Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) in Hindu Sacred Scriptures

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PART - 14

I was astonished when I found mention of prophet Mohammad (pbuh) by the
names of either Mohammad (pbuh) or Ahmad (another name of prophet) or
by Sanskirt names (meaning exactly either Mohammad or Ahmad) in sacred
scriptures of Hinduism. The sacred scriptures of Hindus say that a Rishi by
the name of Mohammad (pbuh) or Ahmad (pbuh) is to come and his
teachings (revelations from God) need to be followed by all till eternity. A
brief account is given below ___

The Arabic word ‘Mohammad’ means ‘one who is praiseworthy’. If translate this into Sanskirt,
it means ‘ Narashangsa’. Prophet Mohammad is also called by an Arabic name ‘Ahmad’, which
means ‘one who praises’.

1.0 Bhavashya Purana, Parva 3, Khand 3, Adhyaya 3, Shloka 10-27 –

The Shlokas say that Malescha have spoiled the land of Arabs and that Arya
Dharam is not to be found there. There was an enemy who was defeated
earlier but now the enemy is more powerful. A man by the name of
Muhammad (pbuh) will come and destroy the enemy (Malescha). He will
guide the people to a true path. ‘O Raja Bhoj, you need not go to the land of
pishachas for I, through my kindness, will purify you here itself.

A man in the angelic form (disposition) appears in front of the Raja and says,
‘O Raja, I have been sent by Eishwar Parmatama. Arya Dharam – religion of
truth – Deenul Haque - is going to prevail in the world; I have been sent by
Eishwar Parmatama to enforce the creed of meet eaters. My follower will be
circumcised, will not have tail on his head, will create revolution, will keep
beard, will give call for prayer, will eat all lawful things but will not eat the
flesh of swine (pork). He will not be purified by herbs and shrubs but will be
purified by warfare. He will be called as Musalman. He will be the meat

Let us analyse this prophecy further that a Rishi by the name of Mohammad
(pbuh) is to come:

i) Prophecy says, ‘He will guide the people to straight path’ and we know
that prophet Mohammad (pbuh) guided the Arabs, in the days of ignorance,
to straight path – to light.
ii) Prophecy says, ‘his followers will be circumcised’ and we know that
Muslims are circumcised.

iii) Prophecy says, ‘he will not have tail on his head’ and we know that
Muslims don't grow tail on their head.

iv) Prophecy says, ‘he will grow beard’ and we know that Muslims grow

v) Prophecy further says, ‘he will create revolution and that he will give
Adhaan – call for prayer’ and we know that Muslims call for prayer (Adhaan)
five times a day.

vi) Prophecy says, ‘he will eat all lawful things but will not touch flesh of
pork’ and we know that Muslims don't eat pork.

vii) Prophecy says, ‘He will not be purified by herbs and shrubs but will be
purified by warfare and we know that Muslims have been told in holy Qur’an
that Muslims should fight for truth – against tyranny and oppression.

So this prophecy of Bhavishya Purana clearly specifies about the last and
final messenger – prophet Mohammad (pbuh) – and his followers ie

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has been prophesized in several other places in

Bhavishya Purana and if I give account of all the references, the article will
become too long, which is not my intention. Let me give you few other
prophecies that are give in Bhavishya Purana __

• Bhavishya Purana Parva 3, Khand 3, Adhyaya 3, Shlokas 5 to 8.

• Bhavishya Purana Parva 3, Khand 1, Adhyaya 3, Shlokas 21 to 23

2.0 Mohammad (pbuh) prophesized in Atharvaveda:

The last and final messenger prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has been
prophesized in Atharvaveda in Book 20, hymn 127, Shlokas (Mantras) 1 to
14. These Mantras are called ‘Kuntuk Suktas’. ‘Kuntuk’ in Sanskirt means
hidden glands in the abdomen, indicating that the meaning of these Mantras
are hidden and will be known later. The heading of this hymn itself has been
given in the English translation as ‘A HYMN IN PRAISE OF GOOD
GOVERNMENT OF KING KAURAMA [English translation by Ralph T. H. Griffith

Here I will discuss only first four Mantras as otherwise the article will become
too long, which is not my intention.
a) Mantra No. 1 says ‘he is Narashangsa; he is Kaurama, who will defeat
60,090 enemies’.

The Sanskirt word ‘Narashangsa’ has been derived from ‘Nara’ meaning a
man or a person and ‘shangsa’ as we know ‘Prashansa’ meaning ‘praise’. So
the word ‘Narashangsa’ means – ‘one who is praiseworthy’. If you translate
the Arabic name ‘Mohammad’ (last and final Rishi) into English, it means
‘praiseworthy’. So the Sanskirt word ‘Narashangsa’ is exact translation of the
Arabic word ‘Mohammad’.

One of the meanings of Sanskirt word ‘Kaurama’ is ‘prince of peace’ and we

all know from the history that prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was prince of
peace. The other meaning of ‘Kaurama’ is ‘immigrant’ and we know that
Mohammad (pbuh) migrated from Makkah to Medina in the year 610 – he
was an immigrant.

Mantra No. 1 also says he will defeat 60,090 enemies. We know from the
history that approximate population of Makkah who was against Mohammad
(pbuh) was 60,000. Mohammad (pbuh) defeated them without fight.

b) Mantra No. 2 says, ‘he will be a camel riding Rishi’.

No Indian Rishi or no Brahman will ever ride a camel because according to

Manusmrity Chapter 11, verse 202 a Brahman is forbidden to ride donkey or
a camel. This clearly indicates he cannot be an Indian Rishi.

c) Mantra No. 3 says, ‘he is Mamma Rishi’

In Sanskirt the word ‘Mamma’ comes from route word ‘Maha’, which means
great Rishi. Some scriptures say it means Mohammad Rishi.

d) Mantra No. 4 says, ‘he is Rebh’

‘Rebh’ means ‘one who praises’. We know that other name of Mohammad is
Ahmad, which if translated into English is ‘one who praises’ or Rebh.

So these Mantras Kuntuk Suktas clearly specify no one but last and final
messenger Mohammad (pbuh).

to be continued . . .

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