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BSBGNIE BSeE09 aomsaby Apbegrohob AImBsmbame" Foosombs, bebaeyd- AmBe EmBazamds dommmpe adrand, ge 45s, Gnd 8% Wow wegTFg0 beBsercend bohjsfroh arab aahaBgboBo eo BsBsboeedy agin gadenbqdob wether gabbbgsspdpaee offgdmues Apemrhigdom, HmBgemeg FoybBo Unboo sehoh me. oe Bohooen 20 dodged ogm, fim bshoB ghon gadmighae CaPOHe AygergarmBol JamBase“ ys8myodgay- Sado, méagobsere Asbmsb Bogogs5g, FojooBgab Bokeag tab gh Tygeda'ty Bodnmems, Loos 8 @hmbons gedruggs, SNIRNIIG HIGINENKIEYM S| Lismotn omgl gobsbaridu jot, Bob. egob eagoboggeot, waite pase ab bnsdmghgaab Sgghnt Lan MDE a d0h gna eghioncee aan oe Fol wehmb Gab megboge mabamacnashgbae Jamba: OMB 7aW0Io FFofmse Smbgmnsb gobsampdcoo" = Amarth Spmmebinnerydat samme JangEnbsorgnb? abghggten ba — abgeb, Andigengy gshodgsb — grodgebog- Hyde95, DVB5H BML BMIBNS ety IGs ELEM BISROdIB egh ib dagaqee ap Aygowmgnds wowa oh ofob. ab DoF gears dmggab Somgner Gegtoss, Bembsasoy yodepeateob, Sharon ogjbe¥e Astovger mapsbgdo’ ms mh smaasbes6 (.mp- Bghayghga", 1827, om ommafeoage” 1020) gh oo bre 100-8g9 mb quadab Irwanhr, mojtars, dndepdicy aeard- gob bsbgene Jeb, ybmgmgdol deme Ferad3o WWanFgha, ghyfns .ymmobn (2845). cienaeeida (1842), Saep80" (A810), 496580— wot (1440), 07 abigmgigion Sa Bggems Abagsrrn Horde, amgmmy gsbormems Agawrhigigma mbgcan, — AmanAy Some bagcborgea mpgboh Qodebs, doy MBoPssgmegr sg~ate amrobghpdngeba — Sagggdol Bg es 2s hb ghobaqenn, bgma go Jahoneme baddmuntdal ImgaA JOMEDH ED. .DeIeh ab eaboys Smg¥oak phoreghms BbsboB6rg0 Bnewonbss — Florer 1929 Fgorb goerg%e shogiimagn ab doetg magalgdghns, smagab eraheygm gi6ne Mepbadh, Ambwgboy badygeysbBguen tgermgiy bob mabey WoBshewnsiog donh6ggQ8 dmBeggia Ipfnmeol daen¥y aggho mmanhoe gegen anéenborgnior Furkmeat* 282 Joeagernm ds Sog- Emgogmbo wx ‘Agdmjfe fon doen- Amabignbs 08: Sbogomn Abmgecon FedgIgd.e bus Koomsecrnb, BAL: eeadingmane emg sbydub BUigBnghe Jomveb bejgeame anaamdbhog nym wabqoggigers gghmsgeno Be Bagh. skgne geysyomrn mgdab afhge B Inggobeaes Mobyospesce shoe seesg0 Ga Aracbiny es es IAI FosgGe Bab. gbohgg Hob yrgtabe, ob golrbabsgage Smgengiow Mae Bersgeto ogee — Adogomatol degen Ganboupo¥egend. otggbb. gh JAmagbe wann 0 dndohmggbal Gagbhaggdab bsg wheen- ads. yo8yobomme 38 Bo" — s2yhnygeno Bagegemym. — eengBo ongagebotihnkinen arg geb 15 a9 TpAmjBpegd4 ob botnges . demgame © 68h 2 Bhogtiongal fsmyol grb aadeygigte ore gneyaryado B dewey a berap docdmbbeb , a Babel fe Vgoguol, jg ayy, 2) a Beomdafns, 3. Egegerababs a my,s0- Fol oqflsbow, a. 3s abryabol: lagoqobbge udisciaghagsl os AmGmabagngdnesl. Sina goft- gay tom Tamme o& BmtjAbes amétegnnl Su sear Imb géefdoggea — qqaemenienginae Sg) get go Somsdrieres, Boleyn gotmuntali Sabgeinel Poe E. A. Tales and Poens../Sclected adn Ed, by philip Van Poren Stern, New-York, 1969. jnbdiotbacjonk x SS bammgE wsgesbomgoqtror admbagsern boOD?- good bogmyoe-ieimans — yorbpebeggde — moabob wat Byers baghyg. Pyeng. wohosotre ghade gemesbanh snmbgebsh efimgemtin fax bagenpds bmendy, Enjagwpty ge fg sovgbow ajapr Bragtgens yespbab dohgome sohbes. phoaeghon george Sdoner tn hydargal 1 astiesbige 2 Uy areetanc sto eeamber dgacrr GagshaBin, » Fodogeneds Fodog a gsdeb @aFecds we bohgBa'I Barong abd WO Nga seteg peroba Goowees we Fyavhyge. Sendo, usbgdurin oli goendgergo. Jo, gomsy gowdome gr Bgbbohogo. Bbrcine LgyPore ge Lage ohegol Bpyashpdomeh easshase @e oP qosank gat Upigde Upoursh seboead!. gods ttode gearane adohol smembshgnds yohss- arab BabsgeAabst. ajdobingol qatatabesagdg- tte batighanmes hemkgSome adohob ydbayhg- BaBo Bhoaremers adel FyhrmMsqbe. beosye- bogyaer vi, yaaa Bebbengh gh sym waupbdGab Box fooom oaa%, fee ngamguern sedghsma bebBahe oagesty ogo Begs’ magel Kewondd. Eeadbab Tydognde Badhswds (ITIVE bears ade) geiommdgdgars j2yotnb bdsetabtgs go- Aibont (bogdeme, Joho) Fadmyaindon g>» boon Gtgbe= bombepomsyy wsbiedegahqiee Boi VET Ladaq Be gedmRbegbs mmpjuel dgmay ane doze gaoho, fmbgaoy wePnhpbomes Baas BB Amanmy mboasor (argdbtn stdagh ogee ohaggame ykomo 4yg0%), te gure dain Omersa ymeery Sydnee grayed wre Sesghow enies SgQess MpVogss ge@drbamegdy, Ammo, gorn'ds yggcw mageteb ann boas, gemgrmms co oddebdgsbo feoabs Baglal, Amamdy ggoaaiorrd goobob ciado Sobeg wey Row Geaghnins, Hagrhy Jgeaaoel Gabbe Go gavin of vavagho Bago yohriim, yn ating, magewe ng gaedgeng ghakggen qrd{medayn Secro- ab Beghatty — ggebbSnk Imgee —— BhBoto- fends ws Goghagh Bndob shbgdyme ynbo- DRIom ath amaws tabgrh gppdacboge' a ae hog, doh ohne. aegnhg) gamab/ Abb poyeay Hadobowde yaorsty toeag. ntashan tis ee Bpmhgy, magee bmeyI, Hy seariiy sie Bob gba". games adobe —Hmgisay rebAvEgh am, n@hebspaee deob ygamsso tiene a0 aoattg — génhobsngnh fabofsmrde boghpdet Boga”. ApPeAnee Vohayode (VILEAVET) gb shob aeenabnbs ee girnbggmrel magabgdyte goo aenae, bedahebdomm owgated Iphsnbybs, he Smany Ayeuh waseyam Fase Ysroe vr abggbt ‘poodSnitgligerngeis Sabghghs pSgs- syd. yrtabe Golemay’ Nevermore” (022 Asbruggh"), Amdpmog Bhagama%et Zanheaty, manfiaygime dota bebmFemsgymomepbot bye guée Bemege bogabgt neg yeah. -abobao- mab yerggess sbews Gsdmdsboens géomiol sp yEmbopmpdate Apyagome obgerk sebewnatorst En¥bagh. aby gherégmegt aegrergbem gy gts Bab beoBobe eBgegbe, dad T (erogefiyod’ beahqeboro’ gohBmamgdah =X1V dafeme), 2) Banggdt GqRgV. Gmégm¥gy PnggombArte do- dere KV bahmge), #) baggercel Byfeas 9G0" BBo gbgggds mogob bamamb- VL bobmge .ghsbob™ yinenBofognas: afar: Sofyuarats ahebiie Gree pqruge agers oAbow devtagghs Hegel Fusderste gygdor oaygoble entoogy wo ebiednpubyg wragebsdlegigl, Boljar omg Agdo bagrn bsbrosteb, BoUFyeeg de ergbmbb guhbos gametnde ws 08 ygengdhog gggabeam wxoamealy Anfol Hm Yaboish veorrbobfaryal: og baygehernd ggubere waaegh Ltggmk m9 gemma amsbablfermpdl? ymtchds Bhdsbe- omoholeregh™ nn artpdete gogseacty ytsecepbe Foros qo — ob yoobgs, Sndgee¥pa Nevermore” Lsdegnan Sstighe nfSgdmms, yoobge Andgroh Sabgh@ gh begyge Nevermore qwobo'lggd ental abode sbggg afore Gmottedh gobugremb gas fsbo, Amgmoy gUBsaggare Gegbpde (SFIL kame go} ernboseime giotiok Somato wows doFybne- dob B{rbgo—nb smgategntgdl, Amd qhobgomeb sf- ugbmbs Agemoee cs sien olan. gamabod gedgagted yerb gghomate gdohob Emmbmgé: grooagobggerns ob goghhomatgme sibisobs- gal (ajaa)- Seah of andshengh Angdoe Io- erqnhad, Grdgmboy Segura gUgemene mo- 283 serraname bggeebs we bobmberysgmrengte Sefbodneghae StoenaiG KIGIeSTKOEIM jbob beBBmenagrbosb: ngeBmomg Bybo Enbyehge Ando aencenmast aman demos ggtorergéa enpghab smb m= agho qabompes, Bb Smb —hBs boBmgrogob b9d- ohn Agayegseran: we aang Seghdty Boge Idocroge foamy gage 2 Jodo yodesien ‘tab: con@rBagan Bago yourrste, Bind AgQygamre we Bess'bAmgig we bade bgere Babe grobieobasb, bayer AmB obbeends egamgiod oobgoborss, qoieh Bhg%g%0 md gapocab eo ogatsbegoo Gqgu ea seme gdb oobastg Amd Fggh qo bsbwolbsé ogodabiagnm Hed gosddseg’l a4 gofinyergqe ootrabmeegh.” yahbagboks ms Apdeoypbos Qaees, gahgamb EaMemgrgtob gqosbeger ynM6Wo JdeGmgom- aomhe mEInBegghmbomss