У Ноћи Када Је Рођен Александар

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1. , .

? ?
2. , ,
? ?
3. In Egypt, Alexander was proclaimed pharaoh. Where did it take place ? Who
legitimated him as pharaoh ?
, . ?
4. One particular battle was a decisive victory for Alexander against the King
of the Persians. It is named after two places. Which ones ?

. . ?
5. Persepolis was destroyed by fire. Who is supposed to have pushed
Alexander to do it ? What condition was he in before doing it ?
? ?
6. Name a Greek historian and then a Latin historian who have related
Alexander's expedition.

7. When Alexander died, his empire was divided between his generals. What
were they called ? Name one of their dynasties.
. ?
8. Alexander had a favorite. What was his name ? Who was he often compared
to by analogy ?
. ?
9. Alexander didn't die at war. Give the two versions of his death.
. .
10.In which city did Alexander die ? How old was he ?
? ?
11.These two animals belonged to Alexander. What is the name of each of
them ?
e . ?
Ove dve ivotinje pripadale su Aleksandru. Kako su se zvale?
12.On each of these coins, Alexander's head is covered with a scalp. Identify
two of them and give the corresponding number (1.2.3.)
Na svakoj od ovih kovanica , Aleksandrova glava je pokrivena sa glave.
Potrebno je identifikovati dve od njih i pored odgovarajuci broj
(1.2.3 .)
13.A male character whose body ended in a tail is seducing a woman. Who are
they ?
. ?
Lik mukarca, ije se telo zavrava repom zavodi enu. Ko su oni?

14.Alexander went lion hunting with a close friend of his. Who is this friend ?
What is the name of the palace where this mosaic is?
? , ?
Aleksandar je otiao u lov na lava sa sa svojim bliskim prijateljem . Ko je taj
prijatelj?Koji je naziv palate, u kom se nalazi ovaj mozaik ?
15.Alexander is pictured in front of a grave. Whose grave is it ? What did he
order a man to put inside ?
. ?
Aleksandar je naslikan ispred groba. iji je to grob ? ta je naredio oveku
da stavi unutra?
16.Alexander is meeting a man. What is his name? Two elements enable us to
identify him. Give one of them.
. ?
ogu . .
Aleksandar srece oveka. Kako se zove ? Dva elementa nam omoguciti da
ga identifikuje. Dajte jednu od njih.
17.One father offered his daughter to Alexander. What is the father's name ?
What is the daughter's name ?
. o ? Kako
Jedan otac je ponudio svoju cerku Aleksandru . Kak je oevo ime? Kako se
cerka zove?
18.This print shows Alexander drawing his sword. What is he about to do ?
Where did the scene take place ?
? ?
Ova tampa pokazuje Aleksandar crpeci ma. Ono to je on to da uradi?
Gde se scena odvijala ?
19.These two fragments from the same mosaic show Alexander and his
opponent. What is his name ? Which battle is supposed to be depicted
here ?

. ?
Ova dva fragmenta istog mozaika pokazuju Aleksandra i njegovog
protivnika . Kako se on (njegovo) zove ? Koja bitka je trebalo da bude ovde
prikazana ?
20.Who are the people in front of Alexander ? Among them, two women bear
the same name ; what is this name ?
? , ;
koje ?
Ko su ljudi ispred Aleksandra ? Meu njima, dve ene nose isto ime; koje je
ovo ime?
Sixteenth century humanists had mixed feelings about Alexander, and have
admired his expedition or morally criticized his immoderation. What is your
personal opinion about this great figure in Greek history that inspired many
conquerors after him?


esnaestog veka humanisti imali pomeana osecanja o Aleksandru , ili su
se divili mu ekspediciju ili su moralno kritikovali njegovu immoderation .
Kakvo je vae lino miljenje o ovom velikom figurom grke istorije koji je
inspirisao mnoge osvajae posle njega ?

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