the
stone that Rhea fed to her husband, Kronos, king of the Gods, in place of
their infant son Zeus. ... the city of Cassandreia, on the peninsula of
Pallene (the westernmost of the three tingerlike extensions of the
Chalcidice Peninsula, Greece).
Mythologikos atlas tis Elladas: Pedro
Olalla 2001 - (-.. 14
02] ... : ), ' ,
Odysseia 1970
Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics 114 Elaine Matthews
2007 The Eretrian Sphere of Influence on Pallene and in the Thermaic
Gulf In the tenth book of his Geography, in his ... J. Vokotopoulou's
premature death.143 The exploration of the sanctuary of Poseidon has
yielded important results for the history ...


Ovid, selections for schools with intr. and notes by W. ... 243
George Gilbert Ramsay, William Wardlaw Ramsay1868 Then the
Cyclopes gave to Zeus thunder and lightning and levin-bolts ; to Pluto a
helmet, to Poseidon a trident. Thus armed they ... in Phlegrae ; as others,
in Pallene ; and they darted blazing oaks and rocks against heaven.
Porphyrion and ...
Ovid: Selections for the Use of Schools 252 George Gilbert
Ramsay1870 Then the Cyclopes gave to Zeus thunder and lightning and
levin-bolts ; to Pluto a helmet, to Poseidon a trident. ... They were born,
as some say, in Phlegrae ; as others, in Pallene ; and they darted blazing
oaks and rocks against heaven.
Ovid: Selections for the Use of Schools, with ... 243 1868 Then
the Cyclopes gave to Zeus thunder and lightning and levin-bolts ; to Pluto
a helmet, to Poseidon a trident. Thus armed they got the mastery ... in
Pallene ; and they darted blazing oaks and rocks against heaven.
Porphyrion and Alcyoneus ...
Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... 14 1825
In the fable of Poseidon and Athena (Neptune and Minerva) contending
for the honour of giving a name to Athens, ... that the analogy of the name
Pallas to the Thracian peninsula Pallene, and of the mountain Athos to
the name Athene, ...
Persia and the Greeks: The Defence of the West, C. 546-478 ...Andrew
Robert Burn1984 ... after their fashion, the Poteidaians were perfectly
right in attributing it to their patron god, Poseidon the Earth-Shaker;
'for ... that he consulted Greek oracles.28 The loss of control over the
Cyclades and the revolt of Pallene had increased his ...
Place-names in Classical Mythology: Greece 211 Robert E.
Bell1989 According to some, Ares begot by Achiroe a son, Sithon, and
according to others also two daughters, Pallene and Rhoeteia, from
whom two towns derived their names. Sithon was also called a son of
Poseidon. He married the nymph Mendeis ...
Polytheism and Society at Athens 59 Robert Parker 2005 This
prima facie presumption is strengthened, in the cases of Poseidon at
Sunium and Nemesis at Rhamnus, by the ... by non- locals are attested for
Sunium (though rather shakily), for Halai Araphenides, and for Pallene;
this last, however, ...


Terpsichore. Erato. Polymnia. Urania. Kalliope 307 Herodotos,

Friedrich Lange1824 Und als die Feinde fahn , da aus dem Meer ein
Sumpf geworden , wollten sie hindurch gehn nach Pallene . ... welche
durch das Meer ihren Tod gefunden , htten gefrevelt gegen den Tempel
und das Bild des Poseidon , welche drauffen vor ...
The Children of Athena: Athenian Ideas about Citizenship ... 174
Nicole Loraux, Caroline Levine, Froma I. Zeitlin1994 130 And there is
perhaps a suggestion of the Attic Pallene, with its temple of Athena,
lurking behind the Pallene ... while Poseidon is once called uE6cu>v
(560), but only as part of Athena's delegation, which he supports from
within the chorus.
The Clashing Rocks: A Study of Early Greek Religion and ... 99
Jack Lindsay1965 According to the Orphics Zeus made Kronos drunk
with honey before attacking him. ... who were born in Phlegrai or
Pallene, one of the three peninsulas jutting out of south Macedonia.13
Phlegra, the Fireland, is the older name for Pallene, ...
The Consequences of the Covenant 1 Also when a great ebb tide
lured the Persians to leave their boats and reach Pallene on swampy
ground, they were less than halfway to shore, when a ... This was the
work of the god, Poseidon, whose temple the Persians had profaned
The Cults of the Greek States 4 76 Lewis Richard Farnell
1907 Ca/. 'Macedonia,' p. rir, head of . Poseidon with trident (after 168
B.C.). 21 Poseidonion, promontory of Pallene : Thuc. 4. 129; Livy 44.11.
Thessaly. M Strab. p. 330 (Fr. 32) TO 8 <ucpa non-ftoW fuv TO /WTafi
MaXuucoi) !S Schol. Find. Pyth. 4.
The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Constructions and ... 70
Richard Hunter 2005 oracular pronouncement at the temple of Athena at
Pallene is taken by Peisistratus as encouragement to act: They met ...
Finally, regardless of Athena's support, the marriage amounts to nothing,
or less than nothing: Poseidon wins a kind of ...
The Histories Book 8: Urania Herodotus 2015 Now there was present an
allied force of the other men of Pallene also. ... namely that these same
Persians who perished by means of the sea had committed impiety
towards the temple of Poseidon and his image in the suburb of their
town; ...


The Histories Herodotus 2015 Now there was present an allied force of
the other men of Pallene also. ... namely that these same Persians who
perished by means of the sea had committed impiety towards the temple
of Poseidon and his image in the suburb of their town; ...
The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus 538 Herdot, Harry
Carter1962 ... up and the paper noticed and taken straight to the
commanders in the presence of allies from all the cities of Pallene. ... to
the Persians was that those who were killed in the sea had trespassed on
the temple of Poseidon and his image in the ...
The History of Herodotus: Herodotus1791 Now there was present an
allied force of the other menof Pallene also. ... had committed impiety
towards the temple of Poseidon and his image inthesuburb of their town;
and insaying that this wasthe cause, in my opinion they say well.
The history of the Greeks and the Persians volume 2 2 Herodotus
2013 Now there was present an allied force of the other men of Pallene
also. ... namely that these same Persians who perished by means of the
sea had committed impiety towards the temple of Poseidon and his
image in the suburb of their town; ...
The history of the Peloponnesian war illustrated by maps, ... Richard
Philip Goldsworthy Tiddeman1863 Poseidonium, ortemple of Poseidon,
near Mende, on W. coast of Pallene, W. 129, 3 Postern, see Gate.
Potamis, a Syrac. sent to Miletus to supersede Hermocrates, viii. 85, 3.
Potidzea and the Potidaans, position on Potidaea of Pallene, i.
The history of the Peloponnesian war 3, 2 132
Thucydides, Thomas Arnold1854 Poseidonium, or temple of Poseidon,
near Mende, on W. coast of Pallene, iv. 129, 3 nn. Postern, see Gate.
Potamis, a Syrac. sent to Miletus to supersede Hermocrates, viii. 85, 3.
Potidaea and the Potidseans, position on Potidaea of Pallene, i.
The History of the Peloponnesian War 3, 2 132
Thucydides, Thomas Arnold, Richard Philip Goldsworthy Tiddeman1882
Poseidonium, or temple of Poseidon, near Mende, on W. coast of
Pallene, iv. 129, 3 nn. Postern, see Gate. Potamis, a Syrac. sent to Miletus
to supersede Hermocrates, viii. 85, 3. Potidaea and the Potidaeans,
position on Potidaea of Pallene, i.
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 16 36 1930 This took
place at Cassandria on the peninsula of Pallene, the most westerly of the
three claw-like promontories that ... for the old-estabhshed Poseidon is


superseded by Zeus- Ammon on the earliest Roman coinage that we

possess, i.e. that ...
The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology 92 1994 In the
presence of the gods of Olympus (Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Zeus, Apollo)
Prometheus prepares to animate the ... At the instant that they emerged
from the entrails of the ground at Phlegra, in the peninsula of Pallene,
they appeared in ...
The library of Greek mythology 10 Apollodorus, Apollodorus (of
Athens.)1975 Some say that they were born in Phlegrae, others in
Pallene. They would hurl 35 rocks and flaming oak trees ... There
Poseidon ripped off the part of that island called Nisyrum and threw it at
him. Hermes, who was wearing the helmet of Hades ...
The Meridian Handbook of Classical Mythology 38 Edward
Tripp1974 Later, in the war between the gods and the giants, he was shot
by Heracles, who dragged him outside Pallene. ... Aldeus married
Iphimedeia, daughter of his brother Triops, but she fell in love with
Poseidon and had by him two sons, Otus and ...
The Mertowney Mountain Interviews 216 Richard Leviton 2014.
However, a charm assured that Alcyoneus could not be defeated while in
Pallene, so Herakles picked him up bodily and ... More Olympians,
Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, Dionysos, Hecate, Hephaistos, Artemis, and
Hermes, got into the battle ...
The Narratives of Konon 103 Malcolm Kenneth Brown 2002
Pallene or Klitos The tenth [tells] how Sithon, the son of Poseidon and
Ossa, king of the Thracian Chersonesos, sired a daughter Pallene by a
nymph Mendeis. Because she had many suitors, the possession of the
maiden and the kingdom as ...
The Origin of the History of Israel: Herodotus' Histories ... 29
Jan-Wim Wesselius 2002 VIII, 129, where the Persians investing the city
of Poteidaia, situated at the entrance of the peninsula of Pallene in
northern ... been a divine punishment for committing sacrilege against a
sanctuary of Poseidon, the god of the sea, near the city.
The penny cyclopdia [ed. by G. Long]. 14 Society for the
diffusion of useful knowledge, George Long1835 In the fable of
Poseidon and Athena (Neptune and Minerva) contending for the honour
of giving a name to Athens, ... that the analogy of the name Pallas to the


Thracian peninsula Pallene, and of the mountain Athos to the name

Athene, ...
The Penny Cyclopdia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... George
Long1835 In the fable of Poseidon and Athena (Neptune and Minerva)
contending for the honour of giving a name to Athens, ... that the analogy
of the name Pallas to the Thracian peninsula Pallene, and of the mountain
Athos to the name Athene, ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... Society for
the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 1835 In the fable of Poseidon and
Athena (Neptune and Minerva) contending for the honour of giving a
name to Athens, ... that the analogy of the name Pallas to the Thracian
peninsula Pallene, and of the mountain Athos to the name Athene, ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Difussion of ...1835 In the
fable of Poseidon and Athena (Neptune and Minerva) contending for the
honour of giving a name to Athens, ... that the analogy of the name Pallas
to the Thracian peninsula Pallene, and of the mountain Athos to the name
Athene, ...
The Rise Of The Greeks Michael Grant 2012 ... which extends
southwards into the three promontories of Pallene (Cassandra), Sithonia
(Longos) and Acte (Athos). ... When Potidaea started issuing coins, in
about 500, they depicted Poseidon, after whom the city took its name.
The Story of Hercules 84 Bob Blaisdell 2012 In the land where he
was born, Pallene in Chaldice, where we were fighting, he was immortal.
Beast! He must have been as tall ... huntress Artemis, swift Hermes,
crooked-legged Hephaestos and Poseidon, lord of the seas. Notice that I
do not ...
The Temple of Athena at Assos 207 Bonna Daix Wescoat 2012
292-334. Associated temples include the Hephaisteion, second Temple of
Poseidon at Sounion, Temple of Ares (originally temple of Athena at
Pallene), and Temple of Nemesis at Rhamnous. Note also the mid fifth
century Temple of Apollo ...
Thrace & the Thracians 37. Aleksandr Fol, Ivan
Marazov1977There is a similar idea in a Thracian legend of how Sithon,
son of Poseidon and Assa, king of the Thracian Chersonese, had a
daughter, Pallene, by the Nymph Mendcis, and, as there were many
young men courting her, it was decided that ...


Thucydides 4 447 Thucydides1969 Poseidon, temple of, at

Taenarus, 1. exxviii. 1 ; exxxiii. 1 ; at Nisaea, IV. cxviii. 4; on the coast of
Pallene, iv. exxix. 3 ; ships dedicated to him after a victory, n. lxxxiv. 4 ;
Colonus, a sacred precinct of Poseidon, VIII. lxvii. 2. Potamis, a
Syracusan ...
Torone: The Literary, Documentary and Epigraphical Testimonia Alan S.
Henry 2004 In this tradition Proteus had come from his home in Egypt to
Pallene in Chalcidice, where he married Torone, as we can ... he sent to
his father (Poseidon) prayers that were heard, to set ...
Versuch Uber Die Grabersymbolik Der Alten 168 Johann Jakob
Bachofen 1859 Aber auf Psamathe's Bitten entscheidet Zeus fr
Poseidon. Diesem wird der meergebornen Aphrodite Kind in feierlicher
Hochzeit angetraut, Dionysos durch die Verheiung Ariadne's, Aura's,
Pallene's getrstet. Dem Versprechen gem, das ...
Vollstndiges Wrterbuch der Mythologie aller Nationen ... Wilhelm II
Vollmer1836 Ihr Geburtsort war nach Einigen Phlegra, nach Anderen
Pallene. ... bedeckte sich selbst damit, wie mit einem Panzer; auf den
Polybotes warf Poseidon einen Theil der Insel Kos, Hermes tdtete den
Hippolitos, Artemis den Gration, eben so die ...
Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary 426
Robert E. Bell1991 TORONE, sometimes called Chrysonoe, was the
daughter of Cleitus, king of the Sithones in Thrace, and Pallene, daughter
of Sithon. Cleitus gave her to Proteus, who had come to Thrace from
Egypt. Proteus was a son of Poseidon and had ...
. 16, 1 422 1987 , .
(), 1.
- , ...

Poseidon Cassandreia

A Companion to Ancient Macedonia 58 Joseph Roisman, Ian

Worthington 2011 Examples are the cult of Poseidon in Cassandreia,


built on the site of the old city Potidaea, which appears under
Commodus, or in Pella the cult of Pan, a god previously associated with
the kings (plate 9).72 A third group is formed by the coins ...
58 Joseph Roisman, Ian Worthington
2011 ,
, ,
( 9) .72

A History of Macedonia: 336-167 B.C 649 Nicholas Geoffrey

Lemprire Hammond, Frank William Walbank1972 Poseidon, 82, 175;
temple at Mantinea, 312; 463 n. 4, 464, 466, 482 Poseidonius, 548 f.,
556 f. Postumius, L., Albinus (cos. 229), 334, 354 n- 5 Potidaea, Fig. 7;
209, 386 n. 2, 529; see also Cassandreia P. Qxy. 1.12,53 Praochus,
Delphic archon ...
American Numismatic Society1987
Ancient geography: for the use of schools and private students Archibald
Hamilton Bryce1868 Poseidon, pr. (in Caria), 123. Posidinm, pr. (Punta
della Licosa), 31. PSsldium, pr. (in Epirus), 48. Posidium, pr. (C.
Bozburun), 129. Poseidonia, vel Paestum (Pesto), 81. Potentia (Potenza),
81. Potidaea, vol Cassandreia (Pinaka1, so. Praeneste ...
Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the ... 633
Robin J. Fox, Robin Lane Fox 2011 ... 137, 147 Poseidippos (poet), 370,
482, 506, 507 Poseidon, 137, 147, 172 Pothos, 277 Potidaea
(Corinthian colony) see also Cassandreia archaeological fijinds at, 143
becoming komai, 154 captured by Philip II, 347 captured by
Timotheus, ...
Cambridge University Press1964
CASSANDREIA Claudius (A.D. 41-54) Obv. TI CLA CAES ... GERM ...
Laureate head l. (229) or r. (230). Rev. ... Rev. ... IVL ... Head of Zeus
Ammon r. 237. I 6.00. Rev. COL IVL AVG CAS Poseidon standing l.,
holding dolphin and trident. 238.
Epitomo gegraphiko lexiko ts Hellados 313 Michal
Stamatelatos, Phtein Vamva-Stamatelatou 2001 .
2. , ( . . ).
. , ,
, , (. ).


Greek Colonisation: An Account of Greek Colonies and Other ...Gocha R.

Tsetskhladze 2008 He was probably also worshipped in later
Cassandreia, if a Roman temple excavated by S. Pelekidis south-west of
modern Poteidaea was indeed dedicated to him.194 Poseidon has a
notable presence in northern Greece and is involved in ...
: ... Gocha
R. Tsetskhladze 2008
, .


Hellenistic Civilization 446 Francois Chamoux 2008 ... peristyle

court 274, 275; public buildings 271; theater 26970, 292 portraiture 288,
379, 384 Porus, King 278, 45, 306 Poseidon 29, 331 Poseidoniastai
(traders) 200, 201, 312 Posidippus of Cassandreia 290 Posidippus
ofPella 280, 281, ...
Hellenistic Tragedy: Texts, Translations and a Critical Survey Agnieszka
Kotlinska-Toma 2014 Potidaea was rebuilt and renamed Cassandreia in
310BC,90 and thus this yearisthe terminus post quem of the tragedy. ...
Wasit the son of Helen andfounder of the Aeolianrace,or wasit rather the
sonof Poseidon andMelanippe? It should be ...
Herodotos: Urania. VII. 243 1894
Herodotus VIII, Urania 243 1894 Poseidon, cc. 55, 113, 119. Son
of Kronos, brother of Zeus, and God of the Sea. Potidaba, cc. 127 9. A
city placed in the ... by Cassander, after whom it was called Cassandreia,
and having passed from the Makedonian to the Roman Empire, ...
Herodotus. VIII. Urania 243 Herodotus, Evelyn Shirley
Lexikon ts ellniks glsss 3 354 Wilhelm Pape,
Athanasios A. Sakellarios, Henri Estienne1887
Lexikon ts Hellniks glsss kata to Hellnikon Lexikon ...Athanasios
A. Sakellarios, Johann Georg Wilhelm Pape, Henri Estienne1898
Myth and Geology 220. Luigi Piccardi, W. Bruce Masse 2007the
stone that Rhea fed to her husband, Kronos, king of the Gods, in place of
their infant son Zeus. ... The Cassandreia stone An important meteorite
fall is reported to have occurred in the city of Cassandreia, on the
peninsula of Pallene (the ...


