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Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006Recounts
Ordeal in Visa Scam
Peace Negotiations in
Southern Philippines in
Church’s Social
Involvement: The
Continuing Debate
Message to Muslim
Filipinos on the Month of

CBCP Head Hails Bishop Says Some

CBCP Monitor
Junking of Lawmakers have Vested
Initiative Petition Agenda in Cha-cha
LIPA Archbishop Ramon Arguelles
THE head of the Catholic Bishops’ reiterated his opposition to the Con-
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) stituent Assembly (ConAss) move
lauded Commission on Elections’ being pushed by the lower House
(COMELEC) decision to reject the majority to amend the Constitution,
people’s initiative petition to amend Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace saying some legislators have vested
the Constitution. interest for the conduct of a plebiscite
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo said
CBCP Head / P4
September 11, 2006 Vol. 10 No. 11 Php 16. 00 for Charter change (Cha-cha).
Bishop Says / P4

Catholic Schools Gear up Fight

vs. Environment Destruction
By Roy Lagarde
METRO Manila Catholic schools pines and how they are the ones
have vowed to take active cam- truly affected by the entry of large-
paign on ecological issues follow- scale mining companies,” Jaybee
ing the launching of the school Garganera of the ATM Secretariat
road show on ecology, indigenous said.
peoples and mining recently at the The Philippines Misereor Part-
Manila Cathedral in a mass led by nership meanwhile stressed the im-
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Car- portance of focusing on the
dinal Rosales. troubles suffered by the IPs be-
The Alyansa Tigil sa Mina cause of the entry of large-scale
(ATM) sees the launching as a mining projects all over the coun-
bright sign of the Church and the try.
academe getting more involved in “The very strict competition
the drive on ecological conserva- among the various stakeholders
tion, particularly mining. has all but eased out from the for-
“We are anticipating a more ests, the indigenous people who
committed and active involvement are the traditional stewards of this
of the schools in this campaign, es- resource,” Eero Brilantes, PMP
pecially as we try to make them Mining Advocacy Project Coordi-
more aware of the plight of the in- nator said. SCHOOL POWER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales is greeted by teachers and students at the launching
digenous peoples in the Philip- Catholic Schools / P4 rites of the school road show on ecology, indigenous peoples and mining held at the Manila Cathedral, September 1, 2006.

Prison Ministry Marks Lagdameo Urges Hasty Effort in Bishop Asks Faithful
25th Anniversary to Reject STL
STA. MARIA Nga Iloy Sang Diyos Prison Minis-
Oil Spill Cleanup ANOTHER Catholic bishop has
try Foundation, Inc. celebrated its 25th anniver- expressed strong opposition to the
would be greater,” he said. “We don’t know how
sary September 9, 2006 in Bacolod City. government’s Small Town Lottery
nature will react until it is there.”
Bishop Pedro Arigo, Chairman of CBCP Epis- (STL), the Arroyo administration’s
On August 11, MT Solar 1 sank off the south-
copal Commission on Prison and Pastoral Care alternative to “jueteng.”
ern coast of Guimaras loaded with more than two
(ECPPC), lauds the ministry for its voluntary work. Bishop Gabriel Reyes of
million liters of bunker oil being transported by
“Your group was one of the earliest to be
© Gavin Newman/Greenpeace

Petron Corporation from Bataan to Zamboanga Antipolo, Rizal issued a pastoral

formed among the diocesan VIPS (Volunteers in letter protesting against the plan
del Sur.
Prison Service). More astounding is that you con- to operate STL in his diocese.
Residents of the affected communities armed
tinue to do with enthusiasm and fervor your self- “STL is gambling and, like
with coconut husks and sponges soaked up oil from
imposed mission,” the bishop said. jueteng, it victimizes especially the
the sea, hurrying to absorb the spill before it further
A group of volunteers in prison service from poor,” he wrote.
reaches more communities.
Bacolod City formed the Sta. Maria Nga Iloy Sang Reyes stressed that gambling
After few days, the pollution reached other
Prison Ministry / P4 is not immoral per se, but it be-
villages, where majority of the residents rely on
the river for food and livelihood. comes morally unacceptable when
THE government should apply effective steps and In the meantime, Lagdameo urged the gov- it deprives someone of what is nec-
Fire Destroys Catholic School double its cleanup efforts of the oil spill in ernment to use coconut and palay husks as an essary to provide for his needs and
Guimaras. alternative in cleaning the oil spill instead of hu- those of his dependents.
Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, president man hair. He said gambling can also be
of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philip- “Human hair is not practical because it’s not considered immoral when it be-
pines (CBCP), said the authorities should act degradable and it doesn’t suck oil unlike palay or comes addiction and often pro-
quickly to remove the remaining bunker oil still coconut husks,” he said. motes indolence.
submerged with the tanker to avoid heavier dam- Furthermore, the prelate also said the ship “Because of STL, many thou-
age to the environment and health of the resi- must also be pulled off from under the sea “at sands of poor people deprive their
dents. least to save it and make use of it.” families of needed income and be-
“The government must fast-track its efforts Lagdameo earlier called on the faithful to send come addicted to it. Because most
to take away the remaining oil or else the damage aid for the people of Guimaras. (CBCP News) of the bettors are from the poor,
STL raises money by getting
FIRE ravaged a school including the Anti-gambling Bishop Lectures PNP Chief on Jueteng money from the poor but most of
this money go to the rich,” said
Catholic school in library; audio-visual
room; science labora- DIRECTOR General Oscar Calderon, Philippine go signal of the national leadership, “he cannot Reyes.
Bacnotan, La Union National Police (PNP) chief, who wants jueteng ‘totally stop’ jueteng in the country.” “STL, like jueteng, is the op-
early dawn of Septem- tory, a computer lab
with more than 10 “totally stopped” the soonest got a lesson about “The senate inquiry on jueteng amply dem- posite of Robin Hood, who got
ber 8, spewing smoke the said illegal numbers game from a prelate. onstrated this preferred status of jueteng in the money from the rich in order to give
so thick it caused computers; the Tech-
nology and Liveli- Calderon reportedly vowed an “honest-to- country,” he said. it to the poor.”
panic among local goodness drive” against jueteng and clear the Sandra Cam, a senate witness last year, ex- Reyes urged the faithful to, es-
residents. hood (TLE) room; and
classrooms. entire Luzon of jueteng syndicates. posed the alleged links of Ms Arroyo’s family to pecially the provincial and munici-
The blaze broke He also urge the Philippine Charity Sweep- jueteng. pal officials in Rizal, to reject STL
out about 2 a.m., at The school’s 222
students have been stakes Office (PCSO) to promote more the Small Cam testified at the senate that she person- in their province.
the Stella Maris Acad- Town Lottery as the government’s alternative to ally gave money worth P500,000 to Congressman “It’s bad enough that we have
emy for high school on a holiday break
since September 6 jueteng saying it’s legal that it must be maximized. Mikey Arroyo of Pampanga and P400,000 to Con- jueteng, lotto and a casino in Rizal.
students. But Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar gressman Ignacio “Iggy” Arroyo at the House of Let us not bring more harm to our
There were no while their teachers
were having a retreat Cruz said there are “certain truths” that Calderon Representatives. province by having STL. Let us not
reported injuries but should look into to verify their reality, or else his She said that Chief Superintendent Restituto make gambling part of our way of
the fire ravaged major in Dagupan City.
Fire Destroys / P4 campaign will be futile. Mosqueda, former Bicol police director, asked her to life in Rizal,” he said. (CBCP News)
portions of the Anti-gambling / P4
He claimed that unless the PNP chief has the
CBCP Monitor
2 World News Vol. 10 No. 11
September 1 1, 2006

Need for Moratorium on Use of Sub-munitions Priests Reflect on Team Ministry as Japanese Replace
VATICAN City, SEP 7, 2006—On
September 1, Archbishop Silvano M.
ary and laser weapons? The fact of
declaring a particular armament le-
Foreign Missionaries
Tomasi C.S., Holy See permanent gitimate does not make it more ac- priest in Iwate and Miyage According to the priest there
observer to the Office of the United ceptable or less inhuman.” prefectures might look after are difficulties in the switch from a
Nations and Specialized Institutions After highlighting how the Holy as many as four churches Church formed by missionaries to a
at Geneva, addressed the 15th Ses- See considers “it vital to undertake and three outstations, and Japanese Church that can stand on
sion of the Group of Governmental a profound reflection on the nature liturgies without a priest its own feet.
Experts of States Parties to the CCW and use of sub-munitions,” Arch- were rare. “Sixty years is a long time. And
(“Convention on Prohibitions or Re- bishop Tomasi pointed out that the According to Fr. Doi, all that time we have been educated
strictions on the Use of Certain Con- victims of conflict “cannot wait for team pastoral care involves by missionaries. One finds a ‘little
ventional Weapons Which May Be years of negotiations and discus- living together and working Switzerland,’ ‘a little Canada,’ ‘a little
Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious sions. For this reason, there must be together but, “there is an- Italy.’ It isn’t easy to wean ourselves
or to Have Indiscriminate Effects”). a moratorium on the use of these other vital aspect—a unified from that.”
The session was held from August arms. At the same time, the States TOKYO, Japan, September 3, approach. This requires training “I myself was baptized at a
28 to September 6. parties to the CCW must set them- 2006—The Yotsuya, Morioka- both for priests and people. If we can church run by missionaries,” he con-
“Thus far,” said Archbishop selves to work.” Kamido and Shike parishes in Iwate achieve this, we shall have a sense tinued. “It was a time when associ-
Tomasi in his French-language ad- The permanent observer con- prefecture, previously served by of responsibility, zeal and a greater ating with Westerners gave one a
dress, “we have heard no convinc- cluded his address by indicating that the Bethlehem Fathers, were re- mutual respect.” sense of superiority and one met with
ing evidence from those who con- “the review conference being prepared turned to the diocese several years “The Church has always had a different scale of values. But that
sider these arms [sub-munitions] to must be capable of adopting a specific ago and now make up one of the ‘team-work’ because as individuals was not a real interior renewal. Actu-
be legitimate. In any case, all arms mandate to begin discussions and ne- chiku (areas) in the team pastoral we always collaborated with one ally among those who became Chris-
are called legitimate before being gotiations on an effective instrument care system in the diocese. another,” said the priest. tian at that time I don’t think there
prohibited or regulated. Was that not to eradicate the risks associated with Four priests look after the chiku. “There has to be an objective in were many who experienced a really
true of chemical, biological, incendi- sub-munitions.” (VIS) Their coordinator is Fr. Shogo Doi, community life and teamed pastoral deep interior renewal. We have to
67, Sendai diocesan priest. The other care,” he explained. “To build a better change that now.”
Democracy Succeeds Only When Based On Truth members of the team are diocesan
Frs. Akio Umetsu, 65, and Takeo
Church community we need a plan, a
team to study it and adopt the train-
“The element of mystery in reli-
gion is something we must also think
VATICAN CITY, September 8, Holy Father in- Tanaka, 49, who live at the Yotsuya ing needed to implement it. Without of. When Japanese are looking for
2006—This morning at sisted, “only to the Church, while Bethlehem Father Jo- this we won’t know how to go about God, they do not want arguments, but
Castelgandolfo, the Pope received extent that it is seph Hugentobler, 86, lives at Shike. educating the faithful; we won’t be rather a sense of direct communica-
prelates from the Canadian (Ontario) based on truth and “To tell the truth, it’s easier to agreed on how the Church should be tion with God. In the Japanese liturgy
Conference of Catholic Bishops who a correct under- go it alone, because you can carry run. We have not achieved this yet. A we need more contemplation, a greater
have just completed their “ad standing of the hu- out the plans you yourself made,” district is short-handed so someone feeling for the sacred. Here in Japan
limina” visit. man person. Catho- said Fr. Doi, commenting on team is sent and that’s it. However, being we did not really put our hearts into
Addressing them in English, the lic involvement in ministry. adults, the four of us collaborate and ‘renewal.’ Now we are being forced into
Pope indicated that “the fundamen- political life cannot There was a time when one share the work to be done.” it.” (Japan Catholic News)
tal task of the evangelization of cul- compromise on this
ture is the challenge to make God principle. ... In your discussions with
visible in the human face of Jesus.
In helping individuals to recognize
politicians and civic leaders I encour-
age you to demonstrate that our
Knights Declare Sept. 11 a ‘World Day of Prayer for Peace’
and experience the love of Christ, Christian faith, far from being an im- NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, Sep- seems ever more
you will awaken in them the desire pediment to dialogue, is a bridge, pre- tember 11, 2006—The Knights of elusive, now more
to dwell in the house of the Lord, cisely because it brings together rea- Columbus called on all people of than ever we must
embracing the life of the Church. son and culture.” faith to observe Sept.11, 2006, as a ‘implore from God
This is our mission.” In the context of the evangeli- “World Day of Prayer for Peace.” the precious gift of
“The split between the Gospel zation of culture, Pope Benedict The Knights began observance of peace’ as Pope
and culture, with the exclusion of mentioned “the fine network of a World Day of Prayer for Peace in Benedict has en-
God from the public sphere” is one Catholic schools” in Ontario. Then, 2004 with a resolution passed at the couraged all believ-
of the “impediments to the spread of after highlighting how “catechesis Order’s annual convention. ers to do.”
Christ’s Kingdom” said the Holy and religious education is a taxing A full page ad in the New York The Knights
Father. “Canada has a well-earned apostolate,” he thanked teachers Times on September 11 brought a of Columbus was
reputation for a generous and prac- and catechists “who strive to ensure simple message to more than a mil- one of the first or-
tical commitment to justice and that your young people become lion people with the words: “Sep- ganizations to pro-
peace, and there is an enticing sense daily more appreciative of the gift of tember 11th: A day to pray for peace vide financial assis-
of vibrancy and opportunity in your faith which they have received.” and those working to achieve it.” A tance to the families of the fallen The Knights has marked each
multicultural cities. At the same time, The Pope identified relativism as fact sheet and program materials are emergency personnel. Within two subsequent anniversary of 9/11 with
however, certain values ... have “a particularly insidious obstacle to available on this Web site to sup- days of the attacks in 2001, the special events. In 2002, a memorial
evolved in the most disturbing of education today.” For this reason, port local activities. Knights began providing checks of Mass was held at the Basilica of the
ways. In the name of ‘tolerance’ your there is a particular need for “the “As we pray for peace on Sept. $3,000—for immediate needs—to National Shrine of the Immaculate
country has had to endure the folly apostolate of ‘intellectual charity’ 11, we not only honor the memory family members of emergency work- Conception in Washington, D.C. to
of the redefinition of spouse, and in which upholds the essential unity of of those who were killed that day ers who lost their lives in the at- honor and pray for those killed. In
the name of ‘freedom of choice’ it is knowledge, guides the young to- five years ago, but also in a special tacks, regardless of their religious 2003, a September 11 exhibit was un-
confronted with the daily destruc- wards the sublime satisfaction of way all the brave men and women affiliation. Ultimately more than veiled at the Knights of Columbus
tion of unborn children. When the exercising their freedom in relation of the military who have sacrificed $1.49 million was disbursed—with Museum in New Haven, Conn. And
Creator’s divine plan is ignored the to truth, and articulates the relation- so much, even their very lives, to a minimum of red tape—to wives since 2004, the Knights of Colum-
truth of human nature is lost.” ship between faith and all aspects of bring about true peace rooted in and children of police, fire and other bus has called on its members and
“Democracy succeeds,” the family and civic life.” (VIS) justice,” said Supreme Knight Carl emergency workers. Recipients all people of faith to recognize the
A. Anderson “Faced with a situa- would later receive a second check day as the “World Day of Prayer for
Indians Pay Homage To The “Saint of the Gutters” tion in the Middle East where peace for more than $500. Peace.” (KC News)

dia, September 5,
prime piece of land as the Mother
Teresa Chowk, felt that the need of
CRS Begins Youth Summer Camps in Lebanon to Ease
Sep. 05, 2006 Several
the hour was for all of us to remem-
ber what Mother Teresa did in her
Trauma of War
citizens from all walks lifetime and to reach out to our sis- ing. Children also receive three meals fled the bombing last month remain
of life gathered to- ters and brothers who need our help. a day plus snacks. More than 100 homeless. Many houses not de-
gether at the Mother She also made an appeal for the children, boys and girls ages nine to stroyed or severely damaged during
Teresa Chowk (Square) in the heart citizens to support the work of the 16, are attending this week’s session the war are littered with unexploded
of Ahmedabad city in Gujarat paid Missionaries of Charity in in the city of Jezzine. All come from ground bombs and lack access to
homage to Mother Teresa on her Ahmedabad and other parts of four war-ravaged villages in south- water and electricity. CRS is provid-
ninth death anniversary. Gujarat. ern Lebanon near the Israeli border. ing ‘return kits’ with tools and repair
Mother Teresa died on the 5th The Missionaries of Charity Although activity-filled days supplies to those whose homes sus-
of September 1997 and the Catholic (formerly known as the Mother cannot erase the trauma of war, the tained only minor damage.
Church throughout the world ob- Teresa Sisters) have ten homes in camp does offer children methods to CRS and its other local partner
serves this day as the Feast of Gujarat, caring for the destitute, the express themselves and an outlet to agency, Caritas Lebanon, provided
“Blessed Teresa of Kolkata”. dying, the orphans, abandoned chil- BEIRUT, Lebanon, September 7, socialize and play far from their dev- emergency aid to nearly 100,000
Mother Teresa epitomized the dren, leprosy and AIDS patients. In 2006—This week Catholic Relief Ser- astated villages. people during the height of the fight-
greatest of human values. Her love the city of Ahmedabad, the Sisters vices (CRS) and its local partner De- “Maybe their houses are de- ing. CRS, a worldwide aid and relief
and compassion touched the lives reach out to the dying destitute and velopment for People and Nature As- stroyed. Maybe even a family mem- agency, has a permanent operation
and the hearts of the poorest of the are always on call to pick up people sociation (DPNA) opened a five-day ber is dead. The main thing is that in Lebanon with a core, international
poor not only in India but all across who are dying in the streets of summer camp to provide psychoso- they can laugh here,” says Farah staff in place to help lead long-term
the world. Ahmedabad. cial support to children in southern Hassouna, a DPNA social worker. recovery and rehabilitation pro-
Speaking on the occasion the The brief Shraddhanjali cer- Lebanon. This is the first of six over- In addition to psychosocial sup- grams. CRS and Caritas Lebanon ex-
Bishop of Ahmedabad Thomas emony ended with the people garland- night youth camps CRS is support- port, CRS continues to distribute pect to reach 50,000 people in 30 vil-
Macwan exhorted those present at ing the bronze statue of Mother Teresa ing. The camps are aimed to help alle- food, water and hygiene kits to thou- lages with continued assistance.
the function to imitate the life of in the Chowk and with floral tributes. viate the psychological impact of the sands of families. Items such as Catholic Relief Services is the offi-
Mother Teresa and to transcend the Both, at the beginning and at the end war on children as they await the start canned meat and tuna fish, canned cial international humanitarian agency
narrow confines of sectarianism. of the ceremony, a beautiful song dedi- of the school year early October. vegetables, salt, jam, cheese, milk of the Catholic community in the United
Former Mayor of Ahmedabad, cated to Mother Teresa was sung by Camp activities include picture- powder, spaghetti, soap, detergent States. The agency provides assistance
Begum Aneesa Mirza, who was in- the Sisters of the Missionaries of Char- drawing to address trauma and con- and shampoo support both displaced to people in 99 countries and territories
strumental in getting the Ahmedabad ity and those present. (Cedric flict-resolution games to foster people and their host families. based on need, regardless of race, na-
Municipal Corporation to declare a Prakash/CBCI News) youth leadership and peace build- More than 250,000 people who tionality or creed. (CRS News)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006 News Feature 3
“WHEN I turned in the passport of “Ours have to be downgraded
one of our priests for re-stamping, the
problem started. We learned from the
Bureau of Immigration that the visa
to tourist visa,” Chudy says. For that,
they will have to pay 35,000 each. The
visa will be good for 60 days.
Missionary Recounts Ordeal in Visa Scam
was fake. So when I was told about In spite of this, Chudy is not com-
the visa being faked I started to doubt plaining. By Pinky Barrientos, FSP
the validity of the others since it is “Once we have the tourist visa,
only one travel agency that is han- then we will be legal again. From that
dling all our visa applications,” says point, we can again apply for 9G visa.
Fr. Carl Chudy, SX, currently the del- But then it takes again three months.
egate superior of the Xavierian com- So, I’m hoping we will have a very
munity in the country. nice Christmas present,” says Chudy
Since 1992 until February 2006, all with a laugh.
visa applications of the SX missionar- “9G missionary visa is pro-
ies had been taken cared of by Do- cessed by the board of special in-
minican Travel Agency, a privately- quiry,” explains Almoro.
owned travel agency that services He said that once the hearing
other religious congregations includ- office, with whom the 9G visa is raffled
ing the Xavierian and the Jesuits. is satisfied that all requirements have
In February this year, Chudy been complied with; it will be included
heard that the agency employee who in the agenda to be approved by the
had been handling the visa process- Commissioners. After if has been
ing of religious congregations was signed by the board of commission-
being investigated by the Bureau of ers, the visa will be approved and
Immigration. The following month, the stamped on the passport.
travel agency informed Chudy that the “When it has to do with mis-
employee was no longer connected sionary visa, it’s fast because there
with the company. Chudy terminated is no more hearing in the board of
the services of the agency that month. special inquiry,” Almoro explains.
Then the problems began. “We merely rely on documents pre-
Chudy found out they were hold- sented. Once you are endorsed by
ing faked visas since 2004. CBCP, it’s faster. I doubt if it takes
“All of us, except one, are hold- three months,” he adds.
ing fake missionary visas. We are 24 On the same day that the CBCP scrapped off the list of corrupt agen- that all business transactions should employee, but he was still active in
here in the Philippines, all foreigners, Monitor came to talk with Chudy, his cies in the latest survey. be done inside the office. his illegal transactions, or so Chudy
and only one has a valid visa because lawyers informed him that the order Nonetheless, he admits there are The Immigration Office has since was informed.
he has not applied yet for a mission- to cancel their fake visas and to ap- unscrupulous people outside the Im- suspended the accreditation of the Now that the threat of deporta-
ary visa in the country,” says Chudy. ply for new ones should come any- migration office who are engaged in travel agency. Their representatives tion is no longer there, Chudy can af-
Missionaries to the Philippines time soon. Chudy is hoping that it devious transactions and often victim- cannot transact business anymore ford to laugh at their situation. He
usually come into the country with a should be out by middle of Septem- ize unsuspecting foreigners through with the Bureau of Immigration. points at his thinning hair and jokingly
tourist visa of up to 60 days. Then ber. He acknowledges that their big misrepresentation. Almoro says it is a The owner of the agency, mean- remarks that he lost a lot of it during
they renew their visas to extend their number also contributes to a slow policy in the Bureau of Immigration time, filed a case against the errant those months of sleepless nights.
stay, after which they would apply processing.
for 9G missionary visa. The visa scam brought un-

