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Lecture 6 Guest Speaker Kapap

Corporate entrepreneurship vs social entrepreneurship

Interested in running business; question the pure lust for profit
or money and there are social cost to such things, such as
pollution, social disconnection
old fashion trickle-down economics did not follow from the
post-war evidence Joseph . Stiglitz
Despite the fact that they have loads of profits, sharing is not
their game plan
Social entrepreneurship in Singapore
Gini coefficient measure of inequality Singapore ranks
higher than US at 0.414, where in the US is every man for
Make Singapore a Monte Carlo of Asia in this climate, all the
more we need social entrepreneurship. And this society,
where we disregard the poor, is not a society we should be
proud of.
What is a social enterprise?
A social enterprise is a business entity that is set up with clear
social goals; and where resources are allocated to fulfil its
social objectives.
A social enterprise has two goals:
- To achieve social, cultural, community economic and/or
environmental outcomes; and,
- To earn revenue.
Kapaps social mission:
Empowering ordinary people with realistic personal protection
Social enterprise:
To be a social enterprise, you have to make money and be
The Social Issues
Immediate goal: empower people with personal protection goals
Broader goal: fight human trafficking
Modern Street Combative
An eclectic, realistic self defence system based on Kapap (Israeli
hand to hand combat), Gracie combative, Savate, American/British
Catch Wrestling, Dynamic Combat Method, and Chin-na
A hundred years from now, what do you want to be remembered by,
when you have your billions? What do you want your children to
value you by?

- Help others; help communities; how can your brand your food help
the people live healthier? Eat better?
- If you want to sell energy, can you think of a better way to help
solve climate change?
- Can you do something to help everybodys life better? Change one
persons life at a time.
Profit v social dilemma, choose which?
To start an enterprise, get a mentor in the industry you like.
Its easier to make revenue to sustain the population.

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