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Subject :- English text (S.A.-1)

Marks : 60

Ex.1 Give Meanings:1. Giant very large.

2. Tawny- brown and yellow.
3. Bushes- small, low trees.
4. Cake crumbs small pieces of cake.
5. Notice see.
6. Huge- very high.
7. Wicked very bad.
8. Chase run after.
9. Please happy.
10. Tonight- the same night.
11. Simple- easy.
12. Deliver- give a message to someone.

Ex.2 Answer in one word :1. Food that you pack and take with you to eat outside Picnic food
2. Eats quickly and greedily Gobbles up
3. Moved slowly through the air Floated
4. Making a noise with a nose Snoring
5. Something that is wrapped in paper so it can be carried to a place Parcel.
6. Shouted loudly because they were happy Cheered
7. The part of a telephone that you hold against your ear and speak into receiver
8. A plan to meet someone at an exact time and place Appointment
9. Ended the telephone call Hung up
10. Very happy that he did something well - Proud
Ex.3 write true or false ;1. The tawny cat was white. False
2. The cat was afraid of the mice. False
3. The cat was greedy. True
4. The cat was lazy. True
5. The cat was scared of the giant mouse. True
6. The cat was very brave. False
7. Dudi was a young boy. True
8. Dudi know how to write. False
9. Dudi could draw pictures. True
10. Dudis parents understood the picture. False
11. Dudi delivered the message without a mistake. True
12. Dudis parents were surprised. False
13. Partho liked his job very much . True
14. The park was closed every weekend . False
15. People always threw rubbish in the dustbins . False
16. Partho and his team worked hard to clean the park . True
17. Partho and his team were tired but they were happy. True
18. Partho and his team put up WET PAINT NOTICES. False
19. Amits mother loved his toy rabbit. False
20. The giant wheel ride was bumpy. False
21. The lost toy rabbit was smaller than the toy dog. True

22. Amit was not happy with the toy dog which his mother bought for him. True
23. The little girl did not want the new dog. False
24. Randolph was shy. True
25. Randolph always held his head high. False
26. Randolph carried the littlke boy in his back. True
27. Randolph was a show-off. False
28. Randolph was happy about what he did. True
29. The farmer called the tree useless. True
30. When the farmer struck the tree with an axe, the birds and animals came out of their nests.
31. The farmer was in a hurry to take the honey from the beehive. False
32. The farmer wanted the bees to stay in the tree and make more honey. True
33. The animals, birds and insects shouted in joy as their homes were safe. True
Ex.4 Fill in the blanks :1.

Hot air balloon floated across the sky.

The cat was snoring in the warm sun.
The seven mice came back with the large parcel.
The tawny cat lazily opened one eye.
Dudi lifted the receiver.
Dudi had two messages to deliver.
Parents were very happy.
Someone rang the doorbell.
Dudi drew a forest and a wolf.

Ex. 5 Who said to whom? :1. Listen! Hell gobble you up too.
A. The bird said to the mice.
2. its a special balloon.
A. A mouse said to the other mice.
3. Please tell her that she has an appointment with the dentist at seven tomorrow.
A. A woman said to Dudi.
4. What if I forget the message?
A. Dudi said to himself.
5. Were back Dudi.
A. Father said to Dudi.
6. I dont want a new toy.
A. Amit
7. hold on tight.
A. Amits father.
8. let me buy you a new toy dog.
A. Amits mother
9. thats my brothers rabbit.
A. Amits sister
10. its mine now.
A. The girl
11. be a show-off like us.
A. The other reindeer saidto Randolph
12. I want to join my friends and those children.
A Randolph said to himself.
13. I cant walk , Ive hurt my leg.
A. The little boy said to Randolph
14. dont be sad Ill help you.
A. Randolph said to the boy.

15. ypure a hero.

A. The little boy said to Randolph
16. the tree has become useless.
A. The farmer said to himself
17. Its our only home.
A. The birds and animals said to the farmer.
18. That will make you happy.
A. The squirrel said to the farmer.
19. Yopu can live in peace now.
A. The farmer said to the birds and animals.

