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S™} TRANE™ PCC-DS-1 November 1989 First Printing Penthouse Climate Changer® Air Handler Outdoor Central Station Units 1,500 to 38,500 Cfm Features and Benefits Dedicated to Reliable Performance ‘The Trane Penthouse Climate Changer® air handler is designed to provide iobsite performance you can count on, The unit is constructed to assure \weathertight integrity, industrial quality, design flexibility and control simplicity ‘And the Penthouse Climate Changer air handler has a long lst of features available to make sure you get the right ‘unit for your application, Weathertight Integrity ‘The Penthouse Climate Changer ai handler’s roof is pitched and overlaps all four sides of the unit to provide free drainage so no rust-promoting puddles have a chance to collect. The roof is sealed tightly to the unit walls with ‘mastic sealer and then secured with ccorrosion-resistant fasteners. The roof panel sections are also sealed with @ ‘mastic sealer, bolted together and ‘capped at the roof panel joints with a C-shaped clip for additional leak protection, To further improve unt integrity, all welded joints are sprayed inside the nit with a waterbased sealant. Since the sealant remains pliable, it will ot harden and pull away from the metal, The Penthouse Cimate Changer air handler is made of heavy-gauge ‘galvanized steel, rol formed for ‘strength. To help assure weathertight integrity, side and end panels are formed, welded together and capped with a U-shaped clip for added leak protection, ‘When installed on a roof curb, the Penthouse Climate Changer air handler ‘becomes an integral part of the roof. ‘After the roof curb is installed, the inverted U-channel that forms the bese of the unit, rests on a gasketed roof ‘curb, reducing the chance of leakage. Industrial Quality ‘To provide maximum strength and rigidity, the Penthouse Climate Changer ‘ir handler is made of 16-geuge galvanized steel, welded to formed O-gauge base channels. For additional ‘ust protection, all welds in the interior of the unit are painted with a zinc-ich Paint. And the entire exterior of the unit 's painted with a protective chlorinated Vinyl tacquer finish, that exceeds the ‘ASTM B117, 500-hour, sat spray test. “To prevent insulation erosion nto the airstream, the Penthouse Cimate Changer air handler comes with an insulated galvanized floor, insulated ‘galvanized drain pan under the entire {farvooil area, and a double wall insulated roof. The exposed insulation ‘can be covered with heavy-gauge galvanized steel to provide complete double wall construction of the unit. Each Penthouse Climate Changer sir handler is provided with gasketed and hinged access doors large enough for {an adut to fit through to provide easy ‘maintenance access to the unit interior. These doors can be provided with either quick release door latches or industrial style latches that can be ‘pened from either the inside or ‘outside of the unit. The industrial style latches meet OSHA requirements, Contents Features and Benefits Model Number Description General Data Application Considerations Selection Procedure Performance Data Controls Dimensional Data Weights Options Features Summary 14 31 Mechanical Specifications 74 Features and Benefits Design Flexibility ‘The Penthouse Cimmate Changer® air handler is available in eight sizes ranging from 1,500 to 38,500 cfm, and. 21 coil sizes from seven to 74 square feet. Along with ths is the ability to ‘order 2 complete line of Trane built ‘lls; tworinch or bagicartridge fiers in the upstream andior final fiter postion; ‘one oF two-inch insulation with insulation protection including double wall construction; internal andlor ‘external piping cabinets for protection (of piping and control valves; additional ceasing sections for access or customizing; and a true exhaust fan ‘economizer for building pressurization control By using this flexibility with other available options, Trane can supply a Unit to meet your specific job requirements. Control Simpicty Penthouse Gimste Changer ar handlers are available with fectory mounted, Wired, and tested Direct Digital Control {DDQ| systems. Along with stand-alone apabilty, the controls oe fully ccompatibie with