amggegare, Bfog- serhoybmgsts godomégigbo (gnbygoyghe, wg: idesotin boggaeata) s6pmrgbys — dbsaghgeas hob bhdegrab, B5g498 a ggmmoal Gob doe Beboneepbst. mgs Ingigggrs bends ob Bor beghga3s phos mo¥ob Bsbdom%g; sdo%o Tgndergbs — wagakabma —ehashs sn gegeb Baakgedeh — wayge. ndmhsbTo cosbBgera beghigal ymiygioma- Gok wababgepdqbsl bm Fgdb: 0 bog &g- ab Bgpnbdgg0 BgImbategms bhp se peematomes pimyseyogg@ome sddob AWaJdobergeb — Ab bghoenb fadhmb wods- GPamigdeemds sfgh ws gesgn Boboasbo do- tab Fyammdom dodogh Agghb yomowmpdsb, > o§9s gles, begdgob Iembnghs 34 giw> Asgrogagmoan DBhomme seegemal ghmarberdoh- 226. sBhagse Bg gomsgfygogg Beto IeBgors- Bbodata cragob mobo, gb mosbn asbogob Fab ce25 0B seotarbab Angebgdnenb Fysmrmdam, Gedgeing VEnhom yagom> sft. Bib gigs go DaaBmb obny, Ams gdoha geomeds Byabsh- Kg ime pink mente pbmosbedob Amtoges — bagh ga {ofits beseesgtn smpemob Iebaggangeds Bite BeWoyos — gate, sBmbsgeare Sab ages — gqabfshs — stmbogorga 3m%oyos) — tab cobgedl boghgob meabligaymdat gs gaol dae Yoh gmdebohgbom gdésmisb, yowgs agen Lacmeummar yrhobob 3m%, donbotg And Soymengdyme Ayrhre. adahobs mwa ymhosob In¥eb aehoaing — beageysh —qSahobdobrwy- bs Bofogobo geaBadegs — mob 8aze gghbogdo- bs cao hadepojgdobs. 284 Jhrbamegegee sokttriaters af 98: Beshogbegh Gaffshdengiob soir fecns Baa. BEIMAENsHBsb, .ymhsbBat/Bpadimgds gm gyme bade whan digit) TesBqm0s box abepnigob Sobgegen de EM UlI so (it was in the bleak 1, maghmésb Sensbo December) ; 8, ymbsbob Sersbo (once upon a midnight dreary. 4. Bysymdobydob Bmooko. Bigs seagSaBEna, Amé ymhoborsé’ Bgbgge- fsteg asbbyigds (9 8 agbr swage whmome Serato), geo aehab RegmBomgrrdnbs ea Jgngeb geagdobs- angob damtg cme O6oBghgmmbol aJnbgo, as vg Bmymrgdqmos ymdbammdgone 6n'¥gig- Aogab grBenabsorgob — Amgmbgighte angbméak mndab angmegioms B8eGb affybydk sha AmIbmomhs gab Behyds. shrs- Age aabo Bgwnge — shbydgane bygces. bhm- pm sBngmd ymendanande, mmBempdo3, By- ajgh 28 gabbgigdsh InFgbhoagdqarmdsIo, aha ahbgdomos ws a6 gbg82 rehmob abhabi Bo Brdergergdab. Ingen bohmgde hahaa Bomomgds abs, fod grist ¥o% yowog Yb (still is Sitting) gboeymash o8 oaghgemab shbodedob, GerBgeey yom Angengssory Lgewab redrenbs we Boro BggymBolgdab wand, Taymsobgdor her ofayms, B05 Mmwpbay Az96° gamweg sob BUM BnJgnyere obmbros yndbobs Frbywoh seBasamgigds. emasbBo ghsdsgounere eden bance BgbsaygobmBs Ine Bag ghiner members ba eben oyotige, Amdgmong — Bnbsggrobyg boo Bodohrorrgarn, shgabgdl redimoon bsyaeob pho Bgrdindab, boaygobmaygon: eo Ryde Laws 08 sbdiwameg si Bofotg hed Gogh eo qanhnels 0% Fsdee@agds ggmshatemmgl. yrtsbob InBob besmoyghmss, Gobo Bhgo- Mob BmEMameNhHn Mbggs, gadehoybogh dm FogomrBo thandg Ggmmompdah ws gdorrobomgob hmck amotatain’ galgonmmbsl, go. beh ghge8b Bob bymogh boygmomd. hm g8aho- Langnl goahabse Bdsm bebgssyos bea. Ba, AmBgmeg ah adéybgdh gy26 ghsibger wa Ledgmadmme Fohadane eohgdgerpepdl. 28s Lers6 mrgsg¥ntighom FaBsbemdmogos bogyge © atrglebe g, BolBbooSedabs. yigmrasGob" — sgaenchabginere sBm Baggs, Am 4n6G fog | asamoggdgmme Arigntigdod bodmapmbe. Gromer, mgdual Ihmdergtage- Jeb rBogegeb golomgeb odenggs boayge Nee vermore” (nseitishawph") — mhmob —.demoe pha Byafagss@rdob” qamiyaes, Amamabn- gobog aby sehare, Seggb. aéagsen- atobe go68gmagdem ab gaan dinagh Bordg- Jecreradst- Zymdunarcemdsg ahGame Bhinwmds, sBggeh OexgererBss gbg~0- der Sqr bayydggdol nhmast'to (KEE boys) aaribons b424960%%o. pimbaban baymagmasn gadogaed, Aoysbs we Bg8wQg yo gatmds'de, Sok Logn- gting¥egg m3 weofyn qs bedbmamnl.godet Fuscordoc iayol sdmggeh mtn boeyginl ao- JBsby doaghon aponrhege bedabebjome bo- Grmenseges gwades pedmnfiges, Isbogtiowe ongotge wegdbab se JBob botdoahg, 49959 4% Glstaghs yeeag aymmoiabY TgBegeBo, ba- GhdEmdgmage Amyhdampdgere dgwe, ab ByP- waa 9 eadby Bagrm> —aBaemabighybrrgobo Smgbenk ygom JraldmBsooste @s gyag 29 SEgmbob Fergdormsi gabes gat gingdab ba- B85 weyohgr s8phnygae — ajombggenob eogserte Bsgoghe Bhagber qs websoffnstte sodmabadoh — LeXeDes heera, hanhl emer Bo sAghaggepnbemge amon Boeig39 mos agmebrk gmgdeme oasis, — Farh ofp: Paes Eeajesageelgagtyy — ‘Keeps etajbe eggs oB Aebamoe, Andge%ag g26to- bh Fgdnbdnghn wastmdsaréo, bree mee beag méngriomoter ageaee obanbegeg’= Jotimgogtnerss AabBabnapel, Bogla’ Gob"! gomeakdon os Sogwamdae Frysmigs steshgdt 263 Hh mggbonson, Ape FoAImasdson woxomemgdger Hogex Yo" mbggtoe 08 qBang sbagngers BdEDdL, AmBegoy J26095 —emgfbab sg¥mbdag- freib. sgodggaras beg, Ama jgrmafinb mre gdehégotods. Amammabeeg YaoSoqaerats apurmatyare Becybe. gh sore Fabs, Goee- gak .getatl Usdohmemnatise aygegighos oa: Bosbigho andenk peeaurgh Jebomgeges > ergdge Frboemgab gubm 24 ayn oafeBo, hggh sha ggojab bomadsoten cesga}seom Bsn, word dohde UogdsmBe 25 gadmmgqa cagebs bsg. Boga sex sbeath, ghotiy gohety” sbago chown ehool gotiabe- s8y- gata, ines Basham abs O35 ys bse dgatro GAD: AydageGn — wemBgde Wyden g~ Boh wrtmauemsogata® — mdhaeb SahggeraBb- Bargbobsgs6 es dodab ymmstin’ sgergend> Amgmay updsber. “Bnew —banBaghabe> —eaharsa nde faint Aga@hnbigiegme — gabboargs §— o- me aeaghggge bmgommmangs —qgbci8g6Br, ARLIm ams MIS — - pgenibbbobe stein (pon BorpeAe, boGehms Ingabhagee heen ge omf8sh qbajmer ages -gy, imbaiPybeengea ob SMhogen-meaomian monn «me nmatey j 5785s abgon gedmgguvage kp 96 shbgdmbl. boner eohGanigdon — Bpodeep® gasmagane, how aepeh bad, AmBogebsy — Wigoerhbys gorionr: Mie ByTsrdob bogdom barge grakbms wo yar Pare Qbirm> sfghaygara mngomeagtab gio hades, BpbeboBEagoe mmm gb gdertare. Bob, ghoeos, gssmgampnbfinbs abeba, Meegboy An'Se~@ wonbsbds UggJ86s urpgio, Amegenay, warydaymgowgems Amanhy fnger ayer garb, bag gtedagab ggdergighdb. pl, He eofhs gSrey ah age s@goeto SUmgrts, Mses- 36 qGes W{VGammagm Bhragomo gobo Eyey- sams Safahdrg’a, AmBmob ysamebongoy Be- bfserdo golat aueS — geqgehyes ofSainar bags, qudm hageno gpbode jasbremBeaner som sob; as hag Bmogofiny — ghws gedngm- Egdymogm —hagey ‘gBegghboargte beBge- agp, Byoobspm Ingeonh boksdego@n'er nd Rgoygssees. LFmmge sige bsBgemgdow o§g2 byggbhoa (heamighs) — snggeb Beat FagPogihay Bsdmgie eshago, — Aedqomag Apodmpomes bgPaflowgss asbmbhiag @bojo- gotg, Abgscesthss Lmgosimgée gaqqob, Togs @rbbgo Jhmmgianl, sbtayod, begewsddge Ga Iphsdgbgol, wr yoMEghab wmBel FJnby oer Boakgh¥y. nymtaboat gagagga» boymggarmse eh gegsugtsh IpBmemmdsd omohgde Gnd. Bogad que yeghemmed Gagos, gadery- wae Ayoobggergdl bomb -gBegnige maghabor aebiabe qaigse, 8 gigohabedalscrgnd, fim Agentsg — gombggimae Tgydey Epp gebgeet jyetrabor gh Bagoa oym Sram bedgomges mmgjbod @mds badommpegoh Fgemobs ayes Fo bm Angra, gembhy grhwougmrrme toame- mb gsdmgohgda, — Garb % Yanhoa% — spiomgamngk yngeabe, aber egghe, AmBgerPog Lagygar oaBagagtnm gssbermggdomin af @habgees’ ymgomemeoyhs —sagBebomgnt gg: oaghgdgmo glpbgte, hamag bebyahed got sqgina babob ghmerbmbss Sminmgpi gare. Se eapbonds amehgbome of, loaeg nbhdmb yeoe" 90% Bawsgh gahg bastmngad, aha Btggar gowadatgdal, bghqge bsBogm bya eae, fmdgrgdoy Symqas — perdabgmobogss sasameqegebs ces