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You will be a crown of

splendor in the Lord's

hand! Isaiah 62:3



The Tips are divided into Physical,
Mental/Emotional, Social and Spiritual activities.
Some are stand alone actions
that you do once or several
Some need to be scheduled on
a regular basis.
Some need others to make it
more interesting.
Some are better if you do
them on your own.
Some are done indoors.
Some are for outdoors.




Read them through in one
Take out your planner and
schedule one tip to do each
week of a whole year.
Those that need to be on a
regular basis should be scheduled then. E.g. schedule a manicure & pedicure at least quarterly, better once a month.
Be inspired to customize this
list with your own activities.

2006 Olive Knight

Knight Images

52 weeks of tips
for a beautiful you

Olive Knight



1. spiritual Fast from an activity (e.g.

watching TV)
2. mental/emotional Become financially
3. physical Buy a new outfit
4. social Plan or attend a family reunion
5. spiritual Create a prayer closet (or
corner) and use it daily
6. mental/emotional Visit a museum
7. physical Buy new bed linens
8. social Meet up with former classmates

9. spiritual Fast from food

10. mental/emotional Attend something
cultural - a play, concert, gallery
11. physical Buy new shoes
12. social Attend a sporting event

13. spiritual Fast from material things

14. mental/emotional Enjoy relaxing
15. physical Enjoy a Spa day
16. social Call someone you have not
spoken to in a long time
17. spiritual Go on a Personal Retreat
18. mental/emotional Find a mentor
19. physical Exfoliate
20. social Check your city's website for

21. spiritual Practice journaling

22. mental/emotional Learn a new skill
~ crochet, knitting, sewing, cooking, etc
23. physical Treat yourself to a manicure
and/or pedicure
24. social Take a Christian cruise this

25. spiritual Pray through for someone

or some issue until you get an answer
26. mental/emotional Practice having a
positive outlook
27. physical Go away for a weekend
28. social Consider becoming a Big
Brother or Big Sister
29. spiritual Read a spiritually uplifting
30. mental/emotional Relax in a
refreshing bath
31. physical Join an exercise group
32. social Contact a college or university
and find out what events they have

33. spiritual Schedule regular devotions

34. mental/emotional Reward yourself
after every success you accomplish
large or small
35. physical Redecorate or re-organize
your room or house
36. social Join a group that shares your
passion either online or in person

37. spiritual Share your testimony with

family, small group or church
38. mental/emotional Teach someone
a skill at which you are proficient
39. physical Learn how to apply makeup
40. social Join friends and attend a

41. spiritual Start or join a book

discussion group
42. mental/emotional Treat yourself to
a favorite meal or restaurant
43. physical Take a nature walk
44. social Join with a group of friends to
watch a movie
45. spiritual Do a Bible Study on an
issue that impacts your life
46. mental/emotional Volunteer for a
worthy cause
47. physical Take an exotic vacation
48. social Play a sport
49. spiritual Worship intimately
50. mental/emotional Watch a
Christian comedian on DVD laugh
out loud!
51. physical Try a new hairstyle
52. social Sponsor a game night at your
home or request use of the church

See How to Use This Guide on the back.

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