Trane's Integrated Comfon™ system (ICS). ICS combines, Trane Penthouse Cimate Changer ar handles and a Trae'® building management system using a single {wistod wire pa as 9 br a sw 78 @ % = a} % & an) * » mm * s ee x is um fe 18 a) x 3 wom Of Me 8 Mme x a * * my En ‘ a i Sm e % = Te * = nif en x 6 a] he 18 a) se 5 we =o 7 % ro earl x = ™ om * z ™ * x a ~ om * Er MO % . ™ iM OM a Es 6 eee see eee = * 3 me x z * * a an) m2 me * a 7 = 7 % e % * 2 an) x = fd Xe 2 OM x % em é % 2 = a] * 2 Of x 3 an) % Es an) 2 6S Application Considerations Units covered inthis catalog are Exhaust fan economizer units are designed to handle applications up to applied in cooling, heating and seven inches of total static pressure for ventilating applications. They are Cooling, heating and ventilating. we ” was Zl i, Fy) SNe ~ ‘ < < a iN S Lara Performance Data ‘able 37-1 — Damper/Casing Pressure Drops Darioer Wao FPL _ “a0 S00 _éo0 700 aoo__son__ton0 11001200 1500 _1a00 1600 (Side Ai or Return Ar Domi 12802 aso 080108130162 106 250 268 510552 Estat Fen Eeonema Casing Los™* og 190 168 0 507 506 550 978 75 877 = ____ txts Dry Py ‘iad 1500 15601700 TBH —Fioo 2400 2800 2700 2000 7106 Soo 3500 FO) HO ‘Eien Fan trove xia Donpar 018 070 120172222278 308576 42876 57570 620 6) 72 - — ‘ecessry Presa Gre ines WY ~ ‘Besensry Fane Vy (FPN bes a eT) Fece and Bypas Dares ‘oie 021 az 035 a2 06006007006 92105 tie 1s? 146160 = feos Dogar Sete Gate [200 a0 50 ne apO as 790 ao e009 iat Hoo wah WO "057049058 050095120 145172200228 260294390 S70 Sp noses cama tare sateten POC. ne canger me “Liars a ean MSG Nt a eno Table 372 — Damper Area (Sq, Ft) 536 za 26 rae an ne ae Eat as bas dea Ban et Bet (atl A (Ot et. 58 58 axe or re10 nam ne na Oats A (Sale an 2a aha ae ae a08 ina wes i675 Besun A eae sae ae 1a 1810 Bz Be Bo Enroute i ia 278 ead a2 a0 ee 366 Face and yp Face comer 56 - est m6 1066 maar 05 Bypass carpe 208, = Ee Pe eer fos 167 7 Macetineous Aros _— ase Casing Mostar meter 735 235 ser uaa ma 736 oo oo Sstey Grate eine fe 7a ae fea Bn Be Be Exhaust Fan Ezonomiar Mottae Eimineor Dose) 788 708 ose vam 1936 ne mae Most ernaer Sagi Inet) 382 i 12 338 59, 1949 37 Performance Data ‘Table 38-1 — Fir Air Prosoure Drop (inches We) Fa po 1200 ZTrrowaway 26057058067 050512 Z Mesum Eien Pesied Meda 030060050120 —160. 190 25027029030 Permanent — Wee Mash in 6 pe gS gE Rp R07 ae er Conrdge % Hiced 10180220260” (Upsreom & 85H Blot 16 20028051030 azn ws] 10 Dowrswwor) 95% fico 160230250 3800s sa emo 0 ig 65% EMtcert 0701015019080 Osa (Upstream 85% Ertoert 150200250 GO] BO AS s5% eficent 16029000570 aao__ 510s so nas 00a 7 05% Effewrt 070 —100—«190~—~—~160 ~~ (Cownsoour] «SEW EMent 1721028029035 37a wk D0 35% Eficart 160230200350 aa0 goo 700 SF doo sree a pare hr a maser of "yep. 1 far dep maeneery psa rae arse # Pram oO ry esa 5 Fare neg ar snes sar ty tar re ep {3S en ey el 9 a ar say wc aed eve See eae ce ou wih two urs Be pee yer ot ee re” ut 1 Nareceerdad ts pnt hy ew Sao on eer enn Sop srs se a at og Me Table 38-2 — Fitter Area (Sa. Ft) ni Sas Pe Type o i zB a = om Eran iss 2a 72 SA 752 752. 15 B95 Upson 189 703 258 00 20 740 749 1 Cady Upasas 103 A Bsa Py 20 70 jo 130° Bag or 17° Cat Dowratvean ‘Arangornent A Fal iter eo 50 20 na 187 240 20 20 ‘Avangoreet Fa iter 100 100 108 wa 287 bo 20 a0 ‘Arangemeet C Fra iter ae we cd 28 ao Bo ao eo ‘Azongorent © inal itr 183 103 203 = es 0 Bo mo “eb 38-3 — Final Discharge Areas (f°) Ur Si. wa aoa Fal Fite Di i 606 ea i072 1270 17882699 — Table 38-4 — Final Fier Data Uri Se Fie Amangarent inex CR a Rae one a 80.780 eo 8 Sreoezeo m0 € ars08000 30 5 250.1148 ies © a 3000000 80 8 aeoeno no € seco s700 135 5. 7690.12700 208 B a "250-7100 11 8 6380-10800 rd c 9860-16100 260 w a 5280-10100 165, 8 000-6700 288 e ‘sooo 25000 200 2 a ‘000-5000 240 8 ‘zo06780 500 c ‘360072600 380 5 ‘200030000 230 wre a '$000:26250| ‘0 8 ‘sono 20c00| 20 ¢ rwos7s00 eo ——— er 70 38 Performance Data Fina Fite Performance “ble 24 — Supply Fn oss or Fi “he fal or cacg loss must be Fite baciog taten into socount when cauatng the Foran gp na Suet Velocity {SP ofthe system Tho fn’ er 2005 section pressure Grp consis of he Sum of hese trae Components Biren se = 15( Quer welocty ? 