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Using the Query Builder

in Toad for Data Analysis

written by Shawn Pickett, Senior Developer
and Alan Bala, Development Team Lead,
Quest Software, Inc

Query Builder Overview

Table of Contents
QUERY BUILDER OVERVIEW ................................................................................... 3
THE QUERY BUILDER CONTROL ................................................................................................. 3
SAVING FILES .............................................................................................................................. 4
DEFAULT SETTINGS..................................................................................................................... 4

WORKING WITH THE QUERY BUILDER ............................................................... 5

USING BIND VARIABLES ............................................................................................................. 5
FORMULAS .................................................................................................................................. 6
SUBQUERIES ................................................................................................................................ 6
DISTINCT VALUES ....................................................................................................................... 7
DATE RANGES ............................................................................................................................. 7
LOOKUP TABLES ......................................................................................................................... 8

HETEROGENEOUS QUERIES ..................................................................................... 9

QUERY LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................. 10

REVERSE ENGINEERING .......................................................................................... 10

REVERSE ENGINEERING LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................... 12

ABOUT QUEST SOFTWARE, INC. ........................................................................... 13

CONTACTING QUEST SOFTWARE .............................................................................................. 13
CONTACTING QUEST SUPPORT.................................................................................................. 13

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Query Builder Overview

Query Builder Overview

This document offers guidelines and guidance to help you use the Toad for Data Analysts
Query Builder.
The Query Builder is an efficient and easy way to visually create SQL queries. Tables
and views can be added either by dragging and dropping the object to the pane or by
right-clicking on the selected object and selecting the Send To menu option: Send To
Query Builder. In Toad for Data Analysts, you can also access the Query Builder by
clicking on the Query tab on the Wizard bar.

The Query Builder Control

A Flash Demo of the Query Builder can be viewed here:

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Query Builder Overview

Saving Files
Query Builder files are saved and can be identified with the *.tsm file extension. This
xml format file contains all the information needed to restore the saved state including all
the objects, joins, where conditions, positioning etc of the Query Builder control. The
file save menu can be found by right-clicking on the Query Builder document tab or from
the main menu under File Save File when a Query Builder document tab is selected.

Default Settings
The Query Builder options are accessible from the main menu under Tools Options
Database Query Builder and from main menu under Query Builder Query Builder
Settings when the Query Builder is open. From here you can choose to fully qualify
object and column names and limit the number of objects added to the control.
Checking Use fully qualified object names will fully qualify the object name with
schema in the form of schema.table.
Checking Use fully qualified column names will fully qualify the column name in
the form of table.column,
The default of limiting the maximum number of objects to 50 was selected to limit
impact on the database and for optimal application responsiveness.

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Query Builder Overview

Working with the Query Builder

Using Bind Variables
The use of bind variables is supported when you specify the query criteria in the Query
Builder. At runtime, you will be asked to provide values for the variables before the
statement can be executed.

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Query Builder Overview

Formulas can be applied to columns and calculated fields. Choose from the pre-defined
list of functions and operators or free text the formula directly.

The query build allows you to add a sub query to the FROM clause. A sub query can be
added by clicking on the Add Subquery toolbar button or from the context menu on the
diagramming surface. Activating this option opens the Queries tree on the left side of the
form and opens a sub query builder control. You add tables and views and create joins in
the same way as you normally use the query builder.

When you are done creating the sub query, click the parent query in the Queries tree to go
back to the original query. The first thing you will notice is a new table on the diagram
surface with all the columns from the sub query. Use this new table as you would any
other database object. You can nest sub queries and the Where Condition sub query
works as it did before.

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Query Builder Overview

Distinct Values

Date Ranges
When you open the Where Condition dialog for a column that has a Date data type, you
will notice a new tab named Date Range. The Date Range tab allows you to select a plain
text tag such as, Today, Last week, Last 30 days, and Current year. The tag you
select is added to the where clause of your query and when executed it is substituted with
a BETWEEN command using the appropriate date range. Date Range tags can also be
used in the SQL Editor so you can create queries manually if you wish.

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Query Builder Overview

Lookup Tables
A lookup table is an associative array which in the context of a database application
creates a new table with defined relationships to the distinct values of the original table.

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Query Builder Overview

Heterogeneous Queries
You can use the query builder to add tables and views from multiple databases and
retrieve a combined result set. With a query builder open, you can change connections
and still add tables from a different database. Once a table or view from a different
database has been added to the query builder, a watermark is shown indicating you are
working with a heterogeneous query.
Note: The Query Builder uses the Microsoft Access database installed with Toad as a
staging area for the query. You should not uninstall this database if you intend to create
heterogeneous queries.
The query engine uses an ODBC connection to connect to the database where the table
resides even when connected via one of the .Net native providers.

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Query Builder Overview

Query Limitations
Executing a heterogeneous query may take longer than a query run against a single
database. ODBC data retrieval is naturally slowing than using a native database client
connection. In addition, result sets from each database are retrieved and combined
increasing the length of time to get a result set.
Sub queries do not work with heterogeneous queries so all access points to add sub
queries have been disabled. The only join types that work with heterogeneous queries are
CROSS JOIN and INNER JOIN. All access points to change the join type have been
You cannot create a heterogeneous query from a DB2 native client connection. You must
first establish an ODBC connection to the DB2 database and then create the query.
You cannot create a heterogeneous query between two or more Excel connections.
Heterogeneous queries between Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel are not supported.
Result sets from a heterogeneous query cannot be edited.

Reverse Engineering
The Query Builder allows you to enter a SELECT statement in the Query tab and reverse
engineer it into a visual representation on the Diagram tab.

Simply type or paste a SELECT statement into the editor on the Query tab and click on
the Visualize SQL statement button to draw a diagram of the objects and relations in the
SQL. The statement can contain calculated columns, WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY,
ORDER BY clauses, and sub SELECT statements. Edits made on the Diagram tab will
cause the Query tab to be updated thus overwriting the entered SQL.

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Query Builder Overview

Since a WHERE or HAVING clause can be entered that the Query Builder can not
visually represent, the Global Clause objects are used to contain the logic of the clause.
Reverse engineering a SELECT statement that contains a WHERE or HAVING clause
produces a Global Where Clause or Global Having Clause object in the Diagram. The
Global Clause can be edited by double clicking on the object or clicking the Global
Where or Global Having buttons on the toolbar.
Errors in the SELECT statement will be flagged in the editor and added to the Output

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Query Builder Overview

Reverse Engineering Limitations

The Query Builder only supports one statement at a time. If you add multiple statements
to the Query tab, only the first statement is used. If you make any changes to the
statement on the diagram tab, the other statements are lost.
UNION, MINUS and EXCLUDE joins are not supported. You can build the statement in
the Query Builder and send it to the editor to add one of these join types.
You cannot reverse engineer heterogeneous queries.
If you are connected via ODBC, you must use ANSI SQL for the query.

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Query Builder Overview


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