Fahdebsbgomb, Ss0regom- bs eo mgbgdobggeml, sAbb cw ahahbb Longghighra, ak Beenbgn, magn dee soong Ink aterm aezengbem — yraredeag Brome skgnegg sBegsGg’t obsbagms. Sagmad Lbgowsbbgs Bgahosgem Bagogogogrsh wa DS anbogh gpaidh AeBgmeng geome ogo 285 eye BM SANIIs KIGIENKDESM Baber Imgeo, sm IJmiqs bsbghgneo 4p- RaGsbbo, ha mf8o gle, XX bogyobah aby- Fycbek hgbgo%s — obymhogm-meggaaneners heggsues UbgocesbBgragaho gabemmoor. — gabs- SoMme gomemgdpds Gyombgpmroh agBmgighs- Bay Ambre Ighad Berdmbgob AMagemhog- beigsbs Fomgboagtaemtal gha-ghmo dottg%o ol ayn, Ged braghatemdobs wo sejFnb glo Amenegood mabbamdebsso8 BnbFmsqydso dsb 26 ambmrfiis Inbagob eadababaamggmea Rndok shhemgggee gydénds, Hs8sg Imdb Igor Smgauho Sorergigho b>- AMgaMOIM~e sqorhpdy Faby Bs~e sJyos. oy- Ag? choy gies amotatemb, And samdnboo Fohmgbee sqebgdb ongob dufogmatgmt, oe. GS SBEOT 3b, Ged ed Bobdeam gatghmd- Gegmgdoss qdigeegbe EsFshdmgdab Bsgame Aoaghger eosgdamade wagjegBoAg- Bobs Byombgnmon bageose go6lbgegg2qer Fo9- 2b%p Mabmsg~gdeb gfotob, sBhogs@ Imb Gmgsamhmds ges esarysa- Bohne, sehgnm ymgmabe, ®faIe9 yuond wehoboe byggbgaghe crajlob godob ja. Bobb: bygahdont bsB@gompdoa 38 enojhBo abbEgd2 @AB> Loddmmesob bsByshim. shabsga@pbhoge Bebe, —glomggmmgb you gupabs, FaFshBagtal gidges — gatggire BhobgnMal go¥ede stesdorboa8, ysg'Jotin Bom Fefiab. Baghsd akg gadromes ah Fshdnse. Bob? ARE Ib TpPM{JBgROIe~e qobarto- ak Mramagggr — Bbarglo qsines gen bsepdgence fapSh Fommsmtoubse8—eq IT bs. ‘gaaio® Amagfig Aobyms Imgac Yas ob dSomrob-y neg? So¥o'. (aninm go") a9, nyertraboh” 9p §98s9—Qq méo smabty ag 69 Front Fob wrfgtome eepfbek dadgoma Safogea: sBeigs6s: 08 Qookon-s" Fogel, Byemby orgy’o fogs Pegtgedo addeoghs quae vag'-Gbal® weg By boe gegoofges 3 FedFghhobss Bb ByIreiSabeos Bq wo Logoedernb ahdger Labeytans Adirzco abjore PohBIyqkhgero, 9% Sada®adonge gowad we geaien, nureababoce selugogtaigeds e70e9 Frain go gijombomdeeo, Bog gh ysinko otmgesnmty: a6od Ingrobegds gomab hose ROHS Der gogmga Lsbeot, Agteg aradgeg wo qunmdg LipgddAb: nfo g§bo 99 shew Go ghob gogowa? bo Bywol 6943, Jobo aig chao? Vpwbagegdo oy LedFhel wergtn? 286 ghea Be onl he 36 srogaw hafgen hyd geoaggel m3 gbo ah avo dsa8mo 38 byhegpdh Saberat gogmln- monte Tbygmmds ghaghobsty, dmdgmeg, ser dom, agmpsomommseas aBmyrinbgma Bhdg= Go @eGgerab aga", —baygorragmmon Abgoghghs 242 Basham beghiam beaaagants, mba ehslge wadsengol Yogere Aogabs — 30 Bofahdmgdo ofynts Emibrorre 28a, ohm ch amEctginn (Smbosé Somnegdgmes lasso, hoBgon Andbgeho —sddob Sgbar rarabiermonnn sows qo ema Inboysame), giro Eggmob mofemBoh segeeen, g2nfiab gd mgor- fa Gprjgor (mba Berbgpse¥e — aryge- Agata). Bykqgnd qeoBgqanoh “gedmhpbobmr: teryssBomgdorr padenas®ode Gowe Ihngimtn, ei Bermeb meogg gBotin SnBoéerogh Inbasb oF obsbfsm8geygom ab AaBogom> dame, boebeompbhms, md Imb — g8ohn ghoBgqenoh ebmhgbobsb gggmie%g ascesmadh Foah, gitar ob aBota ga bomvBo omndy Fag. sdhngace, Rgghh Fobsps ggg oJameradgdes c9J0980- hadgee Bysbo sbjogime yo@benggba ,,omgsdos- Fn-ghnbggma (Amaganoy Bgousgh nba man AIP, mamAgdoyr» fagdgo-hm-Fngia-dg- fe). 28 Boormgrerogha shbgtaynames beAgg- Beeraby6 UPacigwe Lbgsmabbge gdmfobs mee be Aeggeret mebry Imgegde, Asghs8 Io jnyrhababs wa Goo ob —memob —Abgaghg?s soe sdmafagtg: As ymASob babob —dofromago gab bbgaggde Bagh babebsges oboe, hd bg sgamhob Imbagy Magpdad Admmme gohyssss gsBahnagdoo, Bo- Bo6 dnggbig ymtrio ghowhagme ymb ahg@amer stbpdogss qe bnBimgrmgor, dorms, Geagwmbsg gboho Balfiggh Wgdadmmmab goab. ymGGab baby qeompbs sbsaahoure eos AoMOrMdoh Bjnbpe (Imbadgao, ¥y). soe dmg dgghgte Nevermore’, Amdggrog pe says ABoBebjarmBob Afmby bagygss, s3a- 4] Ghimb mbereamsoss Codbgrghydnine ge Abol Rbagomn. Ib Boh BpJVGoana yomnt babg BpBeaer Jn mambo Bhagoaon Impaab — bogged ds epohOgb, Sma gearghod, ymEbysbaob — daen- Anbaob, seeajeGmeha acymyol, yomaygon’ Grbedob ws bbgams — Vergmbgdob Fystin Ag. aeMsBshdgdnma ah oJGQ®s mgyo yoy 30m, Amd Bdagmom mnaghraymeb ,Lsbges SOM" yeahh gscmgboh gobbayparteg- Agere smgomta, Bsbanbss wryrgBohgdnern Byrh somenéne rdumma}io, fre Fomoy ghana eamboms’ agmmgs aera aghast gl qofme v4 BeBbagh bodob bad maenn geod al ged 5 asabhgdab ab egnagnsors gabnBobagest. Antn sbegdotoe yates dameg Boghos. hmwgbog apigia arioarmgens Fee bhge, famgd apimdgiqn® Shocrgmne Gis! ws Bimqmom mogghabghad vba mg a? fajehdmgel Brmob (ohdaw Abgsgh Ingo go Smge@etge —sBp>eygme — usmtostiads fomeph goygboab abehbgdo bajo" we, orrebetga bhoybobgal mngjb'So Apmacrceatad vBrymds", 48 baFsABugdydb sm gee Boke Bgagaegerad InMoyray aagnmgomobfobmm. 1848 Ggumb megobo JBoogngdoh fomdagqdnm qrmsBgbbbge’. Im. od aemefyaees sbamconhe — amBgbob atm godhac: BpgambIndeé, mgJveb bhgenyorgosee gbryoreghe obedo> gomgnbagss', Andgmog Jaggbl ayo habob ByJ2bab bomein’- (wagdss. Bgbajesendeme Immygre Imbor6 fo Honb@anrs Hmammy nBaioband somggve, heBomoy adantent>*aes mmanggae gb igor tab ws epeajuorkar oaadpina. stn sagem fe segfégel mogoce hagembnb @abdab f208p gohgash W@Mpagwares gam er Ay cf abe, gegengtghh ge Lgbbybab faghad Smb aogh wodshgenn ghe, AmanmG Rabb, of Amdgerbsy ange Fagaho sBaremgage Fomegsgrerh sBeyg womb BmrBgodne@=e gonbedgapragrs Sab — Bagh oefnheme gkexneatens Momugleb obegands engdbob BpJPEnbab shigdqer Ihmaghos6, ndg- mgdgmre jahe anhPageme agemanb g96%. Habgob bof Arggeen wo Agblkegdghay boBobyg- Baghad mb, bs do ghee, Bagdera Bpenj- Agendone Momyabe, smgaesbd. Ipnhowo hs Kanbsmobanme gomeégpsndnb mbegjere of go (ang@mmgdns yeggerrag Bobebggnems mes Appbotsdm); Bb Bpdeas hoy BF doXEse ws- noobs sane 38 Anjosn¥to, AmBgmay sanea%g Bgqae YogbsBedpdrms a- bone abonmesae cgrebsiobl. Imb Babf- hagpds, hadephedg Imbesarsdecesé sedmoy: gobs hoy Ugederads Agee wabyg, aerbHD Tagbh Bab, Amd aga mage mgnhrsta be mo Estek GAogghagdon domddagstgren Ags ybamedsteb yoadohonde sbepms “Enbags- fa bagmymanmgdal yhogohonions, — Forb 2% B JaBDGMIR, — Dobe Hemdoy gebygbome ghomds @ Boom SySgdhomds, Wogmimnd SIggbems shombgdmbs, Igebyehy Smbmgbooe nigebe- bn bsb%e aerate pow gb ogtintea) AahBrbna, -bg wooberws 67 ngmbsogone Frnganl pmdogboge yhob phansteghonn Bémggiab boo ORG 3Mb sMaeNs fompdearun eoegdaest Pay tae web, HmBpmbs ys mogobyestinsel’ ops Tey hago D}oriagh abgeynes —Medelens LIAL) 4aaa- fompds (mgmhood —gAdodingera galehaergda = 9 Rag shy oy atrigdnn Ammb mod: Brae. ‘Bhomdod Ipcengh aunhgdes Angnhy @agieosomoe suber gemh we atom Bylmfagegiom Shmgghh sb. argbagg8e> 08 Ihmgglgionl, Amdengdboy wexgh yodomBnansnme — do8js6gd0 sbagangdgs. — gehrygarnees Anboygdgdel Wygebe sown agdh ghedbadgigarmgesn obgmmbayood ade ge6ob Shmgdodak Bgbadsdoboxe, Bemsdo—g- Bali JAmggboy Aswrgdagagaha owpamo¥ayook gb gma gbemas, af Tyndergde hermgrmeb bog Boom ymbalonmse, Agthaghabshs @> Fab- Ambebgsty ceayoabrdaaa gbejouaes 3hmag- be fobssmimggmdsh afggh Sgdobdogh Angavs- AgBqrsgrod wa ah magbad» ByQee eownd- Yorude dgarigal habhagdde Bagtowagoe sBolx weoenbgsand ange Bp: AnJAgegdob vooqg@emgioh XIN beysybe bamgeh giéguowao™ er 2 wong erboghe gs egamodsggohe Gegtab Fabsee- egy HAI oym