Blackout News Clippings (1942)

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Air Raid Instructions 4.

If you find an unexploded

bomb, pick it up and shake it;
For Civilians maybe the firing pin is stuck.

oo nor
5. If an incendiary
incendiarv bomb is
The following instructions of
what to do in the case of an
air raid have been posted in a
Iound burning in a building,
throw easoline on it. You can
thiow gasoline can't
put it out anyway, so you might
local business house for several just as well have a little fun.
monihs. Many have iead them,
bqt we're prinling the instruc-
6. When the first bomb falls,
holler bloody murder. It will
add to the fun and confusion
VOAR, TELE?}IOTIE that .those who haven't
and scale hell out of the kids.
alleady seen them may do so,
You .may take the suggestions
for. what they:re worth.
7. It is well to have onions
or limburge! handy as a snack
1. Bun like hell when bombs before entering a crowded'you air
raid shelter. It may make
rtart dropping. It don't matter
wh€rq as long as you run. Ii
the people ahead oI you are
slower . and fall down, you can
very unfopular but you'll have
lots of room for yourself.
8- If an air raid warden starts
oitlr6! '.pass tietrl or jump over
thern with .no trouble at all,
to tell you v/hat to do, knock
him down and kick his teeth
(unaEEt tt ts AStoaufEaf nEcEstl?f,
2, Don't under any circum- in.
stanccs; stop . to help someone L If you find you are a vic-
eisel ,., r, tim of a direct hit, don't go to
3. Take advantage of the op- pieies, just lie still and the Telephone systems throughout the state '-
portunities afforded you when sdnitation squad will take care
the air, raid sirens sound the of you. will be under a severe Etrain during Ne-
warning of attack or black-out. 10. Get friendly with some
a. If in a bakery, grab a pie. warden; they always have the braska's first state-wide blackout, sched-
b. If in a tavern, grab a beer. best . seats for themselves and
grab a blonde- their friends. I uled for l0 ooclock on the night of Motrday,
December 14.

Proclamotton Much of tle efficiency of the air raid

V/IiEREAS, The Nebraska Advisor? Comlnilteo and said
warning system \,vhich has been set up in
eaencies the c^'.
^{ +ha
----^iad of enl of
Goverument Uriled StEles
oC the Urited States have
Nebraska depends upon the speed and
directed '"r e .tate-wido "Black Out" test be held on
under;igned Mry'
iioiiav, o...-les l4rh, 1942, aDd thethe accuracyof message transmission by tele-
ii or ili" cily hEs been notilied by Exesulive head
oi irr. rfeUtait. Advisory Defense comtriltee lo ta&e phone. Our manual operators and dial
such stcps as shall insure an obediehce to srid orde8'
TInBEFORE, t, w. E. Wright, MaYor of the Ciiy oI Wv- switchmen will be exceedingly busy dur-
rnorc. llebraska, do heteby Pro€lain ald declate' tbat ing this, and succeeding, blackouts. In
iieie *n be held rrirhin thegeDetal GorPorate limits of- th€
City ot Wyrnore' Nebraskr' a "BlacL Out'' o-D many case6 they will be working under ilrr, rglz, commencittg at the hout of- l0
otto"t M. of said day and cortinuirg f9r --{-irt-r the handicap of insufficient light. Any un-
rninuies; rtre coluaencemenl ot raid period ol - "Black
Oof' ro t. indicated by air raid rtarning 3ignab' qon- necessary calls at these times may inter'
sisrinq of fou! blesls ol the city lite 8ten, and lhe ie!-
rrrinatiorr of said black out, shall be indicated' by au fere with highly important mwsages-may
ci"J "ig"Ef consistinE of one Btasl' ot the Gity lire giren' even imperil the complete success of the
- TEST black oui helein proclalmed thall noi apply
ro ittautitv within this city engsged i$ the productioD blackout. '
matedals urder qonlraql with tho Gov'
"i "ii.f.i,.t
etnment of the Uniled Stales.
THE OWNER and ottetElo! ol every home and slruc' Get the habit of staying away from your tele-
ture vrithin fhis city. excepting only the owners and
occultarts of the aforesaid itdustry engaged in the pt-o- phone during a blackout. It is not too fantastic
ttuetion ot vilal war matelials, is ulged lo cause lhe to assume that Nebraska may sufrer from a
fo L comPletety blacked out, fot the period of
ttrii r""t Jat driYer wilhin lhe cilf limits real air raid some day-and unnecessary calls
sfraU puU""a "viry
to the righi of the slreet or highway, and then might interfere with vital messages and
tutn ;If his lights-utgedduting sucb period of black- oul' sp€ll disaster.
Everv, cirizen is to cooperate with tho Gage Coutt-
tt' Ci:vil Defense Committee to the e!d' thet this blsck
oof t*t sttatt accohplish lhe pu4tose ibtended.

