CBCPMonitor Vol11-N08

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Vol. 11 No. 8
April Reflects
16-29, 2007 “Restrictive
View of Salvation”
A New Saint
with a Link to
Bible Quiz
Challenge Accepted
“Common Good, an
Inalienable Right”
the Philippines in Europe

NASSA, NAMFREL Join www.cbcponline.net/cbcpmonitor cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net

Church Stands Firm
Hands for Quick Count in Against Contraceptives
May Polls DESPITE social survey results, the Catholic
Church remains undaunted with its firm stand
THE Catholic Church’s social action arm on family planning.
and the National Movement for Free Elec- Pulse Asia survey recently showed that nine
tions (NAMFREL) have agreed to step up out of ten Filipinos support artificial birth con-
their cooperation for the conduct of a quick trol programs.
count for the May 14 elections. The survey, which was based on 1,800 re-
NAMFREL Chairman Edward Go said Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace spondents nationwide, also showed 75 percent
an accord has been signed with the Na- of voters will support candidates in the May
tional Secretariat for Social Action 14 elections who endorse government fund-
(NASSA) to work together using each April 16-29, 2007 Vol. 11 No. 8 Php 20.00 ing for family planning.
NASSA / P4 Church Stands / P4

CBCP Calls
for Prayer
for Clean
RP Signs Accord with
THE Catholic Bishops’
Conference of the Philip-
pines (CBCP) has ap-
Catholic Church
By Roy Lagarde
pealed to Filipinos to re-
main steadfast in prayer as FOR the first time, a framework
the country prepares for agreement on cooperation has
the May 14 polls. been signed between the Phil-
According to CBCP ippine government and the
president Archbishop An- Vatican to clinch the protection
gel Lagdameo it is signifi- of the Catholic Church’s cul-
cant to seek God’s inter- tural heritage in the country.
cession to prevent “evil Papal nuncio Archbishop
from getting in control” Fernando Filoni, who repre-
and avoid others from do- sented the Holy See, said the
ing evil things during Vatican “desires that the eccle-
polls. siastical cultural heritage be
Lagdameo, who is also preserved and cared for with
the archbishop of Jaro in every single-minded attention,
Iloilo, said this in his lat- for it’s an expression of faith,
est pastoral statement culture, and art.”
about the next month’s “Similarly, the Republic of
synchronized local and the Philippines takes to heart
national elections. the fact that this same heritage
“We exhort everyone to continues to represent an incal-
be vigilant, to pray and to culable resource for the nation,”
offer penance for this in- Filoni told the audience at the
tention,” the CBCP said. Department of Foreign Affairs
“May the hand of God (DFA) office where the pact was
stop evil from getting in signed.
control. We need the Almost every town in the
Lord’s help, without country has at least one church
which our best efforts will built during the Spanish colonial
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

come to nothing.” period and currently preserved

The bishops urged Basic by parish communities and used
Ecclesial Communities for liturgical activities.
(BEC) and the parishes na- These properties are under
tionwide to organize the legal ownership of local
“Holy Hours” of prayer ecclesiastical instrumentalities
vigils from May 5 to 14, of the Catholic Church and are
election day. “vivified” by the Christian be-
“Humble and trusting ARCHBISHOP Fernando Filoni, Apostolic Nuncio and Plenipotentiary, signed on behalf of the Holy Father an Agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of the lief of the Filipino faithful.
prayers are needed to Philippines on the Cultural Heritage of the Catholic Church. Secretary Alberto Romulo of the Dep artment of Foreign Affairs signed the document on behalf of the Philippine “These works of art are ad-
safeguard the sanctity of
Government in the presence of Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales of Manila, Ricardo Cardinal Vidal of Cebu and CBCP President Archbishop Angel Lagdameo. mired not only for their beauty
the ballot and of the entire and historic values, but also

Boac Diocese Marks 11th year of

electoral processes,” the because they represent a deep
statement read. expression of the faith of the
The prelate likewise en- soul of the Filipino people,”
couraged contemplative said Filoni.

Marinduque Mining Disaster

men and women in more The cooperation includes the
than 100 monasteries na- legal protection by the govern-
tionwide to pray for the ment of movable and immov-
country—“especially for able cultural heritage of artistic
all voters, candidates and and historic significance, most
election officials and IN a rare display of unity and volunteerism, thou- bility before God to enrich the beauty and bounty especially those of the colonial
workers.” sands of faithful led by the Diocese of Boac gath- of our remaining natural resources.” churches.
The CBCP also urged ered together on March 24 to clean up both em- “In this sense, our collective dignity as The nuncio expressed hope
lay faithful in this pre- bankments of the 26-kilometer Boac River to com- Marinduqueños will wipe out the infamy which that the agreement between the
dominantly Catholic memorate the 11 th anniversary of the country’s the Boac River disaster of 1996 brought to our government and the Vatican
country to take seriously biggest mining tragedy that killed the said stream island-paradise. However, the local Church and will not fail to work in fruitful
their role as citizens by in 1996. the local governments have the common tasks to collaboration so that the objec-
taking active participation Organized by the diocese’s Marinduque Coun- continuously seek justice for our people and for tives of the treaty will be ful-
and choosing right people cil for Environmental Concerns (MACEC), the our environment,” he stressed. filled.
to run the government. activity was in response to the Pastoral Letter is- “Consequently, it is our com-
It said people should sued by Marinduque’s Bishop Reynaldo Justice Delayed mon wish that the religious-his-
not just vote but out to Evangelista and a resolution adopted by the Marinduqueños have been seeking justice from toric-cultural heritage avails it-
practice vigilance and Marinduque provincial government. the various Courts in the country and abroad to self of all those public and pri-
monitor the election pro- Evangelista emphasized in his letter to the determine the liabilities of Marcopper Mining Cor- vate energies that will facilitate
cesses to ensure credible faithful read in all the Sunday masses on March poration and Placer Dome, Incorporated (bought its preservation and also
results. 18 that: “It is high time for the entire Marinduque by Barrick Gold in 2006) over the disasters their growth for the future,” said
CBCP Calls / P4 community to work together in reclaiming the 30-year mining operations have caused the people Most Rev. Reynaldo Evangelista, DD Filoni.
integrity of our creation as part of our responsi- Boac / P4 Bishop of Boac RP Signs / P4

Cardinal Issues Symposium to Shed Light on CBCP Head Seeks Arroyo’s Help for
Criteria for
Church Law Held Justice of Slain Indo Priest
Choosing Leaders CBCP head Archbishop Angel In a letter sent to President
A ONE-DAY symposium on Three Church law experts
IN another effort to inform Canon law was held at the Sa- spoke in the symposium, Lagdameo and Indonesian Arroyo, Lagdameo appealed
the electorate on how to Catholics in the Philippines for “speedy delivery of jus-
cred Heart Center in Cebu which focused on the process
vote worthy candidates, the City on April 18, 2007. for the Declaration of Mar- have asked the government to tice” for Fr. Fransiskus
Archdiocese of Manila has solve the killing of an Indone- Madhu, SVD who was shot
Organized by the Canon riage Nullity, the legal aspect
issued guidelines for re- Law Society of the Philippines for the establishment of New sian priest in Kalinga province dead April 2.
early this month. CBCP Head / P4
sponsible voting. (CLSP), the activity was open Institutes of Consecrated Life
In a pastoral statement, to all the members of the and the Law on Eucharistic
Manila Archbishop clergy, institutes of conse- Liturgy.
Gaudencio Cardinal crated life and the lay faithful The CLSP noted that the
Rosales said election is a of the Cebu archdiocese. Symposium / P4
process of choosing leaders
who, with the people, will
seek the common good of 3 Old Churches Identified Among the
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

“Choosing and holding
the leaders accountable to
Architectural Heritage Sites in Leyte
the governed is a critically AT least three old churches The first heritage destina-
important choice that must are included in the six Archi- tion identified is Tanauan
follow moral guidelines,” tectural Heritage sites in Leyte where the Our Lady of As-
he said. which will be showcased in sumption Parish Church is
He asked the voters to re- the Architectural Heritage one of the oldest churches and
spect the sacredness of the Tour on May 1, 2007. where the Rectory was re- MOST Rev. Honesto Ongtioco of Cubao delivers his talk on the Family and the Sanc-
election by not selling and The event is in connection stored to its natural design. tity of Marriage at the 7th Tri-State Convention of the Knights of Columbus held in
bartering their votes with with the commemoration of Then there is Dulag, where Cagayan de Oro City on April 20-22, 2007. Other speakers were CBCP President
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, Cagayan de Oro Archbishop Antonio Ledesma,
Cardinal / P4 the National Heritage Month the ruins of the 1595-built Je- Malaybalay Bishop Honesto Pacana, SK Stephen Feiler of the KC Supreme Office,
in the month of May. Old Churches / P4 and Msgr. Pedro Quitorio of the CBCP Media Office.
CBCP Monitor
2 World News Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007

Panel Backs Hopes for Unbaptized More UK Doctors

Refusing to Do
Infants Who Die, OKs Publication Abortions
of Report on Limbo LONDON, England, April 17,
2007—A growing number of
doctors in the United Kingdom
are refusing to perform
VATICAN CITY, April 20, 2007— restrictive view of salvation. entrust them to the mercy of God, as abortions for ethical reasons, a
Benedict XVI authorized the The 41-page document noted this is she does in her funeral rites for them. new report shows.
publication of a report that expresses an “urgent pastoral problem,” “Indeed, the great mercy of God A report by the Royal College
the hope that babies who die without especially because of the large who desires that all men should be of Obstetricians and
baptism are able to get to heaven. number of unbaptized babies who die saved, and Jesus’ tenderness toward Gynecologists looked
The report by the International as victims of abortion. children which caused him to say: specifically at the number of
Theological Commission, published The commission’s documents are ‘Let the children come to me, do not abortions that now take place at
today, concluded that there are not considered official expressions of hinder them,’ allow us to hope that private clinics instead of public
serious theological and liturgical the magisterium. But the commission there is a way of salvation for ones because of unavailable staff.
grounds for the hope that such babies does help the Holy See to examine children who have died without The number of abortions in
are saved and enjoy the beatific important doctrinal issues. baptism. private clinics 10 years ago was 20%;
vision. The Catechism of the Catholic “All the more urgent is the now the number is closer to 40%.
The commission says the Church in No. 1261 explains: “As Church’s call not to prevent little Still, the newspaper Independent
theological hypothesis of “limbo” regards children who have died children coming to Christ through the reported on Monday that the
appeared to be based on an unduly without baptism, the Church can only gift of holy baptism.” (Zenit) number of abortions in England
and Wales is at a record 190,000 a
year. With fewer doctors willing to

State Funeral for Beijing’s Patriotic Bishop, Party “Property” perform the procedure, abortion
supporters say that within five
years, there may be more demand
HONG KONG, April 21, in deep communion with the reference is to the superstitious The PA has sent out a for abortions than doctors to
2007—Michele Fu Tieshan, Pope and Vatican”. Despite nature of the deceased bishop communiqué in which they provide them.
Patriotic Archbishop of this, the sources add, all of the and his passion for Majiang ask all of the parishes in China Furthermore, with fewer doctors
Beijing, will receive a funeral faithful in China and abroad (Chinese dominos). to pray for him. In Beijing’s’ in public clinics willing to perform
fit for a “head of state”. There “should pray for his soul, The capital’s faithful notice Nantang (Church of the abortions, hospitals must refer
will be no Vatican which is now at the mercy of with some bitterness that the Immaculate), the capital’s those seeking abortion to private
representative present, neither God’s justice”. patriotic bishop’s body was cathedral, there will be a 7-day clinics. And the National Health
the religious ceremony nor the Michele Fu Tieshan died “sequestered” by the PA—of period of mourning with mass Service, which funds four out of five
state burial. yesterday evening at 19.50 which Fu was national celebrated in his memory each abortions in Britain, is struggling to
Church sources in Hong (Beijing time), at Beijing president—in order to day for the repose of the soul cope with the bills.
Kong told AsiaNews t h a t Hospital. In the official publicize his “contribution to of Fu Tieshan. Saving, not taking life
members of the Beijing statement however, the the nation”, without a single Among Beijing’s faithful Julia Millington of the London-
Patriotic Association Patriotic Association, decided reference to the Catholic faith. there are some who doubt the based ProLife Alliance said that the
expressed their desire that to make it appear that he died “He died as he lived—one veracity that the bishop died news of fewer abortions at public
there should be a Vatican at 8.08 in the evening, because woman notices—that is as yesterday. According to some clinics is certainly welcomed.
representative at the burial, of the “luck” that number “8” Communist Party property”. his death dates to April 12th. In a press statement, Millington
but it is “highly improbable brings in Chinese fortune The same official Party Since then in fact most of the added: “We have been hearing for
that someone will attend. telling. “Lets’ just hope that statement, exalts him as a people who wished to visit looking into his room all that some time now that young doctors,
There was no Vatican they don’t put Taoist cards or “patriotic religious leader, him, had to content was visible was the immobile in particular, do not want to work
representative at last year’s Majiang playing cards in his social activist and great friend themselves with prayers for bedridden figure of the in this field.
funeral of Msgr. Li Duan coffin!” was the comment of of the Chinese communist his recovery instead, outside Bishop, perhaps in coma, or “Those choosing to go into
[archbishop of Xian] who was one Beijing Catholic. The party”. his room. From a window already dead. (AsiaNews) medicine presumably do so
because they want to cure sickness

Chinese Government Forces 9-Month Women to Abort and disease, not end the lives of
innocent human beings.”
In the United Kingdom, abortion
hospital to carry out the minutes of pain and suffering, The politics of family plan- is legal throughout the entire
termination. The following her baby stopped moving and ning, the bastion of the com- pregnancy if the doctor believes the
day the same fate awaited a died. munist government, affects 90 baby suffers a severe disability, or
further 20 women. About 6am on April 18, million Chinese families. This if the mother’s life is at risk.
China Aid Association (CAA), Pastor James Liang’s wife Wei provokes social problems such Otherwise, depending on the
a United States based non Linrong gave birth to a boy, as the imbalance of sexes and mental health of the mother, an
government organization but he was dead because of the the aging population. abortion can be had up to 24 weeks.
which fights for religious injection. She received three Since 1978 only one child On another front, a London
freedom and human rights in doses of injection-one is to has been permitted to urban Catholic hospital will ban abortion-
China reported the cases. induce the birth and the other residents, two to rural referral, contraception provision
Eye witnesses reported to two to kill the baby in the couples. The average family and in vitro fertilization following
CAA that provincial police womb. has dropped from the 5.83 a campaign to restore its Catholic
transported the women to After China Aid reported the children per household of the identity.
Youjiang District People’s forced abortion, police were 1970’s to 2.1 in the ‘90’s and Cardinal Cormac Murphy-
Hospital; they were injected seen surrounding the section the current 1.8. The O’Connor of Westminster asked
forcefully with an abortive of the hospital where these government aims to contain that the ethical code of the Hospital
drug. The agents were led by abortions took place. In fact for the population within 1.37 of St. John and St. Elizabeth be
Family Planning officials. In some time now the Chinese billion by 2010. These policies revised after learning that doctors
less than 24 hours 61 fetuses population has been protesting have led to a massive were providing the morning-after
were dead. against Beijing, which allows campaign of forced abortions pill and referring women for
YOUJIANG, China, April 21, 17, in the southern province of At Bed number 37, He rich and famous couples to ig- and infanticide of female abortions.
2007—The Chinese Guangxi, police forced 41 Caigan was 9 months nore the family law on one babies, in order to have a male The new code is expected to be
government’s cruel abortion women to abort their children, pregnant. Officials injected her child, which is instead applied heir to maintain the family agreed upon by the hospital board
campaign continues: on April dragging them into the local baby’s head and after 20 with force on the less well off. name. (AsiaNews) next month. (Zenit)

Secretary of State Catholic Leaders Shocked Over

Murder of Protestant Staff in Turkey
Pastor Says ‘Words Are Not Enough’
to Comfort Virginia Tech Families
Defends Pius XII ROME, April 20, 2007—
Catholic leaders in Turkey
the Zirve offices shortly after
the murders and a fifth man, BLACKSBURG, Va., April Then he went to the Inn at
were shocked by the murder who was hospitalized with 20, 2007—Words are not Virginia Tech, a hotel on
of three employees of a head injuries after apparently enough to comfort grieving campus where parents
2007—The Vatican secretary
Protestant publishing house, jumping from a fourth-story parents, said a priest who seeking information about
of state says that Pope Pius
said an official at the Vatican window in the Zirve spent time with the parents their children were asked to
XII signed a letter asking all
nunciature in Ankara, building. Five more suspects of several of the slain gather. He said he left the
religious institutes to open
Turkey. were detained April 19. Virginia Tech students parish at 8:30 that morning
their doors to Jews
“We are upset,” said Msgr. Turkish press reports when they first learned and did not get back until
persecuted by the Nazi
Georges Marovitch. “With reported that some of the men their son or daughter was 1:30 the following morning.
each explosion of violence, it arrested told police they dead. In a brief interview in his
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
is like all our work for acted to defend Islam. In the early hours after rectory late April 18—after
said that Wednesday when
dialogue is being Msgr. Marovitch told the the murder rampage on three full days of seeing to
commenting on a caption in
questioned.” Italian newspaper Corriere campus that left 33 dead, the pastoral care of victims,
the Yad Vashem, a Holocaust
The three employees of the della Sera , “We understand Father James Arsenault, families and students—
museum in Jerusalem, which
Zirve publishing house in that the victims belonged to pastor of St. Mary Parish in Father Arsenault said that
asserted that Pius XII was
Malatya, a city in central a Protestant group that Blacksburg, was at approaching parents who
silent in the face of the
Turkey, were found dead distributed Bibles on the Montgomery Regional had just heard their child
persecution against the Jews.
with their throats slashed street in a Muslim society, Hospital with those who was dead, he would simply
Cardinal Bertone explained
Pope Pius XII April 18. and this irritated nationalist were wounded and their say something like, “Words
that on Oct. 25, 1943, Pius XII
Police arrested four men in Catholic / P9 families. Pastor / P9
signed “a bulletin from the welcome the Jews persecuted
Secretary of State which by the Nazis.”
mandated that religious The president of Yad
institutions and even the Vashem, Avner Shalev, has
catacombs be opened to Secretary / P9 Impact Magazine is
now on its 41st year,
Spanish Cardinal Slams Ideologies ever faithful to its
“That Seek to Wrench God from mission of social
Heart of Man” transformation in the
MADRID, Spain, April 17, course, the Cardinal said the Philippines and in Asia.
2007—The Archbishop of issue was of utmost
Toledo and Vice President of importance and “affects our
the Spanish Bishops’
Conference, Cardinal Antonio
Cañizares has renewed his
society both today and in the
future.” He warned that the
course would “impose a
Grab a
opposition to the course
Education for Citizenship
which Spanish law is
moral relativism and ideology
of gender” that demands
“responsible and devoted
copy now!
requiring be taught in schools consideration.”
next fall saying, “We are The Cardinal said Spaniards EDITORIAL & Business OFFICES:
risking a lot with these were rightly alarmed about 3/F CBCP Bldg., 470 Gen. Luna
ideologies that seek to wrench the course and he called for St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines
the vision of the creator God clarity in social, moral, and
Tel (632) 404-2182
from the heart of man.” anthropological concepts.
During a day-long meeting The problem with Telefax (632) 404-1612
organized by the Archdiocese “Education for Citizenship,” he Visit our website at
of Toledo to study the added, “is not one issue or www.impactmagazine.net
Education for Citizenship Spanish / P9
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007 News Feature 3
Digos Holds Catechists’
Formators Seminar
By Fr. Bong Lunas, DCD
THE Diocesan Catechetical from their four-day seminar in
Center of the Diocese of Digos summer, they also have
held the 1st Catechists’ classes in their respective vi-
Formators Institute (CFI) on cariates three times a year. In
April 10-13, 2007 at the Dioc- 2005-2007, they took up
esan Seminar House, Home of “Christology.” The CFI is only
the Clergy Compound in a part of their year-round for-
Digos City. mation program.
Participants in the seminar, The CFI keeps the triad of
131 in all, included Catechists Doctrine, Liturgy and Moral-

© http://jchensq.multiply.com
who came from all the par- ity, and includes Spirituality
ishes and mission stations of and Methodology as well. Fr.
the diocese; and, campus min- Lunas, a teacher of Systematic
isters of the Digos City Na- Theology, concluded his se-
tional High School. Lecturers ries of lecture on Christology;
on various topics were Fr. Fr. Macalisang, a professor in
Nestino Alerta, Fr. Juan Moral Theology, continued
Macalisang, STL, PhD, Fr. his last years’s lecture on the
Ferdinand Lariosa, M.A. and “Ten Commandments” with
Fr. Ronald Lunas, STL. Sr. an input on the “Beatitudes”

Vatican Commission: Limbo Reflects Mary Claire Romeo, OSB, the

diocesan catechetical program
coordinator, supervised the
as truly guides to Christian
living; Fr. Lariosa, instructor
in Liturgy, concentrated on Li-

‘Restrictive View of Salvation’ entire event. She was assisted

by Mrs. Fely Padillo.
This is the 16th year the Cen-
ter has been holding such kind
turgical Music.
The three priests belong to
the Diocese of Digos, and
presently teaching at the St.
By John Thavis of formation for catechists. In Francis Xavier Regional Semi-
the previous years, however, nary of Mindanao in Davao
VATICAN CITY—After several joy the beatific vision,” the fined as Church dogma and is In the fifth century, St. Au- the program was called Sum- City. Fr. Alerta, by way of
years of study, the Vatican’s In- document said. not mentioned in the current gustine concluded that infants mer Catechetical Institute “Recollection” introduced the
ternational Theological Com- “We emphasize that these are Catechism of the Catholic who die without baptism were (SCI). The name has been participants to “Centering
mission said there are good rea- reasons for prayerful hope, Church, which states simply consigned to hell. By the 13th changed to Catechists’ Prayer.” During the seminar,
sons to hope that babies who rather than grounds for sure that unbaptized infants are en- century, theologians referred to Formators Institute since in a new set of lessons for the first
die without being baptized go knowledge,” it added. trusted to God’s mercy. the “limbo of infants” as a place the past two years, the communicants, to be used in
to heaven. The 41-page document, titled But limbo has long been re- where unbaptized babies were Institute’s objective, has the next school year, ad
In a document published “The Hope of Salvation for In- garded as the common teaching deprived of the vision of God, shifted into forming catechists experimentum, was also pre-
April 20, the commission said fants Who Die Without Being of the Church. In the modern but did not suffer because they to assist their head catechist in sented.
the traditional concept of Baptized,” was published in age, “people find it increasingly did not know what they were their respective parishes in the Upon return to their par-
limbo—as a place where un- Origins, the documentary ser- difficult to accept that God is deprived of. formation of volunteer cat- ishes, participants to the CFI
baptized infants spend eternity vice of Catholic News Service. just and merciful if he excludes Through the centuries, popes echists. would also organize the an-
but without communion with Pope Benedict XVI authorized infants, who have no personal and Church councils were care- Since 2005, these formator- nual renewal program and
God—seemed to reflect an “un- its publication earlier this year. sins, from eternal happiness,” ful not to define limbo as a doc- catechists followed a certain formation of the volunteer cat-
duly restrictive view of salva- The 30-member International the new document said. trine of the faith and to leave the program of formation not echists both for the public
tion.” Theological Commission acts as Parents in particular can ex- question open. That was impor- only during summer but schools and the Basic Chris-
The Church continues to an advisory panel to the perience grief and feelings of tant in allowing an evolution of throughout the year. Aside tian Communities (BECs).
teach that, because of original Vatican, in particular to the guilt when they doubt their the teaching, the theological
sin, baptism is the ordinary way Congregation for the Doctrine unbaptized children are with commission said.
of salvation for all people and
urges parents to baptize infants,
the document said.
of the Faith. Its documents are
not considered expressions of
authoritative Church teaching,
God, it said.
The Church’s hope for these
infants’ salvation reflects a
A key question taken up by
the document was the Church’s
teaching that baptism is neces-
Thousands Celebrate at
But there is greater theologi-
cal awareness today that God is
merciful and “wants all human
but they sometimes set the stage
for official Vatican pronounce-
growing awareness of God’s
mercy, the commission said.
But the issue is not simple, be-
sary for salvation. That teach-
ing needs interpretation, in
view of the fact that “infants ...
Divine Mercy Shrine
beings to be saved,” it said. The commission’s document cause appreciation for divine do not place any personal ob- KRAKOW, Poland, April 16, Center in Krakow will soon
Grace has priority over sin, and said salvation for unbaptized mercy must be reconciled with stacle in the way of redemptive 2007—On April 15, the feast be underway. The 13,000-
the exclusion of innocent babies babies who die was becoming fundamental Church teachings grace,” it said. of Divine Mercy, about 50,000 14,000 square-meter complex
from heaven does not seem to an urgent pastoral question, in about original sin and about the In this and other situations, people attended a Mass cel- will include a museum, mul-
reflect Christ’s special love for part because their number is necessity of baptism for salva- the need for the sacrament of ebrated by Cardinal Adam timedia library, a chapel as
“the little ones,” it said. greatly increasing. Many in- tion, it said. baptism is not absolute and is Joseph Cardinal Maida at the well as a prayer room for
“Our conclusion is that the fants today are born to parents The document traced the de- secondary to God’s desire for Divine Mercy shrine in other faiths, and a conference
many factors that we have con- who are not practicing Catho- velopment of Church thinking the salvation of every person, it Krakow, Poland. room. One member of the
sidered ... give serious theologi- lics, and many others are the about the fate of unbaptized said. Groups were present from jury for the competition is
cal and liturgical grounds for unborn victims of abortion, it children, noting that there is “God can therefore give the the US, Canada, Nicaragua, Spanish architect Rafael
hope that unbaptized infants said. “no explicit answer” from grace of baptism without the Haiti, Finland, England, Ire- Moneo, who designed the
who die will be saved and en- Limbo has never been de- Scripture or tradition. Limbo / P8 land, Romania, Spain, new cathedral in Los Ange-
France, Italy, Germany, Aus- les, California.
tria, Slovakia, and the Czech Cardinal Dziwisz will bless
Republic. the site selected for the Cen-