BoBshmgms, AmIergday B- BmJOp@gdoom Shmggdab sbhGsh ptggeeedr Aeagmigdtg" Goronginn Ebis@bys, Ingaya bogbemnm shaots mmanuahn anBgignb Se te Bang¥gendom IhmyghBe. boymhoremg- dma ob gabpdmpda, Oma dm Tegbgew arobd goggde pherdsiganvsgs® ghdimbse — (bgblg- trgt) sbigfob, Amapeoy Fedggeb heb ms- BvBedl fgmrmgighnd FsfsmIngdgded oe jdab ptt) aa comgnygt-hayonbaeaboig® ot Jodobs Smeneey sbbgbone gojendes 23 b- ForBrpSab BJ¥Fobab. gatiga Babs Jab Bo ph = Fahampdqme badoanb mmgosge Aagymbbamaguas, — meeBagabgogob — Ambagnaa- Bob BBTgp mae —Imggryoh —aeigBe oh: boboeee —gebaeghe goBmygengsobeb — ahggm- Uisbge pndangds fsnmgemmd. jgotem 2880 Beoggiramn Infs¥gwabodab Amyara bggeob be- bom Byygagegtom FabBmgowgoinom yyomobobt! Bem ByBegE prendomre oJdfab — S&mggholh qetgeo ob wade safotnnes dmb Bngh ,ynddntagook Bree bmigoatot: 1) gegdvob migaBsergto Ingzemdob we- gab: (qmosbermgdenr 100 batojmbn); S)osdgieomgdnd —bigyhmb Iehhgga (bor eats gh; 8) bogrdsbob dahamage dmbsrembeh Bph- Kage (base Soenstsraens)s 4)08 dodiomage meghdah Ingia, hmagmabeg eoggowinds segjbor yrbbgrgdars rénge- 287. BMSCeNIIe KOGIEEORIGIM Gmdeb DgaJdeb Ambo ApBhobol; 5} haghigin Baegrda qmajgageab @s- wags (ebb AnimgmEmdal gehmoGos geo Setendok InGmgnbndnt Byhsbgtgdon) sbe- IP gBDdsIeb BoeFpIeb Bo%Go0; 4%. Goghgbed dotooame mgabgdob (bade $0) Bogeg®s Gs nbs MIgDMgMe Inga Raab (ghoro bogs) cerceands; 7) gqgbob segesent Uotggs befrmggab Smee); 8) Agghgbob magobgrghgrgdob dagds (gene Hr@eds wo WInjJBgapdob brbogdads; io Ob hmammy ysotrs¥ig Byggha bmg. Bop BgyagBomode ur-bonb, ingemig gages Xp Shneysorge os6bdngs6006); 9) AoghaGeb bhaee BymBbdgds mnpgbed doin Qmbsromdsbersé (Agena jmarosberst). sqboBFgm Emobmgighh (ob, IgbJegdn 4-9) Amb stom, Beflodamgboe Iebgbmbes abm- mre ghiin bodygs: yaflggaho BocegmBobal bagenosre Bogderpipme ayn BWHPhEggoure cer Shabomeym bomyge Nevermore (658); 10) 98 ahbgbob Iyhhggs, Smimenb Bagh gh mm > P%ES9 bobygn grbBgneg’s godmoyey- Agta dmamhy cimgrsgmie galihomgigere Romedohoug geoFgarro); A), ysams¥g Ayboggha Immedstoyg gho- Sopmat Bbkgge. mbo yCeowenhemss — (mgeeyate m2 yorhsie) gdomsaghmds Bog- Bo§s Bgmagd, Gamasé ob gqhm Igbodsdy- Ames shigger aeabommmBsb, af 3m sf8q8b: shy FoABma Bg» Fosdmmag- fo ymhabty — ydgmnhodab amBsbfagg8oce ahetggetg = — Amigmag andnanigéare sBgmhgdb ghobs mo Bagg beayge Never- More+ mnmJiob shbarogerGoobo Bpenab]aato- dhe g|niscambeb ajmbg —enpdbou’ yegguve Ugtegol ammnb; 12) BpAfoge yogemg Boepsbjmmegtin og- Bobs (veggeeomes) yggers4g Imggqh abigie- Yo (@PgaGoghe Jarod boygcemra). 18) Loggoqobemgeb yggme%g Fgboaptioba fohoyne Boob — Anbimdgmes Bhbg- 42 (,2@280060, GeBgmasy weoyshige bodhger). 14) mentenggme —gBotrabs ces aphinbggenoh goommgob sagdob odagsha Shobgodob godm- ByBsgabe, AmBgmag TpbsdemgdeynBsb edgeggs Fawegbeb BnBgigmmdoh gehohgds Bnsbige- mb (eyMm Frasca bojombyBowsé Ssyegdse Nergrigobsyg5). 15} majbeb gdsmenpbo Fomporol Geb gamdga, Medgentgy .Nevermoret! bode. ferm Yabyybo oJ8gdmms, jombgs, Mmbanol ds- bybom gh begygs, Nevermore" w20mgge> (naam ae: Seago 288 fie msbs¥ggs gnibeh" 38 qBamerpbs Fobgeermest; rn KVT beme- Somat eeofigm LPmGam,ceaghny 1) 4 a8 bgdimgel eafighal “Bgiega Inpge ame dhomdes Lfobsom@eggn goo, sbagy eheb Bobmdjmivs goJbo¥o GFabaogawo yombggdo @> aowagts bhgarymges mgJhob apJboysb (hooBgdh, smreagesgepeh wa bbs.) gah an wregol wsdbobigmgdore BnokEggh oBab, hms 996 amdmahobs sbspre godah bahmage, Amagaog Ohemeganira Lamngmbgdod mbogobomge yb. BoBsgosb Fordmomaghh, Bagta? ime gomaje honmaym 491993 bs8o AGoIySpmegabe Brgrbs, QrggTorpdpies Bbsaghyme kaghyel band ShagGorbores, 1) Amf8pegdob segemed Bghhngs (30% Sobm>—BopG2 @abByar —baghygb, mosbh — Vamemgoo ymbygbomruart pggidsbsmgab Bs aahgngg boamemb Imgnbgdgdob oa ¥igdo~ baergob). 2) 98 Fomgomnb BoKbags, boowabry gho-- fgpma — Uydergima morabda Bpbgmmob (ysb- fobs). 8) ghoBggarab Bdmbozembae begghe s- aemol BpGhggs (SoHbS¥y gourgbob Ypgom, 9. ©, Anbsfigcendmdob gahgmmpdb ons). mamgmb oJ aSes moghgam Fommerra, dag: a8 magbo, Ameod dmarm behmgog yer Boksyos of8pdmes, Iubegol o6 ayn boydoow Abesgma: ydoghd boggndab sbgr0 a3- aabobeb, Angnéo mbgseghog of gms oy mb ob co himamtin Bomgeme qgegiob @s6o-- bsdmbBag sh Ges grBeghymb IndBestia sl axgr, ymggmageh oabgdmd4 arhsgoneee bod bggmebs ge sect pnt W307] 26 geBoTgergigarmds, abooghom mgeigh m8 oh —boadmgby8b. sg gomnptpqnas mio Mads inh yhoo, Byohgaense — lahonang, shee gehen TybHae Amd goJgon, Injbomm Bs ses dgmeg, gerygogmme ShogsmdboByhp- MMgiDds, GogrAnae Qpighs sKbobo™ (66a. 564). Gagmaig feb, doAdigee bocemgby8ob owpo- mobtg om bigom gegsh Seb aboaséngce ap BmgGndst FabgGaJgs sdebyboaggab gahg%y oto- Dbogeonhae abgpbgdmes. bijomm ayn seeds bgeb gatysgmere Vbybogds, Brmm aymmond BoABmbo®ogos (obgmogg bgebh ghgen- Boor wnesag®Bo"). 9B Boom Im pBsagbe mh betmgd, Amiengog sbybdpdo6 Injag- wars, Argénd sdgnogmigigs Leddagroysh cao Ja0daJbGb. XVIT LodmgBo Im obo Gogh a3 Greek, Amagwmbsy sbégagdh aggoqnégere Balrog gxdmomg By6m Fabyshao Apdo gy . ARH IMb smMawAd mowwaG", ghar gméaiab bo@dmarryob Fyerdot Somgomre Bedoja, .8sgés® Sdmmee bg 2o- com bghmanl bigas Bmane Lahognias fang- ens Landon gsG%hrabgs, AmB ob (yrbsin — g of jejagh 8F2% ws wogroomn Bye EmamBgsob bobamae — FoAb ogdeita. Fagshgdigens ygmggordagdnb Ug jty Bped- xpd, Anggananar ygeMsGob™ mrgatgbyogdob Be88ba¥eghgm grhighoag’ EoBsbos doa'tg: 1) bagggegteds (phmaghaeab eajsaBe-~ fpdom, geese dmbsdgm ws yinymgee Amgangbams hagab aAbgomos), 2} dgrogha — ors6Bodagghmabs aeSgamyosat om mae 8) Laghgod ead qmomds A). mjagegtod gee eaoadorahe Mie- Geode (arafbob Somgner FaFome yragmre an Bangin IegergSob gopogomrobpobgeaembnh Ga macen bsfontbo; yaqndn yyhbageab ceeByBagq- Ba y@gombggerah Qimdobimygemgrdeb — getter gob doEon~) By. obhmBab mosenmgatagns, mgammy og ams Bhdemob gaBmboonerge>. 6) aamdab baderennbagass 7} anbmembnded gg0d0% ArBydh gebaweb byaghgegmdal Aaqamy bor abby (gogbnyaha Spomotegna: beyaeaee pomadptendot aeianmode, grtageaahe, wod- Layabe ger bnbgeflghe a:8gnhobndob #30 gobo: Sgq%gbo Nevermore’); B) meognbamghs bormgays Kodabbarede- Boabe Latimer image agrgeb shsmsbabshe prSafieqnabeo) BB Fosbens Bndmbomngs BboBgSgmemgibo Qo LygGeb geuyapdob boBgamgdsb . oer Jeb eotingsBe psish doghs 34 a%sg- mre Fogo Fadegiae@rg Aysaome ams Spams boyndos. amjagegeab gsBmnh woedd- SeDee Shnbiynde mw oammge IJri¥absergol dagatg wsdataboamge gene SeBEgda og. etbhren- Bab sherrentoyrat gabenbger bndgeshas em- Satay Boss BEgds. oBobogad And InInhmrb gbsdengdoere qeobamdabe boygaeel sboae- Shagegase aber s9yFob Fyombggaed magebo wrdmgowprqenpe> Srdberh Smsengigess. 