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Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

School of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering

Subject Code:
Subject name:
Assumed knowledge: Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Credit points:
6 (12 hours per week including contact time)
Spring Session 2016, Wollongong Campus




Subject Coordinator and Lecturer

A/Prof. Muttucumaru Sivakumar (Siva)
Consultation times:

4221 3055
Face to Face: Thur 01.30pm - 03.30pm
By email appointment: Mon 09.30am - 11.30am

Tutors and Lab Demonstrators

A/Prof. Muttucumaru Sivakumar (Siva)
Mohammad Ramezanianpour (Mohammad)
Zhang Ying (Amber)
Samuel Kelly (Samuel)
Nadeeka Miguntanna (Nadeeka)

Contact details as above

Subject Outline
The subject is designed to introduce environmental engineering and management concepts at a fundamental
level that leads to sustainable development. Topics include integrated water cycle management, concepts of
ecological engineering and impacts of climate change. The environmental problems and solutions relating to
natural resources, ecological systems, water pollution, water quality processes in rivers and lakes, water
supply and treatment processes, wastewater collection, treatment and re-use, water quality guidelines and
other global environmental issues will be discussed. The lecture components will be complemented with
tutorials and laboratory classes and a field trip.

Subject Learning Outcomes

By participating in and understanding all facets of this subject a student will be able to:
Identify major world's water problems and possible solutions for sustainable development.
Understand water quality issues relating to water resources and wastewater for sustainable
List a framework for water quality management.
Solve problems relating to natural purification processes.
Design unit processes in water and wastewater treatment for recycling and reuse.
Conduct simple experiments and assess water quality of a given water sample.

Table 1: Learning outcomes and graduate capabilities

Learning Outcome

Identify major world's water problems and possible solutions

for sustainable development.
Understand water quality issues relating to water resources
and wastewater for sustainable development
List a framework for water quality management.
Solve problems relating to natural purification processes.
Design unit processes in water and wastewater treatment for
recycling and reuse.
Conduct simple experiments and assess water quality of a
given water sample.

ENVE220, Spring 2016

UOW Engineering Graduate

Capabilities (see Table 2)
1, 2, 8, 9, 10
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

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Table 2: University Graduate Attributes and Engineering Graduate Capabilities

The relationship between the Engineering Graduate Capabilities and the University of Wollongong
Graduate Attributes can be seen in the table below.
UOW General Graduate Qualities
Have a sound knowledge of an area of study or profession and
understand its current issues, locally and internationally. Know how
to apply this knowledge. Understand how an area of study has
developed and how it relates to other areas.
Independent learners
Engage with new ideas and ways of thinking and critically analyse
issues. Seek to extend knowledge through ongoing research, enquiry
and reflection. Find and evaluate information, using a variety of
sources and technologies. Acknowledge the work and ideas of
Problem solvers
Take on challenges and opportunities. Apply creative, logical and
critical thinking skills to respond effectively. Make and implement
decisions. Be flexible, thorough, innovative and aim for high
Effective communicators
Articulate ideas and convey them effectively using a range of media.
Work collaboratively and engage with people in different settings.
Recognise how culture can shape communication.
Understand how decisions can affect others and make ethically
informed choices. Appreciate and respect diversity. Act with integrity
as part of local, national, global and professional communities.

UOW Engineering Graduate

1 Professional knowledge,
grounding & awareness

2 Information literacy, gathering &

3 Research, analysis & evaluation

4 Problem solving skills

5 Written communication
6 Oral communication
7 Teamwork
8 Respect for views, values,
culture of others
9 Ethics and Professionalism
10 Sustainability, societal &
environmental impact

Subject Notes
All lecture/tutorial materials to be presented in lectures will be made available via the Moodle site. All
students are expected to do the following:
(i) Before coming to each lecture and tutorial class, view the relevant notes and bring either a printout OR
soft copy in a suitable electronic device (eg: Laptop, tablet etc). For laboratory classes, it is compulsory for
you to bring a hard OR a soft copy of the relevant laboratory manual and relevant aids to record and
calculate experimental results.
(ii) Additional materials presented in the lectures may also be made available via the Moodle site after
completion of the weeks lecture.

