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Sample Recorder Skills Rubric

The student will: play on the recorder a song that contains only the pitches B, A,
and G.

Skill Rubrics

Observable Student Behavior

Exceeds Standards

./ Is prepared to play more than one song.
./ Plays correctly all the way through on the first
attempt .
./ Plays with no rhythmic or pitch errors .
./ Plays with good tone quality, correct tonguing and
fingering .
./ Plays confidently alone .
./ Helps other classmates practice.

. ./ Volunteers to play, needs no coaxing.
./ Plays with no more than two rhythmic or pitch
errors and corrects them himself .
./ Uses correct fingering .
./ Plays with correct tonguing .
./ Plays without squeaks .
./ Plays alone.

Meets Standards

Approaches Standards

Below Standard

./ Plays when called upon.
./ Plays with more than two errors.
./ M.ay not be able to correct errors .
./ Plays withouttonguing
or with harsh tone quality .
./ Plays along with another student for support .
./ Has difficulty with finger position.
./ Can play only a portion of the song.
./ Is not sure where errors are being made.
./ Plays without correct fingering or tonguing .
./ Has difficulty producing a solid tone.

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