1 Supe fan charge pressure crop 2 2 ar fanse~ 19 ( Oil Velociy Filter pressure drop 4006 3 : 1 Cte Vey om) =_ i lated me Lo Fan Outlet Aree (f?) Example: is Constant rane final fitter application Table 39:2 — Fan Outlet Areas (ft?) 110) BCC 60 with 3sech FC fn percent MueSe2— Fn Oe Aree e)__—_ uo . Cag Sew FSi — an Ot 7 a bap titers with 2h prefers, 25000, — SaaS 7 i on Ee 1 188A a8 1 Fw ‘Supply Fan Discharge Opening Loss: Z3ca.Co ie" FoDW. Unit im ed SEN Ro Velocity (Table 38-2) = 25.000 = 2688 fpr aon? [Outer Velocity? _ oe Pe (Mable 291) 2688 2 BT - an : Fiter Pressure Drop ‘There are four possible fter banks with the value of 25,000 cfm. Arrangement Cis chosen — 60 sq, ft (Table 38-4) Unit Cf = 25,000 Cf = 416 fom Filter Face Area 60 2 Medium Efficiency Prefiter 416 fpm — 2" wa (Table 38-1) 85% Bag Fiters 416 fom — 37" wg (Table 38-1) 3 Final Discharge Loss Discharge Opening Velocity = Unit (CimvFinal Fit Discharge Opening = 250002693 = 928 fpm (Table 383) 21-inches (Table 39-4) Final Fiter Section Pressure Drop = 81+ 2+ 38 +21 = 16-nches we {Sum of 1, 2 and 3) 39 Performance Data (Chart 40-1 — Wet Air Friction and Mlsture Canyover Limits — Prima-Fia® g CCARRYOVER LIMITS" 8 Goareo FINS* z ‘ALUMINUM FINS i ‘COPPER FINS é Ce 2 TT, 00 nt ma stconeecesng FN sono EST (Chart 40-2 — Wet Ar Fiction and Molsture Caryover Limits — Sigma-Flot CARRYOVER LIMITS" COATED FINS ALUMINUM FINS oe ee Be omen =e — les WET AI FICTION (MOF HO) 40 Performance Data (Chart 41-1 — Dry Friction, One-Rlow Heating — Prima-Flo" g8egf8882 88 8 8 M4 (20 Wo nowonus ay TwnaNHoS Performance Data ISOTHERMAL AR FRICTION ON. OF HO} FIN SPACINGS FNS (Chant 42.2 — Dry-Air Friction, Multi tow Heating and Cooling — Sigma-Fio® 18 gg. FACE VRLOCTY cr) an ee 2 OWS «ROWS 5 ROWS @ ows FW sevens NSIT) a2 ‘cos WE COIL AIR FRICTON (H.R Performance Data Chart 43-1 — Delt» Flo™ 100% Wet Cooling Coll Alt Pressure Drop 0 (CARRYOVER LIMITS" oS oe ‘COATED FINS” ow 20 arr [ALUMINUM FINS ie Chart 43.2 — Mult-Row Dets-Flo™ Sensible Heating and Cooling Coil Air Pressure Drop tee 43 Performance Data ‘abo 4-1 — IGV Torque and Force Requirements Far Fan Out a 76a Fa aa SD FP Over Woy, Sue ‘esa Deecton aie ins Fecal Termein ts Foret) 225" FE 187 Open | Tas. 14 245 a Cos 39 os. 32 fee FE ae ‘Open ar 17 ag a8 oe 0 08 na i Teas Fe ae Open 21 28 m2 6 Ses a2 io 186. 23 FE oa Open | 22 38 66 2 Soe oa 13 24 29 wre a ‘Open a0 720) 0 m0 oes 160 7 Ey 28 FE 30 Open 7000 70 60 oy Bose 290 73 380 185 ae Ti ‘Oper 705 5 sso mS _ ove 130. 3 200 38 SF AF 0 ‘Oper za 741 7870 aS ose 30 M8 no 28 “Table 44-2 — Required Damper Torques (NB) ‘Si F& 8 Demos asic Cag FE ong Ful Facet Fal ype Linked OAR, irked OA Exh FulSypes to FulFace Sanaa Low teat Sinan Lo ak Low Laat a7 208. 162 m2, 703, 240 7 7 206 162 29a an 168) za 00 353 ea 240 a. 159) 50" aa 160) 258 0 er 0a 2 aa 20 ma 220 283 82 eS. sa 2 0620 Tee. ris 2 aa 732 88. 0 1188 ar ‘62a 732 88. ao ‘St wk a ta a endo dorgr snd mandate ofa hning unr ‘raps re one Taya seas poration aro ‘OnOtt Switch When the switch i in the OFF position, the UCM is de-energized and will not Coperate. When the switch is placed in the ON position, power is applied to the UCM, the operator interface is functional and the UCM will respond to the standby/auto switch. When power is applied, the UCM will perform a ‘power-up sequence that resets the ‘operating mode to local and clears, ‘emote operating set points and parameters. Operation will be determined from the last local set points and parameters that were entered. The local set points and parameters are in a non-volatile memory. ‘Standby/Auto Switch ‘When the UCM is powered up and the switch is in the standby position, the ‘hormal control algorithms are disabled ‘As a mixed air low limit feature, the UCM wil open the heating vaive i the mixed air temperature falls below the ‘mixed air low limit set point. In this ‘condition the heating valve will cose when the mixed air temperature rises by 20 F. The UCM wall not energize the {fan starstop or generic interlock binary ‘outputs when the switch is in the standby position When the UCM is powered up and the switch is placed in the auto postion, ‘normal operation of the air handler ‘begins. Changes in local PID ‘parameters can be made only in the standby mode. Unit Enable ‘The