8135 Flyers P 08

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MBA 8135 Corporate Finance - Spring 2008 Information Supplement

Instructor: Dr. Charles Hodges

As soon as you receive this flyer, please try to login to WEBCT Vista. In WEBCT
Vista, you should see a course link for CORPORATE FINANCE 1 - Spring Semester
2008 MBA-8135-025. If you do not see the link, email me (chodges@westga.edu)
with you WEBCT login name.
Class Hours: Thursdays, 7:15 p.m., although this is largely irrelevant
Office: Richards College of Business, Room 18, University of West Georgia and Parttime Instructors office on the 12th floor of the Robinson College of Business
Phone/Voicemail: (678)839-4816 (office) or (770)301-8648 (cell)
E-mail: WEBCT Vista (Preferred) or chodges@westga.edu or chodges@gsu.edu
Important Notes:
1. The First Class Meeting is Online at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 10, 2008 in WEBCT. The
class is optional. A Windows Media Player video to orient you to the course is located at
http://www.westga.edu/~chodges/video/8135sp08/intro.htm . The video contains
information about critical event dates, class format, course text, syllabus, grading policy, and other
useful information. If after viewing the video, you need additional course information, you should
login to the First Class Meeting.
2. The only class session you are required to attend is the Final Exam on Thursday, May 1 from
7:15-9:15 p.m. Optional but recommended are the WEBCT Chat sessions on Thursdays, starting
January 17, at a time to be determined (mostly likely 6-7 pm).
4. The Syllabus and Course Information is located at the Course Information sub-page of Online
Course Webpage (http://www2.gsu.edu/~fnccwh/mba8135.html). You should download both the
Syllabus and Syllabus Supplement.
5. We use WEBCT Vista for Quizzes, Weekly Chats, Email, Bulletin Board and as a Grade book.
Everyone added to the course prior to January 2, 2008 should see CORPORATE FINANCE when
they login to WEBCT. Email me with your WEBCT login ID if you do not see MBA8135 under your
6. The textbook is a McGraw Hill Primis Online custom published book, MBA 8135 - Corporate
Finance. A hard copy of the book can be purchased from the GSU bookstore or you can order the
text an eBook from Primis Online. The custom book includes selected chapters from the following
two textbooks: Fundamental of Corporate Finance, Eighth Edition, by Ross, Westerfield and
Jordan (McGraw Hill) and Corporate Finance, Eighth Edition, by Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe
(McGraw Hill). The ISBN of the bookstore textbook is 978-0-390-80084-8. To order an eBook, go
to https://ebooks.primisonline.com/eBookstore/CustomEBooks.jsp, click NEXT, then browse for
USA, Georgia, Georgia State University, MBA 8135. Once you locate the book, follow the purchase
7. In accordance with Departmental policy, for masters level courses (MBA and FI prefixed), it is
expected that no more than 35 percent of the students in a given class section will receive a grade of
A. The majority of the remaining students are expected to receive grades of B. Those students
demonstrating significantly lagging performance shall earn grades of C or lower as appropriate.
The finance department employs the +/- grading system. A C- is considered a passing grade for this

course and a C- is considered passing for prerequisite purposes for this course as well as for all
finance electives.
8. Important links:
A WEBCT Vista login page
Online Course Webpage
Media Player

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