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Present Simple- Present Continuous

A. Decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct the ones that are wrong.

Look! Somebody is climbing that tree over there.


Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?


Are you believing in God?


Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.


The moon goes around the earth.


What are you thinking about my idea?


The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing.


Im usually going to work by car.


Put the verb in the correct form, present continuous or simple present.


I (not/belong) a political party.


Hurry! The bus (come)...............................I (not/want) ............... miss it.


The Nile river (flow) ..............................into the Mediterranean.


The river(flow)....................................very fast today much faster than usual.


....................................(it/ever/snow)in India?


We usually (grow)......................................vegetables in our garden, but this year we



A: Can you drive?

B: No, but I (learn).......................................


You can borrow my umbrella. I (not/need) right now.


I (get).....................................hungry. Lets go get something to eat.

10. George is a vegetarian. He (not/eat).........................................meat.

11. George says hes 80 years old, but I (not/believe).......................... him.
12. Ron is in San Francisco now. He (stay) the Hilton Hotel. He usually
(stay) the Hilton Hotel when he is in San Francisco.
13.She (stay)...............................with her sister until she finds somewhere else to live.
14. What (your father/do).....................................................? Hes a teacher, but he
(not/work)...............................right now.

2. Past Simple

Complete the newspaper story. Put in the simple past forms of the verbs in brackets.

Two people (1) ..........................(die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They
(2)..................................(be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire
(3).............................(start) at 3.20 a.m. A neighbour, Mr. Aziz, (4)............................(see) the flames and
(5)........................(call) the fire brigade. He also (6)...............................(try) to get into the house to get the
couple out, but the heat (7)...........................(be) too great. The fire brigade (8)...............................(arrive) in
five minutes. Twenty firemen (9)................................(fight) the fire and (10)..............................(bring) it under
control. Two firemen (11)................................(enter)the burning building but (12)...............................(find)
the couple dead. Its a tragedy, the Fire Officer (13).................................(say).
B. Put in the past simple of these verbs:answer, come, eat, enjoy, have, know, leave, play, sleep, stay.
Decide if the verb is positive or negative.

The concert was great. I really


There was too much food. all.


My watch was broken. I ...................................the time.


I had a bad night. I.......................................very well.


Sophie was ill yesterday. bed all day.


You werent in very good form. You................................well in that match.


The driver didnt look. He .................................straight out of a side street.


The questions were easy. I hope you.............................them correctly.

C.Put in the past simple negatives and questions.

Steve: (1) ........................(you/have) a nice weekend in London?
Brian: Yes, thanks. It was good. We looked round a museum and saw a show. We (2).............................(not try)
to do too much. Steve: Which museum (3)............................(you/go) to?
Brian: The Victoria and Albert. I (4)..................................(not know) there was so much in there.
Steve: Its fascinating isnt it? And what show (5)............................(you/see)?
Brian: Oh; a musical about cowboys. I forget what its called. I (6)..............................(not/like) it.
Steve: Where (7)...................................(you/stay)?
Brian: At a small hotel in Bayswater.

11. Pasado simple y pasado continuo

A. Complete these sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or the past continuous.
She was so tired that she (sleep) .for twelve hours.
Do you like this picture? My uncle (paint) .it.
We (have) .lunch when we heard the news.
He broke his arm when he (play) rugby.
Kylie (make) .her first film when she was 21.
(you see) ..the football match yesterday?
I (work) .on the computer when the earthquake happened.
Who was that man you (talk) .to when I came in?
The fire (destroy) ..the old church completely.
I (wait) the queue when the robber came in.
I (have) .a bath when she phoned.
They (knock) .on the door, then they went in.
John and Mary (live) in Germany for many years.
The police (ask) .them lots of questions before they released them.
We (have) tea when they arrived.
What (you do). when the alarm sounded?
The factory (make) six thousand cars last year.
She (not say) ..anything to my parents.
James (walk) through the forest when the storm started.
B. Write the verbs in this story in the past simple or past continuous. Sometimes both tenses are
possible. Choose the one that is most likely.
He stopped just before putting his key in the front door. Something was happening in the back garden. Quietly,
he crept around the side of the house and 1 (look) through the gate. Two men 2 (stand)
.at the back of the house, holding a ladder. A third man was at the top of the ladder, and
a fourth inside the house: he 3 (pass) through the window to his partner, who
4 (give) to his friends below. All four 5 (work) quietly and efficiently, and
the pile of furniture in the garden 6 (get) bigger by the minute. John 7 ( can-not)
believe his eyes: the team of strangers 8 (empty) .his entire
flat, and they 9 (behave) as if this was the most normal thing in the world! He 10 (cough)
..loudly, and then 11 (say) ..Excuse me! and the man at the top of the
ladder 12 ( drop) ..his portable TV onto the concrete below.