Stop patronizing Petron, until it retrieves MT Solar I!

The Xavierian missionaries wanted repercussions not only to
started their Philippine foundation in missionary activities of the priests, but
1990 with the aim of making the Phil- also to their seminarians. The priests
ippines a regional training center for assigned in the parish could not sol-
missionaries in Asia. Chudy’s com- emnize weddings because they are By Msgr. Meliton Oso
munity is an interesting mix of vari- not legal. In the meantime, seminar-
ous nationalities representing Europe, ians studying theology at Loyola
Africa, America and Asia. Chudy, an House of Studies were put on proba- LAST 4 September 2006 we listened to Dr. Rex Baleña other than wait for foreign equipment, a sensible re-
American; was stationed in Africa tion pending issuance of new visas. and Dr. Rodolfo Baldevarona of U.P. Visayas. course is to encircle the spilled oil at the overlying
before coming to the Philippines in Chudy sent a letter of complaint Dr. Rex Baleña impressed on us the urgency of surface and skim or suck it into container vessel.
1994, four years after the congrega- to the owner of travel agency demand- retrieving MT Solar I from under the sea: “It is as if an Containment: Away from the source, the next pri-
tion started their foundation. He ing payment, at least for the process- ecological “nuclear bomb” is threatening to pour out ority is to contain floating oil which, already, maybe
speaks Filipino very well, as many of ing of new visas. But so far, no assur- more oil to the sea.” He calls it “nuclear” to empha- strewn in streaks or patches. By now, many have con-
them do. According to him, the first ance of compensation was given. size that the “damage will not be limited to the present tributed indigenous designs and techniques of how
year of their assignment is spent in Recalling their travails in the past spill but to its aftermath as well.” Anytime, he says, it to do this.
learning the language. Their parish months, Chudy can only sigh with can implode because the pressure on the sunken ves- Field Monitoring: This involves active observa-
work at St. Francis Xavier Parish in relief and gratitude. sel at the depth where it is reported to have sunk is tion, verification, or collection of reports like
Novaliches gives them the opportu- “We were afraid of being de- roughly 70 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level. sightings, accounts, documents, etc. for use in mak-
nity to practice what they learned in ported. That was what we were think- In his interview with Panay News he compared this ing decisions.
language school. ing from the very beginning. How we to “the pressure exerted by the entire weight of a Interactive Experiment: All those in the field can
The thought of getting deported were going to do it. Maybe in rounds fully loaded jeepney on a palm-size area.” altogether perform coordinated experiments that will
and blacklisted, not to mention pay- of four we will leave the country,” Another danger he foresees is the change of the produce knowledge of inestimable value.
ing penalties that could reach to 1.1 Chudy said, adding that they had Plan direction of the wind that is from the south west mon- The Philippine Daily Inquirer in its 17 September
million pesos brought Chudy and his A and Plan B to implement in case of soon or “habagat” to north east monsoon or issue reported the gathering of scientists, at
confreres so many sleepless nights. necessity. “amihan”. This will spread the oil to areas that have Tigbauan, Iloilo, on the same subject matter: the oil
“It’s the first time we encountered He is very thankful to God that not been affected so far specifically to the south and spill. Their concerns coincide with that of Drs.
this, you know. Who can help us? We everything is falling into place. He is west of Guimaras strait Baldevarona and Baleña.
have no information. It’s the first time comforted that the order for the ap- Dr. Rodolfo Baldevarona impressed on us the The scientists “urged authorities to remove as
it’s happening in the history of our con- plication of new visas has been is- toxicity of the bunker fuel oil. According to him, inor- soon as possible the remaining oil from the sunken
gregation. We did not experience it in sued. He noted that the Immigration ganic agricultural chemical inputs are by-products of tanker Solar I.” They likewise fear the onset of the
other countries,” says Chudy. has to issue an order for every step petroleum. Thus, the pesticides, the herbicides are all northeast monsoon (amihan): “This will exacerbate
Chudy did not find out until later they take. by products of petroleum. This truth alone would the situation with regards to the environment, and
that the CBCP Commission on Mu- Having lived and worked in Si- already be enough to picture out to us and convince consequently livelihood and human health.”
tual Relations could have provided erra Leone in Africa, Chudy admits us of the toxicity of the bunker fuel oil. Eating there- As the scientists raised concern over the use of
him some legal help. But he did in- having quite a lot of experience with fore a fish that has ingested toxic material would en- the dispersants, they also insist on the “need for an
form the office of their predicament. corruption. Notwithstanding, he ac- danger in the long run the lives of people. The need objective analysis of the technical aspects of the spill,
Not knowing whom to turn to for knowledges having to struggle with then is for an honest to goodness testing of the wa- its impacts and the responses, and to draw lessons
help, Chudy hired a lawyer who spe- feelings of betrayal and anger because ters and the fishes. He also advised against the use from it.”
cializes in immigration matters. of what happened. of dispersants for this will only contribute to the pol- More than a month has passed since the trag-
Prompted by the Immigration of- “It affects us in a very fundamen- lution of the sea. edy. Recommendations 1, 3, 4, and 5 of Dr. Baleña are
fice, Chudy filed an affidavit to explain tal way,” says Chudy. “You know, we When they were asked as to whether they would being responded to, though not as satisfactorily as
that they are not involved in any could have been deported. So, these eat fish. Dr. Rex Baleña was very clear and to the we want it to be. However, the urgent call of retriev-
wrongdoing. In addition, he also sub- feelings of betrayal, especially, be- point: “I will not!” Until he gets hold of a very scien- ing or recovering the oil seems to have fallen on deaf
mitted photo copies of visas and re- cause we cannot bring the Immigra- tific testing that will prove that it is safe to eat fish, he ear. The “nuclear bomb” is still lying there under the
ceipts of their payment to the travel tion office itself to be answerable to will not eat fish! sea.
agency. He met with Atty. Roy Almoro the problem. Our lawyer told us very This is a very clear warning from somebody who What will force Petron to listen to this urgent call?
of Immigration, who was then the Ex- clearly, he said, if you want to bring understands the sea very well. The local government of Nueva Valencia has re-
ecutive Director. (He has been pro- the Bureau of Immigration to court, What shall we do? portedly filed a case against Petron. While we wel-
moted as associate Commissioner re- you have to take it [all the way] to the In answer to the question, Dr. Rex Baleña sug- come this initiative, I do not believe that bringing
cently.) It was through Almoro’s of- Supreme Court. Well, it will cost us gests the following: RELIEF; RECOVERY; CONTAIN- them to court would make them hear the urgent call to
fice that all visa application and exten- so much.” MENT; MONITORING and INTERACTIVE EXPERI- do recovery mission.
sion are being processed. Upon sug- The people responsible for the MENT. Boycott! Perhaps the court cases together with
gestion of Almoro, the Immigration scam have been removed from the Relief operations: The basic needs of affected our personal contribution to boycott Petron will drive
office waived the order of deportation Bureau of Immigration, Chudy was families is priority. Help may be provided in the form home the message. If we give them zero sales starting
and the order of blacklisting of the for- told. But Chudy is not impressed, of, for example, basic aids, medical missions, CIVAC, this very day, perhaps, they will be forced to do re-
eign missionaries. Commissioner Alipio knowing that the office has the repu- and temporary jobs. covery mission.
Fernandez later signed a recommen- tation of being one of the most cor- Recovery Mission: The first sensible thing to do Thus I urge everyone, stop patronizing Petron!
dation also waiving their penalties rupt agencies. to stop further spill is to remove the source, the Stop patronizing Petron, until it retrieves MT Solar I!
since they are missionaries. However, But Atty. Almoro points out that “nuclear bomb.” If re-floating the tanker is feasible, (Msgr. Meliton Oso is the director of the Social Action Center
they have to pay for all their visas. the Bureau of Immigration has been the magical feat must be done soonest. Meantime of the Archdiocese of Jaro in Iloilo).
CBCP Monitor
4 News Vol. 10 No. 11
September 1 1, 2006

ECHC appeals aid for handicapped, mentally ill

CBCP Hands off in 2007 Polls
EXECUTIVE Secretary of the CBCP country for 30 years helping the hap- Angel Lagdameo, wrote.
Episcopal Commission on Health less and the most destitute Filipinos. He said that making things
Care (ECHC), Fr. Luke Moortgat, “Let us care for the people who worse is the fact that they lack even
CICM, urged the faithful not to for- will never know what day of the week chairs to sit on, tables for their food
get the dire needs of the disabled it is and much more the name of the and beds to sleep on. “All they have
and mentally ill Filipinos and to in- benefactors,” he said. is the floor of their room or cell. A
crease their support for the people Moortgat, a member of the Phil- large number of them are without
he described as “the most forgot- ippine Aid Foundation and head of clothing on laundry days.”
ten.” the Phil-Am Aid Inc., based in the “We are waiting now for the real
“There are about four million United States, asked the faithful even improvement,” Moortgat added.
handicapped people in the country. Filipinos abroad to also come for- A task of utmost importance to
Sadly, they are not cared for prop- ward with donations. the ECHC is the building up of pub-
THE Catholic Bishops’ Confer- many criteria as reference in vot- erly and many people don’t know Though he’s not complaining, lic awareness and involvement for
ence of the Philippines (CBCP) ing the right candidate. how to attend to them,” he said. the priest said having difficulty in the handicapped.
pronounced its usual hands-off So far, he said, no candidate Moortgat—a Belgian priest of getting straight support from able Besides helping the handi-
policy to politicians vying for dif- has come to ask the bishops’ sup- the Congregation of the Immaculate people is a fact. capped directly and physically, the
ferent government positions in port saying it’s too early for cam- Heart of Mary—has been in the Currently, he said, they get their Commission is involved in a continu-
the next year’s election. paigning now. funding from his congregation in the ous campaign to inform and bring
Speaking to reporters, CBCP Manila Archbishop US and from his own family. “Before, about awareness for those with dis-
president Archbishop Angel Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, it was more with some companies but ability.
Lagdameo said the body will not meanwhile, urged wanna-be gov- now it’s practically zero so we have “Our mission is to help those
endorse the candidacy of anyone ernment officials to be real public to look for more sources.” who are in need and for whom we
because it has to remain non-par- servants and not just aim on how “Now that you have food to eat have the least services,” said
tisan. to get a position. and house to live in, do not forget Moortgat.
“Certainly, we will not be The cardinal made the state- the Lord who brought you there,” Among its more visible activi-
supporting any candidate be- ment in a Eucharistic celebration Moortgat also said quoting a line ties is the promotion of the sign lan-
cause we are supposed to be for the newly installed Manila from the Bible as he appealed to Fili- guage in liturgical celebrations and
taken as non-partisan,” he said. Auxiliary Bishop Broderick pinos abroad. its involvement in the celebration of
But the prelate said he would Pabillo at the Manila Cathedral Last February, the Catholic bish- the World Day of the Sick on Febru-
encourage the people to decide, recently. ops also wrote a letter to President ary 11 each year.
whether or not, to vote a particu- “Politicians should learn Arroyo appealing for the improve- It also institutes gatherings, or
lar candidate. from Christ’s example in a sense ment on the treatment and care ser- small congresses, for pastoral health
Lagdameo said that the that He didn’t aim for the glory vices for the mentally ill. care coordinators and handicapped
Church, through its Parish Pas- but for the actual privilege of serv- “In our mental hospitals, most in general, and the deaf in particular
toral Council for Responsible Vot- ing the people,” he said. (CBCP Fr. Luke Moortgat, CICM, Executive Secre- of the thousands of the patients— in collaboration with other organiza-
ing (PPCRV), has already released News) tary of the CBCP Episcopal Commission though not convicted criminals—re- tions that work toward the same
on Health Care (ECHC) ally suffer so much,” CBCP President goals. (CBCP News)

Prison Ministry / from p1 Catholic Schools / from p1

Diyos Prison Ministry Foundation, ECPPC Executive Secretary and Asia’s The indigenous peoples themselves also see de- on harnessing Mindanao’s potential for agri-business,
Inc. on September 8, 1981 to care for Representative for International Com-
velopment aggression as one of the biggest threats but she should be reminded that these are the same
those in prisons. mission of Catholic Prison pastoral they face today. fragile ecologies she is opening to large scale mining,”
“We are committed to the belief care, the anniversary of the ministry is “We call on our national government to hear the Tandag Bishop Nerio Odchimar said.
that man’s life, worth and dignity, and another “happy development”. grievances of the IPS and not let the transnational com- For his part, Dipolog Bishop Jose Manguiran of
potentials are priceless gifts from God,” “Twenty five years later, you are panies encroach our ancestral domains. We appeal to Dipolog stresses how the mining-affected communi-
said Margarita Coscolluela, founder of still going strong, your fierce commit- the national government to heed our plea over the ties are subject to human rights violations and eco-
the group. ments have touched people’s hearts interest of these foreign mining companies,” Gilbert nomic deprivations. “We condemn the way indigenous
Bp. Arigo also noted that, “Your such that they have joined you in your Hoggang, Koalisyon ng mga Katutubong Samahan peoples are being treated as evidenced by the latest
continuing dedication makes us at the battles,” Diamante said. sa Pilipinas (KASAPI) head said. forcible demolitions in the Subanen community of
Catholic Bishops Conference of the The ministry is actively pursuing “With this more aggressive drive to conserve the Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte. These mining compa-
Philippines feel elated. This means that its vision for a better life for the prison culture and the environment, we look forward to the nies violate the IPs’ right to life and to own their lands.”
we have touched the hearts and minds society at large. The only way to make protection and promotion of IP rights as clearly stated Manguiran said.
of many people through you to care sure of its sustainability is to continue in the Indigenous People Rights Acts (IPRA) of 1997,” Bayombong Bishop Ramon Villena also holds the
about the less fortunate brothers and recruiting members for the group who Hoggang added. same view and wants to address the issue to the na-
sisters in prison.” are willing to help the prisoners. (Ma. According to AnthroWatch, a non-government tional government.
According to Rodulfo Diamante, Lourdes Ebilane) organization of researchers whose focus is anthropol- “I urge President Arroyo to reconsider her mining
Fire Destroys / from p1 ogy, indigenous peoples and other marginalized popu- revitalization program as it is in direct contrast to her
lations, only 44 Certificate of Ancestral Domain Titles SONA promises. It has been said time and again how
Flames were shooting out of the The school, built in 1967, is un- (CADTs) were awarded to indigenous communities large-scale mining threatens sustainable livelihoods
roof, soaring 20 feet and higher into der the Diocesan Catholic Schools since 1997. Today, there are more than 200 pending and introduces social displacements and conflicts,”
the air. of La Union. CADT applications in the country and the IPs still he said.
About 4 fire trucks had the blaze Ms. Lourdes Estonactoc, clamor for these titles to be awarded to them. These NGOs, IP groups and the Catholic bishops
under control about 2:30 a.m., though School superintendent, said classes Meanwhile, the bishops continue to stand by its continue to fight the entry of large-scale mining on the
it was still burning. are being held in temporary build- anti-mining position and emphasize that the implemen- belief that these operations pose threats to sustain-
Authorities said the fire was still ings on a public elementary school tation of the Mining Act will certainly destroy envi- able agriculture, community-based development and
intensely raging few minutes after it in Bacnotan. ronment. coastal and fisheries resources, not to mention cul-
was reported. “We are so sad it happened that “President Arroyo says she would pour resources tural conflicts and environmental degradation.
Efforts to bring it under control way,” said San Fernando, La Union
were complicated by high winds, Bishop Artemio Rillera. “It was hard
which pushed the blaze to grow and for us to build it but we lost every-
made it difficult for firefighters to con- thing.” CBCP Head / from p1
trol conflagration. He stressed the need for them that he was expecting and hoping that “This Commission is not unmind- (NASSA) leads the campaign by con-
Investigators are still looking for to immediately work on plans for the the COMELEC would reject the peti- ful of the transcendental importance ducting forums and distribution of
the real cause of the fire but initial students but said the source of fund- tion alleged to be “lacking in credibil- of the people under a system of initia- primers and other campaign materials.
report said “faulty electrical wiring” ing for the rehabilitation is one of ity.” tive,” the decision read. In a recent Pastoral Letter, the
might have caused the accident. the tough problems. “I believe that it was right for the On the plan of the Charter Change Catholic bishops called on the gov-
The new science lab and com- “We have to move fast, look for COMELEC to have rejected this (Cha-Cha) proponents to bring the ernment and the Cha-Cha proponents
puter room facilities and equipments funding and maybe make solicita- people’s initiative,” said Lagdameo. case to the higher tribunal, Lagdameo to address first the confusing issues
which was bought for the current tions,” he said. “We will try our He claimed that from the very be- said Supreme Court should carefully behind the Cha-Cha, and to proceed
academic year, were all destroyed. best.” (Rowena Dalanon) ginning, they (bishops) already have study the case in order to arrive at the with rationality and total transparency
been hearing some manipulations in right decision. concerning the exercise.
Bishop Says / from p1 the process of gathering signatures. “That would be another hurdle Recently, Bishop Reynaldo
“The Church is not happy with is to subvert the general will of the The COMELEC on August 31 de- and something to watch about,” he Evangelista of the diocese of Boac in
the way they manipulate the Consti- people,” he claimed. nied the said Malacañang-backed pe- said. Marinduque presided over one such
tution. And the leadership of Congress Catholic Bishops’ Conference of tition filed by the Sigaw ng Bayan Meanwhile, as the debate on Cha- discussion group in his area.
is the one very interested. I think they the Philippines (CBCP) President Arch- Movement and Union of Local Au- Cha rages on, the CBCP has intensi- Evangelista said that “whatever
have vested interest in the Cha-cha,” bishop Angel Lagdameo earlier said thorities of the Philippines (ULAP). fied its education campaign for the actions we take as a nation, the Church
he said. that amending the Constitution should “We are therefore constrained people to reflect on the various impli- is always behind the people, giving
While trying to be neutral with better be done thru a Constitutional not to entertain or give due course to… cations of constitutional reform. advices and encouraging the flock to
such statement, Arguelles said the Convention, “where the people will the petition,” the COMELEC en banc The CBCP National Secretariat for be mindful of the teachings of Christ
Catholic bishops are not really against elect the members of the convention.” said in its decision. Social Action— Justice and Peace in all its decisions.” (Roy Lagarde)
Cha-cha per se but on the way it is He said that they (bishops) do not
being done. want “incumbent leaders” to convert Anti-gambling / from p1
The bishop said ConAss is “ob- themselves into a constituent assem- deliver the money to the congressmen. erators,” said Cruz. “The Krusadang Bayan Laban sa
viously being forced” not really for the bly. The two Arroyos denied the charge. The prelate also said that most Jueteng can only send its well wishes
benefit of the country but for some “There are many good, capable “The good director should know operators running the STL are the to the good director for his success in
people only. and qualified people who should be in by now that jueteng has long been jueteng capitalists themselves using freeing the country of the greed and
“We are being oligarchic. It is to Constitutional Convention,” he said. the big curse of the poor bettors and it as cover-up to gather jueteng bets avarice of jueteng syndicates—perma-
preserve some people in power. That (CBCP News) the big blessing of its influential op- as well. nently,” he said. (Roy Lagarde)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006 Feature 5
Peace Negotiations in 7 Questions for Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales
Southern Philippines in HIS Eminence, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, who suc-
ceeded Jaime Cardinal Sin in 2003 as archbishop of Ma-