9- rsh gergwnere Bost Image oalvete rdsapbnera s8UEyEVe cbgMABagar, AmegErG ghhborngetoe Kbigme — bag “Behoe Jdomtageaé Gabpbbgbdn byAbes. Iombabengop ws Bsbabnonggins gh FeBEgdn dafbodoenghae Andamodgige shoengogm Iga7e batba- dood cw rahorsa seorrerorge, Inpeeb Boge BJasee beFoemndodes5 oer dmb Jmgtost sbo3gb9s eods qagnbgdahgWel we mamaboos, wehrinon shrsttgbends) Ambperog 80: 19. -boyieg” 1 mbogabsgemdoy EaBighh, o8 beigerase “gabba- soehotgm Anttodgmomntsh, er ie saneags. rol Sse we: gua WRT a aoa fa yryPoGab aateyBy cpnst) Grpegptbeab be Boeobaghe ofnsieseshl) sroPay y aomae ApBubgogsTe, 34, Dodo grdrmagd> sphdabo aboddamghor. BaeeBmbgo sboboomprar Sab mamety .aedevigsol racgadeaBob lageol stems bgghmpbob yrergd8b," bed damebs Iagans Tnhob greemgibs er sap FoBEagms: labo Imptor, Aggsd Hoyebs wee LEQ ae bomes yggeo%g sbiimb Bean Bo, gokbabagtighss Sggohe Ginanamadabs, dm Boeeng FodhFytgeoee Blgdahob somahe Jombok gnggmeo Brome Iermgrgarom art emgemedab!. smb BpAmfayegdel bsbghdmo+ go > ghde SpBmslgeots bnddmana'¥doh she Whom amgoos Sasbeas¥a, oAo¥gm sahgmgp Bomgertgesgarmbsts ce» gbegarysd amal- EDO 982b, Gm Bm Brad odbgdoBb her anytn Bybgdol Fobeomadn, 33 ghomdal game Bomghe sblgjans madbofyrdot sodingabore Ba gxBOmome nfgghare. osdsaeo8pFoqr> 8o- hegad, KOAMAeYel es bg. byghn, mbham Bob bodBema¥agonbaigde IolPhaggds; Bbeqane AbgwgnmmBann sb3gdgex — eBeognaob 4yo- Amyomyggade steaBasine youmajersoes6 (rd0- GE — Bmgardol, Sgerrifmerneb, lobaGrh- sanromgbol Ingoagde): ghundesyme sbdggena Apgbdimbowe becadsbod yowor, toemrgight Bofamdmgdab magabmagree comgbrapdet Sho Bynde; smadrabal Lgginl cerbggFoms, aMbaer, sgeedgng nee, compte Amgndstigmbeb pbng- Aoksgaa ea dser Bpbagygnbe gadmdobogagdab dn pbo bogbrdling beByrenB. ghearena 3039 DU ghabs, boygomgorrabs, ghanyene bo, g§boabedoreels (alobs, aby Im bbahe Soe aFrmegdt bizarre). aie oy bizarre Domommrag ABATaigcrmgebo GSnbos ggaeh dnb aberogeyrte, badebodzabs es boBabgingdab ob- eggrtogor, habog Boafgheebo® Img, ba: BsBeegnamgBo beng of ababoampdms fab ge Ladtnmmobdagdol imBgagiger®e Ferme 289- fangomre AFghees sqeahgdqeio mbosree ym baBabgergbses sqfotol bejlgie, taghad ator Bgade baBeEgergds bsBrEgergdabvigad* Bob~ gob gabm yr, bodroobenh yeoganer Jo Lighgtee Bonmadame Smb ghooaoyabe B08 gone dohdSigme — Syerrigfigdel — emgoaandty sqe%ehns. Bhoactes, Ib Jomebaygha moe qno Agbfinhwes bizarre-b Mmdségaygme tmg- vdaBa Dol waghdeha gademble, oe Snob’ gomgortalf roe, ghosts Spjrbob ~icebeg Byagmowe QrOAO* 289 BLoeIIG fAGICENKD OSM woh aGlighmah obagtome — bomsdetg sem Emagoodel ghaowermdoy gergBge (q gos", )Marginalia), #24638 stgmds yeéinJ- Gohgdod aingomp bso geghs: Smb ghogeo- gue omareal ymmabogh Sndohogengbabs be- nbgashoins, Am® Chay bawmghis, dngods, GoAyerday gydenines Gurabanery gasgem dm a AoMIpdh waggmge LeBabobsab Hlagmats- Goel geowghe aabgF. — jhgdQe ,oAba- gobeh ygegnengde” — egmeystob —-qgwndyars andaam gdmnybn — Smb ghag grime megoun: fork —bégennae badehobiatn BoBahageraba... wBogtymegem ofebs, mB Geb smb ‘Aghebo: Beogo Goxn yeggereay mbagammbs ws bsBobg- fool SeFghabs, Erb msbyerpdsBe 49h ode nm frontg sgbmmymdob 2b gemsbjo — gbgdeabm- teak Bp@usam emaem’.. Boba Jamgby 439° apabe B speedyrgintse, Jaweg Anak matiges Bgbsrgeid6 Igbo ChagSesbieents bgBebsas6, dob Sbgcgio banm, ‘Mog Bggbgds Imy ogegema: ah doant, erosbowed, godergde .omdge find demtty Byndrghaybmgaé epg JbyBo ab gx Gegwmolegds wigemablgs UsbyFo, 36 gage. be- qadstnl Ipgedigdab AabighsBn, mB bogsds%o- bs, mage ayo meov ogame wow, Beatred BowBepjr23 IomorsmdsBo sghansbgdb. abo, 19808 BBeM Bo¥re yom bomen bEgegsb, go Anabiegds g¥adm boygomymeo Fygfoghgdn- bain. oh sfoab gnscen Qeagere: a. > dob y90- fs erdgerol Jobe. deb wlio biyyl maygebo Smasates abhagam, dmb ghoggayghe ompamo bad beercbagdnk sbaarmgags oregemmss Brstg- Bolisb FahBmbceggds merger Uywatrgdne dys Ghn wes Bomesbo, Hay swsbaysgdl oBsb, 4nd qhorgongs Bowam sage Indra stoynimdabs ws gghmdgera garsbo- GeBol HhomoGogdoab. gh goyFohe yarns gD- fron haghdimBas Sab mgatosts — Boh dho- Jeeda%%, borers, Fyfmmgdvo wa obggd- Boy a SepeBebn sBoraygara Imggad wgmhag- mee Bpbgeyingrndal mvmbsg Iyba Bagh: Imb aborggossh .yggarsty B6n¥gigreegeo > Vor gee Ihobgadon Fofomes am¥ghhnagdqermds, maBstmdoghgd, bedgghos, Shmdemyogrmds, Amyomowe P39 Im hasn! sdagg whmb a8yq- Goghgdob gmmysge gabljons bamnes. hmdg- ety Yobayovqqdrebargoh rdababnaege Some, Qube nym Smbongob, Bah Imgegnee Shobyeda glances mandy yscasosab Bob- Fthogats short janybagia bammeds¥nbsyg6, a- bpesqgds, pedmgerpbnern yb gana b Bsqegbom sak sgbston; gb JOM Jo bg oh shob wsImygomgrgmre a8 290 Jet Idndinwpdenn age 2b ‘paviob- ators. gamob axqeugds Abby, 36 n@ an? Aotngnds%p. gablzot — Solo} bs amd aForegds gk go bbs “aheomde, my oho domshagmme otearmoly Apps hrqnen nbones- Anerur, 24 mbermgaeen ibmbinggysom ba Aabgejobgros® wo Fremdmahghl adsb, my fy nogobabgtighs adgh sBghougme Mmd6Ho%Il, hae Fomey nfshhobgdh Inweapbin Bowser yagBoob IgAMiNb JmbGoBHFeob FobsGagsm mogohedn Sym Shomegsben’, pbes bobnomab aeqqietinn sghgegg bags shbgboon bbgomds Smbs es beddmanoligg’h. Bm- fab, gh gabbbgaggdgdn, dnmignen — Jaganabs, egeDe Ueigabos qs ymBdmngal —gdgds Imb — yrosbaggmem Gamgmra. abggeboginl sea begs Segeabe SDE Lobge_bn qeminbiamenes Lad dmmnbs g- Bob hadbmrahinge, goG heb ashogengiga bob Ged. gomgs aha Byagmbe bbgomds grok e9d9 OFT, AmB Imb dobFrsggds boggagyh= Hoood empjlal sagdabs, qdamabsateegds lind Ammabggdol faderatinger, maeoer bnGesdhh. yong wahe Byagnee wege nds geeabmayds fon. md “dmb Snblfeagyds bomapemhe godel eenghns sagtolis, gino. Bahwgds uAdimarakggdol Iobfiaqgdab sgn wbeggam east mpdie. Mimege 29 Beg armab debs my Loddmmabaosy Basel shbg- Sgr Latte. mega UbseyRgl bed atisgrisggenmees Ges asogmb amb dmg ns bod Beugordoh goégergets. smdse%agach bpdoboeda gobbbgeqadqeme SowpmIngel gsdond Qrbatigmdl wanes Indsmaghgda gobbbgago Bere aBOIAIageEM Ingmasams waidodey- segme Jerinamgoghes Infgrhrggdgens) Usettgdaqedal gale. Amantg Fale. ube Loddmgnetinbergol, AMBG@B.y IsemGmdb aha eabdodegyigenn — (Jambramgoghae mgs Fabeoggdgeon) agemnremdoy gosa, hs8eg- Baeeag bodSmann¥lBe gohg Emgergbrms cogocest Bem yndsremyds gs@sqatomns Bobagss Inge Abad Anatig, mabey Amgergbrms dghgdn 29 DPSb {Eg Mog ymggermsck Amer p9mh- Romgdess Gagebohagos, AmgangSgbs Incab geqBadigda bed dGgene “Bqbs8KEgaes (i. gboa- anenee). Bbogee, peda» wogrhygioe: 3my he Gombrmebegan Imgdays giahak Dem egds beddmanmbagdal ‘nmygambsent Begaeyeh grease am sobermggd@: Img'nab ShmMabine’, stom ob sqotemgiga degtinat Ambokmiggds wes lebeges atab, amBmemg aabgonshandaes KX bagynfas Jagtos, nAnbebovongol! msgnbagiemgigdel gad mdmayb- go0bhab gothong- begou wetebeboomgigmo 08 B08. Spank Gobetaborentaty. Ambmmgdeg hao’ Bagh aye gebryrgnen, Sntynoegal mb gad oo fmd gh boBEgen wagwm Lqudgerare dmb Agman Toeoat? aeegee" amodtio Focwagde vdgocerbdsa beghdad 9 Lem gob (iphdsnigdn. sbsomgds bammgy- BBn sbgvor V1 10 8 12 10 1) 0 18 10}, aBagy worm botimagak gemamgdte maBbn me sbomee ayasPrheads -Bigbol Gemes bgdngnsd, Yomsbbegdymda Bgqhn- ls@qecegbs Babys dm Dab hsgremgahageie asanbegee JGdieor -peeeraie” etemrgemmeR, PS) eyge> smb yggere%g IEgemse aobead mosbor Bares Yahmanosey Bonderges qeayab mob Bsjomew 1) ggbseoune (1-1) beoemaggbohi NoafBgepdal geFers (abosal bagdoma ms hetaga- aaimegab agers ame sOe snd@nbsyrsboss aepben> gob byeroab — qbnggsbous — VAVEE bo: W) degigwadal ymedeSogr (VEE bamimesal. famnd geo ngeagy asBogahs. sGgggt (IN 4) pdoepmge (stood puadack Iobgraydat Bo). 