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Multimedia University

Faculty of Business

BOD3134 Organisation Development

Trimester 1, 2016/2017
Due date: Soft Copy 2 September 2016
Hard Copy 8 September 2016
General information:

Group (group members shall not exceed 5 students/group)


This assignment and case study contributes to 30% to the total

coursework marks.

p registration (if
Student Learning


Please form your group in MMLS latest by 10 July 2016.

This assignment shall take 8 hours to complete.

Submission to
Cover page
Font size
Line spacing
Reference format

Miss Cheah Chew Sze

Please use the attached cover page
Times New Roman
Top: 2.54 cm; Bottom: 2.54cm; Left: 2.54cm; Right:
Assignment 25-30 pages, excluding preliminary
pages and appendices
APA Style
Comb binding

Mapping of assignment learning outcomes to subject learning outcomes:

Assignments Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this assignment,
students should be able to:
1 To identify the problems faced by the
intervention strategies to the company.

Subject Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this subject, students
should be able to:
LO1 Explain concepts and techniques of
organisation development (OD)
LO2 Discuss OD processes in developing
LO3 Analyse
excellence in individuals and high
performance in teams
LO4 Synthesise the concepts learnt in the
development and change

Assessment rubrics
For group assignment:
80% - 100%

15 marks

60% - 79%

40% - 59%

20% - 39%

0% - 19%

Demonstrate complete
understanding of the
Original contribution
Clear evidence of
All requirements are

Demonstrate sufficient
understanding of the
Original contribution
Some evidence of
All requirements are

Demonstrate partial
understanding of the
Some original
Some evidence of
Most requirements are
Demonstrate little
understanding of the
No evidence of original
No evidence of creativity
Many requirements are
not included.
Misunderstood the
No evidence of original
No evidence of creativity
Significant requirements
are not included.

Oral Presentation
5 marks

Written presentation
5 marks

Appropriate voice and tone

Good eye-contact
Communicate naturally and
Clearly organised
Appropriately dressed.

Well organised
No grammatical or structural
Good formatting
Report is prepared in a
professional manner
All references are properly
All submission requirements
are met

Appropriate voice and

Well organised
Minimal grammatical or

Good eye-contact
structural errors

Communicate naturally
Proper formatting but not

Properly organised

Appropriately dressed.
Evidence that report is
carefully and thoughtfully
All references are properly
All submission requirements
are met
Rather poor voice and tone
Lacks organisation
Lacks eye-contact;
Some grammatical or
Lacks clarity in explanation
structural errors
Lacks organisation
Rather poor formatting
Appropriately dressed.
Lack evidence that report is
carefully and thoughtfully
Some references are missing
Some submission
requirements are not met
Poor voice and tone
Lacks organisation
Poor eye-contact;
Apparent grammatical or
Communicate awkwardly
structural errors
Poor organisation;
Formatting issues
Not appropriately dressed.
Evidence that report is
carelessly prepared
Some evidence of plagiarism
Significant submission
requirements are not met
Inappropriate voice and tone No organisation
No eye-contact;
Apparent grammatical or
Fail to communicate the
structural errors
Very poor formatting
Not organised
Evidence that report is
Not appropriately dressed.
carelessly prepared
Clear evidence of plagiarism
Submission requirements are
not met

Page 2

Working in a group of maximum five people, your task is to describe how you would apply
the 8-step action research model to recommend relevant OD interventions to an organization
that your team selects. The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience using the
course concepts in an actual field situation; help develop your clinical and analytical skills.
A) Group Assignment written report (20%)
Your report should consist of the following sections:
Executives Summary
Introduction and History
Introduction and brief history of the organization
Section 1
Step 1 in action research model is client identifies a problem. Therefore, provide
background to problem(s). Provide detail including major players, symptoms of the
problem(s) (i.e. turnover is increased, many customer complaints, shooting incident
etc.). In this section, you want to briefly review and convince the client that you
understand and can describe their pain. What is dysfunctional? Not working?
Changing? Why does this organization need an OD consultant?
Section 2
Step 2 in action research model is to consult an OD consultant. In this section,
provide a brief biography of each team member (i.e. 1 paragraph description for each
member). Discuss your assumptions and philosophical approach to OD.
Section 3
Step 3 in action research model is for OD consultant to gather data and make a
preliminary diagnosis. You will need to actually collect data from an organization.
Remember, there a number of ways to do this including interviews, surveys,
observations, and archival data (i.e. annual reports, published information from
media, books written about the organization etc.). Be sure to include information as
to why you chose the data collection technique that you did and discuss pros and
cons of your choice. Remember, multiple methods are best! You will need to collect
as much data as you feel you need to make a good preliminary diagnosis regarding
what is going on in this organization.
Section 4
Step 4 in the action research model is to provide feedback to the key client or group.
This section of the proposal should include a synopsis of the data that you collected.
You may use the feedback forms provided in class as samples or create your own