nila, was elevated to the College of Cardinals last Febru-
ary this year, making him the 6th Filipino Cardinal. Ac-
claimed as the founding figure behind the highly success-
ful “Pondo ng Pinoy”, Manila archdiocese’s flagship social
concern program, Cardinal Rosales recently talked to CBCP
Monitor about CBCP’s declaration of social concerns year,
the issue of wayward priests, abortion and family plan-
By Abp. Orlando B. Quevedo, O.M.I., DD ning, sex education for the young, and the secular media.

What can you say about the speak. Yes, there

Catholic Bishops Conference of are also proud
the Philippines’ declaration of priests, and they
2006 as year of social concerns? can never for-
It’s not really surprising be- give others. In
cause the Church, since then, has other words,
always been working for the ame- when you talk
lioration of peoples’ lives, mak- about the humanity of a priest, I’m last that long. And if God is a wise
ing them more human in the light not embarrassed about it. As Christ God and all-knowing God, then
of the Kingdom that the Lord said, “I came not for the strong but He knows that there is already a
Jesus has been preaching. If for the weak.” In other words, Christ solution to it. And the solution is
what is meant by preaching is was already giving us the perspec- when a person becomes respon-
teaching people about God, the tive of how to deal with persons who sible, when spouses know how
holiness of God or the unity of have fallen and yet honest about to say no to themselves, when
God…well, Jesus fortunately their weakness. Christ took our in- spouses know how to control,
talked more than that and acted firmity, our weakness that we may when spouses know discipline
more than that. Aside from liber- be able to encourage and also heal and respect. This is what we must
ating people from ignorance, others. teach people on the issue of fam-
Christ fed the hungry, healed the ily planning and responsible par-
sick, or dressed the naked. In What is your pastoral vision for the enthood.
Philippine Muslim Rebel Chief
Murab Ebrahim © epa/Corbis other words, the Church’s social archdiocese of Manila?
concern runs through the pilgrim Well, first of all, I’m just follow- What’s your take, Your Emi-
road that Christ took during His ing what I’ve done in the past, that nence, on the current controver-
THE “breakdown” of peace negotia- a vision of a Bangsamoro homeland earthly ministry until Calvary and is, in my past pastoral experience of sial issue of sex education teach-
tions is truly disturbing. But it is a blended with realism. But even the resurrection. Along the road, He having handled three dioceses— ing modules reportedly peddled
possibility that I had always kept in use of current historical develop- tried to infuse the ingredients of first in Mindanao, then in Batangas, to high school students in public
mind. The reason? The very reason ments could certainly go against the fuller life. So now, the Church has and now in Manila. In all of these schools?
for the “breakdown” as reported by framework that the GRP has to use. to make a review of itself. In the dioceses, I have always something Yes, it’s true that there are
the MILF and given some clarifica- Hence such problems as territorial Philippines, this review is taken that I should work at and that is a these things, some of which are
tion by the GRP—namely the Philip- contiguity. in the light of the great poverty vision or direction. You see, I have offensive—verbally or graphi-
pine Constitution. In the past two I would not be surprised if the that has been enveloping our always espoused the axiom that “no cally, that are reportedly circulated
years I have asked myself the ques- discussion on charter change would people. man can live without a vision”. If he in some schools. I think, certain
tion: How will the GRP understand take on an added issue—the Con- does then without a vision, then he decency, certain sanctity, must be
the problem of ancestral domain? The stitution and the concept of ances- How is the clergy in the archdio- is betraying. Now, particularly in exercised. A little reverence for the
answer that always comes to my tral domain in the light of peace ne- cese? Manila, we have our so-called human body, for womanhood,
mind—within the framework of the gotiations and in the light of histori- First, we are not as many as MAGPAS (or Manila Archdiocesan and even manhood, should be
Constitution. After all, the Executive cal and current developments re- before because, as you are well General Pastoral Assembly). observed. The bishops are just
Branch has to have the Legislative garding territories. aware of, the archdiocese was di- Through it, we have already articu- re-echoing the position of the
Branch approve an “agreement” What is certainly needed by vided 3 years ago into six. Sec- lated our vision of “fullness of life”, Church that sex education is re-
reached with the MILF. And on what both sides is what Chairman Murad ond, when you are less in num- a vision that we have discussed and ally the turf of parents. But, let’s
basis will Congress approve the has also so aptly described as “cre- ber, you have to execute through shared with our parishioners. Let me be truthful about it. In our cul-
agreement? On the basis of the Con- ativity” in resolving the issue. I be- a more variable or more practi- roughly state our vision, it says, ture, very few parents would be
stitution. Thus, the GRP is stuck with lieve this “creative” way is incum- cable pastoral ministry. Third, “we’re a people called by the Father able to sit down comfortably with
what Chairman Murad of the MILF bent on BOTH parties. Hence a there should also be a proper kind in Jesus Christ to become a commu- their children, daughters and
describes very aptly as “in the box” pause in the negotiations (not nec- of planning. This means that nity of persons, with fullness of life, sons, to talk about sex. Not be-
mentality. But I guess this basic pre- essarily a breakdown) is imperative— shepherding must follow a cer- witnessing to the kingdom of God cause of ill will but because of lack
occupation with the Constitution is for the negotiators to go back to their tain direction or vision. And I have while living the paschal mystery in of proper education or training on
part of the democratic process. Fun- principals and ask the question: How always said that it’s impossible the power of the Holy spirit with the part of the parents them-
damentally then, no matter who is at can our group more creatively push to lead without a vision. Mary as our companion”. selves. What do we do now? It
the helm of the GRP (FVR, Erap, Ar- the discussion forward and not re- Shepherding or leadership with- was suggested that some parents
royo or her successor) would inevi- main “in the box” of our set perspec- out a vision is treason. I’ve al- Some government experts recently who are capable will have to teach
tably have to grapple with that issue. tive and position? The answer I dare ways said that. In other words, claimed that birthrate in the coun- their children and those parents
It is not a matter of personalities as say is a converging move towards a when you talk about the clergy try has dramatically dropped not due who are not capable or who do
some critics seem to think. It is a mat- middle ground, which is only arrived being less in number, you resort to family planning practices but be- not know how to begin with will
ter of one normative document for a at by way of a reciprocal “give and to practicality—in planning or in cause of the surging incidence of have to get some instruction or
democracy—a Constitution. take” dynamic. This is why the peace processing—because you have abortion. What do you say about help from other parents. In other
On the other hand, how does talks are called “negotiations.” less to deal with. And, in our case, this? words, parents would be teach-
the MILF look at the issue of ances- The views of a third party— my priests could easily assimilate If it is true, you know, we can- ing other parents. So, we are not
tral domain? Naturally on the basis constituted by civil society—could or relate to what is being pre- not go away with crime. Abortion is really at a loss. But, please, let us
of historical and current develop- put some light on the present im- sented according to our vision. a criminal act, it’s the killing of an treat the human person or the
ments. The injection of current his- passe. Somewhere out there are cre- Thank God, our priests under- innocent. If that were the reason for human body with reverence.
tory into the issue of territory is one ative ideas to help both sides get out stand what we’re doing in terms the downtrend in birthrate, then it is
of the things I admired in the vision of the box. Could such a group come of our direction, identity and pro- really a criminal record in the Philip- What do you think about the re-
of the late Chairman Salamat. His had together to provide a breakthrough? cess on how we must pursue with pines, being a predominantly Chris- lationship between the Church
our vision. tian nation. It’s not something to be and secular media?
happy about. With regards to the Well, the media is good in a | | +632 4041612, 4042182

The CBCPWorld Network

Your Eminence, presumably you issue of family planning, I think the sense that they are reporting. But
have no problems with regards church will not change its position there’s a lot to be desired. Some-
to wayward priests? on family planning or responsible times, their reporting is not really
A network of Dioceses, Parishes, Catholic Schools and [Laughs] Oh, well, I’m not parenthood because the Church that balanced in the sense that
religious groups. Today, over a hundred of them nation- embarrassed when I’m asked knows very well of the teaching of they infuse their own interpreta-
wide. Pursuing one mission, linked under one nationwide with questions like that. You’re Jesus Christ to respect life, and if tion of the news, if not some sort
satellite system. Connected together with the same pas- talking about the humanity of the there is any problem regarding popu- of ‘editorializing’ of what is sup-
sion for the Gospel. priest. Some people would think lation, believe me, God knows that posedly straight news. I think,
that a priest, after having been even before we were born. Before that should belong to the editor,
Our Broadband Connectivity is delivered to our network ordained, has already lost his creating us, Yahweh knew when He and not for the reporter to do.
members through a VSAT system on a C-band or through humanity in a sense that he will said, “let us make man to our image What is important rather is that
a wireless IP system on a microwave platform, originat- not be tempted or that he will no and likeness”. He knew that one day, reporters or news writers should
ing from our network operations center in Clark Special longer have the sexual urge. I like now in 2006, there will be many simply report exactly what hap-
Economic Zone in Angeles City. think they’re completely wrong. people, there will be problems in pened and avoid editorializing
Our Content Department aims at saturating the cyberspace A priest who, let’s say, is weak food, housing, education, basic ser- their news. For instance, some
and has recovered from that vices, etc. It’s impossible to think reporters would ask leading ques-
with wholesome contents that are faith-related, educa-
tional and social-advocacy oriented. Its services are: web weakness would be more com- that God is not aware of it. Other- tions in order to get perhaps the
passionate, more understanding, wise, he is not a God I believe in, a kind of answers they would like
designing, web maintenance, web hosting, content
sourcing and editing, and video production. or more forgiving to his fellow- God who does not know what will to get. In other words, it seems
man. This makes the difference happen in 2006. My God knows what that they already have some kind
from those who have not fallen, will happen even in 2099 or 3000, of biased assumption even before
Our Traning Department conducts the following trainings: or those ‘proud priests’, so to 5000, or 7000, that is if the world will the interview.
EdTech, IT Awareness, WebArt, SysAd Training.
CBCP Monitor
6 Opinion Vol. 10 No. 11
September 1 1, 2006


The Oil Spill and Socio-

Political Ills
IT is now over a month since MT Solar I sank bursting
with 2.1 million liters of bunker oil along Panay Gulf,
some 24 kilometers southwest of the island of
Guimaras. So far, nothing of substantial consequence
has been done yet by both the government and Petron,
who hired the ailing ship of Sunshine Maritime
Development Corp., to transport its oil to Zamboanga.

The only thing done by the President was declare

a state of emergency. But nothing of emergency
import was heard so far after the declaration. The
Presidential Adviser for Western Visayas Rafael
Cosculluela has since kept assuring everybody that
the government is committed to remove the sunken
bunker fuel at the ill-fated MT Solar I. But that is as
far as words can go. Defense Secretary Avelino
Cruz, Jr., who heads the Task Force Guimaras, also
promised that the operation to siphon off the large
bulk of the oil inside the sunken tanker will commence
in four weeks. And we are still counting.

In the meantime, over a thousand individuals from

affected areas have already been evacuated.
Reportedly, with 120 liters a day gushing from the
tanker, the spill has already contaminated 240 kms of
Guimaras coast, 1,000 hectares of marine reserve,
60 hectares of seaweed plantation, not to mention
Abp. Angel N. Lagdameo, DD
The Challenges of
the displacement of over a thousand people whose
health and livelihood depend on the integrity of the In and Out of Season Filipino Diaspora
marine environment.
I could not believe, but the phenomenon helpers. In Italy, only one half of the more their salaries and/or travel documents
There is no arguing that the oil spill in Guimaras is is true that Filipino OFWs or migrants than 1 million Filipinos are listed; the same unjustly withheld? How many of them,
so serious and urgent. But the government may be compose 10% or 8 million out of a total 80 is said of the 1 million in Japan. These mostly women, are abused, assaulted or
attending to equally if not more serious socio-political million. This “diasporic community” of few examples are only a portion of the sexually harassed by employers? How
spill hounding its very foundations. The seemingly Filipino migrants are in 193 countries out migrant Filipinos we find present from many of them suffer the pain of isolation,
obssessive move to change the Constitution literally at of the 224 UN-registered countries in the America to Asia, from Africa to Oceania, alienation and discrimination? And need
all cost and at a very self-serving mode such as the world. We can almost say that there is no from Russia to Australia and also from we talk about the innumerable cases of
people’s intitiative or constitutional assembly may spill a country on the face of the earth in which Jordan to Saipan. broken families and conjugal infidelities?
more disastrous social consequence than the destruction there is no Filipino; if there is, probably Add to this phenomenon of global These are far from being considered
of marine life. the Filipino in that country has not yet migration of Filipinos is the quality of the problems of the State which is simply bent
been registered of has no travel document. new OFWs. We are exporting not only on sending them as “super domestic help-
To cite some statistics of diasporic housekeepers and domestic helpers but ers” because they bring in to our coun-
The palliatives harnessed in containing Filipinos: 85,000 Filipinos yearly migrate also, contributing to the phenomenon of try between 10 to 12 billion dollars to help
frustratingly the toxic bunker oil splattered heavily in to the United States to be added to the brain drain, skilled workers, doctors, ac- our local economy. And so we say these
the Panay Gulf sadly reflects the very palliatives used more than 4 million who are already there countants, nurses, engineers, etc. This are problems of the Church, the sending
by the present dispensation in addressing deepseated with documents. Two million Filipinos phenomenon is not without problems Church. These are one aspect or the chal-
socio-political ills besetting the country today. But have already made the Middle East their both for the migrants and the families lenges of the Filipino diaspora. (I hope
changing the Charter in order to arrest the problem home. Would you believe that 30% of they temporarily leave behind. They be- you have discovered some answers to
of cheating during elections or to curb endemic the entire population of Malaysia, that is come part of our social concern. How these concerns and at least discussed
corruption in government or to stop the killings of 900,000 are Filipinos? Of the 140,000 in many of them are made to suffer because how to address them).
journalists and activists or to refloat a plummeting Hong Kong, majority are Pinay domestic they are deprived of employment rights,
In and Out / P12
economy is too much of a palliative. Think about
political survival and greed.
Bp. Leonardo Y. Medroso, JCD, DD
The best remedy of course, is to remove the MT
Solar I from the bottom of the sea or to siphon the oil Tidbits National Laity Week
till the last drop the soonest.

