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Qinglin Wang

Lyndsey Reed

The titles indicated meanings in The Twilight
The Twilight saga is the first fiction of Stephenie Meyers. It is a quite
influential fantasy novel. Its inspiration comes from one of the authors dream. In the
dream word, a couple of teenagers were sitting on the grass, bathing in the sunshine
and having a chat. The boy in the dream was a vampire, and the girl was human. The
girl would have a fantastic experience. The books name, The Twilight Saga makes
us feel like reading a fantastic dream. Many readers are engaged by the name. So why
does the author use Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking dawn as
those four book names. Whats the connection between these book names and the
development of the plot?
The first books name is Twilight. It means the dusk, shadow as a noun, means
mysterious, illusory, and hazy as an adjective. Through these meanings, we can have a
first impression: Dusk, decaying, and mysterious unreal. The principal element of
The Twilight Saga is the vampire. It is also a traditional subject of western
literature. In the Christian civilization, vampire belongs to pagan types, they are
described as dirty, barbaric, brutal, immortality, but no soul, is god abandoned objects.
Twilight reminds us of these meanings obviously. Even in this book, the image of
the Cullen family is subversive, they are even more kind and compassionate than the
human, twilight is still good in order to emphasize the theme, about the vampire.
Because after dusk, the darkness will come, the vampire will appear in the night. And

from the point of view of the progress of the whole life, the symbol of the evening
twilight is decay or near death. And there are a lot of connection between vampire and
death. Using Twilight as the title, readers can feel the dark magic.
New Moon, it was meant to a phase of the moon. At this moment, people on
the earth to see the moon is narrow and long. In the second part of the story, Jacob, a
werewolf, came out, as a new protagonist. He achieved to transform his body as a
strong werewolf. And the legend about the werewolf came out as a consequence.
Werewolves exist because of the existence of vampires. They fight for people do not
suffered from vampires assault. In some literary works, werewolves are considered as
they usually appear in human form, and will transform to werewolves at the time of
the new moon. So in this part, it doesnt mention much about Edward, on the contrary,
Jacobs plot is very impressive and detailed.
Eclipse indicates the opposition between the sun and the moon. Jacob
symbolizes the sun, Edward symbolizes the moon, and Bella symbolizes the earth.
While facing the crisis of life-and-death battle, the sun, the moon, and the earth
choose to stand shoulder to shoulder. Breaking Dawn indicates the contradiction
resolved and life reborn. Bella had experienced the challenge of her life, transformed
to a vampire and had a powerful supernatural ability. With her ability, they
successfully repelled the Volturi family. And she made the werewolf and the vampire
reconciliation. Two worlds fuse eventually, represents a kind of eternal yearning.

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