A.Put the verb into the most appropriate form: present continuous or present simple.
Ex: We (go) are going to the theatre this evening. Does the movie begin (the movie/begin) at 3:30 or 4:30?

We (have).................................. a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?


I (not/go) .......................................away for my vacation next month because I dont have enough money.
...............................(you/go) away?


The concert this evening (start) 8:00.


George, is it true that you (get)......................................married next week.


The art exhibit (open)......................................on May 3 and (close)....................................on July 15 .


What time........................................................(the next train/leave)?


Ann, we (go) the park. (you/come) .......................................with us?



B.Decide which form is correct (or more natural) in these sentences. Cross out the one that is wrong.
1. Tom isnt free on Saturday. He will work/is working.
2. According to the weather forecast, it will rain/is raining tomorrow.
3. Im sure Tom will get/is getting the job. He has a lot of experience.
4. I cant meet you this evening. A friend of mine will come/is coming to see me.
5. A: Have you decided where to go for your vacation yet?

B: Yes, we will go/are going to Italy.

6. Dont worry about the dog. It wont hurt/isnt hurting you.

C.Write questions using do you think .......will ...Use a verb from the box each time.





get married



1. Bill is taking his final exam. Do you think he will pass?

2. Ive invited her to the party. Do you.....................she.........................?
3. Jack and Ann are coming over this evening. What time do...............................they..........................................?
4. The weather doesnt look very good. Do ...........................................................................................................?

My car needs to be repaired. How much.......................................................................................................?


They are in love. Do ......................................................................................................................................?


The meeting is still going on. When...............................................................................................................?


A. Put in the verbs. Use the present perfect.

Karen: How is the painting going? (1)..............................(you start) on the front door yet?. Jean: No, the
paintbrush (2)...................................(disappear). Karen: (3)........................................(you look)for it?.
Jean: Of course I (4)..................................(look ) for it. Can I borrow yours?. Karen: Well, I
(5).................................(not finish) with it. But theres one here. Adrian: (6)...............................(use)it to paint a
window. I dont know if he (7)...................................(clean)it. Jean: Yes, its clean. Ill do the other window.
Karen: Linda (8).................................(promise) to do that one. Jean: Well, she (9)...................................(not start)
yet. She can do the front door. I (10)..............................(decide) to do the window.

B. Put in a verb in the present perfect. Sometimes the verb is negative.

1. Tim buys lots of clothes. I expect..........................some in town today.
2. Are you going to have a bath? No, I already today.
3. Mr. Smith doesnt often cut the grass. for ages now.
4. When did you last see Lisa? Oh, ages ago. I ..............................her since Christmas.
5. Bob rings every hour. He............................five times already today.
C. Add a sentence with the present perfect and just. Use these past participles: checked, cleaned,
made, repaired, spent, tidied.
1. Nicolas car is clean now. She......................................................
2. The childrens room is tidy now. They.........................................
3. My tea is on the table now. I ........................................................
4. Marilyns radio is working now. She ............................................
5. Our money has all gone now. We .................................................
6. Henriettas answers are correct. She.........................................

Complete the answers to these questions. Use the verbs in brackets.


Is it a good movie? (see) Yes, its the best............................................


Is it a long book? (read) Yes, its the .....................................................


Is she an interesting person? (meet) Yes, she is the most.....................


Is it a beautiful painting?(see) Yes, its the most....................................

6. Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

A.Imagine that you are talking to a friend. Read the situation and ask a question beginning in the way shown
Example: Your friend is studying Arabic. How long have you been studying Arabic?

Your friend is waiting for you? How long............................................................................................


Your friend writes books. How many books .....................................................................................


Your friend writes books. How long .................................................................................................


Your friend is fishing by the river. How many fish.............................................................................


Put the verb into the correct form: present perfect simple or continuous.

1. Look! Somebody (break) ..........................................that window.

2. I (read).........................................the book you gave me, but I (not/finish) yet.
3. Sorry Im late. Thats all right. I (not/wait)...................................................long.
4. Hello! I (clean)...........................................the windows. So far I (clean).....................................five of them and
there are two more to do.
5. Theres a strange smell in here. (you/cook)...................................................something?
6. My brother is an actor. He (appear) several movies.

Put in the verb forms. Use the present perfect continuous or simple.

Example: (build) The Thorpes have been building a house for some time. They ve built more than half of it now.
1. (run) Those young men......................................nearly two miles. They ..........................................for ten minutes.
2. (do) Since tea time Elaine ..............................................sums in her exercise book.
3. (drink) You ..........................................tea all day. You least ten cups.
4. (deliver) Simon ....................................about two hundred newspapers. He .........................................them since
early this morning.
5. (play) Bob and his friends since lunch time. They....................................ten holes.

What would you ask in these situations. Use present perfect simple or continuous.

1. You meet a group of people walking across country. Ask them how many miles...

2. Some workmen are digging up the road outside Sarahs house. Ask her how long.........

3. Laura is taking lots of photos of you and your friends. Ask her how many......

4. You have just woken up from an afternoon sleep and seen that it is raining. Ask your friend how long.............

7. A and B: Present perfect and simple past.


C. Present perfect and past perfect.

Write questions with how long and when.

Example: It is raining. (how long/it/rain?) How long has it been raining?
(when/it/start/raining?) When did it start raining?

1. Ann is studying Italian.

(how long/she/study/Italian?)...................................................................
(when/she/begin/studying Italian?) .........................................................
2. I know Tom.
(how long/you/know/Tom?) .....................................................................
3. Glen and Mary are married.
(how long/they/be/married?).....................................................................

Put the verb into the correct form: present perfect or simple past.

1. Mr. Clark (work) a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
2. George lives in Athens. He (live)....................................there all his life.
3. Bob and Alice are married. They (be).............................married for 20 years.
4. When we were on vacation, the weather (be)...................................terrible.
5. The weather (be)..................................very nice lately.
6. My grandfather died 30 years ago. I (never/meet)...............................him.
7. I dont know Carols husband. I (never/meet)......................................him.
C. Put in the verbs in the present perfect or past perfect.
Example: *It isnt raining now. It has stopped.
*We had no car at the time. We had sold our old one.
1. The square looked awful. People (leave).............................litter everywhere.
2. You can have that newspaper. I (finish) ......................................with it.
3. Theres no more cheese. We (eat) all.
4. There was no sign of a taxi although I (order) half an hour before.
5. This bill isnt right. They (make)......................................a mistake.
6. I spoke to Melanie at lunch time. Someone (tell)..................................her the news earlier.
7. I was really tired last night. I (have) .....................................a hard day.
8. Do you want to see this programme? It (start) ............................................
9. Ill get warmer in here. I (turn)........................................the heating on.
10.At last the committee were ready to announce their decision. They (make).....................................up their minds




Answer these questions using the words in parentheses .

Example: Who do you think will win the prize? (bet/Sue) I bet Sue will win.
1. What do you think shell say? (probably/nothing)...............................................
2. Where do you think shell go? (bet/South America)..........................................
3. When do you think shell leave? (think/tomorrow)..............................................
4. How do you think shell go there? (suppose/by plane).......................................
5. When do you think shell be back. (think/quite soon).........................................
6. Do you think youll miss her? (Im sure/very much)............................................
B. Say what you think is going to happen in these situations. Example: The sky is full of black clouds. (rain)
Its going to rain.
1. Terry is taking his exams tomorrow. He hasnt done any work for them, and he is
not very intelligent. (fail) .........................................................................................
2. It is 8:30. Tom is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8:45, but the trip
takes 30 minutes. (be late).
3. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water very quickly.
(sink) ......................................................................................................................
4. Ann is driving. There is very little gas left in the tank. The nearest gas station is
a long way from here. (run out of gas).