And so maybe in the case of prevailing socio- LAIKO, the Secretariat that guides and nity radiated by love in not limited to our Terse words yet the import of the
political spill. But how do you do that? promotes lay apostolate in the Philip- pastors, nuns and religious as well. All Canon 227 provision is worth noting.
pines, to celebrate the National Laity of us [that is, the lay faithful], born out of First, it empowers each of the lay faithful
Week running from September 24 to Oc- love, generated from love, have been the right to act in secular life on his own
tober 1, 2006, is coming up with modest called to actively work for the creation of initiative and to assume full responsibility
yet well-designed and functional pro- heaven in our midst where love, peace, in temporal affairs, without involving the
ISSN 1908-2940
gram of activities. It has chosen love as unity and understanding prevail.” With Church in his decisions nor claiming that

CBCP Monitor
the theme expressing it in a more specific these words, the lay faithful, wittingly or his own personal opinions as if they were
way with this caption: “Building a cul- unwittingly, defines artistically the iden- the teaching of the Church. Secondly, in
ture of love.” This is a response, so it tity and mission of the lay faithful. temporal matters the lay faithful are de-
deftly explains, to the sorry “heartbreak- Sanctifying the temporal realities, clared autonomous, independent to the
P r o ta g o n i s t of T ruth, Promoter of Peace
ing events that unfold before us every- leavening the world with Gospel values, governance of the Church’s Hierarchy.
day brought about by the seeming ha- building up in the here and now commu- Needless to say secular affairs as such
Pedro C. Quitorio Pinky Barrientos, FSP tred and apathy between men that nity of men and women a culture of love , are not within the jurisdictional authority
Editor-in-Chief Production Manager seemed to paint in us a dark future, a re- is the mission proper to the lay faithful. of the Church. The Church has to respect
mote possibility of establishing a civili- This is their exclusive domain recognized their laws, proper values, their autonomy.
Baltazar R. Acebedo Marcelo T. Dalanon zation of love in our midst”. by the Church law when it attributes to Hence, the lay faithful who are specifically
Managing Editor Circulation Manager For me the week long activity may the lay faithful the right as well as the duty called to engage in these secular affairs of
come and go just like that, a thick mist to freedom in temporal affairs. The Code society have that right to conduct these
Dennis B. Dayao Ma. Lourdes G. Ebilane that for a while is there, but without a provides: “To lay members of Christ’s faith- activities in freedom (whether in politics,
On-Line Editor Marketing Supervisor
moment’s notice is gone. What matters ful belongs the right to have acknowl- the family, office, places of work). Oscar
Roy Q. Lagarde Leah Cariaso to me though is the full confidence and edged as theirs that freedom in secular Cruz, the incumbent archbishop of
News Editor Comptroller poise that the lay faithful have been de- affairs which is common to all citizens. In Lingayen-Dagupan, expressed this free-
veloping through the years. This is using this freedom, however, they are to dom from the hierarchy in these words:
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP clearly shown in the way they put up this ensure that their actions are permeated “The Laity does not need any authoriza-
Communications Development Foundation, Inc., with week long program. It has maturity and with the spirit of the Gospel, and they are tion, much less any permission from the
Layout by Mark Front

editorial and business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., class. For me its strong message is to heed the teaching of the Church pro- competent Church authority to engage
Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. Edito-
rial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.
couched in the small letters found in the posed by the magisterium, but they must themselves in social transformation work,
Email: Website: printed leaflets that they sent to the dio- be on guard, in questions of opinion, considering precisely that such an en- ceses in the Philippines. It states: “The against proposing their own view as the gagement is their own calling from no one
call to transform this world as a commu- teaching of the Church” (Can. 227). Tidbits / P12
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006 Opinion 7
Ambassador Henrietta T. de Villa
Happiness Pure and Jose B. Lugay

Faith and F ir
iree Simple Laik
Laikoo Lampstand
WE were at the wake of Monet, wife of
General Renato de Villa. Many expressed
we can’t keep secret in our heart. It has
to be shouted out from the highest hills
Ma, I am shocked, he is so good … he
sings like a professional. Then Bishop Fondacio—Christians
for the World
relief that the battle she waged against that this is HE … this is what we were all sang Starry Starry Night, and my hus-
cancer for close to seventeen years is waiting for. band who doesn’t get impressed so eas-
over, and she is now at rest. All felt the I remember a few lines written by ily, reached for my hand and whispered:
violence of pain Renato staunchly bore, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English He is magnificent. I have long stopped
for all knew how Monet was his happi- poet… wondering what else is there that Bishop ORIGINALLY, the lay missionary community was called
ness. What if you slept, and what if in Chito Tagle can’t do. Christians for the World. When Fondacio celebrated its
What is happiness? If happiness your sleep you dreamed, and But what touched my heart most 25th anniversary last May, only then did I know that the
can be gone at the death of a beloved, or what if in your dream you went were the 32 priests of Imus diocese— two organizations were one and the same. Fondacio is an
at the loss of a cherished possession, to heaven and there plucked unknowns outside their parishes, espe- international Christian community engaged at the service
what happens then to the rest of our a strange and beautiful flower, cially here in high end San Lorenzo Vil- of the world. It is a private association of the lay faithful by
lives? For without happiness we are like and what if when you woke up lage. They were there on stage crooning diocesan right. Working with the Holy See, through the
dead men walking. you had the flower in your their lungs out, dancing with abandon, Pontifical Council of the Laity, the approval for pontifical
Pope Benedict XVI quoting St. Au- hand? Ah, what then? as if saying to all who cared to listen: We status is in progress.
gustine said: The inmost heart of the Would you have thought of God … are priests, flesh and blood like you … The mission of Fondacio according to its charter is
human will is the will for happiness. Ev- the benevolent Father who created that hurting the same way as you … delight- “to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ to all, thus
erything a man does or allows to happen flower? Would the folly of Jesus loving ing in the same things as you … getting contributing, to the transformation of the human family
to him can, ultimately, be derived from you to the Cross be imprinted in that tired like most of you … not having all from the inside, to its restoration. At the same time, with
his will to be happy. And St. Augustine flower? Would the gift of that flower re- the answers you expect from us … but all the misery and poverty that fetters a large part of
continues to describe how when the heart mind you of an even greater gift—the we are here for you. And as I watched humanity today, announcing the good news cannot be
comes in contact with God’s Word who Spirit who makes all things bright and the good Bishop and his good priests in limited to a simple sharing of the scripture and of prayer.
became man, there is an explosion of love. beautiful? Are you still excited about God? Buhay n Amen, for a moment what I could Fondacio promotes an effective solidarity and develops
The moment God touches our heart, it is Two weeks ago, my husband and I, hear, and see, and touch was the Eucha- certain actions to improve the living standards of those
only then that we begin to exist. And such together with our daughter Maricor, went rist … this is my body, broken and shared who need.” Fondacio’s pedagogy is based on experience
is our faith. It is not a lofty set of doc- to a concert at the newly built Mother for you … this is my blood poured out to and listening.
trines or a cold code of beliefs. Faith is a Rose auditorium in Assumption College. save you. The members regularly meet for prayer, dialogue, for-
Person—a Person who lives … and who The Concert, featuring the Imus Clergy This was happiness for them and for mation and action. Their focus is on the person as a whole—
lives in us, and in our now moments. around their multi-talented Bishop Chito all of us in that Mother Rose Hall—ang body and spirit, emotions, reasoning, family and profes-
Faith is a Person, CHRIST, who makes Tagle, was entitiled: Buhay n Amen. As buhay namin ay si Kristo (our life is sional life. Similar to the Christian Family Movement, they
incarnate for us God who is LOVE. This she listened to Bishop Chito singing The Christ)! The priests, the Bishop and us involve the youth, couples, families, seniors and leaders
LOVE, the fulfillment of our happiness, Warrior is a Child, my daughter gasped: still excited about God. of society. What makes them unique is their reaching out
to the poor and marginalized with the end in view of mak-
ing them worthy members of Fondacio.
The French President of the organization, Monsieur
Security and Melo M. Acuna Gerard Testard came to the Philippines for the 25th Anni-
versary celebration. He opened Fondacio’s first Asian
Issues and Concerns
Development Congress with the theme, “One Community in Mission”
last May 4, 2006 as a fitting activity to the celebration..
This was attended by a total of 93 delegates and guests
coming from seven Asian and two European countries.
TIME and again we’ve heard of gov- officers and men. It may be surprising gram and other livelihood packages.
ernment officials saying the country’s to note we have some 52,748 paramili- We’ve heard of CAFGUs who have gone Fondacio Philippines welcomed the delegates with the
famous hospitality and friendliness of the Filipinos.
insurgency would come to its end be- tary troopers known as Citizens Armed on AWOL. Governors and mayors rec-
cause of aggressive internal security Forces Geographical Units (CAFGU) ommend their bodyguards to the oper- On the same occasion, was the launching of the Cen-
ter for Formation presently housed in the Claret Retreat
operations and development programs which are under the operational control ating troops and get their respective ap-
in the countryside. of Philippine Army brigades. pointments as CAFGUs thereby legiti- House in Sanville Subdivision, Quezon City. The blessing
was officiated by Msgr. Antonio Mortillero, Vicar General
AFP Chief of Staff General Some say our CAFGUs are indeed mizing firearms possession.
Hermogenes Esperon said the military “front acts” in these 37 years of guerilla CAFGUs sponsored by politicians of the Diocese of Cubao. The first students are the follow-
ing: Myanmar: a) Agnes Mary, b) Monica Ei Ei Lwin, c)
will accomplish its mission to neutralize warfare. They can be likened to our Phil- may not render military duties as they
the communist guerillas before Presi- ippine Scouts in Bataan and Corregidor. are with their respective handlers Cecilia Now San Yin Aye, d) Roger Thia Kyaw, e) David
Salai Thant Zin Oi, f) John Toe Naing; Malaysia: g) Lucy
dent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ends her Let’s take a long, hard look at the thereby reducing the military’s and
term by 2010. In fact, Esperon said armed CAFGUs known during the Martial Law paramilitary’s presence in the country- Gumek, h) Mary Magdalene Chin Yoke Ying; Laos: h}
Thongmany Keosavang, i) Teuanechai Sayabuon, j)
forces already have a timetable to neu- years as Barangay Self Defense Units side.
tralize the NPA so that the Philippine and later as CHDFs or Community Home Civilian Active Auxiliaries are sub- Xaypanya Lattana; Philippines: k) Jonathan O. Rabal, l)
Ladrick Malulan, m) Nestor Caranog. The course includes
National Police could handle the insur- Defense Forces. From Camp jected to 12 weeks basic military train-
gents without any military support. Aguinaldo’s J – 3, down to the area com- ing where they are taught basic soldiery. 350 hours of Theology and Bible subjects offered by the
St. Vincent School of Theology at Tandang Sora. Quezon
One need not be a degree holder in mands to divisions and brigades and After sometime, they undergo 24 days
National Security to project whether battalions, the military maintains the so- refresher training. City, and 800 hours of Modules in Human, Spiritual, Pasto-
ral/Community, and Social/Professional formation by
such a goal would be achieved. One called chain of command on the para- These paramilitary operatives re-
has to know his own strengths and military operatives. It is through this ceive P60.00 subsistence allowance per Fondacio Asia. In addition to this, are the Practicum and
Immersion in Community Life. The formators are: Philip-
weaknesses as well as opportunities and channel they receive their subsistence day. It’s simply P 3,164,880.00 per day
threats and assess what he has in his allowances and equipage. or over P 2 billion a year. We’re not pines: a) Marcial Lou “Mario” Agtarap, b) Leah Tolentino,
and c) Julito “Bong” Garces”; Malaysia: d) Alice Tan Pei
arsenal. CAFGUs are recruited through the even talking about the CAFGUs equi-
The New People’s Army, formed in effective Special Operations and Tactics page from firearms to uniforms and gears Pei, and e) Teresa S. Arokiasamy. Hopefully the graduates
March 29, 1969, still wields influence in seminars where villagers are taught the will be the future lay leaders of their respective countries.
issued them.
some parts of the countryside. The evils of communism and basic informa- This amount would go a long way in This will be a fulfillment of Fondacio’s vision: “New lead-
Armed Forces of the Philippines has a tion about NPA sympathizers are re- ers and communities for a renewed Asian Church and
igniting countryside development
strength of anywhere between 113 - vealed. Some villagers would opt to join through accessible credit, establishment society”
115,000 officers and men. The Philip- the paramilitary units. It is common to Carol Daria and Josie Tey were sent by the Commu-
of medical facilities, school buildings with
pine National Police has 118,000 person- hear some NPAs would decide to lay complementary staff and even land ac- nity, as the first Asian lay missionaries of Fondacio to
nel. The Philippine Coast Guard, which down their arms and begin new lives by Myanmar. Carol Daria, Filipina, a graduate in Masters in
quisition. We could also go back to the
has ceased to be part of the Armed being CAFGUs. A number of guerillas basic requirements of soldiery by boost- Industrial Relations, after a vow of permanent commit-
Issues and Concerns / P12
ment, gave up her job as a human resource management
Forces, has a complement of over 4,000 have considered the Balik-Baril pro-
consultant and trainer to serve the Archdiocese of Yangon
under the guidance of Archbishop Charles Bo, President
of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar. The
Oscar V. Cruz, DD
The Magic of Charter Myanmar students and seminarians realize the great con-
tribution that they are giving as lay leaders and formators.
V ie ws and P
iews oints
Points Change
The process of converting a Fondacio member to
become a lay missionary starts with a long term commit-
ment to serve Fondacio’s vision and mission. Eight Filipi-
nos—three couples and two singles have been meeting
CHEATING, lying and stealing would be national blessings are also fervently pre- for charter change remains suspect in since 2005, to understand and discern, both individually
open atrocities of the past. Poverty and dicted: there would be socio-political honesty and integrity. Those singing the and as a group, the new call in their lives. They also spent
hunger would be gone for good. Employ- unity productive of national peace and praises of charter change are not alto- time for orientation with Madame Marie Madeleine Testard,
ment would be abundant and the prosperity. Public office would be truly a gether free of personal interests and ul- in charge of Long Term Commitment in Fondacio, last Feb-
economy would bloom. There would be public trust. Public welfare would be real terior motives. The much acclaimed ruary 2006. The eight who professed were Becky and Bong
education for all. No woman or child government priority. Public funds would “People’s Initiative” is anything but the Garces, Betty and Manny San Luis, Elvie and Chill Salaver,
would ever be again exploited. Disregard be duly accounted to the tax paying pub- people taking the initiative. And in case Norma Manalili and Baby Ramirez. I know most of them
for human dignity, violation of human lic. The political community would be at this “People’s” approach does not work, because Betty Lugay San Luis is my daughter. It is a
rights and waste of human lives would the service of the civil community. The the “Constituent Assembly” by, of and happy moment when a Father realizes that a daughter has
be but a bad dream. In short, now it can ordinary citizens would no longer be ex- for those now precisely in tenure of followed the footsteps of her parents. I and my wife dedi-
be said with sanity and truth: charter pected to bow in awe and subservience power, is already being contemplated and cated many years of our lives in the service of the Chris-
change would make the Philippines an before their powerful local and national arranged. tian Family Movement. It is the family evangelization pro-
enchanted kingdom—with super regions political leaders. In other words, with Something must be wrong some- cess which the whole family undertook that has made its
due to super governance that would no charter change, this country would be where in all this intense craving of the mark on us and on our children. I pray that they will be
longer need to sell super maids to for- veritable heaven and earth! present officialdom for a charter change— rewarded with a happy married life in the same way that my
eign countries. Really? no matter the means, whatever the costs. wife and I spent 38 years of our lives happily together.
With charter change, the following The National Leadership pushing Views and Points / P12
CBCP Monitor
8 CBCP Commissions Vol. 10 No. 11
September 1 1, 2006

Episcopal Commission on Canon Law (ECCL) • That CLSP will now hold office at
the CBCP.
in their respective regions for socials,
conferences, updating consulta-
In a posterior meeting between tions, etc.”
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso Bishop Leonardo Medroso and At present there are 246 canon
Msgr. Vic Rivas, not only were the lawyers in the Philippines as far as
proposals accepted but the role of the latest listing is concerned. There
CLSP was increased to provide per- could be more since every year there
sonnel and expertise to the ECCL, is a steady influx of new graduates
by attending to referrals and inquir- from the UST Faculty of Canon Law
ies directed to the Commission. and other canon law schools in
Rome, Spain and elsewhere. Not all
Looking forward: Projections of them are members of CLSP.
and Challenges Only 137 have enrolled in CLSP,
so far. In fact, not all of these 137 are
While we look proudly at the actively involved with the Society’s
achievements and gains of the programs and projects. There is a
CLSP in its short existence, we ea- need for members to play an active
gerly look forward to how it can role in CLSP, and to reach out to those
strengthen itself more in order for it who have not enrolled yet to do the
to better serve the Church. Slowly same. Regional and sub-regional
but surely, if CLSP has to achieve conferences can do much to initiate
the aims that define its very exist- those who are non-members to take
ence, it has to pursue the projects interest in and join the Society, and
already initiated and to take up new to sustain members’ interest and ac-
ones as needs arise. tive participation in the concerns and
In the first four years of its ex- programs of the Society. It is in the
istence, CLSP struggled to be alive. area of shared responsibility that our
It underwent and experienced regional vice presidents can truly
THE Episcopal Commission on rently, Bishop Leonardo Medroso. the relationship of the Society with
growth pains. It needed delicate help in the increase of membership
Canon Law (ECCL) was organized in Its relationship with the Canon the ECCL have been raised, as well
care and attention. This was the task and in strengthening of the
order to give a rightful place to the Law Society of the Philippines be- as its access to the CBCP. Those
that the first president, Msgr. Gene Society’s internal organization.
laws of the Church in its task of tak- gan when the latter was founded in questions have surfaced now and
Velarde, put himself to. At the end Perhaps, one very crucial ques-
ing care of the Lord’s flock in the 1993. One of CLSP’s founding fa- then during conventions and con-
of his two-term presidency, CLSP tion that each and every member of
Philippines. thers was the late Archbishop Sal- ferences, perchance inchoately at
was no longer a tottering infant but the CLSP will have to ask himself is
According to the Catholic Bish- vador who was then ECCL Chair- first but lately gaining clarity. As ar-
a grown-up, standing tall and ready this: As an individual member, what
ops’ Conference of the Philippines man. Together with Archbishop Os- ticulated, the question went this way:
to take its place in the life of the can I do for the Society? The gains
(CBCP) Constitution and By-laws, it car V. Cruz and other canon lawyers- What is our role as society with re-
Church. that one can have by becoming a
is the commission tasked to do stud- bishops, Archbishop Salvador gards to the CBCP in general and to
Msgr. Vic Rivas, the second CLSP member have already been
ies and make recommendations to worked hard to have the society rec- the ECCL in particular?
president, early on in his incumbency pointed out and proven in concrete.
the CBCP about matters which per- ognized and approved by the CBCP. This was one of the burning is-
clearly charted the direction that It is now time for everybody to think
tain to canon law; to promote and When the late Archbishop sues that the 1999 national conven-
CLSP had to pursue: about what he can
organize updating seminars on Piamonte became its chairman, he tion of CLSP in Iloilo had to deal with.
“We will con- contribute for the
Canon Law for bishops, priests, reli- challenged the CLSP to do certain After a lengthy discussion and
tinue to respond to good of CLSP and for
gious and laity; to assist dioceses in tasks, which were basically tasks of deliberation on the floor, the conven-
requests of Bishops the good of the
preparing personnel for the chan- the ECCL. He also appointed then tion plenum made the following pro-
for the updating of Church.
cery, for the matrimonial tribunal, CLSP President, Msgr. Gene Velarde, posals:
and; in general to look after canoni- to be the ECCL’s Executive Secretary. their clergy and lay
• That the CLSP make itself available Conclusion
cal matters. But that was how far things and to render service to the CBCP; leaders on Canon
Starting as a committee in 1958, situations went. Although there was Law. Likewise, we will
• That the CLSP become the Secre-
it was raised to a commission when a certain relationship between the tariat of the ECCL Executive Sec- facilitate and conduct The history of
after Vatican II the Pontifical Com- training of parish sec- CLSP is not a done
CLSP and the ECCL, such a relation- retary;
mission to revise the 1917 Code of ship was characterized by unease • That the CLSP President be avail- retaries and Church thing. In fact, it is still
Canon Law was established. It personnel for an ef- history in the making.
and awkwardness because, precisely able for appointment as ECCL Ex-
counted among its chairmen Arch- it was felt that, that relationship was ecutive Secretary; fective management Only time can tell
bishop Francisco Mabutas, Arch- of chanceries and par- whether it will be able
unclear, undefined, never formalized • That the CLSP be given office space
bishop Manuel Salvador, Arch- and remained tenuous. at the CBCP for easy access and ish offices. More sig- to fulfill faithfully the
bishop Alberto Piamonte, and, cur- nificantly, we will as- mission it has set out
Time and again, questions about availability to the ECCL;
• That while serving the CBCP as an sist dioceses to orga- to do in the service
arm especially in matters canoni- nize their Marriage of the Church.
Members of the Episcopal Commission on Canon Law cal, the CLSP maintains its au-
tonomy and dignity as a society.
Tribunals either at the
diocesan or
Eventually, it will
redound to each and
The president sent a letter that archdiocesan levels.” every member, acting
Chairman outlined these proposals to the “In view of fore- individually and col-
Bp. Leonardo Y. Medroso. DD CBCP before its July 1999 meeting. going commitments, lectively, to
The response from the CBCP was we need to profession- strengthen CLSP or-
positive. In a letter sent to the CLSP alize our membership ganizationally; to
Bp. Nereo P. Odchimar, DD as we promote a bet- perform tasks for it to
President, the newly appointed Chair-
Members man of the ECCL, Bishop Leonardo ter understanding of achieve its programs
Bp. Emilio Z. Marquez, DD Church law and its and projects; to pro-
Medroso, DD, accepted the propos-
Bp. Jacinto A. Jose, DD
als, to wit: pastoral application. mote, protect, and
Bp. Francisco C. San Diego, DD Accordingly, it was honor it with commit-
Abp. Oscar V. Cruz, DD • That the CLSP become the secre-
tariat of the ECCL; decided that the three ment and fidelity;
Executive Secretary CLSP vice presidents and, to renew it by
• That the CLSP President become
Msgr. Romulo Vergara, JCD ex-officio the Executive Secretary will hold periodic continually renewing
meetings of members themselves.
of the ECCL; and

