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Regular Attendance In University Is

Essential Academic Achievement

Education Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

Questions of personal development of students and the formation of their

readiness for future professional activities are keys to the theory and
practice of improving the work of modern education institutions. This is
because the initial phase of "assimilation" with profession comes just
during learning, as well as the process of self-determination of a young
man in life: he forms his life and philosophical positions, develop
individualized methods of work, behavior and communication.
In this case one of the leading problems is to build such a system in
educational institutions that will be optimal for not only personal
development of students, but also their professional development as
specialists, their readiness to work.
Consequently, more urgent becomes the problem of identifying the
relationship and interdependence of two processes: the personal and
professional development of student and the process of studying. That's
why it is necessary to determine how the learning process and attendance
of college or school affect personal characteristics of students: their
professionalism, willingness to work, depth of knowledge, and a total
success in the future profession.

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Education is part of the process of personality formation. Through this

process, society transmits knowledge, skills from one person to many
other. During studying the student is not only given, but also imposes
certain points of view, opinions, social and cultural values. The learning
process is aimed at the socialization of the individual, but sometimes it
interferes with the true interests of the student. For example, some
students prefer the process of self-education and not attending schools or
college, but rather choose learning by correspondence or distance
Also the advancement of technology, using computer network to record
lectures and to upload course contents has facilitated students in an online
learning environment to access material and to repeat classroom
experience after class, or even without attending class. Concern for
improvements in student learning has attracted a large amount of literature
in search for the correlation of class attendance and student performance,
particularly in the present time when almost everything is accessible
But here the question arises: how effective is that education? Also, some
students do not attend school or college because it is a waste of time for
them. However, in the future, these students will have to work, and their
professional knowledge and skills are in question. Consequently, there is
a fundamental question: how attendance of the university or college affects
the professionalism and success in the future work of the student?
Nowadays a lot of schools and colleges have introduced a policy of strict
attendance, that means all students must attend classes, and both parents
and teachers must control that process. These policies of strict attendance
have caused a lot of arguments for and against.
This paper will analyze the importance of attendance policy at schools and
colleges, and its importance for students performance and good
professional skills. The paper will present three points of view: one
supporting strict attendance policy, one who is opposed to attendance
policy, and one that can take either side.

The importance of attendance in the

learning process
The traditional form of education is the internal form, when students should
strictly attend classes, lectures and seminars. Most students continue to
choose this form of education despite the difficulties of economic nature:
during 5 years students will not be able to work full time, and will have to
devote most of the time to studying.
In this paper we consider the importance of such form of education for
students, and in particular the importance of attendance of classes for their
future professional activities.
The main purpose of full-time education, when students attend classes, is
that the learning process should give students a certain system of
knowledge, should work out a certain way of thinking, should give practice
of progressive efforts to obtain and use the knowledge. This type of
education is the most widely used today and is based on obtaining the
knowledge and skills under the scheme: the study of new material consolidation of the material learnt - monitoring of results and their
The main characteristics of full-time education is that:

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- first, that teachers give students their knowledge, experience and skills;

- secondly, teachers not only provide students with the necessary stock of
knowledge, but also instruct them on various options of life and job
This suggests that classes in schools and universities not only provide
students with all the necessary information, but also give the social
aspects of educating young people. The above conditions are
complementary, and give students all-round development.
Based on this, the most common presentation of strict attendance policy,
we should pay attention to some specific features of traditional
schooling. There is a joke that has a deep sense: "Education - is what
remains with a person after he forgets everything he was taught". Indeed,
much of the information people get is usually forgotten after some time, but
self-educational and social aspects of learning remain. On this basis, it
would be logical to assume, that together with the giving a certain amount
of facts and algorithms, the most important task of education is the
development of intellectual capacities of students.
From a classroom management viewpoint, there are many logistical
reasons to require attendance. Group projects are very negatively affected
when a group member does not show up for labs. Class morale is lowered
when students show up late and have no clue of the topic being discussed.
Students claiming that coming to class is unnecessary to get good grades
influence other students, even if they do benefit from attending class.
(Clump et al. 2003)
However, class expedience is a secondary issue, compared to every
instructor's responsibility to teach her course as effectively as possible.
Learning is a joint and wonderful journey between each student, her peers
and her instructors. Although the world of academia is rapidly changing
with an ever increasing distance- learning component, the sole reading of

a textbook (or watching of a screen) cannot be compared in richness and

effectiveness of a classroom experience.
To fully present the importance of lessons attendance, it is necessary to
give characteristics of students who attend lessons. Who is now a regular
full-time student? This is usually a young man who understands that for
serious work he must have good knowledge and education. He
deliberately chooses a full-time education, wishing to devote all his time
learning, mastering the profession. He believes that the acquired
knowledge will help to find work, to take a worthy place in life, to grow in
the profession and to ensure an acceptable quality of life for themselves
and their future family.
Many research and experiments about the regular attendance show that
students who attend classes achieve better results in education. For
example Clump et al. (2003) studied the effect of attending class in a
course in General Psychology, comparing the performance of students
"who were present on days were given with those who were not present."
They conclude that "attending class is one of the best things students can
do with regards to their grades. This is the case for both the immediate
future and for the entire course." (Clump et al. 2003)
The advantages of strict attendance of classes are the following:
1. It is an opportunity for direct communication with the teachers,
because the personal factor plays a huge role in any work, and especially
in education as from teacher's lectures students can learn much more than
from a textbook or the Internet.
2. Students have time to visit libraries, conferences, and that, of course,
deepens the theoretical knowledge, which is a necessary for professional
3. Full-time students have more opportunities to realize themselves in the
faculty and the institute's activities, that is to participate in the informal life
of the university. This is of great importance for students, because it is the
experience of public speeches, reports and other types of professional
activity, which is important for their future career.

2. Arguments against policy of strict

Although the arguments for using an attendance policy are compelling,
there are many researchers who provide equally compelling arguments
against attendance policies.
Unfortunately, attendance policy has some shortcomings, especially they
are important in our times, when grants are small, and the opportunity to
work for students is excluded because of lack of time. Of course, full-time
education provides fewer opportunities for part-time job, as classes at the
institute, as a rule, take time from nine o'clock in the morning to five o'clock
in the evening daily, except weekends. So when some students are forced
to look for jobs, they have less time for good studying, regular visits of
lectures, seminars and libraries.

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Another important reason of arguments against strict attendance is that

many students nowadays can have bad health, and some illnesses that do
not allow to regular attend classes. For example children with diabetes,
heart diseases, obesity, and some other chronic diseases can often feel
not well enough to go to school or college, and they very often stay at
home. Health problems really prevent students from regular and strict
attendance, and that argument can be the most strong.
When speaking about the strict attendance policy, it is necessary to take
into consideration numerous personal factors of students, that this policy
can not provide. These reasons can be taking care of brothers and sisters,

some active sport activity, psychological problems and numerous family

Also among the most common reason of bad lessons attendance is
motivation and responsibility of students. Sometimes student come to high
school for very different reasons, for example when parents make them to
do this. These students often failed to see an independent life after
graduation, and do not understand why they need certain knowledge, what
they want in the future profession. This leads to infantile attitude to
educational process, focus on formal memory from some students and the
desire to just get a good grade, or "slip" from others.
Some of the criticism for implementing an attendance policy is that it
assumes that students cannot judge what is good for them, and that they,
not the instructor should decide if they should attend a particular class on a
particular day. To make a rational decision to attend or skip class, a student
must judge the value of each of these two options. But, it is in the human
nature that immediate necessities are preferred over long-term advantages
(Kahn et al., 2004). To assume that a young person can appreciate the
long-term value of education is a weighty assumption. Of course, the
situation is changing in senior courses, when student usually already have
a professional interest, and begin to think about future employment.
In all cases, any decision seems rational from the viewpoint of the person
taking it. In the case of class attendance, students may skip class for
reasons that have nothing to do with bettering their learning. If the student
is viewed simply as the instructor's customer, then any student decision is,
by definition, right. In both cases, it is a student's decision.

The third variation of the attendance

policy - is optional attendance policy
Optional attendance policy is an open educational opportunity for
students. A good example of optional policy is distant learning. A student
who takes part in such program studies the same curriculum and takes the
same exam as other students, but he does not have to attend the

classes because everything, including lectures, books, materials are

available in the internet.
Such students do not have to attend regular classes, so they can save a
lot of time and money to get to college. Students do not have to get up
early, to take buses to gat to college from far away, no more waste time
like this. Instead students just stay at home and do homework.
The main advantage of distance learning is the availability of training and
lack of need for attendance. Distance learning is designed for a category
of people who, for objective reasons can not use the traditional form of
training. These categories include, for example, students with disabilities
to health, or students who need to combine training and work.

Conclusion and my attitude to the topic

This paper shows that there are different point view on the strict classes
attendance policy, that nowadays is introduced in many colleges and
The first point is supporting strict attendance policy , that have enough and
consistent evidence to conclude that student attendance is important for
getting good knowledge, skills, it improves student academic performance
and professional characteristics. The second point of view is based on
arguments against strict attendance, that is impossible for a lot of students.
The third point of view touches upon the topic of flexible optional policies,
the example of which is distance education. There are a lot of points
supporting the advantages of distance learning, saying that this is not just
a convenient form of learning, but also a serious alternative to the
traditional form in the future: according to the American Association for
Research in Education (American Educational Research Association), in
2010 nearly two-thirds of the students will choose it.

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I fully agree about the importance of attendance policy, as I'm sure that
college or school attendance gives students plenty of opportunities to get
knowledge, skills that are necessary for future profession. Such students
have far more opportunities not only to get information relevant to the
future job, but to develop their own skills and talents.
The conclusion may be that the main objective of any education is to teach
people to think independently, to teach students the chosen subjects and
professions. But achieving such a goal is impossible to imagine without
the activity of students interested in the results of their training. Not the last
factor for successful education is the personal characteristics of the
individual, who must have a clear motivation. It's no secret that the
traditional form of learning and strict attendance help student in many
ways: monitoring the learning process, as well as mutual assistance and
support from students and teachers.
In conclusion I would like to note that the choice of full-time education is a
major step for the future of the student and his family. It is difficult, but the
most productive and promising way of acquiring a profession. More and
more young people nowadays understand that lessons attendance opens
new opportunities for self-realization, finding good job, moving up the
social ladder, providing a decent standard of living.

Read more:

Appeal Of
Online Education To College
Students Education Essay

Published: 23, March 2015

Distance education is "planned learning that normally occurs in different
places from teaching and as a result requires special techniques of course
design, special instructional techniques, special methods of
communication by electronic and other technology as well as special
organizational and administrative arrangements" [9]. Some students
choose to move away from home to attend college, and some decide to
commute. This tends to be a big decision for most people wanting to
further their education, including adults returning to college later in their
lives. There are pros and cons to each side, but the main point is whether
people prefer face-to-face education or on-line education.
The object of this study is to examine the appeal of on-line education to
college students in the United States versus face-to-face education, with a
specific focus on the number of adults returning to college seeking online
education. The research examines the number of college students and
returning adult students that are choosing to further their education on-line
versus commuting to the college for face-to-face instruction.

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The internet has become a critical part of nearly every academic discipline,
even some that were against the technology in the beginning. College and
Universities have seen the demand for the online courses and have
increased their courses offered online. The rate of students enrolling in
online courses has exceeded the growth rate of the overall higher
education student population by 16.8 percent [1]. Over the time that online
courses have been available the increase in interest has been growing in

leaps and bounds, but some say that a plateau may have been reached.
Research has proven that this is not true. The growth rate of online course
enrollment is still increasing, and is in the double-digits [1].
Eduventures, a consulting and research firm, recently conducted a survey
and found approximately 80 percent of online students are commonly older
and are more likely to be working and have families [2]. San Diego State
University recently increased the availability of high demand courses by
offering it online in order to increase summer enrollment, and attract
students that hold summer jobs, live out of town and cannot travel to
campus, and to help the overcrowding problems [3]. This was beneficial to
both the school and the students looking for a way to continue their
Many colleges have implemented Web-based course management
programs to assist in delivering a college course in the most efficient way.
Blackboard is one of the leading course management systems that offer
open architecture for customization and can be used for many different
types of courses, online, Web-enhanced and hybrid [10]. This program
enables the students and instructors have an enhanced learning
experience. WebCT (another online education instrument) is the world's
leading provider of integrated online education systems for higher
education [10]. In February 2006 WebCT was acquired by Blackboard.
These management programs help instructors bring the classroom and the
web together by evaluating, tracking, and grading student activities. These
programs were developed at the former Cornell University and The
University of British Columbia in the late nineteen nineties [8]. Web These
programs are used mainly for on-line courses but can be used for face-toface instruction also, as an aid to the teacher, to get information out to the
students quickly and helping students track their progress in the class.
Another plus for the students using Blackboard is that it is running 24/7,
meaning students can do their work at any time, day or night, and even on
the weekend. This gives the students with extremely busy schedules to
use their time more efficiently.

Research Model

It has been said that adults returning to college will be more likely to take
online courses than the traditional college student between the ages of 1821. Some of the reasons behind this seem to lie in the fact that the
younger college students benefit from the social atmosphere that is
provided by the college campus. That defiantly lends itself to the reason at
a majority of the online students enrolled in college today are over the age
of 24 [4]. Another underling reasons that younger college students tend to
enjoy or lean toward face-to-face courses and college campus life is rather
simple, the freedom from their parents, parties, and a social life [7]. Young
students preferring to take classes on campus, is in the traditional
classroom the teacher is in front of them supervising, making sure they are
paying attention and completing their assignments. On the other hand
commuting students and adults returning to college are not in need of this
exciting social environment and are more inclined to be mature because
they more than likely already have existing obligations like work and family.
They are there to get a higher education and expand their knowledge. In a
study from the National Survey of Student Engagement only 11 percent of
traditional college students spend 25 or more hours a week studying; 40
percent spend 10 hours or less a week [5].

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The target audience for online college courses may not be the adult
students , but based on the findings in this study younger students have a

greater tendency to take online courses that older students [6]. This may
not be entirely true, young students may take these courses because they
are comfortable with the technology but they most likely will not do as well
in a class with face-to-face interaction. This study also states that in
previous years it was true that older students preferred to take online
courses, but with all the technology in recent years the tendency for the
younger students taking online courses has increased [6]. The increase in
on-line courses offered by colleges may be a combination of the younger
and older students, but without these on-line classes being offered there
would be a lot of adult students and commuting students that would not be
able to attend the college of their choice.

Therefore we propose:
H1: Commuting students are more likely to take online courses.
H2: Adults returning to college are more likely to take online courses.
There are many tools that assist in the on-line education environment. With
the unemployment rate soaring currently and more and more people
needing to re-evaluate their future we believe that more adults are
returning to college to expand their knowledge. The increase in enrollment
in online college courses can be largely attributed to the adult and
commuter students. Also, adults and commuter students have are on the
top of the list when it comes to having other priorities than school. They
could be holding a full time job and are unable to make it to the college on
time to take a night course; they could have a young child at home with no
one to watch he/she; they could be on a tight budget that does not allow
the money for the commute; or they could jut prefer the on-line community
vs. the face-to-face community at the college. Regardless, any of these
could be the reason for adult and/or commuter student to choose on-line


This study will be based on a survey of individuals who are enrolled in

community colleges, state colleges and people who are currently
entertaining the idea of furthering their education.
The written survey will be given.
Ages will ranged from students entering college directly from high school
(18 years of age) to adults returning to school (approx. 49 years of age)

Discussion & Conclusion

Through the research the determination of young college students liking
the campus atmosphere was valid. They enjoy the interaction with the
teachers, faculty and other students. The commuting students love the
option to be able to take some online courses and some face-to-face
courses. This gives them an opportunity to work around their busy work
and commuting schedules. Whereas the adult people returning to school
really take advantage to the online courses, some have full time jobs and
families to take care of, some are unemployed and don't want to get back
into the college scene, and some just enjoy online instruction.

Expected Contribution
The information gathered through this study will help convince more
colleges to consider expanding their on-line course selection for the
students. This will aid in increased enrollment at the institution and in turn
make the college more appealing to other students thinking about

Using a test survey first to determine if the questions are valid for the
research will assist in a more viable test. Having the survey taken by
students at only 2 colleges limits the possibilities of a favorable outcome.

Future Research

Expand the research to the numbers of students in the schools that take
on-line courses. Investigation into the reasons that students take online
courses will. Through a survey conducted on a control group based on the
above information will provide a better insight into on-line education.

Read more:

Factors Influencing Students to go

to Particular Schools
Published: 23, March 2015

Cambodia has been working very hard to develop its human capitals
purposely to promote social and economic development, rebuild the
nation, and integrate the country into the regional and global community.
Cambodia's current stage of educational development is still in its infancy
compared with many other Asian countries (Bumatay, 2009). On the one
hand, Cambodia has been collaborating with international communities to
achieve the Education for All goals by 2015 (Bumatay, 2009). On the end
of other educational spectrum, Cambodia is reforming its quality of higher
education since Cambodia necessarily needs its graduates to have high
qualifications, to become productive members, and to contribute to the
country development. (Bumatay, 2009).
During the 1990s, as Pit and Ford say, the students' demand for higher
education rapidly increased while the public higher education sector was
still unable to respond to that growing demand for challenging labor
marketing; therefore, in mid-1990s the government introduced a new policy
allowing the participation of private higher education sector (as cited in
Phirom, 2010). This new policy was introduced mainly to help public sector
deal with the students' dramatic increasing demand for higher education
and also to allow for the private higher education implementation in
Cambodia (Bumatay, 2009).

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Since the introduction of private sector, Cambodia has noticed a dramatic

increase in students' enrollment (undergraduate students) in both public
and private higher education institutions. This remarkable phenomenon of
the increasing number of students enrolled for higher education shows
subsequently rising figures from 25,080 in 2000-2001 to 75,523 in 20042005 (Bumatay, 2009). Also, in 2007-2008 academic year, the total number
of students who enrolled in all programs of higher education had increased
to 131, 639 (including degrees of Associate, Bachelor, Master and PhD)
(Bumatay, 2009). These numbers include 15,744 enrolled in Associate
Degree Program; 105,931 went to Bachelor Degree Program; 10,365
studied in Master Degree students; and another 844 were PhD Degree
students (Bumatay, 2009).
With this dramatic and demanding growth in the large amount of students'
enrollment and also urgent calls for help from the government, private
HEIs' rapid expansion in its higher educational trainings was constantly
demanded in response to the gradually growing needs for tertiary
education from secondary education graduates (Virak & Khorn, 2008). Due
to the fact that the students' increasing demand has never been satisfied,
the expansion of private higher education institutions has been noticed to
be increasingly established (Virak & Khorn, 2008).
Currently, there are a total of 80 higher education institutions (in category
as institutes and university) in Cambodia, with 33 public and 47 private,
working under the supervision of eleven different Ministries (statistics of
HEIs by DoHE, July 23, 2010). Compared with international standard, most
higher education institutions are small, with limited resources and
academic programs, indicating the inadequacies in quality, efficiency, and
standardized education assurance (Bumatay, 2009). At the same time,
those private HEIs provide more choices for students, not only different
options from the state HEIs, but also different options among competing
private HEIs themselves (D'Amico, 2008; Nault, 2008).

While having a variety of choices is not a bad thing, it does not necessarily
mean that students will always choose the right course and the right
university that best fits their interests, motivation, aptitude and talent, and
career goals. Oftentimes, students decide to major in a particular field at a
particular university without enough guidance and information about the
course and university as well as about their employment prospects after
graduation (D'Amico, 2008).
Further, in order to attract more students and to maximize their profits,
private HEIs tend to use their marketing strategies to manipulate the
increasing demands for higher education. In this sense, they design
courses and degree programmes that they have cost and competence
advantages to be attractive to students, which then encourage more
demands for those particular courses from students, even though they are
not necessarily needed in the labor market, and makes their institutions
popular (D'Amico, 2008). As a result, students end up studying subjects
that make them difficult to get employment after graduation. By the same
token, those private HEIs may enjoy profitability in the short run, but such
growth may not be sustainable in the long term when their programmes do
not respond to the real needs of the learners as well as of the labor market
(D'Amico, 2008; Nault, 2008).

Research problem
The rapid expansion of private higher education institutions (HEIs) saw
enrollment in higher education increasingly grow along with challenges
among students, and this phenomenon consequently presents two key
problems (D'Amico, 2008; Nault, 2008). First, the lack of information and
guidance has led to a situation where students end up studying subjects at
certain universities that are not in their best interests and that employment
markets for those subjects are saturated, with more supply than demand
(D'Amico, 2008; Nault, 2008). Second, another major problem is that
without proper management, the competition among private HEIs for
profits can harm Cambodian human resource development in the long run.

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In order to address these two challenges, there is a real need for a study to
understand the motivation and factors that affect students' decision in
selecting a private university. This is particularly important in Cambodian
context where there is little scientific evidence of why students decide to go
to a particular university, not others, and what those students expect to get
from their studies. Such information is useful not only for those whose
responsibilities are to provide students with information about higher
education and to guide them in their decision making process, but also for
private HEIs themselves in improving their performance so as to contribute
effectively to the process of human development of the country.

Research objectives
The objectives of the study are to examine the underlying specific reasons
why students are willing to pursue their study at a private university or
college and what motivates them to study there. More importantly, the
study is intended to find out factors that influence students' decision to
select that particular higher education institution for their study in
Cambodia. In addition, the study will also aim to identify the students'
expectation from the university they enroll.

Research questions

This study is conducted purposely to answer the following two research

What are the factors influencing students' decision to go to a particular
private higher education institution?
What are their expectations from the chosen institution?

First, this study will inform all the relevant stakeholders about critical
factors that influence students' decision to study at a particular private
higher education institution. Second, it will provide students with informed
judgment on how to choose a right institution for their study that will match
with the students' labor market. Informed of all those expected reasons
and influencing factors, management leaders/personnel of private higher
education institutions will better understand the students' needs and also
their satisfactions. The private higher education institutions in Cambodia
will be better able to respond to the students' needs by designing the
appropriate academic curriculums, offering the needed services, and
helping coordinate their academic performance.
In addition, the findings from this study will also inform policy makers in
higher education in Cambodia of better educational strategies, students'
motivation, and determining factors behind the students' education at a
particular higher education institution. In this sense, the findings from this
study will contribute to the future improvement and development in the
higher education sector in Cambodia.

Definition of key term

The term higher education institutions refers to institutions that provide all
forms of post-secondary education such as vocational schools, community
colleges, independent colleges , faculties and universities (American
Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 1992). Likewise, in
Cambodian context, the researcher defines the term higher education
institutions as any education institutions that offer tertiary education levels

following secondary education such as Associate Degrees, Bachelor

Degrees, Master Degrees, and Doctor Degrees.

Proposed chapter
This research paper will compose of five main chapters. Chapter I will
contain section of introduction to such important components as
background, research problem, research objective, research questions,
significance, and definition of term. Chapter II will outline a section of
literature review describing previous studies and conceptual framework of
the study. Chapter III will present a section of research methodology
covering research design of qualitative, tools/instruments for data
collection, sample size and sampling method, a description of variables
derived from the research tools data collecting procedures, a plan to
analyze data, ethical consideration, strength and limitation of the method,
and pilot study. Chapter IV will describe the discussion and findings gained
in the study. Chapter V will give a general conclusion and some possible
recommendations for the study. Finally, sections of references and
appendices will be indicated as an end of the research paper.

There are little or almost no studies concerning factors influencing
students' decision on choosing which university they want to attend in
Cambodia. This study will base partly on relevant studies in Cambodian
higher education context and largely on related studies in other countries
to frame conceptual framework for directing the study. Several studies
have been conducted to seek answers to factors determining reasons why
students choose to study at a particular higher education institution. As a
result, they share common findings, namely intrinsic factors and extrinsic
factors which lead students to choose a particular place for their tertiary
education. The following paragraphs discuss the main reasons behind their

2.1 Previous Studies

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Virak and Khorn (2008) emphasized that, in the late 1990s, the
privatization of higher education in Cambodia came into existence and it
was then available for the students who were unable to get the
government scholarship. With this new private educational access, there
were a lot of challenges for Cambodia to ensure its quality of higher
education. Thus, Cambodia has to do well with the higher educational
management because those higher educational institutions did not meet
the required standard yet. By comparison with international academic
standards, most higher education institutions are very small, with narrow,
academic bases, and limited resources. These highlight the inadequacies
of quality, efficiency, and national-level consistent system assurance.
Despite challenges and incoherent standardized systems, private higher
education institutions in Cambodia received a remarkable number of
students. According to Virak and Khorn (2008), the total enrolment of the
undergraduate students in both public and private higher educational
institutions has risen sharply from 25,080 in 2000-2001 to 75,523 in 20042005, and it continued to increase to 131, 639 in 2007-2008 academic
The statistics of HEIs by the Department of Higher Education of the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia shows that at present
there are a total of 80 higher education institutions, with 33 public and 47
private. Among those higher education institutions, there is a great
difference in the number of students' enrollment in both private and public

universities in the academic year 2009-2010 (statistics of HEIs by DoHE,

July 23, 2010).
In a discussion about the factors that influence students' decision to study
at a particular private higher education in Cambodia, Phirom (2010) has
found four of the nine most influential factors that encourage students to go
to private universities: "family influence, extensive use of English in
academic programs, faculty with expertise and professional experience,
and reasonable and affordable tuition fee" (p. 65).
According to Phirom (2010), family influence is one of the most influential
factors that motivates or forces students to go to a particular higher
education institution. Family members or relatives play important roles in
recommending which university the students should choose including both
public and private universities (Phirom, 2010). Family members or relatives
are usually responsible for taking all responsibilities for all their children
including giving the children ideas on their education choice (Phirom,
Phirom (2010) also emphasizes that extensive use of English is another
common factor that attracts students to study at a particular private
university. Students tend to appreciate any higher education institutions
whose academic programs are mostly conducted in English by foreign or
Cambodian instructors who can speak English well (Phirom, 2010). In
addition, Phirom (2010) also mentions that "all the interviewees
explained that their respective university was able to employ both
Cambodian and foreign teaching staff, who were fluent in English. English
was also used in the teaching" (p. 66).
In addition, Quality of faculty is another attracting factor that draws
students to study at a particular private higher education institution in
Cambodia (Phirom, 2010). Students usually consider about the quality of
the teaching staff by mostly appreciating instructors who have degrees
from abroad with high English proficiency (Phirom, 2010). Likewise, private
higher education institution with adequate financial researches, as Pit and
Ford (2004) and Ford (2006) say, was able to employ teaching staff with
high degrees; therefore, those universities can receive more attention from
the students (as cited in Phirom, 2010, p. 66).

The fourth factor that influences students' decision to go to a particular

private university was reasonable and affordable school fees (Phirom,
2010). Under this sense, usually poor students based their choice of
university on two conditions: school fees and scholarship (Phirom, 2010).
In the first group, students' choice was the result of reasonable and
affordable school fees while the second group had to rely on scholarship
(Phirom, 2010).
Through the study of Phirm (2010), the four above-mentioned factors have
been figured out as the most influential dynamics that influence students'
education choice in Cambodian educational context, and these underlying
factors behind students' decision have been used mostly by private higher
education institutions in Cambodia. In comparison with foreign educational
context and attracting factors influencing students' decision in their tertiary
education, some similar educational motivations have been found and
illustrated as following.
According to the study of factors influencing the choices of prospective
undergraduates conducted in Melbourne, Australia; James, Baldwin, and
Mclnnis (1999) emphasized the field of study preference as one of the
important attractions that simulates students' interest in a particular
institution, and the students' choice in their tertiary education is motivated
by the availability of interesting courses or majors the students want to
take. This was illustrated that:

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Applicants for courses in Business field stand out in terms of the relatively
strong influence they attribute to consideration associated with a
vocational, instrumentalist view of education. In choosing an institution,

they are also more likely than applicants in other fields to be concerned to
find study conditions that will fit in with their work commitments (James,
Baldwin & Mclnnis, 1999, p. 45).
Further, the influence on school-leaver applicants is also influential and
closely dependent of the ages of school-leavers from their secondary
education. Students normally think about how old they are, when they will
graduate if they continue the next step in their education and what course
appropriate with when they plan to finish their education. Thus, it is a clear
that students' choice in their subsequent must be consistent with their
expected period of time, they hence prefer any institution whose courses'
duration will be consistent with their expected period of time (James,
Baldwin & Mclnnis, 1999).
Influences according the type of university chosen, as stated by James,
Baldwin, and Mclnnis (1999), were also a reasonable indicator for students'
education interest and choice. This was seen as an institutional status or
category. In what category an institution was classified or recognized by a
relevant accreditation committee was the logical explanation why students
decide to enroll for their study at a particular university or college. This
means an institution social recognition is an influential factor, from which a
university or college can absorb students, especially those considering
institutional identity as their top priority in their study choice (James,
Baldwin & Mclnnis, 1999).
Most students' decisions in their education choice were affected and
changed at the time of an educational offer by a university or college that
was the cause of the decision at time of offer. Students were found
changing their decisions immediately when they were offered reasonable
incentives, motivations, or any forms of promotions at the time while they
were deciding which university or college they should attend. They seemed
to be more willing to accept any offer or make any easier decision in their
education. Therefore, decision at a particular time of special promotion
could be a stimulus that definitely encouraged students' intrinsic motivation
to choose a university or college (James, Baldwin & Mclnnis, 1999).
Further, a similar study on "willingness to pay and preference private
institutions" described a number of possible factors influencing students'

choice of their higher education, in which willingness to pay was stressed

as the most influential intrinsic motivation for students to choose their
favorite university or college. The findings suggested that:
In addition to the students and family background, students' academic
characteristics, students' subjective responses to tuition costs and to
financial aid availability have a substantial linkage with student reference
for private or public institutions. This study suggests that family and
ascribed characteristics alone do not explain student preference for the
type of postsecondary institution. Students' subjective responses to tuition
costs and to financial aid availability are also directly related to student
preference a certain type of postsecondary institution independent of
student family background and academic characteristics. This suggests
that the willingness to pay, not only the ability to pay, plays a direct role in
student college choice decisions (Hu & Hossler, 2000, p. 685).