unit is enabled when the UCM ‘switch is placed in the auto position. ‘The fan startstop and generic interlock binary outputs will energize when the unit is enabled unless fan operation is Prohibited by night setback, mixed ait low limit protection trip, fan fellure indication or the fan minimum off time safety, Controls UCM Control System Sequence of Operation — Standard Controller comlibon- fo ila FEO scion ~E0 segue To | b auaoe suey vourase “] sony rarest = =) ES wclhen —F2O_ | REY to to ro pao oueoo nary S Sink oom ° ‘nme Fan Indication “The fan indication input is an optional input which i intended to prove that ‘the fan is operating when commanded 10 do so. Ifa fan fallire is sensed through the fan indication input, the fan start/stop and generic interlock binary ‘outputs will de-energize and the heating valve, cooing valve and outside air damper wil close. A “Fan Fail” ‘message will appear on the LCD display. The fan failure message will be ‘communicated to the Tracer® system if communications capability is provided. Ifa fan failure is sensed through the fan indication input upon initiation of a fan start, a 45-s00ond timing function is provided to ensure that the fan has had ‘enough time to stat. If after a 4-second time delay a fan failure is stil sensed, the UCM will go through the fan failure routine described in the previous paragraph, Upon correction of the problem, the fan failure alarm rust ‘be manually reset by switching the UCM to standby and then back to auto. Night Setback/Dirty Fittor [Night setback (NSB) can be initiated by ‘contact closure from a manual switch, {a time clock or through Tracer® system ‘communications. Upon night setback initiation, the supply fan wil stop, all valves will move to a closed position ‘and "NSB" will appear on the LCD ‘display. Ifthe space temperature drifts, below the night setback sot point or ‘above the night setup set point, the ‘supply fan wil star. The heating or ‘cooling valve, whichever is appropriate, wil go to full open or control to the ‘maximum or minimum supply ait ‘temperature until the night setback deadband has been satisfied. During ‘the night setback mode, or when the Unit is disabled, the UCM will open the heating valve whenever the mixed air temperature falls below the mixed air Jow limit set point. The heating valve wil close when the mixed air temperature rises by 20 F. The outside air damper remains closed during the night setback operation. A space temperature sensor is @ part of the night setbackmoming warmup option package. When the UCM is integrated with a ‘Tracer system, this binary input can be used to indicate fiter status. Moning Warmup After completion of a night setback period, the morring warmup wil be initiated ifthe space temperature is below the morning warmup set point During morning warmup, the fan stars, the outside ar damper remains crosed ‘2nd the heating valve wil dive fll ‘open oF control to the maximum supply air temperature. This condition vl continue until the moming warmup {2 points satisfied. The morning ‘warmup function willbe reintated if the space temperature drops 5 F below the morning warmup set point ‘After compltion of right setback, the ‘pace ternperature is above the morning warmup setpoint, normal ‘pertion begins. A space temperature sensor i apart of the night setbeckimorning warmup option package, Variable Volume Control The UCM will provide control of inlet ‘guide vane actuator position or the fan motor speed controller using a PID algorithm to maintain the static pressure sat point. If @ fan motor speed Controls ‘control is desired, the fan speed controler must respond to a 0 ~ 10 ‘VDC output. The UCM will “soft start” inlet vanes or the fan motor speed controllar to prevent overpressutization (of the duct system during system startup. The UCM will monitor and Col TOW a0 l kin Sacto, 2 9.serm to 0 sm) rensico pono camer Wan 5.32" Cot vem aio" MO MSTALLED ey OTS | oe oor eae ils Sexton Se T arb Co | P80 SECTION Ana A= soar ee crane) Pas 7 oP vitw . nb ie ‘Table 61.2 — External Piping Cabinet Root Opening Unt Caine Te D o Sco Uangin Ec ‘See_WO Fi Fier Win Fier 7 Supply Fan FON 3 __Seeton Oy ene ae B __ oaths wane Sa Col Aca = Suely Fon Fiow aE © __Sedten ony BW tar Gol Sem 7 FF “Win 332° col ToT FF Pent Secon tenement With 632" Col SGN 3 it fib Secon External Piping Cabinet Roof Opening, Win 532° Gol Tea SF 4 [All dimensions approximate, Certified prints on request. 