The Canon Law Society of This Association has the fol- observations and proposals bunal Staff from differenct dio- CANON LAW
the Philippines lowing purposes: (1) to render among the members and with the ceses, it is the largest conven- DOCUMENTATION SERVICE
pastoral service to the Christian other Canon Law Societies. tion in CLSP history! Kudos to
THE Canon Law Society Faithful through Canon Law; (2) Members are of three types: Msgr. James Contreras and the The CLSP Secretariat is
of the Philippines (CLSP) is a to promote the on-going study (1) Principal Members are those San Pablo clergy for a splendid pleased to announce that
non-stock and non-profit, na- of, and research in canonical who have Doctorate or Licenti- organization, and our heartfelt CLSP Members can now re-
tional, public juridical person science and allied sciences to- ate in Canon Law; (2) Associate gratitude to Bp. Leo Drona for quest for documentation on
in the Church, established wards fostering the knowledge Members are those who have hosting the affair. specific canons of the Code
with the approval of the Catho- and practice of Canon Law; (3) Baccalaureate or practical exper- of Canon Law. This shall con-
lic Bishops’ Conference of the to facilitate the interchange of tise in Canon Law; and (3) Hon- sist of scanned pages of the
Philippines. canonical findings and opinions, orary Members are those who Cebu City 2007 Venue of CLSP University of Navarre, Ex-
have outstanding interest in the National Convention egetical Commentary on the
advancement of canonical learn- Code of Canon Law (2nd Ed.)
ing and practice. IN the Business Meeting of the - an 8-volume collection we
CLSP at Pansol last April 25, 2006, have in the CLSP Office. To
Cebu was chosen as the site of the request, simply e-mail the
The 14th CLSP National 15th CLSP National Convention in CLSP Office
Convention a Success 2007, with Fr. Raul Go of that arch- [],
diocese as Convention Chairman. In stating topic and pertinent
THE 14 th C L S P N a t i o n a l the course of a Visayan Regional canons. The material will be
Convention at the Monte Vista Meeting last June, CLSP President e-mailed to you in MS Word
Conference Center in Pansol (La- Msgr. Romulo Vergara and VP for document file. Please note
guna) took place without a hitch Visayas Msgr. Agustin Opalalic, to- that this service is limited to
last April 24-27, 2006. With 73 gether with Fr. Go obtained confir- CLSP Members.
CLSP members (including a lone mation from Cebu Archbishop Card.
first-timer) and 8 members of Tri- Vidal to host the Convention.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006 Diocese 9
ON December 11, 1948 a new Dio- resolutions requesting the Most

Virgen de Los Remedios of

cese sprang from the Archdiocese Rev. Cesar Ma. Guerrero to make rep-
of Manila—the Diocese of San resentations with Ecclesiastical Au-
Fernando (Pampanga). A learned, thorities for the Canonical Corona-
young and highly spirited prelate, tion of the image of the Virgen de los
the Most Rev. Cesar Ma. D. Guerero,
DD was formally installed as its
bishop on September 8, 1949.
Pampanga Remedios. On the feast of the appa-
rition of Our Lady of Lourdes, Feb-
ruary 11, 1956, Bishop Guerrero sub-
Bishop Guerrero’s pastoral visit mitted the Petition to His Eminence
to the different parishes in the dio- By Charles Henry C. Espiritu Federico Cardinal Tedeschini, Prefect
cese noticed that the Province of of the Sacred Congregation of Ar-
Pampanga was rich in natural re- chitecture, Vatican City, requesting
sources, especially agricultural, yet In March 1952, the first formal To promote devotion to the His Holiness Pope Pius XII to grant
it was the breeding ground of so- meeting of the Damas de Caridad was Blessed Virgin, the newsletter the Province of Pampanga the honor
cialism before and after the Second held in the house of Doña Rosario “Siwala Nang Maria” was pub- and glory of having the Canonical
World War. Pampanga became the Ocampo in San Fernando. This lished by the diocese. On the Coronation of the Pilgrim Virgin un-
center of communism—the towns of would we followed by more other hand, Rev. Fr. Jose Dela der the title VIRGEN DE LOS
the province were under the con- meetings to establish and fi- Cruz anchored a radio pro- REMEDIOS— Ing Indu Ning
tinual threat of communist bands nalize the statutes gram over DZPI Manila as Capaldanan.
who wandered all over, and the It was suggested by a means to catechize the The glorious moment came on
people were constantly exposed to the Bishop and was devotees and the July 15, 1956 during the eighteenth
the violent encounters. Many fami- agreed upon that the Catholic believers. year of the Pontificate of Pope Pius
lies have fled to other places to seek Crusaded will be placed And to express XII, when the Vatican issued the
sanctuary. under the patronage of C a p a m p a n g a n ’s Decree on the Canonical Coronation
The sight of this chaos and the Blessed Virgin un- deep devotion to of the image of the Virgen de los
reign of terror in the province der any title. But the the Blessed Remegios.
coupled with the knowledge that the title of Virgen de los Mother, a Himno On September 8, 1956, an esti-
Capampangans so profoundly reli- Remedios was cho- Oficial of the mated 70,000 devout Catholic,
gious were at odds because of lack sen, because it ap- Virgen de los flocked to the provincial grounds of
of mutual understanding and peals more to the Remedios was the province and braved the stormy
friendly relation between the differ- common people es- written by Mr. weather for the canonical coronation
ent social classes, thus, the Bishop pecially to the poor Felix Punsalan of of their revered Patroness, the INDU
uttered: Aqui in la Pampanga hay than any other title San Matias while NING CAPALDANAN. The Apos-
mucho piedad pero poca caridad— of the Blessed the music was tolic Nuncio to the Philippines, the
here in Pampanga, there is much pi- Mother. Besides, composed by Mr. Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozzi, assisted
ety but less charity. this title will be in- Gaudencio Malig by the Honorable Governor Rafael
To remedy the surging tide of voked to remedy and of Bacolor. Lazatin, laid the golden crown on the
the social unrest in the province, cure the social ills of The Crusade image of the Blessed Virgin. Famous
Bishop Guerrero founded the Cru- the province. The im- went on. The sons of Pampanga who were church
sade of Charity and Goodwill. It was age of the Virgen de Blessed Virgin’s and government dignitaries, like
in 1952, on the third Sunday of Feb- los Remedios in the visit to parishes was Archbishop Pedro Santos, Senator
ruary, the Bishop called for a meet- parish church of Baliti an inspiring manifes- Gil Puyat and Representative
ing in the Rectory of San Guillermo was designated to ac- tation of people’s de- Diosdado Macapagal, attended the
Parish, Bacolor which was attended company the Crusader all votion. Pampanga coronation rites and paid tribute to
by Msgr. Andres Bituin, Fr. over Pampanga. which was once a prov- the Holy Mother of God.
Diosdado Victorio and Doña Rosario On April 15, 1952, the ince of unrest and violence From then on, the Virgen de los
Gonzales. The meeting served as a image was brought to the restored its peace. Lamac, Remedios, who has been revered
preliminary talk and discussion of a house of recamadera, Doña the alms and gifts offered to with most tender devotion is en-
gigantic task of charity which would Jacinta Tayag in San Vicente, the Virgin as “pabacal” (offer- shrined in the harts of every
sway the whole province of Bacolor. The image was placed on ing) when she leaves one town were Capampangan. With such faith and
Pampanga. After a long forethought a portable templete (andas) which given to less fortunate of the next enthusiasm, the people had continu-
and prayer, the statutes of the Cru- she donated. The templete was de- town she visited, the uninterrupted ally thronged to her. The Crusade
sader were formulated. Rev. Fr. vised and made in Catholic Trade recitation of the rosary at all hours had bridged the gap between the rich
Diosdado Victorio was appointed as Center in San Fernando. which was used to accompany the of the day from village to village— and the poor being the primary ob-
the Spiritual Director of the Crusade The Bishop, with full confi- first round of visits of the Crusade all these were done for the conver- jective of the campaign. The suc-
while Rev. Fr. Genaro Sazon was dence in the Mother of God who is had to be returned to stop the com- sion of sinners and peace of the ceeding Prelates of Pampanga, the
tasked to be the Chaplain. always ready to come to the aid of plaint of the people and that a new world. Most Rev. Emilio Cinense, the Most
The seven women of charity the people, inaugurated the Crusade image of Virgen de los Remedios As a sign one one’s deep devo- Rev. Oscar Cruz and the Most Rev.
called Damas de Caridad who are re- of Charity and Goodwill on May 1, would be carved to start the second tion to the Blessed Virgin, each Paciano Aniceto continued the work
puted for their charity and goodwill 1952 in the town of Masantol. The provincial journey of the Crusade. Capampangan home had little that had been started by their prede-
were selected from the cream of one month crusader in each parish The Bishop also wrote Doña Maria shrines of their beloved INDU cessor.
Pampanga. They are Doña Rosario commenced with the arrival of the Yosuico in October 1954 informing (mother). The images of the Virgen The year 2006 marks the Golden
Gonzales, Doña Rosa Cacnio, Doña Virgen de los Remedios. Pampanga her about his decision. It was also de los Remedios were displayed on Anniversary of the Canonical Coro-
Rosario Ocampo, Doña Consolacion Governor Rafael Lazatin together mentioned in the letter that the good their front windows whenever the nation of the INDU NING
Panlilio, Doña Jacinta Lopez, Doña with Bishop Guerrero, the mayors Bishop had already forgiven the Blessed Virgin visit their towns wel- CAPALDAN, ING TULA NING
Isabel Pecson and Doña Rosario and priests of the town being vis- people who had uttered irreverent coming the Holy Mother of God in CAPAMPANGAN (The Vir gin of
Mesina. The Damas de Caridad took ited were united in welcoming the words against him. their lowly abodes. It was a great Remedies, Joy of the
charge of collecting “lamac” (offer- Blessed Virgin. The Governor and To continue the interrupted Cru- privilege for the bishop and the Capampangan). The celebration is
ing in kind for the poor). The “lamac” the Bishop repeatedly delivered the sade, Mr. Victoriano Siongco of people behind him working for the doubly significant because it coin-
awakened the generosity of the message on the need of charity Catholic Trade Center in San Crusade to stand and watch the Fin- cides with the “Year of Social Con-
Capampangans such that even the among the Capampangans as the Fernando was commissioned by the ger of God direct the flood of popu- cerns” as declared by the Catholic
poor shared the little blessings they only mainstay for lasting peace. bishop to carve a new beautiful im- lar enthusiasm. The good bishop Bishops’ Conference of the Philip-
have. Seven, a symbolic number, was Missions and catechesis were given, age. The image measuring about was so convinced that God was do- pines. We attribute the marvel of the
chosen by the Bishop to signify the Holy Masses were celebrated, eighty centimeters in height was ing wonders, thus, a clamor that the Crusade to the motherly benediction
seven sorrows of the Blessed Virgin. priests patiently waited for penitents dressed in Spanish fashion as de- Virgen de los Remedios be declared of our beloved INDU. It is Mary and
Doña Jacinta Tayag of Bacolor was for confessions, rosary was prayed scribed by Bishop Guerrero. A as Mother and Patroness of she alone! May she continue to
appointed to act as the recamadera twenty four hours, donations for the “Congreso Mariano ning Pampanga. obtain for us the blessings of last-
of the Blessed Virgin. poor called “lamac” kept on multi- Capampangan” (Marian Congress) Government officials and the ing peace and order and thus be-
plying immensely, love and concern which was held in Angeles City on catholic people of Pampanga made come the remedy of social ills.
for the poor flourished, peace was November 23-25, 1954 ushered the
Most Reverend Cesar Ma. D. restored, and faith grew and second round of visits of Virgen de
Guerrero - 1st Bishop of San strengthened because of the con- Los Remedios.
Fernando, Founder of the stant prayers and mortifications of On November 23, 1954, a new His
His Excellency
Crusade the people of the province. decree of the Crusade was issued— MOST
Her transfer from one town to from Crusade of Charity and Good- ANICETO,
the other was an inspiring manifes- will, it was renamed Crusade of Pen- Archbishop
Archbishop ofof San
San Fernando
tation of the people’s devotion. Sol- ance of Charity. The image of Santo
emn processions voluntarily at- Cristo del Perdon was added to ac-
tended by the majority of the towns- company the procession to inspire
people accompanied her as she was repentance of sins and renewal of
brought from one town to the next. life among the people. Seven Cabal-
All these were attributed to the grace leros de Cristo were appointed: De.
of heaven through the intercession Abelardo Lansang, Dr. Galicano
of the Virgen de Los Remedios. The Coronel, Mr. Epifanio Malig, Mr. Jose
Indu ning Capaldanan (the Virgin of Yabut, Dr. Macario Datu, Mr. Emilio
Remedies) gained meaningful impor- Lugue and Mr. Pablo Bognot. Engr.
tance in the life of Capampangans. Jose Miranda was appointed Secre-
After the first round of visits of tary. Processions of the Crusade
the Virgen de los Remedios, the Cru- were accompanied by seven sym-
sader was put to test. The people of bolic lanterns. The Caballeros de
Baliti wanted and insisted that the Cristo took turns in carrying the im-
image would remain in their parish. age of the Crucified Christ. Number
Bishop Guerrero wrote Fr. Generoso seven was again chosen by the
Pallsigui in October 15, 1954 that the Bishop to signify the seven Archan-
image of the Virgen de los Remedios gels who adore the Triune God.
CBCP Monitor
10 Feature Vol. 10 No. 11
September 1 1, 2006

Church Social Involvement: Church something new? Abso-

lutely not! Jesus himself took sides
ing understanding was the half-hour
program (ABS-CBN News Channel,

The Continuing Debate

with the “lonely, least, lost, little, and July 13, 2006) given to CBCP Presi-
last” people of his society; he came dent A. Lagdameo to present, clarify,
to bring good news to the poor. The and discuss the recent pastoral let-
respected Philippine Church histo- ter. The Church’s social teaching and
rian, J.N. Schumacher asserts: “The the rationale for the bishops’ posi-
Philippine Church, in fact, was liter- tions found ample time for elucida-
ally founded on the basis of its tion. Delicate and complicated so-
by James H. Kroeger, M.M. struggle for justice…. If the Philip- cial issues need adequate time for
pine Church then is to be true to her presentation and comprehension.
tradition, [she must remain] in soli- What else could the Church do
darity with those whose cause her to communicate her reflections?
Master principally came for—on the Church media personnel could em-
side of the poor.” ploy simple, concrete images that
What are the Church’s politi- ordinary folks can easily grasp. In
cal ambitions? It must be bluntly 1976, in order to explain the Church-
stated that the Church has no ambi- State relationship, Cardinal Sin used
tions of political power. If she does an image of railroad tracks, one track
have influence in the Philippine con- representing the Church, the other
text, she desires to use it for the ser- the State. “They run in the same di-
vice of humanity. John Paul II as- rection, and so long as they remain
serts: “Man is the primary route that parallel and separate, … they can get
the Church must travel in fulfilling people to where they want to go.
her mission” (RH 14). Cardinal Sin’s But, if the parallelism is broken …
policy of “critical collaboration” with [there can be] considerable damage
governmental bodies (which he and loss of life.”
enunciated so well during the Why don’t the bishops directly
Marcos martial law years) remains an tell the faithful what to do (it would
eminently useful guideline today. make things simpler)? Here two
Why does the Church get in- things must be noted. Paul VI has
volved in specific social questions? written: “In concrete situations …
Applying Church social teaching to one must recognize a legitimate vari-
specific “burning social issues” as the ety of possible options. The same
CBCP did in its well-reflected pastoral Christian faith can lead to different
letter (e.g. charter change, impeach- commitments” (OA 50). In other
ment, electoral reform) is included in words, Christians can choose differ-
the Church’s mission. In 1987 Cardi- ent yet valid, concrete responses to
nal Sin issued A Catechism on the In- living their faith (always excluding
volvement of Priests in Political Ac- violence). Secondly, the Church has
tivity. He wrote that a pastor fails his the serious responsibility to ensure
flock “when he preaches only general the necessary formation of the con-
principles and fails to apply them to sciences of the faithful so they will
concrete situations” or “when he make responsible moral choices in
keeps silent about injustices and fails socio-political matters. The Church’s
“POSING complex questions” and responses. The July 2006 CBCP pas- mental, etc.) are to be renewed and to defend human rights.” mission of integral evangelization
“Desiring simple answers.” These toral letter on social concerns transformed with Gospel values. To What has happened to the includes this important task.
two phrases spring to mind as one (Shepherding and Prophesying in do this mission is not an option; it is “separation of Church and State”? What should guide ordinary
listens to the frequent questions Hope) is genuinely helpful in ad- a duty for all Church members, not This principle is often poorly under- Christians in the “minefield” of
asked regarding the Church’s role in dressing many burning issues; the only bishops and clergy. Genuine stood and some use it to advance social involvement? Many items
civic and social matters. And, in the bishops employ both principles and evangelization is a long, never-end- their own political agenda. The prin- have already been mentioned: a well-
Philippines where over 80% of the citi- praxis in their reflections. Tolle, lege. ing process. ciple asserts: “No religion is to be formed conscience, the Church’s
zens are Catholics, the actions of the Take and read to “guide your own How does the Church’s social established as the official state reli- social teaching, the advice of the
national bishops’ conference (CBCP) discernment, discussion, decision, teaching enter into evangelization? gion, and no state should favor one bishops who come from all parts of
on social matters take on special and action” (4). To preach the full Gospel (not only religion over others.” This principle the country and prayerfully discern
prominence—particularly when they In this context, permit one more dogmatic teaching) means manifest- does not intend to promote isolation these questions. Catholics should
gather for their plenary assemblies attempt to respond to commonly ing the moral and social implications or competition between Church and also develop a “spirituality of social
every January and July. The recent heard questions about the local of Christian faith; how does faith im- civil society. Both institutions solidarity.” Such a spirituality will
meeting of “the influential Catholic Church’s involvement in Philippine pact people’s lives? Christ’s Gospel should facilitate the attainment of integrate deep faith, Christian char-
Bishops’ Conference of the Philip- social questions. of Love and his Gospel of Justice are each other’s goals, always seeking ity, holiness of life, apostolic involve-
pines” (a favorite journalistic phrase) Why does the Church get in- one. The Church must both an- the common good and addressing ment, and a true love of God’s
again sparked a barrage of questions. volved? The Church has been given nounce Gospel principles to guide matters of moral behavior in society. anawim—the poor.
What is the CBCP stand on im- a mission by Christ; it is a mission of people’s actions and denounce those How can the Church commu- (James H. Kroeger, M.M. has served mis-
peachment, charter change, and elec- evangelization, “renewed integral concrete actions that are contrary to nicate her social teaching more sion in the Philippines since his 1970 ar-
toral reform? How do the bishops evangelization” (PCP-II 154-401). Gospel values. Cardinal Sin has said: clearly? Certainly there is always rival. Currently, a faculty member at Loyola
view gambling, extra-judicial killings, This means bringing the Good News “The Catholic pastor should be a room for better communication. The School of Theology (Manila) and the Mother
of Life Catechetical Institute (Novaliches),
family and population? Yes, these into all strata of humanity” (EN 18). prophet of denunciation, but above Church has various options (print,
he has recently published Once upon a
are complex questions, not answer- In short all aspects of life (social, all a minister of reconciliation.” television and radio, internet, etc.) Time in Asia, Claretian Publications and
able with quick, short, “sound-bite” cultural, political, economic, environ- Is this “social mission” of the One fine example of media facilitat- Jesuit Communications).