2.2 Conceptual framework

The main objective of this study is to explore the factors influencing
students' decision to study at a particular higher institution in Cambodia.
Basically, it investigates how each private university uses its own strategies
to attract the students to study at the university and to satisfy the students'
needs. Thus, this underlying conceptual framework is framed based on the
marketing mix in higher education. In particular, Quester, McGuiggan,
McCarthy and Perreault (2001) have described the four Ps as product,
place, promotion, and price. However, since the four Ps strategy is not
enough, such more marketing components in higher education as
"packaging, partnership, programming, positioning, and people" must be
added (Rudd & Mills, 2008, p. 41). Thus, this use of the conceptual
framework in this study is to assist in organizing data and the analysis.
The term marketing was commonly used in business sector and mainly
related to the concept of buying, selling, and advertising (Krachenberg,
1972). Through the period of time, the concept of marketing has evolved
and become widely used in all forms of institutions (Kotler, 1972). In
addition, marketing is also defined in a broader sense as a process in
general management and society by which individuals get what they want
by means of creating, offering, exchanging services and products with

each other (Gibbs & Knapp, 2000). The above-mentioned marketing

activities are defined as a marketing mix (Gibbs & Knapp, 2000).

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Product: Quester, McGuiggan, McCarthy and Perreault (2001) have

described the product as an area related to creating a good or right
'product' for the target market. Likewise, the product in higher education
refers to all activities, experiences, facilities, services and dorms,
classrooms, and other learning and teaching facilities provided by the
university or college and used to serve the teaching and learning needs.
When considering products, the concerned university or college has to
take into account all "demand-generators" such as the location of the
university or college, culture, history, and other recreational activities (Rudd
& Mills, 2008, p. 45).
Price: Price is characterized as an important element of the marketing mix
since it is always taken into students' consideration while they are deciding
to choose a university or a college for their education. Overpricing
educational services of an institution can also result in the decrease in
students' enrollment or students' drop out since financially disable or poor
students usually consider the affordable tuition fee first prior to their
decision to study at a particular university or college. In this regard, price is
seen as an important attraction to students' enrollment or continuation at a
particular institution (Rudd & Mills, 2008).
Place: Place is a component in higher education marketing mix mainly
referring to where education is provided. It can also be regarded as when
or by whom the education is offered. Where, when and by whom education
is conducted definitely contributes to encouraging students' decision to
choose their education institution (Rudd & Mills, 2008).

Promotion: Promotion refers to various communication strategies that feign

students' interest in a service or product. Thus, promotion in education
plays an important role in simulating students' interest in attending a
university or college, promoting the university's name recognition, and
giving the university or college an exposure. Also, it involves selling,
advertising, selecting staff, and managing sale. In promotion process, push
and pull strategy is normally used to draw students' attention to study at a
particular university or college (Rudd & Mills, 2008).
Packaging: Packaging is also considered as one of the important
components in the marketing strategy. It is similar to partnership in which
"universities offer internships to their students, these internships are
part of the program and generally cost nothing extra. They are included in
the price of the course work. When combined with a partnership
(articulation agreement), this creates a package" (Rudd & Mills, 2008, p.
Partnership: Partnership refers to collaboration between at least two
educational institutions that offer complementary services to each other.
For this articulation agreement, students from an institution can transfer in
at least 60 credits. For instance, students in community college can
transfer in a university with at least 60 credits. That is, through this
interconnection, partnership can be an attractive educational
advertisement (Rudd & Mills, 2008).
Programming: Program is also an important cause of students' enrollment
at a particular university or college. Flexible and available classes at the
appropriate time can also simulate students' interest in the study. For
instance, the new introduction of the available classes on Saturday and
Sunday or in the evening opens doors to the working students since it
leaves a large amount of time for them to pursue their work (Rudd & Mills,
Positioning: Positioning is the "market-niche" a university or college
deserves. A university or college receives a large amount of students'
interest because:

Creating an effective positioning strategy will facilitate better understanding

between the target market and the college. When a student knows exactly
what they are going to be receiving out of a college experience, they are
more likely to stay in college and be satisfied with their college experience"
(Rudd & Mills, 2008, p. 48)
People: People of higher educational marketing refers to the concerned
university or college's staff. The employees of a university or college can
be important marketing tools since students also want to know if their
teaching staff are qualified. In this sense, it is important for the employees
to make themselves known to the public by means of any possible
strategies such university or college's accomplishment, publications, and
other available connection to the public (Rudd & Mills, 2008).

This chapter explains the research design, tools/instruments for data
gathering, sample size and sampling method, a description derived from
the research tools, data collecting procedures, a plan to analyze data,
ethical consideration, strength and also limitation of the research.

3.1 Research design

This research design is in compliance with qualitative research
methodology. Creswell (1994) and Sanchez (2006) describes qualitative
research as a type of educational research in which "researchers are
concerned primarily with process, rather than outcomes or productsand
are more interested in the meaning, how people make sense of their lives,
experiences, and their structures of the world" (p. 145). Creswell (1994)
also emphasizes that qualitative research is based on the participants'
opinion; uses open, general questions; gathers data which consists mostly
of words from respondents; analyzes and develops these words into
themes. The qualitative researcher plays a vital role as a tool to collect
data and also involves fieldwork, observation, interviewing or record
behavior (Creswell, 1994). The important objective of qualitative research

is to understand a phenomenon by looking at the entire picture rather than

turning it into variables and using a holistic picture and in-depth
understanding rather than numerically analyzed data (Creswell, 1994).

3.2 Tools/instruments for data gathering

Since the concept of factors influencing students' decision to study at a
particular private higher education is complex and qualitative in nature, the
researcher will use an important qualitative data collection method:
interview. The researcher will divide the interview into two categories:
interview with students and interview with students' parents.

3.3 Site, population, sample size and

sampling method
The purposive sampling technique will be used in this study, choosing a
private university in Phnom Penh. To ensure anonymity, the target
university is referred as University A. The study is targeting year-one,
semester-one students and those students' parents. The interview will nonrandomly select about 10 year-one, semester-one students. 5 students will
be selected from those with high academic record, and another 5 will be
chosen among those with low academic performance. To identify
outstanding or weak students, the researcher will ask the subject lecturer
help select those students on the basis of their GPA, 5 with high grade
point average ( 3.00 or above) and another 5 with low grade point average
(below 1.00) as a result of year-one, semester-one final evaluation. Also, 6
students' parents will be selected non-randomly. 3 will be selected among
highly educated families, and another 3 will be selected among poorly
educated families since the researcher believe that the parents'
educational background definitely affects the children's choice of a
university of college. To identify if the students' parents are highly or poorly
educated, the researcher will look at the students' application form or their
personal biography kept by the university or college.

3.4 Data collecting procedures

Data will be collected from a private university, referred as University A, in

Phnom Penh by means of two categories of interview, targeting 10 yearone students and 6 students' parents.
3.4.1 Interviewing students
The researcher will non-randomly select 10 year-one, semester-one
students, 5 with high academic record and 5 with poor academic record.
The students will be asked about what factors influencing their decision to
study at the university and what expectations they are holding from their
study after their graduation. Along the two major questions, there will be
some more relevant questions about their background. The interview
questions will be developed based on three important stages. First,
interview questions will be designed based on consultations with
experienced researchers. Second, previous studies and marketing
strategies of higher education will be used as the basic structures to
develop the interview questions. Finally, semi-structured interviews will be
conducted along with some additional questions for respondents'
clarification if necessary in order to collect more in-depth information.
3.4.2 Interviewing students' parents
In addition to the interview with the students, the researcher needs some
more in-depth information from the students' parents. While educational
status will also affect the answers, the researcher will choose the 6 parents
from different educational background, 3 from highly educational
background and the other 3 from poorly educational background. The
researcher will use similar basic questions like those used in students'
interview. However, some questions about background will be changed to
fit with parents' status and some more in-depth questions will be added.

Plan to analyze data

Descriptive analysis method will be used in the data analysis stage. The
study will be based on the findings from the interviews. The interviews will
be transcribed and carefully analyzed for themes. The findings will be
finally interpreted to illustrate possible factors influencing students' decision

to study at a particular private university or college and also their

expectations from their graduation.

Ethical consideration
The study will be conducted in a private university in Phnom Penh. There
will be a letter from the MEd Program at RUPP to seek permission from the
target university prior to data collection. The purpose and significance of
the study will be attached with the permission-seeking letter and clearly
explained to the university rector and all the participants. The rector will be
asked to sign an approval for the study in the university. Likewise, the
research participants (students and students' parents) will be asked to sign
an agreement to indicate their willingness to participate in the study. The
names of the participants or IDs and the university will be kept anonymous.
No information concerning the interviewees' responses will be used other
than the purpose of the study. Also, their participations in this study will be
truly voluntary. While answering the questions, the participants can
withdraw from the interview or skip any questions if they prefer to do so.
After the publication of the final findings, a copy of the results will be given
to the university.

Strengths and limitation of the method

The study will be conducted with several strengths. The researcher has a
good network or access to the target university. Thus, the researcher will
be able to collect the necessary information that might be needed in the
study. With this facilitation, the researcher will be able to identify the 5
outstanding students and 5 weak students and 6 students' parents for the
interview through the university administrative management. This will help
the researcher collect reliable data.
However, this study will be limited by three factors. First, it will be a case
study only, which will be conducted in only one medium-sized private
university in Phnom Penh. Second, the study will target only 10 year-one,
semester-one students and 6 students' parents. Thus, the findings will not
be generalizable to other students or other private universities because the
sample size is not large and not randomly selected. Finally, the sample

selection of this one university might not ensure completely reliable

In this sense, researchers, scholars, and students, conducting researches
from these findings should be careful about making generalizations from
this study. However, these findings will definitely offer the groundwork for
other researches on private higher education institutions in Cambodia.

Pilot Study
To ensure success in the expected research plan and anticipate possible
difficulties, the researcher will conduct a pilot study prior to the actual
research. The researcher will select 4 students randomly for the students'
interview and 2 students' parents to answer all the prepared questions as
mentioned in the Appendix A. After they have answered all the questions,
the researcher will learn if the students and the parents are able to
completely finish all the questions in a set period of time, or the researcher
will make any necessary changes to fit with the actual situation and also to
ensure the expected result in the actual interviews.

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The Impact of Part

Time work towards Academic

Published: 23, March 2015

1. Introduction
Most of MCAST students work part-time. Does this affect their school
performance? If work is related to their studies this would definitely be

beneficial. What if work is not study-related? After all, do students really

need to work? Is a students' life becoming boring?
Curtis and Williams (2002) states that combining paid work and study, has
become a norm in the UK. Vickers et al. (2003) report a similar situation in
Australia, highlighting the global significance of this trend. According to
Labour Force Survey carried out in the UK, it states that between 1996 and
2006 the amount of student engaged in part-time employment increased
by 50%. According to the Journal of Organizational Behavior (1998) 50%
of the full-time students in the U.S. have a part-time job.
Part-time work can have a positive impact on the students especially if the
work is course-related. Students can have a glimpse of their future job and
determine whether they actually like that particular career path. Also, parttime jobs can help students improve time management skills and become
more efficient. Parents and educators are in favour of employment
amongst students because they believe that employment 'builds character'
(Greenberger and Steinberg, 1986). Dwyer et al. (2001) argue that
combining work and study promotes a 'pragmatic perspective on

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On the other hand, an excessive workload can have a detrimental effect

not only on the students' academic performance but also psychologically
and physically. Combining work and study can also have negative effect on
the students' mental health such as stress and fatigue, leading to
worsening performance in class. Rolfe (2002) reports that UK students
believe that the excessive and unsocial hours of part-time work sometimes
lead to tiredness and depression.

If we had to look at higher education around the globe, say in the UK,
students would have to pay approximately 3000. In Germany, universities
now charge 1000 enrolment charge per year. In the USA the tuition fee
varies around $9000 per year.
Malta is one of the few exceptional cases were students are paid to study.
MCAST students are entitled to 83 per month and 233 at the
beginning of the academic year.
Out of which students are entitled to pay 372 BTEC registration fee.
When I started university 6 years ago I never felt the need to do a part-time
job (except in summer). Obviously, my budget was very tight and luxuries
were inexistent. Nowadays, I started to believe that students prefer
working part-time than keeping away from buying expensive mobiles,
laptops and cars.
This study examines two types of part-time work. Research has been
preformed for students who work in the IT industry and the other research
was carried out on students whose part-time job is not study-related. The
purpose of this research is to find out whether these two types of part-time
work affect the students' performance and well-being.
In this research we find that part-time jobs for student have a positive
impact on their studies as long as the number of hours worked does not
exceed twenty. Section 4 provides a background on the apprenticeship
scheme at MCAST and other non-IT related jobs. Section 5 analyses the
common part-time jobs amongst respondents and the main reasons for
engaging in part-time work. Section 6 evaluates the effect of part-time work
on students' performance. In Section 7 the students' well being is analyzed
when compared to work and study commitments.
Discussion, Future Limitations etc..

2. Literature Review
The literature reviewed below examines the popularity of part-time work
amongst students, how employment is affecting students' performance and
how part-time work is effecting the students' life. Some of the issues

discussed in this research are the number of hours a student works,

whether they still have time for study and leisure and how does this effect
their academic performance and well-being.
The prevalence of part-time work:
According to 'Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe'
over 40% of the students from Spain, Sweden and Finland have work
experience prior to entering into higher education. In general, more
students from lower education backgrounds have work experience than
students whose parents attained a higher education degree.
It has been reported that poor students in countries such as Bulgaria,
Ireland and Switzerland receive additional grants to compensate for the
missing base funding via state support. For example, Irish students from
low-educated families receive 93% more state support and high-educated
families 44% less than the average student. In Malta students who come
from families where the total household income is less than 5,000 per
year are eligible for a supplementary grant of 42 every four weeks,
which is additional to their regular stipend.

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In Netherlands and Estonia more than two thirds of the students have a
part-time job. In Australia half to three quarters of the students work.

According to the report of the French Conseil Economique et Social on

students' employment (2007), 15% to 20% of students work regularly while
studying in France. 'Statistics Canada' states that, in Canada more than
48% of the students work part time. Full-time students working more than
35 hours per week has almost doubled since 1990. According to the
Canadian Undergraduate Survey Consortium, more than 50% of the
students work during their least year of their degree than the first.
In Austria, Czech Republic and Estonia there is a comparatively high rate
of employment and a relatively close relationship between students' jobs
and students' courses ('Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in
Analyses of the Eurostudent survey indicates that the lowest level of
students working part-time is in Southern Europe (especially Portugal and
Italy) and the highest rate is in Netherlands and Ireland. Potential reasons
for such outcomes may be due to the nature of the labour market and
availability of jobs suitable for students. For example, in Greece the
majority of students do not engage in paid employment due to lack of job
opportunities (Dimitros and Karaliopoulou (2005)). Whereas, in the U.S.
part time employment has become the norm amongst students (Bureau of
Labour Statistics 2005).
In the past few years employment among post-secondary students has
been increasing rapidly.
The effect of part-time employment on students' performance:
Ronald D'Amico (1994) states that part-time employment "provides
opportunities to assume greater responsibility, authority and cooperative
interdependence". Students who work part-time will develop networking
skills; contacts and references will be valuable for future employment
opportunities. Employers may prefer students who held part-time jobs
while at college because it indicates stronger management skills. Also,
there is high probability that students who worked part-time will be
employed on full-time basis once they graduate with the same company.
Green (2001) also stated "that they[students] had gained job skills,
experience, knowledge of a variety of jobs, a sense of accomplishment, a

feeling of responsibility, and money for personal and school expenses" (p.
Employment can have a positive effect if balance working hours and study
are balanced (Cheng 1995).
Research done by the University of Canberra shows that paid employment
did not have a large effect on grades. Results show that some paid
employment improves grades slightly, but working more than twenty-two
hours per week has a negative effect.
On the other hand, most of the research indicates that employment
negatively affects students' academic achievements especially those who
work more than fifteen hours a week and they are more likely to drop out
(Stern 1997).
According to Furr and Elling (2000), 29% of the students working 30-39
hours per week and 39% of those students working full time indicated that
work had a negative and frequent impact on their academic progress.
(Dallam & Hoyt, 1981) anticipated that there will be negative effects on
school performance because of part-time employment.
Juggling work and study may also lead students to put forth less effort into
both because they are spreading themselves "too thin" (Astin, 1993).
According to Canadian Social Trends, 1994 shows that student who
worked more than 20 hours had 33% dropout rate whereas students who
worked less than 20 hours had a 16% dropout rate.
Young and immature students tend to find it difficult to mange working
hours and study than older students (Barone 1993). Therefore, age also
pays an important role in the students' decisions.
A March 2009 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that students
with part-time work reduce the time spent on homework, sleeping, and
socialization by 84%.
McInnes (2001) stated that "compared with those who do not work,
younger first year students who work part-time are more likely to spend

fewer days on campus, to not work with other students on areas of their
course, and to have studied inconsistently through the semester. They also
tend to anticipate getting lower marks, and are more likely to seriously
consider deferring at an early point of their student experience ... We "also
know that these negative factors are amplified the more hours students
work, and they feel seriously burdened by overcommitment. (p. 5). "

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The effect of part-time employment on the students' life:

Too many hours spent at work could also affect the student's lifestyle such
as participating in extracurricular activities.
Greenberger and Steinberg(1986) argued that instead of instilling work
habits, many students who worked part time at an early age were more
prone to cheating and dealing with boring work.
Students who are unable to manage their part-time income or have never
been given the right advice on how to save money will find it more difficult
to make budgets and are more prone to overspending. This will eventually
result in increasing the number of working hours.
Research also indicates that too many hours of work increases fatigue and
may cause lower academic performance. Carskadon(1999) states that
students who work more than 20 hours changed their sleeping patterns
resulting in later bedtimes, shorter sleeps, possibility of falling asleep
during class, late arrivals at school or missing lectures.
Many students who work part time find have limited time for their hobbies
and extra-curricular activities (Hope 1990).

According to researchers Barling, Rogers and Kelloway, "Labour force

participation by high school students, especially more than 20 hours of
part-time work per week, is linked to poorer school performance, increased
drug and alcohol use, decreased family contacts, and cynical attitudes
toward work"
On the other hand, Tannock (2001) and (Li-Chen & Wooster, 1979) pointed
out that student works tend to have low skilled jobs, such as a cashier, fast
food worker or retail. It is assumed that these jobs have a negative effect
whereas high-quality part-time jobs seem to develop career-related skills.
Also, these jobs are more likely to be flexible and work with students'
schedules (Healy, O'Shea, & Crook, 1985).
A number of researchers, for example, found that hard work built stronger
academic character because it taught the students time-management
skills, gave them experience outside of the classroom, more confidence
and provided them with more satisfaction in college (Pennington,
Zvonkovic, & Wilson, 1989).
According to Smith and Green (2001) student who work learn a lot and
they develop self-efficacy especially the low-achievers. In her research
Singg (2002) found out that students who work part-time tend to show
more responsibility in their daily personal situations and have greater
career maturity than those students who do not work.
Stern (1997) states that students will develop a more positive attitude to
work when gaining work experience whilst studying. Managing to work part
time during the studies will also be beneficial on the resume. Employers
look for students who are capable of managing time, working in teams,
able to communicate and work on their own initiative.
Research by the University of New Hampshire shows students who have a
lot of free time they are more prone to make use of drugs and other
substances. Therefore, the benefits of having a part-time job will keep the
students occupied during their free time.
Moreover, students who work part-time become financially independent
and learn how to effectively manage finances.

3. The Research Context

MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Computing (Software) is offered at
Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST). This course is
Level 4 and the duration is 1 year Full-time or 2 years part-time on an
apprenticeship. The course specializes in Software Development and the
modules are relevant to the needs of the industry.
Students who opt for an apprenticeship will still cover the same modules
but over the duration of 2 years. ETC assists apprentices in finding an
employer with whom they can perform their on-the-job training during the
apprenticeship period. Apprenticeship will be required to work 27 hours a
week and attend lectures twice a week.
During 2009/2010 academic year I have noticed a 3% drop out and 25%
failure rate. It has been found out that students are not dedicating enough
time to practice programming mainly due to part-time work commitments.
This study is targeted towards this group of students.
The major questions of this research are:
What factors influence students to seek part-time employment?
How do students juggle study and work commitments?
Do students set priorities if study and work commitments clash? If yes,
Does part-time work have an impact on the students' academic

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Does part-time work have an impact on the students' social life and wellbeing?
Do the types of jobs students' work have an impact on their academic
Do the number of hours worked effect the students' performance?
Research Methods:
A questionnaire was compiled for students enrolled in the second year of
the Diploma (specializing in Software). Questionnaires were distributed to
two classes (one apprenticeship and the other non-apprenticeship) during
one of the lectures. I taught both classes the same modules, i.e.
Programming Concepts/Practice and mentoring their end-of-year Software
Students were asked to complete the questionnaire anonymously. The
data was collected two months prior to the end of semester when the
student attendance was high.
A total of 35 students completed the questionnaire. The average age of the
students interviewed was between 17 and 21 years.

Questionnaire Structure:
The questionnaire comprised of four sections as follows:
General information including Age, Gender and indicating whether they are
apprenticeship students or not.
Students' engagement in part-time employment, including type of job,
number of hours worked per week, number of days worked per week and
the average hourly rate
Students' distribution of income

Students' experiences in balancing work, study, personal development and

Students were asked to indicate whether they worked during the academic
year and, if so, the number of hours and days they worked per week and
the hourly rate. To evaluate the impact of part-time work on education,
students had to specify how many hours they spend studying and the
frequency of missing lectures or assignment deadlines due to work

Ethics Procedure:
Students were advised that participation was voluntary and refusing to
participate will not affect their academic report. Students were informed
that completed questionnaires will be stored in a secure location and
treated with strict confidence. The questionnaires did not include any
confidential data such as parents' income or whether the students' family
receives government social benefits and grants.

4. Overview of the students' background:

ICT students at MCAST can opt to form part of the Apprenticeship Scheme
during the second year of the National Diploma. They will spend 2 days at
the college and 3 days at the work place.
Apprenticeship students work 27 hours a week and are paid 200 per
month (besides the monthly stipend). The course will be completed within
3 years (1 Year Full-Time and 2 years part-time on an apprenticeship).
The benefit of students working as apprentices is that they are exposed to
the working world and therefore they can better relate theory to practice.
These students are led by professionals thus gain training and a learning
experience. Apprentice students are more likely to be recruited by the
company after they have completed their studies.

The option is that students can decide to complete the National Diploma in
two years full-time. They will only benefit from the monthly stipend as
stated in Introduction Section. These students will be allocated seventeen
hours of lecturing per week. Most of the ICT students opt for this choice
mainly because they complete the Diploma within 2 years.

5. The prevalence of part-time work:

Non-IT related part-time jobs:
Employment is the only way students can earn extra cash. Since most of
the students are under qualified it is very difficult to find course related jobs
therefore they opt for other part-time jobs.
According to the Labour Force Survey carried out in the UK, nearly half a
million full-time students work in the retail sector and nearly quarter of a
million students work in hotels and restaurants industry. This survey shows
the complete opposite. Only 11% of the students interviewed work in the
retail sector and nearly half the respondents' work in the catering industry.
Besides the 43% of the students who work at an IT company (apprentices),
this survey shows that the most popular part-time jobs amongst MCAST
students are the following:
Figure 1: Survey Question: What type of job do you have?
The most popular non-IT related jobs were waiters/waitresses at fast food
outlets, crepe makers, selling fast food at stalls and serving drinks in bars
and clubs. In general, there were more male students than females
engaged in these types of part-time jobs. The least most popular were
cashiers at retail shops, telephone assistants, receptionists and
entertainers. On the other hand these types of jobs were more popular
amongst female students.

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These jobs require the minimal responsibility, flexible hours and few
qualifications. Conversely, companies prefer people who are committed
and work long hours because of the short-term and long-term projects they
will have to complete within a stipulated deadline.

Reasons for engaging in part-time work:

Students at MCAST receive 83 per month as stipend. Is this amount
enough for a student? Why does a student need to work?
The main reason why students work is because they want to buy a car and
maintain it. A car gives students independence and a social status. In
February 2009 [1] carried out a survey showing that 85
out of 170 students own a car and 22 out of 85 have a car bought to them
by their parents. This clearly shows that Maltese students' priority is that by
the age of 18 they own a car.
The second most popular reason for working is having money to spend
during the weekends. The minimum amount a teenager spends every
weekend is 20 including alcohol, transport and fast food takeaway. The
third most popular reason for working is to buy clothing. Over the years I
have noticed that students have become more conscious about their
appearance. Most of the students wear expensive brand clothing and
accessories. Other students prefer to do a part-time job to buy computer
games and the latest gadgets. Keeping in mind that 99% of the students
live with their parents therefore they do not have any accommodation
expenses (besides a small percentage of the students who are expected to
contribute to family expenses).
The diagram below shows the statistics of this survey:

Figure 2: Survey Question: How do you spend your part-time money?

The most unexpected result was the 28% of the students who spend their
part-time money on clothes. Research by the (Wheeler, 2001)states that in
the U.S. an average student spends $57 weekly on clothes. To make
matters worse, Malta is one of the most expensive countries in the EU to
buy clothing. Evarist Bartolo [2] , ex-Minister of Education stated that,
Malta's prices are the second highest in the Eurozone (after Slovakia).
They are 150% relatively more expensive than EU average. Footwear in
Malta has the highest prices in Eurozone: 164% relatively more expensive
than EU average. Consumer electronics in Malta are the second highest in
the Eurozone (after Slovakia): 186% relatively more expensive than EU

Case studies: Reasons for students

engaging in part-time jobs
These case studies mostly suggested that students working long hours
were doing so because of money.
Working to earn extra money:
David* is 19 years old and his obsession is cars. Similar to the majority of
Maltese teens by the age of 18 years their first investment would be a car.
This gives them independence and social status. David is not satisfied with
buying a cheap second-hand car but his dream is have a modern sports
car. David also believes that further education is mandatory in today's
world, therefore he does not intend to stop studying. To be able to buy his
dream car he estimates it would cost him around 14,000. Since David is
a student he can only apply for a loan of up to 5000, therefore the only
option left is to sacrifice his free time and work.
Working to pay for accommodation and living costs:
Sarah* is 21 years old and comes from a middle-class family. During the
last year together with her boyfriend they decided to rent a basic apartment
and move in together. Although she comes from a middle-class family her
family decided to assist her financially with school expenses but not for

accommodation. To cope with the expenses, Sarah works as a shopkeeper

between 4 and 7 during weekdays and between 9 and 12 on Saturday
Working to pay for leisure activities:
Rebecca* is a fashion enthusiast and loves parties. She is always wearing
brand clothing and accessories. The stipend is not enough to buy
expensive clothing and go out in the weekends. Therefore, Rebecca works
10 hours a week at a clothing shop to make up for the extra expenses.
Working to gain experience:
Nathan* is one of the brightest students I have ever taught. He is 21 years
old and an apprenticeship student. Besides working at an IT company he
also works as a freelance web designer. During his free time he is always
researching new technologies and enhancing his programming skills.
*The names mentioned in the above case studies are fictitious.

6. The effect of part-time work on

students' performance:
Evaluating Students Income:
Students living with their parents have a higher amount of income when
compared to others who have to maintain their own households. In other
European countries students have to spend one third of their income on
In general, MCAST students spend most of their daily expenses on
transport and food. The following table evaluates a student's daily
expenses; assuming that the majority of the students do not own a car but
use public transport.
Breakdown of an average student daily expenditure:
Public Transport: (1 each way)

Lunch & Soft drink:

Total Daily Expenses

If we had to make some calculations:
An MCAST student receives 83 per month. S/he spends on average
5.50 a day at the college.
Monthly stipend
Less Monthly expenses (5.50 * 20 days)

Remaining Balance
- 27
The above calculation shows that a student who commutes to school using
public transport and buys lunch from the college canteen everyday the
stipend will not be enough to cover these basic expenses. The student
makes a loss of 27 monthly.