None is recommended.

Other Reference Books

Recommended References
(These books have been placed in the library as short term loan)
(i) Benjamin, M. M and Lawler, D.F. (2013) Water Quality Engineering : Physical/chemical
treatment processes, Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons.
(ii) Davis, M. L. and Cornwell, D.A. (2008) Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Fourth
edition, McGraw-Hill.
(iii) Crittenden, J and Montgomery Watson Harza (2005) Water Treatment: Principles and Design
Published Hoboken, N.J.; John Wiley.
(iv) Metcalf and Eddy Inc. (2003) Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, Published
Boston: McGraw-Hill.
(v) Kiely, G. (1997) Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
(vi) Peavy, H.S., Rowe, D.R. and Tchobanoglous, G. (1985) Environmental Engineering, McGrawHill.
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Other Useful References

Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) (2004), Water recycling in
Australia, Published Parkville, Victoria.
Corbitt, R.A. (1990) Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
Barnes, D., Bliss, P.J., Gould, B.W. and Vallentine, H.R. (1981) Water and Wastewater
Engineering Systems, Pitman.
AWWA (1984) Introduction to Water Treatment - Principles and Practice of water supply
operations, American Water Works Association.
Useful Websites for Introductory Material on Global Water Issues
(i) Information on the worlds freshwater resources.
(ii) International site- multi-stakeholder platform for a water secure world.
World bank on water supply/sanitation, financing etc
(iv) Sustainable Water Supply & Sanitation collaborative council for all people.
(v) Aust. Govt. site: Department of the Environment.
(vi) WMO site: working with weather, climate and water.
UN Environment Program- Water stats, Global monitoring- water quality, world
freshwater ecosystems etc
These recommended readings are not intended as an exhaustive list and that students should use the
Library catalogue and databases to locate additional resources.
Additional Materials
No additional material needs to be purchased

Lecture /tutorial /laboratory times
Tutorial A
Tutorial B
Practical A
Practical B
Practical C

Day (weeks)
Monday (weeks 1-10,12 and 13)
Monday (weeks 1-10,12 and 13)
Monday (weeks 1-10,12 and 13)
Monday (weeks 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8)
Monday (weeks 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8)
Wednesday (weeks 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8)

11.30 am - 01.30 pm
02.30 pm - 04.30 pm
04.30 pm - 06.30 pm
02.30 pm - 04.30 pm
04.30 pm - 06.30 pm
01.30 pm - 03.30 pm

Room 35G20
ENVE lab: 8.126
ENVE lab: 8.126
ENVE lab: 8.126

Assessment tasks, due dates and feedback

Class Test (I)

Date (due)
(week 6:
29 Aug 2016)

Time (due)


Feedback by

Tut A: 03.30 pm - 04.30 pm


Tut B: 04.30 pm - 05.30 pm

e-Report and Video files:
11.30 am

Submit via Moodle
site (only WORD-not
pdf and mp4 video

Week 8

Mini research
project: eReport/Video
Lab report due

(week 8:
12 Sept 2016)
(week 9:
19 Sept 2016)
(week 9:
19 Sept 2016

Video Presentation: 11.30am

Field trip
report (G)

(week 12:
17 Oct 2016)

11.30 am

11.30 am

Submit via Moodle

site (only WORD filenot pdf)
Submit via Moodle
site (only WORD filenot pdf)

Week 10
Week 11

Week 13

Recent improvements

New topics on fundamentals of environmental management, aspect of climate change, ecological

engineering and sustainable development principles as well as Video presentation are included.
SPARKPLUS program will also be used to assess group work.
All written assignments submissions are via the Moodle site.