W. E. WRIGHT, The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co.

Mayor nA Nebrlrslta Company S-rt* Its Peoplc'
I @
(Cllp thesc instructions lor luturc referettc€.)

Public Air Raid Warning Signals


lrlir taids are feo-miluto ste&dy blast ot tl a mGroba! ol tho\ CiYiliaD lrelcnso
lorces, !ro[ remail at or proceeal to your
grgbable. rhistle' or other similsr post,
ottdiblo sigral. Blacko[t your home, buiLlbg, aDd DoD
(BLUE WAENING) essenti4l llghts.
frrD ou! street lights, ercctlt trallio
lights, tl shieLled from sty glow.

Il oDerating a aotor gchiclo or strcot

c8r, you procced at rGaluced specd witb
cautlo! anil low be.m llghts.
tl a worker, you temaiD at youl tob.
Raiders are tnt€rDittert warblitg, or ll a civilian Defens€ worker' remaln at
yorr lrost.
6bort bl&sts of wbistle' or
llealr Bhclout a,, tigbts.
other similar aldible siglaJ"
Il operating a st.e€t car or brs, stoD;
(BED WABNING) Das"engers takc shelter or disperse.
Il operatitrg a car, stop, pari rt c[lb,
turtt out your llghts.
T&ke shelter.
tt a membet ol the Civilial Defeltse
Raiders pass. fwo'minute steetly blast ot torces, you remaiD rt your Dost.
. whistle. or other similar mr
^ t i,,!i:.Jut of your bome, buildirg,
but lnay_ re!ur!. rod llo!-essential llght! contfnues. Only
Budible sigral.
trafttc Dghts go on, il shielaled lrom skt
(BLUE WA3N!NG) glof,,.
It otlcratirg a motot vehiclo ot sttect
ctt, you malr resumc llavcl at tcduced
sDecil tith calltion attd low bcam li8bts-
ll a worfer, yon trsume yolr iob. tvcry-
oDe moves lritb oauffon.

Raiders are
-- [9o whlgtle, no sire!. tl I m€mb€r ol tho Civiliu DcleDBG
foroes, remaiD ON DUTI UNTIL DIS'
gone, danger Etrcet Ugbt come o11. MISSTD.
ic past lto blackout cDals; rll Ught! m8t bo
tunted oD.
rrivc bdtdcrlt ovGthG.d, tbc "t!il srralDs:' tig!31 roulit prcocalc tio "bluo YtrDItE' 3l8nrl. a
..bloc,, saldtlg lNgDrl wlll alrrt! lollor . "tcal" r.nbg siglal.
'rltir6|rss ttesG slllrlr ?itl
tort lrtcra!! !o tblt to vilt lccot[irG ticm atd how thcir mca!dD3.
,Eaef,3cnct ycilal.3 strool. bo DroDGdy narlcd ro lb.t thcy Day be ialoDtificit by alt trid wardcrr
rld DoBcc.
rtt crsc ol alrt{na rlt rriit!, tb! srnc tlatt:Eofioru aDDly GraGDl lor blaclout Drovlsiont.
ODcy oralcts ud tlltrEclloD! ot potlcG rld Ciyilla! Ocf€rsc asthoridcs.
Alrproyoat, ConDsldirtg Gcrcral, Sovcrth SowicG Conmsld, On.hs. Nebrask .

Oirecto, Seventh Delense Besion 0. C. D.

