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The Story of My Life Page 834

from the autobiography of Helen Keller

Think about the imagery used in the story. Choose five examples and record them
on the chart below. Try to include an example for each sense!
Imagery from the Autobiography

Sense it appeals to

Use The Story of My Life to answer the following questions.

1. Helen Keller knows that something unusual is happening on the day Anne Sullivan
arrives because she
a. expects a surprise because it is close to her seventh birthday
b. hears people hurrying around the house and sees her mother preparing for guests
c. realizes that people are hurrying around the house and that her mother has tried to
tell her about it
d. is angry and bored and wants something different to happen
2. The quote, When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with
childish pleasure and pride (lines 33-34) is characteristic of an autobiography because
it a. is written from the third-person point of view
b. tells a story about events that did not happen
c. describes Kellers thoughts from the first-person point of view
d. provides information from sources such as letters and other books

3. How would the story of Kellers life be different if Anne Sullivan had written it?
a. The events would be different, and readers would know more about Kellers
thoughts and feelings.
b. The events would be the same, but readers would know less about Sullivans
thoughts and feelings.
c. The events would be different, and the readers would know less about Kellers
thoughts and feelings.
d. The events would be the same, but readers would know about Sullivans thoughts
and feelings rather than Kellers.
4. In this excerpt, how does Keller feel about her limitations?
a. She is angry, bitter, and tired of living with her limitations.
b. She feels resigned and calm about her life without sight or hearing.
c. She doesnt feel that she had any limitations on what she could do.
d. She knows that she will never overcome the challenges to communication.
5. How was Helen Keller able to overcome her disabilities?
6. How did reading and learning about Helen Keller challenge, change, or confirm your
view of people with physical limitations?

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