Paid Work:

Few working hours will unlikely have an impact on the studies, but the
more hours worked the more there will be an impact on the students'
academic performance.
This section will take into consideration 4 factors; pay and conditions for
students working part-time, time spent in paid employment, time spent at
college and time spent studying.

Pay and Conditions for Students working

According to the Part-time Employees (Amendment) Regulations, 2010L.N. 117 of 2010, published on the 12th March 2010, part-timers should be
paid 4.75 per hour during weekdays and on Sundays and Public
Holidays the rate is 6.50 per hour.
It is more likely that students from low-income families engage in a parttime job during their studies. Research shows that nearly half of the
respondents earn 3 to 4 per hour, which by and large is the minimum
wage. Only 5% of the respondents earn 6 to 7 per hour.
This survey assumes that the statistics are based on the net pay.
Figure 3: Survey Question: How much money do you earn per hour (net

Time spent in paid employment:

Furr and Elling (2000) and Dallam & Hoyt, (1981) agree that the number of
hours worked effect the students' performance. There is a negative impact
when students work more than twenty hours a week.
Figure 4 shows that more than fifty percent of the interviewees work more
than twenty hours a week. The majority of these students work as
bartenders, waitresses or waiters, therefore it is quite common to work
long hours because of the opening hours. Their shifts are usually from 5
pm till late at night. Such part-time jobs do not only entail taking orders and

serving food but they are also generally requested to clean the place after
the establishment closes.
Figure 4: Survey Question: How many hours do you work per week?
Nearly half of the respondents work between four to five days a week. The
majority work on Friday evening and Saturday. Wednesdays and Sundays
are also common working days. Students prefer not to work during the
weekdays because of school commitments but if they are asked to work
during the weekdays the majority of the students admitted that they would
not refuse work. This clearly shows that students are eager to make
Figure 5: Survey Question: How many days a week do you work?

Time spent at college:

Students are timetabled seventeen hours of lecturing. The following is a
timetable of one of the classes interviewed. On average they spend six
and a half hours at the college. Out of which they have four and half hours
of lecturing. Overall, students wait ninety minutes between lectures.
Figure 6: Sample Timetable

Time spent studying:

ICT students at MCAST spend 8 hours weekly in a computer laboratory.
During these hours students will be thought programming concepts and
they will also have hands-on sessions where they can practice under the
teacher's supervision. 8 hours are not enough to learn programming.
Students have to practice at home to succeed.
According to an article issued by Monash University (Faculty of ICT) states
that programming students should spend at least 10 hours per week
studying and practicing.


This section will describe the outcome of this research. Figures in section
4, 5 and 6 have been analyzed and evaluated.
The table below calculates the number of hours remaining after deducting
the total number of lecturing hours and hours allocated for studying,
working and sleeping per week. The following calculation is based on a
student who works 20 hours a week

Lectures per week
Working hours
Sleeping (7 hours * 7 days)

Total Hours Remaining (168 hours - 95

Total hours in a week: 24 hours * 7 = 168 hours
Total appointed hours: 16 + 20 + 49 + 10 = 95 hours
The above estimations illustrate a breakdown of the number of hours in a
week. As a result a student who works part time can only utilize the
remaining 73 hours for study time and leisure. According to the

EuroStudent survey, in most of the countries the average time spent on

personal study time ranges between 30 to 35 hours per week.
According to the EuroStudent document, the national averages for studyrelated activities (i. e. for taught courses and personal study time) range
between 25 hours per week in Slovakia and Estonia and up to around 40
hours a week in Romania and Bulgaria. In most of the countries time spent
on studies clusters around 30 to 35 hours per week.

Number of Students

Type of student
Number of Students

Working hours for non-apprenticeship students (i.e. not IT related):

Number of Hours
Number of Students
More than 20 hours
Less than 20 hours
Do not work

Number of Students

Breakdown of grades:

Working Scheme
No. of students - Pass
No. of students - Merit
No. of students - Distinction
No. of students - Fail

> 20 hours
< 20 hours
Do not work
The above statistics show that students who do not work or have a course
related job are the most successful. The highest number of students who
achieved a distinction are the apprenticeship students.
With regards the group of students who work more than 20 hours a week,
only one out of eight managed to achieve a pass the rest failed the
The group who worked less than 20 hours a week managed to obtain a
Pass and half of the group even managed to obtain a Merit. This shows
that if students manage to balance work and study commitments they can
still be successful.

7. The effect of part-time employment on

the students' life:
Well Being:

Sauter, Murphy and Hurrell (1990) identified two factors which most likely
affect student workers' mental and physical health: skill variety and
interpersonal relationships,
Skill variety is crucial to teenage workers, with psychological benefits
accruing from jobs using skills that will be relevant in the future (Mortimer,
Finch and Shanahan, 1992; O'Brien and Feather, 1990). Interpersonal
relationships at work especially for students who have positive work
experiences lead to the development of closer relationships with
Jobs which are not course-related do not improve the students' knowledge
but they learn work-related attitudes and behaviour. Students' working
hours and work experience may also influence their work attitudes and
The quality of work also effects the students' well being. Employment
quality refers to opportunities to learn on the job, skill use and physical
challenge. These elements are significantly correlated with the students'
performance and motivation to do good work. O'Brien and Feather (1990)
found young workers in `poor quality' full-time employment had more
negative work values than workers in `good quality' employment
Another factor which effects the students' well being is stress. Research
from the University of Carolina identified that students are stressed
because of working part-time. "Having to hold down a job and still be a
college student is a constant source of stress" (Calderon, Hey & Seabert,
2001). It is stressful to juggle working hours and focusing on academic
Working long hours will also result in less sleep. Sleeping less than six
hours a night increases anxiety and stress, which have been associated
with academic performance such as short attention span and errors during
examinations. (Kelly et al, 2001).
Research carried out by Mortimer (1993) found that students who worked
longer than 20 hours consumed more alcohol than non-working students.
The main reasons behind this is that students are having more money at

their disposal to buy alcohol or students are consuming alcohol due to high
stress levels.
Besides, juggling work and study commitments it is essential that students
also find time to practice their favourite sport or hobby. It is imperative for
students to make good use of their free time by participating within the
community or an organization. Engaging in social activities gives students
the opportunity for self-expression and to exercise self-control.
Statistics carried out by Larson and Verma in 1999, show that East Asian,
European and North American young people spend an average of about
two hours daily in front of the television. Young people from all regions
spend less than an hour reading each day. Young people's engagement in
active, structured leisure such as sports, organizations and the arts is also
greater in Europe and the United States than in Asia; The highest rate of
time spent "doing nothing"- such as, waiting, going out and commuting is
most popular in the west rather than amongst Asian youth.
ICT MCAST students were asked whether they still find time for their
hobbies, considering a time spent at the college, part-time work and study
time. According to this survey students, as shown in Figure 7 admit of not
having enough time for leisure activities. Most of the students prefer to
rest, hang out or play computer games during their leisure time. Only 29%
of the students find time to practice their hobbies. The majorities of these
students work between 3 or 6 hours a week or do not even have a parttime job.
Figure 7: Survey question: Do you still have time for your hobbies?

Study motivation and management:

"Students who work longer hours are likely to display less engagement,
less motivation, and less effort to learn" according to the Journal of
Educational Research.
Poor time management and lack of motivation will make it more difficult for
students to work and study. Students have to balance working hours and

school/study hours. Sometimes it will be difficult for students to refuse

extra working hours especially those who are desperate for money.

Conflict between paid work and study:

Markel and Frone (1998) suggest that, work and education are likely to be
the two major elements in a student's life.
Research shows that university students in the UK experience difficulty in
balancing work and study, thus, experiencing above average levels of
stress (Humphrey et al., 1998). According to Markel and Frone (1998)
work-school conflict is inversely related to school readiness and academic
The following diagram depicts the inter-relationship between working hours
and college hours, students' satisfaction with work and education.
Consequently, work-study conflict has impact upon students' satisfaction
and burnout.
Excessive working hours will make it difficult for students to fulfill course
requirements. Thus, it is expected to have a positive relationship between
the number of hours spent at the college and working hours.
Figure 8: Source: Helen Lingard (2007), Conflict between paid work and
study: does it impact upon students' burnout and Satisfaction with
University Life?
According to (Schaufeli et al., 2002a) student burnout has a negative effect
on academic performance and students' are more likely to disengagement
from university life.
Students interviewed are striving to balance work and study commitments.
Luckily, students realize the importance of education and are making their
best to prioritize free time to self-study rather than hanging out.
Consequently, as shown in Figure 7 students are reducing time from
exploiting their hobbies.
Figure 9: Survey question: Do you still find time to study?

Although students are doing their best to allocate time for studying they
admit that part-time job affects their studies. Students are aware that the
longer hours they work will have an impact on their study time.
Figure 10: Survey question: Does the part time-job affect your studies?

Work and academic performance:

27% of the apprenticeship students do a part-time job besides the IT
related job and they all agreed that the part-time jobs are affecting their
The area I teach is programming. Programming requires a lot of practice
and students who do not manage to find time to practice they will definitely
lack behind. 10% of the respondents stopped working during the first
semester because they realized that they could not cope with work and

8. Discussion:
The results of this research confirm that ICT MCAST students' stipend is
not enough, considering they have a minimum of 5.50 expenses per
day. As a result, at the end of the month students have a deficit of 27.
This clearly shows that students have to engage in a part-time job to
The research question is whether working part-time has an impact on the
students' performance and well-being. Students might be working longer
hours for a variety of reasons. Surveys show that the majority of the
students work to buy a car and for leisure activities.
On average, students have 17 hours of lecturing per week therefore
students who work more than 20 hours a week spend more time working
rather attending lectures. When the students' behaviour was observed in a
classroom they clearly showed signs of fatigue and lack of preparation for

Students argued that sometimes they have to wait for three hours before
the next lecture commences. Unfortunately, the majority of the students do
not know how to utilize free hours wisely. It was also observed that during
the free time between lectures students were not making use of study
resources such as library or computer labs to improve their programming
skills. They also complained that lectures should not be scheduled in the
afternoon especially programming modules which need a high level of
Recently I was reading an article on the local newspaper called Economics
Teacher Pushes for personal finance classes [3] . According to Ms
Coenen, an economics teacher at Stella Maris College, states that "Kids
are leaving school without even knowing what a current account is or how
to manage their finances". 70% of the respondents have a part-time job;
how many of them know how to make a budget and manage their income?
We assume that their parents have taught them how to administer money
and savings but the problem is that in Malta there are families who
themselves have problems on how to manage their finances, especially
low-income families.
When this research was discussed with the students they also suggested
an idea on how to utilize free time between lectures. Their proposal was
that, the institute creates a post of a 'Lab Technician' and their role would
be to assist computer lab users during the opening hours. At ICT MCAST
there is a large computer room (caters for 40 people) which students can
use during their free time. The purpose of this job is mainly to have earn
some extra cash, utilize free hours wisely and gain work experience.
Students can also earn money on campus by offering computer services to
the public during school hours. For example, someone wants to repair his
computer, he would bring the computer at the institute and ICT students
will be able to fix it. The students will not only earn money, but can start
building business relationships with clients.
The outcome of this research indicates that because of work commitments
students have less time for hobbies and social activities. As a result, this is
affecting the students well-being.

According to Harvey (2000) educators should accept the fact that

nowadays most of the students work and should recognize that combining
part-time work with study can improve the students personal and academic
development. In post-secondary schools such as MCAST modules should
be designed to assist students relate between the theory learned and the
work experience. Students will be able to realize that education and work
are complementary rather than conflicting.

9. Conclusions:
This research confirms that the stipend is not sufficient for students at
MCAST as shown in Section 6. To cope, parents have to financially
support their children. However, in cases of low-income families this may
seem impossible. The latter group of students will have to engage in a
part-time work or spend their stipend wisely, such as, preparing lunch at
home rather than buying lunch from the college canteen and using other
economical means of transport.
As expected, the most popular non-IT jobs amongst the respondents are
working in the catering industry. These types of jobs require minimal
responsibility and qualifications. More than 58% of the respondents
confessed that they spend their part-time money in the weekends or
buying clothes.
Nearly 50% of the respondents work more than 20 hours per week and
earn 4 to 5 hourly. Working more than 20 hours per week has a
negative impact on the students' academic performance. Research shows
that working less than 20 hours a week has a positive impact not only
academically but also on a personal level. These students improve time
management skills, gain work experience, build business relationships and
earn money.
The quality of part-time work also affects the students' academic
performance. Research shows that apprenticeship students obtain the
most Merit and Distinctions. This clearly shows that engaging in a job
which is course-related will have a positive impact.

Due to work and study commitments, 71% of the respondents stated that
they do not find enough time to exploit their hobbies. Consequently,
students are finding it stressful to cope with work and study.

10. Limitations and Future Research:

Students' academic performance should have been measured for all the
modules in a semester and not just two related modules called
Programming Practice/Concepts and Software Project.
This research did not include students who reduced their working hours
during assignment deadlines.
Mature students who have worked full-time before joining the course were
not taken into consideration.
This research did not include students who are given extra income from
their families; therefore it is unclear whether these students cope with their

Read more:

How Environment And Social

Situations Shape Our Personality
Philosophy Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

Since the olden days, people say most personality is inherited from their
biological family and most people are born with similar biological traits. But
now many argue that the way a child is brought up is how the personality is
shaped. Thus, to be specific, how you nurture a child is the real reason

ones personality is so. Nurturing means how a child is brought up; the
environment a child is born, the type of situation, or parents' teaching
methods. The family environment is very utmost important to the
upbringing of a child. That is where the child firstly experience social
influence. Although genes play a part in personalities, but the social
environments can greatly affect human's behavior. Environment of the
child is also very vital, in ways like dirty food is not taken into account or
hygiene is at utter most importance. Situation by means of rich or poor
background, whether the child understands hardship or was spoon fed
since young. Parenting skills is at most importance, there are many types
but it all has almost the same goal. But little has thought that in a different
approach has a different effect on the child. For example, in a rich family a
child can be either treated very strict or much laid back. The strict
approach might shape a very humble child with respect to others poorer
than them that are enduring hardship. While the laid back approach might
result to a very egotistical child that is very status cautious whom despises
the poor. In the modern world, even the media, peers, good and bad
influence or even the society view of things will greatly affect the child.
Every Homo sapiens are born with similar biological traits in this world.
Genes may vary but the social environment is a major influence in our
behavior. English philosopher and physician John Locke has a theory that
every human's mind is a blank state or known as "tabula rasa" when we
are born into this world. Only through our life experience that we collect
information, and we use heuristic which is an educated guess based on
prior experiences that helps narrow down the possible solutions for a
problem; also known as a "rule of thumb."

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The social environment is a major influence on human behavior. In my

argument, I believe nurture plays a bigger role in our life. Humans in

different culture have different sets of norm. We have norms which are
standards for accepted and expected behavior. Norms prescribe "proper"
behavior. In other words, what most people do, are what is normal. The
diversity of culture results in different type of behaviors because of the
different kinds of norms, but mostly very similar to one another. For
example, the westerners practice individualism which is the concept of
giving one's own goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal
attributes rather than group identifications. On the other hand, the Asians
practice collectivism which is giving priority to the goals of one's group
(often one's extended family or work group) and defining one's identity
accordingly. Hence, Asians are very interdependent self which means
construing one's identity in relation to others. In my opinion, nurture has a
stronger argument here because we know that Asians are actually trying to
follow the way of the westerners in terms of Asians still being very
conservative and the westerners are more open-minded. As time pass, the
newer generations in Asia are more open-minded and we can adapt to
new situations and change our behavior towards something.
Every human being is unique in their personality but I think that these
personalities are triggered when put in different types of situations. Some
people like to believe that nature plays the bigger role in their life, but I
would like to argue in my defense that, some people were born gifted, no
doubt about that but Russian physiologist; Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) prove
that everything can be learned through conditioning which is a type of
learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that
was originally evoked by another stimulus. Therefore, I believe that nurture
is the important part of our lives because if we did not have social influence
we would all be animals, relying on our innate instincts which are probably
only to hunt for food when we are hungry or search for an oasis when we
are thirsty. One of the major influences is religion. Religion can really
change a person's thinking and behavior, especially cults.

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One very good case study which is the Standford Prison Experiment
conducted by Philip Zimbardo dated back to 1971. This is an experiment
that shows how the power of social situation empowering a person to
distort their personal identities. When a role is internalized into a person, it
can change a person's behavior, it will cause the person to act the role he
or she is suppose to play given with the social situation. Zimbardo set up a
simulated prison at Stanford University with twenty-four students from
United States of America and Canada. He divided them into two groups
which are the guards and the prisoners. He wanted to note the
psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or guard. The students fell
into their roles fairly quick and the experiment had to be terminated earlier
than the expected duration. The results clearly shows that the genetic traits
are nothing compared to the nurtured traits, but we also have to put all
variables into consideration; the environment, situation, methods, and
pressures. Though there might be more but these are the most important
ones. As for environment, the experiment is conducted in a replica of an
actual prison. In which where prison in the society has set it as a "bad boy"
place in which people there are condemned. So as you step into it, you will
impose a bad impression. While situation is the roles of prisoners and
guards are given, where the prisoners are expected to act with bad
behavior because of the norms in every culture. While the guards in
prisons are expected to act in a superior way that is suppose to overpower
the prisoners at whatever cost. These norms are portrayed a lot especially
in movies, so it is only natural to adapt into these characters. There are
pressures on the way we act or do in our social world, and because
prisoners are rebellious, being locked up is not a very nice thing. Even

animals do not like to be locked up in a cage. Can you imagine the mental
torture? It is like when you were still fifteen years old and your parents
grounded you at home for one year. Except that your home is obviously
more comfortable than a prison or a cage.
Here is another good example on how social situations can change or
somewhat control a person. An experiment conducted by a social
psychologist Stanley Milgram on obedience to authority figures. The
experiment consist a "learner", "teacher" and the experimenter. The
"teacher" is to ask questions and the "learner" is to answer the questions.
But what the "teacher" do not is that the experimenter has instructed the
"learner" to answer the questions incorrectly. For every wrong answer the
"learner" gives, the "teacher" has to shock the "learner", and for each
shock increases in volts. This experiment was to test the obedience to an
authority figure. The experimenter sits in the same room with the "teacher"
and the "learner" in another. As the "teacher" shocks the "learner" for
answering the question incorrectly, the "learner" screams in pain, but what
the "teacher" do not know is that, there is actually no jolts discharging. The
"learner" has to act throughout the whole experiment and to see if the
"teacher" will continue to shock the "learner" and when he or she pleas to
stop the experiment. The result from this was a whopping 65% of the
participants - which is 26 of them, went all the way to 450 volts. It goes to
show that, whatever the situation and especially with authority involved, we
all would actually comply with almost all commands, people change their
behavior according to situations. Though there are some "teachers" that
refused to go through with the experiment. It has been almost fifty years
after the experiment has been conducted and yet, this experiment is still
being talked about. In my opinion, it was a harsh experiment to conduct
though it did not hurt anyone physically but mentally. In reality, and till
today, that people still suffer the same thing especially in military forces,
the navy, and other similar squads that involves taking orders from an
authoritative figure. The people that join the military forces are to do as told
and no questions asked which could sometimes lead to abuse of power.

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In my conclusion, I still support the nurture side of this nature versus

nurture debate because I believe I have given a few therioes and major
experiments or examples that can support my nurture debate. At the end,
the social environment is a major influence on human behavior. Given a
certain social situation to a person, they will change their behavior or adapt
accordingly to the situation. Humans are responsible for their own
personality, for they themself imprinted social patterns in society. The
society is the creator of the social norms. And thus, the majority of humans
that has the same view will influence many others into their social pattern.
Social influence is a very strong thing to influence a person which involves
peer pressure and pressure to conform. This makes up into a culture but
culture consists of many things like the things they do, the food they eat, or
even the clothes they wear. Culture is like a principle of norms. By
transforming into a norm is to give in to the social culture. Thus, nurturing
occurs, while nature is overcomed.

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Environment And Social Situations
Shape Our Personality Philosophy

Published: 23, March 2015

Since the olden days, people say most personality is inherited from their
biological family and most people are born with similar biological traits. But
now many argue that the way a child is brought up is how the personality is

shaped. Thus, to be specific, how you nurture a child is the real reason
ones personality is so. Nurturing means how a child is brought up; the
environment a child is born, the type of situation, or parents' teaching
methods. The family environment is very utmost important to the
upbringing of a child. That is where the child firstly experience social
influence. Although genes play a part in personalities, but the social
environments can greatly affect human's behavior. Environment of the
child is also very vital, in ways like dirty food is not taken into account or
hygiene is at utter most importance. Situation by means of rich or poor
background, whether the child understands hardship or was spoon fed
since young. Parenting skills is at most importance, there are many types
but it all has almost the same goal. But little has thought that in a different
approach has a different effect on the child. For example, in a rich family a
child can be either treated very strict or much laid back. The strict
approach might shape a very humble child with respect to others poorer
than them that are enduring hardship. While the laid back approach might
result to a very egotistical child that is very status cautious whom despises
the poor. In the modern world, even the media, peers, good and bad
influence or even the society view of things will greatly affect the child.
Every Homo sapiens are born with similar biological traits in this world.
Genes may vary but the social environment is a major influence in our
behavior. English philosopher and physician John Locke has a theory that
every human's mind is a blank state or known as "tabula rasa" when we
are born into this world. Only through our life experience that we collect
information, and we use heuristic which is an educated guess based on
prior experiences that helps narrow down the possible solutions for a
problem; also known as a "rule of thumb."

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The social environment is a major influence on human behavior. In my

argument, I believe nurture plays a bigger role in our life. Humans in
different culture have different sets of norm. We have norms which are
standards for accepted and expected behavior. Norms prescribe "proper"
behavior. In other words, what most people do, are what is normal. The
diversity of culture results in different type of behaviors because of the
different kinds of norms, but mostly very similar to one another. For
example, the westerners practice individualism which is the concept of
giving one's own goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal
attributes rather than group identifications. On the other hand, the Asians
practice collectivism which is giving priority to the goals of one's group
(often one's extended family or work group) and defining one's identity
accordingly. Hence, Asians are very interdependent self which means
construing one's identity in relation to others. In my opinion, nurture has a
stronger argument here because we know that Asians are actually trying to
follow the way of the westerners in terms of Asians still being very
conservative and the westerners are more open-minded. As time pass, the
newer generations in Asia are more open-minded and we can adapt to
new situations and change our behavior towards something.
Every human being is unique in their personality but I think that these
personalities are triggered when put in different types of situations. Some
people like to believe that nature plays the bigger role in their life, but I
would like to argue in my defense that, some people were born gifted, no
doubt about that but Russian physiologist; Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) prove
that everything can be learned through conditioning which is a type of
learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that
was originally evoked by another stimulus. Therefore, I believe that nurture
is the important part of our lives because if we did not have social influence
we would all be animals, relying on our innate instincts which are probably
only to hunt for food when we are hungry or search for an oasis when we
are thirsty. One of the major influences is religion. Religion can really
change a person's thinking and behavior, especially cults.

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One very good case study which is the Standford Prison Experiment
conducted by Philip Zimbardo dated back to 1971. This is an experiment
that shows how the power of social situation empowering a person to
distort their personal identities. When a role is internalized into a person, it
can change a person's behavior, it will cause the person to act the role he
or she is suppose to play given with the social situation. Zimbardo set up a
simulated prison at Stanford University with twenty-four students from
United States of America and Canada. He divided them into two groups
which are the guards and the prisoners. He wanted to note the
psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or guard. The students fell
into their roles fairly quick and the experiment had to be terminated earlier
than the expected duration. The results clearly shows that the genetic traits
are nothing compared to the nurtured traits, but we also have to put all
variables into consideration; the environment, situation, methods, and
pressures. Though there might be more but these are the most important
ones. As for environment, the experiment is conducted in a replica of an
actual prison. In which where prison in the society has set it as a "bad boy"
place in which people there are condemned. So as you step into it, you will
impose a bad impression. While situation is the roles of prisoners and
guards are given, where the prisoners are expected to act with bad
behavior because of the norms in every culture. While the guards in
prisons are expected to act in a superior way that is suppose to overpower
the prisoners at whatever cost. These norms are portrayed a lot especially
in movies, so it is only natural to adapt into these characters. There are
pressures on the way we act or do in our social world, and because
prisoners are rebellious, being locked up is not a very nice thing. Even

animals do not like to be locked up in a cage. Can you imagine the mental
torture? It is like when you were still fifteen years old and your parents
grounded you at home for one year. Except that your home is obviously
more comfortable than a prison or a cage.
Here is another good example on how social situations can change or
somewhat control a person. An experiment conducted by a social
psychologist Stanley Milgram on obedience to authority figures. The
experiment consist a "learner", "teacher" and the experimenter. The
"teacher" is to ask questions and the "learner" is to answer the questions.
But what the "teacher" do not is that the experimenter has instructed the
"learner" to answer the questions incorrectly. For every wrong answer the
"learner" gives, the "teacher" has to shock the "learner", and for each
shock increases in volts. This experiment was to test the obedience to an
authority figure. The experimenter sits in the same room with the "teacher"
and the "learner" in another. As the "teacher" shocks the "learner" for
answering the question incorrectly, the "learner" screams in pain, but what
the "teacher" do not know is that, there is actually no jolts discharging. The
"learner" has to act throughout the whole experiment and to see if the
"teacher" will continue to shock the "learner" and when he or she pleas to
stop the experiment. The result from this was a whopping 65% of the
participants - which is 26 of them, went all the way to 450 volts. It goes to
show that, whatever the situation and especially with authority involved, we
all would actually comply with almost all commands, people change their
behavior according to situations. Though there are some "teachers" that
refused to go through with the experiment. It has been almost fifty years
after the experiment has been conducted and yet, this experiment is still
being talked about. In my opinion, it was a harsh experiment to conduct
though it did not hurt anyone physically but mentally. In reality, and till
today, that people still suffer the same thing especially in military forces,
the navy, and other similar squads that involves taking orders from an
authoritative figure. The people that join the military forces are to do as told
and no questions asked which could sometimes lead to abuse of power.

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work written by our professional essay writers.
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In my conclusion, I still support the nurture side of this nature versus

nurture debate because I believe I have given a few therioes and major
experiments or examples that can support my nurture debate. At the end,
the social environment is a major influence on human behavior. Given a
certain social situation to a person, they will change their behavior or adapt
accordingly to the situation. Humans are responsible for their own
personality, for they themself imprinted social patterns in society. The
society is the creator of the social norms. And thus, the majority of humans
that has the same view will influence many others into their social pattern.
Social influence is a very strong thing to influence a person which involves
peer pressure and pressure to conform. This makes up into a culture but
culture consists of many things like the things they do, the food they eat, or
even the clothes they wear. Culture is like a principle of norms. By
transforming into a norm is to give in to the social culture. Thus, nurturing
occurs, while nature is overcomed.

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How Can Television Negatively

Effect Children Young People Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

As we can see, television is playing a very big role in our life. Television
has its good side. It can be entertaining and educational, and can open up
new worlds for children, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn

about different cultures, and gain exposure to ideas they may never
encounter in their own community. However, parents need to understand
the negative influence of children's TV, even children's programming,
because children are likely to learn things from TV that parents don't want
them to learn. Television can affect children's health, school work and
behavior in negative ways.
Excess television viewing can influence children's physical and mental
health. On one hand, it could affect badly children's physical health. It is
easy for children to be myopic if they watch TV more than two hours in a
day. Children will spend less time on sports and TV time also takes away
from participating in sports, music, art or other activities that require
practice to become skillful. And they may have high caloric intake if they
are watching TV at dinner. A person would burn fewer calories while
watching TV than when just sitting quietly, doing nothing (Langholt, 2010).
So it may contribute to obesity problems. Children who watch more TV are
more likely to be overweight. TV is a bigger factor than diet. Estimates of
risk indicate that more 60% of overweight incidence in this population can
be linked to excess television viewing time (Dietz, 1996). Many TV ads
encourage unhealthy eating habits. Two-thirds of the 20,000 TV ads an
average child sees each year are for food and most are for high-sugar
foods. After-school TV ads target children with ads for unhealthy foods and
beverages, like fast food and sugary drinks. On the other hand, watching
TV has bad influence on children's mental health, too. Children who are
addicted to TV are hard to communicate with their family members and
classmates. One study found that TV viewing before age three slightly hurt
several measures of later brain development. Before the age of three,
children's brain develops rapidly, forming connections and pathways that
will assist with learning later in life. Studies indicate that exposure to
television, with its fast-moving images and rapid actions, actually rewires
children's brain to crave this hyperactive stimulation. The benefits of
parent-child interactions are proven, and under age three, talking, singing,
reading, listening, to music or playing are far more important to children's
development than any TV show. The American Academy of Pediatrics
strongly recommends that parents keep their kids away from all TV until
after the age of two (Bushman, 2010). Children under age eight can't tell
the difference between reality in our lives and fantasy on TV. In this case,

children may be frightened or upset by TV stories easily, and the

symptoms include bad dreams, anxious feelings, being afraid of being
alone, withdrawing from friends, and missing school.