Olympias, h thrylik vasilissa ts Makedonias 17 Angelik

Stergiou1989 ... 1664 . ""
Paul in Athens: The Popular Religious Context of Acts 17 98
Clare K. Rothschild 2014 At the great assembly of the Eleusinia and at
the festival of Poseidon, in full sight of the whole Greek world, she
removed only her cloak and let down ... Phryne does not disrobe in the
earliest account, the Ephesia of Pseidippus of Cassandreia.
Pausaniou Hellados perigsis: Messniaka-liaka 312 Pausnias,
Nikolaos D. Papachatzs1974
' . 9,81 ( 4,5
, ... .
Revue des tudes grecques 110 550 Ch.-Em Ruelle1997
Cassandreia. R.A. Billows (n 359) 132-35, rexamine les donations de
Cassandre et de Lysimaque {Bull. 1989, 456) ... publie sommairement
des tessons inscrits dcouverts au sanctuaire de Posidon au cap Poseidi:
1) anse d'amphore de ...
Roman Coins in the Princeton University Library 1 148
Brooks Emmons Levy, Pierre C. V. Bastien, Pierre Bastien
1760* Ae, Cassandreia Obv. Laur. dr. cuir. bust r.; IMP[ Rev. Hd. of Zeus
Ammon 1., with ... Poseidon standing I. with r. foot on rock, trident in 1.
hand; to r., tree; C[LI]-COR. 26 mm., (9), 10.10 gm.
Sylloge nummorum Graecorum: Aarhus University, Denmark Aarhus
universitet, Hans Erik Mathiesen1986 t 422. t Cassandreia 423. Al /
Edessa 424. Al t Lete (?) 425. AR 426. AR Neapolis 427. AR 4 Pella 428.
Al \ 429. Al t 430. ... of Poseidon r.; to r., Tl. Rev. Horse r.; in field 1.,
uncertain symbol; above and below, (Afiquno)- Airtwv. 4.25. Pierced.
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum 2, 7; 7
The Cambridge Ancient History: The Hellenistic monarchies ...
The collected works of Sir Humphry Davy ...: Discourses ... 212
Sir Humphry Davy, John Davy1911 Its name is clearly derived from
Poseidon (cf. Poseidonia). The type of the tetradrachm was doubtless


suggested by the sacred image of Poseidon, which Herodotus (viii. 129)

mentions as ... M -7 M -4 Cassandreia. This town was founded by ...
The Deipnosophists 7 382 Athenaeus (of Naucratis.)1961 ...
457, 6 341 Cassandra 6 9, 29 Cassandreia, in Thrace 1 425, 465, 5 55
Casserole 1 21, 435, 2 49, 121, 129, 237,271,273, ... Italian wine 1 119
Caucon, son of Poseidon 4 367 Caul 2 3-7 Cauldrons 1 119, 165, 2 187,
403, 449 et passim ...
The Encyclopedia Americana 2 381 Grolier
Incorporated1996 ARSENOPYRITE-ARSONVAL ART: Western Art
ART: Western Art The bronze Poseidon of ... Arsinoe, who held the city
of Cassandreia (Potidaea) in Macedonia, was induced, under promise of
marriage, to admit Ptolemy Keraunos within the ...
The Oxford Classical Dictionary 931 Simon Hornblower, Antony
Spawforth, Esther Eidinow 2012 Mende declined after the foundation of
Cassandreia (see POTIDAEA) in 316. Part of the ancient city (near
modern Kalandra) has been excavated, as has a temple of *Poseidon by
the beach on the nearby promontory of Possidi. The sculptor ...
VI, i] CITIES AND ARMY 201 again the capital and substituted on his
coinage its goddess, Athene Alkis, for his father's Poseidon, god of the
lost seas. He built Stratonice (Stratoni) near Stagirus, and three
Antigoneias, one near Cassandreia ...
. 16, 1 422 1987
. ... , (,
) (, , '
A Historical Commentary on Polybius: Commentary on books ... Frank
William Walbank1967 ... 630; slaves and freedmen in, 53 ; temple of
Apollo at, 47 ; temple of Asclepios (Eshmoun) at, 47, 48; 'Gad' or Tyche
of, 48 ; temple of Poseidon at, 50; greed of, 136; Phalaris' bull at, 381-3;
capture and sack of, 417, ... Cassandreia, 625.
Loeb Classical Library Series 529 Athenaeus (of Naucratis.),
Charles Burton Gulick1928 notxfAij) In Athens, from which the Stoica
derived their name, 161 e, 168 f, 176 b Poseidippu8 of Cassandreia, poet
of the New Comedy (first half of third century B.C.), fr. 10, 118 b ; fr. 22,
154 f Poseidon, god of the sea, 186 f, 176 a note c, 191 ...


The Cambridge Ancient History: The Hellenistic monarchies ...John

Bagnell Bury, Stanley A. Cook, Frank E. Adcock1928 VI, i] CITIES
AND ARMY 201 again the capital and substituted on his coinage its
goddess, Athene Alkis, for his father's Poseidon, god of the lost seas. He
built Stratonice (Stratoni) near Stagirus, and three Antigoneias, one near
Cassandreia ...
The Geography of Strabo 8 447 Strabo1949 ... subject to the
Romans, 8. 213 Potidaea (later called Cassandreia, now Kassandra),
founded by the ... 175 Prasians, the, in the Argolis; dues of, at temple of
Poseidon on Calauria, paid, by the Lacedaemonians, 4. 175 Prasians, the,
in Crete, ...
The World and Its Peoples: Greece, Cyprus, Mount Athos 74 1964
Demosthenes himself fled and took poison in the Temple of Poseidon at
Calauria in 322 B.C. From this time on, Greece was ... the remainder of
northern Greece and Macedonia, rebuilt Thebes and founded
Cassandreia and Thessalonika.
The Cambridge ancient history 7 201 John Bagnell Bury,
Stanley Arthur Cook, Frank E. Adcock1928 VI, 1] CITIES AND ARMY
201 again the capital and substituted on his coinage its goddess, Athene
Alkis, for his father's Poseidon, god of the lost seas. He built Stratonice
(Stratoni) near Stagirus, and three Antigoneias, one near Cassandreia ...
The Encyclopedia Americana: Ankara-Azusa 381
bronze Poseidon of ... Arsino, who held the city of Cassandreia
(Potidaea) in Macedonia, was induced, under promise of marriage, to
admit Ptolemy Keraunos within the ...
The Numismatic Chronicle 158 254 1998 19.52.2-3) that
occupation continued until the founding of Cassandreia in 316 bc when
the last of the inhabitants of Olynthus were ... The French excavations at
the sanctuary of Poseidon and Amphitrite on Tenos produced two coins
of Keos.
American Journal of Philology 83 281 Basil Lanneau
Gildersleeve, Charles William Emil Miller, Benjamin Dean Meritt1962 ...
besides, it appears that these writers were not identifying Potidaea with
Beroea, but the latter with Cassandreia, which ... physical
transformations of the western coast are later developments, as the ruins
of the temple of Poseidon indicate.


The Cambridge Ancient History 7 201 John Bagnell Bury,

Stanley Arthur Cook, Frank E. Adcock1928 CITIES AND ARMY 201
again the capital and substituted on his coinage its goddess, Athene Alkis,
for his father's Poseidon, god of the lost seas. He built Stratonice
(Stratoni) near Stagirus, and three Antigoneias, one near Cassandreia
and ...
Coin Hoards 8 38 1994 322 Cassandreia, Macedonia,
1985/87 Burial: c. 225 B.C. Contents: 12 AR Macedonia, Alexander III:
Chios (Price 2346) ... (Poseidon/ Apollo on prow) Hierax: 2 tetradr.
Antiochus II: 1 tetradr. (Lampsacus 1537) Disposition : In trade. See pl.
The Geography of Strabo, with an English Translation by ...Strabo,
Horace Leonard Jones, John Robert Sitlington Sterrett1960 213 Potidaea
(later called Cassandreia, now Kassandra), founded by the Corinthians,
3. 349 " Potistra" (see ... 175 Prasians, the, in the Argolis; dues of, at
temple of Poseidon on Calauria, paid by the Lacedaemonians, 4. 175
Prasians, the, in ...
Encyclopedia Americana 30 381 Scholastic Library
Publishing 2006 ARSENOPYRITE-ARSONVAL ART: Western Art ART:
Western Art The bronze Poseidon of ... Arsinoe, who held the city of
Cassandreia (Potidaea) in Macedonia, was induced, under promise of
marriage, to admit Ptolemy Keraunos within the ...
Apelles: the Alexander mosaic 133 Paolo Moreno 2001 ... 35, 102
Alexander and the Dioscuri 35, 113 Alexander as Zeus with Poseidon and
Heracles 1 1 1 Alexander as Zeus, type ... Michelangelo Merisi da 37
Caria 108 Carmania86, 110, 113 Caspian Sea 1 1 1 Cassander 10, 88
Cassandreia 9, ...
The Cambridge ancient history 7 201 John Bagnell Bury,
Stanley Arthur Cook, Frank E. Adcock1954 VI, i] CITIES AND ARMY
201 again the capital and substituted on his coinage its goddess, Athene
Alkis, for his father's Poseidon, god of the lost seas. He built Stratonice
(Stratoni) near Stagirus, and three Antigoneias, one near Cassandreia ...
Brill's new Pauly: Ari 69 Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider,
Christine F. Salazar 2002 The famous bronze statue of Poseidon
(nowadays in the National Museum in Athens) was found in the sea near
A. In 480 BC, the first naval battle between the Greeks and the Persians
was fought in these straits (Hdt. ... [1] From Cassandreia.


Greek Coin Types and Their Identification 57 Richard J.

Plant1979. AU 7 815 Macedonia CASSANDREIA, AD 6979. Rev. Head
of Zeus Ammon. Obv. Head of Vespasian. AE20 816 Cappadocia ... Head
of Poseidon wearing taenia. Obv. Bust of Trajan. AE 1922 822
Paphlagonia AMASTRIS, Imperial times.
The Deipnosophists: 7 382 Athenaeus (of Naucratis.)1961
... 2 161, 205, 5 55, 457, 6 341 Cassandra 6 9, 29 Cassandreia, in
Thrace 1 425, 465, 5 55 Casserole 1 21,435, 2 49, 121, 129, ... Italian
wine 1 119 Caucon, son of Poseidon 4 367 Caul 2 3-7 Cauldrons 1 119,
165, 2 187, 403, 449 et passim ...
The Columbia-Viking desk encyclopedia 824 1960 Poseidon
(posT'dun), in Greek religion, sea-god, god of earthquakes; son of Cronus
and Rhea, husband of Amphitrite, and father of Pegasus, Orion, Polyhemus, and other giants and monsters. .... Later Cas- sander rebuilt it as
La Migration Grecque en Ionie 10 72 Michal B.
Sakellariou, M. V. Sakellariou1958 En outre, il semble que Posidon ait
succd, dans une certaine mesure, au taureau ador comme un tre divin
dans les ... n Cassandreia au dbut du IIIe sicle ,0, on est oblig
d'envisager aussi l'Attique et Phlious comme mtro- 1.
Studia Iranica 15-16 107 1986 Elle nous vient justement
d'un homme de la Grce du Nord, citoyen de Cassandreia, et qui avait
certainement vu de ses ... 10 Hrodote VII, 129; Philostrate, Imagines II,
14, o Posidon, d'un coup de trident, taille le dfil du Temp pour ...
Stadtspuren: Zeugnisse zur Siedlungsgeschichte der Chalkidiki
Eva Winter 2006 80 TloaiEiov Herodot erwhnt ein groes
extraurbanes Poseidon-Heiligtum, das auf dem Weg von Argilos nach ...
773; zur Stadtgeschichte: J. A. Alexander, Cassandreia during the
Macedonian Period: An Epi- graphical Commentary, ...
Torone: The Literary, Documentary and Epigraphical Testimonia Alan S.
Henry 2004
Beitrge zur Ethnologie und darauf begrndete Studien 355 Adolf
Bastian1871 In Aegae (bei Chalcis auf Euboea) wurde Poseidon verehrt.
Zu Aegae in Emathia (in Macedonien) wurden die ... In Potidaea oder


Cassandreia. wurde Ammon verehrt (wie in Aphytis). Men e (neben

Saxe) in Chalcidice war von Enetria auf ...
Zeitschrift fr Ethnologie und ihre Hlfswissenschaften ... 355
1871 In Aegae (bei Chalis auf Euboca) wurde Poseidon verehrt. Zu
Aegae in Emathia (in Macdonien) wurden die ... In Potidaea oder
Cassandreia wurde Ammon verehrt (wie in Aphytis). Mende (neben
Saxe) in Chalcidice war von Enetria auf ...
Zeitschrift fr Ethnologie 3 355 1871 In Aegae (bei Chalcis
auf Euboea) wurde Poseidon verehrt. Zu Aegae in Emathia (in
Macedonien wurden die ... In Potidaea oder Cassandreia wurde Ammon
verehrt (wie in Aphytis). Mende (neben Saxe) in Chalcidice war von
Enetria auf ...
Constructions publiques et programmes edilitaires en Grece ...Jean-Yves
Marc, Jean-Charles Moretti, cole franaise d'Athnes 2001 Cassandreia
: 473-474 L. Cassius Longinus : 388 Cassop : 10 ; 507 L. Castricius
Regulus : 436 Q. Catius : 157 Cenchres Sanctuaire d'Aphrodite : 429 ...
62 Faade des Captifs : 104; 508 Fontaine de Posidon : 179-180 ;
428, n.
Bulletin de correspondance hellnique: Supplment 2001 Cassandreia :
473-474 L. CAssIUs LoNGINus : 388 Cassop : 10; 507 L.
CASTRICIUS REGuLus : 436 Q. CATIUS : 157 Cenchres Sanctuaire ...
6 Curie (7) : 62 Faade des Captifs : 104; 508 Fontaine de Posidon :
179-180; 428, n.
Chroniques des fouilles et dcouvertes archologiques en ... Georges
Daux1989 ... sur la face antrieure, un dcret de la cit de Cassandreia en
l'honneur d'Ammonios, citoyen d'Alexandrie (?). Il apporte la ... J.-C.,
dont l'un pourrait tre le temple de Posidon, si l'on en croit les ddicaces
des vases trouvs aux alentours.
Le philosophe, le roi, le tyran: tudes sur les figures ... 21 Silvia
Gastaldi, Jean-Franois Pradeau 2009 Celleci est de toute vidence,
comme on l'a bien compris, l'image de Poseidon et, d'une certaine
faon, ... III 1 1), de mme que celui d'un aspirant la tyrannie dans la
ville de Cassandreia qui sacrifia un enfant dont il fit manger les
entrailles ...
L'Ethnographie 45. 1980... qui, aprs avoir t trois fois
abandonne par sa population, est de nouveau occupe, mais sous le nom


de Cassandreia. ... elle aussi ; mais le visiteur remarque ce qui subsiste :

les vestiges de la muraille, un temple de Posidon (49).
Histoire de l'urbanisme 1, 1 494. Pierre
Lavedan1959341, 342, 351, 352, 364, 368, 459, 465, 467 Pompeiopolis v.
PAM- PELUNE. Portus Herculis Monoeci v. MONACO. Poseidon ia v.
Paestum. Potide v. Cassandreia. POUZZOLES (Dicaear- chia) 96, 154,
341 PRATICA DI MARE v. Lavinium.
La Grce inconnue, itinraires archologiques ... 133. Georges
Pillement1969Cassandre la rebtit et l'appela Cassandreia. Elle devint
une ville puissante qui put repousser ... La lgende voudrait que le mont
Athos ft une pierre lance par le gant Athos contre Posidon.
Aujourd'hui, le mont Athos est clbre pour ses ...
115, 2 908.
1991...un dcret de la cit de Cassandreia en l'honneur d'Ammonios,
citoyen d'Alexandrie (?). Il apporte la preuve ... J.-C., dont l'un pourrait
tre le temple de Posidon, si l'on en croit les ddicaces des vases
trouvs aux alentours. Amyeufianvj ...
Dictionnaire des antiquits grecques et romains d'aprs ... 454.
Charles Daremberg, Edmond Saglio.
Pausanias's Description of Greece 3 632. Pausnias1913See
Sir E. H. Bunbury, in Smith's Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Geography, article '
Hybla ' ; Freeman, History of Sicily, 1. p. 512 sqq. ; and on the Galeots,
see note on vi. 2. 4. 24. 1. The altar of Zeus Laoetas and Poseidon
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 47 254. H. W.
Pleket, Johan Strubbe, R. S. Stroud2000A.D. Stone stele with relief
representation of Poseidon, standing near a ship and holding a trident in
his left and a dolphin ... The new text shows that at the early stage of its
existence Kassandreia was neither an independent polis nor an ally of ...
. 16, 1 422. 1987
(- ),
. ... , (,
) (, , '
Public Organization in Ancient Greece: A Documentary Study. Nicholas
F. Jones19875. For the cult of Poseidon, see E. Meyer, "Poteidaia 1),"


RE Suppl. 10 (1965) 616-639: 627- 628 (Poteidaia), 635 (Kassandreia).

2 Thessalonike 1. IG, loc. cit., and CP 53 (1958) 62, note 8, where the
candidacy of Antigonos I is dismissed. 2.
Hellenistic Economies 250. Zofia H. Archibald, John Davies,
Vincent Gabrielsen 2006 within the context of the battle of Andros (246/5
BC).25 Moreover, the earliest hoard with Poseidon head tetradrachms,
Karditsa (Palaiokastro), ... There survives only a single hoard with a
transitional gold stater, Poteidaia/Kassandreia, 1984.

Poseidon, Persian, Potidaea

A Companion to Greek Studies 5 ... all times been dangerous to
navigators from its liability to attract storms, as the Persians discovered
when the fleet of Mardonius was wrecked on its coasts. ... and close to the
Potidaea of Pallene, which is narrower than that of Athos, being only
half a mile wide, lay the important Corinthian colony of Potidaea. ...
Olympus and Ossa, which was created by a stroke of the trident of
Poseidon the earth-shaker.
A Guide to the Ancient World: A Dictionary of Classical ... 521.
Michael Grant1986Potidaea Still standing, however, beside the ancient
habitation center is one of the most impressive groups of Doric temples
from the ancient world. ... Adjoining it is the 'Temple of Poseidon' (c
450?) ... A strongly fortified port, Potidaea resisted a siege by the
Persian general Ar- tabazus (480-479) and subsequently joined the ...
A History of Greece: From the Ionian revolt to the thirty ... 537
Evelyn Abbott1892
A History of Greece: From the Ionian revolt to the thirty ... 537
Evelyn Abbott 1900 Post," the Persian, iii. 2. Poseidon, festival of, at
Sunium, ii. 2 ; the "Saviour," iv. 2; his temple at Potidaea desecrated, iv.
26 ; statue of, consecrated from the spoils of Plataea, v. 16. Poseidonia
(Paestum), a colony of Sybaris, xiii. 14. Potidaea ...
A History of Greece: Fron the Ionian revolt to the thirty ... 201
Evelyn Abbott1892 For three months the siege The siege of lingered on ;
Artabazus had no ships, and as the Potidaea. walls of the city ... of
Poseidon, whose image and temple, situated in a suburb of the city, had
-been desecrated by the Persians,1 1 Herod, viii.


A History of Greece 1 270 Connop Thirlwall (bp. of St.