61 Dimensional Data ‘Weblo 62-1 — Basie Unit Clearance and Length may be affected by the Root Opening folowing: “UekSie a8 Sizns 07-37 Only 96" E98 + Add 8”, 16" oF 32” t0 °C" for an 8", 16" or 32” coll addition. ‘Add 32" to "C" for each 32” access section. “Add 710" to "C" if @ final iter section is used. ‘Sizes 62:74 Only * Add 32" to "C" for each 32” coll (Gtaraawe a7 antien arat numer econ 98s addition. oa ‘Add 32" or 64” to °C" for each 32" or 64” access section, Add 79%" to °C" if a final ter section is used. Clearance and Roof Opening oP view Dimensional Data ‘Table 63-1 — Exhaust Fan Economizer Unit Clearance and Root Opening Length may be affected by the a SS re SS eer (wee eee mee fol a ‘Sizes 07-37 Only ‘Add 8", 16" oF 32" to “C" for an 8", 16” (0¢ 32” coll addition. — * Add 32” 10 "C" for each 32" access section. ‘Add 7°0" to “Cif a final fiter section is used. ‘Sians 52-74 Only * Add 32” to °C’ for each 32” coil addition, * Add 32" or 64" to “C" for each 32” or 64” access section, * Add 7'9%" 10 °C’ Ifa fina iter section is used, Unit Clearance and Roof Opening TOP view spe gee Cortifed prints on request. Weights Table 64-1 — Unit and Accessory Weights (Lbs) Unt Suan Se {HAA AD OHA OTRD AAA TEND ABA TAB TOBA TOBE ZACA 72C8 370A 37OR STEA 37EB GVEA ZEB EFTA SITE BOFH THPBTAGA TAGB eae Caning? anol Section Sngewat 1447 1464 1489 1519 1447 1464 1489 1519 1650 1720 2191 2179 2040 2965 2008 2006 2729 2734 3095 334 INE 316 4343 4a ike Seton 3104 1104 stad THoe 1486 1696 1496 1496 Fanta Secon Dovble wat 1889 1700 1719 1755 16e0 1700 1719 1755 1829 1965 2509 2557 s46e 1470 3497 3602_9104 3169 3550 380 067 067 A014 S05e tae Sacton 2 save rang tond"13te 9767 1707 1787 1767 shaun Fan Econom FanCol Sacon cag Sige wat BS EOE 1974 2046 1808 1506 1878 2086 Dovble wat 2195 2219 2257 2329 2106 2219 2287 2220 ina Saction 2855 2555 2655 7555 9647 3649 3647 3540 Fano Section inka Sacto 2am 2571 25707071 a082 4092 4092 4082 2252 7204 2856 2952 3790 2842 4096 4106 2729 2794 2096 33 J 9516 4949 463 86 2628 3020 2425 4420 4472 4726 4796_S104 3100 9550 3569 4ST 407 4018 S05 aang img Aaions — Single Wal ‘oberon 88 88 SS, 66 $6 Sb $6 SS GS G}_ 74-74 9181 3t_ gt NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA erechenenson 971 31 aT gH THT MTT ATT 3TT 126 126 167 147 tot 164 190 TO NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA ereolsncion” 236 206 ZO. 235 296 230 205 295 0s 308 23 es Guz Guz 3k 3ez Gat o#t OFT GAT SOE EDS eos BOS Se ce sacion 215 216 215 25 25 215 25 Ns 278 278 20a oa 320 aD ZO UO Sm SAS BED SOO TaD TaD TD ToD Sh Sce ton NANA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA_NA NA TOG 1105 1006 1108 1201 1397 1381 1281 Casing Length Adions — Double Wal Srrotentamion G2 62 6269 62 63 626) 70 70 Gk 84 104 108 104 104 NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA ereoennson 127 32t ? we 321 war 127 sar a2 M42 168 16E 200 200 209 209 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Heotwcion” 292 22 22 22 I I I I Mi IW 36 369 410 410 S10 410 Tw TH 7G TG SSO SOO SIE ScD Toco scion 24) 247 247 267 2a) a7 M4? 24) S10 MD 396 496 93 NE TI 79 O80 oH EHO GOO oGK ost ose aL Ge serms scion _NA_NA_NA_NA_NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1290 1290 1200 1290 1691 1691 1631 163) Fa itr Seton [Double wak ony” 790 790780 790 700 780 _700_700 oO? _ov2 1070 1070 1267 1247 1247 1267 1691 1691 1691 1651 1966 1896 1585195 Bch 22222 222 55 5 5 6 5 6 6 8 Be eH fo 2eeeveanre doe a eo 0 0 O Be mM mmm Mm carte SG 103 103109 109108109109 106108 1a2_te2_206. 206206 216 281281281201 400400400400 ‘cere tit Hood Ei, aie Coorg.” 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 127 127 152 152 250 250 250 250 SI 317 SIT SIT aes ats ase aos Exnaustfortcon "79.09 '19 ‘09. ‘99 ‘9a ‘79 ‘98 105. 