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TV viewing may replace activities that we know help with school work,
such as reading, doing homework, pursuing hobbies, and getting enough
sleep. First, it makes children read fewer books and have lower grades in
school. Watching TV at age four is one factor to be associated with bulling
in grade school. Second, children may become more seeing than thinking.
It may prevent children from the development of their imagination and
creativity. Finally, one research study found that TV's effects on education
are long term. The study found that watching TV as a child affected
educational achievement at age 26. Watching more TV in childhood
increases chances of dropping out of school and decreased chances of
getting a college, even after controlling for confounding factors (Bushman,
Children who watch more sensitive TV may have behavior problems. First
of all, they will imitate the violence they see on TV. Programs designed for
children more often contain violence than adult TV. Young children may
even try to emulate the things they see on TV, not realizing that they risk
injuring themselves or others. According to the AAP, Extensive research
evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive
behavior, desensitization to violence (Bushman, 2010). Watching violent
shows is also linked with having less empathy toward others. A university
of Michigan researcher demonstrated that watching violent media can
affect willingness to help others in need (Bushman, 2010). What's more,
alcohol advertising, including TV ads, contributes to an increase in drinking
among youth. TV ads are a major factor in normalizing alcohol use in the

minds of children, adolescents and college students. Alcohol has

damaging effects on young people's developing brains-and the damage
can be permanent. Children who watch TV are more likely to smoke. Even
though tobacco ads are banned on TV, young people still see people
smoking on programs and movies shown on television. Recent research
has shown that exposure to smoking in movie characters increases the
likelihood that viewers will associate themselves with smoking (Langholt,
2010). Kids who watch more TV start smoking at an earlier age. The
relationship between television viewing and age of starting smoking is
stronger than that of peer smoking, parental smoking, and gender. Finally,
children get lots of information about sexuality from television. Because
most parents don't talk to their kids about sex and most school don't offer
complete sex education programs, they get much information about sex
from TV. However, watching sex on TV increases the chances that a teen
will have sex, and may cause teens to start having sex at younger ages
(Bushman, 2010).

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In summary, television viewing affects children's physical and mental

health, school performance and behavior in negative ways. Therefore,
children should replace TV time with creative and physical activities,
reading and playing games with positive values and educational content.

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How Can Television Influence

Behaviours In Children Young
People Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

Everyone in this world watches television. Some people do not like to
watch it and some people have no time for it but it is a lie if they never
watched it before. No matter how much they hate it or no time for it, they
must have watched it once before. Television programs give us a lot of
information and we can get a lot of benefits from it. However, it has been
misused by today's youths because they do not know how to interpret all
those information very well. Indirectly, this causes the statement of
television programs affect the attitude of today's youth to arise.
It seems that television programs may lead to aggressive behavior
because kids are very easy to be influenced as they are still young and just
about to know the whole world. So, whatever they see on television, they
tend to imitate it. As we all know, kids learn while they are growing up. After
watching a lot of violence shows, they might be immune to violence and
this will automatically encourage them not to hesitate to be violence in

reality. Besides that, television programs also cause the development of

negative social amongst youths due to the advertisements of alcohol,
smoking and sex scenes. Youths will be encouraged by these scenes and
advertisements as it is easier to attract people's attention by using
animation rather than pictures. Furthermore, television programs affect self
development and self esteem. People who are addicted to television are
willing to do anything for it including sacrifice their sleeping time just to
watch their favourite shows. This will indirectly cause self development to
be affected. Television programs affect self esteem because they might put
on diet as they want to compete with skinny beautiful models and
actresses that can be seen on television. Do television programs affect the
attitude of today's youths? From the reasons that have been mentioned
above, the answer is certainly yes, television programs do affect the
attitude of today's youth.

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"Televiewing causes people to duplicate inappropriately, in other areas of

their lives, behavior styles developed while watching television." (Kottak,
1990, p.3)
Television programs can be educational as well as entertaining. It can give
people the opportunity to travel around the globe, expose them to new
ideas that they might not have encountered from their community and also
a chance to learn about different cultures. Pro-social messages from
shows on television will give a positive impact on the behavior of today's
youth. However, these youths are more likely to learn negative values from
these television programs.

Statistics show that an average of children ranging from ages 2-5 years old
spends about 32 hours a week in front of the television while children
ranging from 6-11 years old spends about 28 hours a week watching these
television programs (McDonough, 2009). Another set of statistics show that
68% of children between ages 8-18 years old have a television set in their
bedrooms, 37% of them have cable/satellite television and 20% have
premium channels. This is very interesting as studies show that 53% of
households of 7th to 12th graders have no rules or boundaries regarding
the amount of time they spend watching television or the type of programs
they watch thus making these television programs a very influential tool
because studies have shown that kids with no televisions in their bedroom
spend an average 1.5 hours less per day watching television than kids who
do (Roberts, Foehr & Rideout 2005).
Television has now become a debatable issue as some question its
influences on the attitude and psychological development of today's youth.
Nowadays, the world of television has been discovered by children at very
young age. As we know, television is an effective educational tool. With
programs showcasing wildlife, scientific theories etc, it helps these children
to be broad-minded and also have a better understanding about the world
around them. However, we have to remember and be aware that the
television also is seem to posses more negative effects than positive ones.
A day in a youth's life will generally be filled with activities such as playing
with friends, reading, doing homework and being physically active but this
can be easily replaced with the presence of television. This is detrimental
to their physical and mental development because studies show that the
first two to three years of a child's life is where he/she learns through
observing, interacting, playing and also exploring new things. Thus if these
children are glued and become addicted to these programs on television
they will have lesser time to interact with human beings. This is crucial, as
it can retard their normal physical and social development and skills.
Hence, the burning question here is, do television programs affect the
attitude of today's youth?

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If we look further into the issue, television programs do indeed affect the
attitude of today's youth as it enhances negative social development
amongst youths, which may lead to aggressive or violent behavior, and
they tend to affect self development and self esteem.
As we all know, youths are more likely to imitate and adapts ones behavior
into their own because they can easily relate to what is shown on
television. There surely will be a lot of behavioral changes in youths today
if they are exposed to excessive violence shown on television. These kinds
of programs will encourage these youths to be aggressive in both their
behavior and in their thoughts. Not only that, they will also be more likely to
be influenced with what they have seen regularly like smoking and drinking
scenes which are shown frequently in these television programs and even
commercials. This will encourage the development of such unhealthy
habits at an early age (Bora, 2009).
This report shows the effect television programs have on the attitude of
today's youth. These research findings are confined to the United States of
America as the knowledge and collective behaviors of contemporary
Americans are everywhere. Like any other problem, there is always a
solution, in order to ensure that television is used as a source of
knowledge and healthy entertainment, one must be sure to watch it in
moderation by setting a time limit when you sit down to watch it. Besides
that, the government, the parents and the teachers should encourage
today's youth to participate in other positive activities like playing outdoor

and indoor games. Not only that, they should also encourage today's youth
to watch programs that reinforce family values.


Aggressive attitudes, values and behavior can be increased by watching
entertainment violence, particulary in children. The effects are measurable
and also long lasting. Some of the television programs will show scenes
with stabbing, hitting, shooting, punching, guns and any type of other
violence. Almost all the violence shows on television are fake as television
programs use fake guns and fake blood to represent violent acts during
acting (Kaufman, 2004). Violent scenes on television may not be a great
deal for the adults because adults know the difference between reality and
fantasy compared to children who know nothing about it or not clear about
the difference between reality and fantasy. Most of the time, children who
see a lot of violence will settle their conflicts in violence way.
According to psychological research, youths can be negatively affected by
the violence on television. Watching violence on television will give three
major effects which youths will be less sensitive to pain and suffering of
others, youths will be more fearful of the world around them and they might
behave aggressively toward the others (Abelard, 2008).

ACT Against Violence (cited in Kaufman,

2004) states that infants are interested in
television only for a short period of time
as they are attracted to the light and
sound from the television. Toddlers who
are 18-36 months are paying more
attention to what is on television and are
able to get the meaning from the

programs they watch. The link between

their fantasy and reality is not strong
which will cause them to react equally to
animated violence and real violence.
Preschoolers who are 3-5 years old are
looking forward to shows on television.
Eventhough they can understand what
they are watching, they cannot give it a
context. They cannot judge commercials
versus regular programs or reality versus
fantasy. Vivid scenes, rapid movement,
sound and colour are highly attracted by
the preschoolers. Hence, this shows that
most of them pay the most attention to
the most violent scenes on the screen.
Children in the range of 6 to 11 years old
believe that television reflects real life.
They will show more aggressive behavior
after watching the violent scenes.
Everyone knows that viewers may imitate positive and negative behaviors
from the television programs. However, the Gerbner group has found that
people will be more apt to perceive the real world as being similar to
television programs if they spend more time on watching television (Kottak,

1990, p.11). This situation will be faced mainly by the children as they do
not have enough knowledge and experiences to differentiate between
reality and fantasy. Since they only spend their time on watching television,
they might have forgotten that they are actually watching something that is
fantasy, not a reality. Hence, the innocent children will follow blindly what
they have seen on television because they think that the characters on
television programs can do so, why can't they. Violence on television
programs may create blur images of good and evil. Kottak (1990) states
that the distinction between heroes and villains is fading. This will cause
the children to be more confused and lead them to do anything they want.
For example, if they adore a character from one movie, they might just
imitate the behavior of that character without knowing that behavior is a
good behavior or a bad behavior. Most of the shows on television are using
violence as the central to the storyline, where the heroes and villains can
get what they want by using violence as it is an effective way. It is true that
television programs may lead to aggressive behavior. This can be proven
by an incident in Dallas where a boy has been killed by his elder brother, 7
years old with a "clothesline" maneuver he had seen on a wrestling show


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Children will tend to have favorable attitudes toward aggressive behaviors

if they watch more violent television programs. This will indirectly cause the
child to become immune to the horror of violence (American Academy of
Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 2002). This is because, they can always see
violence in the television programs that they are watching. Hence, the child

will gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. Lefebrve has

found an example to show that a child has immune to violence until he
uses the type of violence that has been seen by him on television to solve
his problem. A six years old boy wearing turtle costume stabbed his friend
in the arm for not returning his toy. This shows that this child has no
humanity because for him, it is only a normal thing to stab someone as he
has already immune to violence.


Some people argue that not only television programs can lead to
aggressive and violent behaviors but these behaviors can be influenced by
people surrounding them like peers and family. However, children spend
most of their time by watching television. Almost everyone in the world has
their celebrity idol. Children tend to like the characters of their idols on the
television programs or movie without thinking whether their idols are doing
the good or bad thing in that show. This will cause children to imitate their
favourite characters in particular shows because they are too obsessed
with the characters. Factors that may lead to aggressive and violent
behaviors that have been influenced by their peers or family members are
not a strong argument compared to television programs. This is because,
children will not always agree or listen to what people say to them because
they are quite stubborn and will just follow their hearts to do whatever they
want. Eventhough they have been influenced a lot of times by people
surrounding them, they still can choose whether to do it or not as they
might not interested in their type of violence. If they chose not to do it, they
can just not do it and can stay away from people who are influencing them.
Think about television, how are they supposed to stay away from
television? There is no way for people in this world to stay away from
television unless that person is in a jungle or no television set at home.
Although they do not have television sets at home, they can still watch it at
their office place or any stalls. No matter what, they can still watch
programs on television and somehow will come across to violence.
Besides that, television programs are visual and children can always see

the act in an interesting way and it can be watched repeatedly. There are
so many types of violence on television programs that can be seen by the
children. So they have variety types of violence to be chosen and if
children love what they are watching, then they will start to behave like
what they are watching. Hence, television programs are the main source
which may lead to aggressive and violent behaviors.
In a nutshell, the attitude of today's youth are affected by television
programs as they will indirectly encourage the children to be aggressive
and violent in their behaviors. Children tend to imitate such behaviors from
what is shown on television and also the immunity to violence cause the
children's behavior to be easier affected by television programs.


Children are very curious because they are still growing up and just about
to see the whole world. So, they are more easily being influenced to do
either negative or positive things when they see something new or
something that they can see often on the television. We cannot control
children's mind because they seem to keep it to themselves and we can
only see the differences in them when they express it. Besides that, they
do not know what the good and bad things are as they are just about to
understand and see the real world. So, they will simply do whatever they
like which have been seen by them on television. Examples of negative
social development that can be enhanced by the television programs are
drug and alcohol abuse, smoking and also sex amongst the youths. All of
these cannot be expected not to be seen on television because these will
be included in most of the television programs and advertisements.

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Outley & Taddese (2006) state that one of the factors for increased
drinking amongst the youths are due to the exposure to alcohol use on
television and in music videos like MTV, Hitz, and [V] channels. According
to Kaiser Family Foundation, three quarter of the prime time shows entitled
Sex on TV contain sexual references. There is only one tenth of the sexual
content shows include the risks, responsibilities and safety of sex. Only
17% of messages about safety and responsibilities of sex have been
portrayed in shows about teenagers in sexual situations. Children will start
smoking at an earlier age for those who watch more television as the
factors of influenced by the peer and parental smoking and gender is not
as strong as the relationship between the age of starting smoking and
television viewing (Mekemson & Glantz, 2002).


Audience can experience strong emotional reactions, gain new values and
change the way they behave by observing the performance of actors. This
will be more likely to happen especially when the models show new
patterns of behavior and thought which are rewarded (Bandura, 1985).
This explains that the audience will do whatever they like which have been
seen by them on the television and this will affect their behavior and
attitude. Most of the people who can think rasionally, they will not follow the
negative things that have been watched by them on television. However,
we have to remember that youths are still young and they are still learning
about things around this world. This world is new to them and they do not
understand which is good and which is bad until the adults thought them
the right things. At this range of ages, youths will have problems in
controlling themselves if they are addicted to television programs which will
then lead to the monkey see, monkey do theory.
Television is the most influenced medium. It can be part of the solution and
part of the problem in the area of sex amongst the youths. It will give

solutions to the area of sex amongst the youths when the shows are giving
a technique to have safe sex, a warning program to the teenagers about
the consequences if that person gets pregnant, the responsibilities that
they need to know from the start before they decided to have sex, etc.
However, it will give problems when the children watch the sex scenes in
the television programs. When they watch this kind of scenes, they will get
attracted to it because everyone has the passion and it is a human nature
to have the feeling to do it. Children will think that it is not wrong to have
sex because they can always see the sex scenes on television without
being censored and the monkey see, monkey do theory will be seen in this
situation. They see it on television and they will do it in real life. Not all of
them will do it in real life because some of them might not get a partner to
do it in real life but nowadays, in this kind of situation, it is not difficult
anymore to get a partner to have sex due to the influenced by television
programs. For those who might not get a partner to satisfy his satisfaction,
he might do something worst like rape the girls.
In most television programs, there will be at least one scene where they
will be drinking alcohol and smoking. For those children who watch this
scene, he or she might not know what is alcohol and cigarette. As the
theory said, monkey see, monkey do, the children might try to drink and
smoke in real life like what they have seen on television.


People in the advertisements of alcohol can always be seen more
successful, happier and sexier when they drink. Alcohol advertising
including the television advertisements caused the drinking among youth
to be increased (Johnson et al. 2004). When they see this kind of
advertisements, they will be more likely feel encouraged by the
advertisements because everyone wants to be sexy, happy and
successful. Since these advertisements show that they can feel all of the
feelings, this will indirectly encourage them to drink so that they can feel to
be more successful, happier and sexier.

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There are some of the television programs about a group of friends ignore
he or she because that person doesn't want to do something that had been
asked to do by that group of friends, for example like smoking. When
children watch this kind of shows, they will feel scared because they do not
want to lose their friends, and they are still young to know that actually the
friends who ignored them are not good friends for them. In order to be
secure, children will take precaution steps before they lose their friends,
and hence they will decide to smoke. This shows that television programs
are indirectly encourage the children to develop the negative social in


"We are doing our young people a real disservice by attempting to protect
them from straight and open information that is imperative for adjustment
in the real world." (Maw, 2007)
Some people argue that youths can get the information and knowledge
from their friends, parents, teachers, magazines, etc. There are also some
of them who claim that the purpose of television programs show all these
kind of programs is because they want to protect today's youth by showing
them the real side of world. However, television is still the most influenced
medium. This is because, children can spend most of their time in front of
television and can watch that particular show for a long period of time as
well as get the information in detail throughout the show. If compared to
the information by the parents, peers, etc, they will not get the information

in detail. Besides that, it is not that they will spend their time with their
parents and peers to talk about it for 24 hours, they need to talk about
something else too like family talk and etc. Hence, that is why television
programs will give more impact on the negative social development
amongst youths compared to the other sources.


In order to create a good relationship with other people, it is important for
us to have good self esteem and self confidence in ourselves so that we
can achieve our goals. People who have trouble getting positive
relationship and afraid to do anything that can improve their life is due to
the lack of self esteem. We can always see beautiful skinny models and
actresses on television. Most of the children will then start to feel insecure
and they will definitely want to do something with their bodies so that they
can feel as good as the beautiful skinny models and actresses on
television. However, in order for them to maintain their bodies or to get the
body like their role models, they have to sacrifice a lot of things. For
example, they have to diet in order to be beautiful and skinny like models
and actresses on television. This will affect the youths' self development
and self esteem.


Sleeping disorders and sleeping patterns among youths have been altered
by television viewing. In order to get healthy sleep, we need regular sleep
schedules. Thompson & Christakis (2005) state that watching television
makes the youths to have more irregular sleep disorders. Children need to
get enough sleep so that their brain can work and can think carefully. If
they do not have enough sleep, their brain will be very tired and cannot
think carefully which will indirectly make their brain to be slow. When the
brain is slow, this will affect the development of the youth. Besides that, the
development of youth will be affected by the sleeping problems because
they need to have enough sleep to grow. The growth at this age is very

important and the growth rate should not be affected by anything so that
the self development will not be interrupted.


When they see beautiful actresses and models on television, they feel
insecure about their bodies and they will start on diet to get hot body like
those actresses and models. When they look someone beautiful on
television, their self esteem will automatically being activated. They will
start to ask themselves whether they are beautiful or not. For example,
when someone sees Megan Fox on television, she will automatically feel
very insecure and she thinks that herself is ugly. She will definitely think the
way how to compete herself with Megan Fox. No matter how preety that
person is, normally if she sees someone who she thinks is preety, her self
esteem will then automatically be activated and cause her not to eat in
order to be preety like the others. Not only that, when they are not having a
proper diet, this will also affect the self development on them.


People who do not agree with television programs may affect self
development and self esteem say that self esteem and self development
can be affected by people surrounding them. It is true that it can be
affected by surrounding people but we have to remember that our
surrounding people are random people. We will not see the same person
every day. It is also possible if the children see their idols as random
people for only once. Compared to television, children can always see their
idols on television again and again, which will make them feel more
uncomfortable with themselves due to the self esteem and self
development. Hence, television is the biggest influenced medium on


The following recommendations have been made to solve the problem of

youth's attitude that has been affected by the television programs:
Provide the youths with media education and monitor them
Discuss the contents of the shows with youths
Give them more confidence in themselves
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the kids will be less
influenced to the negative effects of watching violent shows on television
by the help of media education. Some studies have shown that media
education can make the kids to have less violent behavior after watching
violent shows on television (Kyla, 2009). This shows that media education
can help the youths to control their aggressive behavior eventhough they
have watched a lot of violence shows. Hence, it is not wrong for the
parents to try the method of providing their children with media education.
Either it works or not, parents are highly recommended to try this method
as it is one of the most effective ways for controlling children's behavior.
We have to remember that we cannot control everyone's interest. If the
kids love to watch violent programs, we cannot stop them from watching it
and it is not wrong for them to watch it as long as they can differentiate
what is good and what is bad. Besides that, another way to prevent the
youths from having aggressive or violent behavior is parents should
monitor the children on what they are watching. This is to prevent the
children from straight away imitate whatever they have seen on television,
especially for kids. Parents should try to explain to kids as many as
possible about what have been shown on television because the children
do not know how to differentiate which one is reality or fantasy as they are
still young and know nothing about it. Usually, children love to imitate the
aggressive or violent behavior from cartoon and this is the main reason
that the parents need to explain to their children about reality and fantasy
terms to give the children an idea about this issue.
Secondly, parents should discuss the contents of the programs with their
children in order to avoid the development of negative social amongst the
youths. The advertisements about alcohol and cigarette as well as sex
scenes cannot be avoided from the youths. Parents should spend more

time with their children to share opinions between them. Parents need to
know what exactly on their children's mind so that they can give advices to
their children. This is the time for the parents to be a good role model for
their children. Give them good advices and hear their opinion patiently
without judging. Eventhough their thoughts are wrong, parents need to
correct it and give them a bigger idea about the effects of alcohol, smoking
and sex before married by giving them a story based on experience or tell
them the consequences of all these actions.
In order to avoid self esteem and self development from being affected,
parents should help their children to build confidence in themselves. They
should remind their children how attractive they are and nobody's perfect.
Parents should keep on telling their children that that all those beautiful
skinny models and actresses on television must have scarcity in
themselves. Parents have to help their children to build their confidence so
that they do not want to be someone else due to the confidences that have
been built in them. Besides that, parents should set rules for their children.
For example, set the rule that they have to switch off the television before
10 P.M so that they can sleep early and get enough sleep. This rule may
help the children to have a good self development.

To summarize, television programs contribute more damage than benefits.
Television programs may lead to aggressive behavior and violent behavior
as kids become immune to violence and they tend to imitate what is shown
on television. Eventhough aggressive and violent behaviors are
contributed through other channels, television is the main source which will
lead to this behavior. This is because, they spend most of their time on
watching television compared to the others. They can easily imitate the
violent behavior due to the blur images of good and evil which have been
created by television programs. Since they watch more violent television
programs, they become immune to the horror of violence as they can
always see violence in the television programs that they are watching.

Evidently, television programs enhance negative social development

amongst youths. This can be proven by the theory of monkey see, monkey
do. Whatever have been seen by them on television, they can always do if
they want to without thinking the consequences because they are still
young and do not know how to differentiate the good and the bad things.
Eventhough the knowledge of negative social can be received from other
sources, television is the most influenced medium because they can watch
those actions as if it is real while magazines and posters are only in a form
of pictures.
Not only that, television programs may also affect self development and
self esteem. The self development is affected by the sleeping disorder
because they might watch their favourite shows until late night and have
not enough sleep. Sometimes they tend to put on diet due to their self
esteem as they see beautiful skinny models and actresses so that they can
be as preety as those models and actresses. Youths can always see the
beautiful skinny models and actresses as long as they watch television,
they cannot avoid from seeing them on television. Do you think it is logic
for us not to see even one beautiful actress? Of course the answer is no
and that is why television is the most influence medium which can affect
self development and self esteem.
In a nutshell, television programs do affect the attitude of youth's today as
it enhances negative social development amongst youths, which may lead
to aggressive or violent behavior, and they tend to affect self development
and self esteem.

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TV Addiction Problem
Published: 23, March 2015


TV addiction- A Growing Problem
Most people of my generation have never known life without television. We have grown
up sitting in the living room in front of the flickering TV screen. It is hard for us to see
how television affects our lives. The belief that television is destructive to
communication among family and friends is quite common. On the other hand,
television has increased the speed at which information travels, and it can transfer
circumstances and images into our homes that previous generations never had.
People tend to idealize the past; they imagine a group of family and friends
entertaining themselves by playing games and telling stories around a warm fireplace,
but I do not think that TV can be blamed for the lack of communication among family
and friends.
Without a doubt, television is one of the most powerful means of communicating in the
past decade, competing with other forms of communication such as the Internet,
telephone, movies, cellular phones, and of course, our speech. Due to its extensive
availability and enriched media with images and sounds, it is very difficult to keep it
away from our lives. Television is a necessity of our lives like our meals, clothing, and

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At first, the broadcasting industry was started for public purposes. Nowadays, as to the
influences of television, some people say that television offers a relaxing time and
useful information to us while others argue that television does not always have a good
effect on us because of its hindrance to communication among people. However,
television provides us with rich topics to talk about and a chance to get together with
each other. Most of all, television helps us communicate with others. We watch
television almost every evening with our family. For example, my father and I enjoy
watching news or knowledge-based documentary programs. Watching these programs
we sometimes discuss current affairs such as the Presidential election or economic
problems. Likewise, hot issues on television like news or trendy programs are the most
common topics among my friends in my college. If some of them did not watch
television the previous night, they cannot even take part in the discussion because
they have nothing to talk about. In this respect, since television provides us with
various topics related to our lives, it helps us form our sense of intimacy with family or
Next, television promotes our communication because it offers a chance to get
together with families or friends. Nowadays, most people are so busy that they do not
have much time to spend with family and friends. However, through TV programs, we
can have a chance to get along with them. For instance, when the 2002 World Cup
was held in Korea, many people had a great time with their family or friends. To watch
soccer games, we gathered in front of TV with friends or family who we were alienated
from for a long time. Consequently, such TV programs help us build up closer human
relationships among people. Thus, I think television plays an important role in
promoting communication with family or friends.
Children are more likely to become actively engaged with anything that attracts them.
Especially, television provides great interests with its variety of sounds and images to
children. They immediately desire for watching it whether content is neither too easy
not too difficult to understand. By its providing some challenge, television allows them
to gain an abundant vocabulary. Just like our muscles, the brain gets stronger when it
is used, and declines when it isn't used. Television is so commonly criticized as being
bad for children that an important fact sometimes gets overlooked. (ScienceDaily,
Some types of television viewing may actually enhance children's intellectual
development. Television contains an enormous variety of forms and content. In a study,
the effects of television viewing depended on program content.
There are always bad effects on children watching TV. Children who are TV viewers
increasingly view life as an entertainment extravaganza in which they are fond of
playing role in TV show, and there are aggressive content of current broadcasting that
greatly affect children. Besides, it is inevitable to watch TV without facing revolting

violence. Once more, the effects of television viewing depend on program content and
genre. Children are required to be advised what right TV program to watch by their
parents. (Carter Bill, 1996)

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Children have no ability of choosing what is good or bad.Parents and teachers restrain
children's watching TV which is just ignoring their needs. Parents and teacher should
be responsible for teaching how to manage their time and what benefits children
acquire while watching TV. (Austin W.P, 2003)
This problem was less severe before cable and the advent of hundreds of channels.
The increase in choice has increased the probability of every family member being
addicted to a different program on some channel and this eventually leads to time
conflicts when two channels show their programs at the same time and there are
different viewing demands. Among high-income families this results in more than one
television in the house and the physical togetherness of the middle-class family is
sacrificed to television addiction. Television addiction increases because in a given
family there are people of different ages, genders, with differing levels of education,
personal beliefs, intellectual orientation, and personal tastes. (Television addiction,
Therefore, family members are obsessed with watching their favorite channels.
Naturally, their watching time gradually increases and they become addicted to it after
Most of the people prefer spending time with their families and friends rather than
spending time watching television. Television plays an important role in people's lives.
However, most people would definitely choose family and friends over television.
Moreover, most knowledgeable people are aware of the harmful effects of watching too
much television. Through my experience, after a long day at school, I had plenty of

time talking with my parents. For me and my family, our precious time together can not
be compared to anything.
In addition, the effect of television is simply not so great that it could be said to have
destroyed communication among family and friends. Granted, communication among
people in industrialized countries has decreased in recent years. It might be tempting
to blame this problem on television since its rise roughly coincided with the decrease in
time we spend with our families. However, I believe this situation is more likely due to
increased pressures relating to work, school, and the economy. In my case, for
example, I find that my pressures from studying are so great that I must often sacrifice
time at home so that I can meet the challenges of achieving my own goals.
In some situations, however, it is true that TV is responsible for decreasing
communication among family members. In my childhood in the countryside, I
frequently saw parents and children watching television for hours every day, and they
barely talked with one another. It seemed for them that television was a way to escape
from when they were sad or in a miserable mood. However, admittedly television
brought on bad circumstances
However, even in this case, I would say that television merely contributed to the bad
situation, but it did not cause it; if television were nonexistent, surely these people
would have found other escapes, alcohol or gambling, for example. In other words,
people always find a way to do want they want to do.
Likewise, we need to realize that nobody forces us to sit in front of the TV. We can
choose to turn it off and spend more time communicating with our loved ones. Instead
of thinking of ourselves as victims of television, we should see how TV can be a good
tool for us to use as we see fit. Also, we are able to use it to learn about the world or
simply to entertain us when we are bored.
Television addiction becomes a problem when a subject does not want to watch TV,
but experiences an uncontrollable compulsion to start or continue watching. It is
common beliefs that stop watching TV is the fastest method to quit TV addiction.
Addicted people just turn off TV screen and try to never approach to it when they find
out first time. It may seem work at the beginning. However, as time goes on, they get
stressed out by what they are restricted to. They should find out root cause of it and at
least show some efforts. Even though it takes long to quit TV addiction, the main
purpose is to find you feel free from TV watching.