David's)1855 ... Salamis and the flight of the Persian fleet, had cast off
the yoke: Potidaea, on the Potidaea of Pallene, wasthe foremost ...
among the allies, the commanders met in the temple of Poseidon on the
Potidaea, to award the palm of individual merit.
A History of Greece 2 537 Evelyn Abbott1892 Post, the
Persian, iii. 2. Poseidon, festival of, at Sunium, ii. 2 ; the Saviour," iv.
2; his temple at Potidaea desecrated, iv. 26 ; statue of, consecrated from
the spoils of Plataea, v. 16. Poseidonia (Paestum), a colony of Sybaris,
xiii. 14.Potidaea ...
A New History of the Peloponnesian War 284 2009 ... 208, 210
12, 233 perioikoi 86 Persephone 9, 149, 166 Persia 511, 140, 147, 168
71 Athens after the Persian War 59 ... Spartiates Poseidon 139, 218
post-traumatic stress disorder 128, 160 post-war Sparta 21819
POTIDAEA 19, 278, ...
A Popular Handbook to the Greek and Roman Antiquities in ...Sir Edward
Tyas Cook1903 That there were lions in this district at the time of the
Persian wars we know from Herodotus. ... Poseidon of Potidaea (I. B
9). ... The type on our coin Poseidon on horseback, holding a trident
may have been copied from the statue.
A Short History of the Greeks: From the Earliest Times to ... 386
Evelyn S. Shuckburgh 2013 ... 47 Porns, Indian king, 297 Poseidon, 58
Potidaea, besieged by Artabazus, 165; revolts from Athens, 219, 220;
fall of, ... 69, 70; battle of, 159, 160 Salamis in Cyprus, 191 Samos, rise
of under Polycrates, 103, 104; conquered by Persians, ...
Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography Peter
Green1970 ... Porus (s.o. Porus) : 395 Poseidon: 166, 194, 227, 252, 256,
417,429,464 Potidaea : 1 , 2 1 , 29, 38 Priam: 167 Priapus ... 143; Indian,
425; Persian, 37, 203, 224, 299, 314-15; Philip II's, 50, 81, 98, 103, 105
Propontis (Sea of Marmara) : 64, ...
Alexander the Great 388 Philip Freeman 2011 ... 31 Macedonia
expanded by, 1922 marriages of, 1415 Olympias and, 1517 proposed
invasion of Persia by, 3132, ... of Issus battle at, 11920 Porus, King of
the Paurava, 272, 27376, 277, 282, 322 Poseidon (god), 13132
Potidaea, 2, ...
Alexander the Great: Son of the Gods 174 Alan Fildes, Joann
Fletcher 2004 ... 79 palace at 73-4, 75 temples of 73 treasuries of 74


Persia 24, 26, 27, 30, 37, 40-41 Achaemenid empire and dynasty in ...
137, 138 and Battle of the Jhelum 1 12-13 Poseidon 137, 143 Potidaea
15, 29 pottery 17, 21, 22, 101, 132, 140, 145, ...
An Analysis and Summary of Herodotus: With a ... 339
Herodotus, James Talboys Wheeler1854 Poseidon, the Egyptian god,
came from Libya, 61 ; Scythian worship of, 130, 131 ; Thessalian legend
respecting, 229. Poseidon HeliconiuB, the national god of the Ionians, 30
n. Poseidonius, slain at Plataea, 291. Potidaea, 228 ; besieged by Artabazus, 272. Prasias ... Psammenitus, king of Egypt, 90 ; his contests with
the invading Persians, ib. ; insulted by the Persians, 91 ; revolts, and is
put to death, ib.
Anabasis: With an Interlinear Translation, for the Use of ... Xenophon,
Thomas Clark 2012 The battle for the West: Thermopylae 213
Aristophanes and Alcibiades: Echoes of Contemporary ... 240
Michael Vickers 2015 ... xvi Pharnabazus (Persian satrap), 60 Pheidias
(sculptor), 75, 126 Pheidippides, in Clouds, 22, 35, 36, 161, 187, 191 ...
84, 1745 portmanteau characterization, xv, 36, 122, 187 Poseidon, 106
potential optative, 20, 86, 102, 144 Potidaea, xii, ...
Athens: A Portrait of the City in Its Golden Age 621 Christian
Meier 2015 ... 526, 529, 542, 543 supreme power in, 323 Themistocles in,
209, 234 thetes in, 288, 289, 559 and war with Persia, 216 and war with
Sparta, 57071, 580 Poseidon, 34, 128, 241, 274, 391, 400 temple to,
557 Potidaea, 448, 450, 454, 456, ...
Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought 80 R. J.
Hankinson 2001 When the Persians attempting to capture Potidaea are
overwhelmed by a tidal wave, the Potidaeans, not unnaturally, put their
deliverance down to the partiality of Poseidonthe Persians having
profaned a temple of hisand Herodotus ...
Civic Rites: Democracy and Religion in Ancient Athens 270
Nancy Evans 2010 Pericles {continued) 99; death of, 63, 81, 99; as
general, 63, 93, 9599; produces Persians, 8182, 197; prosecutes ...
See procession Pompeion, 54, 59, 210, 243-44 Poseidon, 21, 45, 52, 90,
159, 162 Potidaea, xviii map 2, 93-94, 99, 141, ...
Classical Greece, 500-323 BC 266 Robin Osborne 2000 ... 91, 92
3 population 40, 81, 146 of Athens 201, 40 Poseidon 8, 12
Posidippus, comic poet 147, 245 Potidaea 103, ... war memorials in 82


sanctuary, Greek 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 229 Sappho 12 Sardis 142,
171 satraps, Persian 200, ...
Classical Greece: 500-323 BC 266 Robin Osborne2000 ... 91, 92
3 population 40, 81, 146 of Athens 201, 40 Poseidon 8, 12
Posidippus, comic poet 147, 245 Potidaea 103, ... war memorials in 82
sanctuary, Greek 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 229 Sappho 12 Sardis 142,
171 satraps, Persian 200, ...
Crowell's handbook of classical drama 285 Richmond Yancey
Hathorn1967 ... Euboea where the Persian fleet once landed. Poseidon.
Myth. Greek god of the sea, brother of Zeus and Hades. Poseidon must
originally have been a god not only of the sea, but of the earth and sky,
since he was ... Potidaea (Gk. Potidaia).
Delphi Complete Works of Herodotus (Illustrated) Herodotus 2013. But
when Artabazus had besieged Potidaea for three months, there was a
great ebbtide in the sea which lasted for a long ... in the fact that those
same Persians who now perished in the sea had profaned the temple and
the image of Poseidon ...
Democracy's Beginning: The Athenian Story 349 Thomas N.
Mitchell 2015 ... summary of qualities, 14243 Persian wars and their
effects, 4959 Pheidias, 116 Philip II: expansionist campaigns, ... 23335,
243, 25052, 300 Poseidon and Athens, 116, 11820, 122 Potidaea, 137
38, 158,277,279 Private property, 70, ...
Dialogues of Plato: Translated Into English, with Analyses ... 596
Benjamin Jowett 2010 1 2 1 A. Persians, Laches 191 C. 1 Alcib. 120 A,
C, E; 122 C. Menex. 239 D ; 240 A ... 511 D. Laws 7, 804 E. Porus,
Symp. 203 B, C. Poseidon, Crit0 43C,D; 116C; 117B; 119 C,D. Gorg.
523 A. Cratyl. 402 D, E. Hip. Min. 370 C. Potidaea, Charm.
Diodorus Siculus, The Persian Wars to the Fall of Athens: ... 325
2010 ... (Athenian general), 131 Pharax (Spartan counselor), 158
Pharnabazus (Persian satrap) supports Sparta in Peloponnesian War, 194
195, 205, ... 2 Pontus, 11, 13, 300 See also Black Sea pool, artificial
swimming-, at Acragas, 34, 240 Poseidon, dedication of captured ship to,
132 Poseidonius of Apamea, 6 Postumius Tubertus, Aulus (Roman
dictator), 144145 Potidaea, 10, 114n, 118119, index 325.
Divinity and History: The Religion of Herodotus 305 Thomas
Harrison 2002 26 Persia 219, 234, 237 Persian(s) 31, 34 n.8, 37 n. ... 8,
199, 203-4, 241 polytheism as an embedded assumption 170, 179, 218-9


Poseidon 15-16, 69, 95-7, 105, 1145, 164-5, 168, 171, 173 0.63, 180,
196, 211, 220, 251, 258 Potidaea ...
Empire of Ancient Greece 157 Jean Kinney Williams 2009 ... 88
building projects of 39, 120, 121 democracy and 12,4142,7475, 141
speeches 45 perioikoi 96 Persephone 100 Persian Empire 40, 115
Alexander the Great ... See also specific class employment 3940 housing
8586 Solon's reforms regarding 3132, 7172 Poseidon 69, 99, 100,
119120 Potidaea 42 pottery 26, 35, 80, 85, 88, 109, 116118 poverty 22,
27, 28, 32, 41 priestesses 25, 105106.
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece 497 Nigel Wilson 2013 67)
describes a few shrines and sanctuaries dedicated to Poseidon, Artemis,
Aphrodite, and Asclepius, the last of ... JOHN E. THORBURN Further
Reading Badian, E., From Plataea to Potidaea: Studies in the History and
Historiography of the Pentecontaetia, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins ...
Though the first Persian invasion of Greece by Darius in 490 bc was
defeated by the Athenian army at Marathon, the ...
Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World 277. David Sacks,
Oswyn Murray, Lisa R. Brody 2014Potidaea 277 clever, sometimes in
contrast with the wise goddess ATHENA. Poseidon was an important god
for the Athenianshe was associated with the hero THESEUS, and he
had a shrine inside ... local Greek resistance to the invading Persians of
480479 B.C.E., its formidable defenses withstanding a Persian siege.
Ernle Dusgate Selby Bradford 1980 They attributed the Persian disaster
to the fact that they had desecrated Poseidon's shrine and statue which
had formerly stood outside the walls. Artabazus lifted the siege and
marched to join Mardonius. Potidaea had been an irritant, but ...
Eros at the Banquet: Reviewing Greek with Plato's Symposium. Louise
Pratt 2012 ... 10, 14, 244n33, 328 Persia, 86, 88n78ln78, 215n3637,
328 Phaedo (dialogue by Plato), 330; Apollodorus in, 27, ... 5, 6
Plutarch,12, 29, 121n26, 229, 328 Poseidon, 239n37 Potidaea, 261n2,
269n30-31, 331 Predicate partitive genitive, ...
From Ikaria to the Stars: Classical Mythification, Ancient ... 320.
Peter Green 2013 28; Panhellenic crusade against, 123, 127, 128, 177
Persian Wars: 31, 98, 108, i11, 112, 113-14, 125, 128 Peters, B.: 294 ...
133, 146 Polydeuces: 33 Polyphemus: 291 Polyxena: 116 Po R.
(Eridanos): 29, 39 Poschl, V.: 253, 256, 260 Poseidon: 16, 20 n. 51, 29 n.
88, 248, 290 Posidippus (playwright): 131 Potidaea: 93 n.


From the earliest period to the end of the Persian war. v. ... 555
George William Cox1874 ... and that 20,000 represent the losses
sustained in the siege of Potidaia and in the fatal fight which destroyed
the array of Mardonios. ... But if Mardonios retained the flower of the
Persian army in Boiotia, some allowance must be made for the fact
that ... 129, ascribes their fate to their profanation of the temple of
Greek coins 330 Colin M. Kraay1966 128) was of greater
importance, for, beginning about 530 bc, it was resumed after the Persian
Wars, and continued at ... the head of the League's patron deity, Apollo,
on the obverse and his lyre on the reverse (nos 407-413, Pis 132-134); a
few gold staters with the same types are also known. ... The flat fabric of
this coin is quite unlike that of other coins from this mint; this may be
Potidaea's earliest issue.
Greek Realities: Life and Thought in Ancient Greece 461 Finley
Hooper1967 Perinthus, 412 perioikoi, 96, 98, 369 Persephone, 389
Persepolis, 422 Perses, 70 Persia, Persians, 129, 138, 145, 150, ... 252
253 Pontus, 438 Poseidon, 59, 184185, 226, 228, 236 237; temple
of, in Calauria, 437 Potidaea, 279-280, ...
Greeks and Barbarians 390 Kostas Vlassopoulos 2013 ... 175, 262
Persia [2] 2, 14, 15, 17, 101, 138, 149, 188, 195, 197, 250, 262, 264, 295,
303, 311 Persian Empire 1, 10, 17, ... [4] 105 Pontus [8] 310 Poseidon
304 Poseidonia [4] 105, 109, 110, 113 Posideion 268 post-colonialism 2
Potidaea [1] ...
Herodotos: Urania. VII. 243 1894
Herodotus and Religion in the Persian Wars 114. Jon D.
Mikalson 2004Persian fleet were credited to the winds by the Delphians,
to Boreas and their Oreithyia by the Athenians, but to Poseidon ... final
blow, Poseidon of Potidaea with a timely and unusually large flood tide
helped the Potidaeans in 479 massacre a ...
Herodotus 313 Alan B. Lloyd1993 I, 128; on priestly
purification, II, 288; on mummification, II, 356 Portents, in Eg. texts, II,
345-6 Portugal, and Celts, II, 141 Poseidon, origin of, I, 87, 114, 149. ...
III, 153 Poseidonius, on climate, II 147 Potasimto, and Nubian
expedition, I, 22 Potidaea, and Corinth, I, 27 Pottery, Minoan, I, ... king,
and chronology, I, 185, 189-90; as Psammetichus III, I, 192-3; and
Persian invasion, II, 3-4; and rain at Thebes, I, 71; ...


Herodotus, Explorer of the Past: Three Essays 19 James Allan

Stewart Evans 2014 The Persians under Artabazus' command who were
drowned by an unusually high tide as they assaulted Potidaea, suffered
retribution for desecrating Poseidon's temple. So the Potidaeans said,
and Herodotus agreed. The Aeginetans who ...
Herodotus. VIII. Urania 243 Herodotus, Evelyn Shirley
Herodotus: A Very Short Introduction 111. Jennifer T. Roberts
2011Take the blinding wind and rain that decreased the Persian fleet near
Artemisium, a storm that Herodotus attributes to ... to engage the
Persian forces at Mycale; think of the Persians who drowned at
Potidaea as Poseidon exacted retribution ...
Hippias maior: Hippias minor Plato, Bruno Vancamp1996 Das Buch
bietet eine neue kritische Ausgabe der platonischen Dialoge aHippias
maioro und aHippias minoro.
Hyperides: Funeral Oration 144 Judson Herrman 2009 ... 96, 108
paideia, 7274 paramythia, 16, 26, 107 Pausanias, 12, 58, 90 Peparethos,
59 Persia, 7, 8, 10, 84, 87 Persian ... Poseidon, 89 Potidaea, 62
Prodicus, 68 rape, see sexual violence rhetorical devices alliteration, 108
antithesis, 61, 70, ...
Isocrates I 2013 Persian War, 184 n.6 Pharnabazus, 151 n.31 Phidias,
205 Philip (of Athens), 92 Philip of Macedon, 2, 3, 5 Philomelus, 83, ...
50, 59, 60 polypragmosyn, 54 Polytion, 69 Pontus, 264 Poseidon, 36-38,
43, 52, 57 Potidaea, 225-226 poverty, 184, ...
Leonidas and the Kings of Sparta: Mightiest Warriors, ... 250
Alfred S. Bradford 2011 ... 224 Persia, Persian empire, 6162, 68, 69,
7479, 83, 85, 100, 115, 141, 147, 160, 164, 183, 185 Phalanx, 3031,
36, ... 25, 26, 33 Pompey, 22122 Poseidon, 4, 112, 163, 194, 220, 224
Poseidonios, 99 Potidaea, siege, 11722 Procles, 1, ...
Libanius's Progymnasmata: 546 Libanius, Craig A. Gibson 2008
... Pericles 83,181,239,245 Perinthus 243,339 Persephone 53,397 Perseus
37,41 Persia 245 Persian(s) 105, 245, 283, ... Portheus 231 Poseidon
31,95,113,201,207,209,229, 269, ...
Memory in Jewish, Pagan and Christian Societies of the ... 53
Doron Mendels 2004 Although only a mortal he foolishly thought he


could overcome all the gods, including Poseidon (749-51), says

Darius. ... 1 7. E. Badian, From Plataea to Potidaea: Studies in 'Collective
memory' and Nostalgia in Aeschylus' Persians 53.
New England Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly 1879 The two crags that
at that time bore down upon the Persians were still lying in the enclosure
at Athens to silence skeptics. 8.39. Poseidon was not behind the others.
At the seige of Potidaea a sudden flood-tide overwhelmed the Persians.
New Englander and Yale Review 38 554 Edward Royall
Tyler, William Lathrop Kingsley, George Park Fisher1879 The two crags
that at that time bore down upon the Persians were still lying in the
enclosure at Athens to silence skeptics. 8. 39. Poseidon was not behind
the others. At the seige of Potidaea a sudden flood-tide overwhelmed the
Pausaniou Hellados perigsis: Messniaka-liaka 312.
Pausanias, Nikolaos D. Papachatzs1999... ,
(9,82), , ...
. 9,81 (
4,5 ), ... .,
Platonic Questions: Dialogues with the Silent Philosopher 307
Diskin Clay 2010 Stt also Sicilian expedition Penelope, 104, 270 Penia
(Poverty), 65, 173 Pericles, 71 Persia, 273 Phaedo of Elis, 5, 7, 24, ... 65,
173 Porphyry of Tyre, 280, 283 Poseidon, 263 Potidaea, 9, 12, 18,57,58
Polemarchos, 18,95-96, 155, 158-59, 169, ...
Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito: Critical Essays 51
Rachana Kamtekar 2004 When he tells the story of the prodigiously high
tide that overwhelmed the Persian army at Potidaea he endorses the local
belief that it was caused by Poseidon punishing the invaders for
desecrating his shrine.M Should we ever forget how ...
Plutarch's Cimon and Pericles: With the Funeral Oration of ... 12
Plutarch, Bernadotte Perrin1910 432 Prosecutions of Aspasia,
Anaxagoras, and Phei- dias (Pericles, xxxi.-xxxii.). ... Athenian naval
expedition round Peloponnesus and to Potidaea (ib., xxxv. 1, 3). ...
-Persian wars extend from the Scythian expedition of Darius (514 B.
c.) ...