A Priest of the Mangyans

In other news, an interna- ter on May 18th, the 87th
tional architectural competi- birthday of John Paul II.
tion for the Pope John Paul II (CWNews)

By Madonna T. Virola A “Priest of Divine Mercy”

pines—Thirty-four-year old
Rev. Gabayno “Gabby” TURIN, Italy, Arpil 17, 2007— rior general of the Poor Sisters
Calinog Oybad, a member of Father Luigi Boccardo, known of San Gaetano, spoke of the
the indigenous tribe called as an apostle of merciful love, newly beatified to Vatican Ra-
“Mangyans” in the province of was proclaimed blessed in his dio: “His charism as educator
Mindoro, was ordained a native city of Turin. and founder was to reveal the
priest on April 17 in Roman Cardinal José Saraiva Mar- merciful love of Jesus, priest
Catholic rites blended with in- tins, prefect of the Vatican and king, to his brothers, es-
digenous tradition at the Sto. Congregation for Saints’ pecially in the education of the
Nino parish church. Causes, presided over the be- clergy ... and in the spiritual
The Mangyans of Mindoro atification Mass, held Sunday direction of so many that ap-
are indigenous people who in the Church of the Holy proached him in the confes-
have retained their pre-His- Face. Cardinal Severino sional.”
panic writing. Most of them Poletto, archbishop of Turin, Father Luigi “could be de-
have been pushed to the moun- concelebrated. fined as ‘a priest, always a
tains by land grabbers and mi- Luigi Boccardo was born priest,’” the superior general
grants. Because of poverty, Aug. 9, 1861, the seventh of added. “For him, to be a priest
they are often treated as sec- nine children. was the most marvelous ad-
ond-class citizens. He was ordained a priest in venture.”
And so, Oybad’s ordination 1884, and served as assistant Mother Ponsi added that
was a big reason to celebrate. pastor to his brother and god- the priest and founder was a
“This is an event for the father, Father Giovanni Maria “teacher and guide for the
whole Catholic church,” said Boccardo, who was beatified young clergy, confessor and
Fr. Ewald Dinter, director of Ordination rites date sat on the floor with two lics in Oriental Mindoro was by Pope John Paul II in 1998. spiritual guide for all types of
Mangyan Mission-Oriental others, a male and a female el- also jubilant. Father Luigi then served as people.”
Mindoro. The ordination itself was a der. The elders advised him on vice rector and spiritual direc- She added that he was a
Almost a hundred priests blending of liturgical rites and the life that he has chosen so The road to priesthood tor at the Consolata College “priest of divine mercy,” and
concelebrated the mass, all of the Mangyan tradition. It that he will be able to perform for young priests, and as a the- that he “disseminated this in
them with a red piece of cloth started with the tuob, where his functions and responsibili- “I’m proof that a Mangyan, ology professor at the dioc- great abundance.”
wrapped around their heads, two Mangyan elders paraded ties effectively. when given the opportunity esan seminary. Mother Ponsi continued:
as a sign of solidarity with the around the venue some incense In the ordination proper, all and support, with perseverance The priest also spent hours “A contemplative and an
Mangyans. (smoke from a burned piece of the priests placed their hands and despite poverty, can suc- hearing confessions at the apostle, he had a knowledge
The cathedral was filled with tree and coconut husk) as a way on the head of the candidate, ceed in any undertaking. We’re Shrine of the Consolata and of delicate charity in under-
Mangyans from different sub- of cleansing the place from bad followed by a prayer. A daniw all equal before God anyway”, visiting prisoners. standing that even blind
tribes and towns in Oriental spirits, with a prayer to shoo (healer) led a prayer where said Oybad. Father Luigi became the su- people can live a religious life,
Mindoro, some volunteers away all bad spirits and an in- blessings were sought. He graduated first honors in perior general of the Poor Sis- because before God no im-
who helped in the celebration, vitation for all blessings to Bishop Warlito Cajandig, a public elementary school and ters of San Gaetano, founded pediments exist with respect
and some foreign nationals come in. In the same way, the who led the ordination, was proceeded to Catholic schools by his brother, after Father to who, by his grace, is called
supportive of the Mangyans. sacristan held an incense used joined by six elders of the tribe where he got support from mis- Giovanni Maria died in 1913. to consecrate their life to him.”
“It’s the fruit of Mangyan in Christian rituals. with their arms near their eyes sionaries. In high school, he In 1919, Father Luigi be- “Because of all this, Blessed
Mission’s journey with the When Rev. Oybad was to be closed in prayer. had to balance his studies with came director of an institute Luigi Boccardo is an example
Mangyans towards the fullness ordained, he was called in “This (the ordination) is im- his responsibilities as a convent for the blind. In that time he and a motivation in the coher-
of life with God and their ac- through a Hanunuo Mangyan portant for the inculturation of boy. built the Shrine to Jesus Christ, ent search for holiness,” and
tive response to participate in, dance (called taruk), which the message of Jesus”, said Fr. During the vocation cam- King and Priest. a “witness of charity,” she
and ultimately lead, the jour- means the coming of the spirit Dinter. He quoted John Paul II paign of the St. Augustine Mi- In 1932, he founded the Or- added.
ney”, said Fr. Rod Salazar, and transfer of power for who said that a faith that does nor Seminary in Calapan, der of Sisters of Christ the Cardinal Poletto wrote in
SVD. Oybad to become a healer of all not become culture is a faith Oybad was attracted by the re- King, a contemplative branch the diocesan pap”r: “The
Mangyan gong, flute, and illnesses. Here, the candidate which has not been fully re- ligious life. of the order founded by his event of two brothers, priests
sticks were played to mark the became an elder and a dance is ceived, not fully lived. So after high school, he took brother. in our diocese, being declared
highlights of the program, performed for God whom they The parish of the Risen Christ Philosophy at Christ the King He died June 9, 1936. blessed by the Church, is an
their sounds penetrating the call Mahal na Makakaako. which looks after the pastoral seminary in Quezon City. Mother Teresa Ponsi, supe- extraordinary grace.” (Zenit)
heart. After the homily, the candi- concerns of all Mangyan Catho- He then proceeded to Theol-
CBCP Monitor
4 News Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007

Bishop Renews Call for RP Signs / from p1

Environment Protection
THE need for protecting envi- and not just regarded it as a creating “irreparable damage” Earth Day, according to
ronment and saving “our- source of money. to our environment. Pabillo, “reminds us to have a
selves” was stressed by Manila The bishop was saddened to “With the rapid economic wider perspective” of environ-
Auxiliary Bishop Broderick note that while the country is development, our environ- ment conservation.
Pabillo, who led a Mass in cel- indeed rich in natural re- ment is getting worse and “Problems in the environ-
ebration of Earth Day on April sources it is not however prop- worse,” he said. “They don’t ment are so serious that all of
24. erly protected. see the importance of our en- us must give attention to it," he
In his homily, Pabillo said He singled out large-scale vironment that when de- said. “Let’s give respect to this
we should treat our environ- mining operations in the coun- stroyed, we can never restore world where we live in.”
ment with a lot more respect tryside as a big blow towards it back,” he said. (CBCPNews)

Boac / from p1

and environment in MACEC Executive Secretary This ruling was appealed by illusioned and disheartened
Marinduque island. Myke Magalang explained “the the accused in the Court of Ap- people of Marinduque who are
These include the criminal delay in the administration of peals and in the Supreme continuously suffering and

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

cases filed separately by the De- justice for the victims of envi- Court. Eight years after, the threatened to die one by one
partment of Environment and ronmental disaster in Supreme Court finally upheld from heavy metal poisoning.”
Natural Resources against John Marinduque and the uncon- the RTC ruling on February 10, “That is why we are calling
Eric Loney, an Australian who scionable plunder of our envi- 2006 and ordered the reinstate- the attention of the Department
was the President and CEO of ronment are reflections of inef- ment of all criminal cases, of Justice to direct the panel of
Marcopper, Steven Paul Reid, ficiency in the bureaucracy of which in effect, remanded the prosecutors to prioritize this
also an Australian national and the country, including the judi- same to the court of origin. case of the Filipino people
Resident Manager of Marcopper cial branch.” The only progress of the cases against the foreign nationals
Tapian Office, and Pedro Court records reveal that af- was on November 22, 2006 and officers of the multinational
Hernandez, a Filipino who ter the filing of the cases in when the Provincial Prosecutor mining company which plun- DFA Secretary Alberto Lagdameo, for his part,
Romulo represented the said the agreement means
served as Senior Manager for April 11, 1996, the accused filed a manifestation and mo- dered our national patrimony,”
Maintenance. Marcopper officials filed a Mo- tion to set cases for hearing and he said. government in signing the that both the Catholic
historic agreement. Church and the government
The three were the officials of tion to Quash before the Boac only after MACEC presented a
the mining company during the MTC. computer downloaded copy of Unpaid local taxes Catholic Bishops’ Confer- will mutually preserve, pro-
ence of the Philippines tect, as well as appreciate
collapse of one of the dredge After the exchange of various the Supreme Court decision. Another important concern
tunnels of Marcopper’s Tapian pleadings, the complaints for Magalang assailed “the ex- that MACEC strongly pursues (CBCP) president Arch- the proper use of the Cul-
bishop Angel Lagdameo, tural Heritage of the
Pit on March 24, 1996 that violation of the Philippine Wa- treme inefficiency of the justice is to find ways and means to
caused the biologic death of ter Code and the Anti-Pollution system because it is unimagin- compel Marcopper Mining Manila Archbishop Church.
Gaudencio Cardinal “It can be done. It will be
Boac River, the biggest and Law were dismissed by the able why until now the prosecu- Corporation and Placer Dome,
longest waterway in lower court but the accused tion and even the Municipal Inc. to pay their unpaid real Rosales and Cebu Arch- done. Both on the financial
bishop Ricardon Cardinal and artistic aspects, this
Marinduque. mining company officials were Trial Court of Boac were not of- property taxes to the province
The officials were charged for arraigned for the remaining ficially furnished with copies of of Marinduque and the munici- Vidal were present to wit- agreement is a very wel-
ness the ceremony. come event,” he said.
violation of the Philippine Wa- cases on May 28, 1997. the Supreme Court Decision.” palities of Boac, Mogpog, Sta.
ter Code, the Anti-Pollution The prosecution appealed the The Prosecution’s manifesta- Cruz and Torrijos which is over
Law, the Philippine Mining Act ruling at the Regional Trial tion informed the Municipal 1 billion as of the second quar-
of 1995, and the Revised Penal Court in Marinduque while the Trial Court that “it is in posses- ter of 2006.
Church Stands / from p1
Code docketed in the Munici- accused sought the intervention sion of what appears to be a com- “This is an extreme insensi-
pal Trial Court in this town as of the same court praying for puter generated copy of the de- tivity of a company which But the influential Catholic Statistics Office (NSO).
Criminal Cases Nos. 96-44 to the quashing also of the cases cision in G.R. No. 152644” and amassed billions of dollars in Bishops’ Conference of the “According to the UN, the
95-55 (People of the Philippines for violation of the Philippine opined that it would perhaps profit and which claims to be a Philippines (CBCP) stand on country’s population growth
v. John Eric Loney, Steven Paul Mining Act. On March 20, 1998, suffice in “paving the way for the good corporate citizen of the contraceptives or birth con- rate has declined from 2.36
Reid and Pedro Hernandez). the RTC reversed and set aside resumption of the hearing.” country but neglecting its pri- trol stays stronger than ever. percent to 1.84 percent. For
The criminal cases have been the ruling of the lower court Magalang further emphati- mary duty to pay legitimate CBCP president Arch- NSO, its 2.05 percent,” he
dragging for eleven years al- and reinstated all the criminal cally said that such “is indeed taxes to the government,” said bishop Angel Lagdameo said said. “Our country’s total fer-
ready. cases filed against the accused. a grave insult to the already dis- Magalang. (Roy Lagarde) there is no way the Church tility rate is not 3.5 but 3.2
Cardinal / from p1 CBCP Head / from p1 will change its position in op- (UN/NSO) and is headed to-
posing the use of artificial wards further decline.”
favors, and not allowing them- peace and the integral de- “I earnestly appeal to Your for Madhu’s death. birth control methods. But the prelate clarified the
selves to be coerced to vote for velopment of the country Excellency to give this concern “We, the Indonesian priests, “Surveys favoring contra- Church is not against family
certain candidates. and the people. due attention and action,” religious brothers and sisters ceptives or birth control will planning per se if the meth-
The statement, which was “In the past, enormous suf- wrote Lagdameo. residing in the Philippines de- not alter the Church’s posi- ods used are moral and pro-
read last Sunday in all ferings resulted from political Madhu was killed while he mand justice for our fallen tion and insistence in teach- tect the dignity of human life.
churches within the Manila ambitions, maneuvers and was about to celebrate Mass in brother and appeal for the ing the objective moral laws “Let it be done, [but] not ac-
archdiocese, called on the group adventurism resulting the town of Lubuagan, a speedy resolution by law en- regarding the dignity of hu- cording to some “cafeteria
clergy and the faithful to vote in the country’s poor becoming fourth-class town with a forcement agencies of his mur- man life and family,” he said. methods” with instant re-
for candidates who: even poorer,” Rosales la- population of 9,875 people in der,” the statement read. Lagdameo said the use of sults, such as through contra-
1. Love and fear God. mented. 1,764 households. “We pray that the death of contraceptives, even with ceptives, abortions, ligations
2. Guided by a well-formed The Cardinal also called on The terror that we feel, our brother shall not be for government support, and the and vasectomy,” said
conscience, sensitive to the the teachers, the armed forces, Lagdameo said, are even naught,” it added. “His life, rising cases of abortions do Lagdameo.
choice of what is good. the youth and volunteer citi- made greater by the fact that which he lovingly offered for not change the objective The formation of core val-
3. Live and serve consis- zens who help the Commission it happened while he was pre- the people of Lubuagan, and moral law on birth control. ues, he said, as well as the
tently with moral prin- on Elections (Comelec) ensure paring for the Holy Mass. his blood, that was spilled in The CBCP head reacted to education in the natural
ciples. that votes are accurately “As we sympathize with the their land, shall hopefully some perceptions that the methods of family planning is
4. Honest, non-violent and counted and properly turned family of Fr. Madhu and the bear more testaments of cour- moral stand of the Church is part of the advocacy of the
compassionate. over to the provincial and na- SVD Community, and as we age and faith that will obstructing the economic Church’s Family Life
5. Respect and protect the tional canvassers. offer prayers for his eternal strengthen the mission work progress of the country and Apostolate.
limited sources in nature He also urged the faithful to rest, we the Bishops cannot here and around the world.” maintained that there’s no He also called on for more
and requires others to do pray for guidance so that God but express once again our Charges have already been correlation between popula- participation of lay faithful in
the same. may “softly suggest in prayer” very deep concern about the filed before the Kalinga pro- tion and poverty. the family apostolate in the
6. Ready to sacrifice per- that the country needs “moral, unabated killings and other vincial prosecutor’s office He also disputed the claim parishes and barrios—espe-
sonal, party or group in- humble and repentant trust- acts of violence happening in against four suspects in the that population in the coun- cially married couples. “Pa-
terest for the sake of unity, worthy leaders.” (CBCPNews) our country,” Lagdameo killings of Madhu. try has been rising citing sta- tient and continuous educa-
stated. The Philippine National Po- tistics from the United Na- tion is necessary in this
Symposium / from p1 Attached with Lagdameo’s lice (PNP) identified the sus- tions (UN) and the National apostolate.” (CBCPNews)
letter to Arroyo was another pects as Nestor Wailan, Joel
world of Canon Law remains cided with this year’s 15 th Na- statement of concern and a call Awingan, and Acmor
a mystery for most Catholic tional CLSP Convention on NASSA / from p1
for justice by the Community Bonggawen who are now un-
faithful. Many times, it said, April 16 to 18, with the Arch- of Catholics of East Nusa der manhunt operation. The other’s manpower and vital as a precondition made by
this is due to a general lack of diocese of Cebu as the host. Tenggara and the Indonesian fourth suspect remains uni- resources. the COMELEC for the poll
juridic sense not just in eccle- Roman Rota Judge Msgr. Catholics in the Philippines dentified. (CBCPNews) “There are regions in the watchdog’s accreditation for
siastical affairs but also even Cormac Burke along with country where (one of either quick count.
in civil life. canon lawyers from across the of our groups) has a better The COMELEC ruled that
Sometimes, the CLSP said, country participated in the CBCP Calls / from p1
presence. There are also ar- Conception cannot head a
this may also be due to a false gathering. The CBCP also called on H.O.P.E” at the Pope Pius XII eas where we jointly man- citizen’s arm because he is
pastoral approach, which CLSP is an association of their flocks to reject violence, Center in Manila on April 24. age. We want to use the best public official, being village
“tends to undermine Church canon lawyers, established cheating and other forms of The Covenant for Honest, of both organizations,” said chairman of classy Barangay
Law and discipline in favor of with the encouragement of the immoral acts that could pos- Orderly and Peaceful Elec- Go. Forbes Park in Makati City.
a misunderstood charity Catholic Bishops’ Conference sibly happen during the elec- tions was the brainchild of the Under the agreement, the NAMFREL secretary-gen-
which is tantamount to rela- of the Philippines (CBCP) in tion period. Armed Forces of the Philip- two groups will do the quick eral Eric Alvia said they
tivism and license.” 1993. It has close to 200 mem- It singled out “dagdag- pines’ National Capital Re- count using the NAMFREL need more volunteers to
“Whatever the reason, the bers, 95 percent of them are bawas” or vote padding and gion Command. accreditation by the Com- cover the country’s 308,000
result is confusion and abuse, priests engaged in different shaving as the common forms Among the signatories of mission on Elections polling precincts and trans-
which cannot but lead to a Ecclesiastical Tribunals, a of poll fraud that should be the covenant were the CBCP, (COMELEC). mit the election returns to
breakdown of authentic Chris- growing number of bishops, “disapproved and con- Commission on Human NASSA also sought ac- the main tabulating center.
tian life,” it said. and a handful of laypersons demned”. Rights, Department of Educa- creditation from the “The volunteers will also
The symposium also coin- and nuns. (CBCPNews) “Let both candidates and tion, National Capital Region COMELEC to conduct a cover all bases in cases of lo-
their supporters face the Police Office, Parish Pastoral quick count but approved cation constraints,” said
Old Churches / from p1 judgment of democratic elec- Council for Responsible Vot- NAMFREL’s petition in- Alvia.
tion with humility and mag- ing, the Filipino Alliance stead. Go said NAMFREL is set
suit Seminary at the Our Lady rich in architectural heritage. nanimity,” the CBCP said. Movement-Support Group, Go is the newly appointed to hold a national assembly
of Refuge Parish Church still The Architectural Heritage The pastoral exhortation Bantay Bayan Inc., and NAMFREL chairman after to brief members in the con-
remain. Tour on May 1 will be par- was released during the sign- DeltaCom, a civic group. businessman Jose Concep- duct of a quick count.
In Carigara could be found ticipated in not only by the ing of the “Covenant of (CBCPNews) tion tendered his resignation (CBCPNews )
the Old Settlement Ruins at architecture students but
the Cassidy Elementary also by the media and the
School, the Balay nga Gawas members of the United Ar-
It Harigi and the Carigara chitects of the Philippines,
Community Museum. Leyte Chapter.
Carigara is the place where This is a good way of learn-
Christianity was first intro- ing what cannot be learned
duced in Leyte. in school, the actual experi-
In Baybay Leyte, there is ence of seeing for oneself the
what is called as the Heritage actual rich architectural heri-
Street, the Mabini Street tage of the province of Leyte.
where people are still occu- Indeed, the choice of Leyte
pying heritage houses of dif- as the venue of the Grand
ferent vintages. Opening of the National
The Fian Ancestral House Heritage Month not only
in Albuera, Leyte is repre- showcases the rich heritage
sentative of the rich architec- of the province of Leyte but
tural heritage in Leyte. also serves as an eye-opener
Finally, in Hilongos, Leyte for the Leyteños who should
there remains the Fort and be proud of their province.
Old Church Ruins which are (PIA-8)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007 Feature 5
A New Saint 7 QUESTIONS for
Bishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD
with a Unique
Link to the
Most Rev. Socrates B. Villegas, DD
was appointed third bishop of
Balanga by Pope John Paul II on
May 3, 2004. A true shepherd