Message of / from p12

ness that prayer does not divide In order not to misinterpret the Declaration on the Relations of the town of Assisi, known across the upon each other. In the words
but unites and is a decisive ele- meaning of what John Paul II Church to Non-Christian Religions world on account of St Francis. addressed to him by the Crucifix
ment for an effective pedagogy wanted to achieve in 1986 and what, (cf. Nostra Aetate, n. 2). In fact, the “Poverello” embod- of St Damian: “Francis, go, re-
of peace, hinged on friendship, to use his own words, he habitually I gladly take this opportunity ied in an exemplary way the Beati- pair my house”; in his choice of
reciprocal acceptance and dia- called the “spirit of Assisi”, it is im- to greet the representatives of other tude proclaimed by Jesus in the Gos- radical poverty, in the kiss of the
logue between people of differ- portant not to forget the attention religions who are taking part in one pel: “Blessed are the peacemakers, leper that expresses his new ca-
ent cultures and religions. paid on that occasion to ensuring or other of the Assisi commemora- for they shall be called sons of God” pacity to see and love Christ in
We are in greater need of that the interreligious Prayer Meet- tions. Like us Christians, they know (Mt 5: 9). The witness Francis bore his suffering brethren, began
this dialogue than ever, especially ing did not lend itself to syncretist that in prayer it is possible to have in his time makes him a natural ref- that human and Christian adven-
if we look at the new generations. interpretations founded on a rela- a special experience of God and to erence point today for people who ture which continues to fascinate
Sentiments of hatred and ven- tivistic concept. draw from it effective incentives for are fostering the ideal of peace, re- so many people in our day and
geance have been inculcated in For this very reason, John Paul dedication to the cause of peace. spect for nature and dialogue be- to make this town the destina-
numerous young people in those II declared at the outset: “The fact However, here too, it is only tween people, religions and cul- tion of countless pilgrims.
parts of the world marked by that we have come here does not right to avoid an inappropriate con- tures. It is important, however, to I entrust to you, Venerable
conflicts, in ideological contexts imply any intention of seeking a re- fusion. Therefore, even when we are recall, if one does not want to be- Brother, Pastor of this Church of
where the seeds of ancient re- ligious consensus among ourselves gathered together to pray for peace, tray his message, that it was Christ’s Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo
sentment are cultivated and their or of negotiating our faith convic- the prayer must follow the different radical decision that provided him Tadino, the task of making these
souls prepared for future vio- tions. Neither does it mean that reli- uses proper to the various religions. with a key to understanding the reflections known to the partici-
lence. These barriers must be gions can be reconciled at the level This was the decision in 1986 and it brotherhood to which all people are pants in the various celebrations
torn down and encounter must of a common commitment in an continues to be valid also today. called, and in which inanimate crea- planned to commemorate the
be encouraged. earthly project which would sur- The convergence of differences tures - from “brother sun” to “sis- 20th anniversary of that historic
I am glad, therefore, that the pass them all. Nor is it a concession must not convey an impression of ter moon” - also in a certain way event, the Interreligious Meet-
initiatives planned in Assisi this to relativism in religious beliefs” surrendering to that relativism participate. ing of 27 October 1986. Also
year are along these lines and, in (ibid., n. 2). which denies the meaning of truth I would therefore like to recall kindly impart to everyone my af-
particular, that the Pontifical I would like to reaffirm this prin- itself and the possibility of attain- that the eighth centenary of the con- fectionate greeting and my
Council for Interreligious Dia- ciple which constitutes the premise ing it. version of St Francis coincides with Blessing, which I accompany
logue has had the idea of apply- for the interreligious dialogue that For his daring and prophetic this 20th anniversary of John Paul with the greeting and prayer of
ing them in a special way for the Second Vatican Council was initiative John Paul II desired to II’s Prayer Meeting for Peace. The the “Poverello” of Assisi: “May
young people. hoping for, as is expressed in the choose the evocative setting of this two commemorations shed light the Lord grant you peace!”.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006 Social Concern 11
LATEST government statis-
tics on national physical ac-
council (Didipio) had passed
a resolution approving the The Threat to Indigenous People’s Rights and
Environment by Mining:
counts show that mining in mine’s entry, which was re-
the Philippines has gained in voked by the new set of
value. However the environ- barangay officials after the
mental degradation it has 2004 election. (The officials
caused has also increased. were reportedly elected on the
This, it seems, is the princi-
pal trigger of the continuing
wide opposition against min-
ing as an economic activity
basis of their anti-Climax
Arimco stand.)
3. In July 2005, the mu-
nicipality of Kasibu voted
A Philippine Case Study
in the country. Placed further against the entry of the mine,
in the context of extremely but the provincial government By Most Rev. Ramon B. Villena, DD
high biodiversity, low land (egged on by the regional
base, rising demand for land MGB) approved it the follow-
due to a rising population, ing month.
extremely socially sensitive 4. Within a week of the
tenure regimes involving in- provincial board’s decision,
digenous peoples, and high the people—led by DESAMA
downstream impacts of open (Didipio Earth Savers Move-
extraction in a generally ment) and supported by the
mountainous archipelago, Social Action Centre of the
the negative externalities of Diocese of Bayombong.
mining invite magnified Nueva Vizcaya—turned out in
cause for social, ethical, reli- a well-attended indignation
gious and ecological con- rally in front of the provincial
cerns. capitol. Despite the rains and
International mining the short notice, some 1,000
companies from Australia people were at the rally.
(nine at the last count) have The local economy is ag-
entered into financial and ricultural, with fruits, veg-
technical assistance agree- etables, and rice grown in the
ments. Climax Arimco Min- province and brought for sale
ing Corp. (CAMC), whose to Manila. There is also a
name has been changed to thriving citrus fruit produc-
Australasian Philippines tion, for which a festival is held
Mining Inc. (APMI) oper- every two years, to announce
ates on 21,465 hectares of to all that “the people’s gold
the Didipio Copper/Gold is picked from a tree, not dug
Project in Didipio, Kasibu, from the ground.” (Their situ-
Nueva Vizcaya. The site is ation is much like that of
located some 200 km north Tambogrande, Peru, where
of Manila. farmers engaged in growing
The company claims that lemons and mangoes fought
it has “strong local community a giant gold mine.) Brooms
and government support.” and baskets woven by the
This could not be farther from people from locally-sourced
the truth. The people have re- plants are also brought to
sisted the entry of the mine from Manila or sold along the high-
the beginning of the mid 1990s. way.
Here are some events: The people are a mixture
1. Invoking a people’s of Ilocano and several indig-
initiative, the local barangay enous tribes, notably the in- rassment is employed to get main river system in Cagayan on safeguarding the rights of poverty-alleviating.” ( Janu-
mustered 20% of the legitimate digenous Bugkalot (or the citizens to give up their Valley, one of whose tributar- local communities and indig- ary 29, 2006 )
voters and filed a petition to Ilongot) and the Ifugao, who land. ies is Dinauyan River where enous groups, on accelerating We are also calling for
the Commission on Election went east when the large dams 7. The company has also the tailings will be released), deforestation with conse- stronger control and safe-
(COMELEC) for the conduct in the Cordilleras displaced resorted to bribery, as re- Legal Resources Centre, quences for biodiversity, wa- guards over the activities of
of a referendum to decide them in the 1960s and 1970s. . ported by named officials of Foundation for the Philippine ter and soil protection and corporations based in the Phil-
whether the mine should be The people resist the the Kabataang Barangay to Environment, Tebtebba Foun- impacts on local fisherfolk. ippines and Australia and op-
allowed in or not. However, mine because: give up their anti-mining dation, and Alyansa Tigil The Catholic Church erating around the world with
the COMELEC took almost 5. It will deprive them of stance. Mina. wishes to register its concern particular attention to the ex-
four years to act on the peti- their land and livelihood, e.g. 8. Climax has deceitfully The Didipio project is at the breakdown in legal pro- tractive industries sector,
tion. Eventually, the petition Sitio Dinauyan, Climax in- set up pseudo-Indigenous strongly opposed by the ma- cess and good governance which has such a large impact
became moot and academic tends to turn into its tailings People (IP) groups among jority of the people in Quirino and the proper protection of on the environment and such
since the majority of the anti- dam. To do this, the company those whom they have “con- and Nueva Vizcaya and a local and indigenous rights a poor record in its dealings
mining candidates for the will need to drive away the vinced” to move to Kasibu broad alliance of local govern- manifest in the Didipio Cop- on issues of human rights and
Sangguniang Barangay (local local people from their lands. from the neighbouring town ment bodies, the Catholic per/Gold Project in Didipio. sustainable development. We
legislative body) won 6 out of 6. Right now, the com- of Cabarroguis and Bishop and church The Philippine Catholic Bish- pray for your support and
8 seats. The people retracted pany is going through what Nagtipunan, both municipali- organisations, environmental ops seek the active support understanding in the struggle
their petition for obvious rea- the people call “behest buy- ties of Quirino Province . activists, human rights of Australian Bishops, insti- against irresponsible mining
sons. ing,” where a combination of 9. The entry of the mine groups, farmers’ tutions and civil society ac- and blatant exploitation of In-
2. The local barangay intimidation and verbal ha- has caused divisions within organisations, organisations tors for the protection of digenous People2s.
families and the barangay it- working with social issues and democratic processes, local We would like to express
self, undermined the local cul- Indigenous Peoples’ federa- governance and adequate our appreciation of the efforts
ture of consultation and co- tions. safeguards for the human of the Australian Bishops’
operation (Free and Prior In- The opposition of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Committee for Justice, Devel-
formed Consent) and weak- residents of Didipio and civil the poor and marginalized, as opment and Peace for their
ened indigenous cultural prac- society groups should be we celebrate Social Justice pastoral statement “Chris-
tices through the company’s more than sufficient in Philip- Sunday on the 24th of Septem- tians And Their Duty To-
divide and rule tactics, brib- pine Law to prevent the ber. As we stated clearly and wards Nature” where they
ery and intimidation, resulting project as the informed con- unequivocally in our Pastoral have expressed their call of
in a case filed by DESAMA in sent from the affected indig- Letter on Mining: concern for the care and re-
the local courts. enous peoples, and the con- “[We] support the call of sponsibility towards creation:
Who are the people help- sent and endorsement of all various sectors, especially ‘We must consider very
ing the local communities: affected populations and lo- the Indigenous Peoples, to carefully the ways in which we
10. DESAMA is the local cal authorities, are required stop the 24 Priority Mining can help other nations not to
people’s organization, com- for a project of this type to Projects of the government, harm the environment. Richer
posed of residents of Didipio proceed. However, President and the closure of large-scale nations can criticise the
and those from other Arroyo and her central gov- mining projects, for example, poorer ones for destroying
barangays who oppose the ernment agencies are strongly the Rapu-Rapu Polymetallic their forests and ravaging their
entry of the mine. promoting foreign mining in- Project in Albay, HPP Project land, even though the more
11. The Diocesan Social vestment. They are backed in in Palawan, Didipio Gold- affluent nations contribute to
Action Commission, the so- their support to the mining Copper Project in Nueva that destruction. Existing in-
cial advocacy and service arm sector by the World Bank, Vizcaya, Tampakan Copper- ternational economic struc-
of the Diocese of Bayombong, Asian Development Bank and Gold Project in South tures are such that nations in
under the leadership of other international investors. Cotabato, Canatuan Gold the third world are forced into
Bishop Ramon B. Villena. Concerns about abuse of pro- Project in Zamboanga del using up their natural re-
12. Other groups: Local cess are based on past experi- Norte, and the San Antonio sources.’
Peoples’ organizations— ence of the impact of mining Copper Project in The invitation gives us
KIRED, KOVENANT, LUFA, in the Philippines, e.g. the on- Marinduque, among others; the assurance that we are one
GNBP, Local NGO’s - ACDA, going impact of the Australian [we] support the conduct of in this advocacy of continu-
Task Force Detainees— (Melbourne) Lafayette Rapu studies on the evil effects of ing our duty and responsibil-
Northern Luzon (Region 2), Rapu polymetallic mine cya- mining in dioceses; [we] sup- ity towards nature and the
Save the River Movement (re- nide spills of contaminated port all economic activities Creator, thus, an essential part
ferring to Cagayan River, the tailings on the environment, that are life-enhancing and of our Faith.
CBCP Monitor
12 Message Vol. 10 No. 11
September 1 1, 2006

