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1. Completa las oraciones con Presente Simple o Presente Continuo.

(4 x 0,06 = 0,25)
1. John doesnt work (not/work) at the moment because he is in hospital.
2. She usually goes (go) to the cinema every Saturday.
3. We are studying (study) right now.
4. They never eat (eat) salad.
2. Completa las oraciones afirmativas y despus reescrbelas en forma
negativa e interrogativa. (6 x 0,04 = 0,25)
1. (+) Peter played (play) football yesterday.
2. (-) Peter didnt play football yesterday.
3. (?) Did Peter play football yesterday?
1. (+) We were drinking (drink) a coke when Alice arrived.
2.(-) We werent drinking a coke when Alice arrived.
3.(?) Were we drinking a coke when Alice arrived.

3. Escribe el comparativo y el superlativo de los siguientes

adjetivos. (4 x 0,06 = 0,25)
1. Good_ Better (comparativo) The best (superlativo)
2. Intelligent_ More intelligent (comparativo) The Most intelligent(superlativo)
3. New _ Newer (comparativo) The newest (superlativo)
4. Easy _ Easier (comparativo) The easiest (superlativo)
4. Escribe el pronombre relativo, que no sea that, que corresponda en
cada caso. (4 x 0,06 = 0,25)
1. A singer is a person who sings.
2. Maria has a car which is very new.
3. I like books which are interesting.
4. A doctor is a person who helps ill people.
5. Escribe el plural de los siguientes sustantivos. (10 x 0,02 = 0,25)
1. Card: Cards
2. Lady: Ladies
3. Chair: Chairs
4. Man: Men

5. Tooth: Teeth
6. Person: People
7. Box: Boxes
8. Potato: Potatoes
9. Face: Faces
10. Orange: Oranges
6. Traduce las siguientes oraciones al ingls. (4 x 0,06 = 0,25)
1. No me gusta el queso: I dont like cheese.
2. l est jugando al tenis: He is playing tennis.
3. Ellos vieron una pelcula la pasada noche: They saw a movie last night.
4. Mara estaba durmiendo: Maria was sleeping.
7. Completa con el verbo modal adecuado en la forma correcta (have to,
Dont have to, must, mustnt). (4 x 0,06 = 0,25)
1. You ______________ wear uniform in this school.
2. She _______________ go to the dentist every month. She is ok.
3. You mustnt smoke in the office.
4. I ______________ study more for my exam.
8. Lee el texto y contesta a las preguntas. (5 x 0,05 = 0,25)
Life in the City is wonderful; there are shows, cinemas, theatres,
museums (there are hundreds of places to visit), there is anything you
think of in a big city like London. People in the city are wonderful, they
are wherever you go and everyone seems to do whatever they like. That
is the spirit of a city: freedom. London is the land of opportunities, in
every sense; there are a lot of job offers (from writers or receptionists to
corporation managers). There are people from all around the world in
London; some are there on holidays, and some go there to live. London
is a huge city, it is in the South of England and it is the biggest city in the
UK. It usually rains a lot in winter but in the summer the weather is nice
and warm. The City Centre is the most wonderful place, people go there
only to have a walk along the streets and look at the shop windows.
1. Which places can you visit in London?
I can visit cinemas, theatres, museums
2. Which is the spirit of London?

The spirit of london is freedom

3. Where is London?
London is in the South of England.
4. What is the weather like in London?
The weather in London is bad in winter because it usually rains, but in
summer it is nice and warm.
5. What do people usually do in the city centre in London?
People usually have a walk along the streets and look at the shop

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