The Scarlet Ibis: Hook CM

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Gwyneth Schwaiger
Mr. Koval
English 9
September 14, 2016

The Scarlet Ibis


Siblings often associate with misunderstandings and conflicts regularly. CM This

story is an unhappy short one about two siblings, both boys, but also teaches a moral that pride at
any time can get in the way of love; love is accepting, and pride is not. THESIS In The Scarlet
Ibis by James Hurst, a short story, the narrators narcissistic and cruel actions caused Doodle,
the younger brother, to become overwhelmed and diseased.

The older brother, the narrator, was ashamed of having a crippled younger brother,

which caused him to force Doodle into doing harsh activities for his age. CD For example,
Doodle did certain activities, such as swimming, until his face turned purple with exhaustion.

The older siblings choice of a variety of activities brought forth Doodles exhaustion daily.


Children become exhausted easily even if it is a simple task or activity. CD For instance, one

day the narrator took Doodle to the barn and revealed the mahogany casket, where screech owls
built nests inside and was covered with a film of Paris green. CM Doodle obediently followed
Brothers orders out of fright from the viewing of the casket. CM Children will follow a variety of
commands out of fright. CS Exhaustion eats away at anyones energy, and fear can be used as a
weapon to pursue anything.

The activities Doodle was forced to do overwhelm and killed him. CD The harsh

activities did not just exhaust Doodle; it also caused him to become overwhelmed continuously.


All of the activities Doodle committed to overwhelm him majorly that exhaustion took him

during the evening. CM Doing too much at a time results in being overwhelmed at the end of the
day. CD On the other hand, during the end of the story, Doodle dies during a storm and was found
under a red nightshade bush beside the road. CM Since the two siblings were running toward the
house, during the storm, from their place doing activities, Doodle was already exhausted. CM
Resting is a vital part at the end of the day after any form of work. CS Being overwhelmed is a
miserable state, but resting or sleeping can solve it.

Although the narrator forced Doodle to commit to harsh activities, his pride just got in

the way of the love for Doodle. CM Even though the story is gloomy, it expresses how pride is
often in the way of love for each other. CM Love is accepting those who are not perfect in
societys eyes.

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