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SSRS Expressions

1. Expression to fill or NA values in blank or null valued cells,

=iif( IsNothing(fields!Size.Value),--, fields!Size.Value)
2. Expression to Align value in center of the text box,
=IIF ( IsNothing(fields!Size.Value),Center,Default)
3. Expression to change the text color based on condition,
4. Expressions for alternate row color,
=IIF(RowNumber(Nothing) % 2,Silver,Yellow)
5. Expression for page numbers in Page 1 of 10 format
="Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " of " & Globals!TotalPages
6. Expression to change full date format to Mon-yy format
=Left(MonthName(Month(Fields!SellStartDate.Value)),3)& "-" &
7. Expression to change color of series of change dynamically
8. No Rows Message (if we do not have data to display, need to convey a
validation message)
="No Data Available for : " & Parameters!ProductCategoryID.Label
="No Data Availble for Country " & "'" &
Parameters!CountryRegionCode.Label & "'" &
" and State " & "'" &Parameters!StateProvinceID.Label & "'"
9. Expression to pass multiple values from subreport to child report

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