that he is, Bishop Soc (as he is
fondly called), puts first the
fraternal care of his clergy in
his life agenda. In this issue
of CBCP Monitor, Bishop
By Ming Roxas Soc shares his thoughts
on issues that concern
MARIE-EUGÉNIE of Jesus, immersion in the communities
the diocese such as the
Foundress of the Religious of in which they are situated: in
the Assumption, will be canon- Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, implementation of the
ized in Rome on June 3, 2007, being Assumption is a peace program on social
along with 3 other saints, at a center for Christians and concerns, the issue of
Mass in St. Peter’s Square pre- Maranaws; in Kibangay, politics and the
sided by the Holy Father, Pope Bukidnon, as well as in Makati, upcoming elections, the
Benedict XVI. Passi, Antipolo and Iloilo, it is spiritual growth of his
Born Anne Eugénie Milleret, a consolidation of lay and Sis-
flock, the family and life
Marie-Eugénie believed in the ters working together in basic
transformation of society education, including tertiary apostolate, vocations and the ongoing formation of the
through education, to form education in San Lorenzo, diocesan clergy.
men and women of faith, and Makati; in Malibay, Pasay City
men and women of action. Her and in San Simon, Pampanga, The implementation of Churchmen—Bishop Celso
vision: a world transformed by poor communities have been the social concern Guevarra and Bishop Hon-
the Incarnation of Jesus Christ transformed and empowered agenda of the Church is esto Ongtioco. They have
and animated by the Church. by education and the presence an ongoing program of sown good seeds in Bataan
Her objectives: to know and of the Sisters; in Baguio an the dioceses to address when they were bishops
love Jesus Christ, make Him inculturated community has the situation of our poor here. It is springtime for
and his Church known and learned to accept and respect people. How is this be- Bataan now because of the
loved, and work for the exten- each other’s ethnicity with the ing realized in your dio- legacy of our first two bish-
sion of His Kingdom in soci- help of Assumption; in Xavier cese? ops. Bishop Guevarra laid
ety. University in Cagayan de Oro, the foundations of the new
Marie-Eugénie believed that and in Saint John’s University We are in the process of diocese by promoting voca-
education should form the in- in Bangkok, the Sisters are in- The official photo that will be displayed in St. Peter’s Square at the canonization of
implementing the decrees tions to the priesthood.
tellect enlightened by faith. The volved in campus ministry Blessed Marie-Eugénie and statutes of the First Bishop Nes laid the ground-
intellect allows the person to while in Thabom, a village in Synod of Balanga (2006). work for the first synod
understand the world, while northeast Thailand, the Sisters One of our eight pastoral through the diocesan pasto-
Faith provides Gospel values as run the parish school. new possibilities in science and interests of girls her age. priorities is the Communion ral consultation that he con-
the standard by which to for- technology, lots of people were with the Poor. The social ducted. These two great
mulate decisions. For Marie- Who was Marie-Eugénie? newly rich and even more were Marie-Eugénie’s way of life concern agenda of the dio- bishops made life for me so
Eugénie, the goal of education in desperate poverty. To many cese rests on the theology of much easier and the work
is the transformation of the Anne-Eugénie Milleret was people, God was irrelevant. Marie Eugenie’s way is to the Kingdom of God. We very much lighter.
whole person, allowing each born in Metz, north-east of Then she met a priest, Fr. live our Christian life fully by are not doing programs for
one the freedom to develop ac- France in 1871 shortly after the Combalot, who persuaded her knowing and loving Jesus the poor because we want How is the family and life
cording to God’s plan. In defeat of Napoleon. Her father that the best way for her to col- Christ and His Church and them to become million- program in your dio-
Marie-Eugénie’s words: “ To was a rich banker and politician laborate with Jesus in making working for the extension of aires. Our service for the cese?
educate is to transform; to trans- but, when Anne-Eugénie was the world what God wanted it God’s Kingdom here on earth, poor must lead to the pro-
form is to set a person free.” 13, he lost all his money, their to be was to start a new reli- in ourselves and in others. Her motion of the plan of God The seedbed of all our
Marie-Eugénie’s work con- beautiful house was sold and gious family dedicated to edu- entire being was fixed firmly on for His people which is full- pastoral programs is the
tinues through the congrega- the family split up. She went to cation: the Religious of the As- Jesus Christ and the extension of ness of life. We are essen- family. The end goal of all
tion she founded. Today, the live with her mother in Paris sumption. His Kingdom. Marie Eugenie tially different from the our pastoral action is the
Religious of the Assumption is while her brother Louis stayed believed in the goodness of the DSWD or other NGO’s family. The agent for the
in 34 countries in Europe, Asia, with their father. Two years Events that led to Marie- world God had created and in helping the poor. Our real various pastoral agenda is
the Americas and Africa. later, when she was just 15, her Eugénie’s canonization the possibility for goodness in and only treasure to share the family. You will notice
Working with their lay part- mother caught cholera and died every single person. She un- with the poor is Jesus Christ. that family life does not ap-
ners, over 1,200 sisters in 170 a few hours later. Anne- Marie-Eugénie was beatified derstood that when we love Concretely, we have a di- pear in any of the eight pas-
communities throughout the Eugénie was left alone in the on February 9, 1975 by Pope other people we liberate the ocesan home for abandoned toral priorities of the dio-
world continue Marie world. Paul VI. In 1996, the cause for good that is in them so that children, a home for aban- cese. It is because family life
Eugenie’s way of spreading the After several years, staying canonization was formally they can grow into the persons doned elderly, a micro fi- permeates all of them.
Kingdom through love. with different families, out- started by the Congregation. God wants them to be. nancing program for small
The Congregation carries out wardly having a good time, but The canonization of Marie- The conditions of the world investors, a basic education The diocese seems to be
its educative mission in diverse inwardly lonely and restless, Eugénie was made possible by Marie Eugénie grew up in are full scholarship program for getting sufficient num-
apostolates: through its schools Anne-Eugénie found herself in a miracle attributed through very similar to what we face 150 children, most of them ber of vocations for the
and formation centers for the Cathedral of Notre Dame in her intercession to a Filipino today. Yet, in that world, she from the Aeta families, and priesthood, how would
women, in health clinics, spiri- Paris. There, listening to an elo- child, Risa Bondoc, who, at age found the Kingdom of God the diocesan program for you appraise the quality
tuality and retreat centers and quent preacher, the Abbé one year and 3 months, was di- here on earth. She believed that helping the poor called of vocations entering the
welcome houses, in centers of Lacordaire, she was converted agnosed with ‘septo-optic-dys- the earth, each of us, is a place AGAP (Alay Galing sa seminary today?
professional education as well to Christ and the Church. She plasia with left schizencephaly’. of glory for God. As we look Pagpapakasakit).
as technical and commercial decided to give her life to Jesus MRI findings showed the ab- at the life of Marie Eugénie, we By the grace of God, we
formation and in its ministry to Christ. sence of a septum pellucidum and can see that what makes her a Would you consider par- are seeing a remarkable in-
indigenous peoples and mi- She was convinced that each the corpus callosum joining the saint can help us become saints ticipation in politics a crease of seminarians from
grants, through its ecumenical of us has a mission on earth . What two hemispheres of her brain too. Her philosophy and path part of the social con- the Diocese of Balanga.
work and inter-faith dialogue. was the mission God had des- never formed. Risa was also to sainthood will help us in our cern agenda of the How do I explain the in-
The rich diversity of the mis- tined for Eugénie? She saw that diagnosed to have hypoplasia of personal search for meaning Church? crease of priestly vocations?
sion is mirrored in the Philip- in the world she lived in, most the optic nerve and both her and make us partners in the First is the example of many

pines-Thailand Province, people were growing up with- pituitary gland and hypotha- great mission of Jesus for the Dirty politics is good priests in
where the Assumption sisters out any sense of the true mean- lamic stalk were small. Doctors salvation of the world. one of the great Bataan. Second is
transforms society through its ing of life and of their respon- in the United States said she The Philippines-Thailand scourges of our na- the encouraging at-
involvement in education and sibilities. There were amazing would never see, walk or talk. Province will be represented by tion. Politics be- mosphere of
Risa had been adopted by a large delegation of pilgrims comes dirty and prayer within the
Rosendo and Carmen Bondoc composed of Sisters, lay burdensome for family. Many more
Risa Bondoc, the girl whose miraculous soon after birth in 1995. When partners, alumnae, students, the people when it young men could
healing was attributed through the inter- her condition was first diag- faculty and staff from the is conducted with- have been admit-
cession of Blessed Marie-Eugénie
nosed, the Bondocs started the different communities for the out Christ. It is the ted to the seminary
novena to Marie-Eugénie and official celebration in Rome duty of the QUESTIONS if the standard of
Risa was made to wear a medal from June 2-4. Church—clerics education in public
with a relic of Marie-Eugénie. The canonization will be and laity—to in- schools were better
Risa was also brought to Paris carried live by EWTN in the fuse the spirit of holiness than what it is now. There
and, in the presence of the Su- Philippines on June 3, 2007 into politics. There must be is a lamentable deterioration
perior General and two of her starting at 4:00 PM (Philippine separation of Church and in English proficiency
Council, was laid on the tomb time). A Philippine celebration State but there should be no which is so vital for semi-
of Marie-Eugénie and com- of the canonization is being separation of man from nary studies. There is also
mended for cure through planned for August 2007. God. the remarkable decline in
Marie-Eugénie’s intercession. (Ming Roxas is a faculty of the the spirit of self discipline
Today, Risa is a student at the Communication Department of What is the diocese do- and sacrifice. The culture of
Basic Education Division of Assumption College. She heads the ing to minimize, if not al- easy and quick pleasure has
Assumption College, a Communication Committee for the together eradicate the also sadly affected our semi-
friendly, sociable and articu- Canonization of Blessed Marie- prospect of cheating and nary applicants.
late young lady with all the Eugénie.) vote-buying in the up-
coming mid-term elec- Do you have in your dio-
tions? cese concrete programs
for the ongoing forma-
MACE offers all new comprehensive Democracy will only
work if the people in whom
tion of your clergy?

protection pr
protection ogram eexxclusively designed
program true democratic power ema-
nates are educated and use
Cardinal Sin and Cardinal
Vidal both gave me the
their right responsively and
for KKCC members and family wisely. There is an ongoing
same advice when I was ap-
pointed Bishop of Balanga:
voters’ education in the “Love your priests!” I have
Health and accident insurance whole diocese using the always set the fraternal care
modules of the PPCRV. of priests as first in my life
• Insuring yourself and your family from imminent risks
Vigilance is the small price agenda. We have a regular
in your lives
that we must pay if we wish monthly recollection and
Motor Car Insurance to remain free. penitential service together.
• Got side swiped, accidentally bumped your car or be I give some points for spiri-
As third bishop of tual growth during these
bumped by or got stocked in the middle of the road, or
Balanga, how would you monthly gatherings. This is
got malicious damage, our coverage will protect you describe the journey of my regular way of minister-
from these unwanted incidents the diocese in terms of ing to my brothers. In addi-
growth in faith of the tion to our annual retreat,
Home Protection Insurance flock, and development we also have a five-day re-
• Protecting your home and its contents from fire and of the diocese in the ar- newal program for some
natural calamities. eas of structure and or- updating in canon law, lit-
ganization? urgy, pastoral administra-
tion and, of course, spiritu-
A subsidiary of the Knights of Columbus I am standing on the ality. The minister is more
Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. shoulders of two great important than the ministry.
CBCP Monitor
6 Opinion Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007


Nothing Really Bad with RP-

China Agri Deals
THERE is really nothing bad with the recent RP-China
Agribusiness deals which were signed during the state visit
of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao last January. There were
immediately 17 agreements placed in the bag amounting to
P197.7 billion that, reportedly, will cover 1.2 million hectares
of farmlands.

The Agriculture Secretary calls the breakthrough “the golden

age of bilateral relations between the Philippines and China,
and heralds the ascendancy of China as a strategic partner
of the Philippines in its drive for agricultural modernization
and global competitiveness.”
There is real gold in this venture which is expected to soar
up to P240 billion worth of Chinese investments once all
agreements are totally concluded.

The only rub is, a cursory check with some of the Filipino
corporations in partnership with the Chinese investors
reveals some anomalous transactions in the offing. For how
would a corporation be in partnership with multi-billion
investors when its incorporation happened only months ago
and its subscribed capital stock totals only a measly million
pesos? And this, not to mention the names of incorporators
that are not known in business circles who may easily be
dummies. This sounds like a repeat of the computer deals
at COMELEC which until now are squirming with worms.

And we are not yet talking about environmental issues

where forest lands may be part of the millions of hectares
that will be converted for agribusiness use of the Chinese
who are not known for environmental safety.

There is really nothing bad with RP-Chinese agribusiness

deals—except that these are deals entered into by dirty
hands in a land that tops the Asian list of the most corrupt.

Population and Corruption

A RECENT survey said that a rather big majority of its
respondents favored the use of contraceptives. Obviously, Abp. Angel N. Lagdameo, DD
Pre-election Images of
the intention is to lessen the population in the country and
consequently, as if by cause and effect, have prosperity in
the land. Immediately, anti-population characters in the
legislature and administration joined the pro-contraceptive
In and Out of Season Our Country
Truth to say, this is a simplistic stance to population. Lesser
population automatically means prosperity. Bigger (This is lif ted from the homily of Archbishop that of the parable of unfruitful fig tree is cured. Is this what we want to happen
Angel Lagdameo during the closing Mass of the
population readily means poverty. This is the so-called (Lk. 13:6-9). In spite of the work of the to our country? Would that it will be that
National Conference of PPCR V on March 11,
simple and plain “pie approach”. The more persons eat the 2007 at Pius XII, Manila.) gardener digging around the fig tree and way! That after more than half a century
pie, the lesser portion they have. The fewer people partake putting in some fertilizer, it still re- of struggle for good election, some
of the pie, the bigger pieces. This equation is not that hard PPCRV, Parish Pastoral Council for Re- mained unfruitful. The owner who miracle will happen! To free our coun-
to understand. sponsible Voting. Another meaning is: wanted it destroyed was prevailed upon try from the evils of “bad elections!” The
Preserving and Promoting the Call for by the gardener—to give the fig tree yet image is like that of EDSA I and II; but
Even children are much aware of such a simplistic Responsible Voting. Yet another mean- another chance. If the tree bears fruits, not quite because in these divine inter-
ing: Prayer, Penance and Collaboration so much the better; if not it may be de- vention, accompanies the human inter-
quantitative truth the more so do anti-population proponents
for Renewing Our Voters. stroyed. vention.
know such a numerical approach. More people are definitely PPCRV, born in 1991, is a lay response In this image, the owner is undoubt- The three day convention comple-
bad for the national economy. Less people are infallibly to the call of the Second Plenary Coun- edly God, the fig tree is our country, the ments the “faith and fire” in the hearts
good for national socio-economic development. The cil of the Philippines for renewing Phil- fertilizer are the efforts to renew our of PPCRV agents. I like to hear what has
equation is self-evident. The conclusion is elementary. ippine politics. Even if it comes with the electoral conduct, in order to make our been said that “once a PPCRV, always a
collaborative support of the clergy, reli- elections clean, honest, accurate, mean- PPCRV.” I like to think that a merger of
But this is wrong. gious and bishops, PPCRV must main- ingful and peaceful election. The gar- the two images may well be the fruit of
tain its lay character. It is a lay move- dener is the PPCRV. You can develop the your prayer and penance: that you, my
The people in this country are poor not simply because of ment within the Church. image and enlarge the picture. The em- dear PPCRV cooperators, are God’s in-
their number but rather on account of the endemic graft and In the Catechism for Filipino Catholics phasis in this image is on the work of strument of new miracle, waiting to hap-
pervasive corruption in their government. we read: “Since we Filipino Catholics the gardener, the PPCRV which with pen. You can make things happen! As I
constitute the great majority of our na- “faith and fire” wants to make the fig listen to your observations and
The government directly and/or indirectly taxes each one of tion, we hold the primary responsibility tree, our country, fruitful in terms of desiderata, I could not but say within:
the millions of Filipinos. Yet it has a dismal performance in for building a just Philippine Society” choosing the right leaders in a climate “Prepare for worst.” But as I look at your
promoting their common good in return. (CFC. No. 1193). The challenge of the Ser- of credible election. enthusiasm and determination, I could
vant of God, Pope John Paul II for the la- The second image is the healing of a not but say within: “Hope for the best.”
The truth is, were it not for population of the country, the ity is “Never to relinquish that participa- crippled woman, crippled for eighteen Who was it that said: “The Filipino is
government would not be all well in keeping the national tion in public life… In the many differ- years, bent over and unable to stand up worth dying for”?
economy still somehow afloat through OFW remittances. ent economic, social, legislative and ad- straight. Here there is no intermediary And who was it that said: “It takes
ministrative and cultural areas which in- as telling in the first. There is only Jesus only one person to do nothing for evil
Population is not an impediment to prosperity but rather the tend to promote organically and institu- who performs a miracle by telling the to triumph.”
engine of development. The obstacle to national development tionally the common good” (CFC No. 43). crippled woman “Woman, you are set And so we go back again to what we
is found in corrupt government agencies; in grafters The first image given by the Gospel is free from your ailment!” And presto! She said last December “watch and pray.”
occupying public offices. Plus a basically incapable
government that is rich in super visions but poor in reality
performance. Jose B. Lugay
Poverty, Politics and the
Laiko Lampstand
As to the emerging popularity of contraception to readily
and effectively lessen population instead of the common
resolve to clean the government of graft and corruption, let Parish
it be said that what is easy is not necessarily right just as
what is difficult is not automatically wrong.
THERE is too much at stake in the vi- or harvesting coconuts or choose to mi- have television sets to see and hear the
Contraception is but a smoke screen in squarely looking ability of this nation as a democracy. The grate to urban areas to seek a livelihood candidates speaking. I am sure the A,
at and really resolving the poverty in the country. media’s continuous harping of the pos- but sometimes end up in ghettos im- B, and C classes of society will be able
sibility of another Hello Garci situation, mersed in crime-ridden surroundings. to discern who the worthy candidates
the lack of trust in the COMELEC, the Is there anything that the Philippine are. The families belonging to the D and
political killings, the new outburst in Church, the Church of the Poor can do? We E category, 20 million of them, will need
ISSN 1908-2940 Sulu—a shooting war between the have in our library two books of the face-to-face intervention. The best fora
MNLF and the Philippine army—all Church that give a complete analysis of will be during meetings of the Basic

CBCP Monitor
these will come to a head during and af- the Philippine situation, including pov- Ecclesial Communities of the Parishes.
ter election, come May 14. We pray that erty, politics and parishes, our thesis for Consider that each voter will have to re-
things will turn out better—that the re- this column. These are the “ACTS AND call 38 names and a party list to fill the
sults of the elections are not tainted with DECREES of the SECOND PLENARY ballot. Some have not handled pencil and
P r o ta g o n i s t of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace
cheating. We pray that our democratic COUNCIL of the PHILIPPINES (20 Janu- paper for months. Dedication of the pa-
institutions will survive and the Filipino ary – 17 February 1001) and CHURCH RE- rishioners to spend a little time for con-
Pedro C. Quitorio Pinky Barrientos, FSP nation will be on the road to progress. NEWAL, Proceedings and Addresses of ducting an election exercise with sample
Editor-in-Chief Production Manager Politics and its accompanying corrup- the National Pastoral Consultation, ballots will have tremendous effect. Do
tion, is a two-edged sword that cuts CBCP, The Challenge to Catholicism in the not forget that the political party who es-
Melo M. Acuña Rowena T. Dalanon twice—first, with the money share from New Millennium. 22-27 January 2001. Note pouses the PCP-II social doctrines as
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor corrupt practices to buy the votes of the that these 2 masterpieces in defining the their platform is KAPATIRAN. And the
poor, and second, with the pork barrel Philippine Church situation are 10 years candidates are PAREDES, SISON and
Dennis B. Dayao Ernani M. Ramos funds to keep the family dynasty in apart. In another 4 years CBCP, I am sure BAUTISTA.
On-Line Editor Circulation Manager
power. And who are the victims? They will come out with another assessment. The best output of lay empowerment
Roy Q. Lagarde Mercelita Dominguez are the 20 million families that live be- In jest, one of the bishops predicted, this is attaining social transformation. It
News Editor Comptroller low the poverty line. They are the 3.4 will be another NATO—NO ACTION, starts with choosing the leaders who put
million households who experience hun- TALK ONLY. We can laugh at it if it were God in politics—the party’s principles
ger twice a month. These unfortunates not to end in tragedy. and political platform. Remember the
are not aware that they can wield power If ever there is any time that lay em- parishes outnumber the total number of
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com-
Layout by Blue Flame

munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and during election time. For lack of educa- powerment is needed it is during elec- towns—2,703 versus 1,510 towns. This
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. P.O. tion and lack of time to care to under- tion time. It is admirable that the PPCRV appeal is addressed to all lay leaders
Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: stand political platforms from which to is now in the forefront in voters’ educa- especially those who are involved in the
(063)404-1612. Email: cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net Website: select the right candidates, they would tion. The television debate of the politi- BEC’s. Let us see if we can be the change
www.cbcpworld.net/cbcpmonitor rather spend precious moments to eke a cal candidates hopefully will educate agent in the voting practices of our
living in tilling the soil or catching fish, most of the Filipinos, at least those who people.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007 Opinion 7
Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS Bp. Leonardo Y. Medroso, JCD, DD

Lovve Lif
Lifee Meet Baby Joshua Tidbits
HAVE you ever met Baby Joshua? This is
the name I gave to the plastic model of a
three month old unborn baby that I use to
Hesus or Jesu. And Jesus means Savior.
This plastic fetal model has saved so
many babies in danger of abortion. I show
to this pregnancy that she was not ready
for. If she is single, then we discuss about
proper boy-girl relationships. If she is mar-
The Lay Faithful and
demonstrate in my pro-life presentations.
In biology, a three month old human be-
it to the young women who come to our
counseling center insisting that abortion is
ried, we explain to her the effectiveness of
the modern, scientific natural family plan-
the Priests
ing in the mother’s womb is called a fetus, the only way out of their predicament. They ning methods. We do not advice artificial AS a pastor of a particular Church, I have been wondering
after it has passed its being a zygote and ask me, knowing I am a nurse, to give them contraceptives because they fail so often how to effect the harmonious and dynamic relationship be-
an embryo. The Latin word fetus actually the name of any medicine they can take in and this makes the woman go for abortion tween the lay faithful and the priests that would lead not only
means “my little one”. What a cute, endear- order to have their menses again, that is, to if a baby is conceived. to the appreciation of their dignity but would also maximize
ing name, right? But nowadays, those who make them unpregnant. I then hold Baby It is such a joy to be able to help these the exercise of their functions as priests, kings and prophets
promote abortion belittle the value of the Joshua in my palm and explain how every pregnant women decide to give birth to in the parishes. It is true that Canon 208 provides for close
unborn baby by calling it fetus to remove part of his body is now fully formed. The their babies. They walk out of our counsel- collaboration among the faithful when it states: “From their
any positive feelings for babies. No one baby can feel, feed, and sleep or kick ing center with a radiant smile and new rebirth in Christ, there exists among all the Christian faithful a
wants to kill a baby. But who cares about a around at the age of three months. hope, so different from the time when they true equality regarding dignity and action by which they all
fetus, they say. Usually, the pregnant girl looks at the walked in with long faces and puffy eyes cooperate in the building up of the Body of Christ according
And that is why, when I speak to the model in awe, begins to cry, and admits from crying every night due to desperation. to each one’s own condition and function.” But it does not
youth about respect and care for life, I first that she really does not want abortion. She We, counselors, have many stories to tell spell out in the concrete how it looks like and how this could
show them the wonder of creation—the just does not know what to do— when we gather together (without mention- be realized.
growth and development of the baby inside abandoned by the father of the baby, fear- ing names, of course). We are proud to be The early Christian community in Jerusalem as described
the uterus. Then I show them the ugly pic- ful of the anger of her parents, unsure of part of God’s apostles for life. We call our- in the Acts of the Apostles with the members’ concern for one
tures of abortion and what it does to the what her future will be. selves the Life Savers! If you want to know another motivated as they were by the celebration of the Eu-
baby. Then I show them the fetal model to Step by step, we discuss her situation, more about our mission and maybe, some- charist is usually conjured as the model of how cooperation
emphasize how innocent, weak and vulner- looking for resources that she could tap, day, you could also be part of our rescue in the Church would appear. But the complexity of the world
able it is, needing our care and love. Then I and offering our own resources: confiden- team, call Pro-life Office at 911-2911. Or just of today simply demands for other Church models that would
invite the audience to join me in the Spiri- tiality (they are so afraid that the world will text me at 0920-945-5494. We care. strike that dynamic relationship among its members.
tual Adoption Prayer for Unborn Babies. I know), a place to stay while pregnant, go Please say this daily with me and help Meantime, a glimmer of it was recently shown me in the
explain: somewhere, there is a girl or a after the father of the baby to find out what save many babies from abortion! Chrism Mass in the Diocese of Tagbilaran. As a new pastor of
woman who is in distress because of a preg- he himself intends to do since this is his Spiritual Adoption Prayer for the unborn. the place, it was my first time to preside at the liturgy. And
nancy she is not ready for. The baby in her responsibility, or refer her to an OB for her Jesus, Mary, Joseph, there I saw a model how the clergy and the laity could more
womb is target for abortion. But with the prenatal check up and delivery. We also say I love you very much. effectively work together in the building up of the Body of
power of prayer, she might meet someone we can find families who will foster care of I beg you to spare the life Christ on earth. It was Monday of Holy Week. Priests gath-
who could give her the correct advice and the baby for a few months if she is unable Of the unborn child that ered together in the morning and had a short recollection in
help so she will be able to go on with her to take care of him/her and if she has not I have spiritually adopted preparation for the Chrism Mass and their renewal of their
pregnancy. I tell the audience to think of a decided to have the baby for legal adop- Who is in danger of abortion. commitment as priests in the Church of Tagbilaran. For a wider
name to give to that baby that needs to be tion yet. There are so many childless The name of the baby I have adopted perspective of their priesthood they took as their speaker a
saved. The name I always choose is Baby couples just wanting to adopt a child. is:__________ lay man in the person of Mr. Frank Padilla, the founder of the
Joshua. Joshua is the Jewish version of Jesus, Finally, we discuss with her what led her (Composed by Bishop Fulton Sheen) CFC.
In the early afternoon, the lay faithful came in and congre-
gated in the Cathedral, made a recollection with the bishop of
Melo M. Acuña Tagbilaran himself as the speaker. After that they made the
Holy Hour and Stations of the Cross as their prayer for the
priests. It was only after these separate preparations that the