3490, 1 terrae Gheb Grbime dsl — Bnggaeaten: tealinmymbggern. Bobgshre qubgsbeaynta ma ogee semgrogs Iogme ey: gbagege’s Go eye mmoemte wo A bine we owe geigte oP gale qdimgueo. F cor gl ym ag’ do mansint benny mo Sebernwt Site, gare = Amageryeag eager 1 bghmeBr Someagigenes Endgame sdBou 59 G2 ehadecrgeinher gabobnamgincees 280 hob BognBsagnds (lonesome october — Bah gtebgern BoIEML, ma Imb bie grerhaggtabogg’ Fxhdmawegt! we epfeaSarnh — AdhmBob epgonarbage- nbsyp6 —@nbFhaggdab gadgngbob L.Faboes- Babe deers” Amgmeg oagme> erbemgubjh ab wpbenbgrs. Arageroy oderaghodh Andbes- ho sB8ob BaBeapecnoidsh gqgdel, sBghasgere Ajghest ssoeensghn yabgbeb ghoeghom gir Godgipermgaighe gedmbrags nam 1h bgAmgt Johgen. Ieasoghar vaghoee Bee 2 sBagdeb Wyboe gate Sma mje mdagbe). By¥mayosh docpowol Imj8ye0 arenas Fnderegndal BRIG 3M IMIS esbeBiyal aj gbogada adohod/ dogg, danrd ceofednyahn aegndohgady 4 Enger spoMpdt gag Smaghty “ubakes qorustase asbodad vAmbgedeb. aici) 59% 4 2ne@ nays ds af gndeolg’’@e foe ee or nae vaere Agdey gbogas, graven, Soyose sytsebel Beahegs agrggedo eo lnlises Fragen gedebote rommbn, genm ge ybyce commbne aan go tagger geAmsbe, scbergs qreeimbaer gs guberom sqgogon mgd gesdian go Bemgeh aGarha, Bors 9 TIT begs agegladgh) heey mhogeueet amrpreaabom bshggth gaat gbbaghgdsBe, fog Pomeganmee wmsgogBohgdgmos amhgoe go%b> wa Fomnfeal eambaas, Ty bghmgds gdohob yyhamegdss odghodl sbgohgob (ao8péab) -ahag geen Gemgds, Am Apmag Beyjk Aqab g¥ab, sdsborabogg Sngme Fptwamdn cnammgn somos wee abajo Be ob saghgeres ABamtnr ge ‘nendymghe crsSagehbygenogggpdob ynbaoggmagaams sb brmmgegh abeg@ihqqagor¥9. wQJo genta ogagh abgahgad goBbagammgiam byspgbl (Y bahmge), ghedas sygmadh —séaygnasgbs- Lghgars sboAmenmgnyh Shmgbabl (VE beta Ge), Smdgeog wsysg'Boapogmos mmdabd mae BogoMbsganaggn Bo ggigheb gogmabmas, wa ston Qermmel Fodre8—eggnd> groom glehab Fobbgerab. g8oho sh WgabAgbb Bhobtabg aoe Aoboang@al, essdBgneepdt gbedarsr ws sehdg~ mdb gb (VII—VIIT bedmggie). 60 »ea- BoBmb, hed glojgs > ghhagmme sgebe- Esqouehgdgane bgdbgsbyara, o@atosteb ghdier Boren beffynbab, Bobo — obayaqoob —sengartos, shs89~ ghmemngmre abg39 Amanhg gntebe gmdshgeame sbbydagas Bobmgigager) we Labrie. ghasgeh gahosinds arednggtg- ine Gomygdare dighFo wosseradow: sBgghnmes ano, degahte sBmasigergme gtagin we Bouheose, gormbsGe daneb gh baby dmsbgpen pdooe gmbgsBobagncs dggaen dphdbg&eb doom magoyhe Fabsneansndab, SmamgdBay ghee dos FomBmbabgma nym, AmanGy daeregame 26 Sotgens: VILT badrige Bmg2gmpdob — yxyenBobogess, Sepmeg wagds bagsva g¥ed gseusggeo For hoomo BomfggsbonG woysg¥omgeam: shy gabghrawgs qbedge adebbbys —* najogar qa Gebdinns figan gedgho, wotgbho wa wavécrne Fig Zodyho 291 BMowNaDG AIOOENADEIM we Aeigs ming’ gby ghinoe Ssbgenéodqan TyySe!gon Loigrone tobi Endacms er gutenba: the Frans. geen, ayermadoteg, Fotis, Ledyge FokoEL Safes InBogrigewo? flomstou: geoongdn. — "856 peomgle, Tyke wagtaarn bidhan gcoenae. sBlonase, sdohok gyhlns Ayiestia omombbpg- Be ma wands gohzombyelb 499a— adoba oJggge Agbbegmgreb Gogh Anbagnl ImI%smgaigen bs goighh: Bo wlgg B2dnFa By Pyerabm gga, GeagIe JAD sdjatn Faascnor; dgoc-bdor be ghenat Ipdacge Ws godye FyFAngig omgs edgabdgbs 8 ely Lye ymol Foose gma noha, fregisg Unm Potihmd of ardmgnotg, AnBJenbes ghygeda—ageo aededgero Boob gededyce agge migedgen @o goty lyrgnad gsdyjns "oot, A gogo — gl sgdtin be sho mghnb, bogom gl Iahdebe gyctoo gooéob, Gn~ed Indegeogs Gayo go. cdgeod, goldchoe Bammgahy Qbsbscro gosbe. abobo ogmmnds mustage wonb sbmenece 289b LiBgemgine, m3 oaginges LIHAT LOBGGIb— msgabe bog hegmh bsqoosgh. m{Bo~ banged teadsboboomgaguen betiglgem, acglgs ae bsdgmrbinbm cwoggnafighna aylgds bohagtn sohal Bpbboghgds%o — Bh Bs6regm nord: dgha wa Lolsgmenl IhVoyoe. beggagach ab sbmmIENMha gsh¥ymhmyds JIEOb sesbBeen Fags, Ambgmny dawg agorabanmes sdgmnay Bath gdotobergel arGsamgbngy mhrob Bends- ApdOl neng|Bmhgenmbsh ss baghgab @sbIq- Srdeb, mb fear erfighome X barimge, gamgdne Hod off sBugodye> aojbormss, kata gob. Bpiek — Ahpgot (Kagogho gedmggasBn sdeimginwos), Sagménsmey bakosmb sgslgBb fe Aderegho dadgab rdsOqbmengdaoas gnhe Gorb sbhgangos SADEMIOL! qoAB Mah —bigagbgege ds: TAbBAQgD Imagens Ayoobggers gabagagows, Asm Emtioh oyaigh gwdgig bagwaate, bagast Beemohdg, gemgtin dhonlmga — cea Adagocnda bbgeés. Bserome bddomers QE es Feyeyarbna Sma Inbrgabn dda Pahdasaggoe" — ggoh- hash mmdsh Bsbinge ws s6ym9 gbogwdac ne BoJhmbl, hme gb beFmrangdn baggyenad: gon crotrgdaGo y, BofnsGedals 292 Gomges BysPbogn0 senasne 280 4388p- m&gdaba we AmconignysHagen ig? gabe Ashassas, s¥gb40%96 ‘os oo aesye worth, tyonbantedg — SMASH IESE! gone ach abeatgs, Ymgagys doll Bor, LLidele 46, ads. Bho ws obfyn Egbogob gimgdmygede aiagr 308. ghorgat bGmbrome BgoBiyh, Mme gedorby Dea Imb eepshgaB gsegmABadourra ge Apmeia, nb Fmdhamdb, Lbgomoliigsggomn oynd- fou baton Fahdnbesgde, bof mafidregge yao mates sbeyaryogton ngahgts, bE yong Fumads ws yamsg ghadsBoegg ghdgmogds, BDBAIG bosBhimgim Joga Ubmandom gimba- ahgdsB eo Mmgrdy gh |hrEbFo bragda, sco Boakl dmg mieg gash Bndgogom magobe opoe gehen, gabgutgirs sha ymggengg Bab gsdm glsbigmm gdgahgdoin aibouegts, dnanmy BRgreprqee gindegagbod gqlejaygho w- Babb oIobnS0, ws Ayoobggmrn Ab om_dl Mme army Lizmaghe Uommnbbagzob gstimgmabgdsb, abo oFz@ab Bynorbggerk ahs Abeummo om Famed, sh> imeeagha eehednb gootinyganeptae Gon egebabosmgdat., shstge Meaty gage gion Qh eb ws amImg FBoIgiy- femge6) — mageboragie Upbydah 28 dognab- baggobmas, — “Igbgdat Amameny abgorma bis. daewses apenrergInl” drighy ghd qbojagrn- GoNIn bagsGandm gsdmsgergaed bogbse Bondang- Be ofagh, Msiggeh Inhmgigand gintigdad, sho GEndogho gboJoyghrah er Egbbnghgdad Ihmb- satgba sae: eatel ypbes Bes Inggagme. 1085 Feb goog fn dhoyboge Faber .snfy sos Sdaamm Goo goby boeaag 2%, vhstyme Befgwgds yo GE Fomggedol 2A b, of gegsm Inb donegd- Te Aone seBefiggdboy Bnoygarggh Bagbo DbrJosnh bowhBgg2nb Bydsbyb, gh smdmhgbgda Safemmdéng Foo ybAHpegs hggin whmab oib- Sahadgidne gbegrmmgnel, obomasns me obga Indgsgodb, embry exadea goaFgJgdgmes > paweofysner@e dgutingtinbsr.” — greaeh dnd dom%y wore Babee gameega amadnabob Bhalogeh fhabomdodoarghe dgandoegraod Smbagimdse, 886 gsdeosBohogo hrdabos6, msBs8gwhegy gbofnmnrgoes Berguo tongs BAngdrme ~> GoUgoma SaTmaMDdSo0, AmBger 23g FaBohnagh GboJays IBrowndab mogour’ slayaeegdense. yghdmig, 38 beBqugeghame n- Gab Tgedonpds wegabsbanemer: gunmghghae armghegm SeamBrshgmdeIn Ayman qhnbgg- eb Agogengdems pametoore Bopagen> (yo Mabon) AbsgoeesSoba Fodmyy6pde gendo yg Ungdobs babeigam nabmamghe (nyrebaio", maezertn 98a") BRIOe GMb AMIS many gbgceae agmbsBn™ es wcemsemgda bogham BeTigdnb dager Fyghsh Bgogeggs gb ea bbyywhebn, Ae wh afabhgeendg6 sbbgdedh we2dsbaboamgdgar0 afis bos EmBshgergar bbgondgr Bsn Daénb, boogaegtn > bbs. bbgamdgee agedgh gedmPbsbsgmadns ee ays dogumgsems fmandg Bafdae Boho 28 BpBmbgggsBe mmasahayo ghnoes Angad Snfghdeaadcennbs, shagg wceeegeto” sh