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circle the correct wors

1. i went to the bank to get some information on internet banking. a very polite
person explainet everything to me and even gave me various brochures to look
at. the truth is that i still hesitate to use it , because i don't know how safe it is.
2. i'm very worried about my friend lynn. i wanted to know the latest news
about her job. so, i called her but she didn't accept my phone call. i thought
she was busy. i called again but she was very upset and refused to talk about
it. i don't know what's wrong
b.- read the situations bellow. write a negative question and a sentense with a
question tag for each of them,as in the example.
1.- you see a man who you think works at the supermarket you usually go to.
what do you say to him?
. don't you work at the supermarket?
you work at the supermarket. don't you?
2.- you are at the bank with a friend and you think the bank clerk is rule.
what do you say to your friend?
3.- you are surprised your sister can't remember her pin number.
what do you say to her?
c.-ordenar el dialogo
can you do me a favour?
sure. what do you need?
your cash card. you've got it with you,haven't you?
of course i have,why?
well, i went to deposit some money but the machine swallowed my card.
oh no! you didn't enter the wrong pin number,did you?
i'm not really sure
wait! didn't you change your pin number last week
you're right! silly me

a.- i accept to leave until speak to the manager

my employer fired me yesterday
there are three cash machines in my neighbourhood
we can't hire this customer because he has no previous experience.
why didn't anyone inform me about the meeting.
c,a.- do you know what ken did last night? we had arrange to meet outside the
cinema, but when got there, he inside inside.
b.- really?
a.- yes but i not know
outside. by the time had bought a ticket and enter the cinema,the film start
apartado c
my daughter cant eat by herself yet

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