Choose the correct answer :The story is about ( seven / six ) mice and a tawny cat.
The picnic food in the garden was gobbled up by the (cat / mice )
The mice came back with a large parcel and a huge ball of ( thread/ Rope)
The bird asked the mice to be ( careless/ careful ) about the cat.
Dudi knew how to ( write / draw )
Dudis ( mother / father ) has an appointment with a dentist.
A ( woman / Man ) called to speak to dudis father, Shlomo.
Mr.wolf would meet Dudis father ( that night/ Next morning )
Dudi gave his parents both the messages , without any ( mistakes / understanding )

Ex. 7 Answer the following in short :1. Who was Partho and what was Parthos job?
A. Partho was a park-keeper. His job was to keep the park clean.
2. When did the park close? Why?
A. The park was closed once in a year for cleaning and repairing.
3. What did Partho and his team do on Sunday?
A. On Sunday , Partho and his team painted all the benches in the park .
4. Where did the people throw all the rubbish ?
A. People threw the rubbish all over the park.
5. Why did Partho and his team sit down?
A. They sat down to rest after their work and enjoyed tea and snacks.
6. What did Amits mother want him to do with his toy Rabbit?
A. Amits mother want to throw away his toy rabbit.
7. How did Amits family go to the fair?
A. Amits family went to the fair by bus.
8. What did Amits family do first at the fair?
A. Amits family first got on the giant wheel at the fair.
9. Who found Amits rabbit?
A. A little girl found Amits rabbit.
10. Why was Amit happy?
A. Amit was happy because he got his rabbit back.
11. Why did Randolph not join the other Reindeer?
A. Randolph did not join the other Reindeer because he was too shy.
12. What were the children doing?
A. The children were shouting and playing.
13. What did Randolph find on the ground?
A. Randolph found a woolen hat , a mitten and a long scarf on the ground.
14. Why was the boy crying?
A. The boy was crying because he hurt his leg.
15. Who were the show-offs?
A. The other reindeer were the show-offs.
16. Who made the tree their home?

A. Grasshoppers , squirrels , sparrows and other small birds and insects made the tree their
17. What is that which will make the farmer happy?
A. The sparrows would sing to the farmer as he worked . this would make the farmer happy.
18. Why the farmer say that the tree is useless?
A. The tree is useless because it cannot bear fruit anymore.
19. What is the birds and animals only home?
A. Thje tree that the farmer is cutting down is their only home.
20. How can the birds and animals live in peace?
A. The farmer has decided not to cut the apple tree . so, they could live in peace in their
21. Who had a great idea?
A. The mouse had a great idea.
22. Why didnt the tawny cat notice the giant balloons?
A. The tawny cat didnt notice the giant balloons because it was sleeping.
23. Which was the bigger the cat or the mouse balloon?
A. The mouse balloon was bigger than the cat.
24. What was a large round thing that passed overhead?
A. The large round thing that passed overhead was a giant balloon.
25. Where were Dudis parents ?
A. Dudis parents had gone out.
26. What was Dudi worried about?
A. Dudi was worried that he will forget the message.
27. What was Dudis idea?
A. Dudis idea was to draw the message.
28. What message did the man gave Dudi?
A. The man told Dudi that Mr.Thomas wolf will visit his father tonight.
29. Why did Dudi feel very proud?
A. Dudi felt very proud because he gave the messages to his parents without any mistakes.
Ex. 8 Answer in detail :1. What did Partho and his team see when they stood up after resting on the bench? How did it
A. When Partho and his team stood up they saw their backs were covered with paint as the
benches were just painted.
2. Where does Amit want to get off from? Why?
A. Amit wants to get off from the camel to look for his toy rabbit.
3. What did the reindeer do?
A. The reindeer trotted together merrily, lifted their heads and tossed their antlers from side to
4. What made Randolph happy?
A. The little boy thanked Randolph and said he was a hero. This made Randolph happy.
5. How did the little boy hurt his leg?
A. The little boy hurt his leg while sliding down the snowy hill side on the sledge.
6. What did the farmer see and what made him stop cutting down the tree?
A. When the greedy farmer saw the tasty honey in the hollow of the tree, he stopped cutting
down the tree.
7. Why did the mice cheer and cheer?
A. The cat got a fright when he saw the giant mouse balloon and he ran away, saying he would
never chase mice again. So the mice cheered and cheered as they were safe.
8. Why did Dudi draw a woman with seven teeth?
A. Dudi drew a woman with seven teeth to remember the message that his mother had an
appointment with a dentist at seven in the morning.
9. What did Dudi draw to remember the message for his father?

A. Dudi drew a picture of a forest and a wolf , a moon and some dark lines with his pencil to
remember the message for his father.

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