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Students are expected to attend all lectures, tutorials, oral (video) presentation, laboratory classes and field
trip. The attendance may be checked randomly in any of the above classes. However attendance at
laboratory classes, video presentation and field trip is compulsory. All students must show to the tutor
satisfactory experimental observations/calculations before leaving each laboratory class.


Tutorial/Mini-research project (Journal paper) groups
For this activity, students have the choice of selecting their own group during week 1 (latest) via SOLS.
There will be 6 students in each group. Those who have not found any suitable groups by the end of week 1
will be allocated by the lecturer. This will have to be finalised by week 1. The mini research project (e-Report)
preparation, video presentation and submission will be undertaken by the same group of six.

Laboratory/Field trip groups (Schedule, manual and Induction)

Lab schedule:
Lab/Field trip groups will be the same as the tutorial group. All reports for these two activities will also be
submitted as a group. Each student must undertake 4 sets of experiments. The laboratory schedule will be
made available via the subjects Moodle site by the end of week 2.

Lab. manual:
A copy of the laboratory manual that contains details of all 4 experiments will be made available via the
subjects Moodle site by the start of week 3. All students must read and print the relevant laboratory
experimental manual and bring it to the laboratory class to record data. Those who have not read and
brought a copy of the relevant laboratory manual will not be allowed in the laboratory to undertake any

Lab. induction:
All students undertaking environmental engineering laboratories should undergo a compulsory training and
laboratory induction program under the supervision of the Senior Technical Officer Dr Tie Ling (Linda) in
week 2. Those who have not undergone such training will not be allowed to undertake any environmental
related experiments in the laboratories. A copy of the engineering laboratory safety manual can be obtained
from the website:
All students must sign an acknowledgement form
(see to
the effect they have undergone the lab induction and a signed copy should be lodged with to Dr Tie Ling
(Linda) prior to undertaking any practical classes.
A compulsory field trip (8.00am to 6.00pm) will take place in week 11, Monday 10th October 2016 to
visit water and wastewater treatment plants as well as wastewater recycling schemes in the Shoalhaven
area. More details will be provided later.


Weekly tutorial
These are not assessed each week. However they will be very important for the class test and for the final
examination. Attendance will be taken to monitor who is regularly attending such classes.

Mini- Research Project

The research project will be assessed in two ways; Video presentation and an e-Report. The e-Report will be
in the form a technical Journal paper. The e-Report and video presentation should be submitted as a group
(same as the tutorial group). A suitable cover sheet with subject title, full names and student numbers, and a

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copy of the marking criteria should be attached to the front of the report. Submission should be made via the
Moodle site.
Journal paper and Video files:
Submit your single WORD (not pdf) file and a single mp4 Video file per group via
subject Moodle/Turnitin site by 11.30am in Week 8: Monday 12 Sept 2016.


Laboratory and Field trip report

With reference to laboratory experiments and field trip, only soft copies of the reports have to be submitted
as a group. There will be a single laboratory report that will consist of four sections, one for each laboratory
experimental series. A suitable cover sheet with subject title, full names and student numbers, a copy of the
marking criteria as well as the dates of when the experiments were conducted should be attached to the
front of the report.
Lab. Report:
Submit your single WORD file (not pdf) via the subject Moodle/Turnitin site by 11.30am in
Week 9: 19 Sept 2016.
Field trip Report:
Submit your single WORD file (not pdf) via the subject Moodle/Turnitin site by 11.30am in
Week 12: 17 Oct 2016.

Submission of Assignments and Penalties for Late Work

All submissions should be made via the subjects Moodle site. When you are required to work as a group
and are to submit a group assignment or report, nominate a team leader to take the responsibility of
generating the cover sheet, handing in the assignment and collecting it back from EIS CENTRAL. Only the
team leader will be able to collect the assignment. The team leader should select the <Group Cover> option
and ensure that the other team members names are entered in the appropriate field.
To generate the cover sheet, go to:
Login: student
Password: coverit
Late assignments will not be accepted without supporting documentation. Late submission will result in a
deduction of 10% of the maximum mark per day.