Inctructions To Citizens To Be Followed lSensibre.
During Firsf Blackout On Monday, Dec. 14lri.i'1";"i:f,,;,"?H iff:r"T",",i'
production will not be re-
l. stay in your house ;t pos-l 1s. skv lishts must be effec. lwar
l;;"5';";;;JoT iiiiaiLr"",
}e'-- ltivelv coverid
ltively covered and ALL lights'- lbut
1;n1.,1" lour rney should te
they snoulct r'e asked to
2 t_"dt" on out. rgguc: lishtins, particularly out-
low {::! ,yollr
during ]T1"9
the te,st period. I uraciea |
. I ii. r*ri "rt the roofs. p.rn- lgid".lights, for the duration of
J. Ilo noI' under any cr-lage to the roofs and the danSer ltlle blackoLlt.
curnstances, set into the .t.""*, oi-""-"idu;d;;i tiii-iiirl e" *" sit in the
but if unavoidabtv cau+t on Il n""" - tr"r."" lf--iiiri"irur" -i". IIour homei' ; ';i"";;;;;*
darkness in
lhe sueet' don't hurry' push orlthe building owners to allow it. lDecember l4th, may we make ."
crowd. Be calrn and cool. -ir. il-nbi
{. At the warning signal oflduring ;J ,n" ,"i""i,.". I 6ii zo -i"ut"" ""p'"ri.a ,i'i"-
the period of the black- lvotion and determination. De-
the. siren ALL tralfic mustlorii--o-r l;r-id-;;ri;; iilii- lvotion to that cause for f,'hich
cease. Park your car u"a ex-l"itl", e"""ot -io.' lS"" sotdiers are dying upon the
tinsuish ALL lights at once. | 1il5 ;u;t-;-"- "iii- n"""rri-
'j11f" -
o" ltar-ftung battlefields o f t h e
nearby, You may re-lnorio"
Femain nearby.
main seated thereih but Do
I pofi""-a"oirf-!"i!." a".i^;---;
a"j"i.i"'.fi Ilworld.
""- iThis i. - t" '-;;ll;;"-;rl|rtio"
world. Devotion to the cause of
t""ttr, honor, justice and free-
NOT SMOKE, light matches or II jn our local teleohone" I aom. Determination to give of
Ilash tighE_ or use _any, tiehx lc;anc;.1 '-'-' '^
"r.l lour individuat resources] toth
whatever' You may 'doublenarkl- ii.'rorro."
when so directed by the police. the instructions giv- lhuman aad material. that starv-
len vou uv 1,"-ei"-R;ii-'W;;: llg, flmanily,may be fed and
__5.- N_o_sMoKING. liehtins p;i"". e,iirir#'"pjirl'.4
"rl;;'i- I
enslaved .
peoples asain made
-a,,_liLl._ - r.-rj,:, I rree. A determination that truth
is permitted on sidewalks. " -',rl+:ili:"""^-ir:,
," I men ;;d -"li
il':F::,';i,s fln"f;.tta'liil*uil:l'in"
sidewarks. in ci-it"" b"f;;e jI lrampled to . earlh under the
<ioorways, in alleys or any open lefficers. rt*v r,"r"-i"* -";;:1t"", of marching men. with
prauEs l.i.ltv rp.ih-.r for
lcially trained ,,^,,- protec
4^- your l"''s
- ltrines' leaders. drru
rrdqcrr' and false
rdrse qdoc-
6. At lhe ALL CLEAR signal ltion. shall rise again That this
of the siren you may r""i-"1--[ LEARN what lo do. *h",|^ution' our,counLry. a
under God.
your aclrvrues.
)our. activities. lNr)r r^ .t^ !r.!rv ---drr"i - ncw birth of
lNoT to do, and. IIOW to act
rn.:r +^ -r!lrnay,again-have
I i."iaofi. C""""i,
"i""i. "t
pubrrc burrdings. apartments,
,^yy% g.^ JrT$q,
__ _
"llo the part'"""_otltor li{;'::r^ii
l__lq.-- FgitlLre on ,"^
u,n- evrN oNE crvrlrAN ^"., ""ii* ine'feopi!
"'i,"tr-"li- i"rijil
:1" Al,L cLEAR sisnat"!l -i'."v- | r"o- ti"-""iin_-uri, ir,rt
I i,""-j" riii"iiJiilr'i"ff'.ti*-
til- or the lry
out l,t* uri"r.-"J u'r"i ".ir,ui'
slren. _ lirrjury or death 10 many. Suchf ing naiions of tf,"
a. Emergency vehicles such aslfailure can be treated only as aithis period of aarkneis, "uitn-ih-
into a
trre department trucks, arnbu.lcriminal offense. lnew light_a
""",L light of peace, hap_
- 8" C"l!q B=Lglqt
lan_ces,police cars, doctors'cars I Be 9oo] p-ip"rrtv.
drru llErrdr
special €rrrertserluy
emergency cars u if' --
rbsolutely necessary wi[ be au- i _-- _ - _
rhorized io travel f,ur srrourd be; South Gage County - Completely
approved tt".t- I Darkened
g Merchants should have al|
I 1n firri
el"k""i--St"g.a ff"".
nember of their organization south wymore, as well as all oflcomposed of Boy scouts and
rt their .^l Gage county, was turned lother boys and girls, were all
,hci, praces
brq.aa of
^f 1,-.i----
t.l iio*"""i,?ira'"ii'"i;rj^a"l[,ixJl;Hr'#";.lliliiio*',"xi.in3#
rxtinguish aU and to within a few seconds *!sr after the wurn lcrrou5lv'
urc Ilw6rk seriously. Blackout head-
$ard c,r.,.
nrrp.r such ac+a'.ri-r,*^-l-
establishments. All |1 '"^"""
;igns and wl"aow--iieh-ts- rnusi I alarm was given practice
Monday eve- | quarters were held in Mr. Craw-
)e extinEuished_
-j--:'--'-:::: I ning for the .first black- I ford's o!uce and au
office anq all waroens
' I out staged here. Not a sindeland messengers reported there.
1 was viotator of the blackout nt ui.Gtion-" ."a io- Lppoiiii."
Statewide Blackout reported. ""8" I was encouritered during the en-
In Wl,more, it seemcd that I tire period of the blaakout.
14 , everyone was sitting waiting forl Black Bros. Flour Mill, which
Y9"",.D,ec. the signal and as soon as the lwas not asked to blackout, op-
siren sounded, lights started lerated for twenty minutes in
Work of setting up various
crganizatiois under the Civi- flicking out a1l over tovm. Ille ltotal darkness. The chief miller