Porus (Indian ruler) 10, fig.10.7 Poseidon 3, no.20, n.3; 7, no.27

Poseidonius 11, no.20, n.4 Posidium (1) (Thrace) 7, no.22 (2) (Levant)
14, no.2 potibazisv (PTP; pitibogo; patbag; pithvabaga) 2, no.8 Potidaea,
Potidaean(s) 7, no.49 (ii); ...
Reason and Religion in Socratic Philosophy 56 Nicholas D.
Smith, Paul Woodruff 2000 When he tells the story of the prodigiously
high tide that overwhelmed the Persian army at Potidaea he endorses the
local belief that it was caused by Poseidon punishing the invaders for
desecrating his shrine." Should we ever forget how tiny ...
Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War 79 Howard Hayes
Scullard 1930 There would then be a close parallel in the incident
recorded by Herodotus of Artabazus' blockade of Potidaea ; after a
three ... The Persians assigned the cause to the profanation of the temple
and image of Poseidon, but the real cause was a ...
Selected Speeches 526 Demosthenes, 2014 ... 257 Polysthenes
310 Polystratus 28 Polyzelus 2223 Porthmus 60, 64, 85, 156 Poseidon
(god) 278 Potidaea 56, 10, ... 380 Perdiccas 309 Pericles 19 Perilas 81,
129, 203 Perinthus 88, 295, 3012 Persephone (goddess) 412 Persia
32, ...
Six of Plutarch's Greek Lives: Cimon. Pericles, with the ... 12
Plutarch1910 432 Prosecutions of Aspasia, Anaxagoras, and Phei- dias
(Pericles, xxxi.-xxxii.). 431 Theban assault upon Plataea, a city ...
Athenian naval expedition round Peloponnesus and to Potidaea (ib.,
xxxv. 1, 3). Pericles is deposed from command, ...
The Ancient Greeks at War 253 Louis Rawlings 2007 ... 135, 146,
156, 161, 166-7, 173n.5, 174n.6, 176n.43 the Younger 71 Persepolis 150
Persia 13, 43, 47, 1 12-16, 133-4, ... 107, 126n.9 Poseidon 35, 124, 12930, 162, 186, 192 Potidaea 14, 70, 99, 1 15, 134, 161, 163, 168 prisoners
79n.21, ...
The Ancient World 1-5 609 Sarolta Anna Takacs, Eric H.
Cline 2015 See Pax Romana Peloponnesian Wars, 189192 Pericles, 190
Periodization, 119, 558 Persian wars, 192194, 193t ... See City-states
Pompeii, 116t, 195196, 195p Poseidon, 175, 199 Potidaea, 190 Pottery,
120 Bronze Age, 124125 Etruscan, ...
The Art of Horsemanship 183 Xenophon 2013 ... and we have
seen that the Athenians had no cavalry before the Persian wars), or else
that the event described took place after the return of the Sybarites ... A


silver coin of Potidaea, of about 500 B. ... The rider is Poseidon Hippios,
the sea-god here appearing as patron of horses, which, according to the
myth, he created.
The Cambridge Ancient History: Persia, Greece, and the ... 586
Cambridge University Press, John Boardman, N. G. L. Hammond1988
Persia had extended her empire on the mainland to the borders of Attica
and at sea to Carystus and Andros. ... The only organized revolt was that
of Potidaea, a colony of Corinth, situated at the neck of the Pallene
peninsula and defended by walls which ... as the citizens believed, of their
patron god, Poseidon Hippios, god of the sea and of the earthquake (he
figured on their fine silver tetradrachms).
The Cambridge Ancient History: Plates, New ed., 1988 918 John
Bagnell Bury, Stanley Arthur Cook, Frank Ezra Adcock 1988 ... Lars, 668
Porto Perone, 683 Porto Saturo, 683 portraiture, 617 Portugal, 775
Poseidon, 354, 377, 378, 383, 391, 392, ... 153 postal system, Persian,
178 Potidaea, 244Dc (map 10), 449)1 (map 1)), 505, 52tCb (map 1j),
586-7, 594 pottery, ...
The Cambridge Ancient History 10 586 1982 Persia had
extended her empire on the mainland to the borders of Attica and at sea to
Carystus and Andros. ... The only organized revolt was that of Potidaea, a
colony of Corinth, situated at the neck of the Pallene peninsula and
defended by walls which ... as the citi2ens believed, of their patron god,
Poseidon Hippios, god of the sea and of the earthquake (he figured on
their fine silver tetradrachms).
The Cambridge ancient history 4 918 John Boardman1992
502, 548, 551, 563, 584, 609, 616, 755; Poseidon Hippios, 586
Poseidonia (Paestum), 439, 44>Hc ... 710, 712 Posideum, 2Ec (map 1),
14oDd (map j), 153 postal system, Persian, 178 Potidaea, 244Dc (map
1o), 449 J c (map 13), 505, 52tCb ...
The Cambridge Ancient History 5 594 John Boederman ...
473; and revolution of Four Hundred 474, 475, 480, 484 221-2, 246,
Poseidonia 141 potagogides (women-spies) 1 5 3 Potidaea ... cult of
Asclepius 261, 313; Peloponnese isolated from 388^2; Pericles struck by
267 Plataea 2 Cb; in Persian Wars 91 (see also Plataea, ... Tyre 9, 10
Poseidon: Acropolis cult 246, 250, 257-8; Isthmian Games in honour of
224, 23 1; Isthmian temple 231-2; temple at Sunium ...


The Campaign of Plataea (September, 479 B.C.) 36. Henry Burt

Wright1904At Sparta Persian colonnade (p. 33). Tomb of Pausam'as
(p. 33). Statues for Pausanias (p. 33). At Tegea Manger of Mardonius
in the temple of Warlike Athena (Hdt. 9. 70). At Potidaea Temple and
image of Poseidon desecrated by the ...
The Classical Greek Reader 385 Kenneth John Atchity, Rosemary
McKenna1996 Its favorite gods were Artemis, Apollo, and Athena. ...
Because of aidos, Apollo refuses to fight with his elder, Poseidon. ... was
born around 450 B.C. Socrates saved his life at the battle of Potidaea, in
432 B.C. Of a noble and wealthy family and raised in Pericles' ...
charismatic brilliance and unique military genius, to bring under his sway
all of Greece, the Persian empire of Darius, and most of the known ...
The Discovery of Freedom in Ancient Greece: Revised and ...Kurt
Raaflaub 2004 330n.168, 335n.32 peace, 38-40, 132; with Persia (see
Peace of Callias). ... 190, 252, 254, 272, 284n.12 politicization, 270, 272
Polycrates of Samos, 68, 90, 105 Polyneices, 223 Poseidon, 315n.215
Potidaea, 78, 161, 195, 197 Pre-Socratics, ...
The Facts on File Companion to Classical Drama 676 John E.
Thorburn 2005 ... 458 pornoboskos (pornoboskoi) 450451 Porphyrion
458 Poseidon (Neptune) 458459 Amymone and 42 in Birds
(Aristophanes) ... in The Rope (Plautus) 483 in Trojan Women
(Euripides) 562 postscaenium 459 Pot Feast (Chytroi) 137 Potidaea 416
Potidaia 459 The ... 201, 202 The Persian (Aeschylus) comparison 423
424 Psophis 473 Pterelas (Pterelaus) 473 Ptolemocratia 481 puella
(puellae) ...
The Formation of the Greek People A. Jarde 2013 Pindos, Mt., 111
Pitane, M Platsea : position, Q, A, m; relations with Thebes and Ath.,
21, m-s, Q3; Persian Wars, 21, m, m, ... quoted, 3E POSEIDON, 2, 33,
83, 26, m, Q2, 2113-2, Q5 Poseidonia, m, m Poseidonios, quoted, fl
Potidaea, 22, ...
The Greek Historians 817 1942 1 16 polygamy, in Persia, 1. 135;
Agathyrsi (common wives), iv. ... 192 Poseidon, 11. 43, 50; vn. 129; vm.
55; "the Saviour", vn. 192, 193; at Mycale (Heliconios), 1. 148; at the
Potidaea, vm. 123; ix. 81; at Potidaea, vm. 129; of the Libyans, iv.
180 ...
The Greek Historians: The Complete and Unabridged ...Francis Richard
Borroum Godolphin, Herodotus, Thucydides194244; city burnt by


Persians, vm. 50; battle, ix. 28-85 Platea, island of ... 192 Poseidon, n.
43, 50; vn. 129; vm. 55; "the Saviour", vn. 192, 193; at Mycale
(Heliconios), i. 148; at the Potidaea, vm. 123; ix. 81; at Potidaea, vm.
129; of the Libyans, rv. 180 ...
The Growth of the Athenian Economy A French 2013 ... 125, 1278, 130,
1356, 141, 1523,155,157, 15962, 164, 166, 1702, 1745 Persia,
36,716,78,8091, 95, 99102, ... in food production, 28, 41, 58, 83, 95,
1334 147, 164, 169 Porridge, 8, 159 Poseidon, 160 Potidaea, 105, 167
Pottery, ...
The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus 538 Herdot, Harry
Carter1962 538 The Persian fleet wintering at Samos vm at the place
agreed upon, he missed and hit a man of Potidaea in the ... and the
disaster to the Persians was that those who were killed in the sea had
trespassed on the temple of Poseidon and his ...
The History of Herodotus 2 407 Herodotus1890 44 ; city
burnt by Persians, viii. 50 ; battle of Plataia, ix. ... 95 Porata, tributary of
the Ister, iv. 48 Poseidon, ii. 43, 50 ; vii. 129 ; viii. SS ; " the Saviour, "
vii. 192, 193; at Mycale (Heliconios), i. ... 127, 128: Potidaians, men of
Potidaia, viii. 126-129 '.
The Justice of Zeus 41 64. Hugh Lloyd-Jones1983If he
mentions Persian criticisms of Greek anthropomorphism37 or explains
that the epithets, attributes and types of the ... for he attributes to
Poseidon the tidal wave that prevented the Persians from taking
Potidaea.43 Both Plataea and Mycale ...
The New Englander 38 554 1879 The two crags that at that
time bore down upon the Persians were still lying in the enclosure at
Athens to silence skeptics. 8. 39. Poseidon was not behind the others. At
the seige of Potidaea a sudden flood-tide overwhelmed the Persians.
The Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse 531 William
Ridgeway 2015 ... 295 Periplus, 158 Perissodactyles, 5 Perseus, 252
Persia, asses of, 149; good Turcoman horses, 132; horses of, 160; ... 153
Poseidon, 301 Poseidonius, 257, 401 Potidaea, coin of, 301 Pottery from
Daphnae, 244 Powerscourt, Wiscount, the ...
The Origin and Influenfe of the Thoroughbred Horse 531 ... 252
Persia, asses of, 149 ; good Turcoman horses, 132; horses of, 160 ;
included Carmania, 47 Persian, 381 ; horse, 175, ... 153 Poseidon, 301


Poseidonius, 257, 401 Potidaea, coin of, 301 Pottery from Daphnae, 244
Powerscourt, Viscount, ...
The Oxford History of Greece and the Hellenistic World 485 John
Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn Murray1991 ... law defining citizenship
Cimon's return from exile and death on campaign against Persia in
Cyprus Revolt ayinst Persia in Syria 'Peace ... Amphipolis War between
Corinth and Corcyra over Epidamnus Athenian alliance with Corcyra
Revolt of Potidaea from Athens Start of ... (Pyrlnan 8) Herodotus of
Halicamassus active Parthenon frieze Leucippus invents atomic theory
Temple of Poseidon at Sunium ...
The Peloponnesian War 693 Thucydides, 2009 Polymedes,
Thessalian commander 2.22 Poseidon, god: temples at Taenarum 1.128,
Mende 4.129, near Nisaea 4.1 18; sanctuary at Colonus 8.67; ship
dedicated to Poseidon by Athenians (429) 2.84 Potamis, Syracusan
commander sent to fleet at Miletus (41 1) 8.85 POTIDAEA, city on ...
7.57; (519) help refused by Sparta, given by Athens against Thebes 3.55,
3.61; (479) battle of Plataea in Persian ...
The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources from the ... 1006 A.
Kuhrt 2013 This Gulf of Fire: The Destruction of Lisbon, or ...Mark
Molesky 2015By contrast, his predecessor Herodotus attributed the
Potidaean Tsunami (which occurred during the Persian siege of
Potidaea in 479 BC) to the wrath of Poseidon. According to the Father of
History, the Persians had behaved sacrilegiously ...
The Rise Of The Greeks Michael Grant 2012 ... Amyntas I, as a result of
Darius Is Balkan expedition and annexation of Thrace, felt obliged to
become a Persian vassal. ... When Potidaea started issuing coins, in
about 500, they depicted Poseidon, after whom the city took its name.
The Spartan Supremacy 412-371 BC 297 Bob Bennett, Mike
Roberts 2014 ... 88 Periander, 150 Pericles, Admiral, 389 Pericles,
Statesman, 23, 25, 62 Perigiali, 117 Persepolis, 103 Persia, xvxx, 24,
69, 12, 24, ... Polybiades, 203, 224 Polybius, 227, 256 Polycharmus, 128
Polydamas, 230 Polydorus Island, 21 Polyxenus, 186 Pompey, 66
Poseidon, 4, 162, 174 Potidaea, 114, 150, 195, 197, 199, 201 Potniae,
223 Praxitas, 1546, 158, 161, 166, 168 Praxiteles, xix Preveza, ...
The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of ... 422
Herodotus, Bart George William COX (calling himself Sir George
William Cox)1861 Persian war, the, legendary causes 0|', 3, 5, 266, 267;


character of, 242, 381 ; connection of events in, 247~-253; ... Poseidon,
102. Potidaea, siege of, hy Artahazus, 165. Protesilaiis, the hero, 233.
Psammenltus, 18. Psyttaleia, 143, 151.
The Tale of the Great Persian War: From the Histories of ... 267
George William Cox1869 Potidaia, siege of, by Artabazos, 173
Protesila0s, the hero, 241 Psammenitos, 22 Psyttaleia, 150, 157
Pylagorai, 112 Pythagoras, ... 152 ; victory of the Greeks at, 154, 157
Samians, the, deprived of their arms by the Persians, 233 Sandanis, the
counsel of, 11 Sardes, ... I Thersandros, tale of, 188 195; battle of, 213,
217 Polykrates, 25, 31 Polykritos, 156 Poseidon, 108 5 Thespians, 115 l
Thessalians, the, ...
The Way of Herodotus: Travels with the Man who Invented ...Justin
Marozzi 2010 Persian empire coups and counter-coups in 521 BC, 211
incompetence at sea, 275, 277278 punishment for ... See also Samos
Popular Orthodox Ralley (LAOS) party, 225227 Poseidon, 297298,
310, 319, 321 Potidaea (Thrace, Greece), ...
The year of Thermopylae 213 Ernle Dusgate Selby Bradford 1980
They attributed the Persian disaster to the fact that they had desecrated
Poseidon's shrine and statue which had formerly stood outside the walls.
Artabazus lifted the siege and marched to join Mardonius. Potidaea had
been an irritant, but ...
Thucydides a violent teacher?: History and its ... 325 Georg
Rechenauer, Vassiliki Pothou 2011 33; 253, n. 41; 254 ff.; 267; 268; 274;
275 Persian war Phaeacians phantasy 59 Pharisees 94 Philistus 80 Philo
93; 95 n. ... strategies 174 f.; 178 theory 173 ff. political effects 242
Polycrates 64; 68; 74ff. population 245248; 250; 252; 259 populism 276
Poseidon 103106; 113, n. 29; 112 n. 27 positivism 53 possession for all
times, Kthuo gig et 49; 82; 84; 165 Potidaea 100 ff.; 112 f., n. 26, n. 27;
124 f.
Thucydides and Internal War 400 Jonathan J. Price 2001 Q4811.
251:6:/s. see also speeches Persians 140, 188, 234, 304, 306, 363-71
Persian Wars 106, 107, 121, 135, 164, 190-1, ... 230, 241, 266 Polycrates
220, 341, 343 Poseidon at Mende 232 at Tainaros 230 Potidaea 160 n.
70, 172, 216, 268 ...
Thucydides P. J. Rhodes 2015 This concise introductory guide sets
Thucydides in context as a Greek historian writing about the


Peloponnesian War; as an intellectual in the era of the 'sophists', who

were willing to question a variety of traditional assumptions; and as ...
Thucydides: The War of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians
Thucydides, Jeremy Mynott 2013 ... place in Thessaly V 13.1 Pindus,
mountain in Thessaly II 102.2 Pissouthnes, Persian governor I 1 15.4i5',
III 31 . ... Sea Poseidon, Greek god I 128.1, II 84.4, IV 1 18.4, 129.3, VIII
67.2 Potamis, Syracusan general VIII 85.3 Potidaea, city in ...
Tsunami: Nature and Culture Richard Hamblyn 2014 440 BC ), the
Persian attackers attempted to exploit an unusual withdrawal of the sea
around the peninsula, only to be caught ... the sea's dramatic withdrawal
and incursion to Poseidon's anger at the Persian attack onthe temple at
Una historia personal de las bacterias 35 2007 Hagnon, que llev
la flota y la plaga a Potidaea, perdi 1.050 de sus 4.000 hombres en 40
das, calculndose una tasa epidmica de ataque de 262,5 por mil. La
epidemia se extendi por Etiopa, Egipto, Libia, Persia y Lemnos,
respetando, ...
Xenophon and His World: Papers from a Conference Held
in ...Christopher Tuplin, Vincent Azoulay 2004 ... popularization: 24, 8284, 85 population levels: see manpower Poseidon: 237, 238, 239-240,
242 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: 27-28, ... 264, 272-273, 274 in
Lyceum: 262, 263 Medo-Persian: 148 n.5, 157 military aspect: 259, 262,
23, 265, 268, 273 Panathenaic: 262, ... 333, 335 in World Wars: 325, 327328, 329, 333 Potidaea: 376, 428 present tense, historic: 366
Presocratics: 81 prisoners-of-war, ...
Xerxes at Salamis 219 Peter Green1970 Some patriotic citizen at
once took it to the allied commanders (of Potidaea and the towns on
Pallene who had come to her assistance) ... Persia might have suffered a
major naval defeat, but the Great King, either directly or through his loyal
subject-allies, still controlled all ... were the same ones as had previously
desecrated the shrine of Poseidon, and the statue of him which stands just
outside the town.
Xerxes: A Persian Life 126 Richard Stoneman 2015 A Persian
Life Richard Stoneman ... Eleusinian procession troubled the troops
before Salamis;83 and when the Persians were retreating from Greece,
floods at Potidaea seemed to be the revenge of Poseidon for their
sacrilege against him.84 ...