To my Venerable Brother Bishop humanity. Thus, God demonstrates

Domenico Sorrentino of Assisi- that his nature is Love. This is what
Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino I meant to emphasize in my first En-
cyclical, which begins precisely
THIS year is the 20th anniversary
of the Interreligious Meeting of Message of His Holiness with the words “Deus caritas est”
(I Jn 4: 7).
Prayer for Peace, esired by my ven- Scripture’s assertion not only
erable Predecessor John Paul II on
27 October 1986 in Assisi. It is well
Benedict XVI To Bishop casts light on God’s mystery but
also illumines relations between
known that he did not only invite human beings who are called to
Christians of various denomina-
tions to this Meeting but also the
Domenico Sorrentino on the abide by the commandment of love.
The gathering that the Servant
exponents of different religions.
The initiative made an important
impact on public opinion. It consti-
Occasion of the 20th of God John Paul II organized in
Assisi appropriately puts the em-
phasis on the value of prayer in
tuted a vibrant message furthering
peace and an event that left its mark
on the history of our time.
Anniversary of the building peace. Indeed, we are
aware of how difficult and, at times,
how humanly desperate this pro-
Thus, the memory of those
events continues to inspire initia-
tives of reflection and commitment.
Interreligious Meeting of cess can be. Peace is a value in
which so many elements converge.
To build it, the paths of cultural,
Some are planned to take place in
Assisi itself on the occasion of the
20th anniversary of that initiative. I
Prayer for Peace political and economic order are, of
course, important, but first of all
peace must be built in hearts. It is
am thinking of the celebration or- here, in fact, that sentiments de-
ganized in agreement with this Dio- velop that can nurture it or, on the
cese by the Sant’Egidio Community, contrary, threaten, weaken and stifle
like its other annual meetings. it.
Moreover, on the actual days Moreover, the human heart is
of the anniversary, a Convention or- the place where God intervenes. In
ganized by the Theological Institute this regard, in addition to the “hori-
of Assisi will be held, and the par- zontal” dimension of relations with
ticular Churches of this Region will other human beings, the “vertical”
gather at the Eucharist dimension of each person’s rela-
the nightmare of war, and where the As the Second Vatican Coun- reaches maturity it gives rise to a
concelebrated by the Bishops of “globalization” process would un- cil taught in the Declaration Nostra perception in the believer that faith tionship with God, the foundation
Umbria in the Basilica of St Francis. of all things, is proving to be of fun-
fold under the banner of a peaceful Aetate on the Relation of the in God, Creator of the universe and
The Pontifical Council for In- encounter of peoples and cultures Church to Non-Christian Religions: Father of all, must encourage rela- damental importance. This was ex-
terreligious Dialogue will organize actly what Pope John Paul II in-
in the context of a common interna- “We cannot truly pray to God the tions of universal brotherhood
a meeting of dialogue, prayer and tional law inspired by respect for the Father of all if we treat any people among human beings. tended to recall to the world with
peace training for Catholic young the 1986 event.
needs of truth, justice and solidar- in other than brotherly fashion, for In fact, attestations of the close
people and those from other reli- ity. all men are created in God’s image” bond that exists between the rela- He asked for genuine prayer
gious backgrounds. which involves the whole of life.
Unfortunately, this dream of (n. 5). tionship with God and the ethics of
These initiatives, each with its peace never came true. On the con- Despite the differences that love are recorded in all great reli- Thus, he desired it to be accompa-
own specific style, highlight the nied by fasting and expressed in pil-
trary, the third millennium opened mark the various religious itinerar- gious traditions. We Christians feel
value of John Paul II’s insight and with scenes of terrorism and vio- ies, recognition of God’s existence, strengthened in this and further en- grimage, a symbol of the journey to-
demonstrate its timeliness in light wards the encounter with God. And
lence that show no sign of abating. which human beings can only ar- lightened by the Word of God. The
of what has happened in the past Then, the fact that armed conflicts rive at by starting from the experi- Old Testament already expresses he explained, “Prayer entails con-
20 years and of humanity’s situa- version of heart on our part” (Inau-
are taking place today against a ence of creation (cf. Rom 1: 20), must God’s love for all peoples which, in
tion today. guration of the World Day of Prayer
background of the geographical and dispose believers to view other hu- the covenant that he established
There is no doubt that the most political tensions that exist in many man beings as brothers and sisters. with Noah, he gathered in one great for Peace, Assisi, 27 October 1986,
significant event in this period was n. 4; L’Osservatore Romano English
regions may give the impression It is not legitimate, therefore, for embrace, symbolized by the “bow
the fall of the Communist-inspired that not only cultural diversity but anyone to espouse religious differ- in the clouds” (Gn 9: 13, 14, 16), and edition, 3 November, p. 1).
regimes in Eastern Europe. This Among the features of the
also religious differences are causes ence as a presupposition or pretext which, according to the Prophets’
brought an end to the Cold War that of instability or threats to the pros- for an aggressive attitude towards words, he intended to gather once 1986 Meeting, it should be
had given rise to a sort of division stressed that this value of prayer
pect of peace. other human beings. and for all into a single universal
of the world into an axis of oppos- It is under this profile that the It could be objected that his- family (cf. Is 2: 2ff.; 42: 6; 66: 18-21; in building peace was testified to
ing influence that spawned the stor- by the representatives of different
initiative John Paul II promoted 20 tory has experienced the regrettable Jer 4: 2; Ps 47[46]).
ing of terrifying arsenals and armies years ago has acquired the features phenomenon of religious wars. We In the New Testament the rev- religious traditions, and this did
in preparation for a full-scale war. not happen at a distance but in the
of an accurate prophecy. His invi- know, however, that such demon- elation of this universal plan of love
This was a moment when the tation to the world’s religious lead- strations of violence cannot be at- culminates in the Paschal Mystery, context of a meeting. Conse-
widespread hope for peace induced quently, the people of diverse reli-
ers to bear a unanimous witness to tributed to religion as such but to in which the Son of God Incarnate,
many people to dream of a different peace serves to explain with no pos- the cultural limitations with which in an overwhelming act of saving gions who were praying could
world, where relations between show through the language of wit-
sibility of confusion that religion it is lived and develops in time. solidarity, offers himself as a sacri- Message of / P10
peoples would develop, safe from must be a herald of peace. Yet, when the religious sense fice on the Cross for the whole of
In and Out / from p6 Tidbits / from p6
But I would like to draw your preach, but live the Gospel of Jesus else but the Lord Himself and affirmed since not even in temporal business is concerned, the principle of the in-
attention to a positive aspect of the in the context of cultural and religious by conciliar pronouncement” ( O. may any human activity be withdrawn competence of the Church and the free-
global migration of Filipinos. I am pluralism. They are Filipinos in dia- Cruz, Call of the Laity, p. 176). Lastly, from God’s dominion” (cf. LG 36). Be- dom of laypersons prevails” (Code of
not referring to the 10 – 12 billion logue with other cultures and reli- Canon 227 implicitly declares that the sides, the lay faithful are called to Chris- Canon Law Annotated, edited by
dollars they send to our country, gions, which for them would be a lay faithful have the right to the reli- tianize society. This demands a good Caparros, Thorn, p. 199).
inspite of which we are still consid- new way of being Church and a new gious freedom within the civil soci- grasp of Christian faith and morals. For Shaped and influenced by this
ered among the poorest countries. way of being in mission, beyond ety. They are bona fide citizens of that to happen the hierarchical struc- conciliar and canonical doctrine,
Are we really? More than contribut- adding to the number of church- the republic. As such the State can- ture of the Church intervenes in secu- LAIKO comes out this year with the
ing to the work-force in 193 coun- goers in the receiving Churches not discriminate against them for the lar matters through the teaching on National Laity Week. Through it they
tries, our diasporic Filipinos have which have fallen victims of materi- fact that they are Christians. faith and on the moral rules that gov- strive to “rediscover the immensity of
something else, more important, to alism and secularism. But secular matters are not just ern human conduct. It also comes in God’s love in all creation; to rediscover
offer to the world. Along with our The new situation of our com- program of temporal actions, nor are to provide the faithful with the neces- one’s vocation as an active agent in
smiling faces, we are offering to the patriots in diaspora is an opportu- they mere political maneuverings and sary means for the salvation of the building a culture of love, to share
receiving countries or Churches, our nity to redefine our notion of becom- transactions, nor an ideology. Prod- world. This intervention, however, is God’s love in the spirit of Christian char-
Christian Faith lived in the context ing migrants and our understanding ucts of free human acts, they have not meant to give conclusive solutions ity; to experience the transforming
of different cultures and religions. of being church and in mission. moral dimension. As such they are to secular problems which are proper power of the Eucharist in building the
According to one study “The Fili- What we said in the Second Plenary somehow subject to the natural law to civil society and its citizens. It is culture of love in the community.”
pino diaspora has put one out of ev- Council of the Philippines find some and sometimes even to the positive there to show the moral and spiritual Noble objectives they all are, dreams
ery five Filipinos in a more multi-eth- practical application here: “In the divine law. In view of this, Christians dimension of the secular life. Other- and ambitions of our lay faithful who
nic and multi-religious milieu.” This Church, nobody is so poor as to have “in every temporal affair are to be wise, “where the organization, evolu- are living out their Christianity in the
positive aspect is likewise the new nothing to give, and nobody is so guided by a Christian conscience, tion, and development of secular life world. We wish them success.
challenge of the Filipino diaspora. It rich as to have nothing to receive.”
is both a challenge and a concern. (no. 98). This offers the Filipino Views and Points / from p7 Issues and Concerns / from p7
Our Filipino migrants go to other Catholic Christian migrant a new fo- It goes without saying that the people ing Civil-Military Operations. We many.
countries in search of work and live- cus, a new vision. who made the fundamental law of their still have to get the figures and costs His Holiness Pope John Paul II
lihood to support themselves and For both the sending poor coun- country, can and may change this at of their equipage, from their uniforms was correct in his Sollicitudo Rei
their families back home. Before we try and the receiving wealth country, their own popular option. The ques- to whatever gears are given them. Socialis when he asserted that the
were sending missionary priests and there is something to give and to re- tion is why they are adamantly told From a total of 384 liquidations great “hopes for development” in
religious sisters expressly to be in ceive. What is received and given to change it—even if they do not re- by the New People’s Army since 2006, the Third World mentioned by his
mission, to evangelize; but their may be different in quality and quan- ally know why. And why are they also 169 of the victims were CAFGUs. predecessor Pope Paul VI in
number has started to dwindle. And tity, but that is not to be measured. being told that changing their charter Can’t we leave the internal security Populorum Progressio have not
what a providential coincidence! Work and livelihood on the one hand, is the answer to all their worries and operations to the highly trained sol- been realized since the encyclical
Coming from a predominantly Catho- faith and the new way of being church woes, their misery and anxiety. diers and police operatives? One was published in the 1960s.
lic Christian country, these migrant and of being in mission on the other: It is incongruous to give a new could not help but wonder for whose Our leaders often said security
Filipino workers in search of liveli- how do we compare them? It is just car precisely to a bad driver. Build- security and development are these and development go together. This
hood could be equipped with the they are both given and received by ing a new one for those who do not lightly-trained armed civilians? Let’s column asserts “development is an-
disposition and skills of lay mission- one and the other. A new focus and know how to care for a house is an spare the civilians from this on-go- other word for peace.” We have to
aries, who will not necessarily vision for both the giver and receiver. exercise in futility. ing warfare. One life lost is one too maximize our meager resources.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006 Statements 13
From the Archdiocese of Capiz
GAMBLING en- pesos. How can gambling promote
dangers the societal prosperity when gamblers
moral fiber of in majority of cases, are losers? How
our country. It could corruption and the propaga-
can become ad- tion of a culture of gambling prom-
dictive, a way of ise a bright future for the ordinary
life, and if food, Capizeños who are already heavily
education and burdened by taxes and high prices?
other basic The entry and proliferation of
needs of children are grossly ne- STL in Capiz will bring benefits to
glected, gambling is morally unac- the gambling lords, their corrupt
ceptable. The Catechism of the subordinates and some local gov-
Catholic Church (CCC) clearly ernment officials who would siphon
states that the games of chance “be- money from the ordinary
come morally unacceptable when patronizers. Election is near. Money
they deprive someone of what is is needed. Diversion of funds for
necessary to provide for his needs election purpose is inevitable. De-
and those of others. The passion ception and dishonesty are pure
for gambling risks becoming an en- corruption and betrayal of the com-
slavement” (CCC, 2413). mon good. If our local government
We know that many Filipinos, units will promote STL, will this not
both small-timers and big-timers, instill in our people the vice of in-
want to earn instant, if not big, dolence, making them entrust their
money in various forms of gambling future to chance? What virtues and
like daily double, pick three, Masiao, good examples will the parents and
etc. elders pass on to their children if
The Small Town Lottery (STL), they bank on a mentality of chance?
a form of gambling, is a recent re-
vival made by powerful government
We need to remember that work
is a vocation and has value. Even
personalities to replace jueteng. It God Himself worked when he cre-
is considered “legal gambling” un- ated the world. When we work, we to the enticement and false secu- and religious organizations in the the family, to protect and foster
der the Philippine Charity Sweep- participate in the ongoing work of rity offered by gambling and the Archdiocese of Capiz to include in them, to safeguard public morality
stakes Office (PCSO). In the prov- God’s creation. Let us persevere in STL. their activities and apostolate re- and promote domestic prosperity”
ince of Capiz, interested parties wish hard and honest work so that we In connection with these is- spectively an anti-gambling educa- (CCC 2210).
to promote and proliferate it with the would be pleasing to God. sues, we strongly oppose all forms tion campaign. Let this be our strong Let us pray that we will live as
intention to extract money from the As we acknowledge and thank of gambling. Let us not allow the and solid stance against STL and responsible Christians and live
pockets of the poor and the middle individuals and groups who have STL to be legalized in our province. our way of safeguarding the dignity justly in God’s presence. With my
income earners since it is designed supported against the legalization It will destroy the Christian values of the poor and the solidarity of our blessings.
for them. Is this not a form of wicked of STL and other forms of gambling of our faithful. It will teach them to Christian families. We exhort all
design out of selfishness, greed, ma- in Capiz, we reiterate the strong be- be lazy and be dependent on luck Christian families to abhor all forms +Onesimo C. Gordoncillo, D.D.
liciousness and deceit? The Gospel lief of the Philippine bishops con- which carries false hope. It will de- of gambling. The Catechism of the Archbishop of
tells us that these wicked designs tained in their pastoral letter en- stroy our Christian families and the Catholic Church says: “The family Capiz
come from the deep recesses of the titled: “Building a ‘Civilization of future of our children. Let us be re- is an initiation into life in society. August 29,
heart” (Mk. 7:21). love’: A Pastoral Exhortation for the sponsible to one another and to our The family should live in such a way 2006
Although it is labeled as “Small Year of Social Concerns,” which society. Let us be one and firm in that its members learn to care and
Town,” its daily revenues are big states: “The Church must build ca- eradicating gambling and its many take responsibility for
which mostly come from the ordi- pacity. We have to empower those faces. This can be one of our means the young, the old, the
nary folks from cities, towns and who are needy to construct a better to live what the Philippine bishops sick, the handicapped,
barangays. The small yet daily bets future… help people grow in capaci- wish to call “a spirituality of citi- and the poor’ (CCC
will not only contribute to the al- ties, such as the capacity to govern zenship, which is a concrete way of 2207-2208). In addition,
ready precarious and miserable themselves, the capacity to develop living out in our country the ‘fun- “civil authority should
plight of the poor, but will also per- their abilities, the capacity to find damental social virtue’: solidarity.” consider it a grave duty
petuate the societal corruption in meaningful and fruitful employment Therefore, we exhort the differ- to acknowledge the true
depriving the poor with millions of and work.” Hence, let us not give in ent Ecclesial Basic Communities nature of marriage and

From the Diocese of Antipolo

My dear brothers and sisters: of needed income and become ad-
dicted to it. Because most of the
Assalam alaykum wa Rahmahtullhi wa
Barakatuhu! Message to Muslim
I am writing this
pastoral letter in
bettors are from the poor, STL raises
money by getting money from the
As you begin the Ramadan, the Catholic
Church commends the Muslim community
Filipinos on the
Month of Ramadan
order to protest poor but most of this money go to of the Philippines as you submit to Allah
against the plan the rich. STL, like jueteng, is the through salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving)
to put up the opposite of Robin Hood, who got and shaum (fasting).
small town lot- money from the rich in order to give The Second Vatican Council of the
tery (STL) in the it to the poor. Church in its document, Nostra Aetate, has
province of The fact that STL is legal does acknowledged her deep respect for Islam
Rizal. STL is gambling and, like not make it moral. It is bad enough and the Muslims for they worship God, who
jueteng, it victimizes especially the that we have jueteng, lotto and a is one, living and subsistent, merciful and
poor. casino in Rizal. Let us not bring almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth,
According to the Catechism of more harm to our province by hav- who also spoke to humanity through the
the Catholic Church, gambling in it- ing STL. Let us not make gambling prophets. In this regard we hold with great
self is not immoral. It becomes mor- part of our way of life in Rizal. respect your prophet Muhammad who re-
ally unacceptable when it deprives I appeal to our people, espe- ceived the Qur ’an on the ‘Night of Power.’
someone of what is necessary to cially to our provincial and munici- The Qur’an says: “The month of
provide for his needs and those of pal officials in Rizal, not to allow Ramadan is that in which the Qur’an was
his dependents. It is also immoral STL in our province. sent down, as a guide to humankind and a
when it becomes an addiction. Gam- Through the intercession of self-evident proof of that guidance and cri-
bling also promotes laziness. It en- Our Lady of Peace and Good Voy- terion to distinguish between right and
courages dependence on luck age, the Virgin of Antipolo, may God wrong judgment. So whoever of you is
rather than on hard work in order to protect our province of Rizal from present in the month should spend it in
improve one’s situation in life. the evils of gambling. fasting.” (Q.2:185). It is the Qur’an through
These factors that make gambling the centuries that has provided the Mus-
immoral are present in STL. Be- +GABRIEL V. REYES, D.D. lim ummah its religious depth and its moral
cause of STL, many thousands of Bishop of Antipolo principles on how to believe and act as
poor people deprive their families September 12, 2006 Muslims.
May your reverent recitation of the
Qur’an during the month of Ramadan grant
you Allah’s guidance, mercy and compas-
sion. And may the Qur’an continue to in-
spire and show you the straight path so
that you may continue to be instruments
of God’s peace, justice, and unity in our
country and in the world.

Most Rev. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD

Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro
Chairman, Episcopal Commission on Inter-
religious Dialogue (CBCP)
September 2006
CBCP Monitor
14 Reflections Vol. 10 No. 11
September 1 1, 2006

mon good. have to struggle against lazi-
What worsens this is the ness, complacency, disorder,
modern attitude that denies proneness to discourage-
there’s such thing as an ob- ment, imprudence. There’s
by Fr. Roy Cimagala jective truth about man. The also the propensity to lack
truth about man, they say, will focus and determination in
always be changing and shift- our activities, to be dominated
ing. Nothing can be held ab- by changing moods.
solute and permanent. And so We should not be sur-
what our Christian faith tells prised therefore that given
us about ourselves is thrown this state of affairs, we often
out of the window. find ourselves in some quar-
Thus, our mind can go rels, both small and big, from
one way, while the heart can petty feuds with neighbors to
go the other. Our speech can devastating wars between
just be some mindless chat- countries.
ter, rid of balance and direc- We have to understand
tion. Bad manners, instead of that underlying the big con-
refinement and delicacy, pre- flicts we have, for example, in
vail. There is chaos instead of politics is this often ignored
peace and order. problem in the personal level
Sometimes, our appear- where self-mastery is missing.
ance has nothing to do with There has to be a con-
what is inside us. Hypocrisy tinuing awareness of this
and deception get systemati- need, starting in the personal
cally cultivated, undermining level and always reinforced
our integrity. And these dis- by the family, community, the
crepancies and anomalies can Church, schools, etc. Plans
go on endlessly. and strategies to attain or im-
Then you have the hor- prove in it should be initiated
mones and the urges that can and pursued.
just pop up anytime, urgently We need to foster greater
WE have to be more aware of We are at once body and ful origin and wounded nature and well-thought-out effort at needing discipline. The self-knowledge among our-
this need of ours. While we soul, material and spiritual, that would make our life more self-mastery, we’ll soon find young ones are most vulner- selves. Networks of helping
normally like to be spontane- individual and social, private complicated and exciting, and out we are terribly lost, we can able to these, often leading others cope with their per-
ous in our behavior, we and public, local and global, our need to integrate things unwittingly harm ourselves them to obsessions and ad- sonal difficulties should be
sooner or later realize that in time and outside of it, etc. properly more challenging. and others. We’ll be adrift in dictions, to harmful practices put in place. If we put our
spontaneity alone, without Each aspect has its peculiar “Breaking the relation of some ocean not knowing where and vices. mind and heart into this, we
self-mastery, can be danger- properties that need to be in- communion with God causes we would be heading. We’d be If we consider our envi- will realize this ideal is quite
ous. That would be like en- tegrated with those of the a rupture in the internal unity ill-prepared to face our increas- ronment just a little, we’ll real- feasible. It’s not quixotic.
ergy without direction. other aspects. of the human person, in the ingly complex world. ize we are constantly teased Together with the appro-
You see, we are a very We are subject to differ- relations of communion be- There are different and titillated, often arousing priate human means, the spiri-
complex creature, with many ent times and places, histori- tween man and woman and of forces, both inside and out- the body while killing the tual and supernatural means
layers of awareness and ten- cal and cultural conditionings the harmonious relations be- side us, that tend to dominate spirit. We easily become vic- should never be neglected.
dencies, with conflicting that certainly exert some influ- tween mankind and other crea- us in their own selfish terms tims of the so-called freedom These are prayer, sacrifices,
forces and competing im- ences on us, often in very tures,” (29) the Compendium without due regard to what is of expression or artistic rights sacraments, ascetical
pulses, due to the many dif- subtle but effective ways. of the Church’s Social Doc- truly good to us, according to that often go their own self- struggle, doctrinal formation,
ferent parts, aspects and Besides, our Christian trine explains. an objective truth about man ish and shallow ways. spiritual direction, etc. These
stages of our life. faith teaches us about our sin- If there’s no conscious or to any reference to the com- This explains why we are indispensable.

“Something Went Wrong on my Way to Heaven…,” Lucylle FROM THE INBOX

by Fr. Jun Villanueva

Stop the Sinister Plan

I FIRST came to know Lucylle when I help, and as if longing to be heard and
was waiting for a ride along Cubao. She understood. But her voice was swal-
was a teenager, about 16 or 17 years of lowed by the busy street.
age. She was cute. And her hair seemed Lucylle left the province. She was AN undeclared war on terror has been going on for months.
to fly as the buses pass the place where made to believe that she will work as a Leftist activists have been killed by the scores. Not a day
we were standing. She wears a ready saleslady in a big department store, but passes when a leftist activist is not slain in some part of the
smile, yet her face was as lonely as a cold it was a lie. She ended up as a domestic country. To date, 290 leftists have been killed, members of
night. Yes, she was attractive and helper. She left her employer after a year. progressive organizations, such as Bayan Muna, Anak
seemed to cast a spell when she turned And the baby she was pleading to be Pawis and Gabriela.
away. She was limping. She had only helped was the daughter of one of her Here comes president Arroyo with her ‘Oplan Bantay
one real leg, the other was made of wood. employer’s sons. And she has nowhere Laya’, openly declaring an all-out war against the insur-
She met an accident which I could not to go. She lives with the other Lucylles gents. Her master plan is to deliver the final blow against
understand. in the busy city. As she left my sight, I after dinner, I would spend my time, the 37-year old communist insurgency. No doubt it will claim
And her bag of heavy belongings could only remember her words: she was maybe an hour or two, watching TV, or hundreds more victims among the leftists as collateral dam-
never seemed to bother her—an empty willing to die for her baby; she was ready opening my emails, amidst the comfort age. These ‘leftists’ are our militant youths, committed
bottle, several baby clothes, an old to sacrifice for her baby…. She was will- of my room. And despite the concerns church workers, activists, journalists, priests, pastors etc.,
sweater and a small pillow. She said her ing to walk along this busy road called and demands of my ministry, I thank God who have to be neutralized, that means eliminated, accord-
baby was in a wooden crib somewhere in Life, literally with one leg, symbolically, for letting Lucylle pass the road I am trav- ing to the dumb people in the military and Arroyo’s cabinet.
the busy streets or maybe near the wet she was ready to walk despite the ob- eling. For inspiration, for strength, for a Isn’t it high time for the Christian Churches to get their
market. I couldn’t remember exactly. stacles and was willing to give her all… humbling experience—for the many act together and stop this sinister and insidious plan of the
What was left with me was the aura of a She was Lucylle. Lucylles out there. It was not a wrong president? The Churches should take a collective stand
lost child, of a lonely voice, pleading for After my last Sunday Mass, and turn after all… against this immoral regime and make a final call for the
president to step down. The Catholic Church of the Philip-
pines in particular, I believe, should make a clear prophetic
Bo Sanchez deep friendship, much more chance, I invite Dad and witness, at this time when GMA undertakes her pilgrimage
than ever. Mom to hop along the jour- to Rome and presents her credentials—the abolition of the

Let Some Things Not As a kid, Dad and I

walked together to Cubao,
ney. So we’ve gone to-
gether to different parts of
death penalty—to Pope Benedict, leaving untold her crimes
against humanity, abetting if not encouraging the system-

