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The U.S.A

Natlia Bumbalov

Source: Wikipedia, Exercise book

Capital city: Washington DC (District of Columbia)
Population: 300 million
Area: 9 857 306 km
The USA consists of 50 states. There are 106
ethnic groups.
Neighbours: Canada (North)
Mexico (South)
Melting Pot
Russia (West)
Stars and Stripes
The New World
Flag: Stripes and Stars
-50 stars and 13 stripes
- National symbol

President: Barack

Largest cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago,


Rivers: Mississippi, Missouri, Rio Grande,
Columbia, Yukon
Mountains: Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada,
Appalachian Mountains
The United States has 59 areas known as national
parks. The most famous are Yellowstone, Grand
Canyon and Rock Creek Park.
Climate in United States is: Arctic cold (Alaska)
Different climate
(central states)

Lakes: Ontario, Huron, Michigan

In the U.S are a lot of waterfalls, but the most

famous is Niagara Falls.

15 000 years ago: First people came from Asia
(they followed bison, horses, and mammoths
across land bridge to Alaska)
Tribes: the Mohicans, the Incas, the Mohicans

12th October 1492

Christopher Columbus
Columbus discovered America by mistake.
He wanted to find shorter way to India.

He thought he was in India so he called people


1607 1st English colony: businessmen + families

(Jamestown, Virginia)
1620- 102 English people came on ship called
They were called Pilgrim Fathers (they were
Colony was named Plymouth.
First winter was very cruel and 50 % people died.
American Indians helped them to plant
vegetables. They had a lot of food. They took
them to Indians to said Thank you. This was the
1st Thanksgiving (1621).
17th century was beginning of slavery (Africans)
In 1773 The Boston Tea Party happened
(Americans dumped tea from 3 ships).
British soldiers were sent to America, but they
joined them
There were many battles
(25 000 dead).
4th July 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote Declaration
of Independence (13 colonies sign it)

1789: George Washington He was 1st president.

His nickname was Father of the Country.
He was hero of the revolution. He was elected 2

In 1845 the gold was found in California and in

New Mexico. It was called Gold Rush.

Civil war
United States was divided into:
North: (Yankees)
North didnt want to country be broken apart
There was industrial (produced of nations
South: (The Rebels) wanted to have their own
nation and own laws = slavery
Confederate states: South Carolina, Alabama,
Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi
It was the bloodiest war in the history. South was
totally devastated.

1st January 1863 Emancipation Proclamation

was written by Abraham Lincoln (16th president)

Wars in which America appeared:

In 1914-1918 was World War I
In 1939-1945 was World War II
In 1945-1991 was Cold War (between USA and
Its call Cold war, because there was no military
action. It was space competition-1st artificial
satellite, 1st men in space and 1st men on the
In years 1964- 1975 was Vietnam War
In 60s and 70s African American were
Dr. Martin Luther King-leader in the AfricanAmerican Civil Right Movements

The political and educational

system of
the USA

In the United states President is The Head of

-One of the oldest democratic systems
3 branches:

1.The Executive -President

-Vice President

2. The legislative:
The Congress- the House of Representatives
-The Senate

3. The Judiciary- Supreme court

- Federal district courts

In the U.S.A every child gets minimum 13 years
of education.
1.Elementary: K (1) - Subjects: Maths, Language
art, PE, Social studies, Music, Art, Science
2.Secondary: Junior and Senior high= end up with
High School Diploma
3.Higher education: 1.Universities2. Technical training institutions
3. 2-year collage

Famous people

1. Christopher Columbus
He was an Italian explorer, navigator and colonizer
He discovered America by mistake
Columbus came to America on 3 ships: The Nina, The
Pinta and The Santa Maria
He died in the age 54

2. John Fitzgerald
He was 35th president of the United States
He solved Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy was shot during a riding tour in
open limousine
He was killed by Lee Horwey Oswald

3. Michael Jackson
He was an American singer, songwriter, record
producer, dancer and actor.
He was called the KING OF POP.
He started in the band Jackson 5.
His songs: Billie Jean, Thriller, Bad, Smooth

1. Presidents day 3rd Monday in
February (a day to honour all the
past presidents)
2. Columbus Day- 12th October
3. Independence Day- 4th July
(birthday of the USA)
4. Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in
November (1st was in year 1621)
5. Halloween last day in October

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