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Experiment 5A

Title: Cone Penetration test for lubricating grease to determine the consistency on NLGI grade.
Objective: Determine the consistency and NLGI grade of a lubricating grease
A cone of specified weight is allowed to fall into a lubricating grease sample at 25C. The
depth of the cone, in tenths of a millimeter, identifies the consistency of the grease. With the use
of Table 1, the NLGI grade of the grease is identified from the 60 stroke worked penetration.
This test can be used to determine the mechanical stability of a grease through prolonged
working, such as 10,000 or more double strokes using the motorized grease worker. While cone
penetrations are typically conducted at 25C, measurements can be carried out at other
temperatures. About 300 grams of grease are required to conduct the ASTM D217 test.

Experimental Setup:

1. The sample nearly 300 gm placed in the Grease container at around 25C of temperature.
2. The cone holder been examined and been guided to established the absence of water and other
extraneous matter.
3. A penetration cone has been cleaned with toluene or other suitable solvent, dry with dried
clean cloth and inserted the cone in the penetrometer.
4. The cone position has been slowly lowering it until its tip just makes contact with the surface
of the sample.
5. The reading of the penetrometer has been noted or brought the pointer to zero.

6. The cone holders has been quickly released for the specified period of time and adjust the
instrument to measure the distance penetrated in tenth of a millimeter.
7. At least made three determinations at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10mm
from side of the container and not less than 10mm apart. The cone has been cleaned before
repeating the test.
Experimental Readings:

Room temperature: ____________

Penetration of cone in 10th of mm: ____________
Consistency in terms of cone penetration: _____________
Grade on the NLGI scale: NLGI_____

Standard Values:
1. Grade of Grease sample provided: NLGI_____
2. Cone penetration expected for ASTM D217 test:________
Consistency and NLGI scale Grade is determine for the given grease sample and compared with
the standard values for the samle.

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