lian Defense is gradually being air faid wardens and messeng- luse! a flashlight which was
brought to a finish in preDara- ers were n'ell stationed about lthe only light inside the miu.
tion for Wymore's participition tcwn and all reported backlThe Burlington was also dark-
in the first statewide blackout lhat the blackout had been ob- lened lor three minutes
rvhich will be held a week from served 100 per cent. Mr. Crawford has received
next Monday. The time set is F. E. Crawford, Commander lreports from all his command-
for 30 minutes, from 10:00 to of South Gage county, report- lers in the other towns in south
l(,:30 p. m.
During this period, which will
be announced by blowing foul
blasts with the fire siren, all ihe work for the evening. Chief ltowns are: Liberty, Clyde Bow-
hghts must be extinguisbed ex- Messenger Harold Janke and his'hay; Barneston, E. A. Crab;
cept those essential to the war assistants had their messengels I ldellr Tom Stanosheck; Blue
effort. Cars upon the street stationed about town with four lsprings, Wayne MarDles: and
must be stopped and lights signal points. His messengers, lHolmesville, J. F. Fleischhauer.
turned off. Al1 rules must be
enforced. Further details of the
blackout rMill be available for
eublicati-=t,g_ r
First Blackout
Scheduled For
Monday Night Entire County To Be Enrolled
Lighk Out Sigaal $rill In Civilian Defense Work
Be Sounded BY Four
Blasts On Fire Siren
Organization Set Un
Four wailing blasts on the
citv fire siren will be the re- Test Of Warning For Complete Canvass
rni-nder next Monday evening at Devices Saturday Of Wymore On Tuesdq
10:00 o'clockthat Wymore's first
test blackout has bcgun. All I
Puilili,v received from the i _.Much has been heard abou
liEhts in the city must imme- l Nebraska Advisory Delense crvrlian Defense during the pas
d;teiv be extinguished, wirh the I
Cominittee announces that a sev-eral months, but no actio;
excep-tionof a few at the rail-l general air raid warning test had been taken in orgatizhr
road and at Black Bros. Flour I
wiu be given Saturday noon, lor such work. However. th,
Mill- both of whom are en- | although no confirmation . hat time has now come for everv
raqed jn work deemed essen-l been received bI F, E: Cralr'. .|a
on€ to begin preparing ther
tiai to the war effort. Full de- l ford, Civilian Defense Comman- selves for an emergency, an(
tails on rules to observe dur- | der.
:lhe first step in the- woik wil
ing a blackout will be found I
The nine states of the Seventh be the enrolling of every wo
elsewhere in this issue oI The I Defense Region of OCD, Mis- 'man over 16 ard every mar
Arbor State. I
souri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, over 21 in Gage county. firr
A Proclamation has been is- | Colorado, Minnesota, North and
canvass will be made on T\res
sued this week bY Mayor W. I South Dakota and Wyomfu!& day, Sept. l.
E. Wright. that there will be I havd been asked to participata Gage county has been divid-
held within the limits of the I in the exercises by Col. Joe W. ed into fourteen districts. I,h€
city of Wymore, a blackout at I Leedom, acting director,
24 townships have been divided
the time as requested bY gov- | Major General Uhl, Command- intc 12 districts of two town-
ernment agencies, and all citi- I ing Officer of the Seventh Se!- shrps each, and Beatrice and
zens are urged to completelY I
vice Command, authorized thE Wymore have been designated
black out their premises during I exercise and announced the as one district each, Each dis-
'lhe test. Every car driver with- |
hour it is to be held- trict has- a major. appointecl by
in the limits shoutd Pull to the I
The r^/histle or siren exer. uor. Grunes of Beatrice, who
right of the street or highway cises wili start at 12:00 noon
wrll supervise the entire countv_
and turn out his lights during with the steady blast of whis.
In Wymore, F. E. Crawford his
the test period vi'hich will be tle or siren Ior two minutet been appointed major, and he
ended by a signal of one blast That means that an air raid rn tum has appointed seven
cn the siren. is probable. captains. Captains appointed are
Work is at present going for- After a thiee minute interval Adrain Jarry, W. S. Calkiru. W-
ward in the forming of legal or at 12:05, the intermittent A. Dawson, W. F. RiAEs. J.irn
actio! rrhereby mayors of each blast of whistle or siren wdl Dech, H. J. Trauernich,-and (]-
city witl be empowered to take be heard. That means the air W. Tumblin Sr. Each caDtain
serious action shoulil anyone fail are overhead and peoplo has been assigned a certain'Dor-
to heed a blackout signal, the raiders
should take shelter from pos- r
r tion of the town.
success of a black out being
falling bombs. For the canvassing, each cao-
sible t
hinged upon the cooperation of
€vervone. As this is but a Prac- After another three minut€ I tain will choose two or rnoie
lieutenants to carry on the work.
interval there will be anotfier
tice blackout, no charges will two minute steady blast of tho depending upon the size of fir€