Put the following into the future continuous.

A gang of criminals have a plan to steal millions of pounds from a London bank and leave the country. They
are talking about what they will be doing from now, after the robbery.
Example: we - live - in luxury

Well be living in luxury


we relax at our villa


I sit by the pool


the sun shine


we enjoy ourselves


the police look for us


but we laugh at them

D. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect.

1. I hope I (win) ........................................a lot of prizes when Im twenty.
2. I hope I (have) own exhibition by the age of twenty five.
3. I hope (be).....................................the subject of a TV programme before Im 30.
4. I hope (become) by the age of 35.
5. I hope I (make) ...................................millions of pounds from my pictures before I am 40.

8. A: Past Simple and Past Continuous. B: Past Simple and Past Perfect.
C: Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous and Past Continuous.

Put in the past continuous or past simple.

1.Kim: I hear the lights (go)...............................out last night.

2. Charles: I (watch).............................TV at the time. The programme (get)..interesting, too.
But the electricity (come) ....................on again after about ten minutes. I (not miss)...........................very much of it.
3. Angela: Sarah (come) ...................................down the stairs when the lights went out. She almost
4. Jessica: Tom and I (play) ....................................table tennis at the time.
5. Peter: I (work) my computer. When it (happen)
..............................., I (stop)...............................and (go) bed.
B.Write two sentences as one. Use when and the past perfect in either the first or the second part of the
Example: I gave the book to a friend. I read it. >>>>>>>>>>> I gave a book to a friend when I had read it.
The pupils did the experiment. They wrote a report on it.>>When the pupils had done the experiment, they wrote a
report on it.
1. Joe saved enough money. He bought a motor-bike.
2. Max put all the dishes away. He dried them.
3. Jane signed the letter. She typed it on her word processor.
4. We completed the forms. We handed them in.
5. I looked both ways. I pulled out into the road.
6. The golfers went into the club house. They played the last hole.
C. Put in the correct form of the verbs: past perfect simple/past perfect continuous and past continuous.
1. Steve could hear shouts from the flat next door. His neighbours (argue).....................................................
2. Lucy went into the living-room. It was empty but the television was still
warm. Someone (watch)
3. I (play), so I had a shower. I was annoyed
because I (not win).............................................a single game.
4.The walkers finally arrived at their destination. They (walk)...................................all day,
and they needed a rest. They (walk)...................................thirty miles.
5. When I saw Ben last week he said he (stop)..................................smoking. But when I saw him two days
later, he (smoke)............................................a cigarette. He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked
rather ashamed.


Present Perfect (yet, recently, lately, so far....)

A. Write questions and answers as shown in the example.

Example: Jack is driving a car, but he is very nervous and not sure what to do.
You ask: Is this the first time you have driven a car?
Jack: Yes, Ive never driven a car before.
1. Len is playing tennis. Hes not very good and doesnt know the rules.
You ask: Is this the first time.....................................................
Len: Yes, Ive ...........................................................................
2. Sue is riding a horse. She doesnt look very confident or comfortable.
You ask: ...............................................................................................
Sue: ......................................................................................................
3. Marie is in Canada. Shes just arrived and its very new to her.
You ask: ...............................................................................................
Maria: ...................................................................................................
B. Make questions with the words given.
Example: (you/hear/from George recently?)Have you heard from George recently?

(you/read/a newspaper lately?).......................................................................


(you/see/Lisa in the past few days?)...............................................................


(you/play/tennis lately?)...................................................................................


(you/eat/anything today?)................................................................................


(you/see/any good movies lately?)...................................................................


(you/take/your vacation yet?) ...........................................................................

C. Answer the questions in the way shown. Use yet.

Example: Have you seen the new film at the local cinema?