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It is common a belief that the fastest method to quit TV addiction by stop watching TV.
Addicted people just turn off the TV and try to never approach it. It may seem work at
the beginning. However, as time goes on, they get stressed out by what they are
restricted to. They should find out the root cause of the addiction and at least show
some efforts. Even though it takes a long to quit TV addiction, the main purpose is to
be free from TV watching.
There are five steps that help us to deal with TV addiction. First of all, you keep a
record of how much TV you watch every time you do. You need to know how much
time you spend watching TV. Next, compare the amount of time you watch TV to
average time people spending on TV. If you do more than the average, try to reduce
the amount of time. Secondly, List all the other fun activities you can do at home
instead of watching TV. Place your list on your refrigerator so you can check this list
before you turn on the TV. Consider fun activities to do as family, household projects
you would like to complete, outside activities, reading, exercise, etc. Third, set a limit
for how much TV you will watch in later on. Fourth, record your time and stick to your
commitment. You can control yourself spend watching time within limited time, Fourth,
commit to exercising whenever you watch TV by walking on a treadmill, or riding a
stationary bike. If you do so, you will feel less guilty about wasting your time watching
TV. Last, Consider removing your TV for a set period of time. You might find yourself
talking to your family again instead of watching the TV too much. (N/A, 2007)
From these beliefs, I strongly believe that television has not damaged or harmed
interpersonal communication among families and most people. Most people think that
television is simply a temporary means of spending time, and they do not use it to
substitute for interpersonal communication. The damage is attributable to other social
factors, not television. Therefore, all of us must choose what we want to do with our
free time. We should quit thinking of ourselves as victims of technology and realize that
technology offers us choices. Let us take control of technology and use it to improve
our lives. Only we can decide how much time we want to spend communicating with
friends and loved ones. The television does not decide this for us, we decide it by

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Describing Positive and Negative Characteristics of Leadership

Published: 23, March 2015

Nursing is an art and science. In nursing practice, nurses have to work for well-being of patient. For
that reason nurses has to play different role. One of the most important roles is leadership.
Leadership is a quality which can be practically developed to lead a person towards excellence from
average. Development of the quality through learning and through implementing processes in
conjunction with other people is the most important aspect. "Leaders are made, they are not born.
They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is
worthwhile" (Denehy, 2008, p.107). This essay will describe some positive and negative
characteristics of leadership. As being a leader, one should have good vision, passion about work,
integrity and good communication skill but often leadership qualities persuades one to believe
superior than others. Proper development of qualities helps nursing leader to solve problems and
encourages follower or co-worker to give respect to the leader. In nursing practice, for optimum
care of patients, leaders have to change in strategies and policies. For the better change they have to
use their power. The power can be informational, expertise or positional power.

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Leadership is a professional ability to find a goal and to achieve a goal a good leader has to develop
a strategy and has to inspire the followers to join and help to put the strategy into action.
"Leadership has been an important part of the function of any organisation" (Daly, Speedy &
Jackson, 2007, p. 291). So often it has been noticed that leadership is influenced by values of
individual and organisations as well as society. Values of individual depend on set of belief,
knowledge and experience. Good leaders have to maintain a balance between values of individual
and an organisation in which they work.
Kelly (2010) has described three fundamental qualities of effective leadership which form practical
steps for implementation and reflect emphasis in the literature. The first quality is a guiding vision
which provides a direction for the future and helps to do planning to meet with goal and help to lead
toward goal with professionalism.
The second quality is passion which expressed by leaders. This is an ability which inspires and
supports the followers to attain the goal (Kelly, 2010). Denehy (2008) believes that if leaders have a
vision of what they want and are able to set a framework for the team, they are only effective if they
give credit to team members whether they able to complete their goal or not. The author counts this
step small but purposeful so the team spirit will carry on and they continue to work with the same
The third quality is integrity that based on knowledge of self, honesty and maturity. These qualities
are developed through experience (Kelly, 2010). Whitehead, Weiss & Tappen (2007) have explained
that an effective leadership requires that a leader has to stick with professional code of ethics as well
as personal ethics as if the leader does not reveal these qualities, the followers would also not obey
that. Furthermore, the authors have counted integrity as an essential component of moral leadership.
Denehy (2008) has noted that, though these qualities are important, an effective leadership requires
a good judgement, good communication skills, showing confidence about your decisions and
getting goal skills. As more these qualities a leader shows more co-workers will trust you and will
follow you. For that reason, the author has recognised trustworthiness as an important skill.
Huber (2010) also indicated that extraordinary leaders have skills by which they can overcome
difficulties and become stronger and committed in them. An effective leadership depends on
individual ability to find a meaning from negative events and ability to learn from difficult
circumstances. These crucial events allow leaders to ask question to self, thus they can use their
skill of self-awareness. A good leadership doesn't rely on result, whether the result may positive or
negative, a good leader sees an opportunity in it for reinvention.
Shaw (2007) has found some negative characteristics also. According to the author, some negative
behaviour also has been noticed. In some situations, leaders show personal prejudice in decision

making, remain quiet in meetings and do not share their ideas with other leaders, do not consider
other's achievement as worthwhile and think own self superior. Open-minded and optimistic
behaviour is one of the important characteristics of a leader. So often a leader considers others as a
competitive and wants to prove one superior. This kind of behaviour encourages one to become
over critical, not to listen other and become judgemental about other leader's ability to deal with
problems. This kind of negative behaviour can be seen in leaders. The author has discovered that
such kind of behaviour happens while leaders may be busy, tired and under stress because of
deadline for completing goal. It also has been noticed that, some leaders do not share ideas because
they become panic about their power. They believe that if they share ideas and if someone becomes
more capable then other staffs would not give respect to them.
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Leaders act differently in different situations. Nurses take a leadership role while they work in
specific areas. An effective leadership is often measured by work effectiveness and work
effectiveness is strongly related to empowerment (Hosseini, 2007). In nursing practice, nurses
always need to deal with other staff and patients. Leaders have to provide optimum nursing care to
the patients and also they have to encourage staff to do so in daily practice. In nursing practice,
leaders both have to do planning for the care of patients or have to give direct care and also need to
set standards of care. To achieve an optimum goal a nursing leader has to focus on strategies so that
they can promote patients' health and can have positive outcomes. Clinical leadership is a quality
that can be developed by changing policies and practice (Morgan, 2010). For that reason the quality
of integrity helps nursing leader in practice. According to integrity, leaders have to follow
professional code of ethics and personal ethics (Whitehead, Weiss & Tappen, 2007). In this case, if
the leader follows the ethics, probably one would think good for the patient thus patient's care can
be improved and positive outcomes can be achieved.
According to the research of Feltner, Mitchell, Noriss & Wolfle (2008), communication is the most
important skill of the leader. As being a leader, one should have this skill to deal with staff and
patients. Two way communications is needed to improve the interaction and relations with staff.
Team leader has to communicate with staff for planning, encouragement for work, discussion about
problems and to work as a team, especially in planning care of patients in such situations as hospital
wards and long-term stay facilities. In practice, if a leader does not have good communication skill,
he or she cannot encourage the team to fulfil the goal. The skill holds staffs together and their

communication with each other become free flow in both directions. For effective communication a
leader should be honest, approachable, open and good at listening. It indicates that, during practice
a leader has to be honest to staffs and also be ready to listen their problems, not just at briefings and
assessments of care, but also at handovers and any other time. It is also necessary for a good leader
to be open in decision so the staffs can accept the decisions (Morgan, 2010).
Another required skill in nursing practice is passion. Nursing leaders must have passion for their
work. With the help of this quality, they can improve their nursing standard. For instance, when they
attend any conference and share their ideas with their colleagues, their excitement about new ideas
can excite others also. The passion about work can help to build new changes in nursing practice
and thus they can set an example for others (Morgan, 2010).
Feltner, Mitchell, Noriss & Wolfle (2008), have discovered that confidence and positive attitude is
also necessary. In nursing practice, a confident leader only can make hard decisions for well-being
of staffs and patients. A leader must have to be ready to accept ideas from other team members that
can help to achieve the goal in practice. This confidence helps to preserve energy to deal with
unforeseen circumstances. Another quality can be important in nursing practice is, positive attitude
or optimism. When a leader interacts with staff, he or she must talk in positive manner that can help
to relieve the stress of staffs. So in critical situation staffs can seek for possible solution of the
problem. "The leader who has a quick smile and a good sense of humour can effectively create a
pleasant working atmosphere" (p. 367).
Nursing is a profession which act for better health outcomes for the patient. In recent years, due to
new technologies, an information availability and workforce strategy, the cost of health care is
rising. In such situation, these forces are motivating changes in nursing practice. To make nursing
facilities better, nursing leaders need to develop policies and strategies for staffs. To implement
these new changes in policies and strategies, leaders have to use power. Frequently it has been
noticed that, some staffs become resistant to change, that time a leader uses the power to alert staffs
about behaviour and attitude towards patient's need and motivate them to act in that direction
(Sullivan & Decker, 2009).
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Sullivan & Decker (2009) have discovered that energy is essential to change the system which is
one of the important qualities of leaders and energy derives from power. There are different types of
power that can be use to change the system. For example, informational power, expertise and
position power. It can be used to convince other staffs and motivate to follow the changes. To use
power for change, leaders have to use some steps. First of all, leaders need to analyse the formal
(organisational chart, department structures, line management, policies, frameworks,
documentation) and informal (built on friendly relations within the organisation or on recognised
expertise) lines of the organisation, then have to identify those who are mainly affected by changes

and also have to give attention to those who are closely affected by change. A further step is to find
out about those who can deny or defy changes and their reasons for disagreement. A next step is to
talk about changes to staff at formal meetings and also informally on the job and give ideas about
the pros and cons of changes and ask if any modification is needed. Finally, the nurse follows the
organizational chain to implement the idea. These are the steps by which leaders can use their
power to implement change.
On the other hand, painter (2010) has described that in the past nurses have successfully fulfilled
their role as leaders at workplaces, communities and government agencies. Nurses know the values
of health care and become more conscious about patient's care and need. The author has counted
this as a nursing power. Moreover, nurses frequently work for quality improvement in care and set
an example of discipline. They use the power of their knowledge to development, implementation
and evaluation of management of patient's care. The improvement in care shows the change of care
which implemented by nurses by using their power.
In conclusion, leadership is a key role in any profession. In my opinion, a leader must have good
and clear vision so that he or she can plan for the future. Furthermore, a leader must have passion
about own work and for that one must have to be ready for paid off. 'Nine to fiver' cannot be a good
leader. Leader's passion about work encourages ones to do research and also encourages staff to
follow. The third quality is integrity, which is an essential thing for leadership. In nursing practice,
leaders have to be in contact with staff as well patients. In such situation, good communication skill
is required. If a leader be clear in communication, staff can understand the instruction and freely
talk with him or her. As a result, positive patient's health outcome can be achieved. Confidence is
necessary for nursing leader while preparing any new policies or strategies. Moreover optimistic
behaviour allows staff to interact with leaders and help to maintain team spirituality. Changes are
necessary for better care management. It often gained through power. With the help of power one
can collect all information and can think on all positive and negative aspects of change. Power
allows a person to talk about planning and any suggestion for an improvement. In nursing practice,
a good knowledge of field itself a power that nurses can use for care management of the patient.
With the help of this power nurses can leads a profession to an optimum level.

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How The Leaders Characteristics Relate To Business Management Essay

Published: 23, March 2015

He is having a very good behaviour that he always supportive to the staffs and he monitors the
staffs in a right way while doing the work. This means that he always motivates and inspires others.
He is also having an efficient communication skill and he adapts innovative ideas to his business.
Behaviour of a good leader is very important for the better result. A good leader is always having a
good communication skill and monitors the time according to the work. He learns the business well

and he communicates to the people. While comparing with the behaviour of a good leader, the
manager of that restaurant also have such qualities. But, he can't monitor the time for the work
properly. If the manager monitors time, then he can perform well as a manager in his business.
* Traits
The Leader which I selected is high energetic in his workplace. Hence, he tries to adopt changes for
the business growth. He is practical, logical and to the point and he is very assertive in his thinking.
He takes a lot of risks in his business. But he usually seems as active, expressive and energetic in
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A good leader should have several traits like social boldness, enthusiasm, high energy and so for.
While contrasting with the leader which I took has almost same traits
* Skills
Skills which helps to lead and monitor the organization. Better communication, managing the
teamwork and coaching and developing the skills of staffs are the important skills needed for a good
leader. If leader is having such qualities. Then, the business will go on developing.
When comparing with the leader which I selected, that he is having all the skills mentioned above.
But he is not coaching again and again for a better result in future. If he give training again and
again in the business. Then, there will be a good result
* Attitudes
The manager which I selected has some attitudes like he is very friendly and supportive to the
staffs. Further, he is enthusiastic. Hence, he can run the business without any tension.
Sometimes, he helps workers in the workplace when he gets time. Which shows that he is
hardworking owner as well as a good manager too.
When comparing with the attitudes of a successful or normal leader, he is also having the attitudes
of a good leader. But he is not having patience when working
* Knowledge
The manager which I selected knows how to coordinate work and manage the working time (Time
management). The manager has the clear knowledge about the current condition of the business and

their financial position of the business. Hence manager can manage the business well and he can
estimate the future result of the business too.
In contrast, a good leader has knowledge about certain things in the business. Here the manager has
same knowledge as a good and perfect leader. So in my view, the manager is good leader in the
business because he has the knowledge about the current condition of the business. Hence he can to
improve current condition to a better result.
* Contemporary development
A leader should develop his ideas and should find ways to earn more profit. He should make a
proper plan with the help of his knowledge and experience.
The leader which I selected has some developments in his work by adding some advanced facilities
to make the work easier.
APA reference:
A Big Dog, Little Dog and Knowledge Jump Production. (2010). Character and Traits in
Leadership. Retrieved October 10, 2012, from
What are good leadership (2007) Examples of leadership skills list. Retrieved October
10,2012, from
2. A. The Levels of Management and the respective Leadership Styles being practiced:
b. How the identified leadership styles relate to business:
Flat Organizational structure
Flat organizational structure means there is few or no levels of management between the managers
and the staffs. The staffs have some decision making authority and hence, the work runs easily and
there is good communication between the manager and the staffs. The organization of the manager
which I selected is Flat organization structure.
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Levels of management
The organization of my leader has only two levels of management
Top level Management: the top level management sets the objectives for the organization and
guides the staffs in the lower level. Here in the organisation, the manager is in the top level and he
follows the autocratic leadership styles in the organization. It is an extreme form of Transactional
leadership style. In autocratic leadership style, the manager has the power to guide the workers. He
is practicing autocratic style
According to different organization, different styles should practice in each levels of management.
In my opinion, currently manager is practicing an effective leadership style. Autocratic leadership
style is good for the top level management in the organization.
Lower level Management: In the lower level, there is senior staffs. Who manages and guides the
team. Here the leader is following Laissez-faire style of leadership in the organization. It means,
leader give complete freedom to do the work.
In my opinion, this leadership style is effective at this level of management because they can work
freely. Here leader monitors and gives feedback according to the period. It will help in increase the
c. Stage of Business Life Cycle:
In the 7 different stages in the Business life cycle. The organization is at 'Established' stage. In this
stage the business or the organization gets a place in the market and loyalty to the customer. Hence
still the organization has good sales and profit at current stage which everything goes in
Routine. It is just recently the organization changed to this stage. Last stage in the growth stage. The
business is growth according to each period. Now they focused to improve more compared with the
present condition in quality and also in their productivity in the challenging market.
d. Leadership styles that is most effective for different stages in a business life cycle:
In my opinion, autocratic leadership style is very much effective in all the stages of business life
cycle. In each stages, There should get the support of the leader and he monitors well in each stage
for better productivity. He can make better decisions independently without the suggestions of any
others and can move the business according to his own way in each field. To reach the final stage in
a business life cycle. Hence autocratic leadership styles can use in each stage for the better result
The current leadership style in this stage is also autocratic leadership style. Hence everything going

e. Mission, vision, purpose and strategy of the leader's organization:

* Mission: There is mission to become the best organization in the market on the basis of quality
* Vision: To provide standardized products to the customers and get a better goodwill in the market
* Purpose: To accomplish the Objectives and goals which is set by the leader and earn profit and
also make a better intangible asset.
* Strategy: To sell better quality products than the present and to give more support to the quality
during the production process and to build a value in the eyes of customers.
f. How the leader sees her leadership characteristics linked into furthering the business strategies:
The leader which I selected in a good communicator. Hence, the leader can perform well and can
communicate with the staffs to reach the standards in their productivity. A good communicator can
manage well and make them work based on their strategy. Further, he is very confident in his work.
So he can manage the staffs and help them in their work to achieve the goal and also can share the
confidence to the staffs and make them more confident in their work. Furthermore, the leader
organized the staffs according to the skills which they have and the business can run easily
according to the plan.
g. Contrast this with current thinking about the most effective styles of leadership for furthering the
business strategies:
In my view, most effective leadership style is autocratic style. He can plan everything according to
his knowledge and experience independently to achieve the business strategies. A good manager can
supervise well and to get a better result in production process owing to his absolute and his full
power in that organization. Here, he alone can make decisions quickly based on his plan. which
makes the staffs to perform their tasks which is set by the leader on his plan. While comparing with
all other leadership styles for the business strategies. I feel autocratic leadership is fine even it have
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APA Reference:
Leadership skills (1996-2012). Adapting your approach to leadership. Retrieved October 10, 2012,
PART B1: Application of Leadership Concepts

(i.) Three Major Models of Change, and (ii.) Their Advantages and Disadvantages
1. Mckinsey 7-S Change management model
it is holistic approach to the organization. which consist of seven factor which above mentioned in
the picture that is shared value, strategy, structure, system, style, skills and staffs. Shared value is
the center of the model which means, what it believes (mission of the organization). Strategy means
the plan of organization and react to the changes. Structure means the organizational structure.
Systems means how the work should be done in that organization. Staff, there is a clear
representation of employees and also their work. styles represents the organizational culture and the
styles in leadership. Eventually, skills means the abilities and competencies.
* This model is often used to change the organisational internal structure
* More importance to alignment of various business aspects
* All are interrelated, if one part is changed all have to change.
* This ignores differences
2. Lewin's change management model
In this model, Lewin mentioned three stages of change. Still people are using this model. Three
stages are unfreeze, transition and refreeze. The Majority of people are hesitant of change and they
are uncomfortable with change. To change the freezing stage, we have to start the unfreeze stage
through motivation. next stage is transition were the changes occurring. Then the organization
comes to the stable condition that is refreeze stage.
* Easy to understand
* It is a simple and efficient method which made through different steps
* It is timely for any change
* During the refreezing stage, people worried that the new stage is coming. Hence, this change
problem affects them not much effectively.
3. Kotter's Eight step change model

The Eight steps are:- one- Increase urgency for change, Two- Build a team for the change, Threeconstruct the vision, Four- Communicate, Five- Empower, Six-Create short term goals, Seven- Be
persistent, Eight- Make the change permanent. First step is increase urgency for change means that
to convince the staffs that this change is very important for the organization to develop. Second is to
Build a team for the change and their should be good and respected ones in that organization. Third
is to have construct a vision that in which way they can achieve without any problem in the
organization. Fourth step is communication means that everything should be understand by
employees. Fifth step is to empower the employees in their work. Sixth step is to
support the employees during the change for long term goals. In the seventh step, there should
influence more changes after the long term goals. The final step is change permanent means
sticking to certain culture and practices.
* It is organized in steps, hence it is easy and simple to follow
* This model does not focus on the change and it makes transition easier
* Cannot skip any step to get a result
* Compared to other models of change it takes time
APA Reference:
Mckinsey 7S Framework (2012). Mckinsey 7S Framework Retrieved on October 10,2012 from
Change Management Models: A Look at McKinsey's 7-S Model, Lewin's Change Management
Model and Kotter's Eight Step Change Model (2012). Retrieved on October 10,2012 from
iii. Steps in Implementing Change:
1. Organize meeting
2. Discussing the present issues
3. Ask for the feedback
4. Emphasize the need for change and propose plans
5. Bringing the goals and expectations

6. Collect their agreement to the plan and consider the good suggestions
7. Implement the change
8. Collect feedback after implementing the change
9. Evaluate or analyse the result and keep improving
iv. To do at each Step:
1. My colleague will inform the meeting date, time and place where the meeting is arranged or
2. My colleague makes the staffs aware about the present issues in the organization
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3. My colleague will check whether they understood and ask for the feedback
4. My colleague describe the staffs about the benefits in change
5. My colleague will give importance to expected outcome
6. My colleague will collect their agreement to this and accept the helpful suggestions from their
7. My colleague will motivate the people based on the changes implemented
8. My colleague takes feedback from the staffs whether the change is good or not
9. Finally he will check the result, it is improved or not and keep improving.
v. Reasons Why People Resist Change:
1. Less personal interest of the staffs, because they are protecting their own motives and interests
2. Fear of doing new or unknown things which they tried before
3. Lack of information about the things to be done
4. There is a fear of failure in doing their work based on the changes
5. Loss of control and powerless confusion while they operate in new way

6. Due to poor communication may develop because of the purpose of change is not clear.
vi. Recommendation for a Suitable Change Model
* I recommend 'Kotter's Eight step change model because, It is simple and easy change model to
follow step by step it is having fewer demerits compared to other model and this model is well
organized to follow. In this model they does not focus more on the change. But the model makes the
transition easier. Here the organization needed significant change. This method is most simple and
good for easy transition to other stage. So compared to other methods this model is suitable for the
dissatisfaction behaviour of employees
* The willingness of the staffs can be seen but they met the requests. It is the best choice because
this is a simple model and it totally prepares the staffs in the organization before the vision is even
created. Hence the transition will be easier.
The Role of the Leader:
* The role of leader in change management is:
1. Describe the objectives
2. Help and empower the staffs
3. Incorporate with the changes in the culture of organization
Change Strategies
Recruiting younger staffs in the workplace and they are easy to adapt with the changes because they
didn't worked before the change. Hence they can work easily compared to existing staffs and can
maintain the goodwill of the staff.
Updating the system software's and so the work runs smoothly and easily. They will understand it is
an easy method for work (updated software) and also improves them. So involve in that change
Adopting new technologies by giving training for each new task for the workers with a good
supervision. So the employees can stick easily to the change because they are getting training and
supervision in the working area to clear the employees mistakes
New organisational structure will build as a part of change. In that include proper division of team
and certain tasks are allocated to each team. Here the each division of task come under a team and
they feel easy to work. So they joined with the progressing change.
Part B2: Evaluation of Leaders from Different Organizations

Leader 1: Steve jobs, he is founder, chairman and chief executive of apple inc. He is a well known
leader and 'Team leader' in the leadership model Because he is high task oriented and high
relationship in the organisation. He normally form the group and lead them well.

Leader 2: Dev Milano, he is the owner and manager of the milanos pizza restaurant. He is an
'Authoritarian leader' in leadership model with high task and low relationship in the organisation.
He is very much task oriented and he expect staffs to do what they told without the question.
Name of the Leader
Steve Jobs
Dev Milano
Size of organisation
Large organisation
Small organisation
Profit organisation
Evaluation and Comparison
(large org)
(small org)

Name of the leader

Steve Jobs
Dev Milano
ii. Forms of power available to each leader
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a. Referent Power
Most of the people refer him as a good model in the international business. So he has the referent

Some people refer him. Because he is doing a small business. Hence very limited people know
about him. So very small amount of people refers him.
b. Expert Power
In his business, he is also an expert. Hence the business goes well and reached success and
development in the business.
He have that power, He is expert in that field more than all other employees. So he has expert power
c. Legitimate Power
Based on his position he can give orders and the employees under him also respect his order. Hence
he have that power
He has the power to give orders to his staffs in the organisation for his work.
d. Information Power
Yes, He have the knowledge about everything
Yes, he have the access to the valued information in the organisation. Hence he have information
e. Reward Power
He also provides rewards to his workers to gain success in his business.
Yes, he gives rewards to the people sometimes in monetary terms or sometimes by giving extra
hours, promotion and so for.
f. Coercive Power
Yes, he is having the power to punish his workers
Yes, even small organisational leader also have coercive power to punish
iii. Cultural and/or ethnic factors that may have influenced their leadership
Based on his culture he is very harsh or arrogant. He only focuses on the improvement of the
business. As he behaves in such a manner. Staffs will follow or do the work according to his
According to his culture he is very enthusiastic and work in time. He enjoys doing work by hearing
musing or by talking to make the work more interesting and easy as a leader.

iv. The nature of the organization the leader has evolved with and how the type of organization did
influenced their leadership
The organisation is large with 3 big level of management. They sells innovative electronic products
in the international market such as mobile phones, computers and so on. This company is private
based organisation. So he can run the business according to his interest in a good manner for the
It is small organisation having 2 levels of management. Here, He is running a restaurant which sells
pizza to the customers. It is a small private organisation. He owns and manages the business well.
Leadership Concepts:

a. Behaviours
He is arrogant, dictatorial, and mean-spirited. But he is a great leader in his organisation. His
behaviour is arrogant to the workers to make them hard work in the workplace and he dictates
everything in the organisation and also in the world market as good leader or business man. Hence
he becomes one of the great leaders in the world.
He effectively communicates with the staffs and to customers. To support they he communicates
always and to get the feedback, he communicates with people too. He provides enthusiastic. It is
good method to make the work more interesting and run the business in an interesting manner for
the staffs.
b. Traits
He has ability to deal with the people outside the organisation such as suppliers and so for. Hence
he can run the business well. His communication is also good. He knows how to communicate with
various people for better running of his business. He is highly determined and he deeply cares about
small things. So he can see all the small problems in the organisation and solve it easily too.
He is very competent in his business. Lot of people around him are doing small business like him.
Hence in very competent in the business to develop his business by increasing the skills. He is very
intelligent person. Hence he change the price and quality according to the sales to sell more and
earn more profit. He is straightforward. So he use judgement at right time for the proper running
c. Skills
He is having good management skills, hence he become one of the great manager of his own
business and also success in his business. Further, He is also having the presentation skills. So he
became one of the great business man
He skilfully motivate others by giving information about the work and how to practice the work. He
is having good communicational skill and so he can discuss details with the staffs easily and for the
business development a good communicational skill is important.

d. Attitudes
He keeps good relations with the people and good workers hence he can run the business smoothly.
He keeps following his passions; hence he became competitive in this field to become the top
businessman. He is very confident; it is a positive attitude and can run the business well.
He positively thinks always. Hence he will get confidence and run the business well. He is
empathetic and easy going man. Be empathetic in business, so business can go well. Otherwise it
cannot earn any profits.
e. Knowledge
He is having good knowledge in that field because of his experience in the business. Hence he can
run business and moves his business to the success.
He I highly experience in his field that around more than 30 years of experience in selling pizza and
so he know how to earn profit by running a business like restaurant. He is having well build
knowledge about his experienced business which helps getting success in his future too.
f. Contemporary Developments
He applied innovative facilities to his business and found new innovative products for the sales
which lead to great success in his business
He introduced new machines and technologies to improve and to run the business faster and easily.
It is contemporary development in his business.
APA Reference:
Seven Leadership Traits of Steve Jobs(2012). Seven Leadership Traits of Steve Jobs, Retrieved on
October 23, 2012 from
Steve Jobs(2012). Steve Jobs, Retrieved on October 23,2012 from

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Celebrities And Human Obsessions

Media Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

Have you ever had favorite superstars as idols in mind that you dream to
become just like them? The more we visualize ourselves as a celebrity, the
more obsessions we have. We all enjoy hearing the latest celebrity gossip
from time to time. Who doesn't enjoy hearing about the hottest celebrity
wedding of the year or the worst celebrity makeover? What do you think
about these topics on the news headlines? "Jessica Lowndes wears a seethrough dress. For Jakey, probably.", "Sparkles wants to start a family.
Aw", "Pillow-fight! Hailee Steinfeld, etc play around in Vogue" (The
Gossip Wire). Media has been following a lot of celebrity actions and
spread it in the public. The causes of having too much media attention
towards celebrities could lead to negative effects of being bad examples
for audiences, wasting people's times, and interfering with celebrity's
privacy, and lead to positive effects of giving people an opportunity to be
famous, providing benefits for media organizations, and being good
examples for audiences.