Some Questions (Part 1) Issues and Concerns Chrism Mass proper was celebrated. It was a Liturgy to be-
hold: the lay people praying for their priests; the priests re-
newing their commitment to serve the lay faithful with re-
newed vigor and enthusiasm, the bishop absorbing them all
in his own person and office, bringing them all up to God,
HAVEN’T you noticed footages, photos Protection, known to be meticulous and Will ordinary mortals like us get to peek pleading for His choice blessings for the particular Church,
and radio reports about the sad state of jails strict to the slightest deficiencies and vio- at the income tax returns of our favorite the Diocese of Tagbilaran.
under the management (or mismanage- lations for the Fire Code of the Philippines. senatorial, congressional and local candi- In the ministry of governance, the bishop has the pastoral
ment) of the Bureau of Jail Management They could have easily recommended dates, now too visible across the media? obligation to assist the lay faithful to understand and to ac-
and Penology, all reported the inhuman sprinklers and their preferred fire extin- The answer is a resounding “No” as every- cept the kingly gift that they received in baptism. According
conditions in local jails? People are locked guishers which come at almost unimagin- one is entitled to some privacy. to Benedict XVI in his address to the bishops of Provinces of
in crammed facilities easily considered fire able costs. BIR Commissioner Jose Bunag said Louisville, Mobile and New Orleans, this kingly office is first
traps. There have been no marked improve- The Bureau of Fire Protection is a sister there’s got to be a law for them to release expressed in that “royal freedom which enables the faithful to
ments in physical structures, sanitation and agency of the Bureau of Jail Management vital records to the public. I do not see any overcome the reign of sin in their own lives and, by serving
most probably, meals served the inmates and Penology, along with the Philippine proposed law would ever pass first read- Christ in others…, to guide them to that King whom to serve
over the past years. It appears both national National Police, all under the Department ing. It all makes us wonder where all these is to reign” (ZEO4120520). And since for the lay faithful the
and local government agencies have forgot- of Interior and Local Government. Has the very visible candidates get their resources exercise of this kingly office is directed to the spread of the
ten people inside the jails. Bureau of Fire Protection set their sights too to fund their campaign. Commissioner Kingdom of Gospel through secular activities, imbuing, that
The Quezon City Jail was originally built far they failed to see what’s at the tip of Bunag, in an interview over Veritas 846 said is, the world with the Spirit of Christ so that justice, love and
to house a little over 800 inmates but now their noses? these campaign funds came from their sup- peace may reign, the bishop has to encourage them through
has over 3,000 individuals. Chief Public Lives are at risk at the Quezon City Jail. porters and donors. BIR should take a long catechesis and continuing formation, to recognize their dis-
Attorney Persida V. Rueda-Acosta led law- Our Justice system provides rehabilitation hard look at this practice for they ought to tinctive dignity and mission. As the Pope continued his ex-
yers from her office and doctors from the and reformation. One who undergoes pun- charge Donor’s tax, right? Are the donors hortation: “This means that the laity must be trained to distin-
Department of Justice to check on the in- ishment should not be exposed to dangers that endowed they can afford to contrib- guish clearly between their rights and duties as members of
mates who ought to be released after serv- posed by neglectful officials for it does not ute hundreds of thousands, if not millions the Church and those which they have as members of human
ing time inside the congested facility. I necessarily mean we will no longer extend of pesos. There’s a strong possibility some society, and encouraged to combine the two harmoniously
found time to see for myself what’s going humane living conditions to detention pris- of these candidates received some financ- recognizing that in every temporal affair they are to be guided
on. One would definitely have an idea of oners. Would the concerned government ing syndicates, say those involved in by their Christian conscience, since there is no human activ-
what hell is inside the facility. executives do something before it is too jueteng , but nobody’s talking. Who would ity—even in the temporal order—that can be withdrawn from
Such a facility leaves me more questions late? anyway? God’s dominion” (ibid.; also, Vatican II, LG, no. 36; also, Canon
such as how Quezon City Jail escaped Please email me comments and sugges- 227)).
safety inspectors from the Bureau of Fire * * * tions acunamelo@yahoo.com. The implication of the words of Benedict XVI is that the lay
faithful should not remain as the “long hand of the hierar-
chy”, a group that moves only when mandated by the bishop
Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS and their pastors. They should be empowered. Empowerment
here means due recognition of the legitimate freedom of the

…and tha
thatt’s the tr uth!
truth! Don’t, Pacman, don’t! lay faithful to undertake on their own the apostolate due to
the baptism that they received. They are commissioned by
the Lord Himself, expected to undertake the spread of the
Gospel in their own right and to perform their functions as
priests, kings, and prophets by the sheer fact that they are bap-
tized and confirmed. It too means that they have their distinc-
THIS is an open letter to Manny Pacquiao, at least the desire for it. barrel but from your own sweat and blood, tive role in the mission of the Church. “They live in the
loudly rumored to be intending to run for So I’m wondering now—why this im- from risking your life on the ring in order world…They are called there by God that by exercising their
Congressman in the coming May elections. pending career-switch from God-fearing “make Filipinos happy and to bring honor proper function and led by the spirit of the Gospel they may
I’m writing it weeks before the March 29 athlete to politician? Call this meddling or to the country.” You are free—you need work for the sanctification of the world from within as a leaven.
deadline set for filing one’s candidacy, but maternal instinct, but if you were my son, no signatures from the higher ups to do In this way they may make Christ known to others” (LG 31).
whether this unsolicited advice reaches this is what I’d say: You are already above good works. And more importantly, it demands from the hierarchy the
Manny, or not at all, wouldn’t worry me. politics, serving your people and your Stay free, Manny, but also ask yourself proper discernment to appreciate the workings of the Holy
I’m thankful I can tell my truth, even if it country in full freedom by being your why you are attracted to politics, for it Spirit in their lives. They are in the world and they are there
exposes me to (chuckle!) ridicule. So here: simple, sincere, generous self—so why could also be your yen for gambling that’s precisely to reinvigorate the Church in places where the clergy
Dear Manny: Since the first time I inter- want to be something else? spurring you on to hop into the political cannot reach. Many of them receive charisms for the building
viewed you, in 2002, I’ve sort of followed I can’t claim to know you inside out, but arena. Politics is gambling, and the stakes up of the Church. They are not aliens nor are they enemies of
your career. Not that I’m that keen about I think you’ll just be treated like a glamor- there are much higher than those in any the Church; neither do they intend to put up a parallel Church,
boxing—bloody sport!—it’s only that I hap- ized pawn in politics. You’re hot prop- casino or cockpit. Your “supporters” claim competitors for the allegiance of the people. They are there
pen to believe you’re a different boxer. erty—see how boxing promoters are slug- that by entering politics you are making a because “their specific vocation and their mission is that of
You’re a “ring evangelist”, someone who ging it out for control over you? It’s the “big sacrifice in order to serve the people.” expressing the Gospel in their lives and, in that way, of insert-
witnesses to the power of God from the same divisive game with politicians—only A big sacrifice? The biggest sacrifice you ing the Gospel as leavening into the reality of the world in
boxing ring. bloodier, and veiled in so-called noble in- can make is to convert your rich man’s vices which they live and work” (John Paul II, “The Task of the
What struck me most when we first met tentions. They will use your money, capi- into rich man’s virtues. Instead of blow- Laity to Permeate”, L’Osservatore Romano, October 15, 1980).
was your apparent surrender to God, the talize on your fame, and take advantage of ing away your “barya” (loose change) on The lay faithful, that is, the young men and women who
ease with which you attributed your victo- your inexperience by saying you can serve expensive pastimes, funnel your money are acting as leaven of the secular world and the hope of the
ries to Him, your avowed gratitude to The people better by becoming one of them. and time into your dream of developing the future of the Church, the married couples who lived the love
Source for all that you have. You guilelessly Don’t just listen to me, Manny; listen to youth. You said it’s your way of thanking of Christ in their homes and families; and, all the men and
recalled your lowly beginnings, and you your fans who truly care for you, and lis- God for all He has given you: leaving a women who bring the Gospel to their homes, workplaces,
dreamed aloud about sharing your bounty ten to history. Since Cicero’s time, politics legacy to your countrymen by putting up politics and the to the world as a whole, are invaluable mem-
with the needy, especially the young who has been essentially the same: bread, cir- sports complexes all over the country for bers of the local Church. An appreciation of their secularity,
you believed could be lured away from vice cuses, broken promises. Politics thrives on the young. You’re a hero, a politician in their distinctive gifts and apostolate will lead to a greater com-
by the discipline of sports. Knowing you lies, and as English writer George Orwell your own right; you need no political party mitment and shared responsibility.
could enter the ring as a champion and wrote in 1946, “Political language…is de- to approve your projects. The bishop has to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit
leave it as a corpse, you were consistent in signed to make lies sound truthful and You’ve always said you fight to win and who is forever, living, working and speaking in the baptized
saying that your life is in His hands—this murder respectable, and to give an appear- make the Filipinos happy. That patriotic individuals and groups of individuals. He should know how
explained the Sign of the Cross you’d make ance of solidity to pure wind.” intention, simply stated, speaks of a free- to discern the workings of the Spirit, the rich variety of charisms
before and after each round, and the Ro- Your simplicity is your strength, but in dom to love that has set you apart from and and ministries which are poured upon some lay members for
sary worn around your neck before and the land of wolves that politics is, it will be above partisan politics, and it has borne the building up and renewal of the Church. This of course
after each game. No doubt your virtual your Waterloo. Being a greenhorn you’ll fruit. Each time you fight they watch and demands from the pastor the conscious effort to listen, to dis-
asceticism, denying yourself pleasures be at the mercy of scheming politicians— pray. When your country celebrates your cern, to appreciate, and even to put up structures of commun-
when training for a fight, was your key to and as history proves, politicians are not victory, your kababayans the world over re- ion and participation.
career excellence, but even that you won’t exactly the most well-meaning people on joice—there are no rich, no poor, no Mus- The lay faithful praying for their priests, the priests renew-
take credit for—everything for you was earth. lims, no Christians, no leftists, no rightists, ing their commitment to spend their lives to bring to the lay
“Salamat sa Diyos.” Those who defend your intention to no pro-administration, no opposition—just faithful the Word and the Sacraments, the bishop working for
A more cynical bystander would prob- serve your people egg you on by saying you Filipinos proud that the champ is a Filipino. the fruitful collaboration and harmonious cooperation between
ably think it’s all talk with you, all a show don’t need to be a lawyer to become a con- You see, you’re a national treasure, these two members for the building up of the Body of Christ,
to win “pogi points” with media, but it’s gressman; I say you don’t need to become Manny, a heaven-sent “pambansang was mirrored in the Mass of the Chrism last Holy Monday in
also true that “out of the bounty of the a congressman to serve your people. kamao” that inspires hope in the Filipino. the Cathedral of Tagbilaran. It is our fondest hope that this
heart, the mouth speaks.” I do believe you You’ve been doing much more for the Without even trying to, you make of the picture of communion and participation in the liturgy be soon
spoke from your heart, and I do know, too, country than any congressman can even Philippines one nation, one people. That, transported to the day to day living of the Christian Faithful
that one can’t just blabber on about surren- hope to do. The millions you’ve been shar- neither President nor Cardinal has ever in the local Church in Bohol.
der to God if one doesn’t have in his heart ing with the needy come not from a pork done. And that’s the truth.
CBCP Monitor
8 CBCP Commission Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007

ECBA Trains Families for Family Bible


The winner, other family participants, organizers from Italy and the NCFBQ Secretariat in Manila pose after the Florence Bible
quiz competition at the San Barnaba Church.

Bible Quiz Challenge

Accepted in Europe
“And the Word was made flesh; He had made His tent pitched among us, and we
have seen His Glor y, the Glory of His only Son, coming from the Father: fullness of
truth and loving kindness (Jn 1:14)”
Bibliodrama – depicting the present ation in the temple

By. Fr. Oscar Alunday, SVD

By Pinky Barrientos, FSP gram of the Filipinos in Europe. Alunday said
THE National Secretariat for tions. They work closely with This was the “chorus” of the Italy was the first European country that wel-
the National Catholic Filipino the Episcopal Commission for Chaplains in their firm convic- comed the idea. But he is optimistic the effort
THE Episcopal Commission on Biblical
Bible Quiz witnessed God’s the Pastoral Care for Migrants tion on the importance of the can be replicated in other countries also, cit-
Apostolate (ECBA) facilitated a four-day re-
glory manifested in the and Itinerant People (ECMI- Word of God in the Chaplaincy. ing Germany as another possibility because
treat with the families of National Catholic
changed lives of the Family par- CBCP, Manila) and with the The Chaplains enthusiastically of the active participation of OFW’s in the
Family Bible Quiz (NCFBQ) champions on
ticipants both in the 1st and 2nd Episcopal Commission on engaged in asking questions bible apostolate there.
April 12-15, 2007, at the SVD Retreat House
National Catholic Family Bible Pontificio Collegio Filippino and clarifications about the First held in 2004 in Guadalajara, Mexico
in Tagaytay City.
Quiz in the Philippines. The (ECPCF-CBCP, Rome). mechanics of the Bible Quiz. A on the occasion of the International Congress,
ECBA executive secretary Fr. Oscar
Word of God continues to be Their ministry consists of good number of suggestions the Family Bible Quiz has brought ECBA in
Alunday, SVD conducted the spiritual activ-
flesh and blood in the children many pastoral activities such as regarding the venue, the num- close collaboration with various national and
ity with Joy Candelario, secretary general of
and among the youth together giving health care to the sick ber of family participants, the diocesan commissions, such as the National
the Youth Secretariat of Federation of Asian
with their parents. workers who need first aid or preparations, and review were Secretariat of Bible Quiz, Eucharistic Con-
Bishops’ Conference (FABC). The retreat was
“I never thought we could come referrals to hospitals. They also clarified to everyone. After a gress Committee, ECMI, Liturgy, Commis-
biblical following the “bibliodrama” element.
together to read and pray, reflect, provide Family and Youth Min- good understanding of the sion on Youth and Family and Life.
“We were reflecting on the experience of
and study the Bible together as a istry in coordination with the project as a ministry to the Fili-
the Holy Family as a family; like [life in]
Family.” “Our parents are very Radio Pinoy sa Roma (Filipino in pino Catholic Families, they all
Nazareth, presentation of Jesus, when he got “Power to Unite”
busy and we are also busy with our Rome). They work actively in declared: “We will accept the
lost in the temple, [and Mary and Joseph}
books. But we don’t have time to emergency communications challenge of celebrating the First Since the NCFBQ is intended to involve the
looking for him,” explained Alunday.
open the Bible as a family.” These like “Hopeline,” where anyone International Catholic Family whole family, organizers thought of a way to
The first retreat for family of champions
are the laments of parents and can call at anytime to talk to Bible Quiz in Europe.” make the youth participate in the celebration.
was held in 2004 after the first National Fam-
children on the difficult reality someone in times of distress or The group cheered loudly in The recently concluded 2nd NCFBQ in Janu-
ily Bible Quiz. The recently held retreat in
of family life. But during the pressure. They have also their optimism for the success ary 2007 included a song contest which was
Taytay had the families of those who won in
preparations and Bible Quiz opened a Website (http:// of the endeavor. After a solemn participated in by the youth.
2004 and in February 2006-January 2007 quiz.
proper, the family was brought www.centrofilipino.com) prayer of thanksgiving, the The song “Power to Unite,” which ex-
ECBA hopes to organize twenty Catholic
together in prayer and reflec- where anyone can access the Chaplains sang a beautiful Fili- presses the joy of understanding and living
families rooted in the word of God who will,
tion. One father of a family con- Centro Filipino. Some Chap- pino Marian song invoking the the word of God, won the contest.
in turn, continue in their respective regions
testant said, “I could see God lains are also involved in the aid of the Mother of the Incar- Alunday happily noted that Archbishop
to bring awareness to families on the impor-
embracing each of us in our fam- Sea Ministry, working with Fili- nate Word. It was almost mid- Romulo Valles, current chairman of the Epis-
tance of being entrenched in the Bible.
ily as we gathered around the Word pino seafarers who come and night when the Pinoy Chap- copal Commission on Liturgy has allowed the
“Our vision is to come up with twenty
of God and answered the questions go. lains rested in the cold winter song “Power to Unite” to be sung in churches
Catholic Filipino families who will become
during the Bible Quiz.” The These priests and religious night. during liturgical celebrations.
the core group of the family [bible] apostolate
Father’s embrace has brought people who devote themselves And so God’s Word will
in the Philippines,” said Alunday. “We are
together 483 Filipino Families to serving our kababayans (fel- continue to be made flesh and
training the pioneers. So, we already have
from 458 parishes and 413 lay low citizens) give only their blood in more Filipino Catho-
eight families.”
Bible animators during the 2nd best: their physical presence in lic families so that with their
By 2010, the NCFBQ would have produced
National Catholic Filipino Bible listening and attending to the faith strengthened, “the Filipino
20 champions from different regions of the
Quiz. (2006). emotional, psychological, and migrants and people on the move
country. The families of these twenty cham-
After viewing the MTV of the spiritual needs of the overseas may give witness to Christ wher-
pions will constitute the pioneering group of
song “Power to Unite,” the com- workers; their active liturgical ever they go.” (ECMI goal) As
the family bible apostolate in the Philippines.
munity of Chaplains for the Fili- celebrations combined with the Pope Paul VI said, “The family,
pino Migrant Workers in Italy, sacramental and catechetical like the Church, ought to be a
NCFBQ in Italy
who were gathered for a two- formations; and many others. place where the Gospel is trans-
day workshop from Feb.12-13, They also assist Filipino work- mitted and from which the Gos-
On April 22 this year, the first Family Bible
2007 at the Mater Amabilis Li- ers struggling with legal prob- pel radiates. In a family which is
Quiz for OFW’s will be held in Florence, Italy.
turgical-Pastoral Center in lems concerning their employ- conscious of this mission, all the
After Florence, the Bible Quiz is scheduled
Vicenza, Italy, expressed their ment and work permits. They members evangelize and are evan-
to be held in Milan, after which it will go to
admiration and wonder for the do much in the advocacy pro- gelized. The family not only com-
Venice and then Rome, where the final quiz
commitment of Filipino fami- grams for the rights and protec- municates the Gospel to their chil-
will be held in October.
lies who zealously studied tion of our migrant Filipino sis- dren; but from their children, they
According to Alunday, they hope to repli-
God’s Word as a Family. ters and brothers. “Eto na yong can themselves receive the same
cate in Italy their idea of forming twenty
“Nakaka-inspire at nakaka- sagot sa maraming hindi Gospel as deeply lived by them.
Catholic families who are rooted in the word
touch!” (It was so inspiring!). pagkakaunawaan ng mga And such a family becomes the
of God, to evangelize the Filipino migrant
These 16 Chaplains are min- kababayang manggagawa at pati evangelizer of many other fami-
workers and their families.
istering in different major cities na rin sa amin sa Chaplaincy. lies, and of the neighborhood of
ECBA is currently coordinating with the
of Italy where thousands of Fili- Kailangan talaga ang Salita ng which it forms a part.”(PCPII Art
Episcopal Commission on Migrants and Itin- Bibliodrama – depicting the Annunciation episode in the
pino migrants are working: Panginoon bilang susi ng 23,1) The 1st International
erant People (ECMI) and the chaplaincy pro- Bible
seven are from Rome; two from pagkakaunawaan at pagkakaisa Catholic Family Bible Quiz in
Milan; two from Vicenza; one upang matatag sa Italy is a response to this call
from Padova; one from Brescia; paghahanapbuhay. Rendiamo of Mother Church.
Limbo / from p3
one from Verona; one from grazie a Dio.” (This is the re- May the Holy Spirit, who is
Ancona–Osimo, and one from sponse to the trivial misunder- our “advance partner,” ever in- sacrament being conferred, and one who has not received the The commission said the new
Treviso . Some are officially as- standings of the migrant work- spire and move many of the this fact should particularly be sacrament of baptism cannot be theological approach to the
signed as Chaplains for the Fili- ers and even in the Chaplaincy. more than 10 million Filipino recalled when the conferring of saved, it said. question of unbaptized babies
pino Migrants and others work God’s Word is indeed neces- Families affected by migration, baptism would be impossible,” Rather, it means that “there is should not be used to “negate
as volunteers in the ministry sary as the key to understand- to spread God’s Word as the it said. no salvation which is not from the necessity of baptism, nor to
because some are full time stu- ing and unity to achieve a bet- Source of Hope and better liv- This does not deny that all Christ and ecclesial by its very delay the conferral of the sacra-
dents or assigned with special ter life. Let us give thanks to ing. (World Impact Communi- salvation comes through Christ nature,” it said. ment.”
missions by their Congrega- God.) cations, Inc.) and in some way through the The document quoted St. “Rather, there are reasons to
Church, it said, but it requires a Paul’s teaching that spouses of hope that God will save these in-
more careful understanding of Christians may be “conse- fants precisely because it was
how this may work. crated” through their wives or not possible to do for them that
Airport Chaplaincies, A Response to Terrorism The document outlined sev-
eral ways by which unbaptized
husbands. This indicates that the
holiness of the Church reaches
what would have been most de-
sirable—to baptize them in the
VATICAN CITY, April 18, some “philosophical and theo- the Pontifical Council for babies might be united to Christ people “outside the visible faith of the Church and incorpo-
2007—”Dialogue in airport logical” reflections on the sub- Inter-religious Dialogue, — A “saving conformity to bounds of the Church” through rate them visibly into the body
chaplaincies as a response to ject of evil. will speak on the subject of Christ in his own death” by in- the bonds of human commun- of Christ,” it said.
terrorism” is the theme of Experts from the United Na- “inter-religious dialogue to fants who themselves suffer and ion, it said. The commission said hopeful-
the 13th world seminar of tions and from the International counter terrorism,” and die. The document said the ness was not the same as cer-
Catholic chaplains and Air Transport Association Bishop Brian Farrell L.C., — A solidarity with Christ Church clearly teaches that tainty about the destiny of such
members of civil aviation (IATA) will explain strategies secretary of the Pontifical among infant victims of vio- people are born into a state of infants.
chaplaincies, due to be held “to protect airport structures Council for Promoting lence, born and unborn, who sinfulness—original sin—which “It must be clearly acknowl-
in Rome from April 23 to 26. and workers, as well as passen- Christian Unity, on “ecu- like the holy innocents killed by requires an act of redemptive edged that the Church does not
According to a communi- gers and the general public.” menical collaboration in re- King Herod are endangered by grace to be washed away. have sure knowledge about the
que made public today “the “The seminar,” the commu- lation to the threats of ter- the “fear or selfishness of oth- But Scripture also proclaims salvation of unbaptized infants
seminar, organized by the nique goes on, “aims to con- rorism.” ers.” the “superabundance” of grace who die,” it said.
Pontifical Council for the tribute towards countering ter- The program of the semi- — God may simply give the over sin, it said. That seems to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,
Pastoral Care of Migrants rorism through ecumenical nar also includes the testi- gift of salvation to unbaptized be missing in the idea of limbo, now Pope Benedict, was presi-
and Itinerant Peoples, aims and inter-religious dialogue in mony of two chaplains: Fr. infants, corresponding to his which identifies more with dent of the commission and head
to support and encourage the world’s airports” where David Baratelli of the air- sacramental gift of salvation to Adam’s sinfulness than with of the doctrinal congregation
the pastoral efforts of those people from various Churches port of Newark who will the baptized. Christ’s redemption, it said. when the commission began
who concern themselves and ecclesial communities and recount his experiences The document said the stan- “Christ’s solidarity with all of studying the question of limbo in
with this sector of human other great religions work, and during and immediately dard teaching that there is “no humanity must have priority a systematic way in 2004.
mobility.” where people from different after the attack on the salvation outside the Church” over the solidarity of human U.S. Cardinal William J.
As an introduction to the cultures and nationalities come World Trade Center in calls for similar interpretation. beings with Adam,” it said. Levada now heads the commis-
work of the seminar, Arch- together. New York, and Fr. Paschal The Church’s Magisterium Liturgically, the motive for sion and the doctrinal congrega-
bishop Angelo Amato In this context, “in order to Ryan of Heathrow, who has moved toward a more “nu- hope was confirmed by the in- tion. Cardinal Levada met with
S.D.B., secretary of the Con- help participants to discover will talk about the discov- anced understanding” of how a troduction in 1970 of a funeral the pope to discuss the docu-
gregation for the Doctrine the paths of dialogue,” Cardi- ery of plans for an attack saving relationship with the rite for unbaptized infants ment Jan. 19 and, with the
of the Faith, will present nal Paul Poupard, president of against that airport. (VIS) Church can be realized, it said. whose parents intended to pope’s approval, authorized its
This does not mean that some- present them for baptism, it said. publication. (CNS)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007 Diocese 9
Brief History one, San Sebastian School in (KApatiran ng Kaparian ng
Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, is being SAn Jose, MAtatag at tapat na
THE Diocese of San Jose de managed by the Missionaries of naglilingkod ayon sa misyon ni
Nueva Ecija lies in the northern the Sacred Heart (MSC) fathers Kristo). This succinctly ex-
part of the province of Nueva for a 50-year term. There are presses their identity, their
Ecija. The Augustinians were two priests in charge of the God-given abilities and their
the first missionaries who evan- schools, the superintendent/di- mission. Faithfulness to this vi-
gelized the place. The rector and the assistant super- sion/mission unlocks the po-
Franciscans followed soon af- intendent/assistant director. tentials of the DK as well as of
ter, and then the Missionaries The school director’s salaries other thrusts and programs.
of the Sacred Heart, who later are being remitted to the dio- The concrete manifestations
helped the diocesan clergy. cese and form part of the pool and expressions are the SLA
Nueva Ecija is located 160 of resources being used to fund (Standard Living Allowance),
kms. north of Manila. The main the allowances of the clergy, the tithing, pooling of resources,
source of livelihood is agricul- various apostolates of the dio- and their full cooperation, par-
ture—rice, corn, sugar cane, cese and other needs. ticipation in the implementa-
coconut, onions and others. Second, another source of the tion of the diocesan pastoral
The diocese was created on funds for pooling, is the 10% of programs with the bishop as
February 16, 1984 by Pope John the gross income as well as the their father.
Paul II and canonically erected 60% of the net income of the
on July 14, 1984. Its territory, parishes. Looking Forward into the
mostly from the northern part Third, the Pondo ng Pinoy has Future
of Nueva Ecija, was taken from been launched initially to the
the Diocese of Cabanatuan. schools and as of this date, the It seems that the movement
In July 14, 1984, the Holy See sum remitted already of the Spirit is towards the re-
appointed Most Rev. Florentino amounted to more that covery of ancient apostolic way
Cinense, as the diocese’s first P60,000.00. The vicariates will of life—a small, caring and
residential bishop. In the fol- be launching this fund drive to sharing community. As ex-
lowing year, Bishop Cinense the parishes progressively pressed in the DK programs of
was appointed coadjutor within this year. the diocese, and is manifested
bishop of Tarlac, and Apostolic Fourth, the clergy health and in the bits and pieces of its very
Administrator of San Jose. The retirement fund has been pro- own life, it is still an
first Filipino Salesian bishop, gressively increased and the eschatological reality. The “al-
Most Rev. Leo M. Drona, SDB, primary sources are the contri- ready” programs, formations,
DD, succeeded Bishop Cinense butions coming from the clergy processes are in place and has
as prelate of San Jose in July 25, themselves. started to move; and the com-
1987. In May 14, 2005, Most Fifth, the diocese has initiated munities are already feeling
Rev. Mylo Hubert C. Vergara, the budget hearings for each of their belongingness and unity
succeeded Bishop Drona as the 21 commissions represent- as one Body of Christ. The “not
third bishop of the diocese of ing their apostolates. yet” are the journeying towards
San Jose de Nueva Ecija. Sixth, the priests now regu- the fullness of life, towards the
larly donate a certain portion of fulfillment and perfection of the
Pastoral Thrusts their stipends to the diocese DK. As a diocese nearing its sil-
through tithing. ver jubilee on 14 July 2009, it is
The diocese is divided into Seventh, the members of the with gratitude, much anticipa-
three vicariates—Sts. John, clergy now receive a standard tion and joy that we look for-
Dominic and Joseph, compris- living allowance (SLA). ward to celebrating that gra-
ing 20 parishes and one quasi- Through these programs, cious day which is a testimony
parish. At present, there are 23 processes and movements, the of God’s unconditional love
diocesan priests and 12 reli- diocese of San Jose de Nueva and faithfulness. In the end
gious priests from three congre- Ecija is trying to put flesh in its what matters is not how much
gations who serve the needs of core program, the Damayang work the diocese had done,
the flock. Kristiyano. how many DK groups were or-
The diocese continues to re- ganized, and how orderly the
invent itself in order to respond Key: The Clergy processes are; but as one holy
to its pastoral thrusts which person would say, it is in how
were started by Bishop Leo M. Crucial to the implementa- much love we put in the things
Cathedral of Saint Joseph, San Jose City
Drona, and expressed in the tion of the diocesan thrusts are we do, how much heart we
four Diocesan Pastoral Assem- the priests in the diocese. The have invested without counting