Details of referencing system to be used in written work

Author-Date (Harvard) system is preferred. Please see:

Use of internet resources and restrictions placed on use of internet resources

There are no restrictions on students accessing information from the internet, however, students must
acknowledge all sources and should not copy information verbatim as this has no academic merit (i.e. no
marks are awarded for this type of information) even when referenced correctly.
It is the responsibility of all group members to fully participate in group work assignments and to
check their colleagues work before submission. All group members must sign the assignment cover
regarding the relative percentage of contribution. If none is given, equal contribution will be
assumed. See more information under the title of SPARKPLUS program.
Any assignments not collected by the end of the final examination period will be destroyed.

Use of SPARKPLUS program

The group reports/presentation constitutes 35% of the total mark for the subject. This subject will be making
use of an online program (SPARKPLUS) for self and peer assessment of individual contributions to team
activities. SPARKPLUS allows students to rate their own contribution to team tasks and anonymously rate
other team members. SPARKPLUS then produces two factors:

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1. Self Assessment/Peer Assessment factor provides feedback about how the group perceived
students contribution.

SA/PA factor > 1 student rated own performance higher than they were rated by their
peers (overrated).
SA/PA factor < 1 student rated own performance lower than they were rated by their
peers (underrated).

2. RPF factor (Relative Performance Factor) Your average contribution rating compared to the
average of all team members contribution ratings. The subject coordinator reserves the right to use
the RPF factor to adjust individual marks for group tasks (ie. The RPF factor will be a multiplier
above or below 1).
Instructions on how to use SPARKPLUS can be found in the Moodle site.

Assessment task due
in week
Week 6
Week 8, 9
Week 9, 12
End of session
Examination weeks



Type of assessment


One 1.0 h mid-session class test

Video presentation (10%) and Journal
paper (10%)
Laboratory report (10%) and
Field trip report (5%)
One 2.0 h End of session

20 %

Linked to learning
i and ii
i, ii, iii and iv


iv, v and vi


i, ii, iii, iv, v and vi


The mid-session class test will cover lecture materials from week 1-5.
The final examination will be based on all lecture materials, tutorials, laboratory work and field trip.
To obtain a PASS in ENVE220, it is essential to achieve a pass mark (35%) in the final examination.
Mandatory attendance as well as obtaining a pass mark (35%) in the laboratory report and video
presentation/report is an additional requirement to obtain a pass.
Students who do not achieve satisfactory scores may end up with a Technical Fail (TF) in the
If you miss a laboratory or a field trip class, you will expect to get zero mark for the missed class
unless academic consideration is requested and get approved via SOLS.
Marks are not usually scaled for the purpose of maintaining the pass rate but the right to do so is
Foreign language translation dictionaries are no longer permitted in exams.
Calculators approved for use in exams must be identified by a UOW tamper evident label available
from Student Central.

Supplementary Assessment
Students who receive a mark of 48% or 49% will be considered for supplementary assessment. The offer of
supplementary assessment is not automatic and will be considered on a case by case basis. The precise
form of supplementary assessment will be determined at the time the offer of supplementary assessment is
made. Students can log on to SOLS and click on the link titled Supplementary Assessment to view any
applicable offers. Students must make themselves available during the supplementary exam period to take
up any offer of supplementary assessment. The supplementary exam period for Spring session 2016 is from
12 to16 Dec. 2016. No consideration will be given to requests for re-scheduling supplementary exam times,
in particular, consideration will not be granted on grounds such as usual or routine work or family
commitments, or clashes with recreational activities or holiday arrangements etc.