be filed ag:i.nst offenders. Ncv-, whistle or siren, which mean8 territory they are assimed-
€rtlieless, it must be remember-' the air raiders have gone, While the card is called ivol-
€d that citizens at home need that unteer enrollrnent card, it is
training as well as the men irr but No
may return.
whistle or siren is blorvn urjed that everyone realize the
lhe service anal everyonel rs an "all'clear." If the alarm seriousness of the hour and fiU
urged to enter wholeheartedly for at night, the street lights out the cards ts the best
into the test. Just in case You comes
come on to sigffy an "aU
their abillty,
might forget, there will be war- clear." But in a daytime raid 1 orll prelerence _i
dens out checking uP on You, and in Saturday's exercise, no -
too. . Each person rryill be siven "e,
In smaller iorrns which do "all clear" is to be given, since cholce of the work he feels he
hot have sirens. the ringing of the exercise will not actualY rs best suited for. Ihirty_three
church betls will announce the mobilize any of the civilian de- ctasses are listed on the back
blackout. The importance of this fense organization but is simplY ot the card and the worker mev
to acquaint the geAeral public
test cannot be overestimated, as with the two diffeient types ol check those he desires, Class&
i1 is not only a test of the signals. Remesrber, a steady and ror_ lnstruction will be given.
efliciency ol the civilian de- blast is for warning of pro- a certain if enough sign up to take
fense forces, but a test of the type of work. Like_
spirit of the citizens, and calls bable- raids, intermittent blasts wise. classes will be held in
for the cooperation of every- are a'warnihg the raiders have the sm_aller towns of the county
arriled and bombs maY fall if .sufficient numUer inaicaie's
anj' miqrte. l!-qrr- des$e- to,-aitend rhe c.tass-
Workers began the canvass ol Firemen To Act As
the city oi Wymore, as well as
the entire county, on Tuesday Air Raid Wardens
lnorning to take the voluntarv
enrollment of civilians for ciri-