Diocese of San Jose de

blies (DPA); the organization of clergy has, for its mission vi- the cost, even to the point of our
the Damayang Kristiyano, Lay sion, KASAMA ni KRISTO very own death.
Empowerment, Stewardship,
Formation of Lay Leaders and

Nueva Ecija
Social Concerns.
His Excellency

Damayang Kristiyano MOST REV. MYLO HUBERT C.

Under the Commission on Bishop of San Jose de Nueva Ecija
Integral Formation (CIF), the By Fr. Jun Flores
diocese, after much prayer and
continued discernment as the cess of evaluation with the DK written down, expressed in At present, these coops produce
People of God, expressed of different parishes. The vi- clear terms that are achievable organic rice, meat and veg-
Damayang Kristiyano (DK) as the sion/mission of the parishes and “owned” by the faithful. etables which are being sold in
priority program. Currently, and even of the different There is at least one DK worker famous supermarkets such as
the CIF has gone through a pro- apostolates are already being for every parish. They are now Landmark in Makati and
undergoing formation so that Rustan’s Supermarket. People
their vision/mission can be who are interested in organi-
IMPORTANT FACTS crystallized. Under the DK pro-
gram is the mobilization of
cally grown produce are the
primary customers of these
Bishop …………………. 1 Parishes communities so that they will coops through the marketing
With resident pastor ……. 21 be able to form small caring efforts of SACGP.
Priests Entrusted to the diocese … 17 groups through the Triple
Diocesan ……………. 20 Under the Religious …….. 4 Communication of the DK (a Processes and Programs
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

Religious ……………. 32
sharing on one’s relationship under the DK
Sisters …………………. 75 Educational Centers
High Schools …………..… 10 with God, the self and the com-
Seminarians Elementary ………………… 5 munity). The Social Action Cen- First, there are 10 Catholic
Theology …………....…….. 3 Kinder ……………………... 8 ter-Gratia Plena (SACGP) has Schools in the diocese that are
Philosophy ……....………… 3 been at the forefront in helping grouped together under an
Pre-College ………............ 16 Population …………….. 706,661
Diocesan Divisions Catholics ……………... 565,291 these DK address their eco- umbrella organization called
Vicariates …....……………. 3 Area ...……….. 2,540.8 sq.kms. nomic life by organizing them Association of Catholic Schools
in groups called cooperatives. (ACS). Of the 10 schools, only

Secretary / from p2 Catholic / from p2 Pastor / from p2

promised to reconsider the

way that Pius XII is portrayed
and fundamentalist Turks.”
Msgr. Marovitch said that
are not enough to express
how sad we are. I’m so
wake up. It is like walking
through a lucid nightmare.”
German Churches Win
in the museum. Zirve and other Protestant sorry! I’m so sorry!” and To help people cope with
While participating in the
presentation of a book by
Maria Franca Mellano, which
groups “carry out biblical
propaganda in
environment where there are
then try to wrap them in a
big hug.
When he hugged them,
the fear that the Virginia
Tech tragedy may provoke,
the U.S. branch of the
Tax Windfall Despite
documents the rescue of
hundreds of Jews who took
refuge in the Pius XI Institute
no Christians, giving the
Gospel to Muslims and
provoking their reaction.
they would break down and
cry, he told Catholic News
Christian Family
Movement, a network of
parish- or neighborhood-
Declining Attendance
of Rome, Cardinal Bertone Then fanatical groups react, After staying with them a based groups of families MUNICH, Germany, April 17, an increase of more than 8%
called such cases “a luminous saying: ‘Why are you looking while, he would pray the that meet to support one 2007—Revenues for German over the previous year’s
history of generosity.” for converts among us? We Our Father and Hail Mary another in Christian living, Catholic dioceses rose in 2006, revenues.
“But this was possible, not believe in Allah, go preach to with them and lead them in has posted a “Living despite declining church The tax system has enabled
only in this situation but in the pagans.’” prayers for the dead, he Without Fear” program on attendance, thanks to the German dioceses to escape the
any of them, due to the Msgr. Marovitch said said. its Web site, http:// country’s tax system, Deutsche full effects of declining church
bulletin from the secretary of Catholic groups working in Mia Ortega, a 26-year-old cfm.org. (The “Living Welle reports. membership. Between 2000
state signed by Pius XII,” the the area do not attempt direct graduate student who also Without Fear” link takes German churches receive and 2005, Deutsche Welle notes,
cardinal added. “It is outreach to Muslims but focus works for the university in visitors to a section called between 8 and 9% of the taxes more than 680,000 Germans
impossible that Pius XII, who on serving the small Christian student affairs, said in a “Special Meetings”; the paid by their registered dropped their church
signed that bulletin, would community in the country. phone interview April 19 program is No. 8.) members. In 2006, thanks registration, and thus escaped
not have approved that A source in the office of with CNS that she was The nine-page program, primarily to a growing the tax payment. The declining
decision.” (Zenit) Bishop Luigi Padovese, the receiving “a lot of support which can be downloaded, economy, the total tax number of registered Catholics
apostolic administrator of from my family and my provides a structured guide revenues to Catholic churches threatens to undercut church
Spanish / from p2 Anatolia, told Catholic News f r i e n d s ” t o h e l p h e r cop e for a group meeting to reflect were about €4.5 billion (over $6 revenues in the long term,
Service April 19 the attack was with the tragedy. She said on fear, how it arises and billion), the newspaper regardless of economic
another within the course, it’s seen by the local Christian she has had messages of how it affects people, and to reports. That figure represents conditions. (CWNews)
the underlying vision of man,” community as the latest in a prayers and support from discuss ways to face it from
and that from the beginning the series of assaults against all over, including from a Christian perspective. It
bishops have expressed their
concern with the material.
After the Cardinal finished
The first attack was the 2006
assassination of Father
friends she worked with
last summer as a Jesuit
volunteer in Dublin,
statements by individuals or
Papal prayers for
his remarks, Jaime Urcelay,
President of Professionals for
Ethics, called the matter one of
Andrea Santoro, an Italian
priest working in Turkey.
Father Santoro’s murder,
In an e-mail to friends
early April 18, Ortega
organizations, including the
U.S. bishops and the
Department of Homeland
Virginia Tech Victims
“utmost gravity” that has been along with other attacks on wrote, “It is hard to believe Security, about living with VATICAN, April 17, 2007— Richmond— referred to the
the subject of “polemics, priests, prompted Turkish that it has only been two fear and overcoming it. Pope Benedict XVI has sent a massacre as a “senseless
controversy and social alarm” officials to put Bishop days. The days are long here The guide for group message promising his tragedy.”
since 2004. Padovese under constant in Blacksburg. discussion follows the “heartfelt prayers” for the The Pope offered his prayer
In his judgment, Education police protection, said the “I am doing my best to get “observe, judge, act” pattern victims of the April 16 shooting to “the entire school
for Citizenship will disrupt source, who asked not to be by. I slip from being numb that the Christian Family spree at Virginia Tech. community,” as well as the
Spanish society during a named. to uncontrollable crying. Movement uses as a way of The Pope’s message— victims of the shooting, and
“delicate moment” in which the “This is not by chance; there Sometimes I forget about moving from reflection and conveyed in a telegram that expressed the hope that those
issue of freedom of education are people out there who are the whole thing, and understanding to concrete was sent by the Vatican affected would find “the
has yet to be resolved and not just anti-Christian, but sometimes reality slaps me actions dealing with an issue Secretary of State, Cardinal spiritual strength which
schools are facing a profound also anti-priest,” the source hard in the face. ... In some constructively in one’s own Tarcisio Bertone to Bishop triumphs over violence.”
crisis of authority. (CNA) said. (Alicia Ambrosio / CNS) ways, I am expecting to life. (CNS) Francis DiLorenzo of (CWNews)
CBCP Monitor
10 Updates Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007

Q: Would you please clarify This announcement was fol- love, in word and in deed’ (Pas-
what is “special” about Di- lowed by two juridical acts by toral Constitution, Gaudium et
vine Mercy Sunday, and what Vatican offices. spes, n. 93)….
With the decree “Misericors et “Three conditions for the ple-
the faithful and priests have Miserator ” (May 5, 2000) the nary indulgence:
to do in order to obtain the Congregation for Divine Wor- “And so the Supreme Pontiff,
special grace associated with ship and the Sacraments stated: motivated by an ardent desire to
this day? According to the “And so with provident pasto- foster in Christians this devotion
priests that I have spoken to, ral sensitivity and in order to to Divine Mercy as much as pos-
the same graces can be ob- impress deeply on the souls of sible in the hope of offering great
tained at reception of holy the faithful these precepts and spiritual fruit to the faithful, in
teachings of the Christian faith, the Audience granted on 13 June
Communion on Divine the Supreme Pontiff, John Paul 2002, to those Responsible for
Mercy Sunday as on any II, moved by the consideration the Apostolic Penitentiary,
other day when Communion of the Father of Mercy, has granted the following Indul-
is received by a communicant willed that the Second Sunday gences:
in a state of grace, i.e., a ple- of Easter be dedicated to recall- “a plenary indulgence,
nary indulgence. So what is ing with special devotion these granted under the usual condi-
different about Divine Mercy gifts of grace and gave this Sun- tions (sacramental confession,
day the name, ‘Divine Mercy Eucharistic communion and
Sunday and how should the Sunday.’” prayer for the intentions of Su-
liturgy be properly celebrated The congregation explained preme Pontiff) to the faithful
so that the faithful may re- that the change consisted in the who, on the Second Sunday of
ceive the special graces asso- additional name for this day. Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday,
ciated with it? — J.C., The liturgy would suffer no in any church or chapel, in a
Ballina, Ireland change whatsoever. All the spirit that is completely de-
A: The devotion to the Divine texts and readings would re- tached from the affection for a
Mercy stems from the revela- main those of the Second Sun- sin, even a venial sin, take part
tions made to the Polish nun St. day of Easter. in the prayers and devotions
Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) The second decree was pub- held in honor of Divine Mercy,
over a number of years and at lished two years later by the or who, in the presence of the
several convents, including the Apostolic Penitentiary. This Blessed Sacrament exposed or
one in Krakow where she is Vatican tribunal, among other reserved in the tabernacle, recite
buried. tasks, oversees the granting of the Our Father and the Creed,
There are several elements indulgences. This decree adding a devout prayer to the
involved in this devotion. One granted new perpetual indul- merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. Merci-
is the image of the merciful gences attached to devotions in ful Jesus, I trust in you!”);
Jesus based on a vision of Feb- honor of Divine Mercy. “A partial indulgence,
ruary 1931. In it Our Lord is Among other considerations, granted to the faithful who, at
pictured in the act of blessing, this text states: least with a contrite heart, pray
with two rays, one red and the “The faithful with deep spiri- to the merciful Lord Jesus a le-
other pallid (representing blood tual affection are drawn to com- gitimately approved invocation.
and water), shining from his memorate the mysteries of di- “For those who cannot go to
heart. The words “Jesus, I trust vine pardon and to celebrate church or the seriously ill:
in thee” are placed at his feet. them devoutly. They clearly “In addition, sailors working
Copies of this image are today understand the supreme ben- on the vast expanse of the sea;
found in many churches all over efit, indeed the duty that the the countless brothers and sis-
the world—a sign of the rapid People of God have to praise ters, whom the disasters of war,
expansion of this devotion. Divine Mercy with special political events, local violence
Other elements are the hour prayers and, at the same time, and other such causes have been
of mercy, at 3 in the afternoon, they realize that by gratefully driven out of their homeland;

Divine Mercy Sunday

in which the Passion is medi- performing the works required the sick and those who nurse
tated upon and certain prayers and satisfying the necessary them, and all who for a just
recommended by the revela- conditions, they can obtain cause cannot leave their homes
tions are recited. As well as this, spiritual benefits that derive or who carry out an activity for
there is the chaplet of Divine from the Treasury of the the community which cannot be
Mercy with its attendant litany. Church. ‘The paschal mystery (Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university, answers a postponed, may obtain a ple-
It is recited using rosary beads is the culmination of this reveal- question sent from Ireland on Divine Mercy Sunday) nary indulgence on Divine
but substituting other prayers ing and effecting of mercy, Mercy Sunday, if totally detest-
such as “Through your sorrow- which is able to justify man, to ing any sin, as has been said be-
ful Passion, have mercy on us restore justice in the sense of ance as soon as they can. Indeed, When he said this, he showed love for God and for their neigh- fore, and with the intention of
and on the entire world” on the that salvific order which God Our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us them his hands and his side. bor, and after they have ob- fulfilling as soon as possible the
beads of the Hail Mary. willed from the beginning in in the parable of the Prodigal Then the disciples were glad to tained God’s pardon, they in three usual conditions, will re-
A special request of these vi- man, and through man, in the Son that the sinner must confess see the Lord. Jesus said to them turn might be persuaded to cite the Our Father and the
sions was that the first Sunday world’ (Encyclical Letter ‘Dives his misery to God saying: ‘Fa- again, “Peace be with you. As show a prompt pardon to their Creed before a devout image of
after Easter should be the feast in Misericordia ,’ n. 7).… ther, I have sinned against the Father has sent me, even so I brothers and sisters… Our Merciful Lord Jesus and, in
of Divine Mercy and that on this “Indeed, Divine Mercy knows heaven and against you; I am no send you.” And then he “Thus the faithful will more addition, pray a devout invoca-
day the Divine Mercy should be how to pardon even the most longer worthy to be called your breathed on them, and said to closely conform to the spirit of tion to the Merciful Lord Jesus
proclaimed in a special way. serious sins, and in doing so it son’ (Lk. 15,18-19), realizing that them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. the Gospel, receiving in their (e.g. Merciful Jesus, I trust in
The spirituality of Pope John moves the faithful to perceive a this is a work of God, “for [he] If you forgive the sins of any, hearts the renewal that the Sec- you).
Paul II was deeply influenced supernatural, not merely psy- was dead, and is alive; he was they are forgiven; if you retain ond Vatican Council explained “If it is impossible that people
by the devotion to the Divine chological, sorrow for their sins lost, and is found” (Lk. 15,32).… the sins of any, they are re- and introduced: ‘Mindful of the do even this, on the same day
Mercy, and he dedicated his so that, ever with the help of di- “The Gospel of the Second tained”’ (Jn 20,19-23)…. words of the Lord: “By this all they may obtain the Plenary In-
second encyclical, “ Dives in vine grace, they may make a Sunday of Easter narrates the “To ensure that the faithful men will know that you are my dulgence if with a spiritual in-
Misericordia,” to this theme. As firm resolution not to sin any wonderful things Christ the would observe this day with in- disciples, if you have love for tention they are united with
archbishop of Krakow he pro- more. Such spiritual disposi- Lord accomplished on the day tense devotion, the Supreme one another” (Jn. 13,35), Chris- those carrying out the pre-
moted the beatification of Sis- tions undeniably follow upon of the Resurrection during his Pontiff himself established that tians can yearn for nothing more scribed practice for obtaining
ter Faustina and on the occasion the forgiveness of mortal sin first public appearance: ‘On the this Sunday be enriched by a ardently than to serve the men the Indulgence in the usual way
of her canonization in April when the faithful fruitfully re- evening of that day, the first day plenary indulgence, as will be of this age with an ever grow- and offer to the Merciful Lord a
2000 announced that henceforth ceive the sacrament of Penance of the week, the doors being shut explained below, so that the ing generosity and success. ... It prayer and the sufferings of their
the second Sunday of Easter or repent of their sin with an act where the disciples were, for faithful might receive in great is the Father’s will that we illness and the difficulties of
would be the feast of Divine of perfect charity and perfect fear of the Jews, Jesus came and abundance the gift of the conso- should recognize Christ our their lives, with the resolution to
Mercy. contrition, with the resolution to stood among them and said to lation of the Holy Spirit. In this brother in the persons of all men accomplish as soon as possible
receive the Sacrament of Pen- them, “Peace be with you.” way, they can foster a growing and love them with an effective the three conditions prescribed
to obtain the plenary indul-
TWO recent incidents in my whole Church. This is enun- “Duty of priests: inform pa-
family have provoked this ciated by the Code in the fol- rishioners, hear confessions,
letter. The first had to do
with our handyman, who
has been living-in with his
The Right to the Sacraments lowing terms:
Can. 843 — §1. The sacred
ministers cannot refuse the
lead prayers:
“Priests who exercise pastoral
ministry, especially parish
girlfriend for more than a sacraments to those who ask priests, should inform the faith-
year. When I finally con- by Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D. for them at appropriate ful in the most suitable way of
vinced him to get married in times, are properly dis- the Church’s salutary provision.
Church, he came back to me posed and are not prohib- They should promptly and gen-
with a problem: His parish ited by law from receiving erously be willing to hear their
has a fee of P4,000 for the them. confessions. On Divine Mercy
cheapest wedding! He §2. Pastors of souls and Sunday, after celebrating Mass
couldn’t afford it yet and the rest of the Christian or Vespers, or during devotions
will have to save till next faithful, according to their in honor of Divine Mercy, with
year. The second incident ecclesial function, have the the dignity that is in accord with
had to do with my cousin, duty to see that those who
the rite, they should lead the
who wanted to get married, seek the sacraments are pre- recitation of the prayers that
but couldn’t attend the pre- pared to receive them by the
have been given above. Finally,
Cana seminars since they necessary evangelization since ‘Blessed are the merciful,
were spread out to two Sat- and catechetical formation,
for they shall obtain mercy’ (Mt
urday mornings, and both taking into account the
5,7), when they instruct their
he and his fiancée had work norms published by the
people, priests should gently
on Saturdays. Despite their competent authority.
encourage the faithful to prac-
pleadings, they were not An attentive reading of
tice works of charity or mercy
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

given any considerations, so c.843, §1 makes it clear that

as often as they can, following
in a huff they got “married” the right of the faithful to the
the example of, and in obeying
in an Aglipayan church. In sacraments—which are the
the commandment of Jesus
contrast, I also know that in means of salvation and
Christ, as is listed for the second
my parish, even if there is a sanctification—is limited
general concession of indul-
requirement for parents only by three factors: 1) ap-
gence in the ‘Enchiridion
from other parishes to at- propriateness of time, 2)
tend a seminar for the bap- proper disposition of the Indulgentiarum.’
“This Decree has perpetual
tism of their baby, the par- passive subject, and 3) ab-
ish waives the requirement ments; 2) the consequent non- mankind by the Passion, Death but towards the Hierarchical sence of a prohibition by force, any provision to the con-
trary notwithstanding.”
when the parents can pro- indispensable nature of pasto- and Resurrection of Jesus Church—to have access to all law.
duce proof of an equivalent ral programs for their recep- Christ, who instituted the the means of salvation. This Furthermore, the second In conclusion, it must be men-
catechetical instruction or tion—e.g., the Pre-Cana semi- Catholic Church as his continu- fundamental right is enunci- paragraph, far from adding tioned that our correspondent
formation received else- nar and the pre-baptismal semi- ing presence— Sacramentum ated by the Code of Canon Law another factor that may bar was misinformed when she was
where. nar; 3) the absolute injustice of magnum —in human history, in the following terms: the faithful from receiving told that Communion on this or
charging a fee for the adminis- giving her the mandate to Can. 213 — The Christian the sacraments—i.e., their any other Sunday granted a ple-
What does Canon Law tration of any sacrament. preach the Good News of sal- faithful have the right to receive possible lack of prepara- nary indulgence. This is not the
really establish for these vation to all men, to baptize assistance from the sacred pas- tion—in fact only strength- case. For more on indulgences
The Fundamental Right of them and to lead them towards tors out of the spiritual goods ens their right to them by in general, see our columns of
cases? Feb. 15 and March 1, 2005.
THERE are several issues the Faithful to the Sacra- the fullness of Christian life. of the Church, especially the precisely declaring the duty
Concretely, Christ instituted word of God and the sacra- of the pastors of souls and Finally, because of the special
at stake in these incidents, ments liturgical nature of this Sunday,
and we have to tackle them At first glance, no man the sacraments of the New Law ments. the rest of the Christian faith-
as means of salvation for men This juridic principle is ful to make sure that those all devotions must be made out-
separately. From the most should have a right to the chan- side of Mass and no change may
general (and fundamental) nels of grace—which are what (sacramenta propter homines), in complemented by another one, who seek the sacraments are
order to enable each of them to which stems from the need to adequately prepared to re- be made in the liturgical texts or
to the most specific (and ac- the sacraments really are— readings. Mention of the theme
cidental), we can enumerate since nobody has a right to participate in the fruits of the safeguard the sanctity of the ceive them—i.e., through the
Redemption. Thus, through sacraments and the fact that necessary evangelization and of Divine Mercy may be made,
them as follows: 1) The fun- grace itself, which is freely
baptism, the faithful acquire the their celebration always consti- catechetical formation. however, during the homily,
damental right of the Catho- given by God. Nevertheless,
right—indeed not towards God tutes an act of public cult of the Sacraments / P11 commentaries and during the
lic faithful to the sacra- God has wanted to redeem
general intercessions.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007 Social Concern 11
Challenge to May 14, 2007 Voters
Vote Only
Candidates who
Truly Care for the
By Lou Valencia Arsenio

PLANET Earth is God’s gift to all. It is the only planet in

the galaxy that God has endowed with fullness of life,
balanced ecosystem and complete biodiversity where all
living beings share interdependence and interrelatedness.
Human beings as stewards of God’s creation get their

RP-China Agri Deals: food, medicine, all basic needs and livelihood from the
ecosystem. The current ecological crisis such as global
warming, contamination of our bodies of water, soil, air
and food; the rapid destruction of our forest, mountains
A Deathblow to Suffering and the over extraction of our mineral deposits, man-

© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

groves, animal and marine resources are very alarming
that indeed need our serious attention during the com-

Farmers and Peasantry ing election.