105 191191199 199 199 99 210 210 210 210 258 288 288 28H Es hood) fem oypes 582A NANA NA 75 75 82 82.175 S175 175 254 704 254 234 341 WA NA WA Daroor ‘Satay Grote BB BB BB BM HH HM 1% TT HF GT BT 105 105 105 105 inet ones Be 6 6 we SS SS SS Ow] OF Of Gb a? SO SO 100 0 Ft Cum Aone ae 6.2 tbs er nae foot “Table 64-2 — Motor Weights Motor Tipe a eg 7 wa eg eg gg ee ‘onra Purpose OF a ‘General Purpose TEFC a Energy Effient ODP 463519914020) 900356 502005 Enasgy Effet TE eT VALODP = = 129149165365 77559090506 520795 “Can wis hi rd an wy fg Tia ar oranges Peak carta an, EET CUS Wah. Eat coins ‘sci ons ce sar mat an es ct were Weights ‘able 65-1 — External Pipe Chase Weights _ Si Cai Sesion Sid Cl eatin wih Seine Seatons we OF wear aa oae seat Sesion Sectors Sictons _Sestons _Sectons 714.18 Seda We ited ian ee NW fren ua a, “bole Wat 48 Teo NA NA NR NANA 2 “Sg woh 29a) NR MANA ‘Bole Wat tees NA NA ONAN ‘SngleWal 104280285 NA NANA NRA DovbloWat 250 azz NA NRO ONAN, 60,74 “GegeWel <0 NA NA gt sst tam) 2230 ‘BotleWat 62_ONA NA 2 tegen za, “able 65-2 — Approximate Coll Weights Table 65:3 — Appraximste Coll Weights Lites Water, Lbs. rime-Fo? Less Water, Los and Sigme Fi Col) (Deite-o™ Col) Geiss aise Unt sine_Nomin! Lage Medium Saf Une Sze_Nomina! tare Medium Sat ocr wi ooo we Sow. a SHOWS 92 snows 172 BROWS 126 snows 223 a hows 213 roc wr Poor wi Shows ee wn TROW” e107 Grows 258170 afows 01 2a SAOWS S272 Shows 3093 Pocie we Snows 7 560 Snows 202 129 rocie Snows 8 th TROW. 149128 sy aROWS os 30h anows 3s). pow SROWS eo 53 we ows, 2228 81 Shows sie a0 so crows. am 0 2 Poca wi BROWS 486 35 ie TROW” 109 3a mo Poca wr anows es 360 we ows, ws as? a 20 SAOWs 500 a Bs Shows cee ager SRONS 705 60a? ggws_ Tasos Peon wi Pocse wr (ROW 2124828 Sows wa 4nons jot 5a Salas Grows gems Yaa Gnons a2 oe zs, ua oWS tore ae as— od 398 ego wr SHOWS, 609 52 «2 se Grows Sn 0 jet eS BROWS ites 1006 won Seater 388__wsi__me_ hws! asp 8 O60 wi Shows 1102 108 TROW. 525 aa Shows 1590135 ROWS 1006 os enows 2a Tt Se ce ge 19 a SAOWS 127 1490_ Gpetnaints wor ran Oop cols Poca Wi TOW” e957 ROWS 120 1102 BROWS 170 1B BROWS 2251 1983 te Distmee wept ects Pine cle Se TRANE Options ‘Tane Penthouse Climate Changer® air * Trane Coat — VinyHike insulation _* Double Wall Doors — This option handlers come with « wide varety of coating protocts insulation from sandwiches orgs insulation options to allow you to customize your _ incidental damage by service between a galvanized liner and Uhitto ft your appsication ness ersonnel and helps to reduce the access door fxectly. Casing fan, fitr electrical Smount of insulation erosion info the ‘damper col and contol options all add airstream, Trane coo: has an oporating Up fo mcreased fexiity in unt tengo of 30 to 210 FTane cost selection meets NFPA 90 requirements. esing Options * Final Fitor Section — This section is * Basie Casing Intake Section — The "ofthe samo constuction as the main oo So dosiee ppoesd cutsde ar ond fash and hae the same lak tight re 30 dearee opposed cutie 2nd nto. Fina iter section conta: wy complete insulation with double wall are provided, they are linked to Seca vain Gas oeaateae modulate the return end outside a isco 30 Economizer capability is availabe. pe bagpipe ial Geeremes tame oeeneoicn the fiter bank when required and w =f building pressurization is iter frame for bagicartrdge filters. ingulation Retainers Around Door Bees oncrean enmacee and 2inch profit. Frames — Galvanized steel retainers _ ~_ Coil St Extension (Sizes 07-37) Soin econ ence aon «+ Exhaust Fon Economizer Intake" Coll Space Extensi — Ground access enities into unit to eet en ooereee ‘Additional col space of eight or 16 prevent damage. inches can be provided upon request. ‘economizer intake section consists of The sections are an integral part of * Deluxe Door Handles — Heavy-duty fither one or two outside air f the main unit casing, industria style zinc’luminum alloy ‘dampers, return air damper, an 7 Y ‘exhaust fan and a low leak exhaust + Additional Coil Sections (Sizes 07- __pandles are designed for operation ‘damper with hood. This section is 74) — 32-inch sections can be ap Dainie Gall aoceera tetacesn eee provided upstrearn of the normal coll retainers are required with this option. ‘space pressurization by modulating _section to house additional coll. A the exhaust fan. ‘galvanized drain pan is included for ‘the entire section. Depending on the * Double Wall Construction — ‘oil offering an interior pipe cabinet, Minirourn 22-gauge galvanized