: , ...
, .. , 2012

Poseidon Corinth Potidaea

4 ; Colonus, a sacred precinct of Poseidon, VIII. lxvii. 2. Potamis, a
Syracusan naval commander, vni. lxxxv. 3. Potidaea, a colony of Corinth
on the Potidaea of Pallene, required to dismantle its walls and give
hostages to Athens, I. lvi. 2 ; lvii.
A Classical Dictionary: Containing an Account of the ... 881
Charles Anthon, Francis Adams1847 His most celebrated temples were at
the Corinthian Potidaea, at Onchestus, Helice, Troezene, and the
promontories of ... Poseidon is written in Doric Greek Poteidan
(IIoTeudav), of which we have another example in the name of
Potidaea, ...
A Companion to Archaic Greece Kurt A. Raaflaub, Hans van Wees 2012
With the notable exception of Potidaea, the Corinthian and Achaean
colonies lay to the west, in areas in which ... in the mid-seventh century
Corinth built ostentatiously magnificent stone temples of Apollo on
Temple Hill and of Poseidon at ...
A Companion to Greek Studies 5 ... to the Potidaea of Pallene,
which is narrower than that of Athos, being only half a mile wide, lay the
important Corinthian colony of Potidaea. ... Olympus and Ossa, which
was created by a stroke of the trident of Poseidon the earth-shaker.
A Guide to the Ancient World: A Dictionary of Classical ... 521
Michael Grant1986 Potidaea Still standing, however, beside the ancient
habitation center is one of the most impressive groups of Doric temples
from the ancient world. ... Adjoining it is the 'Temple of Poseidon' (c
450?) ... Potidaea was founded by King Periander of Corinth c 600 bc,
under the leadership of his son, in order to serve the ...
A Handbook of Greek Constitutional History 263 A. H. J.
Greenidge 2005 1 Periander (of Corinth) ... 60, 64 I'olvorates of Samoa,
30 Polydorua, 101, 103 Pompeiopolis, 247 Pompcius, 246, 247 Pantos,
247 Poseidon at Eleusis, 33 ; Samios, 50 ; at Oiiclieatns, 225 Potidaea,
207 Prasiae, SO Priansius, 54 n.
A History of Greece 92 John Bagnell Bury 2015 Here Poseidon
riding; star[legend: II]. Chalcis planted so many towns that the whole


Chalcidice. promontory was named Chalcidice. Some of the chief cities,

however, were founded by other states, notably Corinthian Corinthian
Potidaea on ...
A Short History of the Greeks: From the Earliest Times to ... 386
Evelyn S. Shuckburgh 2013 ... 47 Porns, Indian king, 297 Poseidon, 58
Potidaea, besieged by Artabazus, 165; revolts from Athens, 219, 220;
fall of, ... its carrying trade surviving, 349 Romans, at Corinth and
Athens, 316; declare war on Philip V, 324; appealed to by all ...
A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Anthology, ... 338.
A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, ... 125
Sir William Smith1874 Its favourable position between two seas raised
Corinth in very early times to great commercial prosperity, and made it ...
by numerous colonies, Ambracia, Corcyra, Apollonia, Potidaea, &c. ...
(2) Daughter of Phoroneus, king of Phocis, metamorphosed by Athena
(Minerva) into a crow, when pursued by Poseidon (Neptune).
Alexander the Great 388 Philip Freeman 2011 ... 73 innovative
tactics of, 14 League of Corinth and, 31 Macedonia expanded by, 1922
marriages of, 1415 Olympias ... of Issus battle at, 11920 Porus, King of
the Paurava, 272, 27376, 277, 282, 322 Poseidon (god), 13132
Potidaea, 2, ...
Ancient Greece and Rome 654 1893 Thus the Corinthians incited
the revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of
Macedon, which had ... of Athene and dragging away and massacring the
Helots who had sought refuge in the temple of Poseidon during the
great ...
Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from ... 2005 ...
repulseof thePersians in 479: there wasalso abronze statue of Zeus
dedicatedat Olympia and one of Poseidon at the Potidaea
(Hdt.IX.81.1). ... These the|war|fought: Spartans|Athenians|Corinthians
Tegeates|Sicyonians|Aeginetans Megarians|Epidaurians|Orchomenians ...
Naxians|Eretrians|Chalkidians Styrians|Eleians|Potidaeans Leukadians|
Anaktorians|Kythnians|Siphnians Ambraciots|Lepreates.
Ancient oriental nations and Greece 654 1897 Thus the
Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the
frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and dragging away and


massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the temple of Poseidon
during the great ...
Ancient oriental nations and Greece 654 Moses Coit Tyler1897
Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athene" and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Archaic and classical Greek coins 85 Colin M. Kraay1976 The
Corinthians assembled a force which successfully reached Potidaea ; the
coins appear to have been minted to pay this ... It is perhaps significant
that this early coinage of Potidaea had shown Poseidon mounted and so
conformed with the ...
Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram 437 Manuel Baumbach,
Andrej Petrovic, Ivana Petrovic 2010 Polygnotus 100 Polynices 95, 96,
219 Polyzalus 347 Porphyrio 269 Porphyry 2213, 226, 236, 246
Poseidon 129, 152, 164, 166, ... 290 Potamia 338 Potidaea 235, 236,
278, 293, 3701, 374 Praximenes 356 Praxiteles of Syracuse 3467
Praxiteles of Troezen 173, ... 233, 321, 337, 338 Sicyan(s) 232 Sidon 247,
401 Sigeum 225, 243 Silenus 372 Simion of Corinth 152, 168 Simoeis
2445 Simon 304 ...
Aristophan Lysistrat Aristophanes, Kstas Varnals, A. Tassos1978
Athenian Democracy: A Sourcebook Luca Asmonti 2014 The Syracusans
have a treasury built with the spoils taken in the great Athenian disaster;
the people of Potidaea built one in Thrace to show ... first fruits: those
ofthe Elians and of the Spartans, then Sycion andMegara and Pellene in
Achaia, Ambracia and Leucas and Corinth itself.The inscription also says
that from thespoils taken in those naval battles they presented a sacrifice
to Theseus and Poseidon.
Books IV-VIII and Historica index 496 Thucydides, Benjamin
Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the ... 633.
Robin J. Fox, Robin Lane Fox 2011 ... 137, 147 Poseidippos (poet), 370,
482, 506, 507 Poseidon, 137, 147, 172 Pothos, 277 Potidaea (Corinthian
colony) see also Cassandreia archaeological fijinds at, 143 becoming
komai, 154 captured by Philip II, 347 captured by Timotheus, ...


Coins of the Macedonians 12. Martin Price1974 Potidaea was the

only known Corinthian colony in the area, but there is little reference to
the mother city in her coinage. ... She has a fine series of archaic coins
showing as the city badge the unusual type of Poseidon on horseback (PI.
Colony and Mother City in Ancient Greece 257 A. J. Graham1999
Poseidon, 159 f, 238 Poseidonia, 91 f, 114 Potidaea, 2, 30, 34 n., 141
and Athens, 136-8, 140, 177, 190 f cleruchy, 170 and Corinth, 10, ngf,
135-7, 140, 142, 200, 209 Praxiteles, 104 primacy, of mother city (see
also hegemony, supremacy), ...
Description de la Grce: Traduction Nouvelle Avec le Texte ... 2
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient ... 748
Charles Freeman 2014 ... 371 Portchester, Roman fort 571 Porticus
Aemilia 394 Porus, Indian ruler 325 Poseidon (god) 113, 123, 136, 138,
146, 2389, 259 Poseidonia (Paestum) 187 Postumus, 'Gallic' emperor
566 Potidaea, colony of Corinth 296 potters 9, 23, 223, ...
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece 790 Nigel Wilson 2013 ... 650
Poseidippus 214 Poseidon in Athens 623; city of Corinth 623; Hades
331; Tarentum 687 Poseidonia (Latin Paestum) 390 Poseidonius 602
603 posthumous adoption 381 Potamon, sophist 422 pothos 648 Potidaea
658 pottery 603605 ...
Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World 277. David Sacks,
Oswyn Murray, Lisa R. Brody 2014 Poseidon was an important god for
the Athenianshe was associated with the hero THESEUS, and he had a
shrine inside ... Potidaea (Greek: Poteidaia, a form of the name of the
god Poseidon) This important Corinthian colony was founded ...
Excavations at Olynthus ...: The Neolithic settlement, by ... 1
Johns Hopkins University, David Moore Robinson, George Emmanuel
Mylonas1933 ... 549 bronze; the Bottiaeans had the next largest number,
103, and Potidaea had fifty-five, including three archaic silver
tetradrachms with Poseidon Hippios. ... It is also probable that the
Corinthian coins found here came through Potidaeans.
Excavations at Olynthus: Necrolynthia, a study in Greek ... 26.
Johns Hopkins University, David Moore Robinson, George Emmanuel
Mylonas193165), with a Poseidon Hippios on horse- hack holding
trident which has been almost worn away, on the obverse, and a female


head in a depressed square to right on the reverse, belongs to Potidaea

under Corinthian influence (500-429 B. C.).
From Solon to Socrates: Greek History and Civilization ... 395
Victor Ehrenberg 2010 ... 287 Poseidon 11, 23, 26, 92, 199;
Peloponnesian War 244; sophists 276; war generation 144 Poseidonia 14,
93, 206 Potidaea 16, 135, 215, 21718, 230; Peloponnesian War 208,
21011 Potiphar 202 pottery 17, 19, 29, 32, 58; Corinth 83; ...
Games and sanctuaries in ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, ... Panos
Valavans 2004 The fortunes of the sanctuary at Isthmia over the
centuries were connected directly with those of Corinth, the city that
controlled the sanctuary. ... He is mentioned in this capacity in the
Homeric poems, which relate that when Kronos distributed power to his
three male children, ... The god was also looked upon as the ancestral
father of tribes and the founder of many cities, such as Potidaia in
Chalkidiki and ...
Greek History for Schools 63 C. D. Edmonds 2013 Corcyra was
subdued and other colonies planted, till the Ionian Sea was entirely under
Corinthian control. Eastwards too, among the Euboean colonies of
Chalcidice, he founded the town of Potidaea. After his ... When
Cleisthenes of Sicyon was reviving the Pythian games, Periander too was
not to be outdone; he extended the lsthmian games in honour of Poseidon
and gave them a national importance.
Greek influence along the East Adriatic Coast 440 Dravni
hidrografski institut (Split, Croatia), Nenad Cambi, Branko Kirigin 2002
All these details are important, because the start of Corinthian coinage is
linked with the start the coinage of its colonies. ... suggests that "Potidea
showed its patron Poseidon (who was also the patron of her mother-city
Corinth) on a horse".
Hellenistic Civilization 446 Francois Chamoux 2008 ... Pompey
151; ships 307; slaves 146, 183 Piraeus: and Corinth 131; fired 147;
harbor 31, 310; Harpalus 32; Macedonian garrison 42, ... 45, 306
Poseidon 29, 331 Poseidoniastai (traders) 200, 201, 312 Posidippus of
Cassandreia 290 Posidippus ofPella 280, 281, 314, ... 3712, 384
Potheinos 236 Potidaea 176 pottery 5 Poussin, N. 392 praetors 241
Praxiphanes 366 Praxiteles 174, 336, 353, 378, 381.
Herodotus and Religion in the Persian Wars 267 Jon D.
Mikalson 2004 221) Periander of Corinth, 100101, 208 (n. ... 137)


Polyidus, hero of Plataea, 94 Poseidon, 11, 46, 99, 113114, 137, 167
168, 171, 186, 189190, 238 (n. ... 137); of Athens, 73; of Isthmia, 84,
98, 111, 113114, 121, 123, 129, 134135, 152; of Libya, 188190; of
Potidaea, 86, 114, 137; of Scythia, 179; of Sunium, 84, 114, ...
Herodotus 313 Alan B. Lloyd1993 ... II, 141 Poseidon, origin of,
I, 87, 114, 149. II, 29. 201, 232, 237-9; and Zeus, II, 258 Posener. G., and
Deserters. II, 129; and Red Sea canal. III, 153 Poseidonius, on climate, II
147 Potasimto, and Nubian expedition, I, 22 Potidaea, and Corinth, I, ...
Herodotus, Explorer of the Past: Three Essays 164 James Allan
Stewart Evans 2014 ... 108, 123, 126, 146 Pelops the Phrygian, 14
Peneus River, 136n Perdiccas the Temenid, I22 Perlander, tyrant of
Corinth, ... 106, 112 Polynesia, 114 polypragmosyne, 38 Pompeius
Trogus, 51 Poseidon, 19 Potidaea, 19 Powell, J. E., 29, 29n, ...
Herodotus: A Very Short Introduction 122 Jennifer T. Roberts
2011 ... 74 Pella, Macedonia 7 Pelopennesian War 7 Periander of Corinth
90-3 Pericles 7, 14, 43 Persians 25-52, 63-88, 92-6, ... 43, 86, 111
Plataeans 33 poetry 9-15, 109 Polycrates of Samos 22, 43 polygyny 58
Poseidon 84-5, 111 Potidaea 84-5, ...
Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics 188 Barclay
Vincent Head1887
History of Greece and of the Greek people from the ... Victor Duruy, M.
M. Ripley1898 Polybios, king of Corinth, i. 219. Polybios, historian, iv.
414, 456. ... Polykleitos, sculptor, contemporary of Phei- dias, iii. 153,
157, 187, 188, 194 note. Polykrates, tyrant of ... Potidaia, city of
Chalkidike, ii. 127, 130; in the Peloponnesian war, iii.
History of Greece, and of the Greek People: From the ...M. M.
Ripley1890 Thus the peace, it seemed, was not broken ; but after the
affair of Corinth happened that of Potidaia, at the other extremity of
Greece. This city, built on ... Poseidon Hippios, nude, armed with the
trident, on horseback, facing to the right. Reverse: ...
History of the Peloponnesian War 1 447 Thucydides1920
Illustrated History of All Nations: Containing a Record of ... Israel Smith
Clare1909 Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...


International Dictionary of Historic Places: Southern Europe 161

Trudy Ring, Robert M. Salkin, Sharon La Boda1994 At nearby Piraeus, a
small city annexed by Corinth in about the eighth century B.C., has been
found one of the earliest examples of ... world, was constructed in
Corinth about 700 B.C., while at nearby Isthmia was a shrine to
Poseidon dating from the same period. ... Following this battle, Athens
then intervened in a disagreement between Corinth and its colony
Potidaea, drawing Corinth's further anger.
Leonidas and the Kings of Sparta: Mightiest Warriors, ... 250
Alfred S. Bradford 2011 ... 25, 26, 33 Pompey, 22122 Poseidon, 4, 112,
163, 194, 220, 224 Poseidonios, 99 Potidaea, siege, 11722 Procles, 1, ...
219 Romans, 190, 212, 21521, 223 Sack and destruction of Corinth,
221 Sacred War, 182 Sacrifices and omens, 17, ...
Library of Universal History Vol.II 654 Moses Coit Tyler1899
Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Library of Universal History, Containing a Record of the ... Israel Smith
Clare1899 Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athn and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Library of Universal History: Containing a Record of the ... 654
Israel Smith Clare1899 The Athenians at once sent a fleet and army for
the reduction of Potidaea, and this armament defeated the Corinthian
general at ... away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in
the temple of Poseidon during the great Helot revolt.
Library of Universal Knowledge 2 654 Israel Smith
Clare1898 Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athene" and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
Pausanias's Description of Greece 132 James George Frazer 2012
8 Poseidonium, precinct of Poseidon at Myonia, x. 38. 8 Possicrates, a ...
7 Potidaea, afterwards called Cassandrea, v. 23. 3 ; Potidaeans fight


at ... 37- I Presidents, annual presidents substituted for kings at Corinth,

ii. 4. 4 of Council of Five ...
Plato: The Symposium 85 Frisbee C. C. Sheffield 2008 ... 64, 92,
99, 109, 137, 151, 201, 227 Polymnia 20 Poros 3940 Poseidon 53
Potidaea 59, 60 Prodicus 7 Satyrs, Sileni (sing., Silenus) 534, ... A city
on the north-east coast of Greece, a colony of Corinth which became a
subject-ally of Athens.
Plutarch's Cimon and Pericles: With the Funeral Oration of ... 11
Plutarch, Bernadotte Perrin1910 432 Revolt of Potidaea from Athens;
expedition from Corinth in aid of Potidaea; siege of Potidaea by the
Athenians (ib., xxix. 4). Megarian decree (ib. ... 5 xxx.). 432
Prosecutions of Aspasia, Anaxagoras, and Phei- dias (Pericles, xxxi.xxxii.).
Pomponius Mela's Description of the World 154 Pomponius Mela,
Frank E. Romer1998 See Lusitania Portus Magnus (Bettioua), 1.29
Poseidon, Point, 1.86 Potentia (Santa Maria di Potenza), 2.65 Potidaea,
2.33 ... See Rhenus R. Rhion (Grk. rhion Akhai'kon, the Gulf of Corinth),
2.52, 2.53 Rhoda, 2.89 Rhodanus (Rhone) R., 2.78, ...
Six of Plutarch's Greek Lives: Cimon. Pericles, with the ... 11.
Plutarch1910 432 Revolt of Potidaea from Athens; expedition from
Corinth in aid of Potidaea; siege of Potidaea by the Athenians (ib., xxix.
4). Megarian decree (ib. ... 5 xxx.). 432 Prosecutions of Aspasia,
Anaxagoras, and Phei- dias (Pericles, xxxi.-xxxii.).
Song of Wrath: The Peloponnesian War Begins 558 J. E. Lendon
2013 95) Peloponnesian attack on, siege of (429 BC), 147152
Peloponnesian attack as revenge for Potidaea, 148152, 163 half the
garrison escapes (winter ... 63) Poseidon, 159 temple of (Sounion), 137
Potamodorus of Orchomenus, Athenian honors for (IG I3 73; 424/423
BC), 428, 492(n. ... 85) Corcyrean, at Corinth, 472(n.
Southern Europe: International Dictionary of Historic Places 161
Trudy Ring, Noelle Watson, Paul Schellinger 2013 At nearby Piraeus, a
small city annexed by Corinth in about the eighth century B.C., has been
found one of the earliest examples of ... world, was constructed in
Corinth about 700 B.C., while at nearby Isthmia was a shrine to
Poseidon dating from the same period. ... Following this battle, Athens
then intervened in a disagreement between Corinth and its colony
Potidaea, drawing Corinth's further anger.