The May 14 election is a critical opportunity to judge
those offering to serve us as councilors, mayors, board
members, congressman, governors and senators by the
degree of importance they give to the environment
through their lifestyle, personal/family practices, busi-
ness relations, policies and support on the following:
By Bel Formanes
• mining or logging of our mountains especially by
DOING business “under-the-table” is al- from its execution,” (Art 12, Sec 2, par 5); ters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic foreign companies or allowing foreigners to own part
ways done hastily, away from the prying • The projects would secure between 1.2 zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment ex- of our natural resources;
eyes of the public. Shady deals are of the million hectares of Philippine lands where clusively to Filipino citizens.” (Art. 12, Sec • dumping of foreign toxic wastes in the country;
same league. Such type of agreements is to grow food, fruit, flower, vegetable and 2, par 2). • use of coal plant or nuclear power plants;
literally hatched under the cover of dark- bio-fuel crops for China and would ulti- In Totality, the 19 RP-China • the importation and propagation of genetically modi-
ness, like what one sees at the movies. mately include: lands already covered un- Agribusiness deals were coated with lay- fied organisms especially Bt Corn, hybrid rice, and
That is what the 19 RP-China der the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform ers of deception and vested interests of the like, as well as the use of chemical pesticides and
Agribusiness deals were made of. Cer- Program (CARP); CARPable lands, and ar- corrupt officials involved, undermining fertilizers in agriculture
emonially signed on January 15, 2007 by eas under the Community-based Forest the collective interest of the under-privi- • establishment or maintenance of dumpsites, landfill
President Gloria Arroyo and Wen Jiabao, Management (CBFM); leged. It reeks with greed and Constitu- or incinerators;
the agreement in its entirety is foul and •Filipino firms who are party to the tional inconsistencies slurring the Nation’s • poor implementation of Ecological Solid Waste Man-
bereft of any development or financial re- agreement are either bogus or overnight sovereignty and human rights guarantees. agement Act, Clean Air Act and other environment
turns to the supposed beneficiaries. It companies with dubious track record; Being so, it deserves to be quashed. laws;
would never alleviate the country’s • Some of the agreements are silent and The broad network of agrarian reform • own or supports big fishing companies that throw
marginalized sector at all. If ever, only the do not have provisions regarding leasehold and peasant advocates is aghast that the their wastes in the sea, use dynamite and neglect or
scheming and sinister officials involved duration. Article 12, Section 3 of the Con- Filipino people’s rights to determine its denied the concerns of the small fisher folk;
will ultimately gain a cash windfall, add- stitution states: “…Private corporations or path towards economic, social and cul- • favors given to the concerns of the big companies
ing to their already bloated pockets. associations may not hold such alienable lands tural development are being abjectly de- and neglect those of the small and ordinary citizens;
Some major appalling facts about the of the public domain except by lease, for a pe- prived by this deceptive and onerous deal. • push for the use of LPG powered vehicles without
agreement, supposedly aimed at develop- riod not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable An agreement cloaked in the so-called thorough study/ research on its impact to environ-
ing joint RP-China marine/aquaculture for not more than twenty-five years, and not to “non-confrontational-land-reform-para- ment and health.
projects would reveal: exceed one thousand hectares in area…” But digm” that, on the contrary, would only
• Contracts were signed devoid of any under the agreement not only a thousand further sow discontent and unrest at the If we truly love our children and the next generations,
public consultation with people that but millions of hectares of land would be countryside—in communities that would we should take this challenge seriously. Let us prevent
would be directly affected, the stakehold- covered. be affected by the projects. the worsening of global warming and leave behind a bet-
ers—farmers and fisherfolk organizations; • Seven out of nineteen projects would For the sake of truth and the common ter clean and healthy environment to our children. There-
there was not even public disclosure con- cover vast marine areas for aquaculture good, these 19 RP-China Agribusiness fore, let this coming election be an opportunity for all of
cerning details of the agreement; through raising certain fish species that deals should be made known to the Fili- us to choose wisely, scrutinize prudently the candidates
• There was no indication that Congress would be exported to China as food com- pino people. And so are the deceptions and fearlessly follow the dictates of our God-given con-
was informed about the agreement. The modity while endangering the Philippine’s surrounding these deals entered into by science to vote only for the God fearing and truly envi-
Philippine Charter, however, clearly pro- own food security and sovereignty. Such act publicly-acknowledged corrupt govern- ronment loving candidates. (Ms. Lou Valencia Arsenio is
vides that “ the President shall notify the Con- contradicts basic Philippine Constitutional ment officials—which voters should bear the Coordinator of the Ecology Desk of the Archdiocese of Ma-
gress of every contract entered into in accor- guarantees: “The State shall protect the in mind on their way to the polls this forth- nila)
dance with this provision, within thirty days nation’s marine wealth in its archipelagic wa- coming May elections.

Sacraments / from p10

The Non-indispensable Na- Can. 851, 2º provides that the par- fixed amounts for stipends to be
ture of Pastoral Programs ents of an infant and likewise those offered to the Pastor on the oc-
for the Proper Reception of who are to undertake the office of casion of every celebration of the
sponsor are to be properly in- sacraments, with an additional
the Sacraments structed in the meaning of this sac- clause that free administration
Because of the above, what-
rament and the obligations which should be extended to the poor.
ever pastoral programs or requi- are attached to it; personally or Such stipends are not pay-
sites may be formulated by the
through others the pastor is to see ments or fees for the administra-
pastors of souls to assure the to it that the parents are properly tion of the sacraments, but rather
proper disposition of the faithful
formed by pastoral directions and a practical way of quantifying
cannot be converted into sine qua by common prayer, gathering sev- another right-duty of the faith-
non conditions for their access to
eral families together and where ful—stipulated by c.222,§1 of the
the sacraments. The only excep- possible visiting them. Code of Canon Law—namely
tion would be if such indispens-
While such seminars are in- that of supporting the ministers
able condition is expressly stated deed desirable, it is clear from in particular and the whole
by the Local Ordinary, subject to
the tenor of the canon that the evangelizing work of the
the approval of the Supreme Au- obligation is laid on the pastor Church in general.
thority in the Church who is the
to facilitate such instruction; but
only one competent to regulate in no way does it say that he is Conclusion
the sacraments. This is stipulated
to deny administering the sac- It is licit for a parish to have a
by the Code: rament if such previous instruc- fixed amount for the celebration
Can. 841 — Since the sacra-
tion somehow were not feasible. of marriage—as decided by the
ments are the same for the uni- Archdiocese and approved by
versal Church and pertain to the The Sacraments cannot be the Holy See. It is even under-
divine deposit, it is for the su- standable for the parish to stipu-
preme authority of the Church
conditioned by a Fee
An interesting consequence of late an additional amount to de-
alone to approve or define those fray the cost of utilities and décor
things which are required for the fundamental right of the
faithful to the sacraments is the that may go into more elaborate
their validity; it is for the same weddings. A tiered system of
supreme authority of the absolute prohibition of condi-
tioning their administration to contributions can also be estab-
Church or other competent au- lished, whereby those who can
thority in accord with the norm the payment of some fee or some
other temporal good—which is afford subsidize those who can’t.
of c.838, §§3 and 4 to determine However, nothing stands in
what pertains to their lawful cel- tantamount to simony: the buy-
ing and selling of spiritual goods the way of celebrating it (and any
ebration, administration and re- sacrament for that matter) with-
ception and also the order to be or realities attached to such
goods. out such costs, and thus without
observed in their celebration. any stipend, for indigent parties.
This acquires special impor- The Code is quite explicit on
this point, typifying simony In the extreme case, marriage can
tance for some sacraments, to wit: be celebrated in its bare essen-
1) The so-called Pre-Cana even as a crime in c.1380: A per-
son, who through simony celebrates tials—i.e., in the parish office, in
Seminar. The ius connubi—the the presence of the required two
right to marry, which is a con- or receives a sacrament, is to be pun-
ished with an interdict or suspen- witnesses other than the sacred
sequence of marriage being a minister, with hardly any costs
natural institution—is limited sion. So strong is this prohibition
against simony, that even the to the parish to speak of.
only by the so-called impedi- The Pre-Cana Seminar should
ments. As we had previously semblance of it is proscribed—
e.g., c.947: Even the semblance of never be made an indispensable
seen, only the supreme author- requirement for marriage. The
ity of the Church can fix such trafficking or trading is to be en-
tirely excluded from Mass offerings. same can be said of what some-
impediments. Making atten- body has called Pre-Jordan Semi-
dance in the so-called Pre-Cana A different matter are the
alms (stipends) which the faith- nar—i.e., the seminar for parents
Seminar an indispensable re- (desiring to have their infant
quirement for marriage would ful voluntarily give—even based
on a fixed suggested rate—on child baptized). They should be
be tantamount to adding a new waived, when there is proof of
impediment to marriage—that the occasion of the celebration of
some sacraments and a similar preparation acquired
of non-attendance to the semi- another way, thereby reason-
nar—something which nobody sacramentals (e.g., Mass sti-
pends, baptisms, weddings, fu- ably combining the pastoral aim
save the supreme authority in of assuring proper reception of
the Church is competent to do. nerals). This is what happens in
the Philippines, where the bish- the sacrament with the right of
2) The seminars for parents the faithful to receive the means
and godparents (or sponsors). ops have adopted the so-called
Arancel System, which lists of salvation.
CBCP Monitor
12 Vatican Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007

“A Common
Good …an
Message for World Water Day
“The Attention of the Church Has
Been on the Social Question”
(The message sent by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican sec-
retary of state, on behalf of Benedict XVI, on the occasion of
the celebration for the World Water Day on March 22, 2007.
This was sent to Jacques Diouf, director general of the U.N.
Food and Agriculture Organization, headquartered in Rome.)

Papal Address to the 9th International Youth Forum Mr Jacques Diouf,

On the occasion of today’s celebration of World Water

IT gives me great pleasure to they will be able to maintain man dimension of work and to lose heart when faced with
Day, His Holiness Benedict XVI charges me to convey to
send my cordial greeting to even unstable employment for protect the dignity of the per- these difficulties, I invite them
you, Mr. Director General, and to all the participants at
you, Venerable Brother, to the any length of time. The process son. In fact, the ultimate refer- to participate next Sunday in
this meeting respectful and cordial greetings and encour-
Secretary, to those working of globalization taking place in ence of every human activity Saint Peter’s Square in the sol-
agement for your action in favour of those in the world
with the Pontifical Council for the world entails a need for can only be the human person, emn celebration of Palm Sun-
who are suffering from a shortage of water.
the Laity, and to all those who mobility that obliges numer- created in the image and like- day and the 22nd World Youth
In the context of the Decade 2005/ 2015, which the Gen-
are taking part in the 9th Inter- ous young people to emigrate ness of God. A close analysis Day, the final stage of prepa-
eral Assembly of the United Nations has declared “The
national Youth Forum on the and live far from their home of the situation, in fact, shows ration for the World Youth Day
International Decade of Action: Water for life”, this year’s
theme “Witnessing to Christ in countries and their families. that work is part of God’s plan that will take place in Sydney,
theme: Coping with water scarcity, gives us an opportu-
the world of work” that is tak- This brings about an unsettling for humankind and that it is Australia next year.
nity to think about the importance of water as a source
ing place this week in Rocca di feeling of insecurity that un- participation in his work of The theme for reflection this
of life whose availability is essential for the vital cycles
Papa. It is with particular af- doubtedly has repercussions creation and redemption. Ev- year is: “Just as I have loved
of the earth and fundamental for a fully human exist-
fection that I direct my on their ability to not only ery human activity should be you, you also should love one
thoughts to the young del- dream and build up a project an occasion and place for the another” (Jn. 13:34). Here I re-
We are all aware of the difficulty of achieving at a world
egates from the bishops’ con- for the future, but even to com- growth of individuals and so- peat what I wrote to young
level the goal fixed by the international community to
ferences and the international mit themselves to matrimony ciety, the development of per- Christians all over the world,
halve the number of people who are without access to
movements, associations, and and start a family. These are sonal “talents” that should be that there may be awakened in
healthy water and basic hygiene services by 2015, through
communities that have come complex and delicate ques- appreciated and placed at the young Christians, “trust in a
the development, among other things, of integrated man-
from the five continents and tions that must be faced in due ordered service of the common love that is true, faithful and
agement plans and an efficient use of water resources.
who work in very different course, keeping in mind the good, in a spirit of justice and strong; a love that generates
However, we are likewise all convinced of the impor-
fields. I extend my respectful reality of our times while refer- solidarity. For believers, more- peace and joy; a love that binds
tance of not falling short of these goals, given the cen-
greetings to the distinguished ring to the social doctrine of over, the ultimate aim of work people together and allows
trality of water in any process destined to foster the pro-
speakers who have agreed to the Church. This is duly pre- is the building up of the King- them to feel free in respect for
motion of an integral human development.
contribute to the meeting with sented in the Catechism of the dom of God. one another”, and allows them
Furthermore, appropriate investments in the sector of
their expertise and experience. Catholic Church and especially While I invite you to treasure to develop their abilities to the
water and hygiene services represent a significant mecha-
The theme is very much a in the Compendium of the So- the conversations and reflec- full. It is not simply a question
nism for accelerating economic growth and sustainable
topical issue and takes into ac- cial Doctrine of the Church. tions that take place over the of becoming more “competi-
development, for improving human health and hygiene,
count the transformations that The attention of the Church next few days, I hope that this tive” and “productive”, but it
for uprooting poverty and for combating the degrada-
have taken place in recent in recent years has been con- important assembly of young is necessary to be “witnesses of
tion of the environment.
years in the fields of econom- stantly directed on the social people may be a profitable oc- charity”. It is only in this way
Water, a common good of the human family, consti-
ics, technology and communi- question, and in particular on casion of spiritual and ecclesial that young people — with the
tutes an essential element for life; the management of this
cations, changes that have that of work. We remember the growth for the participants, support of their respective par-
precious resource must enable all to have access to it,
radically changed the appear- encyclical Laborem exercens through the sharing of experi- ishes, movements and commu-
especially those who live in conditions of poverty, and
ance and conditions of the la- published a little over twenty- ences and personal accounts, nities, in which it is possible to
must guarantee the liveability of the planet for both the
bor market. The progress five years ago, on 14 Septem- and common prayer and litur- experience the greatness and
present and future generations.
achieved has, on the one hand, ber 1981, by my well loved pre- gies celebrated together. To- vitality of the Church — will
Access to water is in fact one of the inalienable rights
given new hope to young decessor John Paul II. This re- day, more than ever, it is nec- be able to experience work as
of every human being, because it is a prerequisite for the
people, but on the other it has affirmed and updated the great essary and urgent to proclaim a vocation and true mission. To
realization of the majority of the other human rights, such
created disturbing forms of intuitions developed by Pope “the Gospel of Work”, to live this end, Venerable Brother, I
as the rights to life, to food and to health.
marginalization and exploita- Leo XIII and Pius XI in the en- as Christians in the world of assure you of my prayers, with
For this reason, water “cannot be treated as just an-
tion with more and more situ- cyclicals Rerum novarum (1891) work and become apostles the heavenly protection of
other commodity among many, and it must be used ra-
ations of personal hardship. and Quadragesimo anno (1931), among workers. In order to Mary and Saint Joseph, patron
tionally and in solidarity with others. ...The right to wa-
Because of the noticeable dif- both written during the period fulfill this mission it is neces- of workers, I send you and all
ter ... finds its basis in human dignity and not in any kind
ference between the education of the industrialization of Eu- sary to remain united to Christ those participating in the Inter-
of merely quantitative assessment that considers water
and training received and the rope. In a context of economic through prayer and a deep sac- national Forum and all young
as a merely economic good. Without water, life is threat-
world of work, it is now more liberalism conditioned by mar- ramental life, and for this pur- Christian workers, a special
ened. Therefore, the right to safe drinking water is a uni-
difficult for them to find em- ket forces, of competition and pose, to hold Sunday in special Apostolic Blessing.
versal and inalienable right” ( Compendium of the Social
ployment that meets with their competitiveness, these pontifi- high regard, for it is the day
Doctrine of the Church , n. 485).
personal skills and studies, cal documents forcefully call dedicated to the Lord. While I BENEDICTUS PP XVI
World Water Day is a precious opportunity to encour-
and there is no certainty that on the need to evaluate the hu- encourage young people not to 28 March 2007
age the international community to identify effective
ways to permit this basic human right to be promoted,
protected and enjoyed.

“Promote a Culture Respectful of the

In this regard, the sustainable management of water
becomes a social, economic, environmental and ethical
challenge that involves not only institutions but the whole
of society.

Rights of the Least-protected” It should be faced in accordance with the principle of

subsidiarity, that is, through the adoption of a participa-
tory approach that involves both the private sector and
above all the local communities; the principle of solidar-

Vatican’s Address to U.N. on Population

ity, a fundamental pillar of international cooperation,
which requires a preferential attention to the poor; the
principle of responsibility to the present generation and
(Transcript of the statement delivered April 10 by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Holy See’s permanent observer to the United Nations, at the 40th those to come, from which derives the consequent need
session of the Commission on Population and Development of the U.N. Economic and Social Council.) to re-examine the models of consumption and produc-
tion, often unsustainable with regard to the use of water
Mr. Chairman, treme old age. Moreover, education, especially for girls
It is in addition a responsibility that must be shared
The reports made to the commission this and young women, can have a notable im-
and that becomes a moral and political imperative in a
Indicators continue to suggest that by year suggest that dependency ratios are set pact on population growth. As women be-
world that has levels of know-how and technologies that
2050 the world’s population should stabi- to soar in some places, where an increas- come better educated, they gain greater re-
are capable of putting an end to situations of water scar-
lize at about 9 billion. Although this im- ing number of elderly people will lay a spect; they become breadwinners; they ac-
city and to their dramatic consequences that affect in
plies that national populations will not heavier burden on the active population. quire maturity in parental responsibility
particular the regions with a lower income, in which ac-
need to be regulated as proposed by radi- It is to be hoped that states will work to and a greater say in family affairs. Invest-
cess to water can often spark real conflicts, whereas it
cal opinion in the past, this commission foster respect for human life in all its stages ing in people in this way, especially in
can become a motive for interregional cooperation wher-
should continue to serve a useful purpose and to find solutions that are right and education, is surely to be preferred to le-
ever people appreciate a farsighted approach founded
in monitoring the demographic trends in just, not merely pragmatic. Here in par- gal imposition of limits, to artificial cor-
on hydrological interdependence that binds those who
all parts of the world. In this regard, policy ticular, promoting solidarity between gen- rective measures and drastic policies, and
use the water resource in neighboring countries in a joint
goals and the means to achieve them must erations will be very valuable. to the unacceptable practice of eliminat-
remain sound and focused on the dignity While by 2050 Europe is set to have an ing fetuses, especially females, in order to
These are aspects, Mr. Director General, that not only
of the human person. elderly dependency ratio similar to that of limit population growth.
demand the responsibility of government leaders and
This 40th session of the commission co- Africa’s in the 1960s, Africa is set to have Finally, since this commission’s 39th ses-
politicians, but that challenge every individual. We are
incides with the 40th anniversary of a the lowest dependency ratio in the world. sion last year, important initiatives have
all called to renew our life-styles with an educational
document on population and develop- This projection should hand that continent been both completed and launched, in par-
effort that can reassign to this common good of human-
ment written by the late Pope Paul VI, an unprecedented advantage in economic ticular concerning migrants, a topic of no
ity the value and respect that it ought to have in our so-
known as “ Populorum Progressio,” that is, terms, as a young and numerous work small importance in relation to the chang-
“The Progress of Peoples.” force should be available to it until at least ing age structures of populations. My del-
Moreover, an educational effort of this kind could draw
At a time when the world was com- 2050, while the demographic dividend in egation regards last year’s High-Level Dia-
from many sacred texts of the traditional religions, such
monly divided into two blocs, East and most other regions will have run out. logue on International Migration and De-
as the Bible, where water is symbolically a source and a
West, the document focused instead on To assure that Africa will not miss this velopment as having been useful and wel-
sign of life and its presence is often associated with joy
peoples and societies, whose conditions window of opportunity for economic de- comes the offer of Belgium and other
and fertility, assuming in addition a role of purification,
were marked not by being Eastern or velopment, it must be helped, inter alia, to countries to maintain its momentum in the
renewal and rebirth.
Western, but by the levels of development invest in its human capital and infrastruc- form of the forthcoming Global Forum on
On this World Water Day, the Holy Father invokes the
and well-being in some parts of the world, ture to underpin economic growth. Be- Migration and Development.
Lord’s Blessings on all those who are committed to reach-
in contrast to the degree of poverty and cause many of this future work force are It is to be hoped that the Forum will
ing the goals concerning water that have been set by the
underdevelopment in others. already born and are already of school age, build upon what was achieved during the
international community. Mr. Director General, I am hon-
The emphasis placed by the document my delegation believes that the most de- high-level dialogue. There is almost no
ored to convey to you this Message from His Holiness
on the individual and on societies, both cisive investment to be made here is in country in the world untouched by migra-
and ask you to accept the expression of my highest es-
as the primary focus of development poli- education. tion and it has become an extremely im-
cies and as protagonists of their own de- The U.N. Secretariat estimates that to portant source both of labor and of remit-
velopment, even today provides a sure achieve primary education for all by 2015 tances depending on each country’s cir-
guide for demographic policies to pro- would cost $9 billion estimated in 1998 cumstances. Therefore, it is in the inter-
Secretary of State of His Holiness
mote a culture respectful of the rights of dollar value. By any estimate, this can ests of all states—not to mention the mi-
22 March 2007
the least-protected members of our human hardly be considered a high price to pay grants themselves—that the forum be al-
family, especially before birth and in ex- for such a prize. lowed room to succeed.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007 Statements 13

Election 2007
A Pastoral Letter to Priests and Faithful of
the Archdiocese of Manila
ELECTION is a process of 6. One who is ready to
choosing leaders who, with sacrifice personal, party
the people, will seek the or group interest for the
common good of all. Thus sake of unity, peace and
the Church encourages and the integral develop-
supports “the citizens in ment of the country and
making political choices the people.
that guarantees to the gov- In the past, enormous suf-
erned the possibility of both ferings resulted from politi-
electing and holding ac- cal ambitions, maneuvers
countable those who govern and group adventurism re-
them and of replacing them sulting in the country’s poor
through peaceful means becoming even poorer.