Afaged gab. “wsbByere boghaob Bybetgd: Faber go8aramr oreo .geeergea” peAygaae ee Rpeagodyeh beprAmgdh. Fomor. boghyg wot SHigITe" mAIeadsen geceBgenn: glnho ws ghojas sbmegogS Bop Bejoroton kedmaggnn Sg6f- Qh Foafggebersbegg legeresds} abe Shmeene Hagm?, And Bdeanke seatdoengas ymgoms- agoh stk yohgagh. (qadgimobs gs boogggab Ratbheagde glebggae phmPs6gob), aha8gq@ nfo: sgmbsbien babagmams —y%oty begun cuacaes enbig, a8 yBobnb Iagme BARE Bree Bare Jymbesds wecmaamgdeb! Tyme boghyg Fygagnoymna nb gybjyonbe- fgrl Besgegel wrghyok FoIgimendsto. deagany boone Agdost gharw Shnde gla, fenanhy sbagmdbgesgmedone Shmdeends. hmageng smb mgghgdob grema- eter bmtngfont GobsBas Fan}bomns Fgo8 gusp wordGiniean open simyaab Wea nyMMeEOdH ZBohmangah —guew@ghobew Fomy- Fee Ugdlgrsyeor, @madgmney Sor shang ah gd- sAgarhow ason- ghnok Voce, mbgebolboyagm — beyoa- bsobautghas wénob dagahy ean hnhodt wsgshagerh (nyebobo"), abadge cadg- @INdh Mogtok grBoysead waystagol guage (ngmemyte"), @& ob gebgds giehoban- grb grftiee: Endep Be smegma 36 BgaG5- fghs — (,yohobe}. — BmBsgarne ah shlghadh Gogepaaegén"), g8aGb bys aydmgmab s6 ads imme Goby. sHeymbeass Inpyzgom0, 96 e903 Flymae Fohbgmebags® — gefyagomipe. who Savabeb goeasanos amgephobel gedegge- made gobyorb bsegtk. gb eomdmnagine 33g5- 3¢ — nfreagerogemohn bobmFemggnob Saye G9) GeEnBindaghag grdmBgobsogmdge a8 oa3- alehgotne — gsbinfahaa®ome BF naAgboass, Srbswoy dmb gdnhgdnboegad spyemadgenr nyo Amant ugzgime'tg joSmbaghe" — yggara Wigs Ingege arbfymtomgtons Samat. FQJo nyeihebe" tes wqapscegin” 3mb Bagh oegemgtn Ingenhe GofshBmpdob Boome Fo woFahoe ygome Frmbmgéomgasd — dobighmdys (og Amggemdag nggerobbig’s, Gmdggroy dnb aehom, warbeemghnn 100 bedojath Igre- A988) se sdngmday Tyodappds hanegsenms do Bybee, Imggeb hbgs sph reat abhpdos’ Byayhe b4ganme’ cba deamon, hatha lGhG ORES | obo) geome afedtahmansse GSH: MOI 2b Agbbe megeBgmse ahPyfch na0Be, engJhol neege Boediggbs yabndseamh Amgnsy ahosg>— mptobo (beygotrgme: V-ft aptoto (Saggehghpenod — ve ygeoare: betmggda) bnbegtn [beygaounol —"BgBaagrta bngsshqucen: VV) beémagin). sdggahin bodys foe — bafomptab afymdha make imBoghghs — sMBoMogor vobsmragta Fadysawom ynBia~ bgemggd sabe may Hogenbisagshas 985° aedigrhgeeen mmagbagee asdamangntgens bnGeasha. mpjbak eysas¥he sou arsa byagbaonb Bnmds dygh, mmOgmay she tbnureny slySebb: Qynedgmeot’ yeasts BL, SAstbee! sdopeghgBl GEntoms beseegenmghi gabbomgere Bpdmbgyga 98 RAL sesbgqragdh, Amd byagbars lohm@dohAminmgagm gar soweadyarg?oBos bnb Bnd ghns6, gemog bomggmd> grbigntagdons wabeiemads Beajyes skye hanbapapie gojab: .ofodgm apeh! bagygams Jodowo6 (808) abraeme 118 bmgyge> (gi on. 3056) Babishe ghabgge, cgobatbyse 185 (p. 5 1%) sedeypBoeyerns Big es Bye Form ghebom. fs off géws gsymepis pho pha beBgaarzds Borergene gs@mdbsbangnma- be gard dmdeg gees binm aweny ayn ge8m- gorPqme. Baesd gsbIgmeydsos Lob Sobol obge mo bodnbby m2 Brom Byerbdagds Fapamamgdal pimeghgh gmErmndsbeas Bo6s8—q gufmdo yop Abugenom Sagtoabsngab. Bdge GofabIngBySoboge gebbbgeggbom ,ob9- dq gmorb amsagmqds msshigey, Inhintam, Bgphaeh watnagdye whine gomoonds. amgney Santer, Uger dyymag, Bhogic Figel fobs gh oym Ssinhse Segal: pfiat m3g98G euSmaeam Mygbo9s clyed bobaeoe sbgdger rol Ab Dhmeme Ahgnds igSwmiee Ryda WO orgoinh Agerrgmes ob. tepfbto Bgadengd> —yedaoyeb boda ehmane Yeesbe, Gmbergtoy Bygbsssgokgbos® sepgh Sheomeb: 1) bogmaternts ge baygomgaras go’ — Tt was many and many a year ago (gb ayn Bhsgome Fob Fabsa); 2) baghamb boygrmnmerl gs (long ago— age bsG03); 8) goto boyg@omal Byeegrte boygedryerob> (Geagaeng of gmbsy Inogegh). 293 BMowNAdm AOGORENRIEIM Jbrimgmgeghe arbsdebepshmber shobyodo Apoomames waygme, Bgfad 2g (nymmbabs» er srDRaepaobe ges axbbtgesgben) fgg’ gag L ghar mebsBnbagghmds, Aidggts- wey ab beBn Senso aabuomagodemes, ggba adem @denem Sens: Eqdal Gomednma Forbymoges oB Fymob fOr Beg) oafgansimbame bodaget Fyseemban off args avdmbodagh hn B ghordabgaeksgrs 8gds heb Byeoermdoh hgemmbst drm bammge mereghe Layge@gmeb dAaengermdab seen nwgabi Bergohg BslnPdAgdL bomgah Lab¥egab Agq50y%, snd9) goblgereges mob, seaedgic Bggegehy egargte oby2ge ox Supewetepery Bg Hskens Jn gapteee géfgdo, Agie bogmubery, begmmg Bode. bogrrege Gsdnhag: thagat, Imgergahg Edodowy bygeb...* sBhogee, chm smogdgda ginhieb zogh der anhg bgdbesdqes, Amagebeg of domgdd gar Ese gn Gab boygemgern. baBogg engdbe (nymmsbo, seenseg2e", ,aby- Rae wr%) EEab Imb BMreogngM egisb ubss- arb bojgmomb. Baghod 258m mab" genie Bors-hp%eg2y — wboygohgere bojgqomty dave Door Auggmbmoe gosbdgegends jymbséobs" ce nBmeniel* gmABgmobgss — bobmFsmugg- sotegs: boygehgentg deroghns” 9. 0. yboehir GMb wasshasom gebnFan gee bobmFemyagmoeny- Bs eng0@ boygatgemty dmoghes4) go males grab Bg, thmd Imb dagemme shofgogs oh qogbeand: Iob ygh mgndnger bjgisto. lmbge sebsdodcgghmiok stat gedemss 9pp- bois tehpb0> Anigmtog Beantmbge jdg- DE eohmare, Maite Fpwagde mabo, ghadssy- eobegeb getmymgoan 6Famnabage6, Amdergdog aninhn® Wsagdeb Ayugsb gyagbamabat, mgén- be) biogrgtdebsb, Myebnbsb, Ashgdab gh bguge DaFroagde mod Ingerpbrb aerosol ybag- AodsBo — grarmdat, JmOFourb, Bobdomb, mash deargsb. mmgringn afEgbs gigg%grm, And aah- Granted gb moto Imdgbge sesdnobob ybmgfg- doh mobs sohomeab, dagFandat (nBqnaggeem- dak ge2n), sboargetmemdob (y39m%9 gon bge- Frafgteh wha}, Infegymmbob (gstaygeobos ate} ee bodghob (bosgeaeeot amcemgesot ge Ba) Ob agebisac8. bogmuberob boygesé qe: Merbegesh — (herdeenh bofigobgda, ‘Smanghen Seteagrnl hom, Wandhoabed Jrobanrbn- “ ertaBetin ayeyngbol aergglsbiorhy Uspnsl: 294 dob: agbanet) trans’ lenetyieapttie — | Seseg- hob ,bo®mpmg’n amg) pt gmhBs dn sbyggh — oatgene md aFanboghh Bpbooxa0 babs mb Inggige “jAUhosh) Udiowmaente Hebb, Bahodo", — BiFIMEGH|") Hi Jo) JP>gabase = Gog. mBmdsemIgebs, Mmagm’oy oy30 qogob 08 bee@oab oomfos, mam’ ojom tgs bag}gne Amb Byodmganegh es bghmne shger bebofggere." bghage Asb8sboGmgia, Ambgenng dmg ssmgengs wSshgdeb! Bowdnsarboneee seh gBeGoh —Agbogemyhds “IpbsdemgdmmBgdas, 1918 Food yas oagobe Lise Boedba3mege Imbgigbgghe obtigaegbs — phages geeeg- ag099 bebgenpmandnh — gu geeryh-hellgningho Segh apbeed, mmaghomobs ee bmawobogdobor aigeb. Fmeobes majbefymbob bymnghgdeb ggbg- Bom, giohggmngh ymgmols, squsmDom> >e0- Bomb Ink mgjbore bégeenaw gasbsrynmgdyy> tre beAmagme Bhogemggmmgigts. yhoo mpd bab gemgenos toy yr, Amamhy Fate, phedo- Epob pmabompinré Lghmggts, mdegiou Igo OED of Begm befnjmton gobbigogggen hemepindsh, shade ubgeeshdys grdnb oo DDdbG. Ings EDOM! soagbobe» bobojmbod Fogeaeg amymm@ige sezem%g wes sdan bon Pare Soe2ne aBaIob oe Fos@% moJboFyndad Berghe mbgge wa mgfboh mamApgeymbo Saha Bhowbmys Jsmn%y Boom Bygobgbsb sderagme agash Imb ImgqHm GoJFoysl: jbo Hote sbome Byee6eegds, grsbaygagdom yo bosteny beteggteb sgqdate gegem amb ame Aqdoreot (mogbgbowsé — 5b.) 4360 gam gob MadboFyndob eg4Goys Be, gather sorhoigms Gomtgmnds weateg gbomhmsgsb Asm g13@29 Boboysenmdsb, b59699 Sub, Ame thy Ingeob Gogo, seeds — yagmy By O° magh ofyG ham gamba gEABa. In- Ben sage ogmey