Space and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds 208 Michael
Scott 2013 ... 80, 81-2 Porta Marina at Ostia 79, 80 Porta Romana at
Ostia 7980, 83-4 Portus 78-9, 80 Poseidon 59, 67 at Corinth 117, 128
at Delos 59, 65, 71, 73 Poseidoniasts of Beirut 72-3 Poseidonius 176
Pothecary, S. 140, 157 Potidaea 124 pottery ...
Studies in Ancient Greek Society: The prehistoric Aegean 265
George Derwent Thomson 1978 Poseidon has two further links with the
Lapithai, independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at
issue. The first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on
the Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...
Studies in Ancient Greek Society 1 265 George Derwent
Thomson1965 Poseidon has two further links with the Lapithai,
independent of Theseus and bearing directly on the point at issue. The
first comes from Corinth. Potidaia, a Corinthian colony on the
Macedonian coast, bears his name, which was presumably ...
The Athenian Empire 234 1895
The Athenian Empire 234 George William Cox1889
The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos 1 xxxix Sir
Richard Claverhouse Jebb1893 ... supported by Athesecuted dareeias:
Phei- nians, defeated in a sea-fight dias dies in prison by Corinthians
(spring). Anaxagoras also prose- Athenians blockade Pydna cuted: he
withdraws to and Potidaea.Congress at Lampsacus.
The battle for the West: Thermopylae 213 Ernle Dusgate Selby
Bradford1980 Those of the troops who were not drowned were killed by
the Potidaeans who came rushing out in small boats. Laterand with good
reasonthey ascribed this victory to the sea-god Poseidon, also known as
the Earth-Shaker. ... Beyond him lay the stark, mountainous land, with its
limited agricultural plains, the narrow Potidaea of Corinth, fringed on
both sides by the 'bitter water', and then the little-known ...
The Cambridge Ancient History 10 586 1982 The only
organi2ed revolt was that of Potidaea, a colony of Corinth, situated at the
neck of the Pallene peninsula and ... of their patron god, Poseidon
Hippios, god of the sea and of the earthquake (he figured on their fine
silver tetradrachms).
The Classical Greek Reader 405 Kenneth John Atchity, Rosemary
McKenna1996 Poseidon. Son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus,


father of the Cyclopes, god of the sea, his name literally spouse of the ...
Potidaea. Corinthian colony on the Chalcidian peninsula of Pallene, in
Macedon, subject to Athens until its revolt ...
The collected works of Sir Humphry Davy ...: Discourses ... 212
Sir Humphry Davy, John Davy1911 Fotidaea, a colony of Corinth on the
Thermaic gulf, began to coin money about B.C. 500. Its name is clearly
derived from Poseidon (cf. Poseidonia). The type of the tetradrachm was
doubtless suggested by the sacred image of Poseidon, which ...
The Complete Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage, ... Will
Durant 2014 Pope, Alexander, English poet (16881744), 106*
Popilius,see Laenas, Caius Popilius population, of Crete, 11 ofCarthage,
67 of Sparta, 73 of Corinth, 91 ofAegina, 95 of ... 270 B.C.), 577
Poseidon (ps'dn), 22, 43, 58, 109, 113, 168, 175, 181, 185,186, 216,
329, 331, 334, 403, 510 ... 273, 589590 Posterior Analytics (Aristotle),
526* Potidaea ,158,365,441,444,470,477 pottery, seeceramics poverty, ...
The cults of the Greek states 4 17. Lewis Richard Farnell
1907 In Attica the cult of Poseidon "Iir7rtos fastened on Kolonos 48, and
Sophocles boasts that it was in its streets that he first ... on the coins of
Potidaia and conveys an allusion to the name of the city and probably to
the Corinthian metropolis 19.
The Eye of Cybele 576 Daniel Chavarra 2005 Having
overthrown their father Cronus, the three usurping brothers Zeus,
Poseidon, and Hades drew lots from a ... to their motherland, Corinth,
which was a member of the Peloponnesian League. Potidaeans. The
people of Potidaea.
The Formation of the Greek People A. Jarde 2013 ... quoted, 3E
POSEIDON, 2, 33, 83, 26, m, Q2, 2113-2, Q5 Poseidonia, m, m
Poseidonios, quoted, fl Potidaea, 22, ... m3, Q82, Q3; Corinth, M1;
Ionia, Q5, m; Laconia, Cyrene, Q6, Q; Naucratis, 2112; Sybaris M;
trade, Q3, m, Q3, Q, M, 2Q3 ...
The Greek Historians 885 1942 Poseidon, Temple of, at Colonus,
viii. 67; ships dedicated to him after ... 120; the Potidaeans ordered by
the Athenians to pull down their walls, 1. 56, 57; send ... 85; the
Corinthians, anxious to save Potidaea, press on the war, ib. 119, 124;
the ...
The Greek Historians: The Complete and Unabridged ... Francis Richard
Borroum Godolphin, Herodotus, Thucydides1942 Poseidon, Temple of,


at Colonus, vm. 67; ships dedicated to him ... of its situation, rv. 120; the
Potidaeans ordered by the Athenians to pull down their walls, 1. ... 85;
the Corinthians, anxious to save Potidaea, press on the war, ib. 119, 124;
the ...
The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close ... Adolf
Holm1906. ... where theyfounded Potidaea, which soon became the most
important Greek city of that district Whilst the worship of Apollo
predominated among the Corinthian colonies of the west, the name of
this city pointed to the cult of Poseidon; the ...
The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close ...Adolf
Holm 1906 Whilst the worship of Apollo predominated among the
Corinthian colonies of the west, the name of this city pointed to the cult
of Poseidon ; the Potidaea on which Potidaea lay may have reminded
the colonists of that at Corinth. In the immediate ...
The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite: Introduction, Text, and ... 109
Andrew Faulkner 2008 Pausanias mentions statues of Poseidon, Apollo,
and Aphrodite together in his description of Corinth (2. ... There was also
worship of Poseidon and Apollo together at Potidaea in Chalkidike, an
important colony of Corinth (see Alexander 1963 ...
The Journal of Hellenic Studies 13 15 1971 In sculpture we
have three instances : (a) A bronze statue of Poseidon Hippios at Pheneos
in Arcadia, supposed to be set up by Odysseus (Pausanias viii. ... no
archaic gems with representations of Poseidon, and the earliest on coins
are on those of Potidaea and Poseidonia, dating ... a half to the southwest of the Acropolis of Corinth, consisting of about a thousand votive
tablets or pinakes of terra-cotta.
The Landmark Thucydides 688 Thucydides, Victor Davis Hanson,
Robert B. Strassler 2008 ... 5.6.2 Pollis (Argive citizen traveling with
Peloponnesian envoys), 2.67.1 Polyanthes (Corinthian commander),
7.34.2- ... political; People, the population of Epidamnus, 1.24.3 of
Hellas, 1.2 Porteas (Athenian commander), 1.45.2 Poseidon, ship
dedicated to, 2.84.4 postern gates at Catana, 6.51.1-3 at Eetionia, 8.92.1
atTorone,4.110.2 Potamis (Syracusan general), 8.85.3 Potidaea Athenian
expedition of ...
The Numismatic Chronicle 317 1902 The adoption of the t)-pes of
Corinth by Potidaea is not surprising,6 for close ties bound the two cities


together. ... Corinthian, may have had a peculiar appropriateness for the
Potidaeaus as being the attribute of their Poseidon Hippios.
The Numismatic Chronicle, and Journal of the Numismatic ...1902 The
adoption of the types of Corinth by Potidaea is not surprising," for close
ties bound the two cities together. ... primarily Corinthian, may have had
a peculiar appropriateness for the Potidaeans as being the attribute of
their Poseidon Hippios.
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature 470 M. C.
Howatson 2013 Poseidonius Greece, as is attested by the city names
Potidaea in Chalcidice and Poseidonia in south Italy. ... on the Potidaea
of Corinth; no doubt Corinth's strategic position, commanding the seas
to east and west, made the cult of Poseidon ...
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome 464
Michael Gagarin 2009 ... 5:453 nudity in, 5:79 Portunalia festival, 3:173
Portunus (god), 4:107108 Porus, Rajah, 1:68 Poseidon (greek god),
3:311; ... (Longing) Eros and, 3:107 Scopas' sculpture of, 6:238 Potidaea,
1:303 Potitii family, 6:98 Potnia (goddess), 6:92 pottery, 6:214, 4, 6, 7,
10, 12. ... from, 3:302 glazes, 6:45 graffiti on, 3:327 grave goods, 3:245
Greek, 3:334 Athens, 1:306 Corinth, 2:300 Cyprus, 2:348 in economic ...
The Oxford History of Greece and the Hellenistic World 485 John
Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn Murray1991 ... between Corinth and
Corcyra over Epidamnus Athenian alliance with Corcyra Revolt of
Potidaea from Athens Start of ... (Pyrln'an 8) Herodotus of Halicamassus
active Parthenon frieze Leucippus invents atomic theory Temple of
Poseidon at ...
The Peloponnesian War 693 Thucydides, 2009 Polymedes,
Thessalian commander 2.22 Poseidon, god: temples at Taenarum 1.128,
Mende 4.129, near Nisaea 4.1 18; ... (41 1) 8.85 POTIDAEA, city on
Pallene peninsula (Chalcidice) 1.5666, 2.70; Corinthian colony,
tributepaying ally of ...
The Penny Cyclopdia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... 1840
Poseidon is written in Doric Greek, Potei- dan (HoraSav), of which we
have another example in the name of Potidaea, written ... Thus they were
worshiped in Corinth, where Poseidon was held in especial honour, and
in other parts of Greece.
The Penny Cyclopdia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... George
Long1840 Poseidon was the son of Kronus and Rhea, and the brother of


Jupiter and Juno, and appears to have been one of the antient divinities of
Greece ... on Corinthian Potidaea, and at Trcezen, from which placv
worship of this god was transmitted to Posidoma in ! ... P. dan iUortilav),
of which we have another example in :: name of Potidaea, written
Poteidaia (IIorMfata) in inscription, now in tbe British Museum, ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of ... Society for
the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1840 Poseidon is written in Doric
Greek, Potei- dan (TloTuBav), of which we have another example in the
name of Potidaea, written ... Thus they were worshiped in Corinth,
where Poseidon was held in especial honour, and in other parts of
The Rise Of The Greeks Michael Grant 2012 ... namely Pallene. The
colony at this strategic location was established by the Corinthian
dictator ... When Potidaea started issuing coins, in about 500, they
depicted Poseidon, after whom the city took its name. He is shown
carrying a trident ...
The world's history illuminated: containing a record of ... Israel Smith
Clare1897 Thus the Corinthians incited the revolt of Potidaea, a town in
Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had ... of Athene and
dragging away and massacring the Helots who had sought refuge in the
temple of Poseidon during the great ...
The year of Thermopylae 213. Ernle Dusgate Selby
Bradford1980Those of the troops who were not drowned were killed by
the Potidaeans who came rushing out in small boats. Laterand with good
reasonthey ascribed this victory to the sea-god Poseidon, also known as
the Earth-Shaker. ... Beyond him lay the stark, mountainous land, with its
limited agricultural plains, the narrow Potidaea of Corinth, fringed on
both sides by the 'bitter water', and then the little-known ...
This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published in
Paris, 1817.
Thucydides and Internal War 400 Jonathan J. Price 2001 ... 230,
241, 266 Polycrates 220, 341, 343 Poseidon at Mende 232 at Tainaros
230 Potidaea 160 n. 70, 172, 216, 268, 274, 275, ... 16, 150, 165 n. 31,
214, 289, 290, 305 Corcyra and Corinth at Athens 82-9 Corinthians' two
speeches at Sparta ...
Thucydides P. J. Rhodes 2015 more traditional mode, when Persians at
Potidaea were caught by an exceptionally high tide after an exceptionally


low tide, the Potidaeans' explanation ... sacrilege against the temple and
image of Poseidon in the outer city, and I think that in giving this
explanation they are speaking well. ... We must admit that men are
sometimes caught out by tyche' (Peloponnesian commanders in the Gulf
of Corinth, II.
Thucydides Translated Into English with Introduction, ... 684
Andrew Preston Peabody1883
Thucydides Translated Into English 1 692 Thucydides,
Benjamin Jowett1881 Poseidon, Temple of, at Colonus, viii. 67 med.;
ships ... 120 fin.; the Potidaeans ordered by the Athenians to pull down
their walls, i. 56 med., 57 fin.; send ... 85 ; the Corinthians, anxious to
save Potidaea, press on the war, ib. 119, 124 init.; the ...
Thucydides 36 Walter Robert Connor 2013 ... and grievances,
Corinth's support and encouragement of a revolt in the area around
Potidaea,38 the account turns to ... largest navies: Corcyreans, may
Poseidon destroy them in their hollow ships, because they are of divided
Thucydides, a Violent Teacher?: History and Its ... 112 Georg
Rechenauer, Vassiliki Pothou 2011 26 Corcyra (Athens) besieges
Epidamnus (Potidaea), whose sympathies lie with Corinth and from
whom it receives aid. 27 To this list of differences one might add that
Poseidon hated Corcyra's ancestors (and is invoked against them by ...
Thucydides: Books VII and VIII 447 Thucydides 4 ; Colonus, a
sacred precinct of Poseidon, VTII. Ixvii. 2. Potamis, a Syracusan naval
commander, VIII. lxxxv. 3. Potidaea, a colony of Corinth on the
Potidaea of Pallene, required to dismantle its walls and give hostages to
Athens, I. lvi. 2 ; lvii.
Thucydides 3-7 496 Thucydides1900 Poseidon, Temple of,
at Colonus, viii. 67 med. ; at ... 56 init. ; a tributary of Athens, ib. ;
importance of its situation, iv.120 fin. ; the Potidaeans ordered by the
Athenians ... 85 ; the Corinthians, anxious to save Potidaea, press on the
war, ib. 119 ...
Thucydides 1 692 1881 Poseidon, Temple of, at Colonus,
viii. 67 med.; ships ... 120 fin.; the Potidaeans ordered by the Athenians
to pull down their walls, i. 56 med., 57 fin.; send ... 85 ; the Corinthians,
anxious to save Potidaea. press on the war, ib. 119, 124 init.; the ...


University of California Chronicle 16 406. 1914... a

"catastrophic geology" was as inevitable as it was among the Jews17
less often, Poseidon is credited with what we ... make that fortress
tenable; or a change of shoreline, near his own earthquake-ridden towns
of Corinth and Potidaea.
University of California Chronicle 16 406. University of
California, Berkeley1914... a "catastrophic geology" was as inevitable as
it was among the Jews17 less often, Poseidon is credited with what we
... make that fortress tenable; or a change of shoreline, near his own
earthquake-ridden towns of Corinth and Potidaea.
Yearbook of the Encyclopedia Americana 61 Alexander Hopkins
McDannald1930 At Corinth the American School has excavated
fragmentary remains of the baths of Eurycles, mentioned by Pausanias,
near the ... Remains of a temple of Roman date, probably dedicated to
Poseidon, have been found on the site of Potidaea.

, ,
. ,
, , . 2012.
Poseidon . Poseidon and Atlantis. Mythagora Home Page.There is a story about Poseidon and the lost continent of Atlantis which
deserves our consideration. This story is not from one of the early Greek
authors such as Homer or Hesiod but comes much later, circa 345 BCE.
The story of Poseidon and his role in establishing Atlantis was told by
Plato at the end of his career in two Dialogues, Timaeus (Timaios) and
Kritias (Critias). I choose not to disregard these Dialogues simply
because of they are of a much later date than most of the literature on
which the vast majority of the Greek mythical histories are based
According to Plato, the continent of Atlantis was destroyed circa 9000
BCE after a long and prosperous reign. Atlantis was founded at the dawn
of time when Zeus, Hades and Poseidon divided the domains of the earth
between them. Poseidon became lord of the Sea and consequently
assumed control of the island-continent which became known as Atlantis.


Poseidon encountered a woman named Kleito (Cleito) from an EarthBorn race native to the continent and took her as his consort. Poseidon
began to terraform the land where Kleito's parents had lived until it
became a round island surrounded concentric rings of water and
land ... two rings of land and three of water. Poseidon then made two
springs flow on the center island, one of hot and one of cold water.
The water from the springs was used to irrigate the land and provide
water for domestic use including elaborate baths for people and
animals. Over time, the surrounding fertile plain began to grow with
abundant produce of every kind.
. .

, ,
, 345 ...-
360 . .-

, () ().

The Histories by Herodotus1 Mythagora Home Page.
book 8.129It was said that the Persians who perished at sea had
committed impiety towards the Temple of Poseidon at Potidaea
book 9.81A bronze statue of Poseidon seven cubits high was
placed at the Potidaea of Corinth.



, .
. .



Potidaea: its history and remains. John A.

Alexander. University of Georgia Press, 1963.
PLATE IV Fig. 1. Ruins of the temple of Poseidon.
POTIDAEA, a colony of Corinth, was situated on the Potidaea of the
peninsula of Pallene, the westernmost of the trident-like southward
projections of Chalcidice. The name of the city is derived from the
greatly honored on the Potidaea of Corinth. The relative similarity
between the Potidaea of Corinth and that of Pallene, where the new
town was to be founded, probably occasioned the adoption of the name
Potidaea. 1 The ancient writers are in full agreement as to the location of
Whenever the location of Potidaea is mentioned, it is spoken of as being at the
neck of the peninsula. Characteristic of this uniformity of opinion are the
statements of Thucydides (I, 56) speaking of the Potidaeans as living "on
the Potidaea of Pallene"; of Xenophon (V, ii, 15) mentioning Potidaea
of Strabo who writes (VII, 330), "it lies on it" (the Potidaea). 2 Be- cause
the Potidaea is a geographically well-defined spot and because there is
specific mention in ancient authors that the city was lo- cated here, no
doubt can be raised as to the identification of the site.


Fig. 1. Ruins of the Temple of Poseidon, discovered by

professor Pelekides, seen from the southwest.
1. ,


Birkbeck College DOUGLAS DAKIN University of London.

450 Reviews of books.
Thus, no special discussion on the views he holds is called for. For
instance, the view that Potidaea took part in the battle of Plataeae is
probable but it is not certain. More doubtful is the interpretation of the
famous Thucydides passage 1,61,4 that follows Woodheads opinion
that should be emended to

and that Vrea must be situated between Thermi and Strepsa.

I think howerer that neither this opinion nor the opinion of the late
Professor Strati Pelekidis, who located Veria where Veryia is, 14 klm
NW of Potidaea, are convincing enough. It seems to ine a) that the name
of Veria is not the word which needs to be changed and b) that Veria
cannot be any other town than the wellknown one in Central Macedonia,
without my being able, however, to give any solution at all to this yet
insoluble problem. What Professor Alexander writes on the coins of
Potidaea is clear and concrete. I would only note that the authors remark
that "Potidaeans, most likely, were reproducing on their coins the image
of the statue of Poseidon might best have been left out. And as an
archaeologist, I believe that his mistrust of the value of style-examination
when gauging chronology, is, to say the least, carried to an extreme.