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Have you ever wondered why people are so into celebrities? Have you
ever thought of why it is that we spend our times studying celebrities'
bibliography and possibly their every action? According to Jake Halpern,
the author of the book, Fame Junkies: The Hidden Truths Behind
America's Favorite Addiction. "Kids see fame as a cure-all for problems,"
he said (Gilsdorf, The Christian Science Monitor). Secondly, it is because
celebrities are always there wherever people go, on Television, newspaper,
magazines on sidewalks, or even posters in restrooms. According to 'Star
Struck' New Internationalist, Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) is an
obsessive-addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved
with the details of a celebrity's personal life. Celebrities worship syndrome
is consisted of three types. Entertainment-social is when people are
attracted to their stars for entertainment, such as "I like watching and

hearing about my favorite celebrity when I am with a large group of

people." Intense-personal is when fans feel attracted to celebrities with an
deep feeling or bonds themselves to stars such as "When something bad
happens to my favorite celebrity I feel like it happened to me" , and
borderline-pathological, which is when fans mix fantasies with realities and
lead to an uncontrollable behavior such as "I have frequent thoughts about
my favorite celebrity, even when I don't want to" (Maltby, 1157-1172).
First of all, too much media attention on celebrities could give bad
examples for audiences. Not all celebrities act and behave appropriately
despite of them being observed by the media therefore it is then possible
that celebrity fans, especially kids who do not have much life experiences
would absorb and follow those inappropriate actions and behaviors. For
instance, partying is one of the very well known lifestyle that celebrities
have. Paris Hilton a very popular celebrity that almost everyone would
notice the name, not only because of her works, but also because of her
personality and social behavior. Apart from the partying lifestyle, celebrities
are also easily exposed to drugs. Some use drugs to help them maintain
their work efficiency, to gain fame, or even to stay in shape.
Also, celebrities generally possess a great amount of financial resources to
support their will just to purchase anything they would like. According to
Daily Mail Reporter, Britney Spears spends 11,000 monthly to stay in
shape and look good, including the costs for nutrition, personal trainer, and
a private dance choreographer (Daily Mail Reporter, Mail Online).
Moreover, the incident when Michael Jackson committed suicide led to
twelve deaths of his fans who died from committing suicide following their
favorite star. According to The Sun News, one of Michael Jackson's fans
named Pvel Talalyev was found and rescued from his attempt to commit
suicide several hours after the news of Michael Jackson committing
suicide broke out. One of the ambulance men said: "He was in a terrible
state and kept on saying: 'It's all the same to me. I'm going to kill myself.
It's the worst tragedy of my life and I don't want to live any more. I don't
know why you saved my life, I want to be with him'." (Soodin, The Sun)
These inappropriate behaviors could then mislead her fans toward
downward paths of living.

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Having celebrity worship syndrome could lead to unhealthy and unsteady

mindsets. Celebrities are considered to live in a world that very few can
hope to emulate. This then sometimes drives celebrity worshipping kids to
feel like their own individual personalities are worthless because these kids
could potentially form and develop unrealistic expectations in their minds
about becoming a celebrity. Additionally, there are celebrities who became
popular without using much of a specific requirement in recent days.
However, these kids often realize the very unlikely possibility once they
mature and finally cause them become to be lost and unhappy.
Secondly, another negative effect is that people waste too much times
once media gives out too much attention to celebrities. When media
focuses too much on the celebrity headlines, people tend to overlook the
important information needed in their lives. According to a new Rasmussen
Reports national telephone survey, 87% of American Adults admit that
Americans pay too much attention to celebrity news and not enough
attention to news that has real impact on their lives (Rasmussen,
Rasmussen Reports). Imagine when the news paper headlines are
filled with celebrity topic headlines and the news of stock market are put in
a very small column of the newspaper that people hardly recognize. This
has happened countless of times especially in newspaper, and it distracts
people from the reality of their lives and causes their works to suffer.

Elizabeth Farrar, a teacher from a primary school in Scunthorpe in the

United Kingdom, said that too many pupils thought that they could become
successful in the future by spending times trying to be famous and wealthy
via media and that it would be unnecessary to have an academic success.
"They believe that they are much more likely to achieve financial well-being
through celebrity than through progression to higher education and a
'proper' career." (BBC News).
Thirdly, keeping eyes on the celebrities is also interference to them.
Everyone has the right to have secrets in their lives and keep in their
minds, including celebrities. However, celebrities usually have to live their
lives with public eyes targeting at them almost all the time. According to an
interview with Jessica Biel on a question on how it is like to live in a public
eyes "It's wonderful to do what I do, but everything that goes with it? It's
bizarre." She said, "The invasion of privacy is very tough. I am followed all
day, every day. Going to the dentist, the cleaners. I guess I could look like
sh-t giong to the dentist, but only if I didn't care what I saw in the papers."
( OK! Magazine). Being celebrities would loose the time and opportunity to
being herself because they all have to be concerned about how their
appearances, choices of words and actions all the time because the media
only focus on drawing their spectators and increase their revenue. In such
competitive environment, celebrities normally would have to live with a lot
of stress, and with an addition of paparazzi, press media, and all the public
opinions which would become a workload of stress for these stars.
Moreover, these media could also impact the celebrities by putting
pressures on them to change themselves to be something that people
would want to see. For example, Emma Watson, a very well known actor
as Hermione in Harry Potter, said that stylists had been trying to put her in
mini-skirts to make her look sexy. "If I do a photo-shoot people desperately
want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a
fringe." She said, "Then there's the choice of clothes. I know everyone
wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that's not me. I feel
uncomfortable. I'd never go out in a mini-skirt. It's nothing to do with
protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn't do that." (Sutrathada, The
Celebrity Cafe).

It can be seen that by putting too much attentions on celebrities could lead
to many negative effects. However, sometimes these media sources could
give out positive feedbacks to many in the society as well.
Firstly, people could have more opportunity of becoming famous from
media, rumors, and scandals. Many people try to or were put in a certain
circumstance that creates rumors or stories throughout the media and
allow them to eventually become well known in the public. For instance,
Paris Hilton was originally known as a great-granddaughter of a billionaire
Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotel, one of the most famous hotels
in the world. Then there was a sex tape of Paris Hilton, 1 Night in Paris
pornography film released into the media in 2004. This sex tape was one
of the top gossip topics of the year, but ended up boosting her fame to
become one of the celebrity stars (Morgan, Associated Content). People
with talents might also find the surging of media industry as an opportunity
to become famous. With a modern technology in the current world, media
has become so easily accessible for people including video channels on
internet like Youtube and Myspace. Justin Drew Bieber, a very popular
Canadian singer and actor have become one of the most well known
celebrities by uploading his recorded singing performances on Youtube.
His popularity on the site kept growing larger and larger until Scooter
Braun, an American manager found Justin's videos on the site (Dutta,
Buzzle Web Portal). This then allowed Justin Bieber to get an opportunity
to become a singer and eventually a very famous celebrity. It could be
seen that people could become celebrities by using media as a tool that
allows them to be well known and eventually a celebrity.

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Secondly, media organization could also gain benefits from mass

producing media relating to celebrities. In yearly basis, media
organizations that are based on celebrities, such as celebrity magazine
industries could gain large amount of incomes from people. For instance,
According to Marketwire in 2006 People Magazine had a circulation of 3.73
million and its revenue was expected to top $1.5 billion on that year
(Marketwire). The more celebrity news spread throughout the world, the
more money the media would be able to raise because many people have
got a celebrity worship syndrome.
Thirdly, the media could spread the messages of generous works that
celebrities committed to the world as an example for people. Generally
celebrities have always been seen as an ideal for people, especially
teenagers and kids and set an example for them with their characteristics
of being hard workers, diligent, and all good actions they committed like
charity involvements. Media then becomes the source to provide these
good deeds that celebrities commit throughout their careers via different
channel communications; televisions, newspapers, magazines, and etc.
This allows the good messages to be sent to an audience and therefore
gives out positive effects to the society. For instance, Samuel Dalembert,
currently a NBA basketball player of Sacramento Kings in the United
States tried his best to give out and provide supports for his hometown
Haiti from the chaotic incident that happened in January 2010. "Look at
me, I'm living in a beautiful place. I'm blessed to be doing this. But a part of
me said, 'You can help; you can do more,'" he said. He has committed at
least $2 millions to donate for Haiti, and since he is a famous basketball
player in the United States (Tomasson, AOL News), his fames would
provoke the media to take recognition, and automatically spread the news
of his actions throughout the world via media, and that people can see his
actions. Not only basketball players commit themselves to charity, super
stars like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt also established their own charity
organization named Jolie-Pitt Foundation. The Foundation was established
in 2006, and the purpose of the organization is to aid people throughout
the world. According to Look to the Stars, Jolie-Pitt Foundation has
provided aids to people whose lives are in trouble, whether the cases of
violences, armed conflict, health care, and many more in nearly 60
countries (Look to the Stars). These good deeds that the celebrities

comitted are spread throughout the world through medias, and could motivate people to follow them as examples to help the society.
In conclusion, the impact media focusing too much attention on celebrities
could have both negative and positive effects. Some audiences waste their
times becoming addicted and obsessed with what media is trying to inform
about their favorite celebrities, and some celebrities are facing hard time
being threatened by media. On the other hand, some people can see an
opportunity of becoming a celebrity by using the media, media can also
gain some benefits from celebrities, and some celebrities are being a good
example for the audiences. While some of their behaviors are not
appropriate for audiences, personally I think that there is nothing wrong
with consuming media, but all audiences have to be careful not to get too
obsessed with them and consider what the media is trying to inform
because part of it might contain inappropriate information. Therefore, I
think it is crucial to be aware of the contents and messages that the media
provides, follow the behaviors of the good celebrities, then learn and stay
away from the inappropriate actions.

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Medias Biased Coverage Towards

Celebrity Crimes Media Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

With the prosperity of both science and culture, people are accustomed
with an abundant supply of information. Modern media, such as television,
newspapers, magazines, reinforces our accesses to news and information
of all kinds, the most prevalent of which are those about public figures and
celebrities. Now there is a growing awareness that media pays too much
attention to the personal lives of famous people.

Another equally important aspect is that most of the reports on lives of

famous people are always focused on brilliant achievements and
extravagant enjoyments, which overstate the gorgeous part and understate
the painstaking part. Therefore, young people are often biased and tend to
pursue such kinds of lives but with little endeavour. In addition, since the
teenagers are inclined to adore their idols with such passion that mass of
negative news and information of popular figures may even twist some
youth's view of life.

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The extent and quality of celebrity news in the media appears especially
inordinate today, multiplying and intensifying at such a rate that 'legitimate'
news has fallen in precedence (Brown, 31). Whether it likes it or not, the
public knows more about Britney Spears and how many pills she
swallowed than about many political issues.
Mainstream media content is most likely increasing in sensationalism due
to competition with celebrity news sources, particularly those online. As
said by marketing author David Giles, 'The defining characteristic of a
celebrity is that it is essentially a media production, and its usage is largely
confined to the twentieth century' (3). More than ever, news, according to
New York University sociology professor Todd Gitlin, can be defined as
'anything that happens to newsworthy people' (Rockwell, 40).
The purpose of the project is to examine how the celebrity coverage in the
media, both mainstream and entertainment-focused, influences the people
and their opinions which affect media credibility as a whole. In doing so,
research investigates the sensationalism of mainstream media and its
portrayal of celebrities and celebrity-criminals in general.

In this vein, analyzing the content presented by mainstream news outlets,

as well as celebrity-news Weblogs and other online sources, offered the
clearest method by which to examine how entertainment news is covered
and publicized. Researching articles on the major, relevant topics of media
ethics, the role of celebrity news in Indian society and credibility of media
was instrumental in gaining a better understanding of the subject matter.
More emphasis was placed on researching relevant topics, as it is difficult
if not impossible to determine the exact effects of media coverage of
celebrities through a study or direct observation. One can constantly see
and hear about Celebrities' mishaps, but only a fraction of the time does
one hear about the actions taken to punish them. Through
this research there will be several examples of Celebrity crimes,
media coverage about the same. The purpose of this research
proposal is to see if media coverage of celebrity-crimes is biased and
how this changes people's opinion and perception thus questioning
media's credibility.

III. Literature Review

To understand the influence on the people of the portrayal of celebritycriminals by media, it is important to understand the terms celebrity, crime,
media bias and public opinion. These terms may not be connected with
each other directly; however the understanding of these together would
contribute in assessing the study of this paper.
Celebrity - The word 'celebrity' is derived from the word 'celebrate', in that a
person is supposedly famous because the community celebrates him or
her (Rockwell, 20). The Greek 'phanai' highlights the idea that a celebrity is
spoken about and takes on a fable like mantel as the general public is
drawn into the fate of the person in whom it is invested. And for a celebrity,
being spoken of may impact how he or she lives in the world, often
resulting in negative effects.
Crime - 'Glanville Williams (1955: 107), defined crime as "an act that is
capable of being followed by criminal proceedings, having one of the types
of outcome (punishment etc) known to follow these proceedings". This in
practice is the denition of crime most commonly accepted, as was
brought out by Tappan's famous injunction that criminology accepts as its

object of study crime, dened as "an intentional act or omission in

violation of criminal law (statutory and case law), committed without
defence or justication, and sanctioned by the State as a felony or
misdemeanor". (1947: 100).' (Morrison, 7)

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Media bias - Media bias is the bias of journalists and news

producers within the mass media in the selection of events and stories
that are reported and how they are covered. The term 'media bias' implies
a pervasive or widespread bias contravening the standards of journalism,
rather than the perspective of an individual journalist or article. The
direction and degree of media bias in various countries is widely disputed.
Public opinion - Public opinion is the shared expressed attitudes of a
collection of individuals on a matter of common concern.
Based on these factors there have been researches that explain how
biased media-coverage plays a crucial role in forming biased publicopinion. Media has a fixed agenda of providing certain news in a certain
manner so that it is perceived in the manner that media wants it to be
perceived as by the people. The world that we are living in today has
millions of events that take place simultaneously. Thousands of people are
employed by Media organizations and institutions examine these events

and report them. The media decides and tells us which issues are
important and which ones or not. We have never physically witnessed the
war situations of Afganistan, Iraq or even Kashmir. Despite this we have
the pictures of these events in our heads. The media reports inform about
the latest events and issues that are taking place in the world and are
inaccessible to us. Thus, most of our perceptions about the world are
based on the second-hand reality created by the media organizations.
There is no guarantee that this reality is an accurate picture of the world.
(Saib Riaz, 2008:1)
The things we see in newspapers and the things we hear on the radio are
things that people all over the country are talking about. 'The Agenda
Setting Theory is based on the premise that we are given our "agenda" of
daily information for discussion based on what the media wants us to be
talking about. Agenda Setting was an early theory given to us by Paul
Lazarsfeld and Elihu Katz. These two men believed that media content set
the agenda for public discussions' (Wilcox, et al., 2003: 213). These men
both believed that the media did not specifically tell us what to think about
a particular subject, just which subjects we should be forming an opinion
of. This theory can also be very detrimental to politicians and other public
figures. Sometimes the media plays a more vital role in society other than
just reporting the news. It gives us serious topics that are put under our
noses on a daily basis. The information is put there for a reason whether
most people are aware of it or not. The Agenda Setting theory is positive
for society because it puts the information out there. However, the down
side is that the information we are getting is biased and does not allow for
us to select what we feel is important.
Which aspects of an issue are covered in the news - and the relative
emphasis on these various aspects of an issue - makes a considerable
difference in how people view that issue. From the pattern of the total news
coverage, the public learns what journalists consider the important issues
are and who the prominent public figures of the day are. From the details
of this coverage - the agenda of attributes presented by the news media the public forms its images and perspective about these issues and public
figures. (McCombs, 7-8)

Thus it can be rightly observed that, "Through their day-by-day selection

and display of the news, editors and news directors focus our attention and
influence our perceptions of what are the most important issues of the day.
This ability to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda has
come to be called the agenda setting role of the news media."
This shows how public opinion is formed on the basis of the kind of
information that media prioritizes and later provides the public. The media
does set the agenda of what is discussed around the world on a daily
basis. The media chooses the stories and the public reviews them on a
regular basis. It does not seem that many people really are aware that
there is someone picking out information for them, but that is exactly what
goes on every single day. There are pros and cons to someone selecting
the stories people receive for processing.

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Therefore also when crimes committed by celebrities are covered by the

media, it tries to change people's opinion by a positive or negative way of
news coverage. Media can manipulate the news using a variety of
strategies that can alter the people's perception. It can navigate their
audience through what it feels is potent and viable concerning topics
specifically related to celebrity crimes. The factors that can contribute
towards an altered point of view are media's audience, their lifestyle,
interests and its level of sophistication. However there are more contingent
variables that create a divergent representation of objective truth. Through
this, media has the power to persuade people's point of view.

Reports of soft news far outweighing the amount of hard news in today's
mass media landscape can be traced, in part, back to the technological
changes seen in modern times.
According to Bennett (2007), some of factors affecting the increase of soft
news include the economics of the news business, journalists' dependence
on sources who control information, routine news-gathering practices,
professional norms and a need to fill the news hole that has been created
by 24/7 news coverage. Celebrity focused, soft news tends to be quick and
easy to report about. Additionally, such stories have proven to be popular
among audiences and are easy to dramatize. Celebrity stories may also
serve the uses and gratifications of many audience members. Bennett
(2007) suggests that in addition to learning, many viewers use news to
satisfy their needs for curiosity and surveillance, entertainment and
escape, and social and psychological adjustment. "With the advent of the
Web and the Internet, increasing numbers of citizens turn to alternative
information channels that deliver politically packaged information in a
format better integrated with personal interests and various citizen-action
options" (Bennett, 2007: 28). This statement is true of all news information,
not just politics. There are websites, magazines, newspapers, television
stations, etc. to suit every different need and consumers have the choice to
visit only the ones that interest them. Therefore, the shift seen in news
coverage from informative to entertaining cannot be blamed solely on the
The news stories about celebrities that most often permeate the media
airwaves are about stars' mishaps and blunders. Together with media, they
are often blamed for social problems. A common complaint is that
celebrities are bad role-models and mass media idolizes them anyway.
Such practices are thought to be teaching younger generations to fall into
drugs like Britney Spears, become over-sexualized like Miley Cyrus, or
anorexic looking like Nicole Ritchie.
"As exemplified in the following quote by Bob Franklin, this is conceived as
the diversion of media audiences from 'hard' news and issues of public
interest to 'soft' tabloid focuses such as human interest, sport, scandal and
celebrity: Entertainment has superseded the provision of information;
human interest has supplanted the public interest; measured judgment has

succumbed to sensationalism; the trivial has triumphed over the weighty;

the intimate relations of celebrities from soap operas, the world of sport or
the royal family are judge more 'newsworthy' than the reporting of
significant issues and events of international consequence (1997: 4)"
(Holmes & Redmond, 2006: 344-345).

IV. Hypothesis
Biased public opinion based on biased media coverage of celebrity crimes
questions media credibility.

V. Research Design
The research will be conducted through sampling as well as content
analysis. Examples of celebrities who have committed crime and who have
been extensively covered whether biased or unbiased by media especially
newspapers will be used as the basis on which the research will be

VI. Bibliography
(Brown, 2007). "Cable TV way with celebrity 'new'." Quill 95.3 Apr 2007:
31. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. Cal Poly State Univ. San Luis
Obispo, CA. 10 Jan 2008 <>.
Brown, Fred. "Cable TV way with celebrity 'new.'" Quill 95.3 Apr 2007: 31.
Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. Cal Poly State Univ. San Luis
Obispo, CA.
10 Jan 2008 <>
Bennett, Lance W. (2007). News: The politics of illusion (7th ed.). ????:
Pearson Longman.
(David, 2000). Illusions of Immorality: A Psychology of Fame and Celebrity.
New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000: 3.

McCombs Maxwell. "The Agenda-Setting Role of the Mass Media in the

Shaping of Public Opinion." University of Texas, Austin. p. 7-8.

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This essay has been submitted to us by a student. This is not an example of the
work written by our professional essay writers.
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Morrison, Wayne. "What is crime? Contrasting denitions and

perspectives." Oxford University Press 2006: 7.
Rockwell, Donna. "Celebrity and Being-in-the-world: The Experience of
Being Famous. a Phenomenological Investigation." Center for Humanistic
Studies 2004: 15-80.
Saqib Riaz, Agenda Setting Role of Mass Media, Global Media Journal,
Vol. I, Issue II, (Autumn 2008)
Dissertations & Theses: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection.
Proquest. California State University - San Luis Obispo, CA. 17 Jan 2008
Wilcox, Dennis L., Glen T. Cameron, Philip H. Ault, and Warren K. Agee.
(2003). Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Boston, MS: Pearson
Education, Inc.
The entertainment industry has both positive and negative influence on the
youth, but, it is not entirely bad. The negative effects and influences that
the industry has, on the upcoming generation need, to be changed and
recognized. This can help the youth so that their minds are not that
clouded with the celebrity perfection ideas. The youth need to be educated
and informed on the need for self confidence and self fulfillment as they

are fundamental to true happiness in life. These traits are hard to attain for
the youth because of entertainment and media industry. The industries are
constantly showing and sending messages to viewers on the definition of
perfection. This makes it hard for many of the youths to be contented and
happy with their personalities and looks. The youth should stop to look for
celebrities, movies, and television shows, for ideal and perfect life. The
obsession created by the entertainment industry influences the youth's way
of life. They change the way they dress, walk, and even act.
The entertainment industry will continue to have effects and influences on
youth and societal trends. The influences should be worked on, to make
them have positive effects on society and society as a whole. This can
involve the transformation of the celebrities, actors, and models in the
entertainment industry. The effect can be huge and tremendous on the
upcoming generation and society. The changing trends in societal beliefs
and values can be influenced to be positive ones on the youth. Things can
be better when the effects of the entertainment industry lean more towards
the positive influences than the negative influences on the youth. This can
be done knowing very well that America is one of the leading producers of
entertainment and as such it is a significant component in influencing the
behavior of the younger generation. The entertainment industry has
influences on the upcoming generation views and expression of culture.
This is depicted by the way that they talk, dress, and act on society
through social media pressure in the country.
Throughout society there are both individuals and groups of people with a
wide range of perceptions about crime and justice. These perceptions are
influenced by the media and what the media presents. Media presents
crime stories in ways that selectively distort and manipulate public
perception, thus creating a false picture of crime. Therefore the media
provides us with perceptions and social constructions about our world.
Firstly I will be discussing the role of the media in constructing knowledge
about crime. I will begin by explaining why the media is important, and go
further to explain that media representations construct knowledge of crime
and since knowledge about crime is constructed it does not necessarily
capture reality in fact crime stories are often sensationalised. I will then link
this to my central argument that the media shapes people's perceptions of
crime and how this is important as it can lead to changes in the law. I will

then explain what it is that the public or society needs to be aware of when
reading and watching media reports about crime. We need to b...

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How Human Activity Pollutes

Climate Environmental Sciences
Published: 23, March 2015

Role of human activity on climate change is very important, because we

live in this Earth and all things that we are making are affecting on all of us.
Nowadays it is commonly discussed question for scientist and
meteorologists how to avoid global warming, how to reduce acid rains and
a toxic waste which is related to human activity on climate change. Human
activity on climate change is affecting in a bad way, it changes weather and
climate. We are facing it everywhere and everyday, because
manufactures, toxic waste, greenhouse gases, cars and airplanes all of
them affects on climate in different ways. Therefore, this essay will explain
climate in general, how greenhouse gases affect on climate change, what
greenhouse gases is and how human activity pollutes climate.
Climate is the average weather, which includes temperature, humidity,
atmospheric pressure, wind and rainfall. It can be changed in different
place in a different ways, in some places it might change very rapidly from
day to day or from year to year. The climate of a location can be affected
by terrain, altitude, ice or snow cover and water bodies which are nearby.
Climate and weather is linked with each other, but the difference between
climate and weather is usefully summarized by the popular phrase

"Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get." (National Weather
Service Office Tucson, Arizona. Main page, Retrieved on 2007-06-01).
There are some instruments for measurement weather such as
thermometers, barometers, and anemometers. The instruments used to
study weather conditions over the modern time scale, their known error,
their immediate environment, and their exposure have changed over the
years, which must be considered when studying the climate of centuries
past (Spencer Weart. The Modern Temperature Trend. Retrieved on 200706-01)

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Greenhouse gases, it is gases which accumulate in the atmosphere, by

causing concentrations to increase with time. Greenhouse gases include
different types of gases such as, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
ozone, water vapor and the halocarbons. The atmospheric amounts of
gases are increasing, especially carbon dioxide, which has increased on
30% over the last 200 years (English for academic study Reading
and Writing source book; Authors, John Slaght). Carbon dioxide
gases has increased because of huge amount of fossil fuel use in
transportation, heating and cooling buildings and the manufacture of
cement and other goods. Water vapor is the gas phase of water, it can be
produced from evaporation, melting of ice or boiling of liquid water. Water
vapor is a greenhouse gas along with carbon dioxide and methane.
Methane is a natural gas, it has no color, and this gas is flammable.
Methane is high relatively potent greenhouse gas with a high global
warming potential. Nitrous oxide is colorless and non-flammable gas, and it
is also major greenhouse gas and air pollutant. Ozone is a blue gas, it is
dangerous to warm up this gas because it can detonate. Ozone has
ground level and the upper layer. Ground level ozone is an air pollutant
with harmful effects on the respiratory systems of animals. The ozone layer

in the upper atmosphere filters potentially damaging ultraviolet light from

reaching the Earth's surface. It is present in low concentrations throughout
the Earth's atmosphere. It has many industrial and consumer applications.(
Rubin, Mordecai B. (2001). (PDF). Bull. Hist. Chem. 26 . Retrieved 200802-28.) It might increase global warming which will cause global problems
for whole Earth and for everyone. The temperature has increased form
middle of 20th century and it increased because of greenhouse gases
resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel (IPCC (2007-05-04)
"Summary for Policymakers"). If the temperature will keep increasing it will
cause problems such as ice melting, which will increase amount of water in
oceans and it will be non reversible global problem.
Consequently, pollution plays very important role in climate change which
is also related with human activities. For thousands of years people lived in
harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were
unlimited, but with the development of civilization mans
interference in nature began to increase large cities with thousands of
smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world. The products of
their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we
grow grain and vegetables on. As we all know nowadays the amount of
manufactures are increasing, so it means that pollution increasing also.
Manufacture factories throwing huge amount of toxic waste in oceans,
rivers and seas which is affecting not only at the climate change but also
on the animals, trees and plants which is around with these toxic waste.
Pollution of the toxic wastes affects on climate change by evaporation,
when vapor goes to the atmosphere they form clouds which is returning
back as acid rains. As a result, the pollution of air and the worlds
ocean are causes of climate change.

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As a conclusion, we are using cars, airplanes, we are producing goods by

using machines which pollute climate. Human activity plays important role
on climate change because we are using nature and not taking care of it
and while we are doing such things it affects on us and our Earth. If we will
continue causing damage on climate change without taking care of it we
will increase damage that human activity does on climate change.

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Human The Cause Of Global

Warming Environmental Sciences
Published: 23, March 2015

The increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere and the

troposphere influence the changes in the climate. Carbon dioxide emitted
due to the burning of fossil fuels which usually trap heat. This has a
significant effect on the various components of the Earth's eco-sphere.
Global warming is more likely to be a phenomenon that comprises of
climate changes. This change includes changes in air, temperature, winds,
ocean, and other earth's climate. Generally changes in climate can be a
combination of several natural forces that are happening over the various
diverse timescale (Houghton; Warming overtakes predictions).

History of Global Warming:

Global Warming occurs due to several causes, such as natural as well as
human activities. Pollution and emissions are caused by human activities
which lead to changes in global climate. In this world, human are
responsible for global warming. Various reasons are responsible such as
growth of population, industries and environmental degradation. All these
activities are performed by human but this have negative influence on the
environment (Global warming).

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The history of global warming is underlined according to the years. They

1800-1870: The first industrial revolution occurred and measured carbon
dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
1896: Global warming was calculated for the first time due to the emission
of carbon dioxide witnessed on a global scale.
1930s: Global warming was accurately confirmed and reported in the late
19th century (The Discovery of Global Warming, 2011).

Thesis Statement:
Humans are the cause of global warming
for several reasons include industry,

population growth and environments

Industrial Revolution:
Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in history which had
negative consequences on Global Warming.
During the 1700s and 1800s, some drastic changes took place in the daily
lives of individuals and these changes in the economy occurred because of
the development of industrialization globally. These changes termed as
Industrial Revolution in the economy was a turning point in the world that
has negative consequences over the population. It also restricts the growth
of individuals as well as nations. Basically, the transformation of workers
based industries to the machine based is typically termed as Industrial
Revolution. The industrial revolution is the substantially beginning of the
era of energy consumption, burning of fossil fuels, and emission of carbon
dioxide that are continuously declining the quality of air in the environment
and increases global warming (All About Global Warming; Global Warming
101, 2007).
Transportation is one of the greatest contributors to the global warming
from last five decades. "Transportation accounts for 30 percent of all
greenhouse gas emissions in the United States-two-thirds of that from
automobiles and other vehicles-and many others developed and
developing nations face similar challenges." (All About Global Warming)It is
analyzed that transportation has significant impact on the economic sector.
Transportation is mainly depends on the petroleum products which
increases emission of carbon dioxide in the environment. It is observed
that transportation is about third of the country which is changing climate
rapidly. In the worldwide cars, airplanes, trucks, ships and other vehicles
are the means of transportation. In this industrial revolution, competition is
going to be high day by day and it has adverse effects on economy.
Reducing emission by controlling the transportation is the vital step for
fighting against the global warming (All About Global Warming).