ilian defense. As we go to
pless, no results on the work
have been repoited. A period
of ten days has been given for
the completion ol this work, af-
ter which all information will
be turned into the county head-
If you are interested in at-
tending one or more classes, be
sure to indicate those you pre-
fer in the proper place on the, iMESSENGERS MET
card, LMoNDAY EvENtNc
t wanouw r_---xnlnxlTron r

Good Response Fdr

Eleven chiefs and 22 messen-
g(rs were present at the first lio re nnlp

Civilian Defense of their eight instruction meet- I l-Io^o"titl t examination for

ings at the high school Monday Ithe posilion of "conservation OI-
evening. An explanation of the ficer for the Game corrun$sron
iL ot the recent canvass purpose and a general outline will be held in the near future'
iol volunteers for civilian de- of the course was follo\red by The examination is designed to
fense work has b€en announced
by F. E. Crawford. Of those
some instruction. Instructors for tii
trt"'i'.""""v GIt bt w. . o.
the evening were tr'. E. Craw- Monnette of South Sioux CitY,
r€gi6tering a perference in their ford, Edna S\ranson and lIarold who was kiled in an auto ac-
trihing, 32 signed for home Janke. cident last fall. Appncants
nrnping, .251 for service work T'he next meetilg will be on be in excellent Physical
whtch includes firc wardens, de- Wednesday, Feb. 13, and the condition. between 25 ard 40,
molltion squads, messengers,etc., instluctors will be Edna Swan- at least five feet ten inches
161 'for first aid, 28 for nurses' son, drill by one of the Zephyr tall. and of pmportionat€ weight'
sid and 161 for training for cadets, and map work by Cecil Persons wishing tro take the ex-
Irdtectiotr. . 33- also. sigeified Marquardt. emination should aPPIY to the
ih-all, willingnes to serve as lGame, Forestation and Parks
blood dbnors. MESSENCER SERVICE lc.t""iittL", state House, Linc-
It is expected that classes will ORGANIZATIO COMPLETED oln.
start in the near future to train I

those interested in the type of

v/ork they have chosen. The work of organizing the EBRASTA FRIDAY, JAITU]
Iuessenger Service, a Part of
civilan Defense, has been com-
pleted with the following Per-
lAir R"id Wardene
DEFENSE MEETING sonnel listed: Chief Messenger,
Iiarold Janke: Deputy chief mes- To Meet Monday
A full day's program is be- sengers, Glen Irwin and Har- ;

