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Assignment-1 Leadership


Hemam Johnson Singh

Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to

achieve a common goal.
According to me a leader should have the following traits:
1. Learning to lead yourself. You cannot lead others until you learn
to lead yourself. Establishing good habits, getting trained and
understanding the institutional values are a part of learning to lead
yourself. Developing in yourself a want of life-long learning and a
willingness to share that knowledge.
2. Focusing on the little things. The little things make up the big
things and when they are correct, the big things fall into place.
Develop a critical eye and stay focused on those things that drive
success. A leader must be willing to be critical and constructive.
Letting the little things slide are a sure-fire way of killing the big
3. Modelling Expected Behavior. Set an example of what you
want. Know what right looks like and be the model of it 100% of the
time. This takes work and does not allow for lazy leaders. If you
expect those you lead to act a certain way, model that way of acting.
Modeling expected behavior is critical in leadership. As a young
leader I hated and still do hate the mantra of Do as I say, not as I do.
That is a leadership failure.
4. Communicating Effectively. The ability to communicate is
paramount in leading. Written and verbal communication must be
effective to lead effectively. Develop communication skills to be an
effective leader.
5. Be a Servant Leader. Leaders are to serve first. The praise,
glory, or rewards for a leader are in the success of those they lead.
Servant Leaders put those that they lead ahead of themselves.
Develop a heart to serve and you will be a great leader.
So those are the basic 5 principles that guide leadership and the way to
become a successful leader. None of this is new or creative, they are

things that leaders since the beginning of time have done. They are
packaged this way by me because it is what I know works in leadership. I
am certain that if we dug around the writing of authors like Stephen
Covey, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Colin Powell, and others you will find
these principles throughout. According to me Leadership is Leadership, it
is how we deploy ourselves according different situations and
circumstances. From the US Army to the Disney Institute they all teach
the basics of being an effective leader and when it comes down to it, its

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