Factories are the means which facilitate development to the economy in

the worldwide. It produces goods as according to the needs and wants of
each individual by analyzing market. "One of the best ways to reduce
global warming is to use renewable energy that doesn't emit greenhouse
gases." (All About Global Warming) Some of the factories emitted gases
due to the activities of human being in the factories. Usually carbon dioxide
emitted due to the burning of fossil fuels which usually trap heat. This
affects the living mechanism of human beings and cause Global Warming
(All About Global Warming).
Electricity generated from the various means such as hydro electric dams,
solar power, wind generators, geothermal power and any other means
which releases carbon dioxide in the environment. "Climate change,
specifically global warming, has captured the attention of people worldwide
and has inspired more debate and action-personal, political and corporatethan perhaps any other environmental issue in history." (All About Global
Warming) Electric power is generated from the burning of fossil fuels like
natural gas, coal and oil. This burning of fuels releases Co2 into the
atmosphere. Coal burning plants are the main source of electric power in
most of the countries. The electric power contributed in the increase of
global warming. The conversion of electric by various means may be
helpful to the people as well as environment (All About Global Warming).

Population Growth:
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The world's total population rose to 7 billion people. The population of the
world is growing rapidly with the pace and it is not easy to stop its growth.
The growth of population is the root of all problems related to the
environmental and climatic changes. This growth pace of population is
rapidly clearing woods and forests from the environment and world have
scarcity of agricultural land. This turning of huge forest area into the
agricultural land has significant impact on the environmental climate. As
per the data, the world's total population reached to the 7 billion. One day if
this surplus of population is not restricted then individual will run out of
land. This increased population rapidly enhancing global warming (How
Global Population Growth is Creating Serious Environmental Problems).
Over Consumers of the fossil fuels and goods are contributed to the global
warming. ""Trends such as the loss of half of the planet's forests, the
depletion of most of its major fisheries, and the alteration of its atmosphere
and climate are closely related to the fact that human population expanded
from mere millions in prehistoric times to over six billion today," (How
Global Population Growth is Creating Serious Environmental Problems).
This rapid growth of population is increasing number of consumers in the
worldwide. But in the recent time consumers are over from the limit. So for
fulfilling the requirements of each consumer, society has maximized the
usage of natural resources which resulted as scarcity of sources in the
environment. Consumers are normally produces greenhouse gases by
burning of fossil fuels and which produces carbon dioxide. So if consumer
will be over then they will more increase global warming.
Life Style in the recent time is going to be a status symbol for consumers
and which have contributed to the increment of global warming. Today,
people are more concern for their living standard. Lifestyle highlights the
usage of various standard products in the market. It comprises of various
transport vehicles that are going to be status symbol for people.
Consumers are purchasing cars and vehicles in order to maintain their
lifestyle. "While population numbers in most developed nations are leveling
off or diminishing today, high levels of consumption make for a huge drain
on resources. Americans, who represent only 4 percent of world

population, consume 25 percent of all resources" (How Global Population

Growth is Creating Serious Environmental Problems). This excess usage
of transport vehicles increases emission of carbon dioxide which is the
main cause of global warming.
Migration is the mechanism for human being to adapt diversified living
circumstances. It is part of natural resources which is based on the
seasonal movements of fishing communities, pastoralism as well as long
term phenomenon. Global warming is progressive in nature and have
significant impact on the population. Industrialized countries also contribute
far more to climate change, ozone depletion and overfishing than
developing countries. "And as more and more residents of developing
countries get access to Western media, or immigrate to the United States,
they want to emulate the consumption-heavy lifestyles they see on their
televisions and read about on the Internet" (How Global Population Growth
is Creating Serious Environmental Problems)
Global warming causes flood cycles and storm which increases the level of
sea. This rise in sea level affects the populated regions in the worldwide.
When these diverse climatic changes create unbalanced circumstances
then it resulted as human leaved their areas in order to search alternatives.
Global warming as an resulted for migration and usually seen in this
society (How Global Population Growth is Creating Serious Environmental

Environmental Degradation:
Environmental degradation problems are caused by human activities.
Environmental degradation is the corrosion of the environment though the
reduction of natural resources, ruin of ecosystem and disappearance of
animal and plant species. It is resulted by the human activities that have
directly or indirectly increased from the time when Industrial Revolution
came in light. Environmental degradation is resulted in several ways such
as individual actions and also caused weakening of natural resources.
Other then these, environmental degradation is also caused due to the
natural occurrence which also damage the environmental resources. Some
human activities like burning of fossil fuel, mining, pollution, deforestation
are lead to environmental degradation (Habitat Destruction).

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Deforestation is the phenomenon of cutting trees in order to make spaces

for industries and houses for rapidly increasing population. As it is known
that trees plays imperative role in the balancing ecosystem but this
excessive cutting of plants for the usage of human activities is damaging
the environmental balance. One of the major drawbacks of deforestation is
it dislocate the cycle of water. As trees are responsible for its disrupt the
water and liberate moisture in the environment. "As population increases,
humans use more land for agriculture and cities and towns spread out
ever-widening areas" (Habitat Destruction). Excessive cutting of trees
serves climatic changes. Trees contain major part of the carbon dioxide
and during the photosynthesis process it locks environmental carbon
dioxide. But deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide as well
as other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere along with this burning of
fuels emitted carbon dioxide in the huge amount these integrally trap the
environmental energy which resulted as increase in earth's temperature
and this increase in temperature near the earth's surface causes Global
Warming (Habitat Destruction).
Food Supply is the problem which is lead by the increased population in
the worldwide. As per the analysis, around seven billion of population is
measured in all over the world. This rapidly increased population affects
the supply of food in the worldwide because resources are limited but
conversely population is increasing with pace. If the population will
increase with this pace then it will be difficult to feed each individual. This
causes global warming with the increasing population (Global Warming
101, 2007).

The Waste Production of good and products in the environment have

adverse effects on the growth of individual as well as society also and it
also leads to global warming weather directly or indirectly. "Every year
these emissions currently add to the carbon already present in
atmospheric carbon dioxide a further 7000 million tonnes" (Houghton).
Industries produce material as per the requirements of society for fulfilling
their requirements but at the time of manufacturing finished goods some
wastage of products are produced indirectly which affects the atmosphere
and destructing the balance of ecosystem which causes global warming

In the today's world, some of the people do not have faith that the global
warming is resulted by the human activities and it also affect ecosystem.
Although they believed that global warming phenomenon is lead by the
natural process. In their view all the warming problems are the resulted by
natural uncertainties.

Refutation of Counterarguments:
People believe that natural uncertainties are responsible for the global
warming and human activities have no affects on ecosystem. It is
completely denied because in reality human activities are responsible for
the increment of global warming. Their activities such as transportation,
population growth, and excessive use of energy resulted global warming in
direct or indirect ways.

Global Warming is caused due to natural as well as human activities.
Pollution and emissions are caused by human activities which lead to
changes in global climate. Human are responsible for global warming. In
the rapidly changing environment, competition is high and consumers'
needs are increasing day by day for overcoming this problem there is need
to take certain possible steps for the betterment of society with control over
global warming.

After analyzing the cons of global warming there is need to put effect in
order to restrict global warming in the atmosphere. Following
recommendations are made for minimizing this major problem:
Greening Transportation: It is analyzed that transportation sector is the
more responsible for the emission of fossil fuel. Some technologies for
energy efficiency are available for the less usage of energy. This
techniques aid to save money as well as environmental assets.
Boosting Energy Efficiency: Nowadays energy is used by various means
such as heat, energy equipments etc. This can be controlled by minimizing
unnecessary the usage of energy products.
Revving Up Renewable: The renewable energy sources like wind, solar,
bioenergy and geothermal are the available and researched technologies
that may meet the level of energy needs. These techniques are very cost
efficient and also identical for the atmosphere.

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Managing Forests and Agriculture: A people can flight against the global
warming by reducing the deforestation and agricultural emission. For this
purpose there is need to develop awareness among the individual about
the global warming and its causes and then motivates for trees plantation.
Increased number of trees can flight against the global warming.
Developing and Deploying new low Carbon and zero Carbon Technologies:
The development of new technologies for low carbon may possess time.
So the current researches are good enough that may reduce the global

Phasing out Fossil Fuel Electricity: For reducing the usage of fossil fuel, it
is mandatory to take positive corrective action according to the climatic
changes. Certain step should be taken such as no new plant of coal
burning, shutdown all coal plants etc that may somehow minimize the
effects of global warming (Solutions to Global Warming).

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Food - Necessity or commodity

Published: 23, March 2015

As a part time employee in a grocery store during my early high school

days, I witnessed on a regular basis that at the end of each day a large
quantity of baked goods and perishable food items which had reached
their shelf life were carted to the garbage compactor. At the same time at
the store's front entrance there were a couple of aged and homeless
people begging for alms in order to buy their daily meal. I wondered at the
time as to why the discarded food could not instead be distributed to those
in dire need of it waiting just outside. As I continued with my studies in
university I realized that the same scenario was and is still being played
out on a global scale where food does not reach the people who need it
the most; but for different reasons. While in the case of the hungry outside
the grocery store, the action may have been necessary to prevent
pandemonium and inconvenience for the staff. However globally, human
hunger and starvation is caused by food shortages resulting from
environmental degradation, rapid population growth, questionable
technology and current economic models.

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Through the Holy Bible, the basis of my faith, I know that God has given all
human beings dominion over the earth and all its creatures but for our own
selfish purpose we tend to interpret the facility granted to us as permission
to unbridled mastery over nature. We ought to remember that being given
dominion over the earth merely makes us custodians of His creation.
Gerald Barney, a scientist aptly stated that, "for the first time in the history
of Creation, the life support systems of the planet earth are being
destroyed by human activities. Throughout history humans have caused
locally significant damage to the environment, but never before have
human numbers and actions combined to threaten the integrity of the
entire planet.[1]" In light of this shocking reality there is an ever increasing
need for the implementation of a just and sustainable global food system to
prevent humanity from crises, for hunger and malnutrition are responsible
for more deaths today than any known disease. Each and every human
being must be responsible participants in the reduction of global climate
change which has caused major environmental disasters. Floods and
droughts are known to be the main causes of worldwide food shortages
and famines.
Since my childhood I was always taught not to waste food and not to eat
as if there was no tomorrow. I realize the wisdom in that teaching as there
is not only an environmental cost of getting food on the table but it also
leaves a detrimental footprint on nature in the form of global warming,
pollution, destruction of the eco system, degradation of arable land and
fresh water supply. Unlike the aboriginal peoples of our land who treated
the earth and nature as sacred using it strictly for basic living needs, "in our
society as a whole we conceive of the land in terms of ownership and use.
It is a lifeless medium of exchange.[2]" How do we cultivate a way of life
that does not violate the integrity of creation? Will we use the knowledge,
be ready to use every effort and continue in our perseverance to prevent
further damage to the environment and replenish the arable lands that now
lie wasted? The answer is in the hands of each and every human being.
Just as each member of a family is responsible for the maintenance and
protection of their home, we as a global family must adopt the same
attitude caring for our planetary home, we call Earth.
While environmental degradation may be the indirect result of our actions,
we humans are directly in control of the size of our families and the global

population at large, however controversial the methods employed may be.

Can the rate of the world's staple crop production keep feeding the hungry
on this earth? Both my parents came from large families in India and with
the modest incomes both sets of grandparents earned; they were able to
nourish their children. Basic fruits and vegetables were home grown and
staple grain was locally produced or easily available. Hunger and
malnutrition, I was told was minimal in those times. Presently, in the land of
my ancestors, having large families is still considered a blessing from God
in spite of widespread poverty, malnutrition and hunger; a human crises
that is rising exponentially. "They were fruitful and prolific; they multiplied
and grew exceedingly strong, so the land was filled with them.[3]" The land
is said to be full when the food supply is inadequate and the environment
is deteriorating. It is also known that "a full environment is a dynamic
concept depending on the application of human wisdom and knowledge.
[4]" The same Creator who declares children are a reward is also
displeased when overpopulation causes destruction of His handiwork. Do
we have the wisdom and the knowledge to offer proper advice for human
reproduction? If so, will we be able to ensure the present global population
and guarantee future generations an abundance of what creation has to
offer? If we fail to find positive answers to the issue of overpopulation, the
global food shortage will create chaos in poor nations further causing these
'failed states' to export diseases and refugees. The earth does not contain
resources to feed the hungry indefinitely for this will cause global grain
shortage which in turn would raise prices and put food out of reach of even
more people.

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In our quest for the growing demand of food worldwide, we must do all
within our power to make agriculture as productive as possible. As a
student of commerce and economics I am aware that less land is required
for farming if production is maximized per acre leaving more land to be left
in its wild and natural state. Biotechnology through genetic engineering of
seeds has been a boom to agriculture by increasing the yield of crops,
using less water and pesticides, creating less stress on our fragile land and
producing grain of a higher nutritional value. However the use of
biotechnology is a sharply divided issue because it also gives humans the
right to claim a patent on life form which is an ethical concern. Are we
trying to 'play God'? Needless to say "the very success of natural science
has bred an attitude which has allowed for the exploitation and domination
of the natural world in complete disregard to the social and ecological
consequences.[5]" Firms try to maximize profits where the marginal cost of
production equals the marginal benefit derived from the produce. However,
this current economic model, in my opinion, is flawed as it does not include
the implicit cost of environmental degradation caused through the use of
pesticides or improper crop rotation that is incurred in the production of
food. Essentially, companies in the food & biotech industry only seem to
care about maximizing their profits regardless of how it affects the
environment or humans that depend on food for survival. It is very
disturbing to hear that food & biotech companies purchase some of the
crops from third world countries in order to genetically modify the seed only
to sell it back at prices that are at a very high premium.A biotech company
in the U.S. bought coffee beans from Brazil in order to genetically modify
them so that they would be more weather-resistant to climate changes in
Brazil that threatened future crops. However, when it came time to selling
these genetically modified beans back to Brazil, this same biotech firm
marked up the price to the extent that Brazil was unable to afford it.
Developing countries should not be subjected to this unethical practice
carried out by such firms. Therefore, in my opinion, in order to build a

sustainable future for people, a new 'earth' economic model needs to be

developed, one that aligns the economy with ethics and the environment.
Will future life and production be controlled through biotechnology and
selfish economic considerations? To counter any advancement that
technology has made to benefit human food security, staple grains are now
being grown to produce bio-fuels. According to the teachings of my faith,
"do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed
clean, but it is wrong for you to make others fall by what you eat.[6]" It
would prick my conscience to realize that in order to drive my car across
Canada it would require an acre of corn if not more; grain that could have
been used to feed so many hungry and malnourished people in this world.
The need for the development of alternate fuels is no doubt an urgent
issue but it should not be at the cost of seeing our very own species placed
in dire straits; an ethical irresponsibility.
The last third of the twentieth century witnessed an unprecedented shift in
the Human-Earth relationship; the Third Mediation as Thomas Berry
termed it. Human impact now threatens Earth's capacity to regenerate life
as we know it and love it. Despite our basic dependence for survival on
this planet, we continue to damage it through environmental degradation,
overpopulation, massive use of technology and economic greed. If we are
to achieve a globally just and sustainable food system, we have to learn to
live in a way that does not outstrip nature's capacity to regenerate itself on
its own time cycles and terms.............
Further we should avoid forcing changes in natural systems themselves,
changes that are at times even difficult for adaptable species to accept.

Rasmussen, Larry. "Toward an Earth Charter." Religion Online. The
Chrintury Foundation, 23 Oct. 1991. Web. 14 May 2010. .
N. Scott Momaday, "A First American Views His Land," National
Geographic Magazine (July 1976), 18.

Meeks, Wayne A. "Exodus." HarperCollins Study Bible: New Revised

Standard Version (with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books).
Student ed. SanFrancisco: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1994. 79. Print.
Fick, Gary W. "Ecology in the Bible." Food, Farming, and Faith (S U
N Y Series on Religion and the Environment). Albany, New York:
State University Of New York Press, 2008. 37. Print.
Gorringe, Timothy. "Playing God." Harvest: Food, Farming and the
Churches. London: SPCK, 2006. 117. Print.
Meeks, Wayne A. "Romans." HarperCollins Study Bible: New
Revised Standard Version (with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical
Books). Student ed. SanFrancisco: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1994.
2135. Print.

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History Of Airplanes And How It

Changed World History Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

There are many discoveries throughout history that changed the world in
many ways, the internet, electricity, semiconductors, just to name a few.
This paper will explore one of such discoveries that had significantly
changed the world, the discovery of airplanes. The history of airplanes and
how it evolved exponentially intrigued most aviation enthusiast in just over
few decades. The impact of this discovery is felt in the lives of all human
beings, be directly or indirectly. The inter-link of this effect can be felt
almost in all industry types starting from travel and tourism, satellite and
communication, business and commerce, etc. Airplanes are now the
preferred solution for long distance travel and thousands of flights are
operated in airports around the world every day, for example approximately
65 million passengers were transported through Heathrow airport alone in
2009 (European Commission, EroStats).

Airplanes beginning
It all began following the letter that was written by Wilbur Wright in 1899.
The letter was sent to the Smithsonian Institution; Wilbur was requesting
information about flight experiments. After gathering the required
information, the brothers Wilbur and Orville spent a lot of time in research.
According to Marry Bellis (2010) "The Wright brothers spent a great deal of
time observing birds in flight". Due to the time spent on observing birds, the
brothers noticed that the shape of the bird's wing helped in increasing lift
and birds also changed their wing's shape in order to maneuver while

flying. Based on the bird's technique of flying, Wilbur and Orville started
applying these techniques into their experiment to have control on their
glider invention.

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Many hours were put in research followed by testing period, The Wright
brothers designed and built many gliders in order to implement their
solutions for controlling their gliders. After many trial and errors, they built
the first piloted glider in 1900. According to Marry Bellis (2010) "the Wrights
successfully tested their new 50-pound Biplane glider with its 17-foot wing
span and wing-wrapping mechanism, at Kitty hawk ". The wing wrapping
mechanism is utilized the techniques of birds by changing the shape of the
wing. The application in this type of wing was accomplished by arching the
wings tips to either increase lift or maneuver the glider. It was then
considered a big success at Kitty Hawk, the Wrights later built another
glider with 22-foot wingspan weighing nearly 100 pounds. In this glider
they used a front elevator to control it. However, this turned out to be a
failure. The front elevator did not allow the wings in this glider to provide
sufficient lift. The failure of this glider in 1901 caused huge disappointment
for the brothers.
Despite the failure in their last glider "the Wrights reviewed their test results
and determined that the calculations they had were not reliable" Marry-B
(2010). In order to assure that they obtain accurate results Wilbur and
Orville decided to build a wing tunnel. The wing tunnel enabled them to test
many different shapes of wings and compare the lift force between
different wing types and shapes. This method of wing testing provided the
brothers with great understanding of wings and their performances and
behaviors. It is also considered the turning point that led the brothers to
their later achievement. Till now wind tunnels are used to test anything

related to aerodynamics like planes, wings and cars. As a result of this

testing method, the brothers designed and built a new glider with 32-foot
wingspan and added a tail to their glider to stabilize and control it. Having
this glider, the brothers were able to verify the wing tunnels results and
added some minor modifications to their last design.
After the success of the last glider, the Wright brothers took their research
and flying experiments to a higher level. Wilbur and Orville finally decided
to design and manufacture a powered aircraft. This however required more
research on how to gain thrust and oppose the drag force while providing
sufficient lift simultaneously. The lift issue was resolved from previous
experiments however the brothers had to do massive studying on
propellers and motors. According to Mary B. (2010) " after months of
studying how propellers work, the Wright brothers designed a motor and a
new aircraft sturdy enough to accommodate the motor's weight and
vibrations ". In 1903, the brothers tested their first heavier than air powered
aircraft at Kitty Hawk North Carolina. The Wrights used a railway going
downhill to give the aircraft enough wing speed for takeoff. After two failed
attempts, Orville Wright successfully flew the powered aircraft for 12
seconds on December 17, 1903. The powered aircraft was known as the
Flyer. Following this huge success the brothers managed to develop the
Flyer design. In the following year, in 1904, the brothers tested the Flyer II
model. According to "The Wright brothers"(n.a.) (n.d.) "by 1904 they had
improved their 1903 design to the point that they were able to remain aloft
of longer period of time while controlling their craft well enough to complete
a circle-landing near the spot where they had taken off" (n.p.). The Flyer II
was flown by Wilbur Wright, who was capable of remaining aloft for more
than five minutes.

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In addition, the Wright brothers did not stop their contribution to the
Aviation industry after introducing Flyer II. They dedicated the rest of their
lives in advancing aircraft designs. According to "The Wright Brothers"
(2003) "Orville spent much of his time after Wilbur's death trying to protect
the patent rights to their aviation technology. He contributed little to the
advancement of aviation designs after the 1920's and died after suffering a
heart attack in 1948 " (n.p.).

Airplanes Development
During the Wright brother's era, there was another ambitious aeronautical
engineer, Donald Wills Douglas. Donald was the first to receive a Bachelor
of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from the Massachusetts
institute of technology (MIT) (UXL Newsmakers) (2005). After Donald
graduated from MIT, he started his career at Connecticut Aircraft Company
in 1915. In "that same year he joined Glenn L. Martins aircraft firm as chief
engineer" (UXL Newsmakers) (2005). Eventually Donald started his own
firm Douglas Company. He first wanted to manufacture an aircraft that was
able to fly across the United States nonstop; this aircraft was known as the
"Cloudster". According to the UXL newsmakers (2005) "the Cloudster
never made it fully cross-country, but it was the first plane capable of lifting
a payload equal to its own weight" (N.P). The most famous among the
Douglas's designs are the DC series. For example the DC-3 in 1936, was
considered to be a huge breakthrough in aircraft manufacturing. The DC-3
was capable of absorbing 21 passengers and cruising at speed of 190
mph. The "UXL Newsmakers" (2005) quoted "it was so successful that
within 2 years after it first appeared, it was carrying 95 percent of the
nation's civil air traffic" (N.P). During world war II DC-3 and DC-4 were
widely used for military transport. Later Donald developed the DC-4 design

to come up with the DC-6 and DC-7. The DC-7 was the first aircraft that
was permitted to fly nonstop from coast to coast. In the 1960's, Douglas
designed the jet propelled DC-8 before it ended up merging with
McDonnell Aircraft Company in 1967. According to UXL Newsmakers
(2005), "the site of original Douglas company plant is now the museum of
flying" (n.p.).
On the contrary, the Douglas Company's planes were not the first
commercial airliners. In 1909 a German airline initiated which was
considered to be the first commercial airline in the world. The airline was
called Deutsche Luftschiffahrt Aktien Gesellschaft (DELAG). However the
DELAG company did not use DC series airplanes. According to Asif Siddiqi
(2010) "the company used one of the large airships built by Ferdinand Graf
Von Zeppelin"(n.p.). The DELAG company carried passengers from 1910
to 1914 and stopped during World War I and then continued from 1919 to
1920. This airline was used for carrying wealthy citizens and foreigners to
fly across German cities.
From the time the Write Brothers invented their first aircraft 1903 to the
point when a public commercial flight was done was considered quite an
achievement. It took only seven years from the Wright's first Flyer I to
come up with a commercial airplane. According to Bengtson Tom (2003) "It
is interesting that 10 years after that historic first flight, only about two
dozen of the world's 3,700 aircraft where owned by Americans". This
shows how the whole world was interested in the aviation field and also
how it developed so fast.
In addition, after the Wright Brothers big achievement, in 1908 a BoussonBorgins aircraft was built by Aeroplanes Voisin it was powered by a
Renault propeller engine, Christopher P Clark (n.p. 12-2005). However
what really gave the aviation industry a boost was World War I. Since the
war proved that aircrafts can be effective in war, governments rushed in
improving airplanes in order to have up to date attacking techniques.
There are many milestones that are to be considered when talking about
airplane developments. After the Wright Brothers first flight many
aeronautical engineers were interested in flying and started to improve in
the Wright's design. For example, "Glenn Hammond curtiss, who in the

spring of 1910 completed a 243- kilometer public flight along the Hudson
River from Albany, NY, to Manhattan" Seth Shulman (2002). One of the
important milestones in aviation is introducing the jet engine. The jet
propelled engine was introduced first by Sir Frank Whittle who was the first
to register a patent for the jet engine in 1930. Another contributor to the jet
engine is a German aircraft designer, Dr. Hans Von Ohain who introduced
his model of the jet engine in 1934. However, according to Mary Bellis
(2010) "Hans Von Ohain's jet was the first to fly in 1939". Although the jet
engines were designed in different years yet both Han's and Frank's
designs are similar in basic concept, yet differ in internal arrangement. The
next milestone is a consequence of the jet engine, which is the first
commercial jet plane. According to Tony Long (2007) "1952: A de Havilland
Comet, flying for British Overseas Airways Corporation, becomes the first
jet aircraft to enter commercial service, carrying passengers from London
to Johannesburg, South Africa".

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Prior to introducing the first commercial jetliner, there was a remarkable

advancement to aviation which is breaking the sound barrier. It was not
until October 14, 1947 that mankind could fly faster than sound. Chuck
Yeager an American Air Force pilot was the first man to fly faster than
sound, in his XS-1 aircraft. According to Cathy Booth Thomas (n.d.) "His
XS-1 had accelerated to Mach 1.06, or 700 m.p.h". The Mach number is a
ratio that is the speed of the aircraft divided by the speed of sound.
Consequently aerospace and aeronautical Engineers were able to design
a shuttle that landed on the moon in 1959. Breaking the sound barrier is
considered to be huge breakthrough in aviation history and lead to other
advancements other than the space shuttle. For example the Concorde

aircraft which is a commercial airplane that can exceed the speed of

sound. Figure 1 illustrates the major milestones of aviation and how quick
it grew.
Some major milestones in aviation history
Fig. #1

Airplanes impact on our world

Throughout history there were some major discoveries that were followed
by a huge impact on the world like inventing the wheel, for example and
computers, internet, and many more. The invention of airplanes is also
considered as one of mankind's huge step forward in many ways. The
Wright Brothers did not only introduce the first powered aircraft, yet they
also launched the world into the aviation field. The brothers first flew in
December 17, 1903 and within a few decades aircrafts were used in wars,
for transport over the world, and even reached the moon. Aircrafts have
really affected our lives in many different ways. According to Heather
Whipps (2008) "the brothers made four flights that day, the last one soaring
852 feet and lasting almost one minute, launching the world into aviation
age for good". However, it is unfair to give the Wright Brothers full credit for
all these achievements, because airplanes developed like anything else
each new achievement was building up on previous achievements.
Aircrafts are considered to be a highly tactical weapon in war. It is also
number one for long distance traveling and is widely used. Many people
today see air travel as a normal routine in their lives. However airplanes
also have their drawbacks such as pollution.
Furthermore, airplanes have affected many aspects of our lives, more
importantly it really changed the course of war. Before people used invade
each other by guns and travel the long distance by ships with the whole
army. Now, there is no need for the whole army just a fleet of airplanes can
invade a whole country. However this is depending on whether or not the
other country has anti-aircraft devices or not. Airplanes are now used for
bombing and surveillance during war. According to Cody Hodge (n.d.) "the
plane allowed us to drop a bomb on Hiroshima instead of having to invade

the island". It was because of the atomic bombs that were dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki that lead to the United State's victory in World
War II, and if it wasn't for airplanes it would not be possible to drop an
atomic bomb. This is an example of how airplanes changed the world.
In addition, another aspect that was affected by airplanes is the pollution
that is caused by airplanes all around the world. Airplanes are usually a
source of different kinds of pollution. First is the most common which is air
pollution, then comes noise pollution, and finally water pollution. Airplanes
emit toxic gases while flying and especially during landing and takeoff.
These gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, demolish the
ozone layer leading to global warming. However, according to David
Holzman (1997) "ground access vehicles such as passenger's cars and
buses just entering and leaving the airport often exceed airplanes as the
dominant sources of air pollution at airports". Another kind of pollution
caused by airplanes is noise pollution. Usually airplanes are very loud
during landing and takeoff, which it makes it uncomfortable and also
unhealthy to live near an airport. Finally, airplanes also cause some water
pollution. In winter there are chemicals used to de-freeze airplanes, in
airports. After de freezing they dump these toxic chemicals into water ways
which causes water pollution, (David Holzman) (1997).