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University and Faculty Policies
Students should make themselves aware of the University and/or Faculty Policies regarding plagiarism,
academic consideration, deferred examinations and other educational issues and student matters. Further
information can be found in the Faculty Policy document available from EIS Central or at:

Reasonable Adjustment to Assessment

A student with a disability may be entitled to reasonable adjustment to assessment. A reasonable adjustment
document is a recommendation that needs to be discussed and ratified by subject coordinators. Normal
subject assessment requirements can only be adjusted with explicit written permission of the subject
coordinator. In particular students cannot assume that a reasonable adjustment document bestows a right to
deferred or supplementary exams.
The full university policy is at

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism

The Universitys Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy, Faculty Handbooks and subject guides clearly set
out the Universitys expectation that students submit only their own original work for assessment and avoid
plagiarising the work of others or cheating. Re-using any of your own work (either in part or in full) which you
have submitted previously for assessment is not permitted without appropriate acknowledgement. Plagiarism
can be detected and has led to students being expelled from the University.
The use by students of any website that provides access to essays or other assessment items (sometimes
marketed as resources), is extremely unwise. Students who provide an assessment item (or provide access
to an assessment item) to others, either directly or indirectly (for example by uploading an assessment item
to a website) are considered by the university to be intentionally or recklessly helping other students to
cheat. This is considered academic misconduct and students place themselves at risk of being expelled from
the University.
Further information on plagiarism and acknowledgement practice can be found at:

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25 JUL


No tutorial

01 AUG

08 AUG

Environmental management,
water resources and water quality. Global
water issues, climate change impacts.
Sustainable development.
Urban water demand.
Water quality characteristics and guidelines
Natural treatment processes-1

15 AUG

Natural treatment processes-2

22 AUG

Water treatment: Pre-treatment, Gas transfer

29 AUG

Water treatment: Coagulation, Flocculation

05 SEP

Water treatment: Sedimentation, Filtration

12 SEP

Water treatment:

19 SEP


Tutorial-1 and
Lab. induction
Tutorial-3 and
Tutorial-4 and
No Practical
Tutorial-6 and
Tutorial-7 and

Video presentations during lecture/tutorial

project assign given
Library workshop
literature search
Class Test
Video present. and
Journal paper files
Lab report due

RECESS: 26th September to 4th October


03 OCT
10 OCT


17 OCT


24 OCT

Wastewater collection systems

Field trip to Shoalhaven Water: Visiting water, wastewater treatment and water
recycling plants: (Approx. 8.00am 6.00pm)
Lecture on water and wastewater infrastructure at the plant
Wastewater primary treatment
Field trip report due
Physico-chemical treatment processes
Biological treatment processes, Advanced
water and wastewater treatment for recycling
and reuse

Assoc. Professor (Siva) M. Sivakumar

July 2016

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General Advice
University Codes of Practice, Rules and Guidelines
Code of Practice - Teaching and Assessment
Code of Practice - Research
Code of Practice - Honours
Code of Practice Student Professional Experience
Student Charter
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy
Student Academic Consideration Policy
Course Progress Policy
Graduate Qualities Policy
Academic Grievance Policy (Coursework and Honours Students)
Policy and Guidelines on Non-Discriminatory Language Practice and Presentation
Workplace Health and Safety
Intellectual Property Policy
IP Student Assignment if Intellectual Property Policy
Student Conduct Rules and Accompanying Procedures
Access to Information on Student Support Services and Facilities
Disability Support
Examinations, Results and Supplementary Assessment
Student Support Services
A range of services, programs and resources designed to support students can be found at
Student Support Services site.
Academic Support
Starting @ Uni
Help @ Uni
Careers & Jobs
Faculty of Engineering & Information Sciences (EIS) Student Centre
Building 4.Ground Floor
+61 2 4221 3491
Contact information
Student On Line Service

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Student Support Adviser (SSA)

Mitz Perez
Building 4.105, Wollongong Campus
Working days
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri

Email and Internet Etiquette Guidelines

Details of the use of email to contact teaching staff, mobile phone use in class and information on
the University guide to eLearning Netiquette, please see

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