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Dear Grace, CONGRATS! You've proven yourself mature and responsible enough for your own iTouch. Given that you have a new iTouch in your hands, we obviously trust you to make good decisions—so why are we ‘making you sign this lame thing that's loaded with stuff that you probably already know? Well let's get to the point. An iTouch is more than a piece of technology. If used wrongly, it can be a ‘weapon that puts your safety at risk. You've always been a great kid, and we want to make sure that you continue making smart choices. The goal of this agreement is to make sure that you're always safe and happy—and that we always maintain a direct and open line of communication. We're asking you to always use your iTouch for good and to ask for help from me or a trusted adult when a situation leaves You feeling scared or unsure. Please review this contract, and be sure to ask us any questions that you may have. With love, Mom and Dad Family iTouch Agreement oo understand that the rules below are for my safety and that my parents love me more than anything in the world. | understand that my parents want to give me freedom, while also giving ‘me enough security to make smart choices. Initial here: \o | promise that my parents will always know my iTouch passwords. | understand that my parents have a right to look at my phone whenever there’s a need for them to do so, even without my Permission. Initial here: 7S 3. Iwill hand the phone to one of my parents promptly at 9:00 pm every school night and every weekend night at 10:00 pm. | will get it back at 7:00 am. Initial here: \y 4. Iwill not download apps or programs without my parents’ permission. initial here: |) 5. Iwill not share pictures of myself or my friends publicly or on social media platforms that haven't been approved by my parents. | will keep all of my social media accounts private and will only accept friend requests/followers from people | know in real life and trust. Initial: \y) §. Iwill nt send or receive naked photos. Ever. | understand that there could be serious legal consequences that could put mine and my parents’ future at-risk. Initial here:_\ > | will never search for inappropriate content or anything else that | wouldn't want my grandma finding. Initial here: (95 __ | understand that my behavior on my iTouch can impact my future reputation—even in ways that | am not able to predict or see. Initial here: \¢\") 9. I promise | will tell my parents when I receive suspicious or alarming phone calls or text ‘messages from people I don’t know. | will also tell my parents if | am being harassed by someone via my iTouch. Initial here: \ > _ 10. When lam old enough, | won't text and drive. | understand it’s very dangerous and pretty stupid, Initial here: \9> 11. Iwill make an effort to learn texting and internet etiquette. | understand this is an extension of normal manners. | wll tur off, silence, and put my Touch away in public-especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. | am not 4 rude person. | will not allow the iTouch to change this important part of who | am. Initial here: QO @® wilt notiie about where ! have been or how | am using the iTouch. | Promise to answer Questions openly, honestly, and directly. Initial here: _(9°) 14. | will continue to show | am res; required to replace my iTouch show | am responsible and con! onsible by taking care of my iTouch. My parents are not if | lose it or break it due to carelessness. ! will also continue to tinue to earn my privilege of having an iTouch by helping around the house, doing my chores, and doing what my parents request of me. Initial:_(y) 3S. | understand that this is NOT my iTouch and that t was paid for by my parents. Having this Child’s signature: ©) pay, Dn wi pate:_3/2>/ 10 Please remember that if we didn’t checking of your text messages, We love you!

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