Potidaea Neptune
A letter from the Chevalier Antonio Canova, and, Two memoirs read
to ...Antonio Canova, Ennio Quirino Visconti - 1816 - This connexion of
Potidaea with Neptune is not a gratuitous assertion or a mere conjecture;
it is supported by historical evidence. Herodotus relates, that the
Persians, in attacking Potidaea, were drowned on its shores by an
extraordinary ...
Elgin marbles: Letter from the Chevalier Antonio Canova on the ...Antonio Canova, Ennio Quirino Visconti, Great Britain. Parliament.
House of Commons. Select Committee on the Earl of Elgin's Collection
of Sculptured Marbles - 1816 - Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World - 277 David Sacks,
Oswyn Murray, Lisa R. Brody - 2014 - - Potidaea 277 clever,
sometimes in contrast with the wise goddess ATHENA. Poseidon was an


important ... Of these, the famous Temple of Neptune (actually a

temple of HERA) rivals the Athenian PARTHENON in magnificence.
The site also ...
History of the Peloponnesian War - 2 - 55 1844 - - They
weighed from Potidaea, and, landing at the temple of Neptune, marched
directly for Mende. The Men- deans, with their own force and three
hundred Scioneans who were come to their succour, and the
Peloponnesian auxiliaries, in all ...
Sylloge of ancient unedidet coins of greck cities and kings: From ... James
MILLINGEN - 1837 - transferred by Gassander to Potidaea, when he
enlarged that city, and gave it the name of Cassandreia. ... The
representation of the Equestrian Neptune (Iloffst^wv f^mo;), the initial
letters no, and the workmanship, are sufficient motives for ...
Sylloge of ancient unedited coins of Greek cities and kings - 48
James V. Millingen - 1837 - The type on the reverse refers to the
miraculous intervention of Neptune, and may offer a representation of the
statue placed in his temple above mentioned (6). ... Descript. general, but
the isthmus on which Potidaea stood. Num. Vet. Lipsia.
The Archaeological Journal - 46 - 405 1889 - - Collection,
which may figure Neptune on horseback conquering a giant with
serpents' tails for his lower extremities, but this is by no means ...
Potidaea was a colony from Cortnth, a Dorian state : Thirlwall, History
of Greece, chap, six, vol. iii, p.
The Eye of Cybele - 576 Daniel Chavarra - 2005 - - ... was the
Neptune of the Romans. Potidaea. A city founded by Corinthian
colonists in Chalcidice. In their conflict with Athens, they turned for help
to their motherland, Corinth, which was a member of the Peloponnesian
League. Potidaeans.
The History of the Grecian War - 256 Thucydides, Thomas
Hobbes - 1823 - - These launching from Potidaea with their gallies, and
putting in at the temple of Neptune, marched presently against the
Mendaeans. The Mendseans with their own forces, three hundred of
Scione that came to aid them, and the aids of the ...
The History of the Peloponnesian War - 1 - 400 Thucydides
- 1818 - - They weighed from Potidaea, and landing at the temple of
Neptune marched directly for Mende. The Men- dans, with their own


force and three hundred Scioneans who were come to their succour, and
the Peloponnesian auxiliaries, in all ...
The Mediterranean: an anthology - 151 Paul Bloomfield - 1935 N EARTHQUAKE SENT BY NEPTUNE: POTIDAEA After three
months had been spent by Artabazus in the siege, there happened a great
ebb of the sea, which lasted for a long time. The barbarians, seeing a
passage that might be forded, ...
This connexion of Potidaea with Neptune is not a gratuitous assertion or
a mere conjecture; it is supported by historical evidence. Herodotus
relates, that the Persians, in attacking Potidaea, were drowned on its
shores by an extraordinary ...
Thucydides, in English - 248 Thucydides - 1830 - - These
launching from Potidaea with their galleys, and putting in at the temple
of Neptune, marched presently against the Mendaeans. The Mendaeans
with their own forces, three hundred of Scione that came to aid them, and
the aids of the ...
Thucydides, with notes and various readings - 248 Thucydides 1830 - These launching from Potidaea with their galleys, and putting in
at the temple of Neptune, marched presently against the Mendaeans. The
Mendaeans with their own forces, three hundred of Scione that came to
aid them, and the aids of the ...
The Peloponnesian War - 304 Thucydides, Thomas Hobbes,
David Grene - 1989 - These, launching from Potidaea with their galleys
and putting in at the temple of Neptune, marched presently against the
Mendaeans. The Mendaeans with their own forces, three hundred of
Scione that came to aid them, and the aids of the ...
The ancient history of Herodotus - 412 Herodotus, Leonhard
Schmitz - 1855 - - But the betrayer of Potidaea was ultimately detected :
Artabazus directed an arrow to a concerted place, but it deviated ... The
Barbarians, they say, had impiously profaned the temple and shrine of
Neptune, situate in their suburbs, who may ...
Ancient History: Illustrated by Colored Maps, and a Chronological ... C.
A. BLOSS - 1868 - ... in our confederacy, is already taken from us, and
Potidaea, our most important post for carrying on commerce in Thrace, ...
in the case of Pausanias, and in the murder of some Helots who had been
dragged from the sanctuary of Neptune.


Knowledge ...Edward Smedley - 1845 - ... the Spartans, in the death of
Pausanias and the execution of the Helots, who had been forced from the
altar of Neptune. ... An expedition against Chalcis and Potidaea proved
disastrous, in consequence of the ravages of the plague, which ...
The History of Thucydides - 2 - 406 Thucydides - 1829 Having weighed anchor with the fleet from Potidaea, and touched at the
temple of Neptune, they inarched again to the Mendaeans. But they and
three hundred Scionasans who had gone to their assistance, and the
Peloponnesian auxiliaries, ...
The numismatic chronicle - 3 - 135 1841 - - ... and Suppt.,
tom. iii., p. 77 ;Eckhel. Num. Vet., tom. ii., p. 269 ; Pellerin, Rec., tom. 1.,
p. 116 ; Scstini, Classes Gnrales, p. 37. POTIDAEA, PALLENE. No. l.
Naked male figure (Neptune Hippies) on horseback,. uu1=.n1'1'1<:o
GREEK coms.
The History of Herodotus. A new Engl. version, ed. with notes by
G. ...George Rawlinson - 1875 - - to betray Potidaea was discovered in
this way. ... brought about the disaster of the Persians which ensued
therefrom, was the profanation, by the very men now destroyed in the
sea, of the temple and image of Neptune, situated in their suburb.
A Classical Dictionary: Containing an Account of the Principal ...Charles
Anthon, Francis Adams - 1847 - - Coins still exist of this Roman leader,
bearing the effigy of Neptune, with the inscription Magnus Pius
Imperator iterum; ... Poseidon is written in Doric Greek Poteidan
(IIoTeudav), of which we have another example in the name of
Potidaea, ...
Herodotus - 1 - 412 Herodotus - 1830 - - But the betrayer
of Potidaea was ultimately detected : Artabazus directed an arrow to a
concerted place, but it ... had impiously profaned the temple and shrine of
Neptune, situate in their suburbs, who may therefore be considered as the
author ...
Bibliotheca Classica: Or, A Dictionary of All the Principal Names ... John
Lemprire, Lorenzo L. Da Ponte, John David Ogilby - 1842 - - Olynthus
was sixty stadia from Potidaea, and within sight of that town, as we learn
from Thucydides. ... the city Onchestus are about fifteen stadia distant
from this mountain ; and they say that Onchestus the son of Neptune
once dwelt in this city.


A Classical Dictionary, Containing a Copious Account of All the ... John

Lemprire - 1839 - - CASSANDRIA, a large town of the peninsula of
Pal- lene in Macedonia, called also Potidaea. ... She boasted herself to be
fairer than the Nereides ; upon which Neptune, at the request of these
despised nymphs, sent a huge sea monster to ...
The Facts on File Companion to Classical Drama - 676 John E.
Thorburn - 2005 - - ... 458 pornoboskos (pornoboskoi) 450451
Porphyrion 458 Poseidon (Neptune) 458459 Amymone and 42 in
Birds ... (Plautus) 483 in Trojan Women (Euripides) 562 postscaenium
459 Pot Feast (Chytroi) 137 Potidaea 416 Potidaia 459 The ...
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Thomas Hobbes,
Sir William Molesworth, Thucydides - 1843 - - These launching from
Potidaea with their galleys, and putting in at the temple of Neptune,
marched presently against the Mendaeans. The Mendaeans Ti.e
Mendteans with their own forces, three hundred of Scione that ZTy.
wiUK",t came to aid ...
Ancient History: Illustrated by Colored Maps ... - 166 1875 - - ...
in our confederacy, is already taken from us, and Potidaea, our most
important post for carrying on commerce in Thrace, ... in the case of
Pausanias, and in the murder of some Helots who had been dragged from
the sanctuary of Neptune.
Herodotus, tr. from the Greek: with notes and life of the author
Herodotus - 1839 - - On their arrival here, the Grecian leaders severally
inscribed their opinions, which they deposited upon the altar of
Neptune. ... CXXVII. Artabazus therefore laid siege to Potidaea :
distrusting the fidelity of the Olyn- thians, he attacked them also.
A Classical Dictionary ; Containing a Full Account of All the
Proper ...1844 - - A horse, sprung from Ceres and Neptune. Ceres, when
she ... Neptune gave him to Copreus, who presented him to Hercules.
Adrastus, king of ... A general who commanded the Corinthian forces at
the siege of Potidaea. He was taken by the ...
Schrevelius' Greek Lexicon: Translated Into English, with Many
New ...Cornelis Schrevel, John Richardson Major - 1836 - - IIoaetv,
avos, 3, Dor. for IIoare:v, Neptune., belonging to Neptune. IIoaetdav,
davos & dovos, 6, poet, .... IIoriaa, as, h, Potidaea, a city of Greece.
IIortyueval, Dor. for rpooexPlevat, ...


Poems: Viz. Leonidas. On Sir Isaac Newton. London: Or The

Progress ...Richard Glover - 1743 - Still the pleas'd Eye the sloating Plain
purfues ; At length, in Neptune's wide Dominion lost, 235 Surveys the
shining Billows, that ... Coast extended wide, And with tremendous War
and Battel stern 245 The trembling Walls of Potidaea shook.
The World of Saint Paul - 88 Joseph Callewaert - 2011 - ...
skirting the cities of Olympias and Potidaea to the south and finally
reaching the important city of Thessalonica after a ... narrow valley called
Tempe, or Notch, made with a single blow by Neptune's trident,
through which the river Peneus ...
The Poetical Works ...: Collated with the Best Editions - 144
Richard Glover, Thomas Park - 1806 - - Still the pleas'd eye the floating
plain pursues At length, in Neptune's wide dominion lost Surveys the
shining hillows, that arise ... Pallene's coast extended wide, And with
tremendous war and battle stern The trembling walls of Potidaea shook.
The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper Alexander
Chalmers, Samuel Johnson - 1810 - - Still the pleas'd eye the floating
plain pursues; At length, in Neptune's wide dominions lost, Surveys
th*sShinmg billows, that ... Pallene's coast extended wide, And with
tremendous war, and battle stern The trembling walls of Potidaea shook.
The works of the english poets from Chancer to Cowper Samuel Johnson,
Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - - Still the pleas'd eye the floating plain
pursues; At length, in Neptune's wide dominions lost, Surveys the shining
hillows, that ... Pallene's coast extended wide, And with tremendous war,
and battle stern The trembling walls of Potidaea shook.
The Works of the British Poets, with Lives of the Authors 1822 - - Still
the pleas'd eye the floating plain pursues At length, in Neptune's wide
dominion lost Surveys the shining billows, that arise ... Pallene's coast
extended wide, And with tremendous war and battle stern The trembling
walls of Potidaea shook.
The Poetical Works of Richard Glover: In Two Volumes. Collated
with ...Richard Glover, Thomas Park - 1808 - - Still the pleas'd eye the
floating plain pursues At length, in Neptune's wide dominion lost
Surveys the shining hillows, that arise ... Pallene's coast extended wide,
And with tremendous war and battle stern The trembling walls of
Potidaea shook.


The British Poets: Including Translations ... - 258 British poets 1822 - - Still the pleased eye the floating plain pursues At length, in
Neptune's wide dominion lost, Surveys the shining billows, that ...
Pallene's coast extended wide, And with tremendous war and battle stern
The trembling walls of Potidaea shook.
The Poems of Richard Glover - 258 Richard Glover - 1822 - Still the pleased eye the floating plain pursues At length, in Neptune's
wide dominion lost, Surveys the shining billows, that ... Pallene's coast
extended wide, And with tremendous war and battle stern The trembling
walls of Potidaea shook.
The History of Greece - 3 - 68 William Mitford - 1822 - ... Chalcioeca, and the execution of some Helots who had been dragged
from the sanctuary of Neptune on mount Taenarus. ... As preliminaries to
a general peace, these ministers urged, that the siege of Potidaea ought to
be raised and .
A New Dictionary of Ancient Geography, exhibiting the modern
in ...Charles Pye - 1803 - - Pos1D on 1UM, a village of Calabria, hear a
temple facred to Neptune. PosNA ... PoTID E.A. See ScHIATo. Potidaea.
See CAss AND RIA. PoTI DANIA, a city of tolia. PoTNIAE, a city of
Boeotia, where was a temple dedicated to Bacchus, .
Herodotus - 3 - 291Herodotus - 1844 - - They who could
not swim were drowned; they who could were killed by the Potidaeans
from their boats. , This inundation, ... of Neptune, situate in their suburbs;
who may, therefore, be considered as the author of their calamity, which
to me ...
History of Ancient and Modern Greece - 77 John Frost - 1831 - ... of Athens ; complained of their own particular grievances, and called
for assistance to their friends shut up in Potidaea. ... from the temple of
Neptune on Mount Taenarus, to which last the great earthquake at Sparta
was popularly ascribed.
Beeton's Classical dictionary - 40 Samuel Orchart Beeton - 1871 A horse sprung from Ceres (who had assumed the equine form when
seeking Proserpine, to avoid Neptune), and Neptune, who changed
himself ... The Corinthian commander at the siege of Potidaea, was taken
and slain by the Athenians.
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of
Useful ...Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge - 1840 - - It is


difficult to give a reason for the connection of Neptune with the horse ;
but it is evident from several passages in the ... Poseidon is written in
Doric Greek, Poteidan (TloTuBav), of which we have another example in
the name of Potidaea, ...
The Penny Cyclopdia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful ...1840
- It is difficult to give a reason for the connection of Neptune with the
horse ; but it is evident from several passages in the ... Poseidon is
written in Doric Greek, Poteidan (HoraSav), of which we have another
example in the name of Potidaea, ...
The Penny Cyclopdia of the Society for the Diffusion of
Useful ...George Long - 1840 - - It is difficult to give a reason for the
connection of Neptune with the horse ; but it is evident from several
parages in the ... we have another example in :: name of Potidaea, written
Poteidaia in inscription, now in tbe British Museum, ...
Great Books of the Western World: Robert Maynard Hutchins, Editor
in ...Robert Maynard Hutchins - 1952 - - Artabazus, therefore, laid siege
to Potidaea; and having a suspicion that the Olyn- thians were likely to
revolt shortly, ... was the profanation, by the very men now destroyed in
the sea, of the temple and image of Neptune, situated in their ...
PASCAL - 33 - 283 ROBERT MAYNARD. HUTCHINS 1980 - - When this town had fallen, Artabazus pressed the siege of
Potidaea all the more unremittingly; and was pushing his ... was the
profanation, by the very men now destroyed in the sea, of the temple and
image of Neptune, situated in their suburb ...
Great Books of the Western World: Herodotus. Thucydides - 283
Robert Maynard Hutchins, Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc, University of
Chicago - 1980 - - When this town had fallen, Artabazus pressed the
siege of Potidaea all the more unremittingly; and was pushing his ... was
the profanation, by the very men now destroyed in the sea, of the temple
and image of Neptune, situated in their suburb ...
Great books of the Western world - 5 - 283 Mortimer
Jerome Adler, Clifton Fadiman, Philip W. Goetz - 1990 - - When this
town had fallen, Artabazus pressed the siege of Potidaea all the more
unremittingly; and was pushing his ... was the profanation, by the very
men now destroyed in the sea, of the temple and image of Neptune,
situated in their suburb ...


Great Books of the Western World - 6 - 283 1952 - - When

this town had fallen, Artabazus pressed the siege of Potidaea all the
more unremittingly; and was pushing his ... was the profanation, by the
very men now destroyed in the sea, of the temple and image of Neptune,
situated in their suburb ...
The histories of Herodotus - 2 - 265 Herodotus, Edward
Henry Blakeney - 1964 - - Siege of Potidaea 265 commonly happens in
war; and when the arrow was pulled out, they noticed the paper, and ...
was the profanation, by the very men now destroyed in the sea, of the
temple and image of Neptune, situated in their suburb.
Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology: With Special Reference
to ...Robert Brown - 1898 - - Potidaea,' says Leake (Numis. Hel. in voc),
' the local form of Potidania or Posidonia, the city of Neptune.' I may
remark in passing that Neptunus is entirely a distinct divinity from
Poseidon ; but, it was formerly customary to call Greek divinities ...
Elgin and Phigaleian marbles - 2 British Museum. Dept. of Greek
and Roman Antiquities - 1833 - An Analysis and Summary of Thucydides - 193 1855 - Advancing from Potidaea, they landed opposite the temple of Neptune
and marched against Mende. The Mendaeans, with 300 Scionaeans and
the Peloponnesian auxiliaries, amounting in all to 700 heavy infantry,
were encamped on a ...
The History of Herodotus: A New English Version - 4 -
518 George Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, Sir John
Gardner Wilkinson - 1875 - - Neptune, not known to the Egyptians, ii.
93 ; his worship introduced ... 156 ; his contention with Minerva, 302 ;
altar at the Isthmus, 352 ; temple at Potidaea, 356 ; statue dedicated to
him by tho Greeks after Platan, 438. Nereids, not known to the ...
The History of the Peloponnesian War: A New and Literal
Version, ...Tucidides - 1848 - ... and Nicos- tratus son of Diitrephes. After
advancing from Potidaea with their ships, they came to land opposite the
temple of Neptune, and proceeded against the Mendaeans. They, both
themselves and three hundred Scionaeans who had ...
Bibliotheca Classica, Or A Dictionary of All the Principal Names
and ...John Lemprire - 1851 - - Olynthus was sixty stadia from
Potidaea, and within sight of that town, as we learn from Thucydides. ...


the city Onchestus are about fifteen stadia distant from this mountain ;
and they say that Onchestus the son of Neptune once dwelt in this city.
Numismata Hellenica: a Catalogue of Greek Coins Collected by
William ...William Martin Leake - 1856 - Neptune seated to l. on throne
without back, on the side of which a Boeotian shield ; in his right hand,
dolphin; in left, trident ... The proximity of the Buttiuei to the
Chalcidenses as well as to Olynthus and Potidaea, is still more clearly
shown by ...
The Pharsalia of Lucan - 256 Lucan - 1853 - - There they
furhished the lance or sword (" ensis" may mean either) of Mars, the
trident of Neptune, the arrows with which ... On the Isthmus which
connected it with the main land stood the town of Potidaea. as they come,
and in the eyes of the ...
The Pharsalia of Lucan: literally translated into English prose
with ...Lucan - 1853 - - There they furbished the lance or sword (" ensis"
may mean either) of Mars, the trident of Neptune, the arrows with
which ... On the Isthmus which connected it with the main land stood the
town of Potidaea. as they come, and in the eyes t1f the ...
The History - 537 Herodotus - 1992 - - The Potidaeans say that
the cause of this flux and inundation, and of the Persian disaster, was
this, that these very Persians who were destroyed by the sea had
committed impieties at the temple of Neptune, and the statue which
stands in the ...
The History of Herodotus - 4 - 172 Herodotus - 1909 -All who were not able to swim perished immediately; the rest were slain
by the Potidaeans, who bore down upon ... was the profanation, by the
very men now destroyed in the sea, of the temple and image of Neptune,
situated in their suburb.
Bibliotheca Classica: Or, a Classical Dictionary, Containing a Full ...1792
The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper:
including ...Alexander Chalmers, Samuel Johnson - 1810 - - Still the
pleas'd eye the floating plain pursues; At length, in Neptune's wide
dominions lost, Surveys the shining hillows, that ... Pallene's coast
extended wide, And with tremendous war, and hattle stem The tremhling
walls of Potidaea shook.