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

when appropriate” Pray for guidance because
(Centesimus Annus, 46). God may softly suggest in
Choosing and holding the prayer that this time what
leaders accountable to the the country needs are moral,
governed is a critically im- humble and repentant trust-
portant choice that must fol- worthy leaders who can
low moral guidance. lead and move the country
The sacredness of an elec- closer to its vision.
tion recalls to us that votes We are grateful to and we
are not for sale or to be bar- encourage the teachers, the

Take an Active Part

tered with favors. Neither men and women of the
can a vote be cast under any armed forces, the youth and
form of coercion. The search volunteer citizens who help
is for the best possible the task of COMELEC in
leader. ensuring that votes are
1. The best possible leader properly cast, accurately
A Pastoral Statement on the 2007 Elections is a person who loves
and fears God.
counted at the precincts, are
authentically reported to the
Diocese of San Jose de Antique 2. One who is guided by municipalities and cities,
a well-formed con- and forwarded safely and
“Citizens should take an active part in public life as far as possible.” (Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #410) science, always sensi- un-tampered to the
tive to the choice of COMELEC Provincial and
what is good. National offices.
MY dear Reverend Fathers, Re- our country and its political in the parishes, and BECs: re-admitted to their previ- 3. One who lives and May Mary, our mother,
ligious Sisters and Brothers, life. But as followers of the cru- HELP MAKE THE 2007 ous parish/diocesan re- serves consistently with guide us in our choice of
Lay Women and Men: cified and risen Lord, we are ELECTIONS A CHAMP sponsibilities if approved moral principles. trustworthy leaders and
called never to lose hope that (clean, honest, authentic, by the proper decision- 4. One who is honest, bring us to her Son, Jesus,
May the Peace of the Risen creates energy and the love meaningful, peaceful). making body or authority. non-violent, and com- the only Way, Truth and
Lord be with you all! that creates responsibility.” Volunteer and get in- This statement is valid for the passionate. Life.
The resurrection of Jesus Therefore, let us be the fol- volved in our PPCRV (Par- 14 May elections and succeed- 5. A person who respects God bless!
Christ, is not only a historical lowers of the crucified and risen ish Pastoral Council for ing ones unless revised by the and protects the limited
event, a thing of the past. It is Lord we are called to be. Let us Responsible Voting) – proper authority. resources in nature and +Gaudencio B. Cardinal
a reality that continues to have be bringers of hope in the com- DSAC (Diocesan Social I end with the final exhorta- requires others to do Rosales, DD
relevance in the present, in ing 14 May elections. May the Action Center) activities tion of the CBCP letter: “The the same. Archbishop of Manila
your life and mine—a life that following be of help: such as voters’ education, Lord of truth and justice be with
serves the truth and brings 1. We exhort the qualified pollwatch and vote count. us all in this crucial undertak-
light and hope to a darkened and registered voters: GO 4. We ask our lay leaders ing to his greater praise and
and despairing world. OUT AND VOTE. It is your who are candidates: RE- glory. And may Mary, Our

Working and Praying for

The Letter of the Catholic right and responsibility. SIGN OR TAKE A LEAVE Lady of Peace, intercede for
Bishops’ Conference of the 2. We plead with passion: OF ABSENCE FROM us.” I also bless you and your
Philippines (CBCP) to Dioceses Voters, DO NOT SELL YOUR PARISH/DIOC- endeavors.
and Parishes dated 28 January
2007 expresses this relevance
thus: “In these two years past,
YOUR VOTE; Candidates,
3. We encourage the parish-
TIES. The lay leaders who
will win shall continue to
Sincerely yours in Christ, Honest, Orderly and
we are only too aware, it has
become easier to succumb to
apathy and hopelessness about
ioners, the LOMAS (lay or-
ganizations, movements,
associations and societies)
be considered resigned or
on leave. Those who will
lose may re-apply and be
† Romulo T. De La Cruz, D.D.
Bishop of San Jose de Antique
10 April 2007
Peaceful Elections
A Pastoral Exhortation
“The Church values the democratic system inasmuch as it

What Does the Resurrection ensures the participation of the citizens in making political
choices, guarantees to the governed the possibility of both
electing and holding accountable those who govern them...”

Mean for Us Today?

“The Son of man was destined to be handed over into the power of sinful men and be crucified, and rise again on the third day… Peter went back home
(John Paul II, Centessimus Annus, #46).
AS we approach once again
the critical moment of our
be one in prayer, penance and
vigilance. In a particular way,
amazed at what had happened.” (Lk. 24, 7.12) national election on May 14, we request for the prayers of
let us meet the new cross- our contemplative men and
roads in our history with our women in the monasteries;
MY dear brothers and sisters in the adulterated money at the amazed in our times just like and among the people? How best efforts to make it an Hon- there are more than a hun-
Pagadian Diocese: unscrupulous leaders and Peter was? For, have the rich does he avoid using money est, Orderly and Peaceful dred of such monasteries all
hanged himself. Are we not and powerful not long entered stained by drugs if he were to Election. Being in a democ- over the country. As they
Greetings for Easter! Let me also amazed, just like Peter was, into deals and machinations remain a person of integrity? Is racy, this is the Covenant of kneel before the Most Blessed
invite you to reflect on what the at our situation today? How that leave people without genu- he an ally of drug lords and of Hope that we are all enjoined Sacrament, we request them
Resurrection event means in could the demonic leaders af- ine choices in the May elec- corrupt people? Does he buy to give for our country’s fu- to pray for our country—es-
our situation today and to pray ford to fool the people, espe- tions? Is it not true that for votes? Where does his cam- ture. pecially for all voters, candi-
for more hope and courage to cially the poor, through their money considerations and to paign money come from? Is it To ensure credible results dates, and election officials/
face its challenges. dirty, immoral, despicable tac- ensure power, they manipulate from questionable sources or from the coming election, we workers.
The Easter mystery began in tics of bribery and buying off people and force on them the through evil dealings? Is he in- call on everyone in the Let our prayer also accom-
darkness and in death. In the people’s votes? How could names to shout out and vote in volved in drug issues, Church and in civil society, pany the work of the PPCRV
midst of darkness at the begin- people choose darkness instead during the elections? Isn’t it a carnapping, or violation of hu- and on all participating and NAMFREL, the
ning of creation God pro- of the light by accepting stained mockery of the democratic sys- man rights? Does he support groups and parties, to COMELEC and the thou-
nounced his creative Word: Let money and betraying their own tem to pre-empt and deprive business or activities that de- CHAMPION the cause of sands of teachers in the field,
there be light! And light was conscience? Is it due to fear of the people of their sacred right stroy the environment like min- democratic election, by en- the social action ministries of
created. In the face of death at threats or to an empty caprice to choose leaders of integrity ing, which is destructive of life suring it to be Clean, Honest, CBCP-NASSA, LENTE (Le-
the beginning of our salvation and love of money and passing and competence? Can one call and of the livelihood of people, Accurate, Meaningful and gal Network for Truthful
story the Father pronounced his pleasure? How fervently do we it true democracy when people especially our indigenous Peaceful. Election), as well as the assis-
saving Word: Let there be life! kiss the Crucifix on Good Fri- have no other choice but brothers and sisters? If no can- We must disapprove, reject tance of the AFP and PNP,
And life was created: Jesus day and then readily go into the Barrabas? Faced with that evil didate passes these sample tests and condemn as immoral all and of the hundreds of reli-
Christ rose from the dead. The dark by desecrating the sacred- and immoral process is it the or criteria would it not be wise acts of violence and cheating, gious organizations and civil
Easter story begins very early ness of the ballot on Election Christian way not to protest to leave the ballot blank as a including the evil of “vote society groups—all hoping
at dawn in the first day of the Day? Woe to those who have and to just remain silent? sign of protest that a worthy padding and shaving” and championing the cause
week when there is still dark- become modern Judases, who What significance and conse- candidate has not yet surfaced? (dagdag-bawas) in favor of or of credible election.
ness. Its most beautiful expres- neither refuse dirty money nor quence then would our celebra- Wouldn’t that give a clear mes- against any candidate. Let We strongly recommend
sion is no other than the new return this to the wicked men tion of Christ’s resurrection sage that whoever would get both candidates and their that the parishes organize
life in Christ when darkness who violate their dignity and have? Doesn’t his resurrection through with only a few votes supporters face the judgment Holy Hours or prayer vigils
gives way to the New Light al- despise their being the images mean the conquest of the pow- does not really have a clear of democratic election with in their churches or chapels
ready shining. This is what we of God. Woe to the rich and ers of evil and the darkness of mandate from the people? humility and magnanimity. for these intentions, between
now celebrate: the resurrection powerful politicians who have sin? Doesn’t our Easter celebra- Wouldn’t that kind of protest We exhort everyone to be May 5 and May 14, with the
of Christ whose life enlightens become scandalous tempters tion mean our rejection of the be a clear indication that you do vigilant, to pray and to offer help of the Apostleship of
all men and women. This cel- and partners of Satan! How vestiges of sin and of the mani- not subscribe to the distorted penance for this intention. Let Prayer and other religious or-
ebration is an invitation for could they escape from the un- festations of eternal death? Bap- culture that only the wealthy us accompany with extreme ganizations. We likewise en-
each of us to come out of dark- ceasing remorse and distur- tized with water and the Holy and powerful could be elected vigilance and prayer the cru- courage the Basic Ecclesial
ness into the light of the Risen bance of their own conscience? Spirit did we not promise to a leader? cial period of campaigning, Communities to do the same
Christ. How could they escape from reject Satan and all his evil Dear brothers and sisters let voters’ education, transport- in their centers. Humble and
Peter went back home the last judgment when the deeds? us listen to and follow the dic- ing of election paraphernalia, trusting prayers are needed
amazed at what had happened! goats will be isolated for reject- My brothers and sisters in tates of our conscience as we poll watching, and very espe- to safeguard the sanctity of
The light came into the world ing the light in favor of dark- Christ, have we forgotten that pray that the Spirit of Peace and cially, the canvassing and re- the ballot and of the entire
but people preferred darkness ness through their evil deeds? through baptism we are incor- Righteousness would reign in porting of the votes. May the electoral processes.
to the light because their deeds Peter went back home porated into Christ’s resurrec- our communities especially hand of God stop evil from May our Blessed Mother
were evil. The life of the only amazed at what had happened! tion and share in his life? Isn’t during the elections! May the getting in control. We need Mary, the Mediatrix of all
Son of the Father was the Light The light came into the world it our call to come to the light Spirit of the Resurrection touch the Lord’s help, without grace, and our Guardian St.
shining on all. But the Jewish but people preferred darkness and to let it shine in our com- our hearts and those of the can- which our best efforts will Joseph the Model of honest
leaders refused to accept the to the light because their deeds munities? Let us stand by the didates so that enlightened by come to nothing. Thus, we and prayerful work, inter-
light and were only too pleased were evil. Didn’t the Jewish Light. Let us be wise lest we be the Light of Christ we may not urge everyone to invoke the cede for our beloved country
to offer Judas a bribe, in pay- leaders manipulate the situa- fooled by wolves masquerad- succumb to evil schemes! May grace if the Holy Spirit to as we face a new transition in
ment for betraying Jesus with a tion and contrived that the ing like sheep! the Lord of the Resurrection guide our people in this elec- our history.
kiss. Only God could see their crowd be left without choice In discerning what candidate and our Mother of Perpetual toral exercise, for the renewal
evil thoughts and fathom the but to shout out for the cruci- we should vote for, the follow- Help be with us always! of our country towards genu- +ANGEL N. LAGDAMEO
depths of their being! Saddled fixion of Jesus and the release ing questions may be of help: ine common good. Archbishop of Jaro
with a troubled conscience and of Barrabas, the criminal that does he have unexplained +Emmanuel T. Cabajar, C.Ss.R. We want this exhortation President, CBCP
hopeless spirit due to his hei- had caused trouble among the wealth? How does he intend to Bishop of Pagadian to reach every Filipino. Let us 24 April 2007
nous crime Judas threw back people? Are we not also fight corruption in government April 8, 2007
CBCP Monitor
14 Reflections Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007

Bo Sanchez

By Fr. Roy Cimagala Nurture Your Secret Life

“Your assignment is to clean the toilet everyday.”
Contemplatives or Many years ago, I was part of a celibate broth- sponge. And it put me in my place, keeping

Peeping Toms?
erhood. And on my first day there, an older pride away from my heart.
brother gave me my assigned chore: Toilet I love Bill Hybell’s definition of “Charac-
cleaning. ter”: Character is who you are when no one’s
“I don’t know how to clean toilets,” I mut- looking. It’s easy to be a disciple in front of
tered meekly, “can you teach me?” an applauding crowd. But when no one’s
“Let’s start with the toilet bowl,” he smiled, looking, was I still a disciple?
“ S A C R A M E N T U M quirement of our human con- It’s not for me to say what as he grabbed a sponge, sank his hand into Thanks to my sponge, I had an answer: Yes!
caritatis,” Latin for the sac- dition, to be consciously pur- should appear in the papers. the toilet water, and started scrubbing the in- I remember one Saturday night. We had a
rament of charity, referring sued and fulfilled since our But I just find it funny that sides of the bowl. Believe me, every hair on big feast—and all the brothers washed the
to the sacrament of the Holy tendency is to reduce what is an important event in reli- my body stood on end and my innards shook dishes together. We even sang happy songs
Eucharist, is the title of the proper for us. gion and Church life does violently. while soaping, rinsing, and drying.
latest document issued by There is a beautiful and in- not stand a chance, not a rat’s “Gee… uh, I recall Mom using a stick…” I That night, I was soaping. When it was al-
Pope Benedict, released last cisive description, for ex- chance, to compete with ce- mumbled, but he interrupted, “But this cleans most over, I was removing a stubborn food
February 22. ample, of what active partici- lebrity gossips in terms of it so much better,” his forearm almost disap- particle stuck in a fork—when I noticed some-
It’s a beautiful summary pation in the Mass ought to media space. pearing inside the Throne. thing about the sponge in my hand. It looked
and in-depth comment of the be. It’s not just muttering I get the impression the With his hand still dripping, he handed me oddly familiar.
Pope on the observations, prayers and joining in the media wants us only to be the sponge and said, “You want to try?” I al- I gasped. Because I knew my sponge! What
suggestions and resolutions singing. One has to go peeping toms and backbiters, most choked and wondered if God could take was it doing here in the kitchen? Just to be
made by the bishops and car- through a continuing conver- rather than contemplatives my life that second. sure, I rushed to the toilet and opened the
dinals in their synod on the sion as he immerses himself and thinking and sensible “Okay…” I held the foam as manly as I cabinet under the sink—the usual place where
sacrament in October 2005 in in the mystery celebrated. people. It simply wants to tit- could. Being at a loss for words, I started pray- I stored my sponge. It wasn’t there.
Rome. Also there is a wonderful illate our curiosity, imagina- ing in tongues. I plunged my hand into the I entered the kitchen hesitantly, wondering
Reading it, I was immedi- discussion about the social tion and adrenalin. water, and realized that my state-of-life dis- whether to tell the brothers. But I saw them
ately impressed by the and other practical implica- It’s contented with playing cernment was over. That very night, I was singing and happy. How could I break their
amount of wisdom contained tions of the sacrament. This to the gallery. Hardly lead- going to escape the brotherhood, and get cheery mood? So I decided to join the sing-
in that document that skill- should greatly help in cor- ing the crowd, it rather fol- married. ing, get my sponge, and soap the few remain-
fully described the sacrament recting the tendency to con- lows the mob. I wonder what But the days became weeks, and the weeks, ing plates. (To this day, I have never told them
as a mystery to be believed, sider the Mass as purely its understanding of its na- months. what happened that night. When they read
to be celebrated and to be Church or spiritual affair ture and role in society is. I cleaned that toilet for a whole year. And I this, they will kill me.)
lived. with hardly any effect on the Does religion have a promi- began to love it. It became “ my toilet” and I have a question for you: How’s your se-
I consider that plan of de- other aspects of our lives. nent place in it? “my sponge”. I’d have withdrawal pangs if I cret life?
veloping the topic very With all these, I was just a It starves our finer senses didn’t clean the toilet in a day. Who are you when no one’s looking?
timely and clever, since it little dismayed when it came and higher faculties. The ra- Indeed, the celibate brotherhood taught me In the unspectacular, mundane, routine of
gives a comprehensive cov- out. The media only gave tionalization is that to be fair the meaning of “The Secret Life”. your day?
erage, unified and organic, of scant consideration to it, giv- and objective, it has to be You see, I was already preaching in big I tell you. Nurture your Secret Life.
how the sacrament, and the ing a line or two to highlight morally undefined and prayer rallies at that time. After such events, I BELIEVE that on Judgment Day, God will
mystery it involves, should a minor but, to them, curious genderless. The law of the people took my pictures, got my autograph, give me a 365-room mansion in heaven. And
be treated. detail, like the Mass can be market is its main guide. and—hear this—tried very hard to shake my when I ask Him why the lavish reward, I’d
The sacrament should not celebrated in Latin in inter- Often quick to question ev- hand. Oh, if they only knew what I held just expect Him to say, “Because of your preach-
only be believed, it has to be national gatherings. erybody, it is slow to evalu- a few hours before. ing to thousands,” or “Because you founded
celebrated, and properly. In the meantime, the press ate itself and its perfor- My “public life” was symbolized by the mi- a Home for the Elderly,” etc. But instead,
And it should not just be cel- was busy following every lu- mance. Its judgments and crophone. He’d say, “For each day you cleaned that toi-
ebrated, it has to be lived to rid detail about the latest opinions are often given a But my “secret life” was symbolized by the let with love in your heart…”
its last consequences. perversion of Paris Hilton, tinge of infallibility.
The Holy Mass, after all, the latest aberration of Well, no one is perfect in
has been described as the Britney Spears, and the latest this life. That’s why we
source and summit of Church love life hitch of our Kris should just help one another, Atty. Jo Imbong
life and mission, the vital link Aquino. by making timely reminders,
between heaven and earth
now. It has to infuse its sub-
For these items, a river of
ink was spent, rolls and rolls
constructive suggestions and
corrections. Who Knows Your Secrets?
stance in our entire being— of footages were used. It I wish the media invest
from our minutest pore to our seems there’s a big industry more seriously in the area of
grandest dimension. out there involved in spread- faith and religion, develop- I MEAN, your deepest are doing it already with your wisdom will guide us and his
Often, we get stuck in one ing every twist and turn in ing talents through time. I thoughts and noble dreams, personal confidante, if not love will energize us.”
stage or another. We need to the lives of these unfortu- believe the future we all the secrets of your heart, those with Christ altogether. Gerald Once you have found your
go all the way. This is a re- nately irresistible celebrities. want is there. questions and cares which you Vann, O.P. spoke of this divine true Friend, you can only
dare not open up even to your friendship quite so simply: maintain the relationship by
spouse, your special friend, or “First, the need of words, means of two things: your sin-
your mother? the need of telling him—as cerity and your truth. We do
Can there be someone who simply and directly as we treasure these qualities in our
will ungrudgingly listen to would tell a human friend; friends, don’t we? Thus, to put
your frustrations without a there is no need of formal lan- on a mask or pretend to say
snicker? Can he believe you to guage—of all the things that one thing and mean another—
be 100% sincere deep in your make up our lives, the big you kill the relationship.
heart about your real inten- things but the small things But can we really pretend
tions? Can there be someone too, the crosses and trials and before Christ? How silly of us!
in your phonebook who will problems but the joys and gai- He knows everything about us
understand why you choose eties too. And if we are faith- even before we were even
to be what you are and then ful to this daily attempt to talk dreamed of by our parents.
tell you to continue pursuing to him as a friend, and if How comforting then for us
your dream with more pas- through that sharing of our to know that we can approach
sion? Will he bless your zeal? life with him in those quiet him with no guard, no affec-
If you can answer ‘yes ’ to all moments of prayer every day tation. And if we are also
that, then you have under- we really come to be aware of humble, he will lift us up from
stood what it takes to live a re- him and to make that aware- the dregs where we have
ligion. And you have learned ness a deep and essential ele- sunk, even before we have
that living a religion consists ment in our life; then it may reached the final verse of one
in the sharing of one’s life well follow in time that the of your favorite Psalms... “ I
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

with another. But it is not just need of words will grow less know my transgressions, and my
a sharing of superficialities— and less, the friendship will sin is always before me. Against
such as where to get the best become established, secure; you, you only, have I sinned...
latte , or where to find the most and as in the times set apart wash me, and I will be whiter
authentic Italian risotto . for prayer we may be able than snow...” And as we unfold
Rather, it is a sharing of the simply to rest silently or al- that bent knee to receive his
deeper things of one’s life, most silently in his presence, proffered hand, we catch our
where the One at the other end so the sense of that presence breath, our eyes are dazzled.
also makes known to you the will not wholly leave us at The Spirit drowns us and
secrets of his heart. “ I no other times, it will be a back- words are put into our hearts,
longer call you servants; I call ground to all the other activi- “What is man that you are mind-
Ongoing Formation for you my friends.” Christ, on
whose breast you find rest,
shows you the plot of his own
ties that make up the life of
every day; and so in those ac-
tivities we shall be wiser and
ful of him, the son of man that
you care for him? You made him
a little lower than the heavenly

Diocesan Clergy love story. It only remains for

you to do the same.
The way to do this is quite
gentler and stronger and of
more service to the human
family, because we shall be
beings and crowned him with
glory and honor.”
The true Friend has found
Fr. Jose Rembert G. Rivera simple, in fact you probably acting in his presence, and his you.
www.cbcpworld.com | training@cbcpworld.net | +632 4041612, 4042182