Section 5
Step 5 in the action research model is to jointly diagnose problems with the client and
step 6 is to jointly action plan for solutions. Assume that you are working jointly with
your client. This is the longest and most challenging part of your proposal. Here is
where you need to take the data that you collected, interpret it using the 4-frame
approach, and come up with recommendations (i.e. OD interventions) for solving
problems. This section will probably be approximately 6-10 pages.

Next, you should discuss what OD interventions or recommendations you would

suggest for resolving each of the issues or problems surfaced from your 4-frame
analysis (i.e. teambuilding, reengineering, mentoring, job enrichment). Be sure to
clarify how and why you think each intervention would be useful. Assume that your
client is relatively naive about the various interventions so provide enough
explanation that a layperson would understand.
Section 6
Step 7 in the action research model is action and implementation. Therefore, in this
section provide a preliminary action plan which includes information such as time
frame, pros and cons of various interventions, and who would be involved in each
Section 7
Briefly address how you recommend that the client evaluate the efficacy of your
recommended approach.


Presentation (5%)
Your group has to present the report.
The presentation time is 30 minutes per group including Q and A.
Your group is required to submit a copy of your presentation materials (hard copy) to
your respective lecturer before the presentation.
4. All team members must attend and present in the presentation session.
C) Case study (5%)
Objective: to synthesize and apply the concepts learnt from organizational
Nature of project: Written report and oral presentation in class
Description: Each group will be given a case to study. After identifying the issues of
the case, solutions have to be recommended with solid justification.

Case Presentation will start on Week 4.


Plagiarism is a serious offence.

Plagiarism include the following behaviours (but not limited to):
o copy another students work,
o fail to properly cite other peoples work or give proper credit to the original source,
o hire or ask another individual to complete the assignment for you,
o copy too many words or ideas from one or two sources, that makes up a
significant portion of your work, even with proper citation.
The lecturer has the rights not to accept submission of plagiarised or duplicated work.

Group work

Each group member must actively participate in the completion of the assignment. Freeriding is unethical and extremely unfair to fellow group members.
Each group member is expected to keep the contact numbers and e-mail addresses of
the other members of the group.
The group leader has the responsibility to ensure that all group members play a part in
the completion of the assignment. The group leader is also responsible to ensure that all
members names are written on the final submission.
It is the responsibility of each group member to ensure that the final submission is
complete and of the acceptable standard. Should any errors or omission occurred in the
final submission, each group member is held accountable for negligence in other
words, failure to perform their responsibilities as expected.

BOD3134 Organisation Development

Trimester 1, 2016/2017

Insert Company Name

Submission date: DD MM YYYY
Lecturer: Miss Cheah Chew Sze
Prepared by:
Student ID

Student Name

Declaration by group leader

(This section is to be filled in the students own handwriting.)

I hereby declare that all group members names are correctly included in the above section. I
hold a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged. I certify
that no part of this assignment has been copied from any other students work or from any
other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment.

Group leaders signature

: _____________________________

Group leaders name

: _____________________________

Group leaders student ID

: _____________________________


: _____________________________

Group members declaration

(Each group member, including the group leader, must individually fill up and submit this
form, in the students own handwriting. This form is to be inserted in the final submission.)
Group members name : ____________________________
For the purpose of completing this assignment, I have performed the following tasks (please
I hereby declare that I have assessed the final submission and I take full responsibility
should there be any inaccuracies, incompleteness, omissions, delays or non-submission.
Group members signature : ________________________________
Group members name : ________________________________
Group members ID : ________________________________
Group members telephone no : ________________________________
Date :

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