Lecture 8-10 (Ascent of Sap)

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of Root

Water uptake decreases in

anaerobic conditions

Pathways of water across root cells


Transmembrane route
The symplast is the
continuum of
cytosol connected
by plasmodesmata.

The apoplast is
the continuum
of cell walls and


Symplastic route
Apoplastic route
(b) Transport routes between cells. At the tissue level, there are three passages:
the transmembrane, symplastic, and apoplastic routes. Substances may transfer
from one route to another.

Pathways of water across root cells

Relative flow rate of Tracheids and Vessels

Hagen & Poiseuillees
equation for flow rate
through capillaries:

Flow rate r4

Factors influencing flow rate through xylem

1. Pitting and inner

2. Passing of sap from

one tracheid or
vessel to another
Flow through vessels
is much more rapid
than through tracheids

Mechanism of water movement in stem

How about:
Atmospheric pressure?

Root Pressure?
Cohesion-tension theory?
The driving force
The hydration force
The cohesion force

Sequoia sempervirens
(112.5 m in height)

Root pressure
When watered plant is cut near the base, xylem sap flow out at
the end with a pressure.
Mainly observed in herbaceous plants

This is due to hydrostatic pressure developed in roots by

absorbing ions from soil solution and transporting them to
Root pressure appear due to osmotic pressure.
It develop when soil w is high and transpiration rate is slow.

Plants that develop root pressure
frequently produce liquid droplets on the
edge of their leaves, a phenomenon
known as Guttation.
Guttation occurs through specialized
pores present at leaf margins, called
Ex. Dew drops

Transpiration generate a negative pressure in xylum

Xylem transport in trees faces physical challenges

1. Inward force on walls under tension
2. Air seeding and xylem cavitation



Plants minimize the consequences of xylem cavitation

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