I’M privilege to join a to be a good priest means sin- ing from 3 continents of

The CBCPWorld Network

twelve-week sabbatical pro- cere prayers, total sacrifice, America, Asia and Africa—a
gram for Roman Catholic and attuned to the guidance real socially mixed group of
priests held at St. Patrick’s of the Holy Spirit. I know I’m persons with various theo-
Seminary in Menlo Park, not alone in my struggle to logical formations.
California. be a faithful, honest, and celi- The lectures, socials, and
The program was con- bate priest in the Church. interaction with seminarians A network of Dioceses, Parishes, Catholic Schools and religious
ducted on September 13 to b) Theological and pasto- and theologians are really a groups. Today, over a hundred of them nationwide. Pursuing one
December 10, 2006 under the ral updating. After 9 years of great experience for me. Our mission, linked under one nationwide satellite system. Connected
able leadership of Fr. Jim formation in the diocesan lecturers are all experts in
Myers, SS, our Director. The seminary, I realized that all their own field of work. together with the same passion for the Gospel.
program started last 1972 and my formation activities were I wish to call the diocesan
has already served over 35 all gone and depleted. I con- clergy in the Philippines to Our Broadband Connectivity is delivered to our network members
countries around the world. tinue to pray, study and up- avail of this program. The fi-
Being a priest from the date myself—but they are not nancial requirement is very through a VSAT system on a C-band or through a wireless IP system
Third World, I realized three sufficient to my personal and high but some scholarship on a microwave platform, originating from our network operations cen-
things in my life and minis- social growth. My experience grants can be availed of. ter in Clark Special Economic Zone in Angeles City.
try as a priest: at Vatican II Institute has My director encouraged
a) Personal growth and given me new impetus for me to organize a First Gen-
Development. After spend- sound theological updating eral Assembly of Vatican II Our Content Department aims at saturating the cyberspace with whole-
ing 25 years in my active and pastoral renewal. Institute graduates from the some contents that are faith-related, educational and social-advocacy
ministry, I felt the need to c) Social involvement. I Philippines. I was given 12
undergo the ongoing forma- considered myself a loner names of graduate priests oriented. Its services are: web designing, web maintenance, web host-
tion for my personal growth and ego-centered. So, I got but without addresses or ing, content sourcing and editing, and video production.
as a minister and as a person. few leaders or friends with contact numbers. For those
I consider myself perfection- whom I communicate openly interested with the program
ist, avant-garde in my work and shared my life. The sab- and the assembly, I maybe Our Traning Department conducts the following trainings: EdTech, IT
and mission in life but to my batical program finds me in- contacted at: St. Paul’s Par- Awareness, WebArt, SysAd Training.
surprise that seem not essen- teracting with my fellow ish, Cauayan, Negros Occi-
tial in my life. I realized that clergy from 7 nations, com- dental, 09176409882.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007 Entertainment 15
Title: ANG CUTE Ninonu ang baklang katulong na si Junjun (John
NG INA MO Lapus). Natuklasan ni Val ang video camera
Running Time: 100 Moral Assessment Technical Assessment
kung saan isinusumbong ni Christine sa ama
Lead Cast: AiAi de ang mga kapintasan ni Georgia. Galit na
Abhorrent Poor
las Alas, Anne bumalik sa Pilipinas ang Australyano upang
Disturbing Below average
Curtis, Luis harapin si Georgia. Huli na nang mabatid ni
Christine ang kanyang mga pagkakamali. Paano Acceptable Average
Manzano, Eugene
Domingo, John kaya malulutas ang mga napakagusot na Wholesome Above average
Lapus, DJ Durano, pangyayari? Exemplary Excellent
Nikki Bacolod, Mababaw at slapstik na komedya ang
Vince Saldana pelikulang ito. Sapagkat patok sa takilya ang
Director: Wenn Tanging Ina ni AiAi de las Alas ay sinundan ito
Producers: Vincent ng Ang Cute ng Ina Ko. Itinaon ang
del Rosario, pagpapalabas sa Pasko ng Pagkabuhay nang
Veronique del umano’y maka-aliw sa mga tao ngunit mas
Rosario Corpus malakas ang dating na pang-komersyal ang
Screenwriter: Mel pelikula. Nababagay at natural ang
Mendoza-Del pagkakaganap ni Anne Curtis sa kanyang papel
Rosario, Arlene sapagkat talaga namang laking Australya ito.
Tamayo, Wenn May kapilyuhan ang isiningit na eksena na
Deramas paghuhubad ni Luis Manzano nang maligo sa
Music: Vince de Jesus labas dahil as nalublob ito sa patisan. Inuulit
Editor: Marya E. Ignacio
Genre: Comedy ang mga popular na linya sa ibang pelikula,
Cinematography: Sherman So telenovela, at mga pulitiko at hinahalo sa
Distributor:Viva Production Inc. diyalogo. Kahit hindi kapani-paniwala ay pilit
Location: Malabon kinukuha ang kiliti ng mga tao sa mga eksena
Technical Assessment: kagaya halimbawa nang maiwanan si AiAi sa
Moral Assessment: ½ eroplano, nang ginawa siyang hostage at dinala
CINEMA Rating: For viewers13 and below with pa sa tuktok ng mataas na billboard, at nang
parental guidance nahulog siya sa isang talon (waterfall).
Ang magandang aral na mapupulot ay ang
Si Christine (Anne Curtis) ay ipinanganak sa pagmamahal ng isang ina sa kanyang anak. Sa
Melbourne, Australia ng magkasamang katunaya’y ipinangalan pa nga ni Georgia kay
Australyano at ang kanyang Pinay na ina na si Christine ang produkto nitong patis. Humingi
Georgia (Ai-Ai delas Alas). Pagkalipas ng ng kapatawaran si Christine at ang kanyang ama
dalawampung taon ay binalak ng kay Georgia sa kanilang pagkakamali. Ngunit
Australyanong ama ni Christine na pakasalan sa kabuuan ay pangit ang paglalarawan ng
si Georgia ngunit tumutol siya. Masama ang kababaihan sa pelikula: nagka-anak sa isang
loob niya dahil akala niya ay natiis ng kanyang dayuhan si Georgia na hindi pa nakakasal,
ina na hindi sila balikan sa Melbourne, Austra- nagpakasal si Georgia sa negosyante ng patis
lia pagkatapos ng mahabang panahon. Bumalik makaahon lang sa kahirapan, may kabit ang Title: MISS POTTER story is well told with general ease and smooth-
siya sa Pilipinas kasama ng kanyang yaya, Australyanong ama ni Christine, walang respeto Running Time: 92 mins ness. There are no hidden messages or disguised
Nanny Ninonu (Eugene Domingo) upang si Christine sa kanyang ina na pilit niyang Lead Cast: Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, sub-texts. The beautiful love story has a touch of
patunayan na hindi karapat-dapat si Georgia sa sinisiraan, marahas ang pagaaway nina Geor- Emily Watson sentimentality that helps endear the lead charac-
kanyang ama. Mistula namang piyesta ng bayan gia at Nanny Ninonu, sinuntok ng baklang si Director: Cris Noonan ters to the viewers. There is very good casting.
ang inihanda ni Georgia sa pagdating ni Chris- Junjun ang yaya na nahuhumaling sa kanya. Sa Producers: M. Medavoy, D. Thwaites, A. Messer, The performances are excellent. Zellweger un-
C. Sienega deracts but comes across as an independent
tine. Habang pinagsisikapan niyang mapamahal mga magdadala ng bata sa pelikulang ito, Screenwriter: Richard Maltby Jr.
sa anak ay patuloy naman si Christine sa pakana makabubuting ipaliwanag sa kanila na may mga minded Beatrix. McGregor’s character Norman
Music: Nigel Westlake
nitong siraan ang kanyang ina. Nang lumaon bagay na hindi dapat pagtawanan at tularan may be clumsy at times but retains his innocent
Editor: Robin Sales
ay nawili na rin siya sa Malabon at napalapit sa sapagkat makasasama ang mga ito hindi lamang Genre: Drama/Biography/Romance charm. The two leads have great screen chemis-
ampon ng kanyang ina na si Val (Luis Manzano) sa kanilang kapwa kundi na rin sa kanilang Cinematography: Andrew Dunn try. Other stand-outs are Emily Watson as
samantalang nakursunadahan naman ni Nanny sariling pagkatao. Distributor: MGM, Weinstein Co. Norman’s liberated sister Millie, Barbara Flynn
Location: England as Beatrix’s insensitive mother and Matyelok
Technical Assessment: Gibbs’s comic doddering chaperone. A nice
Moral Assessment: ½ touch of Director Chris Noonan is his occasional
Title: SUNSHINE CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 13 and below animation of Beatrix’s creations as she sees them.
Running Time: 105 mins with parental guidance The cinematography is breathtaking, and has
Lead Cast: Rose Byrne, Cliff Curtis, Chirs Evans, captured the indescribable beauty and serenity
Troy Garity, Gillian Murphy, Hiroyuli Sanada, The film is the engaging life story of Beatrix of the Lake Country District of England.
Mark Strong, Benedict Wong, Michelle Yeoh Potter, the world famous creator of Peter Rabbit Beatrix Potter lived about a hundred years ago
Director: Danny Boyle (one of the best loved characters in children’s lit- but some of the values of her time as shown in
Producer: Andrew McDonald
Screenwriter: Alex Garlnad erature) and one of the best selling authors of the movie are still relevant to us today. Here was
Music: Karl Hyde children’s books of all time. Like most ladies born a woman who was talented and wanted to rise
Editor: Chris Gill to gentility in the Victorian Era, Beatrix (Renee above the conventions of her time to make some-
Genre: Sci-fi /Suspense Zellweger) lived a sheltered and restricted life thing of herself but was unappreciated, met with
Cinematography: Alwin H. Kachley with her parents in London. But gifted with a indifference, perhaps considered odd, even
Distributor: Fox Searchlight lively imagination and a talent for drawing and laughed at behind her back. Today there are
Location: The Universe inventing tales, she created her own world popu- women in the same predicament though perhaps
Technical Assessment: lated by her furry “friends”. Unlike most girls of in a different situation. To them, Beatrix is an
Moral Assessment: her time she was not interested in proposals for inspiration. Strong willed, she never gave up her
CINEMA Rating: For viewers14 and above marriage of convenience. Instead, she was deter- dreams, continued to persevere until she suc-
mined to have her book of stories and illustra- ceeded. Aside from being lauded for her literary
In the not-so-distant future, the sun fails tions published. But even her own mother did achievements, she should also be appreciated for
which causes the Earth to freeze. As a last hope, not believe in her art or her capabilities. No pub- nurturing the seed of women empowerment.
a spacecraft, Icarus II with a crew of eight men lisher would publish what they called her bunny Another negative value shown in the film is the
and women is launched. The Icarus II carries a book, until the publishing company of Frederick attitude of some as being superior to others be-
stellar bomb that aims to re-ignite the sun. The Warne and Sons decided to give it as a project to cause of social standing and wealth, like Beatrix’s
first Icarus left seven years ago with the same the youngest son Norman (Ewan McGregor) who parents. And Beatrix condemns this as pure pre-
mission but contact was lost. As Icarus II heads was raring to join the company. Though callow tense. When Beatrix settled in the Lake District,
towards the sun, the crew of eight see the dis- and inexperienced, Norman took the work seri- she decided to buy out farm lands near her prop-
tressed Icarus ship that had been missing for ously as he collaborated closely with Beatrix. It erty so she would prevent these from being ur-
seven years. Capa (Cillian Murphy), the physi- was 1902 and Beatrix’s first book The Tale of Pe- banized by developers. She wanted to preserve
cist who controls the bomb, persuades the group ter Rabbit instantly became a best seller. Work- the beauty of her surroundings so as to enable
into a decision to rendezvous with Icarus for ing together, Norman and Beatrix fell in love. others after her to savor it, too. Eventually she
possible repair of the ship, so as to give them- Thirty-two-year-old, resolved spinster Beatrix bequeathed to the British people her estates and
selves another bomb to increase the chances of makes the film look more of a horror flick than wanted to marry Norman to the vehement ob- farms through a Land Conservation Trust so
the success of their mission, should their bomb science fiction. jection of her snobbish parents who thought these places will be forever preserved in its natu-
fail to deliver the desired effect. What happens Sunshine poses many moral arguments about someone in “trade” was not good enough for ral, untarnished beauty. Besides appreciating
next is a series of challenges for the entire crew human life. To begin with, is the life of one per- their daughter. Beatrix would realize that life has Beatrix Potter as someone who used her talent in
as they decide to change direction, risking Icarus son less important as compared to many? In the strange twists and turns. service of others by writing and publishing books
II’s mission and the entire humanity’s hope for future described in the film, the gauge of hero- Much of the charm and appeal of this well for children, we also commend her as a “femi-
sunshine. ism is either dying or killing to save mankind. crafted bio-pic lies in its simplicity. The pleasant nist” and environmentalist.
This science fiction flick begins with a strong It is disturbing to see in the film that a crew
premise of the Earth’s future although it fails to member would need to commit suicide as the
visually describe what the Earth really looks like rest of the group decide to kill him so as to be
without the sun’s rays. Most of what it tells the able to complete the mission of saving mankind. ANSWER TO THE
audience is left to the imagination. But then Killing is always morally wrong even if the mo- LAST ISSUE:
again, the movie’s focus is on the spacecraft, the tivation for doing it is good. Then towards the
crew and the mission, so audiences are taken end, the movie throws a deeper argument: If in ARMS CAN NEVER
directly to outer space where the film is true to the future, the sun fails to shine as part of God’s RESOLVE THE
its sci-fi look and form. In a usual “ship of fools” plan for the human race to die out, should hu- - POPE JOHN PAUL
plot, the director succeeds in fleshing out the mans interfere and prevent it from happening? II
humanness of the characters, each endowed Do humans have God’s permission to alter the (2) SOCIAL JUSTICE
with exceptional intelligence, and shows how course of the universe? Sunshine reminds view- CANNOT BE
individual differences determine either failure ers of the limitations of the human person no ATTAINED BY
or success of a mission such as Icarus II. But then matter how brilliant the mind is. The film makes VIOLENCE KILLS
the film fails to explore further characters’ rela- the audience ponder on the significance of God’s WHAT IT INTENDS
tionships and backgrounds, leaving the audi- gift, the “sunshine” which human beings expe- JOHN PAUL II
ence with narrow understanding of their inner rience every morning but most of the time take
motivations. Although the plot is interesting for granted. Because of the strong language and QUOTES IN QUIZ
with the not-so-predictable twists, it drags to- violence in the film, CINEMA recommends that Booklets available at
BOOKSALE stores in
wards the end with the introduction of a char- the movie may be viewed only by audiences 14- SM, Robinsons and
acter that is both alien and alienated and which years-old and above. selected malls in
Manila. For mail order
text 0919 2803036.

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CBCP Monitor
16 People, Facts & Places Vol. 11 No. 8
April 16-29, 2007

Divine Mercy Asian

Congress Held
Mission through the Divine
Mercy Apostolate.”
The prelate said “if Jesus is to
be revealed as the merciful sav-
ior” to the majority of the poor
in Asia, then the Church must
strive to make the poor feel the
compassion of Christ not only
through preaching of the gos-
pel but also through concrete
works of mercy.
Meanwhile, Caritas Manila
Executive Director Fr. Anton T.
Pascual talked on the empow-
erment of the poor with the Di-
vine Mercy, stressing that hun-
ger and poverty in the country
can only be effectively ad-
dressed through economic em-
powerment by means of micro
finance cooperative.
The second day of the Con-
ference had MAPSA Superin-
tendent Msgr. Gerry Santos, Ed.
D. delivered a talk entitled “A
Mission of Love and Service in

Asia,” while Bro. Victor

Pestaño spoke on the topic “Di-
vine Mercy, Not Only a Devo-
tion but A Way of Life.”
Divine Mercy Apostolate of
the Philippines (DMAP) Presi-
dent, Sr. Monina Tayamen,
OCDS, reported to the assem-
bly the different programs of
THE Association of Divine the Divine Mercy in Asia.” DMAP which are aimed at
Mercy Asia held an Asian Con- A representative from Rome, helping the poor meet their ba-
gress on Divine Mercy last Secretary General of the World sic needs such as food, liveli-
April 21 and 22 at the Clamshell Apostolic Congress on Mercy, hood programs and healthcare.
in Intramuros, Manila, in Rev. Fr. Patrice Chocholski About 500 delegates coming
preparation for the 1 st Apostolic came to grace the two-day from all over the country came
Congress on Mercy to be held event and spoke about the Ap- and participated in the two-day
in Rome on April 2-6, 2008. ostolic Congress on Mercy to be congress. Other participants in-
The event which was a legacy held in 2008. cluded priests and nuns from
of the late Paul John Paul II, Other panel of speakers in- China, Indonesia, Thailand,
dubbed as the Pope of the Di- cluded Most Rev. Teodoro C. Taiwan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,
vine Mercy had the theme: “The Bacani, Jr, DD who expounded Vietnam and Japan. (Pinky
Empowerment of the Poor with on the topic “Ecclesia in Asia— Barrientos, FSP)

First Mangyan Priest Ordained

IN a beautiful and solemn litur- “It was a happy occasion and his seminary training at Saint Au-
gical celebration, Fr. Gabayno a very memorable one. [Through gustine Seminary in Calapan and
Oybad made his sacerdotal com- this ordination], we have added Christ the King Mission Semi-
mitment before Most Rev. more colors and more music to nary in Quezon City where he
Warlito Cajandig, DD on April the liturgy of the Church,” says finished AB Philosophy. He en-
17, 2007 at the Sto. Niño Cathe- Alunday. tered Divine Word School of
dral in Calapan, Oriental Alunday, a Tingguian from Theology in Tagaytay for his
Mindoro. Abra, said the Church even up theological studies. Twice, he
The 35-year old Oybad, who to now considers the indigenous went out of seminary formation.
belonged to the Hanunuo tribe, people (IP) as objects of evange- He became a teacher in Mangyan
was the first Mangyan to be or- lization. He believed that both Education Center. In 1997, he
dained to the priesthood. IP’s and non-IP’s should be co- enrolled in Asian Social Institute
Replete with symbolisms, the agents in evangelization stress- for a masteral degree in Pastoral

ordination of Oybad was high- ing that it is a “challenge also for Sociology after which he became
lighted by a meaningful gesture the Filipino to know and dis- a volunteer of Samahan ng Pitong
of his parents handing him over cover our roots together.” Tribu (Kapulungan para sa Lupaing
to the bishop. The gesture im- “Because we were all indig- Ninuno). Briefly, he taught at Mt.
plied that Oybad was being enous at one time but somehow Tabor Mangyan Education Cen-
given way to the service of the you have forgotten much of your ter before going back definitively
Church. The bishop as Shepherd own roots. So we try to discover to the seminary to finish his the-
accepted the gesture in the name together to enrich the Philippines ology. AWARDED. MOST degree from St. Paul Seminary and obtained
of the Church. The act of offer- and the Church in a new way,” Although the first to become REV. FRANCISCO F. a degree in Theology from San Carlos Semi-
ing was sealed with the sound- said Alunday. priest, Oybad was not the first CLAVER, SJ, DD, ap- nary in Makati City. He was ordained to the
ing of gongs and thunderous The momentous event gath- Mangyan to commit a life of ostolic-vicar emeritus priesthood on March 21, 1982. Fr.Yntig is cur-
applause from the congregation. ered together various represen- service to God. About two of Bontoc Lagawe; rently the Director/General Manager of ST
Episcopal Commission on Bib- tatives from the different years ago, a young woman with Fr. Neri Satur PAULS Diffusion.
lical Apostolate (ECBA) execu- Mangyan tribes as well as Clergy from the same tribe professed Award on Environ-
tive secretary Oscar Alunday, and Religious working in both her religious vows and became mental Heroism, April CELEBRATED.
SVD, who was present in the cel- parts of Mindoro. a member of the Sisters of the 18, 2007; at a workshop MSGR. TIRSO N.
ebration, expressed elation in the Oybad, a product of an indig- Holy Spirit. (Pinky Barrientos, held at the Department ALCALA, DCS, 25th
ordination of Oybad. enous system of education, took FSP) of Foreign Affairs for anniversary of sacer-
the worldwide observance of Earth Day. Bp. dotal ordination;
Claver was cited for his outstanding service April 20, 2007. Msgr.
1st Columbian Squires Luzon Jamboree Set April 26-29 in championing the cause of indigenous
peoples, their rights, and the survival of their
Alcala finished his
theology studies
THE First Columbian Squires Luzon Jam- The gathering has for its theme: “Squires, habitat, history and heritage. from the Regional
boree will be held on April 26-29, 2007 in Young Christian Gentlemen—Commit- Major Seminary
Barangay Nangapungan, along the ted in Faith and in Service”. CELEBRATED. (REMASE) in Davao and was ordained to the
Dipalo River in San Quintin, The Columbian Squires is an inter- MOST REV. priesthood on April 20, 1982 at Siargao Island
Pangasinan. national youth organization of the DINUALDO D. by Most Rev. Miguel C. Cinches, SVD. He at-
This was formally announced by Knights of Columbus with 12,000 GUTIERREZ, DD, 68, tended renewal courses at SVD Nemi Re-
Jamboree Director Dionisio members all over Luzon. Invited also bishop of Marbel; 45th newal in Rome from April-August 1994, and
Magpantay, of the San Roque Council are representatives from the Visayas anniversary of sacer- CSsR Renewal Program in England from
13535 of Mandaluyong City and Virgilio and Mindanao jurisdictions including dotal ordination; April April-July 2001. Msgr. Alcala’s current assign-
Mañalac, Jr., chairman, Columbian Squires, the World Columbian Squires representa- 7, 2007. Born on Febru- ments are: Vicar General of the Diocese of
Luzon Jurisdiction and State Chief, Squire tives. ary 20, 1939 in Surigao, Oeconomus and Parish priest of Sta.
Carlo Emmanuel Fabros. Expected to participate in this unprecedented Romblon, Bp. Cruz Parish, Placer, Surigao del Norte.
The event is hosted by the Roundtable District event are some 5,000 squires. The Council’s Grand Gutierrez finished his
of the Diocese of Urdaneta headed by Sir Knight Knight shall endorse participating Squires of the Philosophy and Theology studies at St. CELEBRATED.
Ramon Castronuevo, District UO3 Deputy Sir registered circles, whose age ranges from 10 to 18 Vincent Ferrer Seminary in Jaro, Iloilo City. MSGR. PRESCILO
Knight Fernando Estrada, Jr., San Quintin Council years, physically and mentally fit to undergo camp- He was ordained to the priesthood on April P. IRAL, DCS, 25th
No. 12507 led by Grand Knight SK Amor Capillan ing activities. 7, 1962 at the Immaculate Conception Cathe- anniversary of sacer-
and San Roque Council 13535 of Mandaluyong City “Brother Knights are encouraged to register and dral in Roxas City. Bp. Gutierrez obtained his dotal ordination;
led by Grand Knight/SK Gilber Yupangco. join the campaign”, said Magpantay. (CBCPNews) Bachelor’s degree in Sacred Theology (S.T.B.) April 23, 2007. Msgr.
and Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) at Iral graduated from
the Angelicum University in Rome in 1969, college at St. Peter
and Doctoral degree in Sacred Theology Seminary in
(S.T.D.), also at Angelicum in 1971. He was Ampayon, Butuan
ordained to the episcopacy on January 28, City. He finished his theology studies from
1981 at our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in the Regional Major Seminary (REMASE) in
Roxas City. Davao City. He was ordained to the priest-
hood on April 23, 1982 at St. Peter Claver Par-
CELEBRATED. REV. ish, Surigao del Norte by Most Rev. Miguel
FR. PABLO A. YNTIG, Cinches, SVD. Msgr. Iral taught at REMASE
SSP, 25th anniversary of for ten years. Currently, he is assigned as Pa-
ordination to the priest- rochial vicar of Cathedral Parish in Surigao
hood, March 25, 2007. City; at the same time the Episcopal Vicar for
Born on February 1, 1952 the Youth.
in Balamban, Cebu, Fr.
Yntig entered the congre- PASSED TO ETERNAL
gation of the Pious Soci- REWARD. Rev. Fr. Levi
ety of St. Paul, an Insti- Garcia, Diocese of
tute of religious men founded by Blessed Dipolog, April 15, 2007; S.
THE newly elected officers of the KC Priest-Scholars Association: Fr. Rene Sapungan (Boac), President; Msgr. Yulito Asis
(Daet), Vice-President for Luzon ; Fr. Potenciano Dulay (Catarman), Vice-President for Visayas; Fr. Rodolfo Iran (Cotabato), Vice- James Alberione; on June 22, 1972. He finished Ma. Domingo S. Palanca,
President for Mindanao; Fr. Benjo Fajota (Manila), Secretary; Fr. Joel Cariaso (Cabanatuan), Treasurer; Fr. Emmanuel Hipolito his Philosophy and Mass Communications RVM, April 17, 2007.
(Pasig), Auditor; Fr. Rex Palaya (Caceres), Publications Committee Head; Fr. Rene Retardo (Tagum), Formation Committee
Head; and Fr. Salvador Banga (Pagadian), Scholarship Committee Chair.

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