a9 dmgnh agbosstenh SBOISOdL ee g¥mibabsgemmbok He dowd p- adcegds EnsgFom 68 ahem. 5.92996 deb begs somabm Img¥gd0 wemateg Hhyds mgdbel Bonts- Ember Fogo sigmobgh Ing%nso. Fey wewe a6 Egeobb afggab ge@aeh dnb dmadohn majbayel asSmisingss: amis ds. Ierge ombnBbagt, hed mb Impemme wey sbo- smbo Byogrgs atmgng es sbnmne 1800- Sep bbgserblye bogygsb, sfoa9 ghmb Bom Bhsgegbeds ginasieb Egrehoegm geggbo Sh shame agomy weajbeats ybeungl, vad Ink amptoste Bohor masbajghe Robe. msgot biog gh aysfobsEgave aeebeympd 9b, nd Ingge Wages ghee wr ogegg asbglng- Bee ° BegeKgdon sige moBadh. go—2 seo. ALI 3M amaany BoBEmb sBbamojeneme mgdiognd wow bag- sehnma Fobs. p@hm", yboghag”, sboms8%g" rhage") wmabade, vkeygabgemat, — ybo'tds- fo, ybegogat, —nPBighstgta", — baggrenme", wdmgegds, apms', .dgwabygms". j.ggna6%, sahabeaab — 9b beeygate yaomety © foe agdgents dmb Sig hoalle, adagg etek AnBsbarqees — Smakorbsageh — @herngontiie Jusmere gb eepghegs — mgaeb Bagh bBn fee astthagds Boban nme — gommbmgegén Lymeggdos —ysogetg. sompty — méngoSomigo> gregh Sab mbnBobenys. nin mga’ AOmgmQogM hyo! aimgam segemgdh gs Jaypee yr, AmBgermrg Soeemgo oh amg- Updigdom babsdggnangn (bnkdshon» — Janys6ay qpmogdat Jog y6s, gabermdo, pcmsiacom) bobgengta agemantys aepmsemaah debigegor eo ahhgne an- Bsqpmbsboss Bpbeqygobmbnm (Lenore, Eulalie, Ulalume, Annabel Lee cs bg; Bgse, Smap- qgdo, yloerers Labgengdmas Berenice, Morelia, Ligeia) peters, Ulalumel LjodsqeWBe, Bug sesese aogJbeys, bnd- drgemgden yrweaggohmymmds gedabahnamg- dowm Ink engogee Ammgahgmba sedge > Bye Agdamgydoboegeb — (umgegehargban. 1827; .aySgdgde", IN27, sboygimarenk byung dot, L827; boSBsmo", INET, ga". INBT: bm Bago Agusaghpasb", 182%, ,scposhoogo” A861: .Bdobahg Jango", wash, goby baBmoby os, 1HR4: ,So850", 148 ndgemdodgaa sgxdamigndegane — Boa 1648; boMBation Jgggate". 1844 ws bby wo gbaegngh Segggee yamegtel yg Bodh! jetsboyotdal Seigeayoberab. 92 mgshe, HdMagcngbindsdn Foes, Gagnhngs ws Aqmagshgbob beanashe Yrgaghon vebgera Anantagas (Be netbhag geno, Ingo, oben ean padagnighgmer am soamajertan (gghm agn- a6 Se qiwasgogsh IngYond gamdnggh a@geb OR megsd). gh abByinadods sesbgayhgigs as co BpBJABgmINd Fayambdmdab, shmgigdoh ga: fenbagegh Fyndss, senmeh Fshdmbsbyok wo gatlogegagoot deeamn bgmpagégdob gaged Sh, Bagiad’ sina cromdmb sdaiggtio beeyds, ©) s8oqM3 abate euhabos boymyganeamann Foh8 mb sbgom, Agombsgureg Sosa Bob dacs agomge — Smggigto AISnob BHHAAJs6s, Gindgeoy waseydougZG, Ge nym Imgenhe Sooiyargind gsmassaBabs wi atabedel Sbuulesk,. dad-anwaa Faken Die seoHHBimb, Mab Imb AgmEBENOL mo bsg athena bgsivabdgams smbgamdb. yy. fn thon, Shoghnga Ypelgae BaIsbgarmdab aGnggdk bafyeh garch, Mags Fab. mms ..9@ Bacrn peaeh Sead gee dnb ongnhg ensnenhet Bajearends mogatgebgg Angers bogtin: Wee aeodoes. 3ngeds aagabes gave as Asgobe op- Apdog ea ongolo baoshral'lhAdseH qotgh- 1a, Déragaendthrage d boiler: [) MiB Jombgbe- cam ngogg gaths. Sab Sng boob ggmmggonl geomoe bamggmolgnera binds (L agham- fon 1827-1080; g26Fymdomp bob bogeh Au TL Sohenee ISHLISH: Bbn¥gigemes Abshnb, a%éok godenaghghs; TH AS45194); Gm HGok BQmomas gabfymdor mrpdvtg wo s%h'sg) fgabmgoh oth ahah ar aagahgdawen Smpmmhy sbgybs ogdbos abeme- 4s, Im aoggab osmmmguesb s@mggee ws Iphomegdel sBlomajarere bigdseotde ba wa qohom bobdrimngnme’ ageeba agher tenbaegel @rdatabasmgagms gabgeok ymbyhg- Qokagaats gs eksgrd@eugersce LoBBeerogab gr mbdsggdebrygs. ssh Lemiabok —bogdygabe: — adobe engdigdeb Jarmbne bee figte oBreogemgemyon bab m@shyggeomgtnh es omen! Dy. doom age agdimggpermds, Fob UodBmaojod ayreraeabe wobdneradgmnts’ — Bgedagds assmgoraal Abmenme dmg dghieryen ob gerg2y>*o. arart 3m, dmdgurbsy sheghaginh ga}gelt, fmd Yngbes qrmdol Ibhoy eegeergtio baa fens gg book — dampens gadmAgeagbgdobamgnb, cagok gagjegdnk dem yapryermh Fobsboay- (i845 BD fn Sngttos peagerngnd eye Bobege® ghgds (6 passion). Bmb dbssgean BqGqdob gb Ingenhn ba yobn dorrgiem abg6t magb Ani bggeegha Om raefontot gggme bgotee. nob Apqabgdanrg we bobodegaimgIny shbatome amges sddMot -qeomom bamsam — fo mathe yoway dmodee Msgobe ybmgta: dob Beqmdgy ahs Sxhga IngHose, a6 pomdsdo aqno gal. boyaeohe ng magol bagygmgbe Smggergd Be". IotBIers 263 Oathaer eragobo whos, ofiadgm agate bagrbal qa segoba AgaySnbs, 38 Ashgog Rg Bamnggeel egoFygeh Amgaghonn bsingshgshgorgae grasa om Sygieggehor de Go Sob Sngtbosk gobdeagagh 26 Amgndg gabe Imimmobkaye Bagennbab, 48 ehmok gshy%y ahbgdger @gbmiigbk, a6 cmrogg 28 ogobpdnb Ajo 6pd. Ofatengooh Fpbstroboe (AmIgwoy, antag ofyp85) 98 sBqnoh gern dl sBomercnghgs Whigmeste gsashomgigms aa- Smo @ajkol ,Dream = land {bo Baremy jggyrss, 1844) ghmdam bebnj aby — Out of Spau~ Out of Time (nbeghuch> ee 2B ghmbs es baghygh b- gabom Bowambat glahablomeg’s Iokedo- ‘oh Gegde, adobe md Bdmgin ofbab tga. 295 byedboo macgden mhmab gem yg") B@aeoIas FamISENAI HSM mater stbodgenn gagtemigha dmb Bgaefaq- mgdsbs ws s8gkiazol bobsBegogagh Brhob, ga AmgrepGog of6ob seb segaq@a pdmgob bam Aogm-mocossodiae sAngobin, —b¥mage a8 yombomss gabboanyime s@gheggers Smggels tes IHe¥seymbol BAesAgegd> badgrms agg. AmaRgsOgd Bekiaghsqos'dn. XIX bopatel sBaheygee megamegghab Mradab- orgmme dheeoyngta eo AmdgeBoy gghdnie, ggoobgchmdor dA sgeMAobrogal wnwn In Bgigermdos 2jm- fp2 bombyen Boaveg seagbl baltiagarompbsborss. bgds%o, myoomi J2bob bagmosé Sommgighel... sBghaygmoe Imfygooe begosegho Eoogagobages. Haaobsas6, some mohgbinerndgbob wajshg- Ba phew dbhos, adongmes jEgaome bafyabod arbgamemighod bs'Pgampdab, Boghi® apmrin Bhong age: Barns geiyerk gabrymobe- bs es gobgoBob ghdbmbgdb. ymgaghpbal bo DomnhmBo}, vhahigdad> jembob, wrdsdgmrm- Bob Iokghe oym sBghayye ghnghome Be boagab gh mhBbhogmds méBom gobl6, mrogob BsfamBmpan’ Sn 9. Sed. foe gungesmgin § — yong dhygornm Gwabl, G8 yeigotomme gage Imb Impbra Sopéons ensBadlgeanggets sa gb. pi gh genes amsdeaie, an. eagob Lgagooboras ga ‘Ugto- sgh, msgob hagrome agaho mag Gs gr@otsyoobooé gbeghgdab i Amgnéig? ‘a@hnot’ eile obeg gree gnggd 4a Spat Mth shob @hds es Bhs yimBbhoan go sRebgte obendinabn dill baelsslbmggatse: a6. ab Intbos bieehbommlld’ Ubdabsiot bet AayBsgok> ys Arambmgboorgtabsgas, of fonsgeda shoga Bosdenods soghqgeregh dmb Saggennb- 6049%) — Afohmab phomosin Bsaghinan of bxeBernb TyBareggige Hafoweby. Gaghed Gry wae SogeFygee oBab, Mm gepm Imb Ob qceobage- Hagde ymBdgblobegdrmes gabeBeggoh Ido QDvBo mbgds7 a6 Logmmy, Zsombgner- ob yotawegdel qynwntgh ymbagsarormpbob, eeboafnme es momgnsghoe YoyTeMa Sages: Ugdeb es qladeumme Shmggbal bdgewabege gated Emfgbhoggdob gBahnm, Imgengboers. fgptates B20 Dyagh doby®-Bgepand—ng 4ag- Boho, Hobag bidranme ps2Ie Pmb—eDIE? hm ab ndenepte IpndgaseenBab —_ogoerbshnbm ROAMbBLAGagor. dyombygenk Ahgdmees amab- Bey sNGI|IErndel TyyhdEyd., Bm Fomadgers gghbos agngdgdars shs dangnhg skergenire oaymeto, apharan Sngmig ghosmghonn Bpbsdengdgere, Amgrme soy yeBIgilaynal Ygdern espdy- goempdes grgre Imbomgnh gsSemhggern sce Boma eengatsayhal abermovea arena", oho ashen asd ge

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