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With any new invention there are many advantages and disadvantages.
Airplanes may have some disadvantages like harming people, pollution,
and spreading diseases like SARS. However, the advantages overcome
the disadvantages. Airplanes have really made the world an easier place to
live in. now you can go across the world in just hours, while it took our
ancestors months. Airplanes have also contributed to improving many

economies and there are many jobs that would not be there if it was not for
airplanes, like pilots and aircraft technicians. However, the disadvantages
like pollution can be neglected since gas emissions in airplanes per
passengers are low considered to car emissions per passenger.
Furthermore, many consider that the designs of airplanes and what
aviation reached so far are all credited to the Wright Brothers. Although the
Wright Brothers were the first to fly a heavier than air aircraft, yet they also
took the use of the knowledge that was already there from the Smithsonian
Institution on lift and gliders. Airplanes development was on the same
method engineers took what the Brothers have done and improved it like
Donald Douglas, Chuck Yeager, and many others. Therefore it is not
reasonable to credit what aviation has reached so far to the Wright

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Principles for good interpersonal

Published: 23, March 2015

To live a contended and successful life with cordial relationship with people
around is very important. The life of the person is always connected to
others and the level of relation with other person depends on how you deal
and treat them. While dealing with people there are many factors with

influence the terms one has which includes communication skills, the way
of dealing and interacting with others and social ethics.
Interpersonal skills are important to live a happy successful living. In every
step of person's life the interpersonal skills of person are tested and
observe and those who have excellent interpersonal skills are always
successful in both professional and personal living. This paper discusses
the points which are important to maintain good interpersonal skills and
why they should be kept maintained and polished.
Interpersonal Relationship Skills
The relation of the person with other people around him is known as
interpersonal relationship. The skilled interpersonal qualities are very
necessary for living a comfortable life with good social relations. No one is
born with social skills. Everyone learns, perceives and absorb the social
norms and the way of dealing people; which comes with time. The first
school of social learning of a person is home. Home is the first place where
one learns basic etiquettes, social norms and how to deal and respond to
people. The basic learning of person is started and is leant from home. And
since then a journey of learning and improving the social skills is constant.
The social skills and interpersonal skills of a person are experienced when
he enters the professional life. And with time these skills are polished.

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The interpersonal skills vary from person to person. There are two types of
people while dealing with people, introvert and extrovert. Each of these
people would be different in dealing with other and thus the relationship,
communication and level of dealing of communication with each type

would be different. The interpersonal skills are also affected by the

environment we grew in, our personal preferences, the way we feel, the
personality type etc.
Interpersonal skills are needed everywhere. Whenever a person has to
deal or communicate with other people or person the interpersonal skills of
person are shown. Basically there are three stages where interpersonal
skills are needed; personal dealing, social interactions and cooperation. All
such relations such as friends, coworkers, family relatives, cousins,
neighborhood and peers all are included in interpersonal relations.
Five Principles for good Interpersonal Relationship
Good interpersonal relationship leads people to deal and work in friendly
and cozy environment. Health interpersonal relations provide people
security, satisfaction, enjoyment and contentment towards each other. And
those who are not successful to gain good interpersonal relations with
people around them feel great sense of frustration, anxiety, failure and
loneliness. To have good interpersonal relationship there are five important
principals which are as following:
Mutual Benefit Principle:
The strong interpersonal relations are formed when people share same
group of interests. It helps them to form a strong bond and meet up the
social need of themselves; and as well as those one which are related or
are connected with each other. So a health interpersonal relationship
brings satisfaction to both sides of people. And to have such cordial terms
both of the parties have to show a friendly affection with acceptance
towards other. This is more successful when both parties share mutual
interest and are capable of understanding each other.
Credit Principle:
For making the relation with the people fruitful and pleasant it is important
to make people feel that you are useful for them. When people are treated
this way they value you but more important is maintaining such
interpersonal relation. The mutual understanding can be achieved through
mutual sincerity and good intentions for each other. Only such feelings will

enhance the good emotions and will make the relationship stronger no
matter what type of relationship it is. When there is mutual understanding
and benefits people tend to be more positive about such relations and to
maintain such interpersonal relationships it is important to value the credit
received and given.
Respect Principle:

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No matter how alike the people are there can be many situations were two
views are shared. When someone has to deal people socially there is
always a presence of different views. And to keep the environment safe,
friendly and healthy everyone should have a tolerance to accept and hear
other point of views. Many times there comes a point when people
exchange views which are different from other, even if someone doesn't
seem to agree then the interpersonal skills teaches us to show tolerance
and acceptance to listen other views. Everyone has a right of freedom of
speech so everyone has right to share their thoughts. So only through
tolerance and respect one can maintain good interpersonal relationships.
Tolerance Principle:
Tolerance means that a person does not care about small minor issues,
and by keeping aside the disturbing issues one can work together for a

common goal and can negotiate the issues separately without letting the
environment and relationship to get spoil. As there is always an individual
difference, everyone has different mindset which brings out different view
somewhere, through tolerance one can only deal with such situations. If
someone had shown harsh behavior or has hurt you then there are two
basic ways to deal with it, first keep a grudge, plot revenge or try to forget
about it and never bother to expect something from that person. A skilled
interpersonal person would prefer the second option and will try to deal the
situations with tolerance.
Moderation Principle:
There should be a health interpersonal relation with people. A distant
relation brings distance and lack of communication where as too much
communication and time together causes irritation, obsession and lack of
sense of space. To maintain a good social interpersonal relation one
should keep a moderate way to deal and communicate with people. So the
degree of relation should be maintained properly regarding the type of
relationship one has. (, 2007)
Misconceptions in interpersonal relationships
The misconceptions between two people can lead to poor communication
and fragile relations. There are many reasons which can bring distance
and bitterness in any relations. Following are some of the reasons which
can lead to misconceptions.
First impression: we often build up the first impression of people very
quickly and those impressions get engraved in our mind which becomes
very difficult to omit. First impression is not the last impression and one
should never judge anyone completely in first impressions. There are many
factors which should be noticed before making an observation about
people. The reason for which I personally think the first impression causes
misconception is that when the person have built a mind set about the
person then it became difficult for him to deal with them. Even if they do
well the other person would judge and make observation in a reflection of
the impression he has built about him.

Error in understanding: there are many reasons which can leads to error in
understanding the person. As mentioned above due to the building up the
first impression very quickly can also cause misconception in interpersonal
relationships. There are many other factors which can cause error in
understanding other person's impression such as the way of delivering or
conveying the message, variety of thoughts and ideas which can also
become objectionable to others.
Pride and self-worth: if any other the person has too much pride and
confidence then it will also militate against the good interpersonal relations.
When the person is head headed then people find it difficult to
communicate with them which lead other people not to open up with them.
Such traits in personality don't let other people to communicate with them
which lead to misconception and lack of good friendly terms.
Barrier in communication: there can be many reasons which can cause
barrier in communication. This barrier in communication between people
causes distance and poor communication. When there is poor
communication the person is not able to communicate their message or
feelings well, which brings out distance in-between people.
Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Interactions
Following are the most basic and noticeable points which causes barriers
to effective interpersonal interactions:

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Way of communicating the message to other. If the speech or message is

not clearly delivered then such situations can lead to barrier in cordial
interpersonal relations.
Assuming a wrong meaning of message conveyed can also leads to
misunderstanding, grudges and sometimes even to verbal fights.
The body language and tone of delivering words also makes a great
impact. The way of delivering ones message is the first thing which other
notice. If the person finds it good and well-mannered then the good
interpersonal relations are grown.
The reference through which a person came to know someone also makes
a great impact on the person. That reference always defines the person in
the light of reference one has mentioned.
Person is known by the company he keeps. In building a good
interpersonal relations this line makes a great impact. If someone's comes
to know the third person through a bad reference then the image of the
third person will be automatically bad. Or somewhere the impact of the
reference would stay till one gets to know them properly.
Developing the self-concept
Having a self-concept about one self is very important. When the person
knows his abilities, good points and weak points then it helps him to be a
better person and let them to overcome the negative points. A person
should be always open to learn new things which include the acceptance
to the views which people give. Where the good views and comments help
the person to build a confidence; the negative views also give the person
the opportunity to see himself with a critical point of view and then
overcome such points. Here is a list of points which help person to build a
self-concept and how to improve one own self.
By recalling the previous achievement.
By recalling the good feedbacks and comments received

By doing a self-analysis of the personality , keeping in mind the good

points and the bad points
Indulging oneself in a new tasks and situation to see how good and
efficiently you can tackle them
By meeting new people and seeing their response about you
By adjusting yourself in new situations
By overcoming the fears you have, as they will help you in being a better
Handling difficult situations and people and rechecking yourself that how
good and successful you were
Recalling the past mistakes so that you don't repeat them in future
Polishing the capabilities and potentials one has
Facing and overcoming the weak points
Doing a self-analysis and rechecking the past mistakes and weak points
helps the person in being a better person. We often make mistakes which
we regret later. So by recalling the mistakes and trying to analysis ones
mistakes gives a person a better picture. One should always be open to
accept his mistakes so that he can correct them.
We loses many of our relations because of our different mistakes, if we do
a self-analysis more often than we would be able to maintain our
relationships better and can bring the loved ones back in life.
Maintaining a self-concept
By maintaining a self-concept means that on should keep improving
himself and should try to maintain a good self-image. One should cut down
and overcome the flaws and try to deal with difficult situations. And keep
venturing himself with new situations which will help the person to improve
the personality and abilities of socializing. Here is a list of point which one
should follow in maintaining a self-image.

Being constant in good behavior

By being down to earth
Open to criticism and realizing self-mistakes
Regular self-assessment
Keeping tolerance while dealing with people
By being polite to people
Overcoming the one own flaws and keep improving the personality
Finding new horizons in professional fields
Giving task to oneself to see whether you can do t or not
Challenging your own self in health way
Keeping a positive thinking so that you are able to see positive things in
people around you.
Improving the interpersonal skills

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Little gestures and care can bring out the best in any relationship.
Interpersonal relations are very important for a person to live a happy and
successful life. We meet and deal with different types of people. Every
person has different personality. So even if we don't seem to agree or like
other people we should never criticize anyone with sarcasm. Continuous
complaining and whining about others will make the self-image down. And

even if one has to make the other person realize their mistakes then
always chose a moderate decent way to convey the message. Whereas if
someone does something good always appreciate them. Saying nice
about other will bring the element of love and affection. A response of smile
should be given with a smile. These little gestures and concern towards
people bring people together and in such environment its easy n fruitful to
carry healthy interpersonal relations.
Interpersonal skills are very important to maintain a good living. A life of a
person is always surrounded by people. So dealing people with right
attitude is very essential. For maintaining a healthy relationship with people
one should deal other with patience, tolerance and care; one should
always accept individual differences and personality traits of others. And
very often one should do self-analysis so that a constant improvement in
personality should be there. Social skills are only improved when one
ventures to experience now situations. Holding good interpersonal skills
with people is essential for successful living in all stages; personal, social
and cooperation.

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The Road To Success English

Language Essay
Published: 23, March 2015

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop
called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies,
caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have
a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance
called Faith, you will make it to a place called Success." (Bro. Emil Andrew
dela Rosa) Success is the thing that is sought by all people and it is the
completion of anything intended, in other words success is finishing what

you planned to do (Watson, John) , people are asking, what is the road to
success? There are no direct answers to this question; because success
has many different factors determine how an individual will be up for
success (colin turner, 2006). Laing Burns, Jr. said "Success often comes to
those who have the aptitude to see way down the road." (Laing Burns, Jr)
In order to achieve success, there are some methods and skills to achieve
success, first set your goal, second develop yourself and explore your
abilities, third organize your time and self management.

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Everyone must have purpose for his life, so first of all a method and skill to
achieve success is to setting your goal. In order to determine the goals that
matter to you, and you will use in your plan, make a list of everything you
wish or dream to achieve in various areas of your life thought this dream
whatever small or large and type it on paper. Writing all your goals on
paper at this stage will expand the horizon of your thinking, so do not try
thinking and how you will achieve these goals; because thinking will
reduce and limit your belief in your ability to achieve them. Also, when you
write a list of your goals you will start to see new opportunities in life were
not see before, and you will find yourself attracted to these opportunities.
(colin turner, 2006) It's important to plan for each goal so focus on what
you really want to accomplish and the reasons why you need to
accomplish them and list your goals through prioritization, also, focus on
the different areas of your life and do not allow fear to stand in your way.
Do not focus on your goals at the same time and try to separate them and
do each one alone .first, do the most important one and then do the next.
(Ashley Ann Serafin, 2009) Moreover, determine your ability to achieve
your goals and ask yourself if you are able to commitment to the goals you
set for yourself no matter what kind of goals? So don't write goals and you
can't do it or you don't have ability to do it. Sometimes you will notice that

you will not achieve the goal the way that you planned. And at times you'll
find that your experience for some creative plans and the actual moment of
taking some steps lead you in directions never imagined before, and are
often greater and more successful than those that you put it in your plans.
This is because the plans were based on the current ability and the ability
change over time. (colin turner, 2006) Also, it's important to do your best to
follow your goals. Because whenever you see your goal in front of you and
you feel that it negotiable to achieve and be realistic, you will persevere to
achieve and move away from the postponement. Experts say that "the
more you feel that your goal is real; it could increase the likelihood of
success in achieving this goal." (Abdulla, 2010)
In addition, also explore your abilities and develop yourself is one more
method to achieve success. To discover your abilities, ask yourself I am
strong in what? What is my strength and what are my skills? What I
concentrate upon? How do I increase my abilities? Furthermore, you must
read and learn and develop yourself always and never. Learn about
yourself and your abilities and learn from life. Also, applied what you
learned, so you will not bring new information only if you applied the old,
and also you cannot be treated yourself, unless you learn from your
attitude. (Kazem Ameli) Moreover, you should identify your weaknesses.
Usually, no one really wants to admit weakness points but, you can't
escape from your weaknesses; you must fight it. However, weaknesses
too can be strengths if put correctly and your weakness should come out
as a problem which is almost solved not a critical and hopeless trait that
cannot be helped. (Identify your Strengths and Weaknesses purpose of the knowing the weaknesses are not to
induce misery or frustration, but it opens the door for a great deal of
awareness and improvement. So, don't shy away from weaknesses.
Instead, look at things objectively, recognize and admit weaknesses and
make conscious decisions on what to do about them. (Ben Yoskovitz,
2007) Besides, the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is
you'll succeed .So, you should have Self-confidence. Although many of the
factors affecting self confidence are outside your control, there are a
number of things you can do to build self confidence like focus on
contribution, work out, speak up, compliment other people and sit in the
front row and many other ways. (Erin. Editor, Pick The Brain) Accepting

advice is not always easy. There is Proverb says, "Listen to advice and
accept correction, then in the end you will be wise." (Frdrick Jzgou,
2010) So, think about the advice that giving to you, Say thank you;
someone has taken time to share their thoughts with you and if it's good
advice, go and start implementing it. Moreover, you must learn from your
mistakes, and recognize that you fall in it. And you should have the
courage to admit it to yourself and others and must accept that mistake
and not blame yourself when you fall in line. Also, challenge those
obstacles that stand before you and keep away from your negative
thoughts. If you fall, Arise, then try again and do not remain where you fell,
and not duplicate the wrong. (Girls of Wisdom, 2010) No success comes
without perseverance. Successful are not better or smarter or stronger
from others, but they had their perseverance and their determination
distinctive. (Abdullah Bin Bakhit, 2006) Persistence is the quality of never
giving up when you face challenges, of holding on to your dream, of
refusing to be discouraged no matter what the odds, no matter what
happens. Therefore, you should be Persistent and ambitious as you want.
(Royane Real, 2005) Renewal and creativity go hand in hand, which are
essential to every person, like the daily routine boring absorbs the energy
and enthusiasm of the person; therefore, you have to renew your life, you
will find that successful are keen to develop yourself through several ways,
and are keen to develop your methods to achieve what you want.
(Abdullah Al Muhairi, 2006)

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Another method and skill to achieve success is organizing your time and
self management. It is mean ways by which one had to make the most of
his time in achieving its objectives and create a balance in his life between
obligations and desires and goals. Therefore, we must develop a plan to
become a time management easy and accessible. You should familiarize
yourself with the comparison between the priorities, because the
opportunities and obligations may at the same time brings, which one
would you choose? In short, choose what it deems useful to you in your
future at the same time is not harmful to others. (Eugene Jrisman & Jeffrey
Mayer, 2008) Furthermore, you can use of your leisure time by many ways
such as reading magazine articles or some books, review your list of goals,
break out your notebook and start develop list of ideas for what you want
to do, get prepped for your next task and certainly do not forget to take
some time for yourself to relax and make yourself ready to work again.
(Leo Babauta, 2010) Also, focus and do not confuse your mind in more
than one direction, if you take this advice and applied it, you'll find a lot of
time to do other things more important and urgent. (Eugene Jrisman &
Jeffrey Mayer, 2008) Moreover, manage your time, by draw up a daily
schedule, where you should write the things you plan doing that particular
day. Try to pick realistic time plans for those things and live an extra error
margin, just not too big. (Mike , 2010 ) Also, draw up a weekly schedule,
and put the necessary targets first, as self-development objectives through
courses or reading, or family goals like go out to trip. Besides, use modern
techniques to seize opportunities and achieve success, as well as to
organize and saves your time such as the Internet, computer and other.
(Eugene Jrisman & Jeffrey Mayer, 2008)
To sum up, the above discussed methods and skills that will help you to
achieve success by setting goal and achieving them effectively and
efficiently, and staying focused by prioritizing your main aims. Also, help
you exploring your capabilities and develop yourself through reading and
learning and many other ways, and help to organize your time and self
management. Thus, the road to success has many difficulties and bumps,
but you are able to continue it with determination and resolve. And you can

be a successful individual in life by following a systematic and simple


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Fixing Rights Of Endangered

Species Environmental Sciences
Published: 23, March 2015

Since 1600, more than 700 species of plants and animals have gone
extinct, only counting the plants and animals that humans know of (Bryant
2). The mass extinction of endangered species is a major problem in the
world today because of human activity. About 400 animals in the United
States are listed as endangered, and about 160 are threatened. The
human activities that have harmed many species are deforestation and
pollution. If humans continue to cut down forests and pollute the world
eventually, everything living will become extinct.
The Endangered Species Act is the only document in the United States
that protects endangered species. The Endangered Species Act states
when a species is endangered, it is illegal to kill, harm, or take the species
out of a habitat. The Endangered Species Act is not being enforced to the
extent that it should be, which has caused the rate of extinction to increase
50% since life first started. To save the endangered species and their
habitats, the government must create more strict fugitive laws in the
Endangered Species Act on deforestation, pollution, and hunting.

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One drawback to the solution is the effort it takes to decrease pollution.

Pollution kills three species per hour by releasing toxic chemicals around
the world. This problem has caused climate changes, such as in Alaska,
and green house gasses have evolved. The UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon had said in a statement that global response to these challenges
needs to move much more rapidly, and with more determination at all
levels. This means that global challenges, such as pollution, need more
response by creating laws that are more strict.
Ever since humans used water for agriculture and industrial uses, many
species have become extinct. The use of water for agriculture and
industrial drainage results in contamination because of excess nutrient runoff and the dumping of industrial waste into water. Water pollution kills the
marine life of oceans and rivers because of agriculture practices. The
cause of pollution is the usage of chemicals to exterminate bug infestations
and increase growth of food for humans. The chemicals that are used for
agriculture seep into the ground and run off into lakes, rivers, and oceans.
Industry produces toxic waste containing heavy metals. Heavy metals such
as copper and zinc are deadly to marine life. Over two thirds of the Earth's
surface is covered by water. Humans have the ability to control or eliminate
water pollution. Humans also have the ability to control air pollution,
another detriment to endangered species. Between 1990 and 2000, air
pollution has increased by around 50% in developing countries. For
instance, air pollution has been a particular problem in Asia, which
accounts for 65% of all pollution-related deaths including the deaths of
endangered species life. It is clear that pollution is a problem for
endangered species and it is a modern day problem.
Before the 19th century Industrial Revolution, people lived more in
harmony with their immediate environment than today. According to the
environmental campaign organization WWF, "Pollution from toxic
chemicals threatens life on this planet. Every ocean and every continent,

from the tropics to the once-pristine polar regions, is contaminated." In any

case, the pollution problem needs to be addressed. The Endangered
Species Act can help out by making more volunteer groups to support the
solution. Historically, solutions have been proposed which have had a
positive effect on endangered species.
One positive effect of the solution is the flood prevention by the
Endangered Species Act to increase populations of endangered species. It
encouraged humans to cut down fewer trees and balance out the
ecosystem evenly to a point where the ecosystem could maintain
endangered species. The destruction of trees and forests causes flooding
during the monsoon seasons and is deadly. Clearing of forests can make
mud slides and avalanches much worse. The Endangered Species Act has
successfully made volunteer groups such as United Nations Environment,
Convention of Wetlands, and Convention on Biological Diversity. The
groups are helping the rarest species that have died because of floods.
Flash floods are reduced by planting trees and forests. Even though this is
a positive stride, deforestation prevails.
Deforestation has caused many separate problems including the reduced
resources, such as food and nutrients that are provided by trees. The
tropical rainforests gives 50%-90% of all organisms a place to call home.
The trees improve the air by trapping carbon produced by pollution. When
pollution has entered the soil the trees play a vital role. The trees change
the pollutant into less harmful forms. In other words, the trees filter the
sewage and farm chemicals making the nutrients healthier for the
environment. Trees have the ability to control erosions. The tree roots bind
the soil while their leaves rain on the soil. Trees help fight soil erosions,
and conserve rainwater to reduce water runoff and sediment deposit after
storms. Trees produce an average of 260 pounds of oxygen each year.
The Amazon is called "the lungs of the earth" because the trees produce
twenty percent of the oxygen in the world. The Amazon is called to be the
largest ecosystem in the world. The Amazons large trees are depended on
other trees, dead animals, and the nutrients in the soil. The reduced rainfall
in the Amazon is due to deforestation. Reduced rainfall causes many dry
plants and dry water systems. In 2005 the Amazon had the worst drought
which led to serious issues. The number of dead zones in coastal sea
areas where oxygen levels have dropped to low to support marine life has

doubled each decade causing a high rate of extinctions to rise. The rights
that humans have are destroying many habitats and the reduction of
resources. In contrasts, many scientists are struggling to fight deforestation
by new methods such as sustainable forestry to help balance the

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Sustainable forestry is the method that scientists propose, which is to only

cut a certain number of trees within a given area. This method provides
planting more seeds where the trees grew. But the rainforest are still being
destroyed faster than ever. At the current rate all the forests will disappear
in 2050. To help, some experts recommend changing the logging style and
making the manufacturing of timber less damaging to the ecosystem. This
can definitely help species be preserved. But other scientists say that
rainforests must be completely protected from all cutting and other
activities. Scientists insist that non-destructible forest-based industries
such as tourism and planting should replace timber manufacturing. Many
nations defend policies for clearing the land for farming, factories, and
cities because of economic advances (Rainforest 5). Companies could
focus on ecotourism where tourists visit rainforests and other wild areas.
Implementing Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation could possibly halve deforestation by 2030. The Reducing
Emissions from Deforestation can be helped by the Endangered Species

Act (Rainforest 5). The Endangered Species Act has enforced several laws
to help endangered species thrive again. In comparison, the cost to
enforce laws costs billions of dollars. In other words, if the Endangered
Species Act was enforced, the issue of deforestation would be resolved by
a law. This law would focus on sustainable forestry.
For many years, people have cut down trees not knowing how it affects the
whole ecosystem. The ecosystem is made up of every species population.
Every population has a major purpose in keeping the ecosystem balanced.
Cutting down trees can cause extinctions that cause other extinctions in
the food chain. If one link in the food chain happens to become extinct the
populations of diverse species becomes imbalanced because life forms
adapt by feeding on other species' food sources. The consequence of
having an imbalance in the food chain causes animals that rely on certain
parts of the food chain to not adapt to new sources. The species will then
become extinct. For example, the koala bear can only eat certain species
of gum leaves but because of deforestation the quality of the gum trees
has decreased. Therefore; the koala bear has become an endangered
species that is on the brink of extinction (Kingwell 2). Once a species
becomes extinct, that food source is erased from the food chain. The other
species that were eating the food source are now starving and can
possibly die, unless the population of species can adapt to another food
source (Kingwell 2). Today only 6% of the worlds remaining forests are
under protection of deforestation (Arandale 3). Hunting has also been a
major factor in the food chain for centuries causing some populations of
species to be on the edge of extinction.
More than 100 million animals are reported killed by hunters each year.
Some hunting is done solely to acquire trophies or to see who can kill the
most; some are no more than shooting tame, confined animals. Brutally
inhumane weapons such as the bow and arrow are increasingly used. In
all cases, sport hunting inflicts undeniable cruelty. Animal-rights groups
have led the charge to restrict hunting by focusing on eliminating practices
that are unfair. These practices are setting out bait and tracking animals
with dogs. Both of these methods are unfair and cruel to the species.
Some groups like Fund for Animals and the Humane Society are trying to
ban hunting altogether. At the beginning of each hunting season, hunters
are required to purchase license which sets limits on how many animals a

hunter can kill. Congress then passed the Lacey Act which regulated
interstate game commerce.
Supporters of the Endangered Species Act wish for more support to make
the act effective in saving species as well as effective for concerned
landowners. To increase support, citizens can enable state governments
and private land owners to play an enhanced role in saving species rather
than focusing on penalties when a species is harmed or taken from a
habitat. In 2003 over $132 million was spent implementing, and barely 7
percent of fish and wildlife Service's spent $1.9 billion in budget. Many
birds and marine life have disappeared over the past five years and this
will continue if humans do not change by supporting the endangered
Species Act. If people do not do more to solve the problem now, it will
worsen and make the cost in the future higher. The experts are saying that
the population growth and industrial development will only accelerate the
speed of mass extinctions in the future. The speed of mass extinctions in
the next ten years determines the rate that humans are going to pay for in
the future. For example, in Brazil the World Bank has tried to develop
projects that help restore the environment while other industrialized nations
have gone in debt to preserve habitats. Many citizens want to focus on
building up the economy instead of supporting endangered species.
William L. Kovacs, vice president of environmental and regulatory affairs
for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says, "Let's prioritize what the real
costs are, because our resources are limited. We can spend tons of billion
dollars in trying to protect something that has very little benefit to man."
(qtd. In Cooper 3).These specific quotes from William L. Kovacs describe
how some politicians put the costs of the program above the expense of
the ecosystem of the world. Kovacs says that the government should pay
more attention to the needs of society, even if environmentalists protest
that every link in the food chain is important. Business leaders are also
concerned about the costs of protecting endangered species. Scientists,
on the other hand disagree, such as Harvard Wilson who has been
collecting data on the rate of which several habitats are being destroyed.
The construction of roads, hospitals, housing, and other structures have
been blocked because of environmental concerns. This angers many
citizens (Cooper 7). International and non-governmental agencies are
trying to conserve biodiversity and protect the endangered species but

these groups have to choose between saving a single species or to

develop more strategies to focus on larger ecosystems. If scientists focus
on a single species, then the giant species will die. It was in 1991 where
the bank suspended funding for development programs affecting the virgin
forest (Rainforests 5). If the countries do a good job in protecting forests
and other habitats then the countries receive an award for preserving and
replanting forests. This award is called the Tropical Forest Conservation
Act which sets aside 325 million in debt relief funds for nations with
remaining rainforest cover. This was a huge progress in the past. In many
countries, steps are being taken to restore wetlands. By replacing trees
that grow quickly and allow them to be restored is a good way to go;
however, the trees to replant may costs a lot of money. Deforestation
would costs seventeen to thirty-three billion per year if this plan was to
happen (Shah 33). During the past five years scientists and
environmentalists have come up with ways to help enforce laws, but the
problem has always been focused on the costs. Some argue that species
are going to become extinct anyway so why should it matter or species
have nothing to do with humans. The Endangered Species Act has been
activated for several years now, helping endangered species to thrive

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On the other hand, the Endangered Species Act has had many successful
outcomes and has helped many of the listed endangered species thrive
again throughout the years. The Endangered Species Act are
environmental laws that preserve habitats and rare species. For example
the Marine Mammal Protection Act restricts hunting of seals and polar
bears. The Clean Water Act helps recover waterways and restore fish. The

Wilderness Act protects certain areas of road building. The Endangered

Species Act is the only United States law helping rare animals today. More
than 1,200 species in the United States are listed as either endangered or
threatened. The Endangered Species Act has helped plenty with species in
the United States (Cooper 8). For example, the Endangered Species Act
has helped eleven species to recover. For instance, many whales have
been protected by the Endangered Species Act and many whale
populations have recovered. Not only is the Endangered Species Act
helping rare species but numerous international efforts that have been
successful. Such international groups include United Nations Environment
program, Convention on Biological Diversity, and Convention of wetlands
(Cooper 6). All of the international groups are trying to come up with new
ways to protect endangered species even more. Only little success has
been enforced in the past three years
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decides which species in the United
States are threatened and which are endangered through its Listing
Program. The review process starts when someone-anyone!-sends a
petition to the Service. The petition asks the Service to see if there is
evidence that the species is on the edge of extinction. A species will be
classified as endangered if there is enough evidence. The decision is
based on science, not politics. 15,589

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