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My name is Sekar Intan Pratiwi, I came from Buntok.

Buntok is a little town

in Central Borneo. I have lived there since I was born. I spent all of my academic
experience from kindergarten until high school there. I have a brother and Im the
last children. My childhood was kind of regular. I remembered when I was a kid,
my house always full of music every morning and every evening. My father loved
to play English music, he love to play romantic songs such as the power of love,
hero, and some Phil Collins song, I didnt understand anything from that lyrics but
I heard it anyway and I loved it. My parents spoke English to each other when
they had to speak adult business in front of me and my brother so we cant
understand any of it. That is why I took my English course since I was in the first
grade in elementary school. I took it seriously, even I followed some English
speech competitions when I was in junior high school until senior high school. I
won some of them.
I am in college now. I study medicine in Lambung Mangkurat University.
Im in my last semester now. I have lived here since 2012. I was so scared to live
alone in a big city by my self for the first time. But it is ok now. My activities as a
college student are not much, my life is mostly around the university. It is full
from Monday to Friday. The schedules are not fix, so we have to wait the
schedules at night. I joined physiology department to be an assistant for 2 years.
Physiology is a study about how human body works in normal situation. When
weekend comes I love to watch movies in theater, and I love to spend my time
with my friends to share some news and everything we can share.

I want to be a doctor obviously. I want to be a specialist in everything. I

havent decide it yet but I really do want to be a good doctor, to be an influential
doctor. I imagine how my life will be. In my mind, I imagine I will be working in
some hospitals, do surgery, have good salary, buy houses, cars, study in higher
level to get a higher degree. I know it is not as easy as I imagine, my father said
that it needed so many sacrifice to get something good in life. there is nothing
easy when you want something big. I hope it will be a great journey until I get
there and may God always accompany me until there.

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