The pronunciation of Greek and Latin proper names in English Henry J.

Richmond - 1905 - The Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles of the Classical Ages: In the ...
1846 - Industrial history of the Greeks - x 1846 - - Corcyra resists
taxation by Corinth Potidaea, Sicyon, Chalcedon, and Byzantium Megara
. Apollonia . . . . Domestic policy of Corinth Origin of the Isthmian games
Industrial objects Variety of attractions Temple of Neptune . National
benefit of ...
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Sir William
Smith - 1873 - - 824) calls him a son of Neptune and Thoosa. ...
Athenian troops blockading Samoa, In 432, after the revolt of Potidaea,
he was sent out with reinforcements for the troops under Cnllias, and,
taking the command, proceeded to blockade the city.
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology - 345
Smith - 1849 - - 45.) Servius (ad Aen. v. 824) calls him a son of Neptune
and Thoosa. ... In 432, after the revolt of Potidaea, he was sent out with
reinforcements for the troops under Callias and, taking the command,
proceeded to blockade the city. iWhen the ...
The Industrial History of Free Nations, Considered in Relation to ... W.
Torrens MacCullagh - 1846 - - with the Dutch, ib.expel the Dutch
from Brazil, 347 Poseidon. See Neptune. Potidaea, the chief magistrate
of, annually sent from Corinth, i. 73 Potter, Paul, ii. 292 Press, censorship
of, during the Reformation, ii. 181 Prices, progressive rise of, ...
Greek Reading Book, for the Use of Schools: Containing the
Substance ...Thomas Kerchever Arnold, Jesse Ames Spencer - 1848 - Neptune, god of the sea, the son of Saturn and Ops. noug, sols, Ion, tos,
5. A husband, a bridegroom, one who is betrothed. noig, song, ii (from ...
Tinto, to Potidaea, a fall). What befalls one, fate, | destiny, death, lot.
nzvua, ag, (adj. in the ...
The works of Horace: with English notes, and a life of Horace Horace,
Edward Moore, Charles Beck - 1854 - - Potidaea, Amphipolis, &c., by
means of bribery. He also bribed the com ... The poet devotes nearly half
the poem to the supposed descent of Lamia from Lamus, the son of
Neptune and king of the Laestrygones. The mock gravity of this ...


History of Herodotus a New English Version, Edited with

Copious ...1862 - - 297 Potidaeans, who'bore down upon them in their
sailing vessels. ... of the Persians which ensued therefrom, was the
profanation, by the very men now destroyed in the sea, of the temple and
image of Neptune, situated in their suburb. And in ...
Travels in Albania and other provinces of Turkey in 1809 & 1810:
In ...John Cam Hobhouse - 1858 - - ... the Temple of Theseus.b A 5 To
Colonus Hippius (Edipus fled : on it was a temple of Neptune ; it was ten
stadia from the city. ... ing part of an epitaph on those who b It is or was
called Asian Kapesi, fell at Potidaea, the year before the one ...
A History of Greece for young persons - 43 John Mason Neale 1851 - ... ceremony took place on the isthmus, where the votes of the
several commanders were placed in writing on the altar of Neptune. ... He
then laid siege to Potidaea, but for three months made little progress,
though one of the garrison kept up, ...
The Industrial History of Free Nations: Considered in Relation
to ...William Torrens McCullagh Torrens - 1846 - - ... Corinth 72
Potidaea, Sicyon, Chalcedon, and Byzantium .... 73 Megara 73 Apollonia
73 Domestic policy of Corinth 74 Origin of the Isthmian games 75
Industrial objects 76 Variety of attractions 77 Temple of Neptune 78
National benefit of the ...
A history of Greece for junior classes, with an appendix giving a ...1875 Neptune, 22. Nicolaus, Pope, 157. Niketas, 174. Nikias, 90, 92, 95.
Nikolaos, St., 178. Normanu, 175. Octavianus, 150. ... Poms, 125.
Poseiiion, 129. Potidaia, 84. 86, Primates, 162. Prokles. 28. Propylose,
81. Prusias, King, 139. Psara, 169.
A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and ... Sir
William Smith - 1874 - - ... by numerous colonies, Ambracia, Corcyra,
Apollonia, Potidaea, &c. Its commerce brought ... (2) Daughter of
Phoroneus, king of Phocis, metamorphosed by Athena (Minerva) into a
crow, when pursued by Poseidon (Neptune). CORSICA.
The Greeks - x 1846 - Corcyra resists taxation by Corinth 4
Potidaea, Sicyon, Chalcedon, and Byzantium Megara ...Apollonia
Domestic policy of Corinth Origin of the Isthmian games . Industrial
objects . Variety of attractions .... Temple of Neptune . National benefit ...
The Classical Gazetteer: A Dictionary of Ancient Geography,
Sacred ...William Hazlitt - 1851 - - Hence Neptune watched Ulysses.


Adratchan. V. of Macedonia, along the coast of the ... Olynthus, capital of

Sithonia, Macedonia, at the head of the Toronaicus sin., 8 miles n.e. from
Potidaea. Founded by the Eretrians of Euboea, on their ...
The Encyclopaedia Britannica: Or, Dictionary of Arts, Sciences,
and ...1853 - - Mutual services had cemented their friendship ; Socrates
having rescued him from death at the battle of Potidaea, as he ... it would
be difficult to identify with any modern island, was son of Nausithous,
and grandson of Neptune and Periboea.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences,
and ...1853. Mutual services had cemented their friendship ; Socrates
having rescued him from death at the battle of Potidaea, as he ... it would
be difficult to identify with any modern island, was son of Nausithous,
and grandson of Neptune and Periboca.
Library of Entertaining Knowledge - 19 1833 - Excavations at Olynthus: Architecture and sculpture: houses and ... Johns
Hopkins University, David Moore Robinson, George Emmanuel Mylonas
- 1930 - Neptune, 87. Nereid, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 112. Net pattern, 9.
Neuburger, A., 49. Nieanor, 38. Nicolai'des, K., vii. ... Potidaea, ix.
Praesus, 50. Praxiteles, 76. Pre-Hellenic, 35. Prehistoric, 1, 48, 69, 128.
Priam, 33. Priapus, 34. Priene, 35, 36 ...
The Numismatic Chronicle - 3 - 139 ... little treasure by its
present owner; the remainder were of rude fabric, and types
undistinguishable. POTIDAEA, PALLENE. No. I. Naked male figure
(Neptune Hippias) on horseback, holding a trident horizontally ; below
the horse is a star.
La novela tradicional - 329 Jaime Rest - 1826 - - Neptune, the
ruler of the Ocean, was their favourite deity. If time permitted it, this ... 7,
is a very scholar-like commentary, with excellent restitutions and
emendations, by the celebrated Thiersch on the Potidaean inscription,
whilst No. 7 and last ...
The History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to Its Final ... - 55
184? - - ... forced from the temple of Neptune on Mount Taena- rus, to
which last the great earthquake at Sparta was popularly ascribed. ... It
required that the siege of Potidaea should be raised and ^Egina made free
; but chiefly that the decree against ...


PLATO - 508 1942 - - POSEIDON (Po s/ don), the Greek god of

the sea; brother of Zeus; by the Romans identified with Neptune.
POTIDAEA (Pot i dee' a), a town in Macedonia; revolted from. Athens in
432 B.C., scene of an important battle in 508 PLATO.
Nelson's Encyclopaedia: Everybody's Book of Reference ... - 372
1907 Index - 407 Henry Smith Williams - 1907 - The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature - 458 M. C.
Howatson - 1989 - - As god of the sea his cult was widespread
throughout Greece, as is attested by the city names Potidaea in
Chalcidice and Poseidonia in south Italy. ... The Romans identified
Poseidon with the water-god *Neptune. Posido'nius (Poseidonios) ...
Excavations at Olynthus: The Chalcidic mint and the excavation
coins ...Johns Hopkins University, David Moore Robinson, George
Emmanuel Mylonas - 1930 - Neptune, 87. Nereid, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
112. Net pattern, 9. Neuburger, A., 49. Nicanor, 38. Nicolades, ., vii. ...
Potidaea, ix. Praesus, 50. Praxiteles, 76. Pre-Hellenic, 35. Prehistoric, 1,
48, 69, 128. Priam, 33. Priapus, 34. Priene, 35, 36, 39, ...
Stratagems of War: Books VI-VIII, Excerpts, and Leo the Emperor
Polyaenus, Peter Krentz, Everett L. Wheeler - 1994 - - See also Neptune
Postumius 787 Potidaea 687 Prasiae 187 Prienian 51 Priestess
35,717,793,801,809, 837, 979 Prinassus 433 Proeles 27 Propylaea 813
Proteus 9 Proxenus 321 Psammetichus 627, 787 Pteleus 677 Ptolemy
(son of Lagus) ...
Oarses-Zygia - 345 Sir William Smith - 1890 - PLATO - 508 B. JOWETT - 1942 - POSEIDON (Po s/ don), the
Greek god of the sea; brother of Zeus; by the Romans identified with
Neptune. POTIDAEA (Pot i dee' a), a town in Macedonia; revolted from
Athens in 432 B.C., scene of an important battle in 508 PLATO.
Architecture and sculpture: houses and other buildings - 152
David Moore Robinson - 1930 - Neptune, 87. Nereid, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88,
89, 112. Net pattern, 9. Neuburger, A., 49. Nicanor, 38. Nicolai.des, K.,
vii. ... Potidaea, ix. Praesus, 50. Praxiteles, 76. Pre-Hellenic, 35.
Prehistoric, 1, 48, 69, 128. Priam, 33. Priapus, 34. Priene, 35, 36, 39 ...


Aegae, 189
Aphytis, 166, 173, 189
Athena, 45, 55, 69, 70, 71, 73, 79,
80, 87, 101, 106, 108, 118, 120,
149, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174,
176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181,
201, 207
Athos, 83, 87, 97, 103, 142, 169,
176, 180, 186, 190, 191, 206
Badian, 123, 195, 198
Battle, 55, 78, 193
Cassandreia, 29, 102, 105, 175,
182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187,
188, 189, 190, 208, 210
Cassandrensis, 98, 101
Chalcidic colonies, 139
Chalcidic state, 116
Chalcidice, 56, 69, 71, 73, 103,
104, 107, 108, 111, 119, 121,
122, 123, 133, 138, 140, 141,
170, 172, 174, 176, 181, 189,
207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 217,
218, 222
Chalcis, 104, 189, 207
Chalkidike, 69, 75, 91, 96, 136,
145, 169, 211, 216
Colonia, 98, 99, 101
Corinth, 28, 39, 45, 58, 107, 114,
117, 118, 119, 127, 128, 129,
130, 131, 135, 136, 138, 140,
146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 197,
200, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209,
210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,
216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221,

Corinthian, 33, 58, 98, 103, 104,

105, 112, 113, 115, 128, 129,
131, 133, 135, 138, 148, 150,
151, 167, 182, 191, 206, 207,
208, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215,
216, 217, 218, 222
Corinthians, 103, 105, 107, 108,
109, 121, 122, 123, 139, 140,
141, 168, 187, 207, 208, 211,
212, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219
Corinthiens, 162
Enetria, 189
Ertriens, 162, 164
Euboea, 189, 194
giants, 68, 70, 75, 76, 78, 79, 170,
Giganten, 67, 69, 73
Herodotus, 47, 59, 74, 85, 102, 107,
111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 119,
120, 126, 129, 132, 133, 135,
136, 140, 142, 147, 152, 159,
160, 161, 162, 165, 171, 174,
178, 180, 183, 185, 192, 193,
194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 202,
203, 204, 210, 211, 215, 217,
Hippios, 27, 28, 29, 34, 39, 44,
47, 49, 56, 57, 58, 60, 87, 93,
107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 115,
117, 118, 119, 121, 128, 131,
136, 138, 148, 150, 152, 153,
156, 170, 200, 209, 211, 214,
216, 217
Hippos, 48, 120, 148
Kassander, 91, 94, 100

Kassandra, 97, 102, 186, 187
Kassandrea, 91
Kassandreia, 59, 60, 91, 92, 93, 94,
95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 170, 191
Korinth, 51, 93, 98, 148
Mend, 154, 155, 164, 165, 166
Neptune, 60, 68, 75, 78, 102, 154,
155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160,
161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
168, 169, 176, 180, 201, 207,
224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229,
230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235,
236, 237
Pallene, 29, 32, 34, 39, 44, 46, 54,
58, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76,
78, 79, 80, 89, 92, 98, 100, 101,
103, 111, 130, 131, 143, 166,
167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,
173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178,
179, 180, 181, 184, 191, 192,
200, 205, 206, 214, 215, 217,
218, 219, 222
Pallini, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89
Pelekidis, 183, 224
peninsula, 34, 44, 73, 75, 76, 79,
105, 111, 119, 130, 131, 167,
168, 169, 170, 174, 175, 176,
179, 180, 184, 200, 205, 214,
215, 217, 222
Perses, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160,
161, 163, 164, 165, 196
Persian, 43, 61, 70, 112, 113, 119,
125, 126, 129, 130, 135, 138,
140, 142, 143, 170, 191, 192,
193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198,
199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204,
205, 210
Phlegra, 29, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
172, 175, 177, 179, 181
Plataea, 44, 105, 109, 114, 123,
127, 137, 192, 193, 195, 198,
199, 201, 202, 203, 210
Poseidon, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44,
45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87,
88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,

110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,

116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,
134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145,
146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
152, 153, 157, 158, 166, 167,
168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173,
174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179,
180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185,
186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,
192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197,
198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203,
204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209,
210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,
216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221,
222, 223, 224
Poseidn, 35, 42, 67
Poseidn, 97
Poseidonia, 36, 39, 44, 45, 49, 59,
99, 104, 105, 107, 114, 116,
118, 122, 132, 133, 136, 138,
145, 148, 151, 152, 158, 165,
182, 185, 192, 196, 200, 201,
209, 210, 215, 216, 217
Posidn, 66, 67
Poteidaea, 29, 173, 183
Potidaea, 29, 39, 40, 43, 45, 49,
56, 61, 80, 91, 98, 102, 103,
104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,
116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,
134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 151,
167, 168, 170, 174, 178, 179,
180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187,
189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195,
196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201,
202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207,
208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213,
214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219,
220, 221, 222, 224
Potidaeans, 104, 109, 110, 111,
120, 133, 138, 170, 179, 193,
197, 207, 209, 212, 214, 215,
216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 224
Potidaeum, 38
Potidaia, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,

63, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 101, 113,
116, 117, 120, 123, 124, 125,
126, 127, 128, 129, 132, 136,
143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148,
149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 194,
196, 201, 202, 204, 210, 211,
214, 215, 221
Potidaians, 38, 49, 59, 136, 153,
Potidaiatika, 45
Potidea, 29, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 55, 56,
57, 58, 60, 62, 105, 111, 118,
127, 143, 210
Potidates, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160
Potide, 61, 154, 155, 156, 157,
158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163,
164, 165, 166, 190
Roman, 89
Scione, 110, 121, 154, 155, 158,
161, 164
Sithon, 147, 160, 162, 164, 168,
169, 171, 173, 177, 179, 181
Spartan, 59, 61, 116, 195, 203
Stratonice, 185, 186, 187, 188
temple, 33, 36, 43, 44, 50, 51, 71,
77, 85, 91, 92, 96, 97, 104, 105,
107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113,
117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,
123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129,
134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140,
141, 142, 143, 145, 149, 152,
154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165,
166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172,
174, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182,
183, 185, 186, 187, 190, 192,
193, 194, 196, 197, 199, 201,
202, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213,
218, 220, 222
Temple, 39, 82, 89, 91, 103, 105,
130, 133, 141, 151, 163, 169,
181, 186, 191, 201, 203, 206,
215, 217, 219, 221, 223
tetradrachm, 45, 117, 132, 147, 185,
Thrace, 89
Thracian, 89
Thucydides, 38, 48, 62, 85, 91, 104,
113, 116, 120, 121, 133, 136,
137, 138, 140, 141, 144, 148,
153, 158, 161, 163, 165, 174,
178, 179, 181, 202, 203, 204,

205, 208, 211, 215, 216, 217,

218, 219, 222, 224
Xnophon, 143, 165
, 221
, 102, 185, 191
, 30
, 66, 76, 83, 85, 87, 176
, 29, 30, 31, 32
, 222
, 31, 42, 53, 83, 94,
115, 146, 183
, 98, 184
eptuni, 37
, 30, 66, 67, 74, 76, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
90, 102, 168, 173, 174, 176,
181, 185, 191
, 29
, 30, 32, 53, 64, 65, 84,
, 222
, 43, 116
, 47
, 30, 32, 40, 42, 83, 94,
115, 146, 183
, 37, 38, 64, 110,
, 27, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64,
65, 66, 67, 72, 81, 82, 83, 84,
85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94,
106, 112, 115, 116, 118, 124,
128, 129, 143, 144, 145, 146,
147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153,
154, 168, 173, 183
, 29, 30, 32, 43, 46,
52, 53, 64, 66, 67, 72, 84, 85,
90, 102, 116, 124, 144, 149,
173, 182, 185, 191, 220, 221,
, 36, 47, 49, 51, 58, 98,
99, 184
, 40, 41, 43, 47, 50, 52,
57, 64, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 115,
124, 128, 146, 148, 149, 150,
, 29, 33, 36, 42, 46, 47,
48, 49, 52, 53, 62, 66, 115, 146
, 38
, 29
, 28, 42, 47, 82, 85, 87,
89, 115, 143, 153

, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36,
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64,
65, 66, 87, 89, 90, 102, 106,
109, 110, 113, 115, 116, 118,
124, 125, 128, 129, 143, 144,
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,
151, 153, 182,185, 191, 221
, 30, 32, 220

, 55
, 102, 175, 185, 191
, 31
, 66, 67, 72, 74, 76, 87,
174, 176
, 67
, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 168
, 66, 81, 83
, 84

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