Change and we loved passing by that the world. atic and widespread killings of political dissidents and jour-
tiny Shoemart—if you can still They don’t give talks nalists, to silence criticisms.
remember—that ancient SM or anything like that. To remain silent is not an option, as Randy David
I remember a time when life loved me. Because he loved that sold only shoes and noth- I still do the preaching. rightly says, ‘The day citizens like us (how much more
was a little simpler. me enough to waste his time ing else. But from the pulpit, I could church people) shut up would be the day we lose our stakes
During an ancient, on me. I loved those walks! see Dad and Mom, praying in the nation.
pre-historic era, there was Things have changed Just Dad and me, walking at the back of the crowd. Once Mrs. Arroyo steps down, the Church can take
only one Shakey’s pizza now. Today, we no longer go man to man. They’re praying for me. over the responsibility to resume the peace negotiations
store in the country—lo- out of town to eat pizza. We What has changed? They love me. with the communist rebels. In a society where almost all
cated in far away Angeles don’t even leave the house. I Today, SM consumes Thank God, some democratic institutions under this regime have lost their
City. I was only twelve just dial delivery, and Dad and 30% of the geographical land things don’t ever change. legitimacy, only the Church has the moral authority to as-
years old when my father I can eat pizza. My father’s an space of the Republic of the Because in this in- sume this responsibility. The Church owes this to the na-
would bring me there for a older man now, and so am I Philippines. And it sells every- sanely chaotic world of tion. She only can demand an unconditional ceasefire on
two-hour drive, just to eat (Sniffle). Sometimes I pay the thing else except nuclear re- ours, our kids desperately both sides and negotiate with the rebels to finally lay down
pizza. He’d eat two slices, bill. (Waaaah!) actors and live piranha. need to know that they can their arms and return to the fold of the law. I predict, it will
and I’d eat the rest. But when I really think Also, Dad and I are no hold on to certain realities take less than the 2 years GMA needs to crush the insur-
More than the pizza about it, the deeper things longer able to take long walks. that remain true for life. gency.
however, I treasure the time haven’t changed. Dad still I’ve become a missionary and Or else they’ll lose
I spent with Dad. In my eats two slices, and I still eat that has taken me away from their way, and die some- Arnold van Vugt O.Carm.Assoc.
heart, I knew that my father the rest. And I still enjoy his home. But when given a where inside. e-mail:
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 10 No. 11
September 11, 2006 CINEMA Reviews 15
Title: CRANK
Running Time: 83 mins
Lead Cast: Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Title: STEP UP require "acting". Despite some
Efren Ramirez, Jose Pablo Running Time: 98 mins shortcomings, the over-all pro-
Cantillo, Dwight Yoakam, Carlos Lead Cast: Channing Tatum, Jenna duction is satisfying, and credit
Sanz, Reno Wilson Dewan, Damaine Radcliff, must be given to some dance
Directosr: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor De'Shawn Washington, Mario Drew movie "veterans": Director Anne
Screenwriters: Mark Neveldine, Brian Sidora, Rachel Griffiths Fletcher who also did some cho-
Taylor Director: Anne Fletcher
Producers: Bob Hayvard, David Garrett,
reography and screen writer
Music: Paul Haslinger Duane Adler who did the same.
John Starke
Genre: Action/Adventure Screenwriters: Duane Adler, Mellissa Michael Sorensin's photography
Cinematography: Adam Biddle Rossenberg effectively captures the beauty,
Distributor: Lions Gate Film Editor: Nancy Richardson the fluid movements and the
Location: USA Genre : Musical/Drama/Dance/Romance highly kinetic nature of dance.
Technical Assessment: Cinematography: Michael Seressin Speaking of values, the
Distributor: Buena Vista International movie is a step-up to the typical
Moral Assessment: ½ Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
CINEMA Rating: For mature
movie intended for teens. It
Technical Assessment: ½ shows interracial friendships be-
viewers 18 and above Moral Assessment:
a video game. It's life imitating a tween Tyler and Mac; also be-
CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 13 and below with parental guid- tween Nora and her artist friends.
ACE mobster hitman Chev Chelios video game, and while the "hero" is ance
(Jason Statham) wakes up muzzy- on an adrenaline high, the movie It illustrates loving relationships
brained one morning and learns seeks to put you, the viewer, in the between siblings as in the case
through a DVD that he has been in- same mode by packing every frame TYLER Gage (Channing Tatum), love though they come from differ- of Tyler and between Mac and his
jected the poisonous "Beijing Cock- with blood-dripping violence and a disillusioned teenager, living ent worlds. Nora is the sheltered brother. The film puts across posi-
tail" by fellow gangster Varona (Jose lewdness while battering your ear- with foster parents in inner city only child of a well-to-do widow. But tive messages like the need to per-
Pablo Cantillo). He has about one drums with profanity and crude lan- Baltimore, has no dreams or ex- the course of love does not run severe, to fight for one's dreams
hour to live before the poison stops guage. Technically, it achieves its pectations in life. He hangs smooth. There are problems with and to be dedicated to what one
his heart. Chev's doctor is getting aim--to wed MTV style and video around with his colored friend Tyler's lack of discipline, Nora's boy- does. It shows that love, court-
ready to board a plane and manages game action--and hopes its audi- Mac (Damaine Radcliff) and friend and Tyler's friends Mac and ship and romance can be clean
to diagnose his condition via ence, seeing some worth in that, will Mac's little brother Skinny Skinny. Will Nora's "showcase" and sweet with no premarital sex.
cellphone. He advises Chev to find forgive the movie its lack of respect (D'Shawn Washington) and to- push through to help her career? Will Beyond a kiss, there is no indica-
the drug that he needs to be kept on for moderation. It's style is not even gether with them, often gets in- the two lovers repeatedly kiss and tion or implication of a physical
an adrenaline high to stave off the that original, resorting to Google volved in some kind of hooligan- make up? or sexual relationship. The pic-
effects of the lethal cocktail. If he Earth for transitions between loca- ism. When they vandalize the In Step Up, dance takes the pre- ture also presents the possibility
slows down, he might lapse into a tions. After all that brazen destruc- Maryland School of the Arts, he eminent position. From the opening of change. A juvenile delinquent
coma. He's not asking much of his tion and suffocating mindlessness, alone is caught and sentenced to credits to the showcase finale, dance who has had a bad record of mis-
doctor?just to live long enough to it is ridiculously funny to watch 200 hours of community service enthusiasts will enjoy watching the chiefs can be transformed with the
taste revenge. So Chev goes off in a Crank believing it can save itself with as a janitor in this prestigious in- artistry of ballet, hip-hop, jazz and right motivation, work and com-
frenzied search of the drug and his a sober or heart-rending ending. stitution. In school, he notices other eclectic fusions of dance mitment. Tyler with his low self-
hoodlum enemies?that means being The movie's tagline says "Poi- Nora Clark (Jenna Dewan), a genres. Most dance scenes throb esteem, hopelessness and lack of
the ultimate hoodlum himself, rob- son in his veins. Vengeance in his trained classical dancer very with energy and creativity that one ambition becomes empowered in
bing shops, messing up hospitals, heart." We might as well add "? and much committed to her art. She is is likely to catch the pulsating spirit the end. The film shows that
crash-driving through a mall in a a lot of hot air in his head." Crank assiduously preparing for her se- and revel in this exuberant celebra- when young people have no
chase with the police, sniffing co- wants to fly high on nothing. CIN- nior year performance when her tion of life. This movie will appeal to worthwhile goals or commit-
caine, banging heads and having EMA, with all due respect, would like dance partner is injured. Seeing teenagers even if the romantic story ments, they may expend their en-
public sex with his girlfriend Eve to express its perplexity over the Nora's frustration after her unsuc- is hackneyed, thin and predictable. ergy, talent and time on some form
(Amy Smart). The rampage finally MTRCB rating of Crank--hat 13 year cessful search for a new partner, The good character development of of lawlessness but when in-
leads him face to face with Varona. olds may watch it. We wouldn't even Tyler offers to help. Though he Channing Tatum as well as the sub- tensely involved in something
If you are looking for thought- call it "entertainment" for the most never had formal dance training, plots flesh out the story. The movie's commendable (like love for the
provoking dialogue, a plausible plot mature of viewers. Whether Crank Tyler has a natural gift. He is a leads Tatum and Dewan, both im- arts) they can become achievers.
or even an over-all message in a film, is art or an artistic garbage heap, street dance prodigy. As Tyler pressive dancers, light up the screen The film gets V-13 because of
skip Crank. Its last-name directors, you'd be well off spending your learns the dance steps of Nora's with their fine chemistry. Both acquit some thematic elements and vio-
billed Neveldine/Taylor, seem more movie money on something else. It showcase, the two dancers fall in themselves well in the scenes that lence.
concerned with packing Crank with could buy you five kilos of good rice,
the hazards and sensory overload of for one.

Title: JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE in any neighborhood the lifestyle of degree of pain he has caused the ing face, seems to have built into her
Running Time: 87 mins her promiscuous mother Lori (Jenny girls. When the usual get-even tac- contract that the expression "My,
Lead Cast: Jesse Metcalf, Brittany McCarthy) drags her to. A new- tics backfire, the three cook up a she's hot!" is to be uttered by some-
Snow, Ashanti, Sophia Bush, comer in school, Kate gets a crush meaner plot: they will do everything one whenever she exits a scene.
Arielle Kebbel, Penn Badgley, on the school team's basketball cap- to make Tucker fall in love with Kate Honesty and personal integrity,
Jenny McCarthy tain, John Tucker (Jesse Metcalfe), who will then reject him the message of John Tucker Must
Director: Betty Thomas
Screenwriter: Jeff Lowell a slam-dunking jock who scores high Light comedy John Tucker Must Die, is positive but it gets snowed
Music: Richard Gibbs on the ball court and even higher with Die is a movie aimed at teenage girls under by the situations advancing
Cinematography: Anthony B. the campus females. But Kate dis- who may resonate well with the char- the revenge theme. What would
Richmond covers that John is triple-timing the acters. The school setting is authen- have been admirable, common sen-
Distributor: 20th Century Fox chief cheerleader Heather (Ashanti), tic as authentic can be---showing sible and even charitable decisions
Location: U.S.A. the aspiring TV-journalist Carrie campus life with all its attendant (like quitting the get-even scheme
Technical Assessment: (Arrielle Kebbel) and the vegan ac- thrills and spills, from locker room when Kate's conscience gets the
Moral Assessment: ½ tivist Beth (Sophia Bush), and dis- talk to hair-pulling sessions among better of her) go overboard and turn
CINEMA Rating: For mature closes the fact to the three girls, each competing campus queens---help- into moralizing or sermonizing. A lot
viewers 18 and above of whom believes she is the only one ing the story flow smoothly and be- more action footage devoted to the
in the basketball hero's heart. Want- lievably. The movie's title forebodes get-even tactics stands a greater
HIGH school teener Kate (Brittany ing to be someone at last, Kate de- doom but the movie isn't half as bru- chance of being retained in the
Snow) considers herself an "invis- cides to fit in and accepts a revenge tal as the title implies. The plot is memory than the words-words-
ible", one who has never been no- scheme hatched by the three---they familiar and predictable reminiscent words footage that seems inserted
ticed anywhere---in school, at home, will make John Tucker feel the same of Mean Girls and Can't Buy Me to serve as the movie's redeeming
Love , so it is understandable if factor. Add to that the sexual innu-
fussier movie buffs scoff at the movie endoes spiking the movie here and
as just another flash in the comedic there and you have an unfair situa-
pan. More than the less-than-funny tion treated like an unfunny comedy

jokes, what can be annoying in the with an unconvincing resolution. A
Name ___________________________________________ movie is the way Metcalfe and final word of caution: it is not advis-
(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name) McCarthy are projected as hotter able that young teens view the movie
properties than their roles call for. for the sole reason that it takes too
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pretty Boy Metcalfe could pass for much for granted. No one questions
Mailing Address __________________________________ a Mel Gibson Circa 1976, and is por- premarital sex or promiscuity in the
trayed in the movie as a heel who all story: the focus is on who gets to
_________________________________________________ too easily elicits sympathy after his bed with hero, not the morality (or
The CBCP Monitor is published Phone No.: _______ Fax No.: ______ E-mail: __________ "conversion." McCarthy, an ex-Play- immorality) of doing it outside of
fortnightly by the CBCP Media Of- mate who has a wonderfully pre- marriage. Dangerous for young
fice, with editorial and business of- Mode of Payment served body unmatched by an ag- minds.
fices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Check/PMO enclosed Cash Payment
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CBCP Monitor

16 People, Facts & Places Vol. 10 No. 11

September 1 1, 2006

Diocese Slates Quiz on UN Expert to Speak About

Family Bible
SAN JOSE, Antique—The San Jose
Diocesan Commission on the Bibli-
cal Apostolate, chaired by Fr Rey
Millennium Dev’t Goals
PASIG City— United Nation’s ex-
pert in the millennium development
goals, Dr. Brian Scarnecchia, Esq.,
Cazeñas, along with the Presbyteral is set to visit the country to dis- CELEBRATED. Divine Word quested the sisters of the Maryknoll registered as a foundation with
Council is holding the Diocesan Bible cuss about “The Implications of the College of Laoag (Ilocos Norte); Congregation in New York to initiate the Securities and Exchange
Quiz on October 7, 9 a.m., at the Audi- Millennium Development Goals 60 th foundation a teacher-training program for women Commission on July12,1999, with
anniversary; in the Philippines. Thereupon, the Bacolod Bishop Camilo Gregorio
Visual room of the St. Joseph Center. from the Point of View of Catholic
July 2006. Maryknoll sisters established the as its Chairman. Its founder,
DYKA, the diocesan radio station, Teachings” in a national conference Founded in 1946 Malabon Normal School at the old Margarita M. Coscolluela, now
will cover the event live. Two family organized by the Society of Catho- by Fr. Alphonse remodeled Augustinian Convent in about 81 years old, still spends
participants per Deanery or a total lic Social Scientists- Philippine Mildner , SVD, Malabon, Rizal. In 1952, the school most of her time in prisons, bring-
of eight families will vie for the op- Chapter this coming October 10 at the Divine Word college of was transferred to its present loca- ing hope and uplifting the cause
portunity and will represent the dio- the University of Asia and the Pa- Laoag, earlier known as St. tion in Loyola Heights, Quezon and and welfare of prisoners.
cese at the Regional Bible Quiz be- cific, Ortigas Complex, this city, William’s College, served as the its name was changed to Maryknoll
fore the end of 2006. The Nat’l Bible from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Society of the Divine Word’s College. Now, the school is officially DIED. Fr. Jose
Quiz will be held in January 2007 Scarnecchia will be coming from the (SVD) educational apostolate in known as Miriam College. To meet Blanco, SJ, 82, a
around the time of the CBCPAnnual Franciscan University of the northern part of the country. the challenges of the times, Miriam noted Jesuit
Assembly. Steubenville, Ohio, USA. Starting out as a high school ex- College has expanded its curricular scholar and so-
clusively for boys, the school for- offerings and instituted three major cial activist; of
mally opened in July 1946. Erst- centers for curriculum development, cardiac arrest; in
13th Asia Pacific Pro-life Philippines while dubbed as the first institu-
tion in Ilocos Norte to offer a com-
research, and community outreach. Sta. Ana (Xavier
House), Manila.
Congress to be Held in Invites Advertisers to plete course in education (BSE), Imprisoned during the Martial
Cebu Fund its Programs the institution later diversified its
programs, offered new specializa-
Law regime of President Marcos
and fighting for justice until the
tions in Commerce, and opened end, Blanco founded the Aksyon
CEBU City— The Human Life Inter- QUEZON City—Boost your sales its Graduate School of Business Para sa Kapayapaan at
national–Philippines will hold the 13th while taking part in their advocacy Administration in 1972. The Katarungan (Movement for
Asia Pacific Congress on Love, Life to save and change lives. The Pro- school marks its 60th foundation Peace and Justice). He was a
and Family at the Parklane Interna- life Philippines is invites everyone anniversary with year-long cel- preacher and staunch advocate
tional Hotel here on October 6-8, 2006 to post advertisements in its three ebrations and with its theme an- of active non-violence, of which,
with the theme: “Silence is not an media components: chored on the SVD’s vision of he once wrote: “The world is best
option: Do not be afraid”. The event, in the “Love being “Witness to the Word”. CELEBRATED. Santa Maria nga reconstructed by valuing the
will kick off with a Holy Mass to be Life” newspaper, and in the “Love Iloy sang Diyos Prison Ministry people and human lives, by
presided by Archbishop Paciano Life” radio program on Veritas 846 CELEBRATED. Miriam College Foundation; 25th foundation anniver- reaching out in joy and dialogue.
Aniceto, chairman of the CBCP Epis- AM. Through their media services, (Quezon City); 80th foundation sary; September 8, 2006. Founded in That is Filipino people power.
copal Commission on Family and Life anyone can advertise in three differ- anniversary; 1981 by Margarita M. Coscolluela, This will be our contribution to
(ECFL). The organizer said among ent media forms for the price of one. September the Foundation serves as a volun- human progress and peace.” At
the issues that will tackled are: sex 2006. Estab- teer group in prison service and Blanco’s funeral services, the Je-
Ad placements will fund the Pro-
education, the case against lished in 1926 apostolate based in Bacolod City, suit Provincial Fr. Daniel Huang,
life’s programs like Pregnancy Coun- by the Arch- Negros Occidental. With their belief- SJ, remarked, “Father Blanco
condoms, the international push for seling Services, Youth Programs and bishop of Ma- principle that “man’s life, worth and made me fully aware of the social
abortion rights and the family, safe- Responsible Parenthood Seminars. nila, then Most. dignity, and potentials are priceless and political obligations we must
guarding life and family in the Con- For more information, contact Pro- Rev. Michael O’doherty re- gifts from God”, the group was duly all undertake.”
stitution and many others. life at (632) 421-7147.

Sacred Heart Seminary in Palo Marks 50 years

By Msgr. Ramon B. Aguilos, MSEM, STD
LAST September 8-9, 2006, Sacred Heart Seminary re- istration of the fathers of the Society of the Divine
opened its doors to her alumni, both priests and lay- Word went into full operation. Its high school pro-
men alike, as she celebrated her fifty years of presence gram was given government recognition in 1945, and
in Palo, Leyte. its college curriculum in 1948.
The celebration started with a spiritual activity— The seminarians made Tanauan their home until
solemn vespers and benediction. It was followed by a 1956 when the new bishop of Palo, Bishop Lino
dinner at the seminary auditorium, an occasion for old Gonzaga, decided to relocate the seminary to a 24 hect-
time friends to meet again, recall good times in the past are lot outside the hub of the historic town of Palo.
and work out means to help the seminary. The SVD Fathers continued to administer the semi-
The next day, September 9, a conference was given nary until 1969. Since then, the local clergy has been
by Msgr. Ramon Aguilos, who offered some historical taking the reins of the seminary administration and the
vignettes of the seminary during the last fifty years. formation of priests for the Archdiocese of Palo and
This was followed by a solemn Mass presided by Arch- her nearby dioceses.
bishop Jose Palma, Archbishop of Palo. Himself a semi- The seminary presently houses the high school,
nary formator prior to his ordination to the episco- pre-college and college seminarians, and has a total
pacy—as rector of St. Joseph Regional Seminary in population of 144.
Jaro, Iloilo—Archbishop Palma was not treading on The present set-up in the seminary administra-
an unfamiliar ground. Concelebrating were about 50 tion is composed of the following: Rev. Virgilio
priests—all alumni of the Sacred Heart Seminary. Manaog, STD, Rector; Rev. Erlito Maraya, PhD, Dean
The Sacred Heart Seminary was founded in 1944 of Studies/Spiritual Director College Department; Rev.
by the late Bishop Manuel Mascariñas, the first Bishop Albert Clyde Añover, STB, Procurator/Spiritual Direc-
of Palo. The first quarters were set up at the old Holy tor, High School Department/Pastoral Director College
Infant Academy in Tacloban City to house the pio- Department; Rev. Benito Trocino, STB, Dean of Stu-
neering students. Just as when the skies were clearing dents/Sports Moderator College Department; Rev.

We are just a click aw ay...

away of the smokes of war, the fledgling seminary was Dennis Inocando, PhD, Dean of Students, Pre-Col-
moved to the Tacloban Catholic Institute, and shortly lege Formation; Rev. Eduardo Tantuico, STB, PhL,
thereafter, transferred to Tanauan, Leyte. It was in Dean of Students, HS Department; Sr. Ma. Josefina
Tanauan that the diocesan seminary under the admin- Almarines, RVM, Principal, High School Department. •

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