ing provided in Beatrice trYiday old Philippi; Senior messengers, a meeting of all airl
by state officers of the defense -St. cecil Marquardt,
Rheo Marshall, raid "p""i"f
wardens anal their assis- l
council. Beginning at 9:00 a. Dewitt Clair and Gordon tants will be held at the high
m., the meeting has been plan- Jones; Assistant senior inessen- school building next Monday
ned to enable as much infor- gers, Edna Swanson. Marie Shu- evening at 8 o'clock. At this
mation as possible to be brought 1er, Phyllis Millen and Mrs. I meeting, all new members will
before the county-wide gather- Robert Wiar. lbe acquainted with their duties
ing. Adjournment will be at In addition to the above nam- lin case of a blackout. Every-
5:30. ed organization, students will be lone is urged to attend the meet-
Arnong those from Wymore enlisted next week for messen- ling iI they have been asked to
who will attend the meeting eers who can qualify through lact in this capacity as another
are: W. S. Ca1kin5, A. L. instruction classes and examina- blackout is expected in the near
Jarry, H. J. Ttauernicht, Jim tion. Age requiremnt is 15 Years and the organization
Dech, W. A. Dawscin, W. S. or older, both boys and girls rust be completed immediately.
Wright, W. F. Riggs and F. E. required. Eight class Periods ,The city of Wymore has been
Crawford. Anyone else interest- lwill be held for messengers who ivided ihto nine districts and
ed in the work of civilian de- I will be given instruction in First person assigned to each dis-
fense should take advantage of lAid. cas Defense, Bomb con' Hti has selected enough
this meeting if it is possible Itrol and the distributins of to enable them to pa-
{or them to do so. l*"ssage" under difficulties, Eol his district efficiently.
t_ Slackout Staged
No Practice Defense Council Eve
Blackouts for Board Named
Nebraska Will Organize A mistake made in there.
ceiving of a practice call re-
All air raid blackouts, either During the past few days, an
e>:ecutive board for the Wy-
OCD Messenger sulted in the alarm being turn'
ed in last Thursday evenind and
oractice or real. are forbidden more Civilian Defense Council Corpe Here
in the Seventh Defense region, en unauthorized blackout was
without the authofity oi the has been set up and approved. cbserved here. Although it came
Cqmrnanding Ceneral of the This action has been dela]'ed Because ol its experience in as a surprise to everyone, those
Seventh Corps Area, or author- for some time as information organizing and training men and v/ho heard the signal responded
ity of the appropriate intercep- as to just what should be done boys, the Cornhusker Council, and most of th€
tor command, Bert Murphy, Re- has been lacking. However, vr'ith Boy Siouts of America, have air raid wardeus wele out on
gional Dilector of Civilian De- the appointing of a1l mayors been asked anil have acc€Pted the job.
fense announced.
Goverrors, mayors atld other
ol the cities as head of these the responsibility of recruiting, While the signal came on
civilian Defense authorities may boards, Mayor C. W. T\rmblin organizing arld training the Mea- Christmas El'e when many ol
obtain permission for practice bas been gathering information sengers for the Civilian Defense. the stores were open for busi-
btackouts or alerts by filing as fast as it has been made Both boys anal girls will b€ ness, they immediately shut ofl
such a request, with a detailed available and has selected the used, both Scouts and noir- their liehts, though some wge
plan of the proposed exercise following men who will make Scouts. crowded with late shoppers. No
with Mr. Murphy, 506 Grain up the executive board: In Wymore, the following Pei- trquble was encountered by th€
ExchanEe Building, Omaha- Ne- Local Director, C. W. Tumblin sonnel will be needed: hir raid wardens and the tesi
braska, sulficiently in advance Sr. Chief Messenger was considered a success.
oi their proposed practice to Sub-Director, P. M.Everson, Two Deputy Chief Messeng- While the test was consider-
permit study of the plan. ed a success, it did bring hom€
T'he order prohibiting unauth- Schools, R. G.
Brooks. ers
orized practice blackouts or Medical Service, Dr. Elias. Four Senior.Messengels the lact that the city was nol
alerts was necessary in the itr- Public Utility Protection, tr'. Four Assistant Senior Messen- organized to carry out a black-
terest of public safety, partic- V. Shuler..
. Publicity, gers aut. proper:ly. A suflicient num-
ularly highway safety, Murphy E. A. Funk. They are all adults, and work- b€r .ef air raid wardens to pa.
said. Air Raid and Fire Piotection, ing under them are twenty-four trol'the entle city have nol
States included in the Seventh Residential, Vic Shafer. messengers. Messenge$ must be bee4 selected. and work is un.
Corps alea are Arkansas, Iowa, Air Raid and Fire Protection, 14% years oI age or older and .ierday this week to bring this
Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Business, Roy Booe. recruiting of these messengers t ornber to tbe quota ne.dod,
Nebragka, North Dakota, South v'ill begin immediately. !A special fieeting wiU be held
Dakota and Wyoming. Recreation, Kenneth Noe.
I\{innesota, Missouri and Iowa Bomb Protection, Roy Bo- Frank E. Crawford, local Monday night at the high school
are in the area of the filst in- gard. chairman of Civilian Defense, to give instructions to all ail
terceptor command with head- Salvage, A. E. McClure. announces the appointment of raid wardens.
quarters at Mitchell Field, Long Blackouts, H. E. Janke. Harold Janke as ChieJ Mes- It is expected that another
Island; North Dakota, South A meeting of the board wi.ll senger lor Wymore. Janke, with surprise blackout will be cal1.
Dakota, Wyoming and Kansas be held in the near'future to the aid ol Ray Aringdale, Field od soon aJter the fhst of the
are in the area of the second pass on all information avail- scout Executive, will set up, the year. With a little more time,
interceptor corrmand at Seattle, able to these men, who will organization for recruiting, train- it is hoped that a perfect or.
Washington, while Arkansas is ing and supervising this impor- ganization can be formed and
in the area of the third inter- later chose a committee to aid
ceptor command with head- each inan in his particular de- tant branch of the Civilian De- these tests can be observed
quarters at Tampa, florida. partment. fense. without a hitch.

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