steel no pipe cabinet or exterior pipe liner is provided to completely cover cabinet can be provided. the interior ofthe casing and prevent insulation erosion into the airstream. * Additional Access — 32 or 64 inches of additional empty access sections ‘can be provided upon request. (Gtinch sections are only available on sizes 52-74). This section can be used {or housing factory installed fiters, face and bypass damper, of can ship ‘empty from the factory for customization. ‘External Pipe Cabinet — Nominal ‘oll sizes (except PCC 07 and PCC 60) wil not allow a pipe cabinet inside the unit curb. If pipe cabinet is required, this external pipe cabinet ‘can be provided, It includes an ‘adult-sized access doors), and is of ‘the same construction as the unit, requires its own roof curb and ships ina single piece. The only assembly required with the external pipe cabinet isto attach it to the unit. * Special Color Paint — The Penthouse Climate Changer air handler can be painted to suit the architect's particular color needs. A paint chip is required upon ordering for color matching. * Outside Air Inlet Hood — Both the basic and exhaust fan economizer casings come with inlet hoods as standard, For certain applications, these hoods can be deleted. These hoods can be supplied with sine wave moisture eiminators or 8 wire mesh bird screen Options * Return Air Safety Grate — ‘Inlet Screen — Protects fan blades Galvanized steel safety grate is from objects entering fan. inlet installed over the return air screens are not available with inlet ‘openingidampers, It provides vvane option, sufficient support for maintenance personnel. Grate is standard on * Additional Fan Arrangements — exhaust fan units ‘Standard arrangements for the supply fan are top horizontal and front vertical down. The supply fan can also be provided in a bottom horizontal and back vertical ‘configuration. Ths offers maximum discharge flexibility. Fittors *Two-inch or four‘inch filters ‘* Throwaway Filter — Fiberglass media contained in a rigid frame as ‘supporting maze across both entering ‘and leaving faces of the media. Fons + Permanent Fitters — Fiter mecia is * Forward Curved Fans — Inet vanes" ayored of elanable wire mesh {0 operated by aluminum center Frame is constructed of galvanized rotating bal bearing hub Inet vanes? are 14-gauge steel, welded to vane rods and have edges fori tet © Medium Efficient Posted Fier — cone, Inlet vane rods are offset for Filter media is reinforced, non-woven rotation out of fan inlet. cotton fabric, treated with adhesive and continuously laminated to a * Air Fol Fans — Inlet vanes are Support steel wire arid. Fiters have ‘operated by a steel center roller Fated average dust spot efficiency of bearing, drectlink hub. Inlet vanes 38 to 35 percont when tested in are 14-gouge steel, rotate about the Secordance with AGERE 82 - 76 test rod and have edges form ft to inlet Srconean cone. Inlet vane rods are stationary * Cartridge Filters — 65, 85 and 95 * Beltguard — Provides protection to * Fareentethcent fiters (per ASHRAE personnel from belt and drive Pima 62. 78 gost nested wang ‘components. ‘atmospheric dust), are constructed of hard board cel, glass packing sealant, ‘aluminum separators, galvanized flange frame and covered media comers. These fiters can be located in ether an upstream andlor final arrangement 67 * Bag Filters — 65, 85 oF 95 percent efficient fiters (per ASHRAE standarc 52-76 test method using atmospheric dust) use a unique stitching method retaining complete shape without the use of wire basket suppor. The fiter element is fine fiber, all glass media with spun backing to keep fibers from eroding downstream, These fters can be provided in the upstream andior final position Electrical * Electrical Wiring Package #1 — This package provides wiring from the fan ‘motor through conduit to a ‘weatherproof junction box on the inside wall ofthe fan section. A short pce of flex conduit is provided near the fan motor to alow for isolation, * Electrical Wiring Package #2 — A heavy duty industrial quaty marine light is provided in the fan section ‘with wiring from the light to a ‘weatherproof light switch and ‘convenience outlet. This option also includes wiring package #1 * Electrical Wiring Package #3 — This ‘package contains a UL listed unit heater, circuit breaker in weatherproof cabinet and wiring between the unit heater and the weatherproof junction box on the front wal of the fan section. The unit heater mounting harcware is provided. The unit heater ships loose with the unit. The unit heater contains an adjustable internal thermostat that can be set to maintain a preset supply fan section temperature. This option also includes packages #1 and 2. Options ‘* Motor Control Center — Motor Controts ‘control centers ship loose with the _* Direct Digital Controls Package — ‘nit for field wiring and are UL listed. This option provides a complete, ‘As stand-alone items, they meet the _ stand-alone control system for the [National Electric Code requirements Penthouse Cimate Changer air for the application. handler. Each control component wil be factory mounted and wired. The ‘* The motor control center consists of unit control module (UCM} or a disconnect, industrial type magnetic programmable control module (PCM) ‘ype starter and motor cicult ‘hips loose withthe unit for protector located in a NEMA four or mounting in 3 conditioned space. The NEMA 12 cabinet. UCMIPCM has the capsbilty to be Dampers incorporated into a Tracer building estate bares oe ‘management system through @ single dampers ae parle Bede tye twisted wire pair connection. ‘golvanized steel dampers which + Dest Spoon Pressurzation E retate on rustproot nvion bushings. Fan Control — This option can be ‘They are typically used for Used with exhaust fan economizer ‘modulation only of ai flow. * Uttra Low Leak Dempers — The “Trane ultra low leak dampers are . parallel blade dampers which include * Factory-Mounted Control PVC edge geskets and rolied stainless COmponer on ‘option provides stoo jamb #008 to provide ow leak 6C1O°Y Mounted actuators and sel em sengorson the sr handler Pneumatic, tfocte or elecvoni actuators are '* Low Leak Air Foil Blade Dampers — ‘valet. \Whon a foi blade dampers ae desired this option can be provided ‘wth ether opposed or paral Dades Leakage for these dampers sles than 6 cfm per square Foot at fourinches water gauge * Face and Bypass Dampers 1 Parallel blade bypass damper is made of galvanized steel and rotates on rustproof nylon bushings. intake sections to provide accurate building pressurization control 2 ‘Opposed blade face damper is made of galvanized steel and rotates on rustproof nylon bushings. 3 Ultra low leak face damper includes PVC edge gaskets and roled stainless ‘steel jamb seals for low leak capability. Colts ‘The coil offering for the Trane Penthouse Cimate Changer ar handler is extensive. Cooling, heating, and heat recovery coils with Séinch and Yinch ‘tubes will be provided using water, steam or refrigerant as the cooling or heating media. The following options can also be provided: *Turbulators * Space between coils * Drain and vent connections * Antimoisture carryover coating * 049 inch and .035 tubes * 024 inch and 035 inch copper tubes * Stainless stee! casing * Baked phenolic coating * Copper Fins ¢ i" ‘TYPE LL — Drainable — Double Row Serpentine Water CLG Coil Great for high gpm and tow water pressure drop. Staggered ‘é-inch tubes. Options ‘TYPE WL — Water CLG/HTG Coil Most economical coil for general purpose cooling. Great for iow apm, high water temperature rise applications. Full row serpentine, staggered %-nch tubes. TYPE W — Standard Water Cooing u ‘An economical col for general purpose cooling, Drainable for freeze protection when installed level. Single row serpentine. U-bends oppesite end. Yeinch tubes. ‘TYPE WD — Double Row Serpentine Colts For high gpm, low water temperature Fise applications. Drainable for freeze protection when installed level. U-bend ‘at opposite end. Hrinch tubes. ‘TYPE D — Drainable Wator Colls Positive antifreeze protection available with each row completely drainable through individual heeders. Single row serpentine and U-bends at opposite tend, inch tubes. TYPE DL. — Drainable Genera Purpose CLGHTG Weter Coil Completely drainable at the headers). ‘Steggered “inch tubes. ‘TYPE DD — Positive Antifreeze Protection Available with each row completely

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