I havent seen it yet, but Im going to see it.

1. Have you eaten at the new Japanese restaurant?......................................................................................

2. Have you bought a car? ....................................................................................
3. Has Jerry asked Diana to marry him? ...............................................................
D. Complete the sentence. Use so far. Example: I saw Tom yesterday, but I havent seen him so far today.
1. We ate a lot yesterday, but we
2. It snowed a lot last winter, but it ..................................................this winter.
3. I played tennis a lot last year, but ......................................................this year.
4. She worked hard last semester, but ...........................................this semester.
5. I watched television last night, but .....................................................tonight.
6. My favourite baseball team won a lot of games last season, but they.................................................................this


A. Use just. Answer the questions using the words given. Example: Would you like something to eat?
(No thank you/I/just/have/dinner) No, thank you. I have just had dinner.

Have you seen Johnathan anywhere? (Yes/I/just/see/him).....


Has Ann called yet? (Yes/she/just/call)......................


Would you like a cigarette? (No thanks/I/just/put one out).......


Have they arrived yet? (Yes/they/just/arrive)............................


Have you written the letters? (yes/I/just/write/them).................

B. Write sentences with already. Example: Dont forget to mail that letter. Ive already mailed it.

Dont forget to call Eric. ..........................................................


Why dont you read the paper?...............................................


Shall I pay the waiter? No, I .....................................................


Shall I do the washing up? No, I ..............................................


Dont forget to buy the tickets. ..................................................

C. You are asking someone about things she has done in her life.
Use the words in brackets (..) to make questions. Ex: (you/ever/be/to China?) Have you ever been to China?
1. (you ever/be/to South America?)...........................................................
2. (you/read/any English novels?)..............................................................
3. (you/live/in this town all your life?).........................................................
4. (how many times/you/be/in love?).........................................................
5. (whats the most beautiful country you/ever/visit?)...............................
6. (you ever/speak/to a famous person?)............................................
D. Answer these questions using the words in brackets.
Example: When did you last smoke? (for two years) I havent smoked for two years.
1. When did it last rain? (for ages) It.......
2. When did they last visit you? (since June) They...
3. When did you last play tennis? (for a long time).........
4. When did you last eat caviar? (never) ........................
5. When did you last drive? (for six months) ........................
6. When did you last go to Puerto Rico? (never)......................
7. When did she last write to you? (since last summer)............


A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1.Your little brother (cry)............................... See what he wants.
2. I generally (do) homework alone, but I (study).......................................with a friend at the moment
3. He usually wears sandals but when I last saw him he (wear)............................thick boots.
4. (you lock)..........................the door before you left the house?
5. The football season (not start) July, it (start)................................ in August.
6. Tomorrow afternoon Im going to play tennis from 3.00 to 4.30. So at 4.00 tomorrow I (play)
7. Whats the most beautiful country you (ever-visit).......................................................?
8. My favourite football team (win).............................a lot of games last season but they (not
win)........................................many games so far this season.
9. Be quiet! David (try) understand what the teacher (say)...................................
10. While she(sit) the pub, she (meet) old friend.
11. I dont think he (phone)............................................before he arrives.
12. You must tell me what you (do)..........................................since I last saw you.
13. Mother (cook).........................................some food in the kitchen at present; she always (cook)
.................................... in the mornings.
14. He (come) see me the day after tomorrow.
15. Where (you spend)..............................................your holiday last year?
16. (you-be)..........................................asleep all the morning? I (ring).........................................the bell
for the last twenty minutes.
17. (you-ever-see)...........................................a rhinoceros? I (shoot) in Africa last year.
18. Look! A man (run)........................................after the bus. He (want) catch it.
19.I (wait).....................................for her since seven oclock and she (not come).............................................yet.
20.That clock (stand).................................................there for as long as I can remember.
21. He (go) the road while he (drive).................................................last night.
22. She (work) hard this week that she (not have)..........................time to go to the hairdresser.
23. (you-see).......................................a good film lately?
24. What time (you-get)..................................................up this morning?